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Victorian Catfight II

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Offline marlowe

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Victorian Catfight II
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:21:44 PM »
I hope that people have enjoyed the first part of this, originally thought of as a trilogy. Unfortunatley a lot of the material for the third part was wiped in my hard drive foul up. But if people enjoy this enough then I will be more than happy to bring this tale to a close. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this for now.

(Dedicated to Nigel and Anne)

The week passed slowly and Lady Jayne Thompson partly regreted establishing the date of her next encounter with Lady Margaret Farningham such a comparatively long time following their first meeting. Nonetheless anticipation sharpened her desire all the more and offered many opportunities for reverie as well as preparation. She missed Audrey, her blonde serving girl had suffered somewhat at the hands of her Irish rival and Jayne had thought it prudent to allow her time to recuperate with her grandparents in Norfolk, but she knew when they met again they would BOTH have tales to tell regarding their enmity with the Farningham household. Indeed the flame haired noblewoman spent many waking hours dwelling on the slim thirty year old brunette, her equal in age, height and she supposed weight, imagining her strengths, her weaknesses, her spirit. She was certain that she would be a vicious minx and hellcat but was equally conscious that she herself was a foul mouthed and merciless catfighter when she faced off, a point she had proven most recently in her hard-fought battle with the Prussian Lady Analise Bismark.

On the Wednesday before the allotted date Jayne finally put pen to paper as she had stated she would when she and her opponent-to-be had parted company five days earlier:

Lady Farningham

I trust that you are as well as can be expected and also that your serving girl is in better spirits and health than when I last saw her. As promised I am writing to further seal the arrangement of honour we settled upon last Saturday. As we agreed we shall meet for the Sunday service at St. Martins-in-the-Fields church, a little spiritual refreshment is essential I believe in matters of this nature. We wil then take coach to a village called Halstead. There is a farm a little outside of town which my uncle is landlord too. Currently it is empty of stock and souls and shall serve as an ideal place for us to settle our affair uninterrupted. As we agreed we will fight alone, no seconds and of course our weapons will be but those that we possess as women. I do hope that you have not decided to withdraw from this arrangement and look forwards to meeting you in church this coming Sunday.

Until then the 'kindest' of regards,

Lady Thompson.

'Hussy!!' Margaret Farningham screwed the crisp paper with it's elaborate and fluid script between her slender fingers, sharp purple lacquered nails flashing. 'That she would think that I would even dream of withdrawing from our duel!' She spoke aloud to herself in the same tea room where she had first read about Miss Thompson's German conquest and where they had both first met. Her anger rising she cast the letter to the floor lips pursed as she steepled her fingers tensely in front of her face.

'My lady,' there was a concerned knock at the door. Margaret broke her thoughts turning towards it, brunette hair falling from its neat pile across her eyes,' I am fine Mary. Please go back to your work my dear. I will come by to look in on you shortly'

'Very well m'lady' Just as with Audrey Mary had suffered somewhat in the vicious hatefight that had transpired almost a week ago. Margaret was keen to let her rest but the Irish girl’s loyalty would accept no such thing and so she had been assigned the lightest of duties. The lady had been very proud of the way her servant had fought and looked forwards to the time when next she and her rival would fight to a more decisive conclusion. But that was the future, it was her own forthcoming clash with Lady Jayne that now preoccupied her thoughts. She though to write back, let her own sardonic wit and sarcasm find its vent on the written page but following  deep consideration thought better of it. No, far better to wait until Sunday and then she would truly be able to speak her mind and show exactly where her thoughts lay.

The days passed with painful slowness, each woman taking time not only in physical pursuit within the quite confines of their respective dwellings and grounds but also in the ritualistic process of beautification. The Saturday prior to their meet in church saw both women attended by the finest hosiery and dress merchants within their respective locality. Money was no object for these ladies and though both were certain that the attire which they lavished piles of guineas upon would not likely see the end of Sunday it was no matter. In a battle of this nature it was essential that each woman looked her best, looked to eclipse her rival. Exquisite and expensive make up and perfume was delivered to their houses, hair was treated with the most exotic and costly beautifying treatments, nails trimmed and lacquered to the sharpest of points. This occasion was a markedly different one to the battle between the maids, this was a true catfight between ladies and thus all the appropriate steps needed to be taken.

As Margaret stood in he lamplight of her room that night in her dressing gown she peered into the mirror admiring her body, fit and toned, looking at the curvature of her hips, her thighs and her breasts almost as if savouring this last stare at it in this beautiful condition. She knew full well that this time tomorrow would see cuts, bruises, scratches an bites across her alabaster skin but she was not nervous, after all that was what she thrived on, she was looking forwards to fighting this new rival of hers and with fortune and no small degree of skill she knew she would inflict just as much upon Lady Jayne Thompson.

At the same time Lady Jayne was herself looking deep into her hand mirror as she ran her enamelled comb through her perfectly coiffeured red locks. The flame colour of her tresses seemed to glow in the light of the single lamp which illuminated her bed chamber. She had spent no less time considering her upcoming battle and like her rival had agonised with the slow passing of each hour. But now the eve of her fight was here. She lowered her mirror and stared hard at her perfectly lacquered nails, the deep red varnish and pale slender fingers. Yes, it would not be long she mused before they would be scratching and tugging at hair and such thoughts stirred her heart as she rose, slid from her nightgown and moved to her lavish and luxuriant bed to sleep on thoughts of the fight to come.

Both women awoke early, not long after the early sunrise, time needed to be spent on preparations. Though miles apart each woman's thoughts were full of the other, the rising anticipation, the butterflies in stomach as make up was applied, corsets laced, stockings pulled on tight, dresses immaculately worn, hair pulled up and bonnets chosen. By nine o'clock that morning both women stood in front of their staff ready for church but more importantly ready for their liaison afterwards. With a smile Jayne moved to the loyal Hoxham who stood by the door of her waiting coach. Offering her gloved hand she mounted, her high heeled boot clattering on the wooden plate as she sat, clutching her bag tight as she pulled the door closed and turned her attention to the hours to come. At the same time Margaret took tea within her room, feeling the tight pressure of her corset but equally savouring it. Being much closer to the church it was nearly after ten before she moved to the hall bade her servants set about their business and said her final farewells to Mary.

