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Family Fight (my first try)

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Offline bigoldcffan57

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Family Fight (my first try)
« on: October 16, 2023, 08:42:14 PM »
This is a bit long, so I'm going to break it up a bit

Ch 1

My family lives in a fairly well off town. It’s me, my 45 year old wife, and our kids, my 23year old daughter, my 21 year old son, and my 19 year old daughter. The girls take after their mom (thank goodness) meaning they are busty, pretty, and if I can say it as their dad, hot. My son takes more after me, meaning not exactly a jock, though not unathletic, not a gym type guy, but a good talker, and from giving his swimwear a once over, a bit more than average.
That’s me, for 47, out of shape, good with the bull**** and able to make a better than average living as a sales rep. That and what I have inside my pants allowed me to marry way above my weight class, to one exceptionally hot lady.
As a sales rep, my job is to go and sell to other businesses. So I make some “friends” with those buyers. One of them is Gabe. We’ve been on good terms for a number of years. I found out over time he does well from his company. Also that he, like me is similar in all around shape, and package. And recently, I found out he actually lives only a few blocks from me. AS it turns out, his kids are the same age as mine. They’ve all been classmates, though not really close. Except the youngest girls, who have grown to really dislike each other.
Just last month, I came home to a wild little scene. Kim, the youngest, had been suspended from school, because she had gotten into a little shoving slapping match with Jane, who is Gabe’s youngest. Seems they both are after the same boy, and their long standing dislike turned into downright “hate” if you could call it between 19year olds.
Kaite, my wife was fuming, and even the other kids were upset. I tried to play peacemaker (I didn’t even know it was Gabe’s kid that was the other girl) but Katie was having none of it. She kept on about what kind of skanky mother would raise her kid like that, and that she was going to get payback for Kim.  I was finally able to restore some sanity, and we went to sleep.
The next day, I was taking Gabe out for lunch. We finalized his order, and went to his favorite place. Once we were alone, he told me about his night. It hit me at that point, and I had to admit to him that it was my daughter, Kim, that his girl, Janet, who had the trouble with. He went on about how his wife Jane was talking about messing up Kim’s mom. I happened to say that would not be great for Jane, as Katie has had some fights, and won them. He replied that Jane has won the fights she’s been in, and he loved to see her fight. I confided the same about Katie.
I thought this would get us on the same page, but Gabe got into how Jane would mess Katie up, as Janet would do to Kim. That got to me, and I came back about how Katie was better, and Kim probably was as well. Soon, we were adding in the other kids, and eventually we got around to us, and which of us would win a fight. We both got a bit heated, and after I paid the bill, we went back. Gabe is not one to take personal stuff back to work, so nothing seemed to get lost after lunch.
I ended up feeling bad about how lunch had went, so the next weekend, I looked Gabe up and went to his house to apologize, and hopefully straighten things out. I rang his bell, and the door opened. Standing before me was about the most gorgeous blonde I ever saw ( Katie has dark brunette hair)Tits just the way I like them – big round and juicy, and an incredible ass. Once I got over my original shock, I explained that I was looking for Gabe, to apologize about an argument we had a few days before. Jane said Gabe was out, but she would tell him I came by. She didn’t realize I was Kim’s dad.
I went home, and Katie told me that a Gabe fellow had come by looking for me. Staring at Katie, I realized that she and Jane were really quite similar, the big difference, besides the hair color, was that maybe Jane had somewhat larger tits. When we made love that night, all I could think about was seeing these two gorgeous women fighting. I never said anything to Katie, but she remarked that the were only a couple of times I had been that vigorous in bed.
I had to go to Gabe’s again that week, and took him to lunch again. We skipped the small talk, and he led right into comparing wives. “I was stunned seeing Katie..she is drop dead man. And I’m surprised, but I am pretty sure she outdoes Jane in the tit department. But I know those two would be a heck of a fight.
As the talk got deeper, we ended up where we had been the previous lunch, dragging our families in, and talking shit about each other. This time, after we concluded business, Gabe ended by saying “I’m going to talk to Jane, you should talk to Katie, because there is only going to be one way to settle this.” I went home and actually talked to the whole family.
When the weekend came, the phone rang. Katie answered. Soon she was screaming into the phone. Finally I heard her yell “you got it bitch..tonight, 9PM. Our backyard..all of you fuckers!” She slammed the phone down, and then turned to all of us “Well, that was Janet’s whore mom. Their whole family is coming for ours. You all better be ready! And we’re all gonna be nude. I know you ALL can do that”
I looked at the kids, Kim was ready to go right then. Max, he looked at his sisters, they nodded at him, and he turned and said “yea Mom we’re ready” Joyce just got down to her bra and panties “these will come right off when the time comes” I looked at the girls, definitely younger images of their mom, and Max, well, he is me, when I was 21. Katie looked at me “Well this may cost me, but, yea, I’m in”


Offline tommyfighter

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2023, 11:01:29 PM »
This exciting!!


