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Offline MikeHales67

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« on: August 13, 2023, 08:22:37 PM »
A series of stories I've started nwriting with a character I created. Let me know wht you thinik. If my use of British English slang confuses yoyu, just let mje know.

Sally 01 : Jackie at some party.

Sally was getting bored at the party. It was all Josh's hockey mates along with a few of their girlfriends. Strangely enough, there was little interest in talking to a second-year Physics student. She'd tried to look glamorous; she was wearing tight denim shorts and a black bikini top, which showed off her nice perky breasts, but no takers, maybe it was the glasses, or maybe she just oozed "Nerd" from every pore of her body. She didn't, but it wasn't how she felt.

Earlier, one girl had come over to her asking what she did. She told her.

"You must be very clever; I couldn't understand it at school." She giggled, and very quickly she found some proper friends.

Sally stared at her drink.

"Want to hear about Simple-Harmonic Motion?" she asked her drink. It did not reply.

She looked over at Josh, her boyfriend who was having some animated conversation with his best friend Carl. Meanwhile, Carl's girlfriend Jackie didn't look bored, she was posing. She was the captain of the university football team and seemed pleased to be showing off her body. Arm-wrestling some girl and it looked like she was winning.

The boys suddenly seemed to be glancing at her a lot or maybe she was just paranoid.

Then Josh walked over to Sally, he looked guilty as hell.

"Carl has just bet me fifty quid that Jackie would have you in a fight".

He pointed over to Jackie who was talking to Carl, probably having the same conversation. She was blonde, while Sally was a brunette, Jackie's hair was slightly longer than the shoulder-length hair Sally had. They looked about the same size, Jackie wore a pair of skin-tight jeans and a football shirt in her team colours, white, with what looked like, judging by the way her nipples poked out, nothing underneath. Jackie looked annoyed as well, so yes it was the same conversation.

"You want us to fight?". Sally asked incredulously. She had only been going out with this guy for a couple of weeks. He seemed nice, but where the fuck did this come from?

"Well Carl said Jackie could take you easy. I said you could beat her to a pulp with one hand tied behind your back".

"You said what? No, I'm not going to fight a girl I don't even know in front of you and your friends".

"But honey..."

"No fucking way!"

Deflated Josh went over to Carl and Jackie and explained the situation.

Sally watched her as she grinned broadly shouting "Yes" and started jumping up and down.

"Ha! The little Nerds chickened out! Once again Jackie Dawson is the champion of the world. Just as well, I would have slapped the little Nerd silly".

Encouraged by the cheering boys surrounding her, Jackie continued describing how she would have beaten the four-eyed wimp, oblivious to the increasingly pissed-off girl walking dead towards her. Sally was starting to get pissed off at the stupid cow, she could have just taken the win, but no, she decided to wind her up by making out that her decision not to scrap in front of a baying audience was cowardice on her part.

Sally stood in front of Jackie with her hands on her hips.

"Ahem! I'm here you know".

Jackie stopped what she was saying. She looked at Sally, sheepishly, like a little girl caught bang to rights with her hands in a cookie jar.

"Something you'd like to say to my face?". Sally asked.

Jackie was looking around uncertain now. Her relief at Sally's refusal to fight and two glasses of wine had made her write cheques with her mouth and now the bill was due. The little shit wasn't giving up she was getting right in her face. She would either have to row back what she'd said in front of all these people, or fight. Her mouth opened and closed wordlessly uncertain of what to say.

She studied the other girl, her potential opponent. Same height sure, but she was fitter, she was the football team Captain, and this girl was just a bookworm.

The thought came unbidden into her head "I could have her, she's just a little nerd".

"Just saying", Jackie said defensively.

"Look, just because I decided not to fight you, doesn't mean I'm a coward. I appreciate it if you didn't slag me off like that."

"Make me". Jackie blurted out. Some of the lads had started chanting "Fight".

"I fucking will if you don't shut it". Sally said, hoping it sounded threatening.

Both girls were frightened, it felt like they were heading towards a collision they couldn't stop. They had managed to escalate things so they would have to do the one thing which they had just refused to do. But there didn't seem a way out.

"I wouldn't want to hit a girl wearing glasses". Jackie said. Was she making an excuse?

Not willing to let her off, Sally deliberately removed her glasses and handed them to a stunned boyfriend.

 "Try me" Sally challenged. Was that her that just said that?

 "You'll be sorry little girl". Jackie tried for the threatening voice.

"Okay loudmouth. You and me now!". Sally's voice seemed to come from somewhere else. Did she just say that? Then she realised she'd done it. Challenged someone to a fight. There was no coming back now. She was going to have to fight this girl. Her body trembled.

Faking confidence, Sally strode out into the garden. Carl ran out and made everyone clear a circle for the upcoming battle. Sally stood in the centre of the circle, removing her sandals and throwing them at Josh. She waited, hoping she had intimidated her opponent and she would chicken out.

Jackie followed her out. They faced each other across the garden. Sally could feel her body trembling and was happy to see that so was Jackie's. The anger fading now and the reality of what she was about to do hit her full force; she had never fought her life and now she was about to try to beat the crap out of someone she had never met before, possibly someone she could have been friends with. In front of an audience! Oh God, what if I lose in front of all of these people? They walked slowly towards each other. Both girls were unsure about what to do. In fact, both girls wanted to be anywhere but here now.

Carl shouted out "No rules, fight to the finish!"

"What the Fuck? Easy for you to say you're not the one fighting." Thought Sally. She looked at Jackie and she could see her emotions mirrored as she bit her bottom lip.

They strode aggressively towards each other and started pushing each other with two-handed pushes.



Each girl would be pushed back a step or two before striding forwards and returning the shove. They were making themselves increasingly angrier and angrier. But the anger was going to have to boil over at some point.

Sally was the first to lose it, swinging hard, Sally fired a thunderous slap at Jackie's face that rang out like a pistol shot.

Jackie's mouth opened in shock and anger.


 Jackie swung a slap in return, Sally ducked, it went sailing harmlessly over her head.

Sally rose, she was smirking.

"Fucking missed by a mile, slag!"

They both raised their fists. Both were relieved to see that neither was an expert fistfighter. Sally also noticed that her opponent had short nails, probably 'cos she was the sporty type, they matched her short nails, too much time behind a keyboard made them impractical.

Sally parried a feint from Jackie, her right arm raising Jackie's left up above her head. Seeing her chance Jackie swung at Sally's breasts, knocking the left one out of the cup of the bikini, baring it to the crowd who gave a whoop. Sally's face turned red as a couple of the boys yelled "Nice tits". Not only did it hurt like hell, but it was embarrassing.

"Sorry my mistake" Jackie smiled mockingly, Sally noted she was still wearing her football shirt, she'd fix that she thought as she felt the cool air on her breast.

"I'll make you fucking sorry".

Bending her head down. Sally drove herself into Jackie's stomach. The air burst from Jackie's lungs as Sally's charge bowled her over onto her back. Anxious not to give her a break Sally scrambled on top of Jackie sitting on top of her, grabbing her hair and started eagerly banging her head repeatedly into the soft ground.

As Jackie swung a punch into the side of her face, Sally realised her mistake; not only was the ground soft but she hadn't pinned Jackie's arms. She gasped "Shit!" as she fell off Jackie onto her side.

Jackie grinned evilly as she rolled and mounted Sally, this time she had her knees over Sally's arms, and she was going to enjoy this. She slapped Sally's head hard with a forehand slap, then swung a backhand at the other cheek, rocking her head the other way. She continued her volley of slaps sending Sally's head from side to side, her face glowing red.

"You fucking piece of shit. I'm going to fuck you up so bad!" Jackie shouted at Sally. Each word was punctuated with a slap, she was bouncing up and down on her trapped opponent trying to drive the air out of her lungs.

Sally was desperate, on the verge of giving up, only the determination not to be beaten by this blonde strumpet kept her going. Suddenly when Jackie had lifted off her body preparing for another bounce. Sally screamed out a war cry and sat up, the top of her head crashed into Jackie's forehead.

Jackie screamed, clutching at her face.

Sally pushed Jackie onto her back and scrambled to get up.

The crowd gasped at the turnaround they had just seen; these girls were really going at it. To Sally there was a sense of unreality about this, she had never had a fight, never dreamed of doing anything like this but here she was, and she was kicking arse!

Standing, Sally grabbed Jackie's hair and started pulling her up into a volley of punches aimed at Jackie's head. Jackie's hands were still around her head so most of the punches were blocked. She pulled hard at Sally's hair jerking Sally's head to the side. Both girls' heads felt like it was on fire. They were trying to unbalance the other, spinning around in circles, their legs kicking each other, trying for a trip.

Then Sally stepped back still holding Jackie's hair. Jackie bent slightly.  Seeing her opportunity, with one hand Sally grabbed at the back of Jackie's shirt, pulling it over her head, baring her breasts and trapping her arms and blinding her.

Jackie cried out, then Sally raised her knee into Jackie's face, Jackie yelped, and Sally did it again. She hissed with satisfaction as she saw the red stain from Jackie's nose spreading over her nice white shirt.

She started punching at Jackie's body as Jackie desperately tried to escape the shirt, punching uppercuts into Jackie's breasts and belly. Jackie was just blindly flailing at Sally, who just moved away from the clutching hands.

It was a desperate race; Sally was trying to get in as many punches and as much hurt as possible and pulverise the bitch. While Jackie was struggling to get free of her shirt, desperate to start fighting back.

Jackie finally pulled the shirt off and threw it to the audience. She touched her bleeding nose.

Sally looked at Jackie, a mock pitying look on her face.

"You really should wear a bra, y'know. They're going to be hanging around your ankles soon." She snorted.

 Jackie growled back, "Still not sorry...bitch, but you're gonna be."

Sally pulled off what was left of her bikini and threw it to the whooping crowd. She was now just wearing her shorts.

"This is what normal tits look like".

Sally cupped her breasts mockingly. Her earlier reluctance and shyness had gone. She was ready to fight, and she would win. Sally was not a violent person, but it seemed like a fever had gripped her mind she was enjoying the violence, the savagery. The universe had shrunk down to just the two of them and the only thought on her mind was the total destruction of the bitch in front of her and she liked it.

She crouched, her arms out gesturing with her fingers.

 "Come and get it, sweetie".

Jackie lunged forwards; this little piece of shit was harder to put down than she had earlier thought; but she was just going to have to try harder, it would make victory all that much sweeter. She grabbed Sally's hair, pulling hard. Using the hair pull to guide Sally's face into her fist. Jackie had returned the favour; Sally felt the blood coming from her nose.

Jackie moved towards Sally, and they collided with a wild flurry of lefts and rights that thudded deep into their bodies. Standing toe to toe they battered away with a wild rage, crying out and grunting with each blow. A low uppercut caught Sally on the chin, she staggered back a few steps before falling onto the ground.

The crowd cheered. Jackie held up her arms triumphantly.

