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Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava

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Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« on: September 18, 2023, 02:04:30 PM »
Hello all,

My 1st story here. Hope you all enjoy it and feel free to share thoughts, comments, feedback :-)


Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava

Been a month now since Jenny moved to Edinburgh, Scotland as part of a year month long project from London. Work has been very taxing, but she is loving it out there… especially the natural beauty. A much needed change from the hustling and bustling London. It's been a hectic month, but finally a relaxing weekend which also means she gets to go clubbing with her bestie Alisha (who also moved with her from London for the same project) at a club in the city! Jenny is very much a nerd, an IT consultant who works with a global MNC. A hot nerdy blonde is the best way to put it. Dressed in a short white shorts, stylish black top and black heels, Jenny is looking very sexy and does get a lot of glances as she parties hard. They finally call it a night and decide to exit the club.

Ava, a cliche mild-mannered mousey, bookish librarian.. born and brought up in the outskirts of Edinburgh Scotland is about to leave the club with a couple of her gal pals - Yvonne and Sonya from the library she works at. Even though she is bookish, as well as very much an introvert… she is definitely a stunning redhead and does look very hot… that is when she wants to, like in this instance. Clubbing is not really her scene to be honest, but as one of her favorite gal pals is leaving the library… she could not say no. Dressed in white shirt, burgundy skirt and black heels, she is looking very classy and stunning. And just like Jenny, she has been a head turner all night long.


Ava has been drinking and dancing the whole night, a bit tipsy as she stumbles in the hallway, her hips bumping into the side walls a bit… but that's not the only thing she collides with. An attractive looking blonde standing in the doorway, as their bodies make contact "Ughff...oh, shorry!" Ava stammers.

Jenny is very drunk tonight, which is very unlike her but then it's been that kind of week. She is in the doorway, stumbling a bit as she walks back and forth waiting for Alisha, suddenly feels the body to body contact.. “Hey watchha the fuck out” she shouts turning to look who bumped into her, as she stares at this red-headed girl… and then after hearing the apology, she adds further in a rudeish tone “Yeah fine just watch your way”

Ava looks back at this blonde girl up and down, thinking to herself ‘god dressed like such a tramp. That's the problem with coming to places like this, you meet all kinds of low-lifes. This one isn't even local going by her slurred accent.’ "Well it was an honest accident, that wouldn't even have happened if you weren't just standing in the doorway..." Ava responds in a harsh tone as her friend Sonya raises an eyebrow while her other friend Yvonne grabs Ava by her arm to lead her away exiting the club down the steps to the pavement. Ava’s head turned towards Jenny.. glancing hard at her.

Jenny hears that and fumes.. ‘what a bitch… first of all she bumps into me and then the audacity to talk like that. And those glances? Who the fuck she thinks she is?’ she thinks to herself and just shouts as she is being pulled away.. “Oh fuck off”, but she doesnt stop there.. She goes ahead to show Ava her middle finger. Alisha has come back only to see what is happening as she grabs Jenny by her hand and pulls her way as Jenny resists being pulled away.. they both are on the footpath now waiting for cab while Jenny still murmurs in low voice… “what a fat ass bitch”

Ava frowns and her eyes widen as she hears Jenny shout and give her the middle finger. “Yeah and you pish off back down south you flat chested slut” she screams right back, as Ava’s friend Yvonne winces and takes a firmer grip on Ava’s arm.

Jenny wastes no time to respond “Yeah take away that stinky scottish mackerel, before I kick her fat ass.. fucking whore”, taking a step in Ava’s direction only to have her hand grabbed firmly by Alisha.

Ava shouts back “You are the fat arse, girl. Fuck off back to down south, you ugly thames trout”..

Alisha and Yvvone.. holding their friends arms firmly share shrugs and mouth sorry to one another. Jenny just stares at Ava and then turns to Alisha and says calmly, yet loud enough for Ava and her friends to hear… “ok let go my hand please, I just want to talk to her and sort it out. I won't lay a hand on her. I promise” Jenny says it out pretty smoothly, very convincingly. Now Alisha has known Jenny for years and has never seen her in a fight, rather Jenny is someone who always sorts out issues between others, and gives a balanced view.. So she lets go of her hand. “and please wait here, as I said I promise I wont do anything… let me handle this, all will be fine” Jenny adds further and starts slowly walking towards Ava with a bit of a smile on her face. Alisha stands where she is but has her eyes fixated on Ava.

Sonya gives Yvonne an 'Uh-oh,' look which distracts her enough for Ava to shrug off the restraining hand. Ava starts walking towards Jenny, like both are a couple of gunfighters in one of those old Western movies. Their friends look on as both Ava and Jenny close in on one another.

Like Jenny, Ava is also smiling sweetly but none of the warmth reaches her eyes which are locked with Jenny’s as they get nearer. Both smiling fakely yet the eyes telling a completely different story. They get very close, inches away from each other, close enough to smell each-others perfume, close enough that their breasts brush through our delicate fabrics.

