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Jessica McNamee vs Marie Avgeropolous

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Jessica McNamee vs Marie Avgeropolous
« on: November 07, 2023, 02:54:54 PM »

Story took place in 2019

Marie Avgeropolous made it clear, she was going to fight and she was going to beat Ruby Rose.  She had a spotty record on paper but anyone who watched her fight knew she was the best from the 100.  Fought wildcat style and won against Annet Mahendru whose striking was so far above Ruby Roses.  Fought a technical fight against Janet Montgomery and lost but Janet often would call Marie her Achilles heel.  Janet didn’t have the strength, speed or skill to truly beat and have people say Janet won when fighting Marie… She’d take the win and Marie had no interest in a rematch.

Right now, for Marie nothing was bigger fish than Ruby Rose.  Ruby and Nina Dobrev were in some kind of feud, but Marie knew that it was she not Nina who was taking up space in Ruby’s head.  She had to seal the deal to get Ruby to fight once the pit reopened.

She wanted to beat up one of her friends, but the Swift crowd was too well protected and really none other than Ruby were worth the bruises on her fist.  So, she invited one of Ruby’s oldest friends to her set and was willing to put peoples jobs on the line in order to send a message to Ruby rose.  Everyone applauded her and the looks Jessica McNamee got when she showed up made her stop and look around

“I beat this little girl you all better come and kiss my ass, or I’ll cancel this shite.”

Marie walked in “Does Ruby know you’re here.”

“This is about us so why should she.”

“This isn’t about us.  This is about me sending a message to Ruby Rose now take your phone out or this become everyone against you!”

Jessica laughed “Your friends can face time her so she can see how you are a waste of her time.  I love my friend she has accomplished so much with it all so I left the set of Mortal Kombat to come here and shut you up and make you leave her alone.”

Marie never cared just shrugged her shoulders.  Jessica took out her phone and facetimed ruby then passed the phone to Lindsey Morgan.  Marie walked into the silo set “Come on in and find out a little of what I will show Ruby.”

Jessica walked in and Lindsey was behind her and hit the mute so no one could hear Ruby Rose.  She did bring it up “Marie is going to prove you are no better than us.”

Marie stood there with her arms behind her back “Come on then knock me out “ Jessica looked shocked and walked toward Marie

“Starting with a lead right” Marie said a split second before the punch was thrown and side stepped “Haymaker right” Marie ducked under that while keeping her eyes on Jessica and hand behind her back

“Head kick coming up” Marie watched the foot go past her face but still wouldn’t take her hands from behind

Jessica thought and thought then threw a punch but as she prepared Marie called it “Uppercut to the stomach” Marie kept her hands behind her back and ate the punch then smiled “See that Ruby”

“This is about us and “ 

“Another uppercut to the stomach.”  The fist landed and Marie chose to absorb it “No this is about my proving a point.  You are predictable and”

“Shut up.  Just shut up”

Jessica hauled back for a punch then got hit with a right upper cut which put her on spaghetti legs.  A left hook followed, and Jessica was going backward and was getting hit with hard rights and lefts all the way to the wall where Jessica finally started to fall forward and then a knee came up.

Jessica McNamee was out cold.  Face on the ground and ass in the air.  Marie was about to walk ot of the silo and saw the phone and a angered Ruby Rose.  Marie smiled and took the phone with her as she left the silo

“So British Fighting Pit… What do you think?”

“You’re on and…”  Disconnected by Marie who threw the phone behind her

“I don’t care.”

Marie walked out and shouted “Its over and Sonya blade just got exposed.  Next up is Batwoman and find out if the stories are true how she treats crew.  I’ll expose her too.”

(Upcoming: Hailee Steinfeld vs Saorise Ronan; Ladder Match Build up; Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan; Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens)


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Re: Jessica McNamee vs Marie Avgeropolous
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2023, 08:45:56 PM »
Height Weight ?


Offline Interac

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Re: Jessica McNamee vs Marie Avgeropolous
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2023, 03:12:51 AM »
Height Weight ?

Marie Avgeropolous
121 lbs

Jessica McNamee
5'5 and 3/4
115 lbs