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A Call to Writers: Craft Tales in the MSE

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Offline CatfightsbySarah

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A Call to Writers: Craft Tales in the MSE
« on: December 08, 2023, 03:13:56 AM »
Dear Writers and Storytellers,

I am thrilled to invite you to a collaborative writing project set in a unique and transformative world – the Matron's Stand Era (MSE). This is an invitation to contribute to a narrative universe that emerged from the ashes of a silent, yet devastating conflict.

The Silent War
Imagine a world where the threat of nuclear annihilation made traditional warfare obsolete. The great powers of the world, locked in a tense standoff, turned to more insidious means of conflict. This was the era of the Silent War – a war of economic sabotage, psychological operations, and cultural infiltration. It was a battle fought not with bullets and bombs but through markets, media, and the minds of people. Over time, this war led to a slow erosion of societies, leaving economies crippled and cultures in despair, all without a single shot being fired.

The Dawn of the MSE
In the wake of this silent devastation, a realization swept across nations. The existing methods of conflict resolution were futile, and a new approach was desperately needed. This period of reflection gave birth to the MSE, a radical transformation led by women, who had long been the nurturers and preservers of social cohesion.

Women, having witnessed the toll of the Silent War on their communities and families, proposed a system rooted in direct, personal resolution of conflicts. This system, built on the principles of honor, personal courage, and societal balance, shifted the focus from covert tactics to open physical engagement.

The Current World of MSE
In this new era, all disputes, from personal disagreements to significant societal issues, were resolved by women through physical fights. These confrontations, varying in style from all out hairpulling and scratcing catfights to submission style wrestling or brutal NHB fights and everything in between. These are a manifestation of a society yearning for transparency, honor, and direct resolution. There emerged a few common types of fights, each with its distinct motivation and customs.

Types of Fights
- Honor Fights: Often spontaneous and personal. Example: A mother and her child's teacher engaging in a mean catfight over a perceived discrimination.
- Mediation/Champion Fights: Formal and structured, used to resolve significant disputes in a controlled environment. Example: A high-stakes wrestling match between two local business owners to settle a long-standing property dispute, observed by community members who will enforce the outcome.
(Champion Fights are almost identical to Mediation Fights. The difference being that a representative fighting on behalf of someone else. Example: A NHB match between wives deciding the outcome of a business partnership dispute between their husbands.)
- Tournament Fights: Organized competitions with substantial rewards. Example: A series of in fights in a community tournament, where the winner receives a political position or a revered community title such as homecoming queen.

Rules of Engagement
Each fight is governed by a set of rules – vocal consent and agreement on the terms, clear victory conditions with no room for draws, and an outcome that must be respected, though the emotional resolution may vary of course.

Your Invitation to Craft MSE Stories
Step into the MSE! Whether it's narrating the tense atmosphere of a mediation fight or the electric excitement of a tournament, your stories will bring to life the complexities of this era.
I encourage you to tag your stories with 'MSE' in the title and share them here on the forum. As we build this world together, I will continue to write and post more backstory, enriching our shared universe and inspiring your narratives.

Let’s embark on this journey of crafting a world where every fight has a story, and every story adds a layer to the rich tapestry of the MSE.

Looking forward to your captivating tales,
CatfightsbySarah :-*

« Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 03:14:53 AM by CatfightsbySarah »
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Offline katietay

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Re: A Call to Writers: Craft Tales in the MSE
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2023, 09:39:21 AM »
I love these kinds of alternative universe ideas :) In fact, I could probably retcon my family fight series on here to be part of your MSE :p

Only thing is, I tend not to prefer catfight styles... how would you feel about wrestling, contests of strength, etc.?
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


Offline CatfightsbySarah

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Re: A Call to Writers: Craft Tales in the MSE
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2023, 11:05:57 AM »
Hellooo Katietay,

I'm super thrilled to hear that you're enthusiastic about the Matron's Stand Era (MSE) and considering integrating your family fight series into this universe! The idea of a retcon to provide a richer backstory and setting for the women in your stories aligns perfectly with the dynamic and evolving nature of the MSE as I see it.

Regarding your preference for different styles of combat, I wholeheartedly welcome it! The MSE is a diverse universe where all forms of physical confrontations are possible, as long as they are mutually agreed upon by the participants. Wrestling, contests of strength, and other forms of combat are not only acceptable but encouraged!

Your ideas and contributions will undoubtedly add depth and variety to the MSE. I look forward to seeing how you weave your family fight series into this universe, and I'm excited to see the different combat styles you bring to life in your stories. Feel free to explore and expand the universe in your own creative way.

Happy writing!
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