Jenny rolls her eyes, giving a death stare look.. whispers in a very low voice “You know you need to say sorry, don't you?”

Ava hisses back in a low voice “You're the one who started this. So it's you who has to end it by saying sorry." as her eyes bore back into Jenny’s, not inclined to blink.

The world goes into slow motion now and their friends start moving ever so slowly towards them… fearing something may go down as they cannot hear what they are saying. The breasts are not just brushing through their delicate fabrics anymore… rather are pretty much pushed a bit into each other, their nipples firming up as both have encroached further into each other personal space.

Jenny, not batting an eyelid, says with a fake smile.. “Ok fine. I am sorry. See that was easy” loud enough for their friends to hear as they take a deep sigh of relief. She takes a step back, turns her head to see Alisha smiling, only to turn again towards Ava “Oh, one more thing, take it as a friendly advice, you do smell like foul Scottish mackerel. A bit rotten. Maybe you should take care of it” Jenny hisses in a whisper this time, just for Ava to hear.

A proud smile appears on Ava’s face when she hears the apology, only a matter of seconds it takes to change that expression to a frown though. Their friends, now thinking the situation is defused and everything has been sorted out and just waiting for them to turn and return… Ava, as soon as she hears Jenny insult her, takes out her hand slapping right across Jenny’s face. In a fraction of seconds Jenny and Ava have hands in eachothers hair, legs awkwardly tangled up while their dress, skirt ride up to accommodate their scuffle. Their friends are stunned “fuck” “Oh shit” “oh no” is all they say and rush to pull them apart. Ava and Jenny are in a world of their own though, with rage taken over they continue to slap each other, their scalps burning, their faces clawed a bit as well… they are in what one will call a street catfight. The air around is filled with curses as well as voices saying “let go”, “break it”, “just stop now”.

After a long struggle and some more help from strangers, Jenny and Ava are pulled apart…

Jenny screams “ROTTEN SCOTTISH MACKEREL, DARE YOU MEET ME AGAIN AND I WILL SMACK YOU UP FOR GOOD, WHORE, cxnt” those words being the last ones as Alisha firmly puts her hand over my mouth…

Ava shouts back "FUCKING STINKY THAMES TROUT, YOU EVER COME BACK TO SCOTLAND AND I'LL FUCK YOU UP EVEN WORSE!" as Yvonne and Sonya drag her away and push her in the back of the car.

Both have their makeup smeared, faces scratched and clothing ripped. Who would have ever imagined that a timid librarian… and nerdy IT consultant will be street catfighting this way…

Day after the fight.. Ava

"Och, that's a nasty scratch on your face, dear." Ava winces at these words, even though she has been hearing them all day from various customers here at the library where she works. "Erm, yes, I slipped in the shower..." says Ava as she hands the little old lady her books and she walks away telling Ava to be more careful. Yvonne sidles up closer and whispers: "She should have seen the other girl, eh, Champ!" Ava groans and goes to sort some books. Eventually the scratches heal and the questions go away, though not the 'Scottish Mackerel' jibes from Yvonne and Sonya, which they have decided to be Ava’s 'lady wrestler name'. Ava spends time reading books and watching rom coms at home in an effort to put all thoughts of her… fight out of the head. But she is unsuccessful. Her, fighting!!! She still can't believe it, knowing the timid herself, and the fact that she has never ever gotten into a fight. Must have been the drinks, she tries convincing herself.

But then there is the other thought that crosses her mind as she slams down the book on the coffee table and stares out the window at the sky. She may well as well admit it to herself: She was turned on by that other girl. Especially when parts of their bodies were rubbing against one denying she was getting aroused, even though they were fighting. She wonders how that other girl felt, was she turned on too? In her dreams she relives the fight and there does seem to be a certain chemistry between them, but that's just dreams. Must have been just a drunken catfight to her, she thinks to herself… anyway I am unlikely ever to meet her again. She doesnt know whether to be happy or sad at that thought as she just stares at the sky.

Day after the fight.. Jenny

After the club encounter Jenny gets up late, like almost at noon. As soon as she comes to senses, she feels pain in her scalp.. she is still in the dress she wore last night. Things replay in her head of what happened… SHIT SHIT SHIT Jenny! WHY? HOW? How could she get into such dirty nasty catfight like the cheap whores do? She feels embarrassed and sorry for her actions. Forget a catfight, she doesn't even remember the last time she got into an argument… not in office, not even in her school days. She has always been that sweet lil’ nerdy girl. She reaches out for her mobile and sees Alisha's message, if she is ok and so on. They chat a bit until Alisha jokes about Scottish Mackerel & Thames Trout! God, more embarrassment. She gets up and walks in front of the mirror and is in a state of another shock! She is looking a total mess, lipstick messed, hair fucked up, dress a bit torn.. and the worst, two sharp marks on her face…!, and a few on her hands…eeeks! She just blames herself for it. This will take at-least 3 days to heal, thankfully today is a friday where she can work from home… as she gets freshened up and gets busy working.