'Scratch the bitch's eyes out m'lady,' the girl’s Irish brogue was again plain in its venomousness.

'Oh don't you worry my dear Mary, I have every intention of doing that,' she smiled pleasantly as she ran her velvet gloved hand across her maid's left cheek, holding her by her chin for a doting series of seconds. Then she turned on her high heels moving to the courtyard behind her residence where her own coach was waiting.

When she arrived at the awe inspiring church the congregation were moving towards their seats. It was a hot day though in the distance dark thunder clouds seem together above the Thames. Margaret watched as her coachman moved away towards Charing Cross and no doubt one of the teahouses there but she thought little of that, he knew to return by noon to fulfil his other more significant role. Grabbing her skirts she moved earnestly up he steps from the roadside into the sizeable shadowy church. A few faces turned at seeing a noble lady alone but she cared not for that, Margaret looked about the number of bonneted faces gathered for their spiritual refreshment but it did not take long for her eyes to see the flame haired made up Lady Jayne herself looking to the doorway. Their eyes met across the room and standing slowly Jayne beckoned her over with a wide sweep of her arm. Margaret's stomach tightened and the butterflies danced but a quick glance from one of the attendants reminded her that this was a house of God- although the look and flushed cheeks on the young man suggested his thoughts were far from virtuous. She smiled at this savouring the attention and this propelled her forth with greater enthusiasm as  she moved down the aisle towards the seat which Lady Thompson had clearly saved for her.

Jayne turned to receive Margaret and as they approached both immediately slowed down, their eyes looking suspiciously and furtively at one other, almost ignorant of the rest of the parishioners, taking in each's fine attire and expensive look. Jayne was in an almost funereal black velvet but expensive dress with fine pearl buttons, her dark bonnet on top of her red hair piled up high, her high laced up boots elevated her some three inches higher than her natural five foot seven and black velvet gloves covered her slender and delicate fingers. Margaret mused that her opponent had chosen well, this was a more than appropriately respectable outfit for such an affair of honour but she was no less well attired in her own velvet of a deep purple colour with matching bonnet atop her piled hair. As she stood at a halt her skirts spread about her white petticoats and stockinged legs, the high boots she wore beneath ensuring that they looked each other made up eye to made up eye.

'Good morning Lady Farningham,' smiled Jayne although there was clear tension in her voice.

'And good morning to you Lady Thompson,' Margaret's own smile was thin, her stiff voice clearly indicated her own tension despite her desires to appear otherwise, 'I trust you are well.'

'Oh,' Jayne continued to smile as she stiffly sat down, turning her attention to the front of the church, 'In excellent spirits and very much looking forwards to the day ahead.'

'I am so glad of that, as am I my dear Miss Thompson, as am I,' and slowly Margaret sat down turning her attention to the front.

The two women did not say a word as the service progressed, indeed they barely acknowledged one another. Margaret wondered why her foe had chosen to begin proceedings here, was there some spiritual or religious motivation in Lady Jayne's suggestion? Or was there something more? The fact that here they were so close and yet unable to interact in the way they so wanted, compelled to restrain themselves which in turn served to build the desire between the two of them suggested something more calculated. As Margaret noticed Jayne's booted foot scraping almost imperceptibly across the floor towards her own she surmised the latter of the motivations and as the vicar continued his intonations on loving thy neighbour she began to slide her own foot to meet it. An onlooker would never have noticed their actions but slowly their feet drew together, their legs sliding across the pew towards one another, black crinoline meeting purple as both felt the pressure of booted feet hard against each other. The action was subtle but both women felt the sudden thrill and excitement in their stomachs as their feet pushed hard, their legs pressing with equal tension. Both remained focussed ahead but it was quite clear that even here within church they were testing the other woman, neither resorting to extremes but each revelling in feeling out the strength of her opponent's thigh, the slight squeak of leather as boot pressed against boot. Their expressions barely changed throughout although a close observer would eventually note the occasional flicker of the eye or the slight tightening of lips as teeth clenched behind them. Come the end of proceedings the two were pressed tight against one another and remained that way as the rest of the congregation began to rise each still pressing hard until as one they turned to face each other. By now this silent battle had much stoked the flames of passion within them both and their voices shook with nervous tension,

'I trust the messages of the day were not lost on you,' smiled Jayne a slight gaspiness to her voice.

'Not at all...I have always held the conceit of loving thy neighbour very dear,' Margaret's breathy voice quivered back. Again they held each other's gaze until the distinct cough from the aged gentleman who had sat next to Jayne throughout the sermon broke the silent stare- 'Excuse me may I pass?' he seemed to detect the atmosphere between these two and like the attendant earlier was a little flushed at the sight of these comely women  particularly with such expressions upon their face.

'Of course,' said Margaret her eyes not leaving Jayne as she slowly stood up, drawing her leg and foot back deliberately from the other woman. Jayne's green eyes remained locked with hers as she stood herself and the aged gentleman slid past looking back intermittently as he proceeded to the door. Neither woman made to move until the church was near empty and then with a flick of her fan Jayne's gloved hand indicated the doorway. 'Shall we?' her voice was low and serious, not a trace of the sing song sarcasm that had previously coloured her words.

'Yes, I think we should' Margaret's reply was equally business like. And then with no further word they moved down the chancel towards the exit and the haze of noon beyond the door.

They emerged not into the warm sun that had heralded their arrival but hard hissing rain that fell from the sky, great puddles filling the road, with distant rumbles of thunder troubling the air. The humid atmosphere and rain stirred Jayne all the more as she looked for Hoxham making his way up the steps towards her with umbrella in hand. Margaret's own driver moved into view from beneath the low eaves near the doorway proffering his own shelter from the rain.

'Well, I trust your man will follow mine. The journey will take an hour or so, maybe a little more with the rain, the roads to Halstead can become very muddy. I take it that is agreeable.'

'Oh more than agreeable,' although if truth be known Margaret was ready to attack this hussy now on the church steps so much was her current antagonism towards her. She would not have been surprised to know that Jayne felt the same but they would be at war soon enough and so with no further word each broke their gaze and turned to their drivers and their coaches to set upon their way.


