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An Oldie but a Goodie: Linda Vaughn Ms Hurst or Pam Hardy Jungle Pam

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Offline JT Edson

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It's the 60's, the height of Drag Racing and Linda Vaughn is at the track and starts flirting with Jungle Jim. Jungle Pam catches sight of this and the fur flies at the pit stop. Who wins in a down and dirty, catfight between these two sexy ladies' in their prime?

I happen to be talking to some old drag racing fans recently and they brought these two up.  It got me to thinking and doing a little goggle search.

I got to say, this is one I'd pay good money to see. Phew! I bet it would be one to remember.

Please vote and comment if you feel like it.
Blonde on the right is Linda Vaughn. The brunette on the left is Jungle Pam Hardy.
