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I’m a lucky man Chapters 1-4

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Offline ooreach

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  • I love competitive sexfights. Pain and pleasure.
I’m a lucky man Chapters 1-4
« on: May 02, 2023, 05:21:09 AM »
A bit of backstory. Part of this is real. Most of it is fantasy but my wife did do most of what is in this story, when we where younger. Hope you enjoy.
I’m a lucky man Chapters 1-4

I’m a lucky man. I married Sam 10 years ago and she knew my kinks and I knew hers. We would go to strip clubs about once a month. I only took lap dances if she offered them to me. Most of the time I would let her pick which lady would dance for her.
We had gotten pretty friendly with the staff and management as Sam didn’t put on a show to distract the ladies from making money. Sam saw Heather and these two had developed a nice friendly relationship.
She saw us as we walked in and Sam whispered loudly to me over the music “ I knew she would be here. She loves playing with us.”  I smiled and sure enough as soon as we sat down and Lucy the bartender gave us our usual’s Heather came to us.  She finished her set and came down and we ordered her  a drink.
“You guys are like clockwork” She sat between us, as usual and placed her hand on my lap and I noticed her hand on Sam’s thigh “ you two interested in heading over to one of the booths?” Sam nodded as it was ALWAYS her call. You see, that’s the trick to keeping the wife happy in ALL matters.
She closed the door and we noticed right away the room was quiet. She smiled and said “they remodeled this room, only.  She turned up the music a bit so we could hear what was playing outside and started to dance for Sam.  Minutes later she was lap dancing topless and by the next song she had pulled my wifes top down and started rubbing their breasts together.
Heather was a knockout and the only area she had my wife beat was in the tit department. Heather looked at my crotch and smiled. She looked at my wife who also looked at my crotch and then she took her hand, placed it in my wifes and guided them to my privates and rubbed my cock through the pants. “I’m happy to see he’s enjoying this, as usual.”
Now, one thing I haven’t mentioned yet is that I have a catfight fetish. It’s always been in fantasy land but Sam was a real sport about imagining fights she could have with girls we met. She liked Heather and Heather liked us, at least for the money.
Heather excused herself after several songs to do her set on stage and said “ just wait back here, if  you’d like.”  We did that and just chatted.  “You know I could take her.” Sam teased. “Oh yeah? I’m not to sure, Baby” I toyed back. “ Oh, you dick. I’d strip her little ass naked in about 3 seconds and suck those big titties of hers.”
I smiled and said “ as long as she didn’t challenge you to a tit fight.” She smirked and ran her hand down her crotch area proudly stating “ that is only part of what makes a women a women. I would win if we wrestled, got into a catfight or a pussy fight.”
I nodded and said “ yes, I know you would.”
A few minutes later Heather showed back up with a fresh drink. She started to dance and Sam gave her permission to dance for me. She liked seeing me get all hot and bothered by both women playing with me at the same time. Like I said I am one lucky m—f*cker.  Heather began playing with Sam’s breasts and I watched as she drew Sam close and pressed both sets of tits together and then rubbed them against my face. She brought her mouth real close to Sam and pulled her head close to mine so our lips where only an inch apart and Heather whispered “ I would so win in a tit fight against your women.”
We were both shocked and Heather giggled.  I’m sorry I didn’t mention it but since the room is so private they needed to put in a speaker so we could keep the girls safe.
We where shocked and Sam gave Heather a strange look.  Heather waited looking at her and me and back at her again and said “ I’m sorry, I thought we could roll play this thing, but If your not into it “ she looked right at Sam, We can just keep it like it is.”
Sam looked at me and back at Heather and she trust her tits right into Heathers looking our new stripper friend right in her blue eyes and said “ I would love to match you breast to breast, Honey.”
Heather said “ Great, I get off work in about 2 hours. Where do you two live? Your close, aren’t you.”
We said about 30 minutes down the road off Elms Street. She said “ get the hell out of town, I live right down the street from you two.”

Part 2: I’m a lucky man. My wife finds a new playmate/stripper. Chapter 1

A few drinks later Sam and I saw Heather peak into the back room and with her finger gave a “come with me” finger wag. We fallowed her out and where soon home with our new guest. At the house we all had a few more drinks before Heather said “ ok, let’s start.”  Sam smiled and said “ what is the price?” Heather said I’m doing this for free, if you two agree to a couple of rules.” We both looked at each other for a second and I said “ what are the rules?” She smiled and said “ rule #1, big boy, you can’t interfere with when we ladies ‘girl talk’. If one submits it’s over for that round. Rule #2 is Sam chooses the first contest. I choose the second contest and you can pick our third contest. Best 2 out of 3 wins.