Sally sobbed as she made it onto her feet and wasting no time, strode back into the battle. The topless girls battled in heated anger now, ploughing punches at each other with fire in their eyes and snarls on their faces. Their sweat-soaked bodies glistened as they moved in a circle in a determined fashion, slugging away at each other as tears began to flow.

They became locked in a close embrace; left arms locked around heads, and they fought with right punches to the body. The smack of fists smacking into sweaty flesh and a grunt from the recipient sounded. At times they were stopping the punches and simply wrestling on their feet, trying to trip each other to the ground while still holding on to each other tightly.

Jackie reached out grabbed Sally's left breast and twisted.

"You fucking dirty whore!" Sally wailed as she grabbed both of Jackie's nipples.

 "You fucking cow!" It was Jackie's turn to wail as Sally's nails dug into her nipples. Her fingers worked on the nipples like they were switchblades.

 "Suck on this" Jackie released Sally's breasts and punched hard into her right breast, the breast mushrooming out around the fist. Sally cried out, returning fire she swung her right fist into Jackie's left breast sending it out to the left. Quickly following with her left fist into Jackie's right breast sending it to the right. Cursing Jackie fired an uppercut into Sally's breast firing it upwards. The girls attacked each other's breasts without mercy going at them like they were speedbags.

"I'm gonna fuck you up so bad!". Jackie snarled.

"I'm sending you to intensive care whore!". Sally growled back.

Occasionally an extra hard punch would elicit a cry from the other who would respond with her own punch.

Both boyfriends were now looking on horrified as their girlfriends tore into each other. They had not intended this, and they were scared by the damage they were doing to each other.

The crowd was silent, transfixed by the spectacle; this was getting serious.

Josh called out "Let's call it a draw, girls before someone gets really hurt". He went over to Sally putting his hands on her shoulders as if to hold her back.

"Fucking No!" both girls called out.

"I'm gonna finish this fucking cow myself" Sally yelled out as she violently twisted away from Josh's grasp.

"You're fucking dead whore" Jackie yelled back. Both girls looked finished, naked from the waist up, bathed in sweat, they moved unsteadily towards each other. This was not going to end until one of them was lying defeated at the feet of the other and both girls were determined that they would be the winner.

Jackie kicked between Sally's legs; Sally blocked the kick. Sally kicked back at Jackie who blocked it as well. Legs entangled, grasping for each other, they fell to the ground locked together in a wrestling catfight. Then facing each other, Jackie's legs snapped around Sally's waist squeezing hard, Sally groaned. Jackie started cackling as Sally pawed at Jackie's legs, trying to release the scissor hold.

Propped up on her hands, Jackie's tear-stained face stared into Sally's.

"Little toe-rag, I'm going to squeeze you into oblivion. You're gonna be pleading for mercy".

A fresh contraction of her legs brought another groan from Sally. Then another.

This was the end now, Jackie was certain as each contraction of her legs was bringing Sally closer to surrender, a fresh wave of agony coursing through her body, Sally sobbed piteously.

"I'm captain of the soccer team, you stupid runt. I'm going to cut you in half!" Jackie proclaimed.

Sally tried clawing at the legs, but her nails were too short, and Jackie was wearing jeans. But she would not let the bitch finish her, out of options, Sally put her hands together with a cry of desperation, and she swung with all her remaining strength down hard into Jackie's belly. Crying out Jackie released the scissors like she was electrocuted.  Sally repeated the axe handle a second time and then swung her fists into the side of Jackie's head. Jackie fell to the ground gasping and sobbing.

Sally jumped up on top and held Jackie under her as she pulled her hair and punched her body.

"I've got you now, bitch". Sally cried.

Jackie was pulling hair and scrambling at her breasts, but Sally's punches were too much for her.

A faint "Stop!" came from under Sally. At first, it did not register, so Sally kept on punching.

Then a louder "Stop…please...I'm sorry".

Sally rolled off her opponent and stood up while Jackie rolled into a foetal position and wailed like a baby. But Sally wasn't finished.

"Don't" - Sally stomped on Jackie's arm. Her kicks lacked power; she was exhausted but still, she would make her point.

"You" - Sally kicked Jackie's belly.

 "Ever" - Kick to the tits.

"Fuck" - Another kick to the tits.

"With me" - Kick to the belly again.

"Again! " - Finishing kick to the face.

"Not so bloody tough now, are we?"

Sally was done, she had made her point. She stood posing with her foot on her sobbing opponent's back, her arms raised. The exultation from the crowd as they cheered her victory was intoxicating, everybody wanted to know about her, and they were chanting HER NAME. It was unbelievable.

Her panicked boyfriend ran towards her, she looked a sight; half-naked in just her shorts, her sweat-soaked body covered in bruises and scratches and so much pain, but God she felt alive!

As she looked into Josh's eyes she said, determinedly.

"You're going to spend every penny of that fifty-quid on me."
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 08:27:27 PM by MikeHales67 »
Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline MikeHales67

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Sally 02
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2023, 08:26:34 PM »
Sally 02 Tracy - Jackie’s Friend.
 "What happened to you?" Sam asked a concerned look on his face.

As Sam sat next to her in the lecture theatre, his mouth opened in shock.

 Sally smiled weakly "You ought to see the other girl".

"You fought?"

 "Yep, some blonde slag. I cleaned her clock". Sally smiled proudly.

"Was it over Josh?". He seemed the kind of knob that would do that kind of thing, Sam thought.

"No, but he instigated it, little creep. I told him to sling his hook".

"You're better off without him". He genuinely meant that. It always puzzled him how girls seemed to fall for the wrong guy. The tear-filled face “But he makes me so happy!” Or was it just because it was never him?

Sam was sweet, Sally thought as she left the lecture theatre. He tried to hide it, but she knew he was crazy about her, but after finishing with Josh, she was unsure, what if Sam turned out to be a tosser?

“Hey, Sally!” Sally turned around.

“It is Sally, isn’t it?” the girl asked.

”Yep, that’s me.”

It was Jessica, one of the Football team crowd. Sally had seen her around, never actually spoken to her. What did she want?

“We’re having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?”

“Yeah sure”

“Great I’ll DM you”


Wow, Sally thought. It must be her fame from the fight. She didn’t particularly have much in common with the Football team crowd, but it seemed churlish not to go since she’d been invited and let’s face it, she NEVER got invited. So, what the hell, she made an effort, she put on a nice new red chemise tucked into her usual Demin shorts, her nice black bikini having been wrecked in the scrap with Jackie, though it had been a bit slutty. We’re going for class this time, Sally thought.

It was as she’d dreaded as she walked into the party. The main party seemed to be in someone’s living room, the one last week had been outside but English summers, so everyone was inside today. The room was pretty empty with a thick padded carpet. No one she knew. Then she saw Sam, (didn’t know he knew this crowd?). He seemed surprised (shocked?) to see him, but he smiled, and they started talking. It was nice to see him at the party it would give her somebody to talk to.

She was just talking to Sam when a dark-haired girl started towards her, she smiled sexily at Sam as she walked past him. She was maybe an inch taller than her with bigger breasts, which she showed off with her plain blue shirt unbuttoned down to the navel, typical slut move Sally sniffed (was that jealousy she just felt?).

"Hey, you four-eyes!"

Fuck she was talking to her. Who was she?

"Are you the one who beat up my mate Jackie? " Okay, that explains it, Sally thought grimly.

Sally looked around like a deer caught in headlights. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. Shit, this girl was challenging her. The crowd of partygoers had all moved away to make a space for her and Tracy, seemed like they’d rehearsed it.

Sam had moved forwards to do something (what?), he opened his mouth “I think...” but two of the other partygoers stepped forwards putting their hands on his arms and pulling him back to the side of the room.

Tracy spoke; “We can either do it now, or later, but we will do it. Then after I finish you, I'll fuck your little boyfriend in front of you” She threw her arms around Sam’s neck and kissed him on the cheek, and he turned a bright shade of red.

The bitch was not allowing her a way out, was she? Sally’s mind tumbled through the options. But couldn’t think of any, Tracy stood between her and the door (deliberately?) the bitch wasn’t giving her anyway out. Her body started trembling. She beat that blonde Barbie maybe she couldn’t beat Miss Tits-out, but she would not go down without a fight.

“Okay here and now”. She said.

This was it; she had committed herself, she handed her glasses to a startled Sam. She was scared but also strangely excited, she could feel her nipples hardening.

The crowd moved out of the way, and all the conversation had stopped, suddenly there was just Sally and Tracy looking at each other like gunfighters in an old western. Silently they both removed their shoes, better to get a firm footing on the thick carpet, never taking their eyes off each other.  They were both barefoot, now, and silently they moved towards each other. Sally noticed that her opponent had short nails, good she thought, I would’ve expected a slag like her to have long nails.

Sam looked on helplessly. wasn't sure what to do. He had been mesmerized by Sally from the first time he saw her. She was so beautiful and smart. He'd heard about her fight with Jackie it was so hot. And that's why he'd gone to the party. He'd heard there was going to be a hot catfight. But he never dreamed it would involve Sally. It was hot, she was hot. He could feel his erection threatening to burst through his trousers. He realised they (If there was going to be a "they") would have to talk about it.

Tracy didn’t waste any time, she grabbed at Sally’s chemise roughly pulling Sally towards her, into a nasty back-handed slap.

Sally staggered. Regaining her footing she looked at her foe with steely determination and yelling what she hoped sounded like a war cry, charged headfirst into Tracy’s belly, bowling her over and taking her to the ground.

Jumping on top, this time Sally remembered to secure the arms and slapped instead of banging her head. With each smack of her hands, Tracy cried out, Sally could see her red handprints on her foe’s face. Two more slaps a forehand and a backhand, ha! She was painting the bitches’ face red; she was enjoying this. Her enjoyment was cut short as Tracy’s foot twisted around her neck and slammed her back into the ground.

Tracy started using the foot to kick Sally’s head under her chin. Determined to stop the kicking, Sally grabbed hold of the foot in both hands and bit down hard.

Tracy screamed; all thoughts of the attack were forgotten as she tried to pull her foot away before the bitch started drawing blood. But Sally was not letting it go, she wanted to make her suffer. In a bid to escape, Tracy started using her other foot to kick at Sally’s head, the head-kicking proving too much, Sally gave the foot one last parting twist and then rolled to get away.

As she jumped up, Sally theatrically wiped imaginary blood from her lips. She moved towards Tracy who was still on her back, stomping her hard in the stomach. Tracy jack-knifed. Sally raised her foot for another stomp, but Tracy wrapped her arms around the raised leg, unbalancing Sally. Sally tried to regain her balance but fell to the floor on her back. Propping herself up on her elbows she saw Tracy scrambling towards her.

