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First story, also request.

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First story, also request.
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:41:34 AM »
Hi this is a rough version of a story ive done, just wondering if anyone could rewrite it so it could sound more elegant,   

at the end of her last college year charley was about to start her life, she had always been hard working and new want she wanted to do, most of her life she had grown up around her busy parents, a small transport company that had grown to employe 50 people, she had helped do everything to run the company, and learned in college anything that might help her, she had seen her parents work hard for their business but didnt want the same life of just working and doing nothing else, her goal was to work for a company instead of owning it,

charly was what you call a sweetheart, sweet voice, brilliant smile, so sweet anyone would do anything for,  standing at 5 foot she wasn't tall, but every one took notice of her smile and eyes, she kept herself fit, never drank looked after herself, kept her body fit, not overly muscler but defined, strong legs firm arse, but the main asset her breasts, might be only c/d cup but they stood high and firm, must of stuck out 5 inch from her body, if anyone saw them they would think she had work done, charly knew she had brilliant breasts but at the same time never showed them off, always weared baggy cloths, see didn't want to be that person, plus growning up at her parents work never wanted his employees to see her like that, she always wanted to save herself for a special person, most people she met she never fancied, her age just wanted to drink and anyone her dad knew were to old,

charley parents company provided drivers and vechles for other companies, one of these her parents got her a job, shes had worked their part time for a year and after college was taken on full time, she found the job easy after working for her parents and with in  6 months the depot manager had made her driver manager, looking at her people thought she was young but once they knew her they believed how good she was, also the fact no one would ever say no to her,

over the same 6 months she met someone for the first time, he worked for the area manager and had helped her go for her new role, he knew her parents through the business, her parents loved him, after a year working for the company charley had grown to love him, he was couple years older then charley, 6 foot medium build, dark hair, they spent most of the time flirting, but both were a bit shy to make a move, charley has always been confident with most things in life but, this person she felt shy and nevrous around becaue the way the felt for him,

over the year she got the depot to be one of the best in the country, but her head office decided the company would merge with a rival,  her town had a rival depot in and both would merge, they would build a new hub for the south of the country, her boss put her through as someone who could run the new hub, his bosses thought she was to young but after meeting her and seeing how she would merge the depot and run the new hub they thought she might be the one, her boss wanted to retire before anything happened, to old to put up with new stuff, one trouble she didnt know about, the rival depot had someone who had the same ideas and the big bosses wanted them to work together until the new hub opened then decide which would get the new job,

it was the day chelsea was worried about she would be meeting her rival for the new job, all she knew was the woman was her age and as the big bosses said was good at her job, she had always believed in herself but something felt weird about this, she didnt know what just something wasnt right, she would be heading over to the rival company after she had dealt with the morning issues at her place, her depot boss had put her forward for this new role, and this might be the once in a life time job she needed, wasnt only the pay but the job title, she could work anywhere once she had area manager as a title at at her age it meant she could do everything she planned now instead of later in life, ben picked her up, her dream guy, he had been poping into their depot ever since she worked their, the girl crush had turned into head over heals for him, she was shy and nevrous around him and could never get the courage to ask him out, she could tell he felt the same way around her, once he picked her up she spent a large part of time looking him over, he spent most of the time glacing back, her heart was racing lost of the way, she thought spending some time with him while they planned the merge with the new hub something could happen, as they got out the car and headed into the rival depot she was lost in her thoughts of what she wanted to do with him, as they walked into the main managers office shes was still day dreaming  until Ben introduced frank and charly, she quickly came back to it once she saw her, charly  both women stood shocked, Ben, frank hi i heard very good things about you, i hoping you two will help the two depots merge together, both starred at each other but chelsea then realised where they were, yes ive heard good things about how this place is run, im hoping it should be straight forward, char yes our place is brilliant and we should have no problem moving to the new place, chelsea nor should we, frank that's great, all 4 talked a little bit longer before Ben asked for charly to show them round, charley took them for a small tour, most of the time both women kept sneaking small glances at each other, Ben didnt take much notice, but they did see each other look at him the same way they they looked at him, once the tour was done they said a quick goodbye,

chelsea was still in a bit of a a shock, not from seeing someone look like her, but because it was charley, she had never hated anyone before in her life, but charley was the closest thing to someone, they had both gone to school and college together, they had both gone through life avoiding each other, most people might be friends with someone with so much in common, but these two hated it, everything about them was the same, most people might of loved it or competed with the other, but these two tried everything to avoid each other. most of college and school they would stear clear of each other, sit away from each other, any reason not to be near or interact with each other, chelsea had always been sure of herself, but around her for some reason she doubted herself, maybe her uniqueness was being drained away. chelsea had never done much out of school, mostly worked with her parents took most of her time, main reason she didnt want to follow them was because she wanted to do more then work, do stuff she never had time for, but first she needed a career to afford these thing's, like charley her parents helped her get a job and she excelled at that, she met Ben  while starting their and had fallen for him, which she noticed charley seemed to have done the same, she knew charley looked like her, the same height, aways seems to have the same blonde hair even the same lenght, they dressed the same, even some days at college they dressed in the same cloths to her annoyance, she could tell charley didnt like showing off her body, she hoping she had something wrong with it but knew deep down it was more to do with not wanting to show it off, chelsea never wanted to be classed as on of them girls that showed off her body, she knew she looked good, she knew she would have the best chest in college, but didnt want anyone to know, end of college final year they had a leaving ball, it was the only time she showed off her prized assets, she had worn a strapless long dress, with a size to small push up bra, everyone and i mean everyone starred, not only to see such beautys but from someone no one would expect, men drooled and women starred with envy, it was the only time Chelsea liked the attention, she knew she would never see most peole again, that was until she bumped into charley in the toliets, both woman walked into each other chest first, after the shock, both just stood starring, never had they seen each other like this, charley was wearing the same dress, even her bra was the same,  both still stood starring, mainly at each others chests, both were completed pushed up trying to pop out, when someone walked into the toliet it jolted, charley just walked out, while chelsea stayed, when she finished and left the toliet she just went home not wanting to be their while charley was their, she didn't want to be anywhere near her,

