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« on: June 25, 2023, 01:35:17 AM »
      For those who read THE SETUP PART 3   Thanks to Nutmeg a link to  Parts 1&2 have been moved to intro. Also a missing paragraph in the story has ben added after 6/20/23.                                                                                                                           
                  Kara  5-6  130lbs  36D sholder length brown hair    Amy 5-4  125lbs 35D blach  hair 6' past sholder.                          About midweek after Kaea & Amys fight Doug called Carl. He wanted to thank them both but especialy Amy for getting Kara rilled up enough to fight. Carl answers the phone & doud said " This is Doug how are you and Amy?" Carl said " I am good and Amy is getting back to norma[, and is anxiously waiting on Karas call." Doug said " It will probably be awile, she is just now starting light workouts, and her bruises are about gone." He told Carl that Kara really wants a piece of Amy and is looking forward to their next fight. Carl was excited to hear this and was sure Amy would be too. Carl told Doug he would let Amy know to expect a call from Kara soon. Doug thanked Carl again told him to let Amy know hoe grateful he was that she was successeful in challenging Kara to fight. Carl told Doug that when Kara calls to set up the rematch they have a large area in their basement where Amy has had all her matches. It has a nice well padded carpet and they have a firsrt rate video system. Doud said it was a shame they did not get the fight on proper video, what they got on their phones did not do it justice. Doug was glad to hear they had a proper place for the next fight. He knew Kara would be home soon so Doug thanked Carl again an said " goodnight"  About 2 weeks later Kara asked Doug for Amys number. Doug was excited as he knew the rematch would be soon. Kara called and Carl answered, Kara said " Hello this is Kara is Amy available?" Carl said "Yes" and got Amy to the phone.Carl told her it was Kaea.  Amy said " Hello Kara, how are you?" Kara said :" I am fine, I just wanted to call and set up our rematch." Amy said " Great, how soon do you want to get your ass whipped again?" Kara laughed and said " Would 3 weeks from Saturday work for you?" Amy said " Yes it would, Amy then told Kara that they have a great place for their next fight and asked what time?"  Kara said " Early afternoon would be best for us." Amy said " Can you be here at about 2PM." Kara "Sure, give me the address and we will be there." Amy said "  Do you want to change any of the rules?" Kara said ":No I am OK with what we had." Amy then asked about attire. She suggested they wear bikinis.
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« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2023, 02:54:52 AM »
     Amy then suggested they start topless, She said " I do not want to ruin one of your bras." This comment pushed Karas buttons. Amy said " We might as well start topless since we know we will be that way soon." Kara thought about it and agreed, topless it is.  Kara told Amy she was looking forward to getting her revenge and would see her a in about 3 weeks. Amy said " She was looking forward to kicking her ass again and would see her then." She gave Kara the address and said " See you then" Kara told Doug she had just talked to Amy, his heart beat rose, and said " They are to go to their place in 3 weeks." It was going to be along 3 weeks but he knew the rematch was on. She told him the details, that it would be at their place and with the same rules. The women decided not to tell the men it would be topless. Now it was certain, Doug knew Kara would fight again and his catfighting fantaseis had become real. His beautiful wife was now willing to arrange catfights, let the adventure begin. Kara asked Doug to go through his CF collection and get out the ones he thought were the toughest. She wanted to watch them to not only get ideas on what she might try but ways to get out of holds. She felt she would have a better chance to beat Amy. She was also working hard at her workouts. She asked Doug to wrestle with her to help with moves and to work against a heavier opponent. Kara felt this would help muscle tone and things to try. She really wanted to work on her sissors and poor Doug had to suffer that, but he did not mind because he knew the return was going to be great. Doug noticed Kara seemed to really be getting into this.