Sally squealed as Tracy dived on her, she grabbed Sally’s hair in one hand and pulled her head back, Sally stared up at the ceiling. Keeping her head still Tracy slapped at Sally’s head. Trying to fight back Sally’s hands scrambled over Tracy’s body indiscriminately clutching, pinching, and grabbing at any body part they could find. Tracy’s shirt lost more buttons, and Sally’s chemise was showing ruin. The crowd cheered this was wild and it looked like it was anyone’s fight, and they got to see some flesh.

Pulling at Tracy’s shirt Sally managed to unseat her, they rolled on the carpet going for each other’s hair and clothes. Strands of hair were appearing on the carpet. Tracy twisted Sally’s nose. 

Their legs wildly kicked as they rolled across the floor until they hit the wall.

Tracy took advantage of having her back to the wall, windmilling her feet at Sally pushing Sally away from her. Sally rolled away, scrambling to her feet, turning to face her opponent, ready to face her next attack.

“Tits out? No change for you then”. Sally remarked on the dishevelled state of Tracy’s clothing.

“Well, at least I’ve got tits worth seeing. Little Miss Virgin.”

Sally’s face went red, Tracy had hit a nerve there. Screaming she charged, straight into a punch on her face, the red of her face now matched the red streaming from her nose.

Determined to capitalise on her success Tracy marched towards Sally ready to swing another punch, she swung but Sally, expecting the attack, mimicked something she’s seen on TV, catching the fist, she twisted it behind Tracy’s back, pushing her into the wall, slamming her head with her hands. Lumps were starting to form on Tracy’s forehead and her nose was starting to bleed.

“I’m going to enjoy fucking you up”. Sally crowed. She was doing better than anyone expected, maybe she was going to win after all.

Tracy stamped down hard with her feet. Yelping, Sally released her arms from Tracy’s head, Tracy grabbed Sally’s left arm and swung her straight into the wall. Powering punches into Sally’s back. Sally screamed out as the blows hit.

Tracy swung Sally into the wall, then grabbing her head she tried to bang Sally’s head into the wall, pushing against the wall with her leg Sally resisted. They stayed deadlocked, their bodies straining against each other.

“The only thing that’s gonna get fucked is you.” Tracy snarled back, stirring the pot, she added:

“For the first time in your miserable life.”

Angrily, Sally threw an elbow into Tracy’s stomach, backing her off.

Tracy stood there, beckoning with her hands.

“C’mon little virgin, you couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag.”

"Fuck, she's enjoying this," Sally thought, and then it dawned on her that yes, she too was enjoying this. This was a chance to be wild, to unload, releasing all her aggression. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the excitement. She could feel herself becoming something primal, savage. And yes instead of frightening her, she liked it.

With that Tracy strode into battle grabbing hair, Sally responded. Swinging each other around in a circle one hand embedded in hair, the other frantically punching at bodies, knees attacking. They careered around the circle the crowd had cleared for the fighters as they manically attacked each other. Tracy drove Sally back into the wall, cutting off her retreat, and firing punches into Sally’s body. Sally tried to cover up, but too many punches were getting through. Propping one leg against the wall, she pushed against Tracy. They crashed to the floor; Tracy giving thanks for the cushioned carpeting. Still holding Sally’s hair, Sally followed her.

Sally clambered on top, pulling Tracy’s hair and her head into Sally’s forehand and backhand slaps. Tracy tried lifting her knee into Sally’s back it failed. Sally started slapping Tracy’s bare breasts, an obvious target. Getting one of her arms free, she grabbed Sally’s left breast with a savage grip, Sally screamed, using the breast as a handhold, and she used the hold to pull Sally off her onto her side. Tracy scrambled to get up, to get an advantage, but Sally kicked out with her legs tripping her. They both scrambled to their feet at the same time.

As she got up Sally looked up at Sam, he looked concerned but there was an unmistakable bulge in his trousers, he gestured for her to fight. The crowd were just cheering they didn’t seem to have any favourites, they just wanted to see violence.

Tracy punched out at Sally’s face, but Sally blocked the punch and taking advantage of the opening, Sally fired a punch at Tracy’s bare left breast, and the flesh mushroomed out around Sally’s fist. Tracy yelped; “Bitch”.

Massaging her battered breast, she smiled

"Oh, so let’s play with tits. I think I’m going to enjoy this."

Pulling Sally's chemise, she opened it up down the centre, taking the bra straps down with them, trapping Sally’s arms. Shit, her breasts were bare again, and an appreciative cheer went out through the audience. Yep, everybody saw them last time as well, but now Sam hadn’t even kissed her (yet?) and now he was seeing her bare breasts. Shit!

Tracy reached in and grabbed Sally’s nipples giving a good twist while stretching them out to her sides. Sally moaned, clutching at Tracy’s hands desperately trying to relieve the agony.

Tracy hissed in satisfaction as her torture was decimating Sally, she was weakening fast a few more tweaks and she would be on her knees where she belonged.

“Aargh!” Tracy screamed as Sally gave up trying to remove Tracy’s hand and went for the bigger more vulnerable target, Tracy’s nipples, pulling them down to Tracy’s knees with a savage jerk, Tracy screamed.

"Guess I can fight, eh?" Sally growled at Tracy, glad she had wiped the grin off the slag's face. They were staring at each other, re-faced snarls on their faces as they engaged in this savage duel. They were muttering undecipherable curses at each other as this war of attrition continued, the audience held their breath.

“Give up” Tracy demanded with a twist of Sally’s nipples.

“Make me”. Sally demanded back giving a harsh twist of Tracy’s nipples back.

“You’re nothing but a big bully with big tits.” Jerkily Sally scratched at the nipples with her nails.

Tracy didn’t care about her friend anymore, all she wanted was to put the remarkably tenacious brat down. Sally felt the same way about Tracy. She was going to show Miss Titty that she wasn’t a pushover, she was going to make her cry.

Suddenly, the agony getting too much, Sally broke off the mauling with a yelp and swung an uppercut into Tracy's chin. Tracy staggered back seeing stars.

They both stared at each menace in their eyes, their determination to finish the other bitch was unmistakable.

 "You're finished, you dumb fuck, you just don't know it yet". Tracy growled.

"You couldn’t even finish a sentence. Stupid bitch!".

Tracy moved to finish Sally off, if truth be told she needed to finish her off. Soon. This little bitch was tough. Tracy launched her knee into Sally's stomach. The air burst from her lungs, Sally bent at the waist struggling to stay on her feet.

Then Tracy moved back, pivoting she swung a kick between Sally's open legs like she was taking a penalty, straight between her legs. Pain shot through Sally’s body, overloading her brain, her eyes seemed to cross, and her mouth formed into a silent “O” shape, her hands going to her injured crotch.

Not wasting any time, Tracy wrapped her arm around Sally's head, giving her no time to recover. She whispered into Sally’s ear “I bet that’s the first time you’ve had something warm and hard there.”

Bracing herself against the wall, Tracy launched herself backwards, falling on her back she drove Sally's head into the thick carpeting.

Sally just gasped and sprawled untidily on the floor like a discarded rag doll.

That was it, she was done.

Tracy hauled Sally up by the hair. She turned to one of her friends.

“Pass me my phone.”

She took the offered phone, leaning her face against Sally's battered face, getting them both in the picture. Then she smiled for a selfie.

 "Smile for the camera, little girl".


Souvenir taken, she dropped Sally to the ground and walked off. No posing for the crowd.

Sally just lay there crying, slow sad tears. She was hardly aware of Sam taking her off to one of the rooms. When she opened her eyes, she was lying on a bed, a girl held three fingers in front of her.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” the girls asked.

“Three” Sally replied.

“Correct. Any weakness or tingling in the arms?”


“Okay no immediate concussion signs, my advice; get her checked out at A&E but I think that apart from bruises, and minor cuts your girlfriend should be okay.”

“Thanks, Jess, I’ll take her to A&E tomorrow, but she’s not my girlfriend, just a friend.” 


Jess raised an eyebrow.

“Okay. I’ll get back to the party and leave you two alone.”

The girl, who Sam explained was a third-year medical student, left. The room was empty apart from Sam looking over her, a look of concern and sadness covering his face.

“I thought you’d be off with Miss Big Tits. Weren’t you supposed to be her prize?”

“No, I declined, are you okay?" he asked.

"No, I hurt all over".

"Like where? "

She touched her forehead.


Tenderly he bent down and gently kissed her forehead. He wanted to comfort her.

Sally smiled, she'd seen the movie, and she knew how it could end and she realised how much she needed it, she was ready.

"And here" She touched her eyelids. Sam tenderly kissed them.

 "And here most of all" She touched her lips.

They kissed a deep, slow kiss, mouths intertwined.

 "Well, I see you've turned down my very generous offer.”

Tracy was standing over the two of them. She had changed her clothes, wearing a T-shirt and jeans (had she brought a spare set of clothes? How am I supposed to get home UNdressed like this?)

Tracy smiled; her whole demeanour seemed different. She was no longer the vengeful cow who had just tried to rip her nipples from her body.

"Don't worry I'm not here for Round 2. The show's over and you put on a great show.”

Show? What the fuck!

It suddenly dawned on Sally that she had been invited to this party not because anyone liked her but because they wanted to see Tracy and her scrap.

She was the fucking entertainment! She’d been set up!

While Sally realised all of this, Tracy continued; “You can tell a lot by someone winning. Even more by how they lose. You were never going to beat me, I wanted to see you in action for myself after what you did to Jackie, and I must admit I'm impressed.”

“You were tough and brave even when I was pounding your arse, you still came back. You aren't afraid to show your very nice tits and you do a nice line in trash talk.” She smiled, looking at Sally “Do you really kiss your mom with that mouth?”

“Anyway, with a bit of experience, you could be really good, bet you'd even beat the Currymuncher".

Tracy handed Sally a piece of paper with a number written on it.

"If this hasn’t put you off fighting and you fancy some money, and I know how tight money is for students, phone Meg. I was going to recommend Jackie, but you put a kibosh on that. Tell her Tracy recommended you. You’ll just have to pass the audition, and I’m sure you will. In fact, I'll be putting money on it."

She smiled and walked off.

Sally and Sam looked at each other, open-mouthed.

Sally held the piece of paper in her hand, pondering.

“You’re not going to do it are you?” Sam sounded worried, caught between his raging hormones and his concern for the girl he’d just kissed. Bless him.

“I’m going to think about it”.

Sally looked at the piece of paper and carefully folded it up, putting it in her pocket.

“If I’m going to be just entertainment I might as well get some good money for it.”

Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: Sally
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2023, 08:31:07 PM »
This one is intended as a triute to Kiva, who influenced what I did by showing me you couold both intelligence and heart in a story,
I do hope she likes it, if she ever reads it. Or failking liking it, doesn't think I've F@#ked her styory up.

03 Melissa – The Audition.
"Okay, this is the Octagon where you'll be fighting.”

Sally had made the call. There is only so long you could look at the mounting debts a student is going to leave university with. And, if she was honest, she wanted to do it, Tracy had been right, a part of her had enjoyed it. After her defeat by Tracy, it had not entered her mind never to fight again, her mind was preoccupied with what she did wrong and how next time she would win.