Offline marlowe

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 07:22:53 PM »
The journey was punctuated by the occasional growl of thunder and the constant spattering of summer rain as city gave way to country and as promised the roads became more morass than viable route. Nonetheless both horses and carriages laboured on as alone within each woman contemplated the battle to come, each luxuriating in the now vicious rivalry that smouldered beneath civilised veneers.

It was a long hour but ultimately Margaret was aware of her coach stopping. She leant out of the window to see that Hoxham had pulled his own vehicle to and that they were on a quiet tree shrouded road. The rain had stopped although water dripped from branches and green leaves. As Hoxham opened the door to the Lady Thompson's carriage Margaret's driver moved round the side and opened her door, lowering three steps to the muddy road. Margaret stared down at the boggy puddles beneath the cart but cared little about a bit of filth and descended, her high boot splashing into the brown muck spattering the base of her skirt.

Jayne stared across to Lady Farningham and then turned her attention back to Hoxham feeling the mud about her own shapely ankles, 'Drive back to Halstead. Tell the other driver to return with you in three hours time, the business betwixt myself and Miss Farningham should be long done by then.'

'Very well m'lady.' Hoxham immediately squelched back to his seat as the redhead called across to the brunette, 'Instruct your driver to follow my man he well direct him as to what to do next.' Margaret was slightly unsure of this but compelled by the fact they had come this far assented and carried out the instruction. As her carriage began to move off she noticed that the redhead was pulling herself from the roadside to a fenced gate beyond which were the empty outbuildings of the farm which was to be the scene of their duel. Normally a woman of society would be fearfully dubious of coming to such a locale unaccompanied but such concerns were subdued by the simple reason for their being here. As the coaches moved round the corner she picked her own way towards her rival who waited on a more solid pathway.

'It is much easier to walk here,' explained Jayne as her eyes peered down at Margaret's mud clogged shoes and spattered crinolines, her own being similarly daubed.

'Yes I can see that,' and the two again stared eye to eye in silence.

'And so alone at last my dear.' It was Jayne who broke the silence.

'Indeed.' a weighty pause, 'So let us get down to business.'

'Of course,' Jayne nodded after another pause, 'after all I see no further reason for delaying our 'meet' my dear.' And with a rustle of her petticoats and skirts she moved off.

The two elegantly dressed women looked much out of place as they picked their way between farm buildings heading towards a ramshackle barn that dominated the site neither saying a word although Margaret's trepidation began to grow with each unfamiliar step she took.

Silently Jayne drew the bar of the barn door back and with a hard push and the squeak of rusted hinges pushed it open. They stood framed in the entrance, peering inside at the cavernous space. The smell of damp wood, must and old hay filed their nostrils, moisture dribbling from high beams formed puddles on the earthen floor.

'I hope you like,' smiled Jayne as she moved in, her heart beating faster as she peered into the gloom and refamiliarised herself with the location, 'Just like you have your 'room' this is MY little spot for certain select catfights,' she spun on her heel back at Margaret who still stood in the doorway. 'There is no trickery here, it is not my desire to disorientate you, when we fight I want this to be a battle of equals.'

'Oh don't worry,' Margaret moved into the room muddy heels splashing in a puddle as she walked past her foe taking in the scene herself, 'I am not disoriented in the slightest. In fact I am ITCHING to fight,' she turned back to Jayne who returned with a mean red lipped smile.

'Oh and so am I,' the low serious voice she had used in the church echoed in the gloomy interior as she paced away briefly and pulled the door closed, leaning against it and staring at Margaret illuminated by shafts of wet sunlight that shone through holes in the roof.

'Well then you little shebitch, the sooner we so do the better!' Margaret pulled her purple bonnet from her head and let her brown hair cascade about her made up face. Jayne had never seen it down before and had to acknowledge it's lustre and fine condition but as she slowly let her own fiery mane fall she delighted in the fact that it would not be long before her fingers were at it and there was plenty to grip onto. 'Yes you little hussy Margaret!' she hissed back as she then began to draw the fingers free of their gloves a slow, deliberate action each finger withdrawn one at a time a move that was mirrored by Margaret.

'Good, I was wondering when the time for small talk would be at an end,' Margaret's purposefully dropped her gloves to the floor and placed her hands to her hips and then moved forwards, muddied feet kicking water as she went, 'I have been waiting for so long to tell you what I truly think of you, you arrogant red headed whore.' her stomach was turning somersaults as she fixed eyes with the approaching Miss Thompson, lengthy fingers pressed against the tight belt that gave her body shape.

Jayne's skirts rustled as her own feet splashed as she drew closer hands at her own hips, 'Oh my dear Miss Farningham, if anyone needs to consider humility it's you, you brazen  little bitch, after all this meeting is all down to YOUR machinations, YOUR desire to prove who is the better bicthfighter. I am just humouring your petty minded and misguided thoughts.' and with that she dropped both her black gloves at her foes feet between them both. Margaret smiled, appreciating the irony of the gesture lightly splashing muddy water over the black velvet with her boot; 'By that you are saying you are the better catfighter, is that it bitch?'

'Not 'think' slut..KNOW I am the better catfighter!'

'Nothing more than a cheap painted faced tart, that's all,' there was added venom to these gutter words coming from well spoken mouths.

'And you should know all about painted faces, seeing how deeply it is caked on yours- is that to hide the wrinkles you old whore?' Jayne giggled girlishly although there was nothing girlish about the anger in her voice.

'Unlike you, you red-haired pig' Margaret was possessed by anger now, all that had been bottled up began to flow forth and Jayne's verbal assault suggested similar from her, 'I don't need make up to hide my blemishes. Look at you,' staring up and down, face absolutely contemptuous, 'You call yourself a woman, I warrant that corset is nearly bursting at the seams keeping your unsightly fat in...and then you imagine yourself the best..ptoooh' she literally spat on the floor, surprising herself at her gesture, usually such exchanges were handled in a far more civil way than this but time had led to the mutual hate which was clear in the vicious and spiteful words being exchanged in the barn.

'You dirty brown mopped whore.' Miss Thompson's face showed real disgust, 'We'll see just who is hiding the most fat when I rip your corset free from your vile body.'

'Oh please do try you fucking red-haired witch.'

'That is precisely why we are here you stupid slut.'