Couple of days later the scratches have almost disappeared with just some bits around the neck and hands visible. Jenny  checks herself in the mirror and feels good about it but still here thoughts lingering on the fight she had. ‘Was that girl really upset with me? I must have really bumped into her badly and on top said crappy stuff instead of apologizing.. I shouldn't be drinking so much… never again’ she thinks to herself. It's a gloomy day and a Sunday as she switches on the TV and scans through the channels until a scene shows up that has eyes glued to it. The video finishes. It's a catfight promo of a series. Her breasts have firmed up and nipples stiffened, as she stares at infinity with the video playing in her head repeatedly. Only difference being instead of those two actresses, she imagines herself and that girl she fought with going at it. It's like she has gone into trance and feeling a weird pleasure imagining how they entangle and rip each other's dresses. She has no idea what is happening, as she feels her nipples stiffened up… confused as ever, lost in thoughts…

… Until my phone rings! It's Alisha, coming to pick her up as they are meeting Kiara (another friend of theirs) for lunch. And she is late. God Jenny, come back to senses. She gets ready in haste, eventually wearing one of the stupidest t-shirts she got, the only one which will help her to hide some of the neck and hand marks that are still showing.

Three months later…

It's raining as Ava locks the door to the library… Finally, a long week is over and a relaxing weekend is here. She is happy that she doesn't have any plans over the weekend as Yvonne and Sonya are both otherwise engaged in some other work. So no more of getting dragged to the cinema to see movies that she has no interest in, or parties where she doesn't know or care for any of the other guests and certainly no clubbing... The thought of that last one sends tremors through her as she thinks back to her 'fight' months ago. Three months later and the fight still haunts her. Rather she can no longer distinguish whether the tremors are of embarrassment, anxiety or...something else. Thunder booms overhead as she somehow manages to get to the station… only to find that her train has been canceled due to the heavy showers. Thankfully there is a cafe just outside the station. Ava decides to spend time at the cafe till the trains resume, as she walks into the cafe and finds herself a seat next to a window. The windows are misted with steam and only murky orange street lights can be seen in the rainy darkness beyond. Dressed in her denim jacket, white top, jeans and comfortable sandals, she sips her coffee and opens her latest paperback in the hopes it will speed time along its way.

It's been a very busy last three months for Jenny with lots of work at the client office. As much as she loved Edinburgh in her initial days, she hates it now.. especially due to the cold rainy weather and dark days. Add to it the fact that the client office is a bit further in the outskirts and she has to use a train to get there whenever she needs to visit the client office, and unfortunately today was such a day where she had an important client meeting. She reached office on time only to find that the client lead took the day off due to weather and postponed the meeting. Annoyed and frustrated spent the day literally doing nothing and on top Alisha sent her this GIF on whatsapp with the message ‘oh look, the mackerel and the trout ’. Something that Alisha, and also her other friend Kiara still tease her once in a while (read every week). Jenny sees that gif and again has that anxious feeling, imagining herself and that other girl in the GIF this time.. this has been happening every time she sees any of such scenes of women being aggressive towards each other, fighting. Thankfully it's time to leave as she takes a cab to the station, only to arrive at the station and find out that trains have been canceled. ‘Fuck this google maps! which still shows the train is due on time!’ she thinks to herself rolling eyes and getting more annoyed. Jenny in a simple sweater, capri jeans and sneakers.

She has no option but to head into the cafe outside the station… Yes, the same cafe Ava walked into 20 minutes ago. The cafe is pretty empty, as she also manages to get a table near the window on the other side..

Time is passing by very slowly for Ava as she is not enjoying this book anymore… nor the coffee that has gone cold. She decides to get up and walk up to the counter to grab another hot coffee. As she waits for the barista to serve, she looks around… most people like her are there due to the train cancellations. She notices a blonde girl in a simple sweater, wondering if she knows her… the face looks familiar and it hits her - like a train slamming into her… it’s HER. That blonde girl she fought with 3 months ago! She's not dolled up to the nines, like she was that night, and her me she's dressed very casually.. But it's her...IT'S HER! She accepts her coffee and wanders back to my table. ‘Will she recognise me too? She was pretty drunk that night. Yes, but so was I.. or has she totally forgotten me… Damn, damn, damn!. What's the best thing to do now? Go over and apologize, admit that she is a shy librarian and not the monster she met that night? Or Maybe she should just grab her things and get out of here, head over to the platform and wait.’ all these thoughts swirling in Ava’s mind as she anxiously looks in the direction of Jenny...

And it's at that moment when Jenny looks up and sees Ava..!


Just as Jenny takes a sip of the hot coffee, finally feeling happy that the boring office day is over… lifts her head to look around in the cafe her eyes fall on this red-head girl… ‘WHAT? like seriously? Is that HER? .. its fucking HER! That same girl who fought with me 3 months ago!’ Jenny literally freezes as she sees Ava also looking at her.