The woman Sally had spoken with had given her a time and a place. Turning up 10 minutes early, she easily found the place from the bus stop. It looked like a gym. She didn't know what she expected, a strip club, gaudy neon in the middle of nowhere? No, it was just a gym on the high street, okay, she thought.

She had walked through what was a normal-looking MMA gym, there were a group of girls practicing, and some of the girls had given her knowing smiles as she walked through to the waiting room where Meg collected them all. Meg had dark shoulder-length hair with just a UFC T-shirt and jeans, you could tell by her muscles she looked at home in a gym.

Now Sally was being given the orientation. She was going around with three other girls; Stacy, a thinnish auburn-haired beauty stood around 5’7” she looked a bit like Sally, and like Sally, she just wore jeans and a T-Shirt with the words “Bitch” emblazoned on it, Sally had gone with a picture of Richard Feynman. Stacy seemed quite a talkative thing, saying how excited she was to be doing this and how she would give it her all.

Then there was another girl, Advika, an Indian the same height as Stacy, she had gone in a plain blue shirt and jeans. She seemed quiet, a bit withdrawn, unlike talkative Stacy. Sally had spoken to her while in the waiting room, she had said something about her mom wanting her to fight to regain her warrior spirit. Sally was biting her lip, wanting to say we're catfighting not training for the bloody SAS. Luckily motor-mouth Stacy walked in, and Sally did not have to pursue the matter any further. Thank you, Stacy.

The fourth girl, Melissa, was dressed in a white miniskirt and a tube top which strained to contain her large breasts. “Chav,” Sally thought as soon as she saw her. She turned up last just as Meg had started to introduce herself.

They had seen the dressing rooms, there were two identical dressing rooms, so you didn’t have to share a room with your opponent, it cuts down on pre- and post-fight scraps Meg explained. And now she was showing them the Octagon. It was illuminated from the top with eight transparent Perspex panels forming the walls no fencing or anything just the Perspex.

“Would you like to have a look inside?”

“Na” responded Mel, her cockney twang coming out.

“Would you Adam and Eve it? An Essex girl, cor blimey”, Sally thought sarcastically.

“I would, please.” said Sally, “I’ve never seen one before.”

Meg opened a door and Sally went in. She stood in the Centre of the Octagon looking around, it looked professional and clean. She looked out through the Perspex at the girls she had just gone around with, thinking that in less than 24 hours, she would be fighting one of them in here. Out of the potty paki, the fat chav or Stacy, she hoped it would be Stacy, she seemed more normal.

“Well let’s retire to the office and we’ll finish off the paperwork.”

They walked over to a wooden door. Meg opened it ushering them inside, there was a desk with a big chair by it (Meg’s) and four smaller chairs lined up in front of the desk. They all picked a chair and sat down, although Sally noticed how Melissa barged in front of her, “What’s the rush” Sally thought.

Meg made herself comfortable.

“This is a normal MMA gym but every month or so we have special “Catfight Nights” where the girls fight with less clothing and fewer rules. It started as a gimmick, a way to raise extra money, but it’s proved very popular and has helped keep the gym afloat".

“You've all applied to work here. This is the audition. You will fight your opponent, the winner will get £2, 000 and more work from me. The loser gets £500 and a pat on the back, that's all. You are allowed to apply again but you will have to win your audition".

"You are allowed to do anything you want to your opponent except you cannot disfigure, cripple or kill your opponent, I want your nails nice and short and yes, I will check. Also, I will stop you if I see you break the rules with an instant disqualification. And believe me, I can stop you."

She smiled.

"The fights will take place in the Octagon. Once the cage doors shut no one will interfere until there is a decisive winner, and the fights will continue until there is a winner".

"Now you, Stacy, and you, Advika will face one another. You, Sally, will be up against Mel. You must fill these forms in before you participate, the usual stuff, you are over eighteen, and you do accept the risks. Any questions? "

"Yeah," Melissa spoke.

"Couldn't you have found me a better opponent than that no-fitted freak? She doesn't even look eighteen".

"Fuck off" was Sally's witty response.

Meg changed the subject before things escalated.

"And the other thing to decide is what you will wear".

"Bikinis. I really rock a bikini." Stacy spoke up.

"Is that okay with you Advika?"

"Yes," Advika said.

"And you two?" She looked at Sally and Mel.

"Topless" Melissa shouted out.

Sally hesitated then thought fuck it. That big-titted bitch was trying to intimidate her. She was not going to back down from the cow. Each time she had fought her top had gotten ruined, and she couldn’t afford to keep buying new clothes. She wasn’t a natural exhibitionist, but everybody who had seen them had given them good reviews.

"Fine by me" Sally responded. Then turning to Mel.

"Proud of those big udders aren't we Ermintrude? But aren't you afraid everybody's gonna see your fat belly?"

 "You fucking..." Melissa jumped out of her chair towards Sally.

Meg moved between the two of them very fast. "Ladies save it for the Octagon ladies".

“Now Sally and Stacy will share a dressing room, the red one and Advika and Melissa will share the blue one.”

"Now I suggest you find some seconds and I will see you tomorrow night".

As the girls filed out of the room, Melissa turned to Sally "I am so going to fuck you up", Melissa snarled.

Sally looked Melissa in the eye, and she spoke quietly just one word.


“So, you’re going through with this?” Sam her boyfriend asked.

“Yes, and I want you to be my second”.

“Your what?”

“My second, you just need to hold my glasses, my robes and whisper encouraging words. You can do that can’t you”. She looked at him with big round loving eyes, that ought to work she thought.

And it did.

Yes, she could have asked a girlfriend, but she did not know how they would react if they saw her half-naked, fighting, they’d probably freak out, but Sam had seen her fight before and fight topless, and after the fight, he’d gotten her some medical attention and took her to A&E the next day. She could trust him. And she liked the idea that he would see her topless, again.

When Sally and Sam turned up at seven, a crowd was starting to form, and she went to her changing room where her fight costume was laid out; it was UFC-style skimpy black trunks with a red band. She also had a red dressing gown to wear as well, Sally found all this a bit weird; all her earlier fights had been spontaneous heat-of-the-moment affairs, and all this clinical discussion about arrangements and what to wear when you beat the crap out of each other was surreal.

Changing into the robes and the trunks, she went to meet Sam. Her match was the second on the bill, so she decided to watch the fight between Stacy and Advika, although she had been in two catfights herself, she had never actually seen one before.

Stacy and Advika stood at opposite sides of the octagon, while Meg introduced them. Stacy was in a very sparse green bikini; she was playing to the crowd loving the attention. In the opposite corner stood Advika, in an equally tiny red bikini, she was silent, she seemed lost in her own thoughts.

Meg shouted, "Fight".

The two girls walked towards each other, circling, warily. They crashed together grasping each other's hands, wrestling for an advantage. Neither seemed to get one as their arms moved upwards and to the sides.

One girl would force an arm back and then the other girl would renew her effort and resist. Sweat was starting to cover each girl's body. Then Advika managed to trip Stacy up, But Stacy still held onto Advika's hands, so they toppled to the ground together. They rolled on the floor, each girl straining to get on top until the other girls would surge and overturn her.

Repeatedly, they rolled back and forth, clinging tightly to one another and swapping top position each managing to get it one moment, only to find herself underneath her rival the next. Sally thought the girls were doing competitive wrestling rather than catfighting. It was still not an unpleasant sight as the sweat that covered each girl’s body made it look like they were wrestling in oil. The sweat highlighted each girl’s muscles as they strained against each other, both seemed determined. All they could be heard was their gasps.

Advika managed to get her legs around Stacy’s waist and squeezed Stacy yelled. She pushed and pulled at Advika’s legs trying to move them apart, but they would not budge. Smiling Advika pulsed her legs together, Stacy wailed, still trying to get those legs apart.

“Let me go you cow” Stacy screeched.

“Make me” Advika demanded.

“You fucking slu…aarrgh!”

Stacy’s words were cut off by another squeeze of Advika’s legs. Advika just grinned as she pulled at Stacy’s hair.

“Give up you stupid fucktard.”  Well at least Advika was talking more, Sally thought.

The slap sounded like a pistol shot.

"Fuck! "

Advika was sitting up, holding her glowing red cheek, but she still held the scissors. Sally thought she recognized the look "Is this how I get when I fight?" she thought.

Advika did another agonizing pulse of her legs, but this time instead of pulsing she just held it. Stacy screamed it looked like Advika was trying to cut her in half and from the look of desperate agony on Stacy’s face it looked like he might be succeeding.

Out of options, Stacy pulled and punched at Advika’s breasts like a woman possessed. It was Advika’s turn to scream. Stacy started pinching Advika’s nipples between her fingers and twisted them in opposite directions, at the same time pulling them viciously, stretching Advika’s nicely shaped breasts to their limits. Advika screeched, desperate to end the torture she started kicking wildly at Stacy, one kick hit her face, the rest just her body. Thankful for the release of the scissors Stacy scrambled to her feet and stood facing a rising angry Advika.

Pivoting her entire body, Stacy swung a slap at Advika's face. Advika staggered back a step.

Recovering Advika charged into Stacy driving her into the Perspex walls of the Octagon and grabbing Stacy’s hair, she started banging Stacy’s head into the walls of the octagon. The Perspex vibrated and rattled.

Desperate to escape Stacy slammed a punch into Advika's belly. Advika gasped. Her hands went to her stomach. Stacy fired another punch into Advika’s face, her lip started bleeding.

 "You little shit".

Whatever had brought these two to the Octagon was now replaced by a primaeval urge to destroy the bitch in front of them. Stacy’s face was distorted by anger, but Advika’s by something even more savage. something had awoken within her, something really bad, the look scared Sally, and she was glad she was not facing it.

She looked over at Sam who watched transfixed, he was trying to hide it, but he was turned on by this.

Stacy and Advika surged together one arm going around the other’s head, the other arm launching savage punches into each other’s bodies. They staggered around in a circle, their legs fighting a separate battle, firing into each other’s legs.

They fell to the ground, but Stacy managed to get on top. Sitting on her foe, she pulled Advika’s head up, firing slaps into her face. Advika surged knocking Stacy from her perch.

Rolling over Stacy grabbed Advika trying to pull her back, she failed, instead pulling at the bow on Advika’s bikini top, it slid off baring her breasts. Stacy threw the bikini to the ground and turned to attack her foe, punching Advika’s bared breasts. Advika returned the favour, slapping at Stacy’s bikini-covered breasts then ripping off the bikini top, and baring Stacy’s breasts.

Clawing her fingers Advika’s hands dove into Stacy’s breasts, compressing them, and savagely twisting. Stacy cried out grabbing at Advika’s breasts and pulling them down. Their faces were drawn back showing their teeth gasping and grunting, the sweat streaming from their bodies.