The word rang out loud in the air, seeming to hang there for a silent moment and then Margaret was moving those last few steps towards her opponent, purple nailed fingers pressed hard at her hips, 'Oh cxnt am I well that is rich when one considers the cxntish whore that you are.'

'Fucking cxnt that's all that you are, a fucking cxnt.' Jayne advanced equally purposefully her own red nails flashing.

'Whore! I'm going to tear you bald'

'Little cxnt, I'll scratch you and your slutty dress to pieces!'








The two were talking over one another drawn up face to face panting heavily in their tight corsets. They paused briefly for a blink of an eye and then Margaret launched forward at exactly the same time as Jayne did.

'Oh you whore...'

'Fight me bitch!'

Voices yelled over each other as Jayne seized Margaret's brown locks and Margaret's hand slapped Jayne's rouged cheek. The redhead winced as the crack echoed through the barn but this did not deter her reaching hands one bit and long red nailed fingers coiled about long luxuriant hair, tugging it from the roots. Margaret yelled feeling her head being jerked forwards and instantly raised her own hands to clamp her fingers onto the fiery mane that danced in front of her in light and shadow, the two tugging hard as they planted their booted feet on the damp packed earth.

'How do you like the slap whore?' snarled Margaret through clenched teeth seeing how it had left a faint red mark on her foes made up skin.

'Uhh....a mere trifle. I do hope that is not the best you can do you slut otherwise I will be so disappointed once I have pulled this lank mop out..whore,' Jayne hissed back.

'Rest assured..uhh...pig, the floor will be covered in red hair once this has finished...cxnt!' Margaret readjusted her grip to pull harder, hair made up features drawn back by the hard clenched fists balled tightly at the back of her scalp. The two groaned, skirts whipping and flailing about them as they moved their feet in a wild dance in order both to keep balance and to resist the pain of each tug, gasping half finished curses at one another, water splashing over boots and the hems of their crinolines as they whirled. Awkwardly Jayne tugged her left hand free, a satisfactory rip of brown hair which she shook from her slender fingers and the grimace on her enemy's face inspiring her to pull harder with her right hand. She drew her freed hand back trying to time the oncoming slap just right. The pain in Margaret’s scalp forced her to wince in agony as she felt her roots give a little of her beautiful mane and in such agony she slid her hands together to grab a sizeable handful of red hair, both hands pulling at it as if tugging at a rope or some such. She was thrilled to hear Jayne's sharp intake of breath as she yanked and stepped backwards, pulling so hard that opponent was pulled with her. The Lady Jayne's grip was loosened although she had another clutch of hair that forced Margaret to yell aloud but was off balance and her slap struck awkwardly at the whalebone of her foes dress and concealed corset. Her hands scrabbled but she could not regain her grip on the brown hair, locks of which were still falling from her fingers. Desperately she fastened onto the expensive purple velvet of her foe's dress. Margaret felt the fingers anchor on and the tension at her chest but knew that she was inflicting terrible damage on this red mane and thus resisted as she tugged harder, yanking and pulling with both hands.

'Oh you fucking slut,' snarled Jayne although her voice was somewhat obscured by the awkward angle her face was at, fastening nails onto material and instinctively going for breasts that were currently protected form her. Nonetheless she had purchase enough and planting her own heeled feet began to tear back, partly to regain her balance and equilibrium and partly to allow access to the Lady Farningham's breasts. This in many ways proved counterproductive as her resistance gave extra leverage for the brunette's savage hair pulling and she could feel her roots tearing with each jerk and tug. Nonetheless panting heavily she now gathered herself and kicked out a booted foot skirt flying as it connected with Margaret's leg. The brunette yelped and tugged back harder as Jayne pulled away. There was suddenly a tremendous rip both of hair and velvet as they stumbled wildly away from each other, water and mud splashing, purple buttons flying at angles across the barn.

Each looked at the trophy they had ripped,  Jayne the purple material and buttons, Margaret the fistful of hair, disappointingly small in comparison to the great hank of fiery red she had initially seized. Jayne's eyes were drawn to her rival’s breasts rising and falling as she leaned forwards. They were still pressed tight in the decorative corset that her attack had exposed, pale and pushed up, though as suspected there was little  difference in size to her own. Her scalp burned but she had more than enough hair to cover the no doubt noticeable bald spot that her foe had revealed.

'What a cheap tawdry dress you slut,' she panted still half bent over as she threw velvet to the floor.

'No taste at all you witch' gasped Margaret back, 'but at least Miss Thompson a dress can be replaced more easily than your lank tresses,' she smirked back, straightening up and holding the handful of red hair triumphantly upwards.

'BITCH!' yelled Jayne incensed by the sight of her torn hair and instantly she splashed forwards to meet her rival. Margaret was waiting for her, throwing the hair to one side as they both reached up and resumed attack on their locks. The two spun with frantic feminine groans, gasps and growls as they wrestled each other by the hair, bodies pressed as they found themselves impacting against a wall, shadow veiling them as they fought. They tugged hard as Margaret drew her hand back and then pressed it against her opponent's face pushing her back by the neck, lacquered nails digging in. Jayne suppressed another scream, muffled to an extent by the palm pressed against her mouth, smearing her expensive lipstick. Desperate to take back a more sizeable trophy of  hair for herself she pulled at brown locks with both hands tugging her foe's head away from her whilst trying to gnaw at the open palm that pressed at her forehead and cheeks and flattened her nose. Margaret groaned with the strain as she felt her body moving forwards, her chest being pushed towards Jayne's. The redhead could feel the buttons of her black dress straining against the pressure of her corseted breasts but they held fast as locked together they battled voices, increasing steadily in pitch with each feminine groan. Jayne could feel hair giving, hear the pop as roots tore free from scalp, Margaret was trying to stifle her  scream screwing her hand up against her foes face close enough for Jayne to sink her teeth in to the palm. It was not a deep bite but enough to send a shriek of surprised pain from Margaret's mouth and see her recoil her hand back a movement that was accompanied by final tug at her hair and Jayne stumbling away with a hank of brown locks in her grasp. The Lady Farningham was whip like in her reactions though and lashed out with her left hand torn from her rivals red hair grabbing at Jayne's arm. It did not take hold but she caught the black sleeve and nails dug into the velvet. There was a rip as the material gave way, built far more for elegance than the durability needed for catfight, tearing a seam that ran all the way down Jayne's right side partly exposing her decorative crimson and lace corset to the waist.