Their eyes lock.. Scanning each-other from top to down, left to right…

Just like Ava, similar thoughts run through Jenny’s mind... ‘God should I apologize to her? Or just ignore her?’ and then Jenny smiles… a slight sheepish smile, but mentally ready to look the other way in-case she ignores.

Ava smiles back, almost sighing with relief. Unsure of what to do next, Ava gathers courage and walks towards Jenny. Jenny thinks in her mind ‘uh-oh’ is this like revenge to when she walked towards her outside the club, as her smile disappears and instinctively her fingers curl into a fist below the table…

Ava approaches her and says with a genuine smile.. "I...I just had to say, I am so very sorry. That wasn't me, it really wasn't… the drinks got out the worst of me that day.. I don't usually get drunk or, you know, into..." she can't quite bring herself to say the fight word and adds further… "Anyway, I should get back to my seat before someone bags it." Ava gestures towards her paperback on the table, just as someone places her paperback aside and takes a seat on the other side of her table.

Jenny hears her apologize, her body relaxes, the fist uncurls itself as she sighs with relief. She looks into Ava’s eyes, smiling a bit more, genuinely hearing all that Ava says and speaks up… “are you kidding me? If anyone has to be sorry, it must be me. I was drunk like crazy.. and stumbling in your way anyway that day. Really sorry for all the curses and any hurt I caused you. I don't even get into an argument, forget a fight…” Jenny sees what happened at Ava’s table and adds “please feel free to join me, anyway I am sitting alone on this gloomy day… but yeah… I need to warn you, I am kinda a boring nerd” and smiles.

Ava is so relieved to hear Jenny apologizing back. Ava rushes to her table to grab her stuff and joins Jenny on her table and says laughing "Well that makes two of us then!" as she holds up the cover of the book which is a garish sci-fi novel graced with a picture of a busty-space babe in a tight fitting swimsuit. "Believe it or not, it's actually quite good, proving that you never judge a book by its cover... Oh, my name's Ava." says Ava as she extends her hand for a handshake.

Jenny shakes her hand and replies “I am Jenny and does look pretty interesting reading for sure”.

They start to talk and, unbelievably, they get on extremely well now that neither of us is drunk. Ava tells Jenny that 'Scottish Mackerel' is her new nickname, and with a laugh, she asks Jenny for a selfie with me. Both put their arms around one another and stick out our tongues. The picture goes out to Yvonne and Sonya as well as to Alisha and Kiara with the heading: Mackerel vs Trout Round 2, The Revenge! As both giggle and laugh, but also checking eachother out at every opportunity.. Especially their bodies, breasts.. Both clearly attracted towards each other.

Ava continues to giggle and says "Jenny, we missed a trick there. For our selfie we should have dressed up in swimsuits!... Well Yvonne and Sonya have been saying 'Scottish Mackerel' is my lady wrestler name, hah-hah! Not that I've ever seen a proper wrestling match...and I think our busts did most of the wrestling that night..." as a man passing between us overhears and almost drops his drink. Both burst out laughing and get up to catch our train, which they have already discovered is the same one.

Jenny winks back and adds further as they get on the platform..“Oh god! Yes.. dressed in swimsuits.. well why not bikinis.. let's take it up a notch.. giggling.. My friends Alisha and Kiara.. they call me the Catfighter Thames Trout.. Can you believe that?”

Both continue to laugh and giggle as they board the train which is totally empty.. probably due to the weather. They take one of those seats for 4 with a table in between and sit opposite each-other next to the window…

Jenny takes out her phone and says..“Ok let me show you something” and opens a pic of her in a bikini that was taken like a year ago.. “Check that out..”

Ava’s eyes widened, she replies “Ooo pretty hot I must say.. Now you see this!” as Ava takes out her phone and shows a pic of her own in a bikini..

Jenny almost bites her lips looking at the hot pic but laugh to hide it..“Wow super hot” she says  and adds “but hey.. Let's not fight about it.. Hehehe.. Unless you want to..” laughs again as they place their phones next to each other. The borders of the phones press against each other..

Ava notices a bit of firmness from Jenny, so naturally keeps her phone pressed “ha ha I can bet on it that I would have won that one for sure... Hehehe Isn't it clear to you? Look at my body there ha ha” Ava says jokingly but definitely there is some competitive undertone that Jenny doesn't miss..and just raises an eyebrow as Ava says she will win.. And both lock eyes.

Suddenly the train halts. Signal failure. Both don't mind since they are pretty much engaged in their weird friendly yet turning competitive conversation around fights.. Very unlike both of them. As neither breaks the gaze, Ava feels her nipples tighten and breathing gets heavier.. And so does Jenny.

Jenny stares right into the eyes of Ava “is the sober Scottish mackerel challenging the sober Thames trout?”

Ava, keeping eyes locked replies back immediately… "No one is around to stop us this time… isn’t it"

Both staring hard at each other, biting lips.. as if on cue both slide out of their seats, and stand in front of each other... Just like outside the club.. Hands go up on their hips… it's as if the scene from 3 months ago… just that this time they are not drunk and in their senses. One more step and they would be in each other's faces… They are about to, when the train suddenly lurches as both snap back to reality… balancing themselves and get back on the seats… smiling at each other in a bit embarrassing way.