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« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2023, 10:56:34 PM »
    one evening he asked Kara what made her accept Amys challenge? Kara said "Alot of things, first she just pissed me off. I thought she was arroggant and I was a little turned on by the oil wrestling. Her comment about putting on a show for the guys hit home as I knew how much you love women wrestling, but I knew if we did anything it would be more then that. When she said I was to much of a coward to accept her challenge to Carl, that was the final straw. That is when I made up my mind to accept her challenge and find out if she was for real" Doug told Kara he was pleasently supprised she accepted and did not seem overly nervous. Kara said " I think I was excited and nervous, and not sure if I wanted them to show or not.When I heard the knock on the door I realized she was for real and something was going to happen real soon." Doug asked "Why didn t you just wrestle in your tops and jeans?" Kara said "It was beyond that. It was at a point that it was going to go past wrestling very fast and I did not want my new blouse destroyed. As it was I almost had my new bra destroyed. I paid to much to have either ruined. I am sure you and Carl didn t mind.' Amy was spending her time pretty much as normal. She worked out the same as normal and didnot  give the upcoming fight much thought. She had beaten Kara even though it was had fought, she is confident in her abilities and has no reason not to be .After all she has defeated all her opponents. She knew Carl was really excited about the rematch and was a little disapointed when Amy did not seem interested in talking about it. Like Doug , Carl hoped it would be as good as their first fight. He had the video cameras ready and wanted to be sure to get every detail of the fight. The videos of Amys 2 wrestling and 2 previous catfights were great. A video of her fight with Kara would have been great. What he got on his phone was good but no where near what they could get at the house. Carl had purchased first rate equipment and nice tripods. He was going to use a third camera hinself. He wanted to cover all the action. He told Doug to bring a camera ir he wanted.
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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2023, 12:11:15 AM »
    The day of the rematch was rapidly approaching .It could not come soon enough,for Carl and Doug  For Kara and Amy a little bit of nervous excitement was growing. This time they both had a good idea of what to expect. Kara now had an idea of what to expect but somewhat of a plan. Amy just knew she was going to give her all as aiways and felt she is the better woman and will prevail. Kara and Amy both were trying to think of the others strengths and weaknesses. All things considered they are very even. They both have stomina and a strong desire to win. They don t  hate each other but they were not going to be friend either. It is now the day of the bid event. Kara was going through her morning routine as usual. Doug was full of anxious anticipation, Kara could not help but notice and smiled at Doug and said " You are really going to enjoy this aren t  you?"  He said " I sure am"  Kara was waring jean shorts & a light blue pullover top with flip flops. Amy and Carl were doing their normal routine as well. Carl went to the basement to make sure all the video equipment was ready. The morning passed, Amy felt confident and was looking forward to 6 in a row. Just before 2PM the door bell rang, and Carl went to the door, as Amy waited in the family room. Doug and Kara said "HI"  and came in. Carl told Kara to just set her bag down and she could get it later. They went to the family room and sat down. Kara told Amy that she has a nice house. Amy thanked her and they exchanged small talk as to were they work etc. Carl got everyone something to drink. Amy was wearing a tight white T shirt  & jean shorts no shoes. Amy asked Kara how the past few weeks had been? Kara said " Great I have been looking forward to this."  With that Amy said" Why don t we show you the basement. They  all got up and Doug and Kara followed  Carl and Amy  downstairs. They were very impressed to see the nice soft carpet in a very well light room. It had a couch and a few chairs and a couple of end tables. They were impressed with the video eqipment.. Kara asked why so many cameras? Carl said " They wanted to get all the action, and did not want to miss anything because of a bad camera angle. That is why he will be using a 3rd camera himself."  He asked Doug if he had brought a camera?  Doug said " Sure did"
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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2023, 01:33:00 AM »