Sam smiled and said “ what is the prize?” Heather flatly said “the winner choses the prize, let’s leave that open, for now.” She got right up and stripped her top right off. She threw it in my direction and turned to face Sam. Sam got up and soon was topless. Heather wasted no time in walking right up to my wife and grabbing two handfuls of breasts and massaging them until my wifes already hard nipples became almost like spears. Heather licked her left breast and looked  her in the eye and said “ Your pretty, I want to see your body.”
She backed up and took off her clothes and Sam hesitating for only a moment did the same. She looked at me and smiled. Heather looked at me and gave me a look. “ you to, big boy. I want to see what your packing. I’ve felt it in through your pants when your wife said it was ok, but I want to see the real deal. So I got up and 2.3 seconds later I was naked as a jay bird. She smiled and looked at Sam and said “ lucky girl.”
She looked at Sam and said “you want that tit fight?” Sam smiled a nervous smile and Heather said “ I’ve done something like this before, relax and just get into it. She grabbed Sam’s tits and began to sqeeze. Hard enough that Sam winced. Heather looked her in her brown eyes and said “ I’m waiting for you to fight back, or are you a pussy.” Sam hesitated for one more second before she brought her hands up and began cupping Heathers tits. Heather let out a gasp as I could see the finger prints forming in both sets of tits as they began to stagger around the living room. Bare feet thudding on the carpet as these two full grown strong women met in a real tit fight.
Heather was the one to break Sam’s hold as she grabbed for Sam’s hair a minute later and bearhug her. Their bodies slammed together as breasts and bellies slammed together. Soon Sam had two fistfuls of blonde hair as each began tugging the others head to one side and then the other. The smiles had disappeared as I realized Heather was just as competitive as Sam was. Neither liked to lose. Sam almost forgot I was there as she was now locked in the most intimate battle she had ever been in. Not only was she fighting a gorgeous women around her age, size and build but she was doing so naked. Her husband was watching her fight another women and they where matching breast against breast.
Sam slammed her chest into Heather and Heather grunted as she lost air for a second. “ Good girl, she huskily spat out. Now you want to fight.” She chest bumped Sam back hard. Sam staggered a foot back and Heather rushed forward driving Sam into the wall. A picture came crashing down. I jumped up and Both girls watched as I ran to pick up the picture and place it on the mantle and sit back down. Both convinced I wasn’t interfering they continued. Sam tried to push herself off the wall but Heather had leveraged her body press to try and press my wife into the wall. She was jamming her hips into Sam’s and I was impressed that Sam wasn’t panicking. She was fighting back and soon pushed Heather to her right and forced herself out of the spot. They paused for a second, both breathing heavily and in unison rushed together again to the sound of soft flesh thudding into soft flesh. Both sets of long flowing hair danced as their womanly bodies collided. I actually saw aggression in Sam like I’d never seen before and Heather was returning the look. They where fighting, in our living room. I had my naked wife fighting another gorgeous naked women and they where starting to fight dirty.
Sam got knocked into the wall again and I heard her head thud. She looked weak for a second but recovered as Heather yanked her hair hard enough to cause her to cry/yelp for a moment. It was a guttural feral sound. Heathers ass cheeks clenched as she was driving her whole 150 pound body deep into Sam. Sam’s hold of Heathers hair disappeared as she was trying to slide her hands between their bodies and push Heather off of her. It didn’t look like it was working until I heard Heather yelp and jump back. I just caught a flash of Sam’s hands down around her waist. Heather was rubbing her crotch. “ You want to go there? Ok.”
Before I could register what had happened Heather slammed Sam back into the wall forcing her legs open with her own. Jamming her thigh between my wifes and I witnessed her jam her fist into my wife’s crotch.  She grunted as Heather yelled “ tit and pussy fighting it is. If you add something to the match and I return it, then it’s fair play.”
My wife had grabbed Heathers pussy in a desperate attempt to get out of it and had opened a new avenue of the fight. Sam’s eyes where big and tears where welling in her eyes. But I knew from all the years of marriage it wasn’t fear but pain and anger. She only hesitated for a moment before her hand managed to get between Heathers clenched thighs and return the pussy claw with one of her own.
