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Playmates vs Pets

  • 1 Replies

Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Playmates vs Pets
« on: December 21, 2008, 02:56:54 AM »
I always thought a Playboy vs, Penthouse tournament would be the ultimate. In the '90's Julie Strain vs. Anna Nicole would have been one for the ages. Ever fantasize about your faverote Pet taking on your favorite Playmate?  I'd love to hear everybody's dream fights.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 02:58:27 AM by Mr. Cavalier »



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What If?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 07:08:51 PM »
     "How'd ya like this honey?" Julia whispered sarcastically as she tied Anna's arms behind her to the boxing rings post with her own top. Julia smiled as she reached up and cupped her beautiful busty victim's breasts. She squeezed the huge luscious orbs slowly, then lowered her head and flicked each stiff rock hard erect nipple with her tongue. Meanwhile she slid her hand down Anna's hard flat abs and slipped her fingers inside her skimpy bikini bottoms.
     "Ooooooh. Ummmmm. Please stop."
     "Whacha mean stop? Didn't think this was part of the fight, huh girl?" Julia teased as she suddenly tweaked a stiff sensitive nipple hard with her angry fingers, then captured it in her full hungry lips and sucked the love nub vigorously, all the while willfully ignoring her luscious sensuous captive's pleas-
     (Interested in More?Please leave me a message Mr. Cavalier. I have been a fan of your magazine for many years and was quite disappointed when you stopped your printing several years ago; I looked all over for your mags; reason "Fight Time." Since then I have wriiten many posts on other websites. Any chance on doing this for $$$? It's not a big deal or a requirement, just a thought....Send me a message. I have doubts about this kind of stuff but I must admit I do enjoy it.....