    Amy looked at Kara and said why don t  we get ready, I will show you to your room. The women went upstairs to prepare, Doug went to the car to get the recorder. He went back downstairs and checked out the camera. After a few minutes Carl turned on the cameras on the tripods. He asked Doug if he was as excited as he was?  Doug said "Yes" If its anything like the last time I am not sure my heart can take it. Doug had been looking over the room and was thinking to himself what would it take to redo their basement like this. He asked Carl was it very expensive for the carpet and padding? Carl said " Not really, we found the carpet on sale and got a good deal on padding and installation. It has paid for itself many times over in the enjoyment he and Amy have gotten out of it." Doug said " I bet it has."  He asked Carl if all of Amys fights had been here? Carl said  " Yes, except the last one and she has won them all. None were as good as the one with Kara, This afternoon should be good."  Doug agreed and said " He has been excited ever since Kara made the call because he knew  then that it was going to happen."  He told  Carl he was  certain Kara was upset at loosing. Carl said  Amy was her normal self and happy to have won and glad Kara was upset with loosing because she would fight Amy hard trying not to loose making another win that much better. Doug said " I would not bet on this fight, I think it is to even." Carl agreed, he said  " Amy is more experienced but he felt Kara was probablly more determined."  He felt this is gong to be great and I am glad we are going to get a proper video this time. Doug and Carl had areed to exchange recordings and not to put them on the internet. Amy and Kara had agreed to stretch and do their warmups before they go downstairs. That way when they entered they would be ready. Amy knocked on Karas doorand asked if she was ready? Kara opened the door and looked at Amy and steped out. Amy sais "After you.:"  They headed downstairs and wet to the center of the room. Kara was wearing a maroon satin robe that came to about mid thigh and tied in the middle. Amy had on a white robe that comes to about her knees aiso tied in the middle. Both women stood side by side smiling and possing. They both went over and kiss their husbands  and go back to the center of the room. They are now focused on each other.
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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2023, 10:22:30 PM »
       They sort of stared at each other for about 30 seconds then Kara untied her robe followed immeadiatly by Amy and removed their robes. Their husbands could not beleive their eyes to see both women topless. Kara in a white bikini bottom and Amy in yellow. Both women tossed their robes over to their husbands. Now it was time for the action to start. Kara and Amy slowly circled the room and had slapped each other a couple of times. Then Amy struck like lightning, grabbed Kara in a headlock and onto the floor in an instant. She had Kara on her back and she had her right arm around Karas neck laying out to Karas left side. Kara tried pulling at her arms but she had her hands gripped together and was not letting up. Kara was also trying to kick out of this. She was able to roll to her left and grabbed Amys hair and gave it a hard yank. She then went for Amys left tit and gave it a squeeze. She could feel Amy letting up a little on her hold  and gave a big push and was able to get free, and jumped on Amy immeadiatly. She tried to get Amy in a school girl pin but  Amy was bucking to much so Kara sort of moved her sitting position more toward Amys stomach and decided to grab  both of Amys tits. Amy did the same and just smiled at Kara  as they both squeezed and mauled the others breasts. This went on for about 15-20 seconds. Kara let go of Amys left tit and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled causing  Amys head to rise from the floor. Amy was relentless on Karas tits, but let up and went for the hair with both hands pulling Karas head  down toward her. Kara let up on Amys riight tit and grabbed hair. Amy was able to use her legs to rock Kara and with this motion and pulling her hair to Amys right cause  Kara to fall to her left.  Now they were on their sides but Kara had gotten a sissor hold on Amy as she was falling and had grabbed Amys hair again. Amy had not let go of Karas hair. Kara let go of Amys hair with her right hand and slapped Amy a couple of times. Amy was shocked at how aggresive Kara is and seemed to be behind in what she was doing. Amy slapped back at Kara then with her right hand grabbed her left  tit to try to get any advantage she could.. This went on for awhile then Kara grabbed Amys left tit and it seemed we have a stalemate.