Stacy bellowed in rage and pain and took a furious swipe at Advika’s face with her right hand, just missing her eye. Next letting out a fierce battle cry, Stacy fired a straight punch, going between Advika’s hands, and smashing into her cheekbone. Advika yelped as her head snapped back.

Stacy got to her feet, and Advika rose to join her. Stacy touched her breasts and winced, Advika did the same. Their once pristine breasts now looked raw and battered. They both vowed to avenge the punishment.

Yelling a war cry, Advika grabbed hold of Stacy’s hair and started spinning Stacy’s body in a circle, Stacy cried out, and all she could do was desperately try to keep her footing and not trip up. Then without warning, Advika released her hair, strands of pulled-out hair flew through the air, and Stacy yelped as she helter-skeltered out of control falling and landing on her front.

Advika jumped on top of Stacy's back, an animal expression on her face.

Scanning the Octagon, Advika saw her discarded bikini lying on the floor. Furiously she grabbed it in both hands and without any hesitation wrapped it around Stacy's neck.

“Oh Fuck” Sally thought.

Stacy's eyes bulged out in fear, she couldn't scream, she had no breath. As Advika pulled back on the top Stacy's back stretched at an unnatural angle.

 "Submit" Advika bent her head and shouted into the ears of her foe. She grinned, a look of savage joy on her face, Sally wondered if that was how she looked when she was kicking Jackie.

Stacy shook her head wildly her mind was desperately searching for a way out, there must be one, it could not end like this. Angered by Stacy's refusal to give up, Advika wound the bikini top around Stacy's neck even tighter, then leaned back even harder as though she was trying to break Stacy's neck.

Sally winced, she was pleased that she would be fighting topless, the thought of that fat chav sitting on top of her and strangling her, scared her. Sally could see Meg running towards the Octagon door.

"Give up"

Stacy was still shaking her head; her face was starting to turn purple.

Advika crossed her arms putting even more pressure on the neck as suddenly Meg’s arms were around her lifting her off Stacy’s body.

“Fuck” Advika swore.

“Fight’s over people.” Then pointing at Advika she shouted, “You’re disqualified, you could have killed her!”

Despite the admonishment, Advika was jumping up and down, her breasts bouncing.

“I won!” she sang with a smile on her face.

Stacy was raising herself off the ground, coughing.

“I never fucking gave, bitch!” Stacy snarled.

“Well, maybe we should fix that!” Advika strode towards her downed foe, Meg stopped her.

“I said the fight’s over. Seconds come and collect your fighters!”

Sally saw the old lady who had been the second to Advika congratulate her, something about her warrior spirit after last time with Agnes, Sally decided she did not want to hear the rest of it, it was some fucked up shit.

The fight had disturbed her because she saw herself reflected in the actions of the two girls, and it was not a pretty reflection. She was seeing herself how others must see her when she scrapped, she must have looked like that when she was pounding Jackie, she was sure, she knew she felt like that.

She did not like how much time she had spent trying to work out if she could take them (Stacy, yes, no problem, Advika, hard work but yes, she'd have her). But as savage as the fight had been, she was comforted by the fact that Meg had rushed in pretty damn quick to save Stacy. Hopefully, she’d only have to rush in to save the fat chav in the next fight not her, please not her.

As Sally went back to her dressing room to make final adjustments, she saw Stacy talking to her aunt. Her aunt (it was her aunt, not her mother) seemed distraught, almost hysterical, chastising Stacy for doing such a stupid thing. Stacy looked at her determinedly and spoke.

“Listen Kiva, that bitch cheated. But next time I’ll be ready for her and next time I’ll win!”

Kiva stared at her niece. Then she realised that the 19-year suicide watch (OHMYGOD!! DON'T PUT YOUR HAND IN THE PLUG SOCKET!) was never going to end.

“Advika was tough, but she got too angry you could use that against her…”.

“…with the right training, you could take her.”

No, Kiva realised, the suicide watch never ends. As they get older, you can’t stop them from putting their fingers in the plug sockets. All you can do is take them to A&E, get them better and be there for them…

…And love them, always.

“You’d do that for me? Train me?” Stacy spluttered.

“Yes, but don’t tell your mom and dad”.

Stacy threw her arms around her aunt.

“Kiva you’re the coolest!”.

Sally listened while trying to make it look like she wasn’t. “Fuck, is this national ‘Take your niece to a catfight day’ or something?” She thought about the two girls Advika and Stacy: there’s a story and a half to be written about those two.

Meg stood in the centre of the ring.

“Introducing Melissa, a 21-year-old barmaid, who stands 5’4 and weighs in tonight at 125 lbs.”

Melissa strode out into the centre of the octagon wiggling her tits at the audience. "Mel! Mel!" her supporters cheered.

“And now, gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Sally, the fighting physicist!” Sally winced inwardly at that name as she walked into the ring. “This lovely lady stands two inches taller than Mel, at 5’6”, but is about 5 lbs. lighter. Wild cheers again, deep shouts of “Sa-lee, Sal-lee” broke out and carried on for a full minute as Sally smiled and waved.

“Ladies, face each other.”

The two girls stood face to face, breasts brushing against each other through their robes, hands at their sides. Sally stared into Mel’s eyes and tried to remain impassive, while Melissa smirked and mouthed “Slag” at her, Sally mouthed “Moo” back.

Melissa looked tough, and Sally knew that this was not going to be easy.

The men roared as girls stripped off their gowns and handed them to their seconds, Sally to Sam and Melissa to a very strikingly beautiful Indian woman. Sally blushed as the men ogled her, but she was getting used to it.

The girls positioned themselves breast to breast, they could feel their opponent's erect nipples poking into their breasts. Sally was sweating and flushed, She bit her bottom lip, and she was pleased to see that Melissa was doing the same.

Sally heard Meg bolt the doors to the Octagon, it was just a lock but to Sally it seemed to echo around the Octagon with an air of finality. “Ladies, return to your corners. When I give the signal, come out fighting!” she announced.

This was it. One girl would walk away a winner, the other would be beaten. It was just the two of them now, they would settle it between them.

They backed away from each other, eyes locked, fists already raised, breasts bobbing. After the briefest instant, Meg shouted “Fight!” and then it was on. Sally barely had time to brace herself before Melissa hurled herself at her, ramming her into the Perspex with one outstretched hand and grabbing her hair with the other. Sally’s head felt the impact as her head banged against the wall.

Acting by reflex, Sally managed to get a foot up into Mel’s belly as she closed on her, kicking her away. The kick winded Mel, who doubled over and clutched her belly. The crowd roared their approval at this first sign that the girls were serious.

Sally swung an uppercut at Mel’s face, catching the blonde square in the mouth. She was thrilled to hear Melissa burst into tears. But the punch enraged Melissa enough to let her shake off the lingering effects of the kick, and she danced backwards out of range of Sally’s fists, and raised her own, sobbing but furious.

She advanced swinging on Sally, and the two young beauties traded punches to the face, breasts, and stomach for three or four minutes. Sally slammed her fist into Mel’s body she was alternating lefts and rights, her arms going like pistons. Melissa was aiming for Sally’s head; Sally felt the blows hitting the side of her face and her lip burst open.

Biding her time, Sally fired an uppercut straight up into Mel’s left breast, the breast rose so it was almost touching Mel's face, and her eyes widened in shock and pain.

Melissa grabbed Sally’s hair firing uppercuts into her face while launching knees into her body. Sally felt her nose burst, she started to weep. She tried kicking out at her foe, catching her in the stomach, Melissa groaned but kept hold of Sally’s hair. Both girls cried in pain, frustration, and anger as they battled desperately, fighting now as much for pride and out of rage as for the prize money.

Mel, changing tactics, clutched Sally to her and clawed her right breast, gripping it and forcing a scream from Sally as her nipple was cruelly pulled by Mel’s fingers. She gripped Melissa by the wrist and managed to painfully pull her fingers away from her breast, but the blonde grabbed her by the hair and swung her against the Perspex screen.

Sally fell on her backside, legs splayed apart, and Melissa, seeing her chance to finish the bitch, viciously drove her heel into Sally’s crotch. Sally rolled on her side, clutching her bruised crotch, gagging, and moaning, knowing she had to get out of the way of the blonde’s feet, or the fight would be over.

Melissa, feeling victory was hers, drew back to kick again, this time aiming for Sally’s stomach, her supporters screaming at her “Finish the bitch, Mel!”, “Get up Sally!”. Sally saw the look on Sam’s face, he was worried, in desperation, Sally rolled against Melissa’s legs, gripping them as hard as she could. Melissa yelped as she fell backwards onto the canvas with a thud.

Sally scrambled on top of Melissa grabbing her hair pulling back hard and then slamming her head into the hard canvas. “No grass to save you this time bitch” she thought.

As her head was raised and slammed to the canvas, Melissa was getting desperate. She wanted this job; she was a veteran of many a pub car park scrap and the thought of getting paid to beat the crap out of some slag seemed like heaven, also she needed the money. She would be dammed if she was going to surrender her dream to this tit-less whore. The skinny cow had looked down on her since the first time they met, she knew it. She thought she was so high and mighty she would show her, she’d be crying at her feet admitting that she was the better woman, soon.

Melissa twisted her head wildly, trying to get her hair out of Sally’s grasp. When Sally’s hands slipped, on the sweat-sodden hair, Melissa took her chance, she chomped down hard on Sally’s arm.

“You fucking animal!” Sally screamed, in pain and fear.

Sally slammed punches into the side of Mel’s head trying to make her release her bite, but she would not. Melissa thrashed her body wildly until she unseated Sally distracted by the bite. Then Melissa attacked, Priya had promised her that job and soon she would have it.

As Melissa rolled to attack the unseated Sally, Sally punched hard at Mel’s left breast Sally’s fist disappeared almost up to the wrist in the flesh, the firm flesh bounced back. Then Sally punched again at the other breast, punching the aureole like it was a bullseye. Desperate to end the punishment of her prized breasts, Melissa released the bite and kicked Sally away, aiming for her face.

Quickly scrambling to get up, they surged together. Violence on their minds. Sally grabbed Mel’s tits, and Melissa screamed at the pain. Then Sally started spinning around, stretching Mel’s tit-flesh to its limits like she was trying to pull them off, as Mel was spun into a circle, ever faster. Melissa was gasping with pain; she was starting to realise that big tits are not a good thing to bring to a catfight.

Sally changed her grip, grasping Mel’s nipples, which got a shriek from Mel. Still spinning Melissa round in a circle as the nipples stretched like a piece of elastic. With a savage twist, Sally let the nipples go. Melissa flew back into the Perspex walls, head and body bouncing with a bang off the walls. Straight into a kick from Sally into her stomach, what little air Melissa had whooshed from her body as she fell back to the Perspex walls of the octagon. Sally rushed towards Melissa aiming a haymaker at Mel’s head, Melissa ducked, the punch hit the Perspex walls, and Sally cried out at the damage to her hand.

“Fuck” Sally screamed.