between finishing at college and meeting her again, chelsea had seen started enjoying herself out of work, goten her own dog, started horse riding, things she could never do while working with her parents and at college, she didnt care about socializing or being with people her age, she was just happy to have a work life balance, but she knew she would need this promtion to become fully independent from living with her parents and afford the life style she wanted, she was on good pay but living on her own would mean unable to afford much extra in life,  the new job she could afford most of it,

one weekend  before chelsea would start on the new project Ben invited her out for a drink, she had been waiting for this chance since she met him, he wanted to celebrate her new role, chelsea decided to dress in a tight strapless dress showing off her body, she had only every wanted to dress like this for the one she wanted to end up with and she was hoping Ben  would be that guy, as she walked into the club she saw him striaght away, as she walked over he saw her, she could tell he liked what he saw, hi he said, unable to take his eyes off her, hi she said back, would you like some drinks, yes, before she could say anything else she saw her worst fear, charly was their, she thought not now not tonight, even worse she walked over to them,  was she got closer chelsea could see she was wearing the same dress, and my god her boobs, they looked massive, hi charley i invited chelsea out too since we would all be working together said Ben, charley thats fine, chelsea yeah that's ok, both women just kept starring at each others breasts, shock, jealously, fear all going throught them,  Ben more drinks maybe, he grabbed a bottle of vodka and they went over to a table, both woman sat opposite each other, Ben poured each and drink and both woman downed it, Ben so will it be one of them nights, and poured some more, chelsea had never been a big drinker but, needed it now just to stay sat here with her, next morning she awoke in Ben bed, she was shocked at first, she couldnt remember what had happened,  she saw Ben was still asleep so she grabbed her cloths and left, she had to get to work, chelsea was hanging all day, felt rough but also felt someone had changed, she knew her and Ben must have done something, she could feel it but she could remember anything, Ben texted her saying thank you for a wonderfuul night,

over the next 6months charly worked with chelsea on everything for the new hub, their old bosses kept running the old depot leaving them alone with Ben most of the time, charley didnt want to work with chelsea but she needed this new job and had to show she could do it, while working together, charly kept looking at chelsea wondering what size her boobs were, one thing that made her feel better was the fact her and Ben had finallly become a item, after the unexcept night out and night with Ben they had started seeing  each other, she couldnt remember much from that night but remembered everything after, she had to keep it a secret, the big bosses wouldnt want managers seeing each other while working on a big project, she would love to have told chelsea and seen her face, but knowing she was sleeping with Ben while chelsea kept looking at him in a lustful way everytime they were together made these 6 months go by quick,

 when not with Ben or at work she starting taking her dog to dog shows, trouble was chelsea was doing the same, they would always finsh first and second, between them,
she found herself seemed they were competing with each other outside of work too, even the horse she loaded was shared with chelsea, they both somehow applied to the same advert, and shared the horse on different days, the only thing getting her through seeing chelsea so much was the fact she knew Ben was hers and not chelsea's,

chelsea was annoyed now charley kept popping up every where she went, work or at shows only time she never saw her was with Ben or looking after the horse, she knew it would be over soon, in couple months the new hub would be open and hopefully she would never see her again,

one night with Ben, he said he had to tell her something, he broke the news he had being seeing charley as well as her, he said the 3 had spent the night together, he couldnt make his mind up and now he loved both of them, he understood and he would ended it with both of them if either wanted to end it, chelsea was shocked and angry, but she loved him, she said it was ok, but deep down she knew this couldnt be

charley was hurt, Ben her love and slept with chelsea but he loved them both, she loved him so agreed they should keep seeing each other she blamed chelsea for everything, why would she want to do this,

her world was turning upside down now, in 1 month the new hub would be open and her bosses have said her and chelsea would be joint running the place because of the work they have done, even worse Ben would be promoted to area manager and both would work under him, now she would have to share him and her job with chelsea all the time,

chelsea was just about to get on her horse, she was worrying about everything, job Ben and now her parents have said they were selling their business and moving, they would leave her money to buy a new house but they wanted to retire and with her new job they didnt have to worry about her any more,  she wanted to be independent from them but except Ben they were the only people she saw they didnt involve her work place, she knew something had to change between her and Ben so charley wouldnt be about any more, as she rode the horse, the thought charley rode this, did she ride Ben the same way,

