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Offline topgear15

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« on: November 06, 2023, 03:14:49 AM »
     Fallon is first up and lets Sandy know she is ready. Fallon looks at Sandy and says " I am ready to finish this."   Sandy just looks at Fallon and shakes her head no. They approach each other and are at it right away. They lock up and struggle around the room. They dance around locked up for a moment or two. Sandy trips up Fallon and is on top. .She sits at Fallon's waist and grabs both of her tits. Fallon wastes no time and grabs both of Sandy's tits. They are working each other over. Fallon knees Sandy hard in the back causing her to fall forward. Fallon is able to get out from under her and before Sandy can recover Fallon is on her from behind. She is on her knees and pulls Sandy back and up to her knees from a kneeling position. Fallon has one arm around Sandy's neck and grabs one of her breasts. Sandy is hitting at Fallon's body and legs. Sandy then reaches back over her head and grabs Fallon's long blonde hair. Sandy leans forward  and pulls Fallon over her right side. Sandy gets Fallon in a head lock with Fallon on her back and Sandy laying with her back on Fallon's chest. Sandy " Do you give?"   Fallon " Hell no "   as she pulls Sandy's hair. Fallon kicks her legs and with a big thrust she breaks free from Sandy. They roll away from each other and stand.                           
     They circle slowly hands up, slapping at each other. They come together hard  and crash to the floor. They are in a cat ball and roll around this way for a short time. Sandy knees Fallon in the crotch. Fallon " Bitch "    It hurts but with the jean shorts on it isn't as bad as it could have been. Fallon slaps the hell out of Sandy. They both now have a handful of hair and are shaking heads back and forth. Fallon gets one of Sandy's legs pined between her legs. This is to take away another attempt at getting kneed. Fallon has one hand on one of Sandy's breasts just cupping it. She is sort of holding Sandy in position this way. Sandy is trying to get her leg free but Fallon has her under control. Sandy isn't concerned with Fallon's hand on her breast since she really isn't doing anything. Sandy's main concern at this moment is to get free. Sandy pounds on Fallon's leg but gets nowhere. Fallon tightens her grip on Sandy's tit just a little.     
     Sandy uses both arms and kind of sits and rolls Fallon onto her back. Sandy is on top of Fallon and sits on her face and pulls her hair. and head into into her crotch. Fallon's legs are kicking. Fallon brings her legs up with her feet on the floor. She then knees Sandy in the back with both legs. This knocks Sandy forward but not off. Fallon is disappointed this did not work. She instantly bridges while Sandy is slightly of balance. This gets Sandy falling forward. Fallon quickly pulls out and rolls over attacking Sandy. She has Sandy face down on the carpet and she sits on her back. Fallon gets one hand under Sandy's chin pulling her head back. This has Sandy slightly bowed her chest off the floor. Fallon grabs one of Sandy's breasts and attacks with a vengeance. She pulls hard on Sandy's chin bending her head back straining her neck. The pain in her neck and chest is to much and Sandy is pounding the carpet and mumbles  " STOP    STOP"   Fallon lets go and stands up raising her arms in victory. She puts her right foot on Sandy's back in a victory pose. Sandy lays there face down on the carpet. Fallon " Any time you are ready to get your ass beat let me know."   She goes over and gets a towel and cold drink. Carrie is happy and proud, her daughters experience has paid off, but Sandy did put up a good fight. Sandy gets up and gets her towel and drink. She is consoled by Gina , who is proud of her and how hard she fought. That does not help much as Sandy is pissed at losing. These two will fight again and probably soon.         
                                                                                  TO   BE   CONTINUED
« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 03:22:27 AM by topgear15 »
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.