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« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2023, 11:23:26 PM »
   Kara went back to Amys hair and turned her head into the carpet at the same time squeezing with her legs as hard as she could. Kars still had a grip on Amys tit as she was intent on causing Amy to submit. After about another 30-40 seconds of this Amy did submit and Kara was exuberant. She stood up and went to her chair with a big grin on her face. Amy got up, went to her chair pissed. Both men took damp wash cloths  to rub down their wives then towel them off after giving them a cold drink of water.  They were both thinking this is really good and it is just getting started. These two are equally matched, they got lucky getting them together.  Doug was thinking it had been a long time getting Kara to fight but man was it worth it. She is really into it and seemed to like this alot. Doug hoped she would want to fight other women and not just have a grudge against Amy. Kara looked over at Amy who was looking back and smiled. Amy glared at Kara and stood up and went to the center of the room. Kara sat there for afew seconds just to let  Amy know who was in control. She then stood up and went to face Amy. Kara  knew not to be to confident because Amy was more then capable of getting her in a bind. Kara and Amy circled the room slowly then Amy tackled Kara taking her to the floor and sat on her chest. She grabbed two handfuls of hair and scooted up to sort of put  Kara in a pussy smoother, but Kara got her legs around Amy  and pulled her backwards off her. She used  this momentum to try to get on top of Amy but rolled to their sides and they both went for a handful of hair rolling back and forth trying to get on top. Finally Kara got Amy under her and went for a breast smoother while holding Amys arms above her head. She asked Amy if she gives, she got a muffeled " HELL NO!"  Kara had made the mistake of leaving Amys legs free and she bridged to cause Kara to slip and Amy got her arms free and pushed Kara off to Amys left side. This allowed Amy to jump on Kara and put her in a grapevine.. How quickly the tide had turned. Kara having been in this prdicament before was still unsure of what to do. She tried to wriggle and to get her hands and legs free buy to no avail. After a short time  of this she decided it was useless and submitted.
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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2023, 02:11:46 AM »
    Now it was Amys turn to be smiling as she got off Kara and went to her chair. Kara just got up and went to her chair. Kara was mad at herself, she felt she had let Amy take advantage of a situation she should not have allowed herself to be in. Amy is very good and very fast. Kara needs to try to out think her and try to stay a step ahead, if she can. With Amys experience this may be difficult. Doug was giving Kara words of encuragement but she was not listening, she was focused. Kara and Amy were not going to be friends but they did not hate each other either. They are competitors who want to prove they are the better woman for themselfs and before their husbands. They both enjoy the physical contact and empowerment over their opponents. The enjoyment of their husbands is secondary. Kara stood up and went to the center of the room. It was Amy this time who waited a few seconds to let Kara know who was in control now. Amy slowly walked out to meet Kara and then instantly rushed her taking a surprised Kara to the carpet. As they both jockeyed for position it was Amy who got on top and sat on Karas chest and had her arms pined out over her head. Amy leaned forward to avoid Karas getting her leg wrapped around her. Kara was able to buck Amy off and tried for a cross body pin but Amy used Karas momentum to push her off over her head. They both got to their knees and went for headlocks and hair. Kara was more successful and had Amy in a headlock and Amy had Kara by the hair. They were lying on the floor, Amy sort of on her left side Karas right arm around Amys neck & gripping it with her left. We are at a stand off for a couple of minutes. Amy is able to use her right hand and grab Karas left breast and squeezes.