at a dog show Chelsea came first, and charley second, both women seemed to swap that position every time, chelsea, walked up to charley, first time either had gone out of their way to talk to each other,  hi charley, hi, chelsea, charley could we have a talk some time,  chels cant we do it at work, chars we need to sort a few things out and i dont mean work, chels like what chars  well you know what, chels ok, where, chars how about we drop our dogs off then met for a coffee, chels  ok give me 1 hour, charley took her dog and walked off, chelsea done same,

charley was sitting on a table outside waiting, she sort of knew what chelsea might say but she also worried, what would happen, between them, chelsea sat down next to her, hi, do you want to go somewhere a bit more private so we can talk, charley, ok where, theirs a bench in the park over there, should be less people about, ok, charley followed chelsea worrying what could happen, both sat down on the bench, charley on the left and chelsea on the right, both were wearing shorts with white baggy t shirts, char so what did you want to talk about, chels well us and Ben, char yes thats a weird position we are in, chels yes and i dont think i can keep going the way we are, chars same here, but how do we sort this out, chels well we cant tell Ben we are upset because he will end it between us, chars yes i dont want that, but i don't want you with him, chels yes i dont want you about either, chars so how do we decide, chels well i love him, chars so do i and i wont leave him, chels neither will i, if we both dont want to leave him then what, chars i dont know, chels i would say we could fight but im not a fighter and i dont think you are either, chars i was worried you wanted to, chels no i thought it might have to happen that way but i dont think i could, i also think if someone loses they would come back into Bens life, we always seem to be everywhere together, chars yes i noticed that, ive always tried to avoid you but you always show up, chels you always turn up always, chars, i never knew why i never wanted to be near you but now i think its because we are so alike, chels yes we could be sisters but i just want to be me and not have a copy about, chars your a copy, chels, i was here first, chars no i was, chels well i slept with Ben first, chars yeah right, i think you didnt sleep with him that night, and he only felt sorry for you afterwards, chels you are full of it, you know he came inside me first, chars no me first, both stood up amd faced each other, they stood noise to noise, chels you know your second best compared to me, char your just a cheap copy of me, both moved closer together, they could feel each others breasts pressing against each other, both were breathing heavy, hands clenched as fists, chels so do you still not want to fight, chars your making me change my mind, chars pushed her chest into chels,  chels pushed back, they tried to push each other back with their chests, neither being able to move the other, chels what are you trying to do, chars you can talk, chels butted her chest against chars, awe chars butted back, owe, before anything else could happen a runner went by, both women stepped back, and sat down again, chels what were you doing, chars you started it, chels well what ever you were doing it might be a idea, char what bang boobs together, chels no i mean i guessing you think you have nice boobs if your like me, chars yes and, chels well i also guessing you dont like showing them off, but i like showing them off to the man im with, chars yes and whats that got to do with this, chels well, we both think we have nice boobs and going by the last time we showed them off and feeling just now they are similar size, chars you sound like a lesbo, chels hang on hear me out, i guessing we both think our breasts out are best asset, and we both think we are better then each other, so how about we compare them, chars i not showing you my boobs, chels i dont want to show you mine or see yours, but who ever has the best pair will be the better woman, chars, ok so best breasts will win Ben, chels yes, chars sounds stupid but could be the only way to sort this out. chels, so where do you want to do this, chars i have no idea but i cant do this at home or at Bens, chels i cant either how about at work, chars no way, chels i mean at the weekend at the new place no one will be about, chars sounds like an idea, could do it in the back office they haven't put anything in there yet. chels ok sounds good, this weekend then, chars ok ill see you then,

Chelsea and charly stood topless standing in front of each other, both starring at each others breasts, both looked massive, even worse they both saw they were bigger then they have ever imagined, their own beasts might have grown but they now had massive doubt if theirs was bigger, their breasts both looked perfect big and round with no sign of sag, both looked soft and dense at the same time, both saw each others nipples were getting hard, even they looked the same, half inch long and half am inch wide, never could believe how similer they were, from their veiw their was nothing between them, they both believed their breasts were better before tonight now they doubt everything, both looked scared, they would be risking everything for this, and now both believed they could lose, but both knew they couldnt carry on with their lifes with both in it and someone had to leave no matter what, they both loved Ben but they also need to know they had at least one thing better then the other person, they had always know they had brilliant boobs and over the last couple of years come to be so proud of them,