There was no time for taking stock though both women knew they had to press the other advantage against the other she bitch and as one they leapt at each other again throwing sleeve and brunette hair to the ground. Jayne's pale naked arm snaked up and again seized at Margaret's burning scalp the other seizing onto her dress pulling her into the room. The brunette's hand reached for redhead's neck, the other arm reaching across in the rent in her rivals dress to scratch at her back. Water splashed as they stumbled away from the wall teetering on heels that saw Margaret losing balance. A split second decision needed to be made struggle to stay up right or take this catwar to the floor. There seemed little decision and Margaret felt her stomach rise into her throat as she and her enemy coiled together hit the damp and hard earth floor. A further rip came from Jayne's dress, tearing now across her chest, buttons popping to the floor as her breasts still nestled in corset became visible. The two scrabbled as one, black and purple skirts and petticoats fanning out , high booted feet and stockinged legs kicking, one against the other. The two were on their sides but in frenzy with a noticeable groan Jayne lifted herself up and planted herself down again forcing her enemy onto her back. Margaret was not one to remain prone however and instantly kicked up, lifting her shoulders from the ground, feeling the water that splashed her pale skin. The two again fell to fighting on their sides, hands
 grappling as legs coiled together. Each seemed to counter the other's move as they raved and hissed, scratching and grasping at the others hand, painted fingers locking and then pulling away from each other.

'You fucking trollop' gasped Jayne her dress splashed in water, mud spattering her pale, long naked arm.
'Maybe but I'm the better woman so what does that make you?'
'Oh we'll see how good you are you slattern!' Jayne snarled back batting fingers away once again as she tried to thrust her fingers to the front lace up midnight black corset that Margaret wore. Margaret paused for but an instant before deciding to match in kind, to take this bitch on at her own game. Her hands moved forwards and began to attack the more clearly exposed white laces of Jayne's tight red corset. In a curious change of tack now both concentrated on the fine lacework, slender fingers striving to undo the front of the tight whalebone, lower lips bitten as their energy became channelled to more subtle work,

'Oh let's see who's most woman shall we bitch,' Margaret snarled on her side, half leaning on her struggling arm, hardly aware that the tips of her tresses were settled in a mud puddle.

'Oh yes,' sneered Jayne sarcastically, 'there's obviously NO better way of determining who's the better woman than comparing our TITS you cxnt!' she snarled back, yet despite her viciously ironic tone she still worked at the black lace of her rival.

'No bitch I'm talking about scratching your tits you sow,' Margaret spat, the two of them twisting on their side as their fingers worked.

'And I'm talking of ruining yours you whore!'

And yet still the lace would not give, it was a battle of time in their minds, who would reveal whose womanhood first. With each tug the corset loosened and breasts spreads out, cleavage became less deep as skirts continued to swish and swirl, legs either kicking or squirming against each other stirring up a layer of filth from the mud puddle that they rested in.

A sudden final jerk as Margaret pulled herself half upright, tugging the long lace back, the corset was loosened enough and hurriedly she leaned forwards to try to prise free the treasured orbs within, pull them from the material. She could feel her own breath less restricted now though and it was obvious that Jayne was not far from doing similar to her. Her fingers scrabbled and Jayne momentarily drew her hands back to try to pull them away but clearly thinking better of it continued the final loosening of her enemy's corset. She gritted her teeth as she felt claws digging into her breasts although was well aware that her foe must be feeling the pressure of the whalebone biting into her hand

'Come on whore,' panted Margaret half getting to her knees, 'let's see your girls.' She smiled as she recalled the word that had been used by their servants when they fought.

Jayne herself trying to get to her knees gasped back, 'Why of course my dear but only if I can see yours!' The redhead had not foully loosened the brunette's corset but there was enough room for her to thrust her fingers down and though the whalebone dug in to them she felt the satisfaction of prying nails touching soft pale breastflesh. Awkwardly, hands planted to one another's chests the two began to rise, eyes locked as they almost seemed to pull each other up,

'Not much in the way of tits have you m'lady,' snarled Jayne, ‘no wonder you need a fucking corset bitch!'

'Oh you are so fucking droll you whore, I have not even a handful here with your tits slut.'

Mud spattered their attire and dribbled from hair onto shoulders and down the front of dresses which still clung in many parts to their bodies. They stood astride the sizeable puddle they had fought in hands now dug in awkwardly in a stalemate, both adjusting and readjusting their grips, faces in silence, eyes staring as they sought new ways to twist and squeeze the other but truth be said the corsets were restricting any dramatic movements and indeed caused pain to both sets of attacking hands. They trod a circle round the puddle, slow and measured, attacking breasts and then Margaret suddenly pulled her hands free and drew away, drawing with a steady pace into he shadows of the barn once more. Relieved Jayne released her grip as both shook and massaged their wrists and hands turning to eye each other.

'This is no way for a woman to fight' Margaret hissed inspecting a cracked nail and mud spatters on her fingers, noting that she had trodden her bonnet into the dirt as she had moved away. 'Will you bear your tits or will I have to rip that corset from you?'

'Oh so you want to fight me tit to tit you whore?' Jayne gasped.

'No you slut I want to sink my nails into your 'girls'. Now come on,' her hands were scrabbling at her corset finishing the lace work pulling it open, enjoying the release in pressure at her sides as it drew back from her flat stomach and fully released her breasts, thrilling as she felt the cool damp air on them. Jayne had took her cue and simultaneously set about revealing her own pale pink nippled globes. Still in their dresses despite the torn fronts they faced off with corsets open at the font staring at each others breasts. Indeed as both had suspected they were pert, round, equal in every way but unlike the maids they had no desire to press them together, to ruin them with their nails was their sole intention.