There is an announcement made: "Due to unforeseen difficulties, the train will terminate here. Those wishing to alight here may do so, while those wishing to continue further on may go to the waiting room while we arrange an emergency bus. ... Which might take several hours."

Jenny breaks the eye lock and rolls her eyes.. concerned.. “Oh good lord.. I hope I can get a cab from here to home in this rain now..” snapping out of what was happening a few moments ago.

Ava takes a deep breath, looks at Jenny and says "I never imagined I'd say this to the gal I was fighting with outside a nightclub 3 months ago, but you're welcome to stay over, I just stay down the road. It's just me and I've got space. And...honestly, I'm not a serial killer either, if that helps." Ava smiles and adds further laughing.. "Besides, there's that whole Scottish Mackerel vs Thames Trout challenge to sort out..." winking and giggling.

Jenny listens and replies “oh my god you are so sweet and kind. Well tomorrow is my day off anyway, so I don’t mind really.. “ as she accepts Ava’s offer.

Jenny slides out of her seat and so does Ava, as Jenny again locks her with Ava… “and no one to stop us, you mean the Scottish Mackerel doesn’t get to escape this time?” Those words come out very seriously from Jenny’s mouth… only to follow it with a very fake “ha ha..” as she folds her hands under her breasts making them bulge a bit.

Ava raises an eyebrow and replies "No friends to help the Thames Trout swim downstream to safety!" folding her arms under her own breasts. Both glance down at each other's tops, especially checking out the breasts bulging over the tops… only to start giggling and laughing as the guard appears at the other end of the carriage… They grab their things and get off the train. Moments later, they are across the road from the station at Ava’s home, a small cottage that she inherited from her parents.

Ava unlocks the door.. "I'm lucky, the thick stonework and double glazing mostly keeps the sound of the trains out," She explains, ushering Jenny inside. "Excuse any mess, but I didn't know I'd have visitors - least of all the world famous Thames Trout!" Ava giggles as she switches on the lights. She leads Jenny upstairs, pausing to show her the small bathroom and then the guest bedroom across from her own. "There's a clean dressing gown hung up on the door, and you'll find some undies and things in the drawers you're welcome to. I hope you'll enjoy your stay at 'Hotel Ava,' or is that 'Hotel Mackerel,' heh-heh.".

Jenny is pleasantly surprised at how lovely her house is… way better than the 2 BHK flat she is staying at. “God stop it Ava, you are super kind! I will manage… and your house is so warm, I am actually feeling a bit hot even on such a rainy day. Do you mind me shifting here permanently? ha ha...” Jenny says jokingly and adds further “Ok I will change and see you in the living room downstairs?”

Ava smiles and replies.."Well I'd be happy to have you stay with me while you're working for your Scottish client, it would save you money on that rental flat you are paying for. But we can discuss that later. I'll see you downstairs." and leaves..

At this point, both are having their emotions fighting it out. One side of them wanting to be friends.. Both are so similar, the types that can get along so well and become besties… but then there is the darker side, where they despise each other, doubting each other, jealous of each other, wanting to prove how much better a body either one has, wanting to curse and trash the other…

Jenny keeps her purse and bag on the table and thinks to herself.. ‘Well she is a sweet girl, but… just now what happened in the train. Was she acting smart? that day it was alcohol? but not today. Naah Jenny. Don't think shit. Even you acted up a bit… weird’ As she gently taps on her own head. She slips out of her sweater top and knee length capri jeans and puts on the dressing gown that's there in the drawer over her lovely blue bra and panty, and heads downstairs to the living room.

Ava goes into her bedroom to get comfortable, taking off her denim jacket, white top and jeans to reveal the white bra and pink panty beneath. She is still amazed that her chance encounter with Jenny at the café has led to her bringing her sparring partner from the club home. Not only that, but she feels they have real chemistry. She pulls on a white dressing gown identical to the one in Jenny’s room and heads down stairs. ‘All those nights when she has thought about them meeting again and now it has actually happened…’ she thinks as she walks down to the living room.

Both meet in the living room, which is dimly lit, pretty much setting the mood. Both identical white dressing gowns.

Jenny smiles “Thank you again Ava. You have been really kind and I am so happy to have met you. Never thought we would end up like this.” she adds further.. “tell you a secret, when you walked at me in the face.. I had this hand all fisted up” as she actually makes a fist with her right hand, “it was below the table just incase.. you, well i mean the scottish mackerel tried something similar like 3 months ago.. ha ha” Jenny laughs but with a bit of seriousness in her tone..