so how do we begin, well lets stand in front of the mirror, both turned to face the mirror they both looked back and forth between their boobs to see any difference, nothing even the colour of their skin amd nipples were the same, bothhad relief amd anger, glad they hadn't lost but also no win, now what said charly, well lets stand opposite and see, both turned to face each other, again they both looked and again nothing but stalemate, both were getting fed up now, there was nothing between them, the shape the size, no matter from what angle they looked the same, chels so now what, i dont know, how can they both be the same, both women were getting angrier, the doubt and feeling of being scarred was leaving their mind, while jealously and hatred for each other was filling them, charly i dont think ive ever hatred someone or something as much as i hate you  , chels the feeling mutual, char still dont want to fight, chels i do but that wont change anything between us, if one wins by luck then the other wont leave, or would come back one day and we would do it all again, i want this over with for ever, char i agree, but how do we finish this, chels well remember at the night club, when we stood boob to boob, char yeah that might work, we will have nothing between us this time, chels ok lets step together, both took a small step forward both sets lined up perfectly, they just touched sending a large shiver throught them, both closing their eyes, once they recovered they opened, bit closer they both said,  stepping forward a bit more both breasts muchroomed out side ways, nothing between them, both completly the same, they moved again a bit closer they both rested theirs heads together looking down so see anything, nothing again, lets looked at the mirror, chels said, both turned to face the mirror, both in shock again nothing, char, thought how can this be, chels well make be we are a perfect match, char, so might be right but their must be something between us, chels what do you wnat to do, chels moveda little while she said it, char awe char said, they hurt a little, chels sorry must be from out boobs being toether for so long, we are both sweeting a little, char hang on they might be the answer, chels what hurt ower boobs, i dont think amyone would wants that, char i dont either but might help work out whos boobs are better and stronger, chels sounds odd but i give it a go if its means beating you,  char you wont win mine are stronger chels no mine are, both moved them slowlyagainst each other, both hurt and stung a little from touching for this long, both women slowly moved a little faster, moving left to right then back again, the speed slwoly built up,  after 10 minutes both were breathing heavry and sweeting, soft moans coming from their lips, both were lost in what they were doing, nothing else was on their mind just the rivem of boobs slapping boobs, the pian was building was not much at the start but 4kg boobs slapping each other was starting to hurt, both moved up the speed, they looked into each others eyes, both stopped then woth out saying a word put their hands on each others wastes amd restarted the slapping, both were movng round the room in a circle, neither cared about anything else now, both just wanted to hurt each other. all the hate, jealously they had for each other was finally being let out, neither woman had ever had a bad feeling for anyone,  just this person standing in dront of her slamming boobs in to hers, both wanted to destory their prized breasts, they had always been proud of having these boobs and had always thought their special one would love them, but to have someone they hated have a pair that seemed to perfect copy made them both want to take all their anger out on each other, neither wamted to stop, the pain was building every second but the hate was buidling faster, both looked at each others eyes, the first time in 10 minites taking their eyes away from the boobs, they saw the hate jealously they had for each other, both imagined Ben holding and playing with the others breasts, both stopped and pulled back alittle and slammed their boobs into each other,  the pain the pain, but again they slammed together using thier hands to help slam boobs against boobs, the pain now was unreal, both breasts ached they couldnt keep this up for long, almost the same time they wrapped their arms around each other, both had to stop or they would lose, both got scared, they wamted to destory each other but the pain was to much,  they hugged boobs mashing togther muchroomjng out at the sides, they rest foreheads agaonst each other, taking a couple of minutes for the pain to die down,, they opened their eyes and saw the fear they both had, it gave them  boost, thet thought theywere about to lose but they saw they both were in the same position, they syarted rubbing boobs together round and around while hugging, the pain was still their but they could put up with this for now, this went on for 20 minutes, both women were getting hot and tired but the pain hadn't increased, they had got use to it, both stopped rubbing, they knew they would run out of energy before either quit, they release their hug and placed their hands in each others wast, both breathing heavily, they now looked at each others eyes and knew what to do, they started swagging back and forth quicker then then they started lat time, both could sence they both didnt have the energy, they started moving again, slowly in a circle but increaseing the pase of movement between their breasts, the pain in their breasts was increasing,  they could feel it a lot more now, small moans increase to load cries,  both their eyes were wet from tears, both could sence it was close, another .inute went by before they started crying, the room was filed with the sounds of load slaps and cries from each hit, both new they couldnt hold out much longer they just needed to out last the other, their was a large shut of noooooo voth women grabbed each other in a hug to stop the pain, both dropped to their knees holding each other, with their eyes shut they just hugged not moving, not dearing to see the other, both thought they had given uo then realised the other had said no, they open their eyes each trying and move a little but then pain is to great, every small movement between their breasts send a massive shot through them, before they do anything else they both fall to their sides, still hugging neither letting go, over the next hour both fall in and out of sleep, not knewing what has happened, both have given all,

chels wakes still wrapped to chars, shes tries to love and hears a moan from chars, her breast stings so much, char awe stop moving,  chels then get off of me, char your wrapped round me too, both slowly unwrap their arms, when their breasts move apart for the first time in over a hour their both moan from the pain, both move back holding their breasts, they cant believe the pain, both dont say a word, they just try and recover, the pain started to go and become a numbing feeling, both get to their knees, still unstead to stand, both looked shocked at what they had done, but still their was no winner, chels, all of this for nothing, i had to touch your boobs for nothing, char i had to touch your ugly tits too, chels your are ugly look at them, char you can talk, both looked down at theirs and each others boobs, both completely red, both still stood firm but had a small hint of sag now, first time in their lifes they had seen their own breasts sag shocked both, but also made them realise the others wasnt perfect, they could be beaten, char, so we call ita tie or we going to keep going, chels no way we cant stop, this has to end this weekend, char do you want to start now,  chels yes but not yet, char, i agree 10 minutes maybe, chels ok, both rested on their knees, they both starres at each others cheat hoping to see more wealness, whos boobs sagged more now, whos were more red, anything to give them a boost,