As Sally rose to stand up, Melissa swung an uppercut straight into Sally’s chin, Sally staggered back, her eyes glassy.

Melissa stood there, leaning against the wall, gasping, she should pursue her foe to finish her off, she knew, but she could not. Her body would not respond. Melissa touched her throbbing breasts, God, they hurt.  She leaned back against the Perspex walls of the octagon. Her hair was a sodden mess, her body covered in sweat and bruises. A keening sound came from her as she tried to collect herself, to get herself ready to finish her hated opponent.

 "I'm going to fuck you up so bad, you whore". Melissa gasped.

Sally stood there, trying to clear the cobwebs from her head. She was standing in the centre of the octagon, legs apart for desperately needed balance, nursing her injured hand. Her hair looked like a damp mop, and her half-naked body like Melissa’s was bathed in sweat and bruises She was breathing heavily as she fought to get air into her lungs. Her crotch still ached from the earlier kick, but she was not going down to this bitch, she had to think of something.

"You're going home in a fucking ambulance, chav" Sally gasped back.

Both girls looked finished and on the verge of collapse, but totally magnificent. They fought to get themselves ready, the first person to recover would have the other girl at her mercy and victory would be theirs. Only one of them would be able to make good on their threats, the other would be dead meat. It was a desperate race against time for both girls.

The crowd was wild shouting encouragement to their favourite to get up and smash their rival.

Melissa moved first.

Through blurred vision, Sally saw Melissa coming towards her.

“Ready or not here I come”, Sally grimly thought.

Melissa staggered towards Sally, she was going to finish the little shit, she thought, pound her to a pulp so not even her fancy man would recognise her. And she needed to do it quickly, she felt like she was running on fumes. She could feel her breasts throbbing in pain, that little shit did that, she was not going to show this piece of shit any mercy.

Too late, Melissa saw the glint in Sally’s eye. Sally pivoted her entire body and launched a kick with all her remaining strength into Mel’s gut. The last remaining breath shot from Mel’s lungs in a gasp as Melissa bent over in agony.

“Fuck, the little shit was faking!” was Mel’s last thought before Sally raised herself and joining her hands together rained down an axe handle smashing into Mel’s back, driving her into the canvas.

“The stupid chav fell for it!” Sally elatedly thought as she dropped to her knees and roiled Melissa over onto her back, which produced a weak moan from Mel.

Determined to avenge the earlier crotch attack, Sally wound back her fist.

"How does THIS feel you slag?"  She cried out as she slammed her uninjured fist hard into Mel’s crotch. Mel’s entire body spasmed, as pain worse than she had ever known shot through her body. Her eyes opened wide in shock as her mouth just opened soundlessly.

Sally’s clambered on top of the delirious blonde, systematically pinning her arms, and sitting on her stomach, she was going to finish the cow off, even if she had wanted to show her mercy after all she had suffered at the slag’s hands, she was too close to exhaustion herself to ever dare let her recover.

Taking a firm grasp of Mel’s left nipple and stretching it far further than it was ever meant to go, she started slapping Mel’s face forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand.

“Please…”, Melissa wined, “I need the money”. Gone was the brash young girl from earlier and all that remained was a scared little girl.

“So do I” Sally responded, not missing a beat of the unchanging robotic pummelling she was performing on her opponent’s face.

After about 30 seconds of this beating, Melissa stopped her whining and screamed her surrender, she was begging now.

Meg swooped in and pulled Sally off her defeated opponent, raising Sally’s arms in victory.

Both girls were sobbing, but Sally’s tears quickly turned to triumphant victory shouts as she realised, she had won, and her opponent lay bruised and weeping on the floor. Sally raised her arm in victory to the applause of the crowd, luxuriously bathing in the adulation. She placed her foot on the sobbing girl’s belly, she had passed her audition.

“Fucking chav” she murmured.

Sam came out to congratulate her, handing her back her glasses and her robe.

“Congratulations on the new job”. His mood was mixed, yes it was so hot, but he hated seeing her get hurt.

They walked out of the Octagon, leaving a sobbing Melissa to be comforted by her friends. She felt no sympathy for the bitch, she would have quite happily done the same to her if their situations had been reversed.

A smiling Tracy came over and handed her a brown paper bag.

“What’s this? “Sally asked, Tracy just smirked.

“It’s all yours “, Tracy replied.

Puzzled, Sally looked inside the bag. It was full of cash. She closed the bag and looked at Tracy a puzzled look on her face.

“It’s your share of the finder’s fee I just got” Tracy proudly said. “If we find talent that gets accepted into the club, the person who found them gets a finder’s fee”.

“I found Stacy and you, and the Currymuncher found Advika and Mel. Advika won’t get accepted after her shitty behaviour, the animal, and you creamed Mel, so I get a finder’s fee and the Currymuncher gets fuck all!”

“This is my way of saying thanks.” 

“You did good sugar tits!”, Tracy playfully ruffled Sally’s hair.

 When they got back to the dressing room, Sally threw her arms around Sam's neck.

“Let’s go celebrate!”.

Sally was high on victory now. This was so organised. She would be checked out by a proper doctor, not a medical student, then take a nice shower, and then change into some nice clean clothes. No sweaty shameful half-naked walk of shame home like after Jackie or Tracy. Shit, she even had the money for a cab ride home! She would ride home a winner!

She stood there, half-naked, the sweat glistened on her body giving her a sheen. Her nipples were proud and erect as the thrill of victory surged through her.

“What kind of celebration?” Sam asked.

Sally looked down at the tent pole pitched in Sam’s trousers. Sam had hoped that Sally hadn’t seen that, but she had, you couldn’t miss it. She smiled, a very hungry smile as she looked back at Sam’s face. Wordlessly, she was telling him she had seen it and she wanted it. She had known Sam long enough, she was ready for the next stage, she was ready for a victory fuck. It made her feel like a horny cavewoman claiming her man over the body of her defeated rival, she felt such as rush.

Looking down at Sam's tentpole she said.

“My place, it would be a shame to waste it”.
Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Sally
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2023, 08:52:13 PM »
Wow--a fight gauntlet.


Offline Kiva

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Re: Sally
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2023, 03:50:17 PM »
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and giving a nod to Kiva’s Fight Journal. I’m honored to have a cameo appearance in your series.

Sally is a fun character. How could anyone not like a catfighting Physics major? If she ever wants to come to the U.S., she can be in one of my stories.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: Sally
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2023, 06:19:08 PM »
Thank you for you kind words, I feel a bit like a 14-year kid who's just been complimented on their guitar playing by Eric Clapton!

Unfortunately Sally would never join the Catpin club. She is both excited by the violence and also appalled by it (like her Boyfriend ).The deciding factor for her is the money.

However if she ran into a particulary obnoxious sceptic (Cockney Rhyming Slang: Sceptic Tank = Yank) like Amber/Tori say while on holiday in say Ibiza I'm sure she might want to kick her arse,
Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: Sally
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2023, 07:45:40 PM »
Sally 04 : Denise, Match of the Day.

o anyway, the day started normally enough, it was a nice sunny day in my student digs, I was doing my ironing when of all people Carl knocked on my door. Now Carl I haven’t seen since I beat up his girlfriend Jackie at a party. Carl said he wanted a favour, to say I wondered ‘What the Fuck’ would be an understatement. Curious I left him in, and he went ahead to explain.

"It all started a couple of years ago and the annual Liverpool v Manchester Women’s Soccer club match. As you know there’s a bit of a rivalry between Manchester and Liverpool.”

I nodded.

“Well after the match, the two team captains got into a big argument, and it turned physical. Everybody watched, it was quite a wild catfight from all accounts. They were both pretty battered but eventually, our captain won.

Well, would you believe it, the next year their team captain challenges ours to avenge the beating we gave out last year? Again, it happened on the football pitch and was another wild one, each girl down to their undies, this time their captain won.

And the next year our captain challenged theirs. So, it becomes an annual event, each year after the match the rival captains meet up for a scrap on the football field. All well and good until you went and beat the shit out of Jackie. Now that makes you our current champion. So now everybody wants you to scrap with the Liverpool captain after the match".

Carl looked at me, I think he was waiting for me to just volunteer. Dream on sunshine.

Then something occurred to me.

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"Bragging rights, the honour of the university and you get to see who's the better woman."

"Fuck off!" was my quite reasonable reply.

"And a share of the bet winnings". He quickly added.

"It had better be more than £50".

"Oh, it will be".

"Okay let me think about it."

It was agreed that all his mates would chip in and give me a winner's fee from their betting winnings. There was going to be some serious betting on the outcome, so the winner's fee would be a couple of grand. So, I agreed.

Sam and I turned up to watch the match. I noticed that they were not using their captain much, probably trying to save her strength for later. I was told it was a good match, to me it was just a load of people running around a field. Their captain looked a bit taller than me, with straight black hair down to her shoulders. Oh, and dinky breasts, a football thing I guessed, ‘cos none of the players were big girls. You don’t suppose you want 42fffers bouncing into your face when you’re running around a football pitch. As I watched her, she seemed quite fast and agile, and I noticed that she wasn’t a dirty player, competitive yes, but not aggressive.

After the Women’s match, no I don’t remember the score. Sam and I went into the changing room while everybody else was leaving to watch the scrap. It was only for the teams and ‘The People In The Know,’ all the girls in the team wished me luck.

In the changing room, I changed into my football shirt, black for the Manchester University Women’s Football team, and a pair of rather skimpy black shorts. No boots were allowed, the girls in the first fight had fucked themselves up badly with those boots. So, in the following years, the fighters had to be barefoot.

"Are you sure these are football shorts?" I said looking at my bum in the mirror.

"No, I reckon Carl selected them". Sam came over to me, adding "But you do fill them out very nicely." Sam smiled, although from the look he gave me, even if I was wearing an old brown paper bag, he’d still say I filled it out nicely. Bless him.

"You okay Sal? S.I.G.?"

I smile back.

"S.I.G. Sam" I reply.

S.I.G. is our little secret thing. It means 'Spectrum Is Green" which means as you know; everything is okay. What do you mean you don’t know it? It's from a show called “Captain Scarlett and the Mysterons". My dad used to watch it with me, it was our Friday night treat, Mom would go to bed early and me and Dad would watch cool TV programs and stuff ourselves with crisps and ice cream. They had really cool gadgets and a squad of female fighter pilots called Angels, I always wanted to be an angel, they were so amazing and cool. I made Sam watch it and Thunderbirds (of course!) and everything else that Gerry Anderson has ever done on film even ‘Doppelganger’! Which yeah was only for completeness.  I love them all. Anyway, I’m getting off the point.

So, there I was standing on one side of the centre circle of the football field in a team jersey, with short shorts, and bare feet. A crowd was all gathered around the football pitch, they would be watching from there, it was all the teams, support staff and the ‘People in the know’ which I assumed to be rich old boys. Which she does in the blue of Liverpool and wearing what seem to be proper football shorts. (Carl, you sleaze-bag!). She shadowboxes into the air.