Soon Heather lost leverage and both ended up tumbling to the floor. They broke apart and slowly got back up. Both breathing heavily but keeping their distance. Sam shot me a look and Heather did the same. I said “ do you ladies want a break?” Both glared at me before returning their stares at each other. Brown eyes locked as they slowly got closer. In a flash both charged forward with one hand on a breast and another in the others crotch. They were attacking the others womanly parts. Both hunched over as far as they could to try and avoid the others crotch attack but not wanting to get to far away and lose their hold. Soon they stumbled and ended up on the ground.
They separated for only a moment before Sam rushed forward and got on Heathers back. Heather fought to get her off but Sam managed to get one leg over those bountiful ass cheeks and press her crotch into Heathers ass. Heather managed to get up on all fours and gave Sam a little horse ride before Sam fell off. Before Sam could get up Heather was on her and the two lay side by side kicking as they slapped, scratched and closed punched. Face, breasts, bellies. Legs where kicking as each tried to mount the other. Matted hair blocked their vision for moments at a time as I noticed the jiggling of womanly bodies with each strike. Heather managed to trap one of Sam’s wrists and as Sam fought to free it Heather landed one lucky knee shot to Sam’s crotch and I heard my wife say “OUF!” and she doubled over. A direct shot to her baby maker. She rolled over in a fetal position. Heather stopped the attack when she looked at me and my rock hard cock. She smirked and got up and staggered over to me. She looked back at Sam who was still in her fetal position and back at me. She winked and grabbed my hand and forced my finger in her wet pussy. She then took that hand and put it on her breast, still looking back at Sam and then She mounted my lap and inserted my rod into her. She pumped several times and I spewed in her. She growled at me “ You better not get limp.” I obeyed and within in moments she tighten up  she orgasmed. At that moment my attention was diverted as Sam had grabbed a fist full of blonde hair and yanked her off my lap. With a deathly stare at me and then her attention on Heather, who had managed to turn around Sam slammed her knee into Heathers crotch. Heather went down but was only on one knee for a minute.
Sam waited “ get up, bitch. Get up and fight me.”  Balled fists met as each swung. Most where wild as you could tell neither had been in a real fist fight but teeth where showing as each almost growled at the other. Soon Sam charged and pile drove Heather back against the wall. Still swinging they crashed to the ground side by side. I noticed a good sized indentation in the wall from that crash. Soon thighs wrapped around thighs keeping the leg attacks to a minimum. Neither wanted another crotch attack from those powerful knees. Running out of steam they clenched up. Bare breast against breast as hard breathing bellies pressed together each coiled arms pressing their bodies together raking at each others backs with nails. Each squirmed to get on top of the other but their thigh strength was similar.
The epic sight of Sam in a full on catball catfight with another women. Both ass muscles tight from thighs clamps on thigh. There wasn’t anything sexual about this fight right now. They where fighting to dominate and hurt. I got up and tried to communicate with them but both glared at me as they continued to battle. I couldn’t tell who, but they almost mutually broke apart. Rolling several feet apart and just lay there.
Sam slowly got up not taking her eyes off of Heather and Heather got up, too. Sam made her way to the couch I was sitting on. Glared at me for one moment and then looked back to Heather. Heather got up and was looking just as exhausted as Sam. She looked around for a moment and Sam almost civilly said “ you just fucked my husband, you can sit on the other side of the couch.” Heather smirked and did sit on the other side. She looked at me and back at Sam and said “ that was my price for coming here.” She shrugged her shoulders and said “ sue me, I was Horney and her had an able and ready cock.”   
Sam almost smirked. I said “ well, that was fun. Are you safe to drive home, Heather.” Sam and Heather both laughed. Sam said “ we are not done yet.” Heather mirrored her with “ Yeah, we just need a breather.” I had two naked women one on either side of me. I was still naked and had the left overs from Heather on my rod. Sam looked at me and said “ oh, I’m pissed.” She looked at my rod and said “ but I can’t blame her. That is your best attribute.”  Heather smirked and said “ I would call this round one and two and it was a draw.” She looked at me and said “ what do you want for our third and final round?”
I smiled and gave it my best shot. “ You two fought, now how about fuck.”  Heather smiled and rolled herself over on my and mounted me like she did before. She only did one trust as Sam tried pushing her off. Then she slid off and pulled Sam and forced her to mount me. Sam was frigid for a moment but she said “ now we are going to share vaginal juice and his spew.” Sam pumped and orgasmed almost at once. I had just enough in the tank to blow my 2nd load into her. She looked at Heather and said “now what.”  Heather pulled her off of me and said “where is your bedroom?” Sam led the way and turned to me, looking like a lost puppy. She half smiled and said “ come on.”