char do you want to up our arrangement, chels how do you mean, chara well we havent agreed to fight for Ben and the future we want with him, plus the new job and house, chels yes thats why we are here, chars how about loser gives up everything in their life, and i mean every thing, they give up their dog, their horse, the car, never see their family again, and move out of the country, chels was taken aback, not only was she risking her dream future but everyting in her life now, and everything she cared for, ok, but it has to be everything, your saving all your stuff, too, you can take cloths and buy a plane tickrt to anywhere but thats it, nothing else, whoever loses loses everything and i mean everything, char now was shocked, but was also shocked by what she had said, maybe both were not thinking straight from their battle, maybe the hatred for each other, maybe they wanted to make the other sugger so much now they wouldnt be completely broken, char, ok i agree, both were now scarred, they had given everything and wonderedhow much more they needed to give, chels, just remember Ben made love to me first, and win or lose i will always have that, chars no he didnt, I as his first and you know that, chels shut up ,you know its true, char no you dont lier, both woman started getting up, legs still a bit wobble but the anger was growing, char your a cheap copy of me, you know Ben loves ny boobs more, chels no way, he always says mine are the best he has seen, char you lie, he always says mine are the greatest he has ever seen, chels stop dreaming, look at them o beat he would leave yoy if he saw them lile this, chars look at yours, when we are done you will never show anyone them again, chels shame  i cant pop them, char you can try bit your would be destoryed first, chels yes thats not what we agreed, only breasts vs breasts,, when I Win ill rip yours off, char when I win ill destory what evers left, chels youll nevwr win, chars nor will you, they both moved slwoly together, boobs against boob perfectly lined uo again,  they were still numb from the battle before bht they could still feel the pain, chels i will destory you, char, not of i destory you first, they moved closer both women were worrying and trying to act tough, ladt time they both held out, but a second one could of lost, both looled at 3ach others breasts, both muchroomed out a small bit and still no difference between them, they placed their hands back to each others lower back pushing their breasts together , they started moving their breasts around and round, trying to see if the others was still as firm and dense, char you know when you quit, i wo t stop,  i make you beg then i rip yours off, chels that wint happen, your be crying and bagging me to stop, and dont worry i wont stop until i scar your breasts char your the one who will be scarred, with that they learned back a bit and started swagging their breasts again with as much force as possible, they both wanted to destory each others prised asset with their own prized asset, the hatred and jealously was over taking them, they cared for nothing else just the destruction of each others breasts, the pain was growing fast, both knew they couldnt keep it up, they were putting everything into it now but neither would give, both let out a load cry and hugged each other again, the pain was too much, both their arms were wrapped abiut each other, they didnt have the strength to hug as tight as before, both syarted sobbing heads on each others shoulders, the pain was too much but they wouldnt give, their breasts felt like they were on fire, any moevment hurt but they kept rubbing them together,

both stopd in the middle of the room, hugging
 each other, the only movement was their chests rubbing against each other, both their heads resting on each others shoulders, crying in each others ear, to them it seemed hours went by, but maybe 10 minutes, but wanted to give up, this was to much but thats wasnt a option now, to much was a stake, they had always wanted a end to the stalemate intheir life and knew it was close, somone had to lose, they both dropped to thier knees, they be stubborn to quiting bit their bodies had a different idea, now both knees tjey still kept their breasts together, both moving them very slowly now, both women felt somthing, was something new in their breasts, the firmness was giving out but who, they both started moving a bit fatser trying to find out but the pain shot through them, both screamed, they hugged tighter, still trying to force the issue but the pain, both now crying openly shouted, i quit, and stopped moving, it took a while before eother moved, both thought that was it and 5hey lost   and were waitng for the others promise, they both looked uo and realised they bith said it, chels you quit, char so did you, chels you said it first, char no you did, chels shut up, i could feel your breast giving to mine, char nk way yours were giving up, both women still didnt move, their breasts still were against each other, chels you know you lost, char no you did, why did you quit then, chels you quit to char then it was a draw, chels, thats no good, char no it isnt but i dont know if i can move,  chels same here, they tried mkving but let out a cry everytime their breasts moved, chels lets finish this if we cant move, char ill finsh you, both hugged again the pain came back so much quicker then before, they didnt move much now, their hug didnt have much strenght to it, they didnt have much left to give, but they could rest kn their knees breast against breasts, instead of hurting both wanted tl see if their firmness was giving out,  they held this position for an hours trying to see what they felt before was true, they both could feel something, very slowly the firmness was leaving, but both of them, bith could feel it theirs breasts being less dense but couldnt tell whos lost more,  between the pain, numbness and no energy they couldnt make out much, in the end they both passed out heads on each others shoulders both somehow supporting each other, breast to breast.

charley felt broken, it had been month since her night with chelsea, she had given it all she had and neither had one, it might have been a draw but she felt she had lost, she nearly quit her job and break up with Ben, but her love for him kept her going, she felt lucky she hadnt needed to meet chelsea over the last month, everything was already in place for the new hub to open, Ben had also arranged for charley to run the morning and chelsea the evening shifts, so both women would still be taken on, charley was drending the change over  between her and chelsea, she made sure she emailed anything she had to pass on to make sure she could spend less time with chelsea. shift changed came and charley was all over the place, filled with worry she wondered if chelsea would say or do anything, when the nig moment came both women didnt look at each other, they just said hi, after charley left she noticed something, chelsea had sounded broken, like she had no will left in her, it gave charley a small boost knowing chelsea was feeling the same as her,

over the next month charley each day charley had become more like herself, just knowing she wasn't the only one who was suffering, then pride knowing she hadnt been beaten, knowing she was still who she was, the baggy clothing started disapearing for tighter clothes showing off her breasts, they had hurt like hell for ages but they seemed to be bigger and firmer then before, giving her a massive boost, she had to to let chelsea know she wasnt beaten, and still had the better chest,