"Who the fuck are you?" She greets me warmly.

"I'm the new champion!" I say proudly.

"What happened to Jackie?"

"I fucked her up."

She looked me up and down, I think she was amazed and insulted. She probably knew there was a replacement for Jackie, but I think she expected someone more imposing. She’s acting tough but she’s scared I know; I see her biting her bottom lip. I was the same when I faced Jackie.

"How? A pip-squeak like you. What did you do? Wait for her to die of old age?".

"Oh, I'll show you!". I’m about to start things off there and then, when a voice comes over the Tannoy system.

“Welcome to the annual Manchester v Liverpool Women’s football scrap.”

Cheers from the crowd.

“We have Sally representing Manchester.”

I wave and turn around; I remind myself I’m not in the Catfight club, so I must restrain the tit jiggling.

“And from the city of Liverpool, we have Denise.”

Denise’s turn to wave and all the Liverpool fans cheer.

Two girls quickly come out onto the pitch and pat both of us down for hidden weapons. We raise our arms and do a little twirl.

"Now shake hands".

We shake hands, and the bitch squeezes my hand far too tightly, with a fuck-you look on her face. She’s trying to show me how strong she is. I just take it. Let her underestimate me, I’ll get my chance to fuck her up later.

"Now take a step back"

We look at each other. She's an inch taller than me with strong legs, she has a disdainful look on her face. I just smile at her, sweetly. But inside I'm counting all the ways I'm going to fuck her. I know the type from school; Miss Jolly-Hockey Sticks. In my day it was Hockey, Women’s football is a new thing, they were the girls who could run to the end of the playing field the fastest in the first year. In the dictionary, it's used to describe “a woman or girl of a high social class who is enthusiastic in a way that annoys most people”.

Yeah, but it’s so much more; these sporty types; always the popular girl, with the handsome boyfriend and oh she went to all the right parties, snogging Steven Fisher, never any zits, while I got fuck all, okay I did get the zits. Enjoy your moment of peace little Miss Jolly-Hockey Sticks. Although I had never met this girl before, I was still going to tear that grin right off her face.

“So, let’s have a good clean fight although there are no rules”. Tannoy man sxxxxxxx “This is a fight to the finish. Victory by submission or KO” The crowd cheers.


I move towards Jolly-Hockey-Sticks, She raises her fists like she’s going to do a fistfight, and I’m inwardly smiling thinking about my first attack. When.


I walk straight into a right-cross which hits me straight on the nose.

And then a left-cross slams into the side of my face.

“Gotcha!” I hear her hiss; she has a smirk on her face. "I've been training for this for months, runt".

“First blood to Liverpool,” mister Tannoy man announces.

I feel a trickle of blood, instinctively I raise my hand to my nose and come away with the expected blood. Captain Bloody Cook, I think.

Meg covered this in the first of her MMA courses, Cook was an 18th-century explorer. He argued with the Hawaiians, he was backed by the Royal Navy the biggest, baddest navy of the time, armed with guns, and cannons against the Hawaiians who were armed with wooden spears. It should have been a walk in the park, a wholesale slaughter, and still, he ended up dead. So, what killed Captain Cook? The knife obviously, but also bad decisions, hubris, and dumb luck. The moral of the story is shit happens in a fight. Just make sure the shit doesn’t fall on you. Jolly-Hockey-Sticks may not have been in a real scrap before, but she’s fit and strong. I’ve got my work cut out for me.

Pissed off I move back towards her; she raises her fists for another round of fisticuffs. I clench my left fist. She sees it coming, but what she doesn’t see coming is the roundhouse slap I deliver with my right hand. A gobful (that’s a mouthful for my international readers) of spit is ejected from her mouth as her face flies to the left. She staggers straight into my left-handed slap; her face flies the other way.

“Gotcha!” I hiss back to her, “Did you train for that?”

She backs off and we start circling. She knows now that she’s in a fight and it will hurt.

We start grabbing for each other, her arms go out, and I move back. My arms go forward, she moves back, and we’re circling.

“C’mon Denise, tear her face off.”

Tiring of the grabs, I raise my knee and swing it right into her stomach. She gasps clutching at her stomach. I moved in to hurt her some more, but she raised a knee and kicked me in the side. Shit that hurt, she smiles, pleased with what she’s done.

She grabs at my head holding me down while she fires more knees into my body. I grab her knee and throw her onto her back.

I bend over and start raining punches down on her, I bloody her lip, and she grabs my hair and rolls me to the floor. We start tearing at each other, she’s just slapping, pulling hair. Then she gets her hand under my chin and starts forcing my neck back.

There’s a scared/manic look in her eyes, that I recognize. Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks is gone and in her place is a feral animal who seriously wants to cause me pain. I went like that when I was fighting Jackie.

I go for getting her shirt over her head, Instinctively she covers up her bra-covered breasts. Sucker. It’s free-shot time. Punching at her, I then start pulling at her sports bra, then with my other hand, I give her tit a good squeeze. That gets a yell. Then I lift her sports bra around her arms, she’s tangled now. I pull her head down and lift my knee straight into her head. Her arms are wildly windmilling, grabbing at anything.

The little bitch gets lucky and catches me under the chin, I see stars. She lifts her knee and kicks out blindly. It hits my belly hard. I gasp out loud staggering backwards I fall onto my arse. Despite the pain, I try to get up while the cow is still blinded.

Too late, she’s manically pulled off her jersey and sports bra. She can see me now, holding my belly, and she wants some payback. She gives me her best penalty kick into my belly again, It’s my turn to eject a gobful of spit, my stomach feels like it’s cramping, I’m in trouble.

She moves in for another kick and I reach down and pull at her shorts. They’re properly elasticated football shorts, unlike mine, I start pulling, and they come down halfway to her knees before she realises what I’ve done. Her desire for modesty makes her try to pull them back up but stops when she realises she can't defend herself from the blows my other hand is throwing. Her shorts are around her ankles now.

She stops her attacks mortified all she’s wearing now is a skimpy little thong. Who would’ve thought Jolly-Hockey-Sticks would wear a thong? I look down.

“Going for the wild garden look?” I smirk. I look her up and down.

“Tiny tits, big bush.” I’m really rubbing her face in it.

She screams like a banshee, not from any pain, just from the embarrassment. Good.

She wants to get me back but as she moves towards me, she trips on her shorts and goes down to her knees. Ha! I think your naked little arse is mine.

I put an arm around her neck and used the other arm to pound her face. I was getting in some good shots there. Then I hear Sam shout out


I pause my pounding, this gives her time to swing a haymaker to my jaw, I think it was more out of fear than deliberate intent, but either way, I back away seeing stars.

Growling, she dives at me, barreling me to the ground.

Her hand's attacking, and the bitch is ripping at my shirt, while her knees are attacking, going for my crotch! All I can hear is her effing and jeffing. I must admit I was taken aback by the fury of her attack. Then I heard the fabric of my shirt tear and I feel the breeze on my tits, no I didn’t bother to wear a bra. Then she scratched her nails down my back, like me, she didn’t have long nails, but still, they hurt, I guessed there’d be eight lines down my back tonight.

Her hands scurry down to my ass, I could feel her clawing at my buttocks through the shorts, I think she was trying to shred them as well. Luckily due to the tightness of my shorts, she can’t get at them.

I fire in some punches to her dinky breasts, but then I remember her thong, I pull with both hands from the front, and she cries out, I can see the tears in her eyes as they fill with tears.

“Aarrr!” she screams. The crowd goes “Oow” in sympathy, even the men cross their legs.

“Fucking pip-squeak, am I? I’ll show you”. I shout at her.

I jerk her thong even harder. The thong looks like it’s gonna snap any second now. She screams in agony then the screams turn to whines. Her arms wave frantically, and she starts slapping at my face. I can take it, I hold on, I’m really hurting the cow.

Then suddenly her hands reach for my eyes. I lean back trying to get my eyes out of range, it fails, and her thumb jabs into my eyes. My eyesight goes and it's my turn to scream.

I try to fight down the panic. Christ, she’s going to Captain Cook you.

My grip on her thong loosens, and she dives straight into me as we roll on the ground, and her hands go for my hair. My eyes are still shut from her attack. Shit, the slag has turned it around again. She’s one tough cookie, and who does that remind you of I thought.

As we roll, I grab her hair and try pounding it on the ground. With my other hand, I grab for any flesh I can find and squeeze. I’m still trying to clear my eyes, but I’m trying to hurt her and buy me some time. My greater experience with this kind of situation gives me a slight advantage although she fights me every step of the way.

Finally, I manage to get the bitch lying underneath me, my arms around her neck. I pull her face into my chest with one arm and fire slaps into her face with the other. I’ve got her and my eyes are starting to clear. Then I see a fire light up in her face as she opens her mouth and takes a big bite out of my breast. Didn’t take her long to go from Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks to a nasty bitchfighter, did it? My eyes go wide in shock, and I shout.

“You dirty fucking slag!”

I release her head and punch my fist into her eye, to make her release her bite, it works. That’ll be a nice shiner tomorrow, I think. She grabs at my throbbing breast giving it a good squeeze. We roll screaming at each other. Our arms and legs are flailing, trying to hit any target we can find.

I didn’t notice at first but In the chaos, she had her leg across my tummy, then I felt her other leg sneaking behind my back. Then she clamps down. The sneaky cow.


I feel her legs, even stronger than that bitch Jackie, clamping around my waist squeezing. We’re facing each other and my hands go pushing at her knees as I wiggle and writhe trying desperately to escape. She smiles, the end is near. She thinks she has me.

“I have you now, you little pip-squeak, I’m gonna cut you in half.” She proclaims,

Her legs relax and then she tenses again.

”NGGGHHHAAAGGGHHH!!” I scream again.

My struggles with her legs get ever more desperate as her grin gets ever bigger.

“Finish her off Denise” her supporters yell, She smiles back at them.

“Come on pip-squeak just give up.”

She’s giggling a bit now. insufferable bitch, I bet she’s always succeeded and always won first prize. She can sense victory is within her grasp. She grabs me by the hair and slams it into the ground. I’m panicking now, fucking Captain Cook keeps going through my head, trying vainly to move her knees, but they won’t budge.

“Hurt, does it? Little runt.” Oh, she’s positively crowing now.

It doesn’t take long before I feel dizzy, I feel like I am going to puke, and tears run down my eyes. But no, I won’t go down like this to the bitch.

Desperately I grab for a new target, her breasts. I dig in hard and twist; she screams. I lean back pulling them to their limits.

“You’re gonna need a new bra size by the time I’ve finished with you” I Snarl.

She tries another pulse of her legs. God, it hurt, but I try not to show anything. I’ve moved my thumb and my forefinger to her nipples, working them hard, but I’m still stretching out her breasts. They stretch out so far, like a piece of taffy, I make a mental note to look up the Young’s Modulus of nipples when this is over.