Both women lay side by side kissing and caressing. Soon they brought their injured women hoods together and tribbed. Exchanging my cumm with their mixed vaginal juices I counted several orgasms from each as clit tickled clit and lips kissed and rubbed against lips. Once each was satisfied Heather called me to the bed. I had watched the whole thing from a chair that I had always argued was useless in a bedroom. She looked at Sam and she smiled at her and then at me. I was lucky to not be in the dog house. I lay between both full blown hot women and they played with my manhood. “ I think we broke it.” Heather coyly pouted. Sam smiled and said “ give him a minute, he’ll be ready again.” She was right.

Chapter 3:
The girls were out of control. Heather took Sam to work and I found out later they had a play catfight in the back with a third girl being the ref. I was upset till she showed me the video they had made for me. I was a toy to them. Like a pez dispenser. One would come into the bedroom after my long day at work and hop into bed. I almost could guess when the other would barge in play acting “ that’s my man your fuckin’!” “ If you want him, you’ll have to fight me for him.” Mind you, I didn’t mind but these two women where on crack. I was tired. Happy but tired. They even tried a game where they lay on the bed on either side of me and they brought their crouches up and cupped my cock with their vaginal lips and stroked. I'm sorry but I lasted 2 minutes having two sets of lips kissing my “member”. They shared the spew.
Went out to dinner one night and Sam sat next to me. Both where dressed in skirts showing off those muscular legs. Soon I felt a tap of not one bare foot but two as both had their shoes off and where fighting with their feet. Soon I felt Sam spread her legs and Heather sunk in her seat just a little and I looked down at my wifes crotch and Heathers toes where in her crotch. The waitress came over. A young blonde, probably around 29. She was just about the same measurements as Heather and  She took the order and then looked shocked as she noticed the action. She looked my wife and Heather up and down. Smirked and looked at me “you’re a lucky man.” I smiled and the 3 women laughed at my embarrassed look. When she brought our check Heather asked her point blank “ you want to play with us?” The girl looked embarrassed but it was her being flattered. “ I think you 3 are so cute. But my boyfriend wouldn’t understand.”  My wife chatted her up and found out her name was Bree. Heather looked jealous and I think Bree caught on to that and she kinda fed into it by getting really close to Sam and when Sam touched her she didn’t back off, she just winked at me and Heather.
We went to a club and on the dance floor we all danced. It was nice having someone else for my wife to dance with when I got tired until I noticed some of the moves where a bit aggressive. Playful but aggressive. Sam grabbed me by the hand and said “ we need to leave, now.” I got up and she said “ I’ll drive.” Like a bat out of hell we drove home. Not 30 seconds in the door I heard the tires of another car screech into our driveway. I saw Heather almost rush in the door and start to undress right there. I turned to see Sam naked, waiting.
Sam just said “ same rules as before. Sit there and shut up.” Heather added “ you get naked, too you male slut!” I obeyed as the two bodies clashed. I guess they were so hot for one another they couldn’t wait to get started. Hands in hair those tits bounced as they staggered around the still damaged living room. Leg muscles tightened as they used all their might to push the other. Sam was the first to bring her leg up and try and cxnt punt Heather. “ Oh, you want to fight like that? Ok”. Soon both where standing back just far enough. Blocking incoming shots to their baby makers as bare feet looked for a target. I heard some pretty good thuds as each was really trying to make contact. Soon Heather said “fuck this” and rushed in and man handled my wife’s crotch. Sam didn’t waste any time and her hand was deep inside Heather as the two locked eyes. The other hand switched from hair pulling to tit grabbing. Squeezing nipples and soon clits. “I’m going to tare yours right off!” one growled. “we’ll see.” Soon they had crashed to the ground.  Sam:“I’ve had enough of this. Let’s settle this.” Heather: “ How are we going to settle this?”  Sam: “ My body against your body. Because mine is better.” Heather grunting as they rolled around clamping thighs “ we’ll see”.
Not a lot of closed handed punches but plenty of scratching, slapping, attempted cxnt punches and kicks and soon the two where again in a massive fleshy catball. Breasts poured out from between their ample breasts and I saw bruises from their previous encounters and knew where new ones had formed. I had created a monster and I loved it. By all records these two should be physically fit in no time from all the working out this was doing to them. Exhausted they half heartily rolled one on top of the other and then ended up side by side fingers interlaced palm to palm just half heartedly hand wrestling.