like charley it had taken chelsea a long time to get over it mentally, physically she hurt but she had recovered quickly, her breasts had taken longer but seemed to be renewed, Ben had thought she had surgery if it wasnt for the fact he could touch them, it had given chelsea a massive boost and she had to let charley know. in work she still wore baggy clothing, she didnt want to show off her breasts to people who worked for her, but she also wanted charley not to know yet, she wanted to charley to see at the right time,

over the next 3 months chelsea kept being pleasant to charley, she wanted her to think everything was good between them she knew they both still didnt want to be in this situation but she wanted to act nothing was bothering her infront of charley , she wanted to wait until she could find the right time to challenge her again, she wanted to make sure they would have enough time and alsp to recover. one thing she knew she had to get fitter and stronger, maybe she cpuld putlast charley or at least push herself so she could last long enough for her breasts to win. theor had been a point one of them might have won of they had been fitter, so she spent any free time running and doing light weights, every morning a long run and hitting the gym in the evening, she mainly worked her upper body at the gym, increase her strenght, she didnt go bodybuilder nuts, just enough to give her strenght, her arms and shoulders for swinging her breasts and her back for squashing the life and out charley when they rubbed together, she even worked her cheat to see if it could make it tougher, she even looked on online for any ideas how to make her boobs firmer and fuller, diet and exercise seemed to be the best way, over time she became obsessed trying to make her breasts the best they could be,

charley woke up to a another day, she would go for a run, go to work, do a hand over then go to the gym, and stay and Bens for the night, over the last 6 months her and chelsea had spent odds days at Bens, charley hated it but knew it wouldnt last for ever, she had done amything she could to try and increasethe firmness and size of her chest, eating the right food, doing work out at the gym using oils, anything she could, she didnt know when but she had to be ready. her breasts seemed to have grown from a d to dd maybe even a e cup now, they seemed firmer then they ever had, she knew the time was right but she had to find the right time when they could be alone.

 she had made sure chelsea wouldnt know they had increased in size, baggy tops had helped on top of the fact they only saw each other for a brief time each day, she tried to see if chelsea had got bigger but she couldnt tell, she hoped even if they had they wouldn't of increased as much as hers. she received a call from Ben letting her know he had to go away next month for a week for a company meeting, he was very apologetic because it was her birthday weekend but charley said it was ok, she could never say no to him, charley thought maybe it was the time she needed, a weekend to themselves and aweek to recover, and maybe a birthday present for herself.

work went quickly for charley, the only thing on her mind was seeing chelsea and the end of her shift, it was now her chance to finally arrange the meeting, as chesea came into work, she saw she had a big smile on her face, maybe she was planning the same idea,
she had found it relaxing at work both of them had the same ideas on how to run the hub and it was running like clock work, but it didnt matter, their would always be the problem of who was the better person, chelsea walked into the office, charley greating her with a beaming smile, hi, chelsea with her own beaming smile back, hi, you seem very happy, charley, yes and going by your smile i think we know why, chelsea yeah i think we have the same idea, we have the date but where, charley, well it will have to be Ben's  place where all of this started, chelsea yes of course, it will have been a year since that night, what a better way to finish this, charley well shell we just agree to meet on that date at Bens we will have all weekend to sort out everything, chelsea yes thats a deal, i think we should not say anything until we meet outside of work, charley yeah ok, how about we meet for a coffee before we go to his, to sort out any issues, chelsea well we both know what we will be doing but ok, how about 9 at the place around the corner, charley ok, with that charley left, the next couple of weeks went by quickly, both women just acted normally around each other, it was their secret and surprise, nothing would get in the way of it.

the big day came, both women had said goodbye to Ben the day before, now it was just about them two, chelsea was looking forward to it, all her work the last 6 months she could finally show charley, finally show her who had the better breasts, her breasts had got alot bigger and firmer, was it down to working out and dieting or the fact her body was reacting to her rival who knows, but she felt like she could conquer the world, she knew her fitness had increased and would hopefully be the decider if their breasts where the same, her strenght had also increased, to the point her upper body showed muscle, she didnt have massive muscles just defined,

charley was sat outside the coffee shop waiting for chelsea, she was wearing a jumper and jeans, she didnt want to show off anything yet, she was going over what she wanted to happen, would they go straight at it or take their time, she couldnt wait to show Chelsea how much she had changed, maybe chelsea would give up straight away,  but she knew that would never happen, chelsea probably had done the same as her the last 6 months, everything they done they always seemed to copy each other, she knew this would be tough weekend but she could hope.