As she saw Margaret staring at her beautiful pale breasts Jayne smiled enjoying the freedom to move, lowering herself down, 'Time for you to get dirty you unrefined whore Margaret,' her slender fingers on both hands scooping up fistfuls of damp mud that trickled over pale skin, coating lacquered nails. She savoured the thrilling sensation as she drew her hand back and let a gobbet of it fly. Margaret however was already kneeling herself to do similar and the muck instead spattered against her face. Lady Farningham winced for but a moment and then with a cry of 'dirty slut' and renewed vigour she propelled herself forward. One hand hurled a similar size projectile of wet mud which spattered Jayne's red hair as she scrabbled to scrape up more but the other squelched with the impact of her left hand grabbing at her foe's pallid, pert breast, smearing across its surface. Jayne felt the cold liquid and the sharp pain of nails digging in and herself instinctively thrust fresh handfuls of filth into the brunette's chest, digging nails in and kneading the filth.

'Oh you are a gutter cxnt aren't you,' growled Margaret as her other hand scrabbled up mud and slapped it onto Jayne's other breast the two half smearing and massaging the muck in, half scratching the soft breastflesh. 'Just as much as you are dockwhore'. There seemed an almost childish glee to their actions although their burning eyes demonstrated that this was no game as they plastered muck over breasts, cleavages, open corsets the remainder of dresses, up necks and onto faces all the time throwing hateful words at one another, voices and the splattering of mud echoing in the barn. Within minutes the two of then were partially daubed in a layer of clotted and smeared filth, resting on their knees, elegant skirts and crinoline awash in dirt. Margaret aimed a mud smeared slap at Jayne's face, a wet crack echoed as muck spattered from cheek and Jayne's red hair now smeared in many parts with grey filth swept back with the rocking of her head. A surprised look was visible on her mud coated face as she felt her cheek Margaret watching her as the redhead suddenly drew her hand back and aimed a wet slap to her rival's face. All of a sudden the rhythm and flavour of he catfight changed. the two raised their hands as if to go for one another and then Margaret drew hers back to slap again, Jayne raised hers but then seeing her rival's held back paused, her question was asked matter of factly, 'You want to slapfight whore?'

'It is accepted within the rules of engagement is it not,' Margaret's white teeth and red lips still stood out against her pale muddied face as she held her hand firm.

'Ah, ever the duellist,' smirked Jayne lowering her hand

'Ever the cxnt,' responded Margaret and then let fly with another crack at Jayne's braced cheek. Lady Thompson winced again with the crack but knew that a slapfight would give her plenty of opportunity to eke out her revenge. It was a simple principal really, each woman slapped the other until one or the other gave way. It would not be the sole determinant of a duel of this nature but nonetheless was another way for one woman to battle and assert her dominance over another. With this principal in mind Jayne drew her hand back and felt the satisfaction of a wet slap upon her loser's cheek, 'Ever the mucky bitch!'

And so they went on exchanging wet slaps and hard blows in turn to the others cheek, faces reddening beneath make up and mud, hair becoming increasingly muddied but neither willing to give way despite the tears that began to well within both their eyes

CRACK- whore
CRACK- witch
CRACK- slut
CRACK- tart

Again and again the hands and the insults flew and again and again cracks rang out but neither gave and their arms were becoming increasingly tired. Margaret raised her hand for what must have been the twentieth time, her head ringing, cheek on fire beneath the cold muck, now leaning forward, slime and sweat dribbling down her cleavage. She looked across at her rival so close to her seeing a look of similar weariness other face but feeling the intense dislike burning in her stomach. A look passed between them as Margaret half lowered her hand before gulping 'Stalemate?'

Jayne did not reply merely nodded, pushed her filthy tresses back, almost solid lumps of muddy hair in parts as she stood. Margaret lowered her hand and pushed herself up, sliding her own filthy hair back over her shoulders aware that her dress was smeared in grime as she rubbed her aching jaw. The two began circling each other in their ruined attire, boots pressing the earth as they regained their senses from the intense slapping naked muddy breasts rising and falling, slender nipples pointing almost it seemed at one another. Again their eyes fell to each other's dirty breasts standing proud through the tatters of dress and corset. Jayne began to slide her arm out of her remaining sleeve, not caring as black material ripped letting the top half of her dress fall. She smiled as she saw Margate pause briefly and then herself began to rip her dress back further letting it fall. The pale skin that had escaped the earlier mudfight stood out in the greying light within the barn and each had the overwhelming desire to sully it, to completely humiliate the other in the grime, their passions had become completely primal now whatever clothes of civility they may have worn. Jayne's hissing tone and unrefined voice seemed to sum that up most concisely, 'I want to fight you in the filth you whore completely ruin you, smear that frail bitch's body and leave you in the mud for your man to pick up!'

'Oh so you like a mudfight bitch,' Margaret's voice was equally resentful, wild, shaking, 'Well I am more than happy to finish this in the slime you whore,' although the wet puddles in the room hardly seemed apt for the purpose.

'Then come on whore, step out of your dress, we'll fight in our underwear. There is an old mill pond behind this barn, the mix of summer heat and rain will have made it just right for us to conclude this'

'Fine..we will end this there you whore, woman to woman'. she began to loosen her skirts and step out of her dress.

'Woman to bitch!' Jayne began to work at her own skirt and crinolines.

'No,' Margaret paused her labours looking up at her rival, 'BITCH to BITCH' and with that began herself to remove her crinolines.

Not long after both stood facing off in their corsets with garter clips attached to luxurious silk stocking, knee high boots spattered in filth. their forms were a  patchwork of grey mud and pale skin with specks of red and brunette hair visible the through the filth that plastered their heads, their dresses and crinoline discarded behind them. Each took the other in again remarking on their look, like ancient warrior queens, despite the filth that covered them, truly equals. Then with nothing more than a nod of her grimed head Jayne moved to the door, Margaret followed silently.


Offline marlowe

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 07:24:09 PM »
True enough the pond was ideal for the purpose of continuing this war in the most primal of fashions. It was wide and though grey rainwater had gathered in its centre much of it was a filthy morass of churned deep grey-black ooze. As the two silently approached almost instinctively they broke from each other, each pacing in mud soaked boots to opposite ends of the pond throwing glances all the time. This was a truly strange scene straight out of the most bizarre of fiction but there was none there to witness it, the area was isolate and in the shadows of the old mill house the two faced off ready to finish their fight. Above as if acknowledging the upcoming struggle the clouds seemed to churn and the first light spatters of rain began to fall. Jayne held out her aching right hand as she detected the first drop of rain and then moved in, the spiked heel of her boot going deep into the dirt, Margaret matched her action. Both women's hearts were beating furiously, freed dirtied breasts rising and falling as they tugged their way with ungainly gait to meet one another. Hands went to hips as they stared across the puddle of grey water at the centre, little more than three inches deep as it was. Margaret pushed her mud pasted hair back off of her scalp, 'Bitch to bitch' she repeated the last words she had spoken.