Ava walks across and smiles.. "Crikey, I'm glad I apologized. If we'd started a fight in the café we'd have been on the local News, and I can't see that going down well at head office. It was bad enough trying to convince my library customers that my scratches were from falling over in the shower!" She shakes my head. "Fortunately neither of us was drunk tonight, heh-heh!.. You know, it's weird, but in the dim light with us both wearing dressing gowns, we really look like one another. It's like you're a blonde version of me!" Ava add’s further and giggles, finding herself glancing towards the top of Jenny’s gown and the curve of her breasts which fill it

Jenny laughs “oh god.. fight at the cafe? I would have lost the job for sure haha.. and I doubt anyone would have stopped us then lol.. i took fucking 4 days leave babe till the scratches healed completely” Jenny slowly walks close to Ava, getting a good look of her shapely breasts under the gown and say “a little correction babe, it’s actually like you are red-headed version of me, I am the original one… hehehe” and give a friendly playful shoulder dash.. and laughs as if she is joking!

Ava laughs "Oh, is that so....? I'm certain I'm the original."  before giving Jenny a playful shoulder push

Jenny flips her blonde hair stylishly… to come right in front of Ava, just like in the train with her hands folding underneath breasts.. “Oh yes Ava, I do agree you are the original.. the one and only.. the Scottish Mackerel ha ha” Jenny laughs, which happens not to be a funny laugh, but more of a smirky, cocky, insulting, laugh.

Ava folds her arms beneath my breasts and then lowers her fingers to untie the belt of her dressing gown to flop it open… and reveals her hot body as she grins at Jenny. She rolls her shoulders to drop the gown to the carpet and flicks it to the side with her foot. "So I guess it's Scottish Mackerel vs Thames Trout again... Ding-ding, Round 2." says Ava, not smiling but in a very competitive way.

That was it. No more funny business, surely not a joke. Ava had issued a challenge. Right there. Her scottish accent and cocky attitude, just like on that night 3 months ago.. the only thing missing were the curses. Jenny’s eyes pop when she sees Ava’s hot body as the gown drops. She almost gasps, taking a good look at Ava’s fullish rounded breasts. Only to mock her move and drop her own gown, exactly like Ava did.


Jenny replies staring in Ava’s eyes “Indeed it is, where the trout is going to kick the mackerel’s ass” as she leans to get her face closer to Ava’s and hisses “AGAIN ”. Jenny then leans back and taunts more… “oh god why does this mackerel stink so much? '' rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

Ava’s mind quickly wanders back to that night 3 months ago… reminded of the sensations that ran through her when their dresses brushed together during the nightclub skirmish. She steps up, right ino Jenny’s personal space and hisses "I seem to recall that I kicked your ass, girl! And as for the smell, it's the smell of trout." And their bras are touching, rather pressing into eachother. Ava raises an eyebrow, looks down at their boobs and then locks eyes with Jenny again… not saying it out loud but the eyes clearly saying ‘Shall we?’

A wicked cocky grin runs across Jenny's face, clearly accepting what Ava is proposing. Both feeling a streak of jealousy, mixed with extreme cockiness and excitement. Jenny leans her head further, their faces extremely close… close enough that their foreheads touch and their breasts are now fully pressed into each-other through their bra fabrics. Their hearts beat faster, the strain on their bras increases as they press their busts together.

Jenny taunts “Hon, you are delusional… I clearly remember I kicked your ass! Did you not have a nice long scratch…” as she unfolds her hands, takes her right hand up and slides her finger with nail against Ava’s cheek barely touching “right there” and then slowly taps her cheek before taking it back as she places both hands onto my hips..!

Ava hisses "Then you recall wrong, lady. I kicked your ass...and your friend had to rescue you...." as she raises her hand to Jenny’s  face and traces the outline of a little scar that she left that night, barely visible under Jenny’s make-up, but there. "You had to take days off to recover, remember?" Ava adds further placing her hands on hips and arches her back, pushing her breasts firmly against Jenny’s.

Both using everything they know about each other, everything they shared about each other in confidence.. To taunt each other.

Jenny almost gets pushed back, but her right leg goes back a bit and her calf muscles stiff to ensure she does not go off balance and holds her position “You know Ava, you should actually thank Alisha that she pulled me apart… Cause if she hadn’t done that, you probably wouldn’t even have the guts to walk up to me today!” Jenny snarls.. Only to arch her back and BAMMM, smashes her breasts into Ava’s!

Ava stumbles a bit but quickly rushes forward "And if Alisha hadn't pulled you off, then you wouldn't be walking at all!" Ava smashes her own breasts into Jenny’s as they both watch their breasts smash and mash together. "And my bestie Yvonne would have taken Alisha down no problem, by the way! I'm only sorry our friends can't see you get taken down right here right now!" Ava snarls in Jenny’s face as both continue to keep their breasts pressed and every now and then arching their backs to smash their breasts into each other.