Then they stopped. Got up and finished. Sam smiled and said “ we just needed to get it out of our system, for tonight. She had a bit of the ‘green eyed monster’ going on after my flirting with that cute girl Bree.”

Chapter 4
Wife and I went back to that same restaurant. It was our surprise that again Bree was our waitress. After the 3rd visit over the next week I became suspicious until Sam made the announcement with a smile “ I figured it out. Bree is lesbian. She just broke up with her girlfriend.” I looked surprised “ she didn’t want to make a big deal of it so she sorta lied and said she had a boyfriend.” I nodded. She is coming over tomorrow.  I said “ well, I thought Heather was coming over.” She smiled and said “ she is, just don’t tell her about Bree.
Bree came over and without missing a note she and Sam took my hand and guided me back to the bedroom. “You sit and watch.” Bree undressed and Sam did the same. Soon both where laying in bed making out. Heather rang the bell and came in. I got up and soon Heather was standing at our bedroom door. She paused for a moment thinking Sam and I were having a session. When she saw it was a new women she paused. A look of anger came over her. She quickly hid it but Sam smiled and said “ we have a guest.”  Bree got up, naked as a jay bird and went over to shake Heathers hand. “I remember you. I was your waitress at the restraunt.” Heather looked at Sam and said “ What’s the plan?” Bree smiled and said “ I’m going to fight you over her.” She turned to me and said “ sorry, your not my type, being a dude.” I laughed. I had created a monster in my wife. She had seduced Bree to get a rise out of Heather and it had worked.
Heather said “ well, if that’s the way it has to be. She put her purse down and undid her top. You could tell she was pissed, but no one was exclusive except for me and Sam.  Those breasts where a close match to Bree’s. Soon her pants and panties where off and sure enough. They where even more matched than Sam and Heather where.  “I’m always up for competition for my women.” Heather smirked. “ You ever do this before?” She asked Bree. Bree smiled and said “ I’ve had a few fights.”
Heather said “ rules?” Bree said “ catfight and we’ll see what happens.”
Heather said cool and the two began swinging. The only time they pulled hair was to exchange strikes to the side of the head. Their bodies clashed several times as they went down into a furious tangle of limbs. This was much more aggressive and fast paced than I had previously seen. At one point both crotches where in the air as each tried to pin a leg high up in the air. The both flipped back on knees and charged together. 
Bree sported a fat lip while it looks like Heather had a shiner of a left eye. They collided together in a loud thud. These two where going full bore. They locked up and spun around twice crashing into the dresser. Bree let out a painful groan as her shoulder hit the corner pretty hard. It stopped the momentum and Heather let loose with several closed fisted punches to her middle section. Bree started to look dazed and out of breath but managed to get a foot between Heathers leg and wrap her foot around Heathers knee. Heather went down and Bree pretty much crashed into her. On her knees she slammed heather twice in the stomach before Heather could guard her soft belly.  Heather grabbed a fistful of blonde hair and pulled hard yanking Bree’s head down and brought up a balled up fist to slam It into her perky nose.
Brilliant red blood soon started dripping as the two locked up side by side just whaling on one another. Kicking thighs and shins as each screamed bloody murder! They wrapped arms around each other and beat on bare backs as those hug breasts smashed together. Don’t get me wrong, it was violent. Hot, but violent. Slowly they began to quiet. Legs had clamped together. Those equally muscular thighs had clamped together and they where squeezing with all their might. It was at that moment that Sam walked up and sat on my lap. She whispered in my ear “ I knew these two would be a good catfight.” She kissed me on the lips. “ I hope your enjoying this as much as I am. So exciting having to women fight over me.” She got up and knelt down beside both of them and began stroking their hair. “ It’s ok, your both worthy of me.”  Heather looked up and said “f*ck that!” She pushed away from Bree, got up yelling got up in a huff, grabbed her clothes and staggered out the door, just taking one moment to look at Heather.”  Bree got up slowly, looking at Heather and was limping a bit. She didn’t say a word but walked out the door. Just as she was through the threshold she glanced back to look at Heather. We heard the door close and Heather popped up “ well, that went a bit different than I had planned.” She looked at me “ You feel up to a little ‘hankey pankey?” I smiled and we went to bed. She was smiling when she said “ by the way, they will be back. Not tonight, but they will be back.” I said “ are you sure?!” She smiled and said “ a women knows these things.”