'No whore bitch to cxnt!' Jayne spat the last word at her foe.

'Yes and you are the cxnt!' the word flew back and forth between them both once again

'You know very well it's you who's the cxnt, cxnt'

'Then it looks like it could be a cxntFIGHT whore,' her eyes looking down to below Jayne's waist suggesting that there was more than one meaning to her words.

'Then let it be cxnt vs. cxnt' you bitch. Fight me' the two had been stamping up and down in the mud slowly to avoid being caught in the gloop, mud spattering their stockings but then at the signal of those words they launched forwards splashing into the brackish water, meeting in a grapple of woman against woman. Their words were forgotten as they concentrated on trying to overpower each other, to throw the hated rival into the water that splashed over their boots against their stockings and corsets, feet churning up the mud and sinking further with each panted clutch and desperate grab with muddied hand. These two minutes of slapping and wrestling saw many of the spots of pale skin and unblemished stocking covered with muck but neither could get the other down. Margaret lunged forwards and felt her arm slide as it went about Jayne's neck, getting her in a lock that surprised the redhead. She in turn tried to break free fastening her hands to her foes and it looked like another stalemate as the two heaved and groaned at one another for a further minute And then summoning up a burst of possessed feline fury and strength Margaret twisted her hip, awkwardly extending her left leg now completely spattered in filth and hampered as she was by the mud Jayne felt herself falling. Her arms was clenched tightly about her rival's neck though and right hand clung to the corset and she twisted herself so Margaret was also pulled into the oozing water with a shared scream. The two thrashed and spluttered as the water soaked through their stockings, into heir muddied boots and over their corsets, not at all cleaning the muddied skin but indeed adding a new coat of filthy grey to their already begrimed bodies. As they twisted and snaked in the thick muddy water it was almost impossible to determine who was who besides their straining groans and strangled words, arms still about each others necks. Jayne could feel Margaret on top of her, feel herself being pushed down to the water more by weight than any specific thrust on her opponents part but she knew she had to get out of this. Her head was drawn close to the subtle curve of the brunette's right breast, shape all but lost in the thick gloop that covered it but the target was too tempting to resist. Without even considering the sensation of filthy mud in her mouth she strained forwards biting down hard, feeling her throat fill with muck but also the knowing satisfaction of the pale breastflesh beneath between her teeth. Margaret shrieked and loosened her grip enough for Jayne to squirm backwards, using her hands to free herself, sliding comparatively easy out of Margaret's grip which was half heartedly torn between reaching for her rival and holding her throbbing chest. Shakily Jayne scrabbled out of the water sliding up the thick heavy dark mud that coated the upper parts of the pond spitting water and muck out hoping to hit her similarly plastered rival. Margaret face stinging from the slaps, body aching, breasts throbbing, pulled herself in determined pursuit feeling the weight of her once beautiful coiffeuered hair pressed down onto her head, 'Don't think you can get away you slippery fucking whore,' she panted.
'I'm going nowhere bitch,' Jayne tried to pull herself up to receive her foe but this was a catfight in slow motion now, the two of them labouring through the thick slime, this darker mud coating them in an extra layer as Margaret pitched forwards, half stumbling, half leaping and fell onto Jayne with a squelching slap of their bodies. And then the skies opened.

The rain started with a drizzling haze to begin with but in seconds it intensified to a deluge which poured down from leaden skies as distant thunder boomed. This did not deter the shrieking catlike women who turned and rolled and squirmed and churned in mud that was becoming increasingly thick and cloggy desperately coughing and gasping as  they punched, slapped and struck at one another. It was truly the most primal of scenes both grey ooze covered ladies awash in rain. Neither really were aware but the elements had had the last say on their attire, stockings had become laddered and shredded, corsets ruined although this was barely visible. And yet as they milled and warred, Margaret suddenly became aware of the spiky grey patch between her foe's legs, a snatched glance before scrabbling fingers pulled her head downwards to the continuing writhing mill that was there rain washed struggle. Maybe it was something to do with the downpour washing it but she glimpsed a shock of red hair and with a desperate scrabbling hand she lunged forwards to grab at the Lady Jayne's seemingly neatly trimmed pubic bush.

'Oh you bitch,' sputtered Jayne as she saw Margaret's fingers grasping but did not try to stop her attack beyond trying to jerk her tired soaked body to one side, instead she extended her own hand to the equally exposed mud covered pussy of her foe. 'Well you wanted a cxntfight, let me give you one,' her voice strained with aggression but was weak with fatigue. Yet she felt the slick sensation of her fingers anchoring onto her rival's womanhood just as she felt the sick sensation of fingers anchoring onto hers. She winced in agonised pain and saw Jayne do the same through her muddy mask as they pulled and tugged, twisting their bodies so their hands were fighting between their coiled legs, yanking and pulling and scratching. Their heads were thrown back away from each other in agony as rain flowed down their features, over the curve of their breasts, and down their arms between their legs. Then with a gasp borne out of resolution and heavy sob Margaret looked forwards, focussed on her foe. She was exhausted, agonised, in terrible pain, but could see that Jayne was no less so, her head still thrown back, gulping in the wet air to resist the punishment her body was now taking as rain streaked her grey coated face. With a desperate pained guttural yell she opened her hand and began to scratch the whole of Jayne's sensitive womanhood thrusting her finger into the warmest wettest and most private of places. This was not something she had ever done before in any of her previous catfights but there had never been a struggle as desperate as this. Oh, she had heard of the women who met to solve things in what was called a 'sexfight' amongst the most liberated of duellists but this was nothing of the sort, this thrust was not meant for pleasure but pain. As though she had been scalded Lady Thompson screeched, her voice hoarse, throat filled with rain and mud. Her own hand scrabbled trying to do the same as her body jerked and twisted, she had not expected this attack and the pain was unbearable. Weakly Margaret tried to keep her hand on her agonised foe's shoulder to keep her in place but it was her driving scratching fingers which were having the greatest effect. She knew she could not let go and pushed harder even as she found sharp fingers trying to prise her hand away.