Jenny snarls “Oh yeah, why don't we call our friends then? Let them see how I smack the hell out of you.. in your own dungeon… '' and takes her right hand at the back of Ava’s head, grabs a bunch of that lovely red hair and pushes Ava’s face right into her to have their noses touch… locking their eyes again “or do you want to meet at the club again.. and re-do it… only difference between this time our girlfriends dont stop us, but fight with us… the stinky mackerels vs the hot trouts! .. huh Ava'' Jenny snarls…

Ava does not waste a moment to grab hold of Jenny’s blonde hair as they glare at one another, still crushing their tits together… and now pressing noses firmly into each other… "Okay then, your friends and my friends - girl gang fight at the back of the club. The magnificent mackerels vs the trashy Trouts!" Ava replies as she arches again a bit and smacks her breasts into Jenny’s… this time knocking off Jenny’s right tit loose, out of her bra.. as she watches Jenny’s tit bounce, nipple thick and firm.. "Ooooh, chilly, Jenny?" Ava smirks as she uses her other hand to slap Jenny’s other breast as well to pop it out!

Jenny gasps as her eyes pop, she goes a tad low and smashes her breasts onto Ava’s from below, making both her Ava’s break pop out of her bra.. gripping her hair a bit harder “chilly you say Ava? huh?.. and yeah it's ON Ava. A girl gang fight! Hope your girls won't ditch you and run.. ha ha, cause I ain't gonna spare you.. no matter what” Jenny say staring hard… as she takes her left hand and places it on Ava’s right breast.. fully grabbing it.. nails ready to dig into Ava’s breast flesh, a wicked grin on Jenny’s face.

Their tits bounce out to face one another. All four nipples are thick and perky. Ava places her hand onto Jenny's breast and digs her nails in. Ava screams as she lets go of her hair to place her other hand on Jenny’s other tit, starting to maul Jenny’s tits.Grunting and screaming herself, Jenny as she takes her other hand to grab Ava’s other breast and dig in nails as well…

This is the moment they both have realized that neither of them is acting flirting, joking, playing or anymore. Looks like they were destined to meet 3 months ago.. And today! Just a few hours back they were like long lost friends… but now they seem to have picked up the unfinished business they left three months ago.

There seems to be a jealousy, hate, rage as both continue to torture each other’s tits.. Mauling them.. even pulling, twisting and pinching each other's nipples to inflict pain like no other. The room is filled with grunts, screams, moans and curses as they stumble and stagger around with room still continuing to torment each other's tits, while continuing to bear the excruciating pain… but their hate is so much for one another that neither one of them is letting go! But why such hate one may ask? They are strangers… not like it's a fight for a man.. Or a woman.. What's all this hate and rage for? No one knows.

Ava screams “Hate you so much Jenny.. Fucking bitchh.. Owwww oops” before she stumbles a bit, only to let go Jenny’s left breast and grab the waistband of Jenny’s panty to get a better grip and hold onto it.. Pulling it up to give Jenny a wedgie..

Jenny yelps “awww nnhughhhhh slut…” as she feels the wedgie… and lets go of Ava's right breast and grabs her pussy over Ava’s panty “Ooo the stinky mackerel is wet as shit! whore”

Ava gasps "Nghhhhhh...ahhhhhh....bitchhhhh!.. Oh yeah.. That's how you wanna play cxnt?" and hisses, letting go of the waistband, she likewise cups Jenny’s pussy. "Oh, the ugly trout is dripping...."

Jenny squeezes Ava’s pussy through over her panty "'re wetter, Trout!"

Ava squeezing back.. “Fuck you.. You are wetter, Mackerel”

Jenny takes her hand off Ava’s panty, and then slides her hand inside her panty.. Ava’s eyes widen, and staring right into Jenny’s eyes she does exactly the same to her nemesis. Both have their fingers inside each other's pussy.. Just swirling around.. Feeling each other's labia inside..

Jenny hisses “Lets see who is cumming 1st then bitch…”

Ava snarls “Obviously that will be your dirty pussy whore..”

Jenny snarls back “Fuck you cxnt, I am gonna run you dry..”

Ava growls “We will find out soon slut… come on…”

And as if on cue, both start fingering each other… they are not clawing each other's tits anymore, rather pressing them with their palms.. A fierce tit mauling catfight has now turned into a game of arousal.. Their faces come closer as while they finger each other, they also lock their lips.. Kiss each other sloppily.. saliva dripping from the edge of their lips.. Their kiss breaks, only for their tongues to come out, moving them up and down like a snake.. and slash against each other’s tongue, pushing against each other to exhaust each other's tongue… there are no more curses or screams being heard, but a lot of moans and sexual grunts.. Their bodies are sweating, the room filled with a weird smell.. a mix of perfumes, sweats and some cum…

Jenny moans “unmphhh you fucking slut faced whore!!! I know you wanted me that's why you approached me.. huh cxnt.. Ahhh ughhhhhh mmmmmm”

Ava grunting “fuck you bitch.. you want me more.. cause I am hotter than you.. You wanted to feel my body hence you bumped into me three months ago… nnghhhhhhh arrghhhhhhh mmmhhh”

They continue to moan and trade insults as the fingering gets fierce as every moment passes… both feeling the pain from the fierce tit mauling yet enjoying the pleasure of fingering.. But it's not pleasure and they both know it. It is a fight no matter how sensual it looks..