Offline bigoldcffan57

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2023, 04:43:35 PM »
Ch 2

The day dragged on. I was getting a bit nervous, and excited about that night. I drank a bunch of water all day. What I didn’t know, is that after the call, the moms texted each other, and us guys all got enhancement drugs, because they thought we’d have too quick of fights without them. So by 9, the anticipation had me and Max rack hard.
We heard Gabe and his family come through our gate into our yard. We all walked out to meet them, two families standing together on opposite side of a big empty yard. The Moms were first to take off their clothes. Gabe and I audibly gasped looking at the other’s wives. Jane had an incredible body. Her tits had to be an almost perfect 36DD, maybe even an E, and an amazing puff of blonde silk covering her mound. I know Kaite is a 36DD, or maybe an E as well, with her own dark patch at her mound.
Next came Janet and Kim. I have to say, I had to do a double take. I had seen my daughter in some skimpy outfits, but nude, she was incredible, at least a 36D, and a bush to match her mom’s. Janet was her blonde counterpart. Then came Joyce and and Kathy. Another double take, Kathy was an even closer model of her mom, bigger tits, more of an E than her mom. And Joyce was again, her blonde double.
Finally, Gabe dropped his pants, as I dropped mine. WE both heard gasps from our prospective wives, who went to us for closer inspection. “ OMG, Marty, that’s a fucking beercan!!” Jane marveled at my not short, but extremely thick hard cock. Then I heard Katie “Gabe, fuck, You have a hose hanging there!” I looked, and indeed Gabe was definitely longer, but not nearly as thick as me. The boys followed, and the girls eyes all went wide. Turns out, Max is as thick, but actually longer than his old man, and Geordi is as long, but thicker than his dad. My first thought was that this would be one hell of an orgy if it wasn’t a family fight.
Katie rolls around with Jane. Suddenly, they are on their knees, mashing tits into each other. Katie slams her down onto Jane’s. Then Jane bashes hers up under Katies. Both are grunting, groaning and threatening each other. “my tits are going to knock yours off your chest bitch!” “mine are going to flatten your Kim and Janet, the main protagonists of this get together, head towards each other first. Then Jane and Katie, I face off with Gabe, Max with Geordi, and Kathy with Joyce. I start jawing with Gabe, and before we know it, we’re swinging fists at each other, hard-ons flopping around.  Hear Kim squeal, and notice both girls have hands in ample tits. Another look sees Katie and Jane hand in hair, slapping faces.
Gabe hits me in the belly, and I gasp, then fall into him for a clinch. My cock feels his, and I decide to twist hips and slap his long cock with my thicker one. He groans in my ear, so I do it again. He then bends his knees, and pushes into my. That long cock spears my balls, and I moan loudly “How’s that feel fucker?!” Suddenly the work relationship is gone, and I want to bust this asshole up. I shove him away, and send a fist to his face, bloodying his nose.
Max and Geordi had started off boxing, but now they have devolved into fighting. Like their moms, they each have hold of hair in one hand, but are throwing fists into bodies and faces with the other. Geordi lands a solid punch to Max’s cheek, and down he goes. Kathy and Joyce have been watching the rest of us. Suddenly Joyce turns to Kathy “I know you stole Billy back senior year bitch” “fuck you loser” and suddenly, they were slapping each others big young tits like they wanted to knock them off each other.
Gabe comes in and tackles me to the ground, he is on top of me. We are both big heavy guys, so getting him off me is not easy. His artificially enhanced hard on grinds against mine “ I’m going to grind down that rod you seem so proud of fucker” he yells, I buck up into him “fuck you pencil dick” we keep at it him on top, me trying to roll him off. Katie and Jane are really going at it, until Jane drops her hand from Katie’s hair, and grabs both fat tits, Katie squeals, and returns the favor, They start to yank each other around the yard by tits.