Jayne was desperate, she had never felt such pain and it seemed Margaret's grip was like iron, as though her claws were riveted onto her womanhood. Oh if she had been less exhausted, if the mud and rain did not hamper her attacks, if Margaret had not been so tenacious she may have easily warded off this low blow but the circumstances and surprise of this most vicious strike hampered her. She could hear Margaret's words in her ears swimming with pain, bunged with filth, awash in rain, 'Come on bitch give up, give up,' and squeezed her tear filled eyes closed, trying to move, willing herself not to surrender, not to give in, to fight back and again half heartedly she tried to thrust at Margaret's womanhood, her cxnt, but with the disorientation and agony she could not find it.

'Give bitch, surrender!' Margaret snarled again but she could feel her frenzied energy passing, if she did not force a submission soon she would be good for nothing, the energy sapping from her limbs. She jerked another claw forwards into the muddy warm wet interior and Jayne again bucked, 'Giiiiiiiiiiveeeeeee!' it was now or never, her head was swimming she could feel consciousness leaving her and then as though from across a distant sea she heard the shriek, 'I give, I give, by God I give just let go you whore!' and it was as  though all the fight left her. With a final thrusting jerk she suddenly fell back landing with a wet slap in the morass looking up and letting the rain fall upon her face, gasping great lungfuls of air..she was the better woman!

Hoxham pulled his way round the barn, his heavy work boots squelching through the filth. The rain had stopped although droplets dripped from every eave or branch under the still glowering sky. He had left Lady Farningham's driver in the building surveying the torn clothes and the spatters of mud. He was sure the gentlemen was intent on collecting a few trophies for his own pleasure in more private moments, and who could blame him, he had certainly picked up his fair share in his time. Nonetheless he wondered where his lady had taken her affair of honour. All became clear as he drew close to the mill pond although he had to peer hard, so coated in mud were the two combatants they seemed as part of the earth about them. Hastily he whistled to his counterpart summoning him from whatever depravity he was imagining as he pulled his cloak off and moved to..well he could not work out who. both women were plastered in filth, both lying down semi conscious breathing, too weak to move. He had no idea how long they had been like that but it was clear from the water that had filled the holes generated by their thrashing fight that neither had moved for a while. He stared hard and had to make a decision based on the sound of heavy breaths. He moved over, kneeling as he pushed slick hair from a mud plastered forehead, satisfied at the minute specks of fiery redness he could make out. Glassy and clearly pained eyes tried to draw focus and a weak mud plastered move of the mouth uttered his name. Slowly he began to lift her up drawing his cloak about her. 'There's your lady there,' he pointed as Lady Margaret's driver drew closer, 'I think you need to see to her.'

'No,' sputtered the other lady, 'I am alright,' and she slowly began to move, pulling herself up, the driver standing back, not believing his eyes. Unsteadily she teetered and he scurried forwards uncertainly but Margaret raised both hands, 'I can walk' she coughed moving forwards on shaking legs drawing towards Hoxham and Lady Jayne who was weakly drawing herself upright from Hoxham. 'Your lady fought well, ' she panted, 'but she lost, there is nothing more to say except I am the better woman.' She stared hard at Jayne who stared back, 'You may have won but your blow was the lowest of the low..' Jayne had to stop speaking as wearily her opponent took up her sentence, 'Indeed so but as we both agreed, no holds were barred. maybe you will be better prepared in future,' she coughed.

'Oh I will be, I will be. We will meet again and rematch of that you can be sure Lady Margaret Farningham.'

'And be assured I wil be ready and waiting Lady Jayne Thompson, ready and waiting,' and with a final look and a half stagger she fell towards her driver who reached out to take her muddied form.
 'Take me home man, take me home'

'And so that's how it ended' Madame Annabelle Bernay leaned forwards to the crowd of women around her, the bright sunlight shining in through the broad windows of her salon. They gasped and chattered in a variety of languages as they responded to the account. Annabelle was grateful of Nanette her serving girl who had drunk in the details so deliciously following her chance meeting with the Lady Farningham's servant when last in London. These kinds of stories were ideal for her select and international group of friends, some of who were fighters themselves, all of whom thrived on society gossip. She fanned herself as she drunk up the tittle tattle and chitter chatter but was unaware that one of her number had moved away out to the garden, she did not notice her move over to where the servants gathered and did not register her calling her maid. Yet she would have delighted in all these things but most in the words that followed, 'Edith, I would like you to arrange a letter to be sent to Lady Margaret Farningham inviting her here to Paris. Tell her the Lady Analise Bismark would simply ADORE the pleasure of her company....'

To be continued.



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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 09:12:24 PM »
Marlowe ,  This is a excelllent story that you have written.   I do hope that you will write more stories about Victorian catfights.  Thank you for posting these stories.



Offline wrstx2

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2008, 08:45:43 PM »
wow that was good!
Love mature women (50+) in intense action, even matched, grudge between them. My pics tend to show what I like. No extreme violence, death or humiliation - that's just not me.


the game

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2008, 11:11:19 PM »
that was great.....I really like your focus on details...and you're a great writer......would you be willing to write one of my fights?


Offline themule89

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 04:05:47 PM »
Amazing story, love the substance as well as the atmosphere.
I checked the dates, I know it has been sometime now, but can we still expect a third part?


Offline JackCatFan

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 01:58:16 AM »
I think many of us would welcome another chapter in this series. Despite the lapse in time, it's still an outstanding story and well worth concluding the trilogy.

Will Marlowe deliver for his fans?  :)


Offline LarryZonker

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 08:52:28 PM »
 :o :o :o :o

THIS is by far the BEST catfight story that I have ever read!

The attention to detail....the storyline....the sheer 'hotness' of it....PERFECT!

I do have one question though......where can I find Victorian Catfight I?  :(


Offline gmenn

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Re: Victorian Catfight II
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2010, 08:58:23 AM »
:o :o :o :o

THIS is by far the BEST catfight story that I have ever read!

The attention to detail....the storyline....the sheer 'hotness' of it....PERFECT!

I do have one question though......where can I find Victorian Catfight I?  :(

Click on the name marlowe so you go to his profile, then click on
the link to his last posts. Done. ;)