Hey Guys ;
I've been having download problems with FD since yesterday . I saw there was a thread here from 2019 but decided to start another and ask if you guys have ever run into this and the fix.
It started when I tried to re-download a movie I bought awhile back. It didn't download , just stopped as soon as I clicked 'download'.
I figured it might be a limit on how many times you can re-download clips but checking with FD support they said there was no limit. So to test it I bought a one denar clip just to see if I could download a new one and that did the same thing .... immediately stopped as soon as I clicked 'direct link' to download.
When I click download I don't see the progress bar progressing as usual in the upper right corner. When I check in the downloads folder it just say 'stopped'.
Wondering if you guys have had this problem and what did you do to fix it.
Trouble with having this problem with our interest is who to go to for help ? How do you have your Mac or PC serviced because you can not download clips from a female fighting site
Any help / ideas is appreciated !