before she knew it chelsea sat down next to her, hi they both said, chelsea well fancy meeting you here, charley yes what a surprise, chelsea well why did you want to meet before we get started, charley well thats easy, during our last meeting we said alot and i would like us to agree everything we are fighting for so we both know what will be the outcome, chelsea, i thought we both knew, the winner will get everything,  charley yes i know but i want us both to hear it, so there is no douth or backing out to our agreement,  chelsea, i agree this has to be the finally meeting, i never want to see you again no matter what happens, charley, the feeling mutual, i would like to put an end to our situation, chelsea so lets see what the loser will give up, job and living near the other person, chalrey, of cause, dog, horse, seeing family, chelsea thats a weird request but i would like to know the losers life will be completely destoryed after today, charley yes i want us both to know we will have to put everything on the line today, chelsea yes, even any money we might have, and of course Ben, charley yes not just him but the life we both want with him, chelsea yes but i think the main thing we both want to know is who has the best breasts, charley, yes since our last meeting thats been the main thing on my mind, i knew we would meet again to compete, chelsea yes we both know we had to have a winner, shame we couldnt find out that night but this time will be different, charley i love the fact your so confident, but i wouldnt be if i were you, chelsea you can talk, i guess we will just have to go and show why we are confident, both get up and walk to Bens place, it wasnt long before both were in his place, they headed for the bedroom, once in they looked around, large king size bed in the middle while their was a large rug infront of it, charley, let's push the bed against the wall and take out the bed side tables, chelsea yes more room for us. after they had finished the bed was against the wall while they had about double the size of the bed room in front of it with a rug in  the middle. chelsea well this will do, shell we get ready, charley well lets get this going, as she shut the door, chelsea turned on some music, charley whats that for, chelsea so no one will hear us, charley good idea,

both woman stepped to each side of the rug, as they both looked at each other they knew it was time to finally show what their hard work had achieved, they took their jumpers off to reveal to large sets of breasts, both in strapless bras, both women were amazed at the size of each other, last their saw they had been a c/d cup and now they were pushing a e cup, the confidents had gone from each other, they both released this would be as hard a fight as before, both women noticed the other woman seem to be more toned and defined then before, arms shoulders seems stronger, had they done the same gettong ready for today, they must of, they were to the same, this had to end once and for all, after what seems like ages they decided to lose the bra and see how equal they were,

they both turned around and unhooked their bras, they then turned breasts thrust out showing how big and firm they were, both women let out a shock at their rivals chest, they were big, bigger then they could ever have thought, to anyone else they would be the same size but to each other they seemed bigger then their own, fear and doubt enter their minds, their was no way they could be that big, they both stares for ages neither taking their eyes away from each others breasts, charley pulled her eyes away from chelsea chest, she could see chelsea was feeling the same way as herself, she remembered she felt this way last time, she knew she had to carry on and finish this. seeing chelsea with fear in her eyes made her feel better, she knew they both felt affeard, she moved a couple of feet towards chelsea, chelsea saw her move and copied until they were 1 feet apart, charley had been eger to start before they had taken their jumpers off,  now she was worried, they both looked impressive but what if chelsea overwhelmed her straight away, what if they were bigger,  their was no way she could back out now but the fear of losing froze her, now closer together they looked even bigger, no way could they be that big she thought, chelsea i can see we both got bigger, with fear in her voice, charley yes i didn't think we would be both this big, chelsea we look the same but i cant lie yours do intimidate me, they look bigger, charley i feel the same way but we have to see whos are bigger, chelsea ok lets see slowly moving forward, hearing chelsea fear helped charley know she wasnt on her own, both women moved until they were less then a inch apart, neither took their eyes away, here was the moment of truth, they slowly pushed together, their breasts slowly touching sending shivers down their backs, they stood like this for a while seeing if their was any difference between them, nothing both the same size and firmness, they slowly moved a bit more pushing their breasts out, both woman realised their breasts were completely the same as before, now it was a question of whos breasts were tougher and firmer, who breasts would out last the others, they slowly started moving their upper bodies slowly rubbing their breasts together, they both knew the next move, as if on que they started hitting their breasts against each other, slowly at first, until they built up a small revam, swing against each other the painhurt but they both knew the pain from before, the weight of their boobs hitting against each other was completely different, each boobs weight 4kg and after awhile it was taking its toll on their breasts, but they pushed on, they both needed to know whos were better no matter how much it hurt or what damage they would do, both women lifted their hands and grabbed each others forearms, they increased the pace and the force of their blows.

under the music the only sound was slapping flesh follwed by a small grut from each woman, their breasts had turned bright red from the pounding they were giving each other, any doubt and fear had left them the only thing on their mind now was to destory the other woman's breasts. their breasts hurt like hell, but they could out up with this pain, it seemed to make them want more, they moved their hands to each others lower back they pulled apart for the first time in 20 minutes then slammed together, all 4 breasts mushrooming out, then they pulled back again and slammed back together, both women let out small cries, but they continued pulling back to slam back into each other, the pain reached a new level but they didnt want to stop, instead they let go of each others back and stepped back a foot, then charged into each other letting out a louder cry, they moved back a bit further only to charge back into each other shouting screams out now, bit again they moved back until they were each side of the room,  they ran and full speed into each other breasts first, smashing together screaming out in pain they fell to the floor, their breasts felt they would explode, they used their hands to hold their breasts trying to message the pain away, it took awhile for them to recover, they both stood up a bit unsteady,  they were hurting but they had to continue, they didnt say a word they just moved together breasts pusing into each other, this time they out their arms around each others shoulders, hugging each other as hard as they could, they could feel how much stronger they were, their hugged trying to burst each others breasts with their own, their whole breast felt like it was burning but they were still firm and neither showed any sign whos were better. they started rubbing their breasts together slowly moving them left to right against each other while still using all their strenght to crush each other, they stayed like this for nearly an hour, both were still equal neither gaining any advantage over the other, but the fight had taken it toll on them, they had pushed themselves so much the last couple of months only for them to still be equal, but now they were both running out of energy, their breasts ached and hurt like nothing like before but neither would quit,