Her screams become hysterical. She’s in a quandary now, can she squeeze me out before I rip her tits off? I’m not sure myself. This is a duel of wills. The pulsing of her legs becomes more frequent and weaker. She’s breaking, I know it and looking into her eyes she knows it too.

Eventually, fear for her tits wins out, and with a cry of despair, she releases her legs and I rise, she’s still on the floor cupping her poor little titties. But she angrily kicks out with her legs and propels me back. Christ, she kicks like a mule. I’m going to have to fix that.

I stand up first, while she’s still nursing her breasts. I grab her legs and start kicking them, I’ll fucking show her. She starts screaming. Then I grab both of her legs and push them out to the side like she’s trying to do the splits on her back. That gets an even bigger scream. Then I fall on top of her landing on her stomach and push out her legs even further. My breasts mushroom out totally overwhelming her pancake tits, but that’s the least of her problems. Her feet almost touch her head, I’m really stretching those tendons, and her screams become hysterical. She’s not going to be using those fucking legs for a bit.

I pull on her hair and slap her face. Trying to get as many blows as possible while she’s still disorientated. I get a couple of straight-on punches to her breasts; I couldn’t punch up into them as there’s not much to punch up into, ha! Getting her wits back, her hand grabs the hair at the back of my head, pulling me to the side, and with her other hand, she punches hard into my face. I see stars. Then she stops, exhausted.

We both lie on the floor sobbing and moaning. Slowly I struggle to my feet, she staggers up as well hobbling in her aching legs, giving me a look of pure fury as she nurses her poor abused titties. We stare at each other; her long dark hair looks a mess. Her face and body are covered in red blotches, it’s obvious I hurt her badly, I don’t want to think about what I look like though. I must admit she’s one determined little shit. Though I loathe to admit it, she’s a lot like me.

The crowd has gone silent, they really don’t know what’s going to happen next.

She’s muttering indecipherably. the only word I can make out is fucking, I’d don’t think it’s anything complimentary. Despite the agony they’re in she launches a kick straight into my crotch, she had a bit of life in them after all, although you can see the pain etched onto her face. As her foot connects, I seem to fly up into the air. My eyes go wide, and I gasp, drool rolling from my mouth.

“Goal” the Tannoy creep announces. The Liverpool crowd cheers.

Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks smiles, she thinks she finally has me. Swaying on unsteady feet on the brink of exhaustion, she moves in to finish me off. But I’m not going down that easily, I swing an uppercut straight into her crotch returning the favour. Her eyes widen, croaking she moves back. You could say I really twatted her. Tee hee.

“Sally equalizes for Manchester” Tannoy man announces. It's Manchester’s turn to cheer.

We both take a moment to moan and stagger. We both look well fucked. Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks isn’t gonna be able to wear a bra for a few weeks I reckon, not that she needs one.

I attack first, I go for her hair and start twisting her around by it. She stumbles and falls to the ground. Unfortunately, I did not let go of her hair quick enough and I tumbled to the ground, with Jolly Hockey Sticks landing on top of me, and it looked like I hit my head.

At first, we both lie there not moving.

Then after the longest time, little Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks flutters her eyes open like a little baby bird seeing daylight for the first time and she starts to rise. Slowly, unsteadily, she stands above me apart from the still movement of my chest, I’m not moving and slowly it dawns on her.

"I won?"

More of a question than a statement. She places her foot on my belly and then slowly, hesitantly, raises her arms in a display of victory. As she takes in the cheers of the crowd, for a moment she forgets she’s almost naked. That will come to her later.

The crowd goes wild.

Denise gets mobbed by her fans. Sam comes over worried.

"S.I.G.?" He asks.

"S.I.G." I reply wearily.

Slowly, I limp back to the changing room helped by Sam. On the way back Carl commiserates me, I don’t know if he looks so glum because I lost or because of all the money he just forfeited. Back in the changing room, I get checked out, shower, change into my normal clothes and get a taxi home with Sam. We walk into his room; I stop limping and then we celebrate!


Bet you thought you were reading a catfight story. Nope. You’re reading a Caper story!

Do you watch the TV series ‘Leverage’? If not, you must have watched ‘Ocean’s Eleven’. Anyway, the formula’s the same, they do the con on the bad guy, and then you have a flashback montage that shows how the con was carried out.

Well, this is that flashback montage. Try imagining it in black and white with a funky jazz soundtrack.

CUT TO INT: CARL TALKING TO ME EARLIER. Remember earlier when I said something occurred to me? It wasn’t whether there was a prize, it was this - At the party, Carl had planned all the time to get Jackie, to fight me. It wasn’t some spur-of-the-moment bet It was supposed to be an easy start for her, a warm-up, and I was simply a stooge. But the lamb to the slaughter ended up doing the slaughtering. Ha!

CUT TO INT: We see Jackie looking pretty banged up and just shaking her head because I’m certain that after the beating I gave her, Jackie was too chicken to ever fight anyone again. Jackie who I’m feeling a lot less sympathy for as I realise that I didn’t provoke her into a fight. Because that was the plan all along.

CUT TO INT MY FACE CLOSE UP: As I realise JOSH!!! Josh, Carl’s friend. Josh, who knew everybody on the football team.

Josh who only asked me out a week before the party.

Josh whom I got that nice bikini top for.

Josh, who I was so amazed that a guy like that would ask me out. Fucking Josh was in on it as well, he picked me as the stooge.


CUT TO EXT: OUTSIDE MEG’s GYM. Tracy telling me how Carl and fucking Josh invited her to that party specifically to watch me get beaten up 'cos I ruined their plans. Tracy had her own reasons, but they didn’t know that.

CUT TO INT: MY FACE. Me saying “I fucking hate the bastards.” Not relevant, but it’s a point I want to make.

CUT TO INT: RED LION PUB. Sam talking to Carl and Josh and his buddies accidentally on purpose letting it slip about my fight with Melissa, and me being enrolled in an MMA gym. (No, I wasn’t going to have them know I get paid to catfight, no matter how much extra money they would have bet, no fucking way!).

CUT TO INT. THE BOOKIE’S. Carl and Josh betting even more money on me, thinking they have a ringer.

CUT TO INT: THE BOOKIES. We watch as Mister Paul Metcalfe and Miss Karen Wainwright from Manchester (that's Captain Scarlet and Symphony Angel, but you knew that right? I wore a lovely bright purple wig and of course dressed all in white) put a lot of money down on Denise.

CUT TO EXT. THE FIGHT. You see the fight from another angle. From this angle, you can see that when she kicked me between the legs, I was already jumping up, The silly cow telegraphed it by a mile, It still bloody hurt, though, but not as much as I made it look, I thought the drool was a nice touch, you don’t think it was too much, do ya?

And all the fauxshadowing I did about Captain Cook? I bet it fooled ya!

And Sam called out to me, not because he was worried about me, but because he thought I was going to pound Denise.

Then you see as I grab her hair, I’m pulling her on top of me and when we hit the ground my head never hits it, but I’m using her body to hide this fact from the crowd. It’s a tricky manoeuvre and wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance of a skilled MMA trainer. Thank you, Meg!

And like all good cons the mark (Carl and his buddies) didn't even know they'd been conned, Sophie Devereaux would have been so proud!

When we got back, we didn't make love on piles of money or anything. Okay, we did fuck like rabbits, but the money came in by bank transfer the next day, so we didn’t get to throw it in the air which was a shame.

And now the epilogue before the credits…

I was sitting in the university canteen the morning after the fight when I saw Denise walk in, she paused, looked around and then she saw me, she didn’t smile, but she turned and walked towards me and yes, she did have a spectacular shiner and was wearing a loose shirt with no bra and yes, she was limping.

She stood in front of me.

“The bus is leaving now, but before I left, I just wanted to say…


I get the impression that if we were ever to have a re-match, things would end a lot differently.”

I smile.

“I very much think so.” I agreed. Well fuck it was true.

“Just one question…why?” She’d realised I could have taken her, but I didn’t.

“Because Carl owed me, and I collected big time. If it wasn’t for that I never would have entered the stupid contest”.

She seemed satisfied and then she added.

“I’m sorry about what I said,

…what I did…

…I didn’t want…

I just love football…”

None of it was coherent sentences, but I understood exactly what she was trying to say. I smiled.

“I get it.”

She fell silent, and we stared at each other. The busyness of the canteen faded into the background, it felt like there were only the two of us now. And weird though it sounds, it felt like we shared something, we were almost post-coital. As post-coital as two people who’ve just tried to pound the shit out of each other can be anyway.

I remembered a quote from the writer Karen Blixen about the voice of silence.

We could both hear it.

Why did I fight so hard? When she was crushing me with her legs, I could just have given up, I didn't need to rip her tits off.

I told myself it was to make it look good so everybody would fall for the con.

Surely it couldn't have been because Laura Powell, who was the Hockey captain, snogged Steve Fisher in the upper sixth in the cloakroom at the Rugby Club disco. I still have an ache in my heart when I think about it. I was crazy about the boy; he was the one boy in the school who talked to me like I was a human being, not a freak. And then he copped off with that slag in a one-night stand. I just felt so empty.

No, I told myself I didn’t do all this because a boy I was crazy about snogged another girl, no it was to make it look good so Carl and Josh would never figure out how I’d screwed them.

Looking into her face, I realise Denise isn’t Laura Powell. With her soft scouse accent, she doesn’t sound anything like the Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks, I pictured in my head. She just sounds like a scared girl. She was just trying to defend herself. She loves football, she’s not a fighter, and I think she bought into that ‘honour of the team’ bullshit. I feel sorry for her, she seems human, real in a way that Jackie and Melissa never did.

And if Steve Fisher hadn't broken my heart, I wouldn't have studied so hard for my exams, and I wouldn't be here today. And I like where I am today; the course I’m on, my friends Jane, Yvonne, Sam, and the life I live. If I changed anything, if he had snogged me instead of her, it would be like what Jean-Luc said (don't know who Jean-Luc Picard is? Just fuck off!) about pulling a thread and undoing the tapestry of my life.

And I don’t want to undo that tapestry, I like my life.

Maybe I think, someday, instead of beating the snot out of her. I should buy Laura Powell a drink. because she’s the reason I’m here.

This all whizzes around my brain in a couple of seconds. I look at Denise and I offer out my hand.

“All the best little Miss Jolly-Hockey-Sticks”. I said.

She doesn’t get the reference, but she smiles, then she takes my hand and shakes it warmly, no fuck-you looks this time.

“All the best, pip-squeak”.

Fade to black and roll credits to the soundtrack of Irene Wilde by Ian Hunter (All the Way from Memphis!)

When I was just sixteen, I stood waiting for a dream.
A Barker Street bus station non-affair
At the time it seemed so sad, but it did not turn out bad.
If you hadn't messed me up, I'd still be there.
And I think most folks agree, a little put-down makes them see.
They ain't no chain - just a link and that's why you made me think.
Gonna be somebody.
Be somebody.
Be somebody –
Consciously Imcompetant.