Jenny screams as she knows she is on the verge… “Oohhh ahhhhh fuckkk noooo…”

Ava snarls.. “Yeah baby.. Cumm you fucking bitch…” but in a fraction of a second “ohh fuckkkk aahhhhhh fuckk” she feels she is about to burst…

Jenny just takes off her hand from Ava’s tit and slaps her right across.. While at the same time Ava goes for Jenny’s hair and yanks it harder.. Both try to distract the other's intense fingering and both succeed at it… as the fingering stops from both sides and they just push each other to separate, they look down as their pussies drip cum along their thighs.. Like a partial cum.

Ava shouts "Fuck you bitch.... Fucking bitch I had you.. You were to cum 1st.. Look at your cum dripping"

Jenny screams back in her face “Like hell cxnt.. Look at your pussy dripping cum now.. Fucking cheat… you disgusting whore..”

As both just stare at eachother hard.. Not saying anything else.. Just panting heavily.. And staring at each other's bodies.. Mauled tits, and cum dripping pussies.. Jenny turns, keeping an eye on Ava.. she heads up to the stairs.. Only to be followed by Ava. Both get into their rooms… Jenny changes back in their clothes and heads downstairs with her stuff, only to see Ava already there.. Also changed into her comfortable nightwear.

Jenny just shrugs and says rudely, almost shouting… “who wants to stay at a stinky shithole of a fucking lesbian dyke mackerel…” as she heads towards the door with her stuff

Ava shouts back.. "Y-y-you're the lesbian fuck the hell off and get out of my house you fucking lesbian trout!"

Jenny bangs the door as she leaves and gets a cab to her place! ‘what a bitch.. and I was thinking it was my mistake for the last three months..’ as she questions her self belief and self instinct…

Ava fumes as she sees and hears the door bang hard, almost feeling like walking behind her and trashing her.. But watches her through the window as Jenny gets a cab. ‘Fucking cxnt. Dare she crosses paths with me every again…. And I thought we could be friends.. What a poor judgment Ava..’ she thinks to herself as she shakes her head.

Will their paths cross again..? Will they fight again…Will their friends join in their fight?  Time will reveal the answers in due time…

« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 08:32:12 PM by emily.s »


Offline Busty Cecilia

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2023, 09:43:46 PM »
One of the better stories I've read in a while, that too from someone who's writing it for the first time.
Like minded bitches with similar bodies who can't stand each other? Right up my alley!

Hope they cross paths again, with their friends of course ;)


Offline Miafit

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2023, 03:49:02 AM »
A superb fight


Offline Maria Curves

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2023, 07:42:56 AM »
Really liked this fight


Offline Dafni

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2023, 02:30:39 AM »
very nice race, I liked that there were photos! they must meet again and be random!


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2023, 07:58:06 PM »
Wow, such an amazing and fun read. Emily is just incredible <3


Offline emily.s

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2023, 09:16:43 PM »
Wow, such an amazing and fun read. Emily is just incredible <3

OMG  :-*  :)



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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2023, 07:58:08 PM »
This was a really good story. I liked how you developed their characters and the Scots/ English angle was good. I'm also glad they ended as enemies and that the fight was private.

I would have preferred there to be a clear winner but that's just my taste.

Hope you write more stories.


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2023, 12:46:13 AM »
There is lots of great stuff here.

The dialogue was really hot. I think there are lots of writers who would LOVE to be able to write British hissing like you have -- including me.

The mid-story pictures are a fun add, for sure.

 I like the time skip, and the having conflict without feeling the need to write an entire fight, like you did in the beginning, when that fight might derail your character development and tension building.

And if Ewa and Rocko love it, then you KNOW it's quality. Both are superb judges of just about everything.

I'd be honored to have this on the site and I am super glad that we were introduced! <3


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2023, 08:34:31 PM »
Thank you soooo muchhhhh! Means a lot :-)

There is lots of great stuff here.

The dialogue was really hot. I think there are lots of writers who would LOVE to be able to write British hissing like you have -- including me.

The mid-story pictures are a fun add, for sure.

 I like the time skip, and the having conflict without feeling the need to write an entire fight, like you did in the beginning, when that fight might derail your character development and tension building.

And if Ewa and Rocko love it, then you KNOW it's quality. Both are superb judges of just about everything.

I'd be honored to have this on the site and I am super glad that we were introduced! <3


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2023, 04:45:00 PM »
Love it
trillian: lr.cftfan


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2023, 07:00:54 PM »
I love it I wonder if they fight again?


Offline Decman82

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2023, 11:51:44 AM »
Thanks for the hot story! I don't know why two shy women learning they love to fight makes the fight sexier to me but I love it whenever I see it or read it.


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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2023, 11:37:34 AM »
Very well written, when is the second part coming out? :)
No I don’t have Trillian, thanks for asking. I do have discord though if you want to chat xx


Offline Frank

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Re: Nerdy Jenny & Bookish Ava
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2023, 10:57:15 PM »
Very well written !! Really hot !!
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