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« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2023, 03:02:42 AM »
   Kara grimaces but does not let up on Amy. Amy pulls at Karas hair and Kara clamps down more on Amy.  Amy now lets go of Karas breast and grabs her pussy, Karas legs snap together but Amy tries working her as best she can. Kara tells Amy she will pay for that. Amy expects retaliation but plans to finish Kara before she can do much. Amy is disappointed this attack is not working as well as she had hoped. She goes back to Karas breast. Amy knew the pain had to be working on Kara and felt she actually had the advantage, She felt in a minute or two she would be able to break free. She was right. She pulled Karas arms enough to get free and rolled away. They both get to their knees again look at each other and stand up. Kara wasted no time and tackled Amy to the floor. she tried to put Amy in a grapevine but Amy was to fast and was moving her legs to keep them away from Karas. Kara decided to move up a little on Amy to try a breast smoother. Amy did not like Karas tits in her face and was cursing her. Kara now went for a face sit and had her pussy in Amys face now, this really pissed off Amy. She started thrashing about trying to unseat Kara. She finally got her legs up and got Kara off balance enough to roll her off. Both women reacted quickly as Amy grabbed  Kara and got her in a position with Karas back across Amys chest. Amy took her right hand and slid in under Karas panties and was pleased to find Kara has a nice bush. She grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Kara let out a yelp. Amy continued to pull pussy hair hoping this would get Kara to submit  Kara had a look of pain on her face, but was determined not to give. Amy then went for Karas left tit And squeezed it with no sign of submission from Kara
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« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2023, 04:02:06 AM »
   Kara was really pissed now and was able to wiggle and get off of Amy and turned quickly to get on Amy as she slapped Amys face twice. She then mauled  Amys tits and even though Amy grabbed her tits Kara was relentless in her attack, she has Amy in tears as Amy yells "STOP!  STOP!"  Kara got up leaving Amy on the floor Kara gave Amy a long glare as she went to her chair. Carl went over to Amy to help her up. Not a word was said but everyone knew this was winding down. Kara knew she needed to press hard because she figured she had Amy on the ropes. Now was the timeto finish her off but be careful not to let her guard down as Amy could come back strong and turn the tide. Amy is pissed at herself, she feels she has let Kara get the best of her but is unsure of what to do next. Her tactics that had worn down other opponents were not working on Kara. She knows she has caused Kara alot of pain, but she has taken it alot better then the others. She has also been able to dish it out better as well. Amy does not want to admit it but Kara could win. After a few minutes rest  a nice drink of water for both. Kara gets up and goes to the center of the room, Amy follows. No sooner then Amy gets there and Kara is all over her. She grabs her and spins her around so Kara can put her in a full nelson. Amy is shocked at how quickly Kara subdued her. Amy tries squirming but to no avail. Kara releases the full nelson and keeps her right arm holding Amy in a half nelson and grabs Amys right tit. She onlly holds on for a moment then slides her hand down Amys front and into her panties and grabs a handful of pussy hair. She gives it a hard yank Amy lets out e yell! Kara wispers into Amys ear  "How do you like that bitch?" Amy is really wiggling now and is moaning in pain. Kara is not letting up and pulling to the point Amy is on her tip toes trying to relieve the pain. Kara seems to be enjoying the payback. As they stagger about the room, Kara now goes back to Amys right breast and squeezes and mauls it. Kara can tell Amy  is about done, and releases the half nelson. She grabs Amys hair and sort of gives her a hip toss to the floor. Kara jumps on Amy sitting on her stomach and grabs both of her tits, as Amy grabs Karas they both squeeze but Kara can tell the strength is gone from Amy. Kara grabs Amys arms and forces them to the floor, bending over Amy with her breasts just above Amys face. Kara asks her if she has had enough?  Amy says  "NO"  Kara waits  a few seconds and says "Are you sure?" Amy says "Yes I am sure" Kara asks again " Had enuogh?" Amy says "YES" 
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« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2023, 04:39:57 AM »
      Kara is worn out but estatic over her win. Amy is disappointed in her first loss. Doug is really happy for Kara and goes over and gives her a big hug and kiss. Carl goes to console Amy. In the weeks that followed Kara got in touch with Amy to get contact info  for the women she had fought in hopes of getting more opponents. Amy was happy to help out. These two women were never going to be friends but they do respect each other. Will Kara find more opponents, will her and Amy fight again, only time will tell.
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« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2023, 02:11:51 PM »
Great story and build up and fight both didn’t want to lose and both will meet again.