they had stopped hugging for a while now just holding each other while keeping their breasts together, they didnt want to break them apart until one would win,  they just rested trying to recover heads resting on each others shoulder, after a long time when they had recovered a bit they moved their hands to each others backs and slowly pulled apart breasts still touching, they started to move their breasts against each other,  as at the start of the fight they started slapping them against each other, the pace was a lot slower, the pain was a lot more then before and the gruts between them a lot louder, they slowed moved about the room the only thing on their mind was the slapping breasts to hurt each other, as they moved about one of them tripped and they both fell over onto the rug, they wrapped their arms around each other making sure neither could get away, they slowly rolled around the floor until they hit the wall, both were on their sides as they hugged pressing boobs together,

couple of hours later they both woke still wrapped together, both ached but they knew they had to keep going, they broke apart and got uo to their knees, looking at each other they could see they both had been through hell, their once proud breasts were red and looked like someone had beaten them with their hands, they were still firm but showed signs of sagging, they looked lile they had aged 10 years, they didnt move for a bit, they knew their would be a lot more to come and knew this next bit would be the worse part since they already hurt and their energy levels were low,

charley shell we continue, chelsea yeah, i want this over with, they both stood up and moved towards each other, theu slammed together both now on the intent to finish this, they slapped breasts against breasts not caring about the pain, they out everything they had left into slapping their breasts together, they changed from moved them side to side, up and down then slamming into each other, anything to hurt the other, they knew they could keep it up all night up were determinded to keep going as far as possible,  they moved around the room, loud cries from each other every time they slammed and slapped their breasts together, after a hour they had slowed down, slow slaps against each other both breathing heavily they were near collapse  when they both out their arms around each other, they had to support each other to stop falling over, they oushed their breasts together neither wanting to stop, they didnt move much for a while, they both had to rest, charley do you want to move to the bed, chelsea i here to beat you not make love to you see gasped, charley i can beat you on the bed as well as here, she gasped between breathes, chelsea why the bed, charley wjat better place to beat you, the place where we both had sex with Ben, the place we both lost of virginity, the place where finally one of us will beat the other, chelsea that would be a good feeling, remember he came in me first that night charley bullshit, he fucked me first and gave you a petty fuck, chelsea fuck you, you'll never fuck anyone again let alone Ben, charley fuck you whore youll be alone for ever and never see Ben again, they broke apart, and moved towards the bed, both could see theor once proud breasts were sagging and hanging low,

they got on the bed on their hands and knees and moved towards each other, charley sit down like this, she sat on her bum legs out to the side, then moved towards each other, they lifted their right leg over the others left and moved together, breasts pushing into each other, the pain sent shivers throught their bodies, charley i dont want you getting away from me, chelsea youll be the one running away soon, charley looking at your breasts you be running, chelsea you can talk they are not much better shape then mine, charley, you know you will lose, chelsea ill never lose to you, youll be begging me to stop soon and i wont stop ill make sure they will be destoryed, charley dont worry about me and worry about what ill do to you after you lose, ill mkae sure ill rip you saggy tits off, chelsea that will never happen, i can feel how deflected your boobs are, they will never recover, charley i can feel yours getting worse, it was alie their breasts were still equal neither was over coming the other, but they could feel it wasn't long before something would give,

both woman had kept a cool head through most of the fight but now theu just wanted to destory the other, the hate and jealously for each other was over taking over them, the months of pushing themselves had been worth it they would finally see who had the better breasts, they stayed glued to each other legs wrapped round their lower halfs while their arms hugged each other tight, their breasts mushroomed completely pushed out, neither moved much now they just waited to see which pair of breasts would finally push the others back, heads resting on shoulders, each woman breathing heavily the pain was the worst it had been through out the fight, but they had to go on, as the pain git worse tier started forming in their eyes, slowly they started sobbing but they wouldnt stop this had to continue, over the next 2 hours neither moved, pain shot through them everytime one of them breathed, then finally they could feel something happening, charley do you feel it dp you feel your boobs giving,  chelsea your mistaken, your boobs are giving,  charley no way i can feel my boobs pusing yours back, chelsea shut up, you know mine are winning, from the pain and numbness they couldn't tell whos were giving, charley as she sobbed just remember i fucked Ben here before you and ill be fucking him when he gets back, chelsea sobbing back, i fucked him first, i made him cum before you and he will be cumming in me again and never you, charley youll never show anyone your breasts again, chelsea youll never have any left once we are done here, charley ill ripping your off as soon as we are done remember that as i push you back, chelsea ill destory your soon as your are pushed back, bitch they shouted squezzing hard with wverything they had left,

slowly one of them was pushing the other back, millimetre by millimetre then it happened one breasts gave way and other pushed the other back, the loser screamed in pain and defeat knowing she had lost eveything, the winner screaming with joy knowing she had won everything and she could finally get the other oerson out of her life, but first she had to make good her freats and make sure the others breasts would never recover.


Offline krrishtiano

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Re: First story, also request.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2023, 07:56:53 PM »
Amazingly written. The rawness has its own charm


Offline slim20

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Re: First story, also request.
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2023, 10:29:15 PM »
Liked the effort but who won