Offline bigoldcffan57

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2023, 10:12:01 PM »
Ch 3

Max and Geordi have knocked each other down, and are now wrestling. Max grabs Geordi’s cock, and Geordi grabs Max’s balls, they are on their knees working each other. Soon both are jerking each other off. Joyce and Kathy are rolling in a catball, clawing and cursing. I take a peek for Kim..and am shocked. Kim and Janet are lock twat to twat, slamming and banging, holding tits for leverage. “Fucking slut, I’ll show you my cxnt is way better than yours” screams Janet “No way whore, I have the hotter pussy..just ask Bobby” Janet screams. They both slam harder and faster.
Kim and Janet, the main protagonists of this get together, head towards each other first. Then Jane and Katie, I face off with Gabe, Max with Geordi, and Kathy with Joyce. I start jawing with Gabe, and before we know it, we’re swinging fists at each other, hard-ons flopping around.  Hear Kim squeal, and notice both girls have hands in ample tits. Another look sees Katie and Jane hand in hair, slapping faces.
Gabe hits me in the belly, and I gasp, then fall into him for a clinch. My cock feels his, and I decide to twist hips and slap his long cock with my thicker one. He groans in my ear, so I do it again. He then bends his knees, and pushes into my. That long cock spears my balls, and I moan loudly “How’s that feel fucker?!” Suddenly the work relationship is gone, and I want to bust this asshole up. I shove him away, and send a fist to his face, bloodying his nose.
Max and Geordi had started off boxing, but now they have devolved into fighting. Like their moms, they each have hold of hair in one hand, but are throwing fists into bodies and faces with the other. Geordi lands a solid punch to Max’s cheek, and down he goes. Kathy and Joyce have been watching the rest of us. Suddenly Joyce turns to Kathy “I know you stole Billy back senior year bitch” “fuck you loser” and suddenly, they were slapping each others big young tits like they wanted to knock them off each other.
Gabe comes in and tackles me to the ground, he is on top of me. We are both big heavy guys, so getting him off me is not easy. His artificially enhanced hard on grinds against mine “ I’m going to grind down that rod you seem so proud of fucker” he yells, I buck up into him “fuck you pencil dick” we keep at it him on top, me trying to roll him off. Katie and Jane are really going at it, until Jane drops her hand from Katie’s hair, and grabs both fat tits, Katie squeals, and returns the favor, They start to yank each other around the yard by tits.
Max and Geordi have knocked each other down, and are now wrestling. Max grabs Geordi’s cock, and Geordi grabs Max’s balls, they are on their knees working each other. Soon both are jerking each other off. Joyce and Kathy are rolling in a catball, clawing and cursing. I take a peek for Kim..and am shocked. Kim and Janet are lock twat to twat, slamming and banging, holding tits for leverage. “Fucking slut, I’ll show you my cxnt is way better than yours” screams Janet “No way whore, I have the hotter pussy..just ask Bobby” Janet screams. They both slam harder and faster.
whore”. Then they go for mutual bearhugs, big tits mushrooming out their sides. Max and Geordi start slugging each other, then they get close. Hard cocks meet, and then grind. Being younger, a few hard goes has them both moaning and soon they shoot all over each other. They separate, and kick at each other.
Gabe is still on top of me. I push a hand between us, no easy task with our big bellies squashed between us. I get hold of his thinner, longer cock, and start to jerk him off. He moans, then I feel his hand on my cock. “I’m gonna make you shoot outta that short cock bitch” “fuck you pencil dick, you’re gonna be cumming first cocksucker” I yell back. I give his cock a yank, Gabe yelps, and soon we are rolling across the yard, one on top, then the other. WE keep rolling, then I moan loudly, as does Gabe, I can feel his cock pulse, and mine does too. WE leave a trail of thick cum on the grass as we keep rolling. Finally, we crash into Kathy and Joyce, the four of us, breaking apart. Gabe and I are on our backs, as neither of us is really built to fight.


Offline bigoldcffan57

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2023, 08:59:23 PM »
Ch 4

Kathy and Joyce glare at each other, then Kathy sees Gabe’s big cock still hard and sticking straight up. She crawls to him. Joyce licks her lips while eyeing my fat cock, and is soon next to me. The girls face each other, then end up sitting on our cocks. “Look how my cxnt takes this fat cock could never” Kathy lowers herself onto Gabe, his long cock sliding deep into her “Whore you couldn’t handle a cock this big” Soon the are slapping fat tits while fucking us hard and fast I’m laying there watching my daughter fuck a guy my age, while watching her big tits flop around as she gets them slapped. And I know Gabe sees the same thing for his girl.
Kim and Janet are fighting furiously, big tits kneaded and twisted. They eventually slide to the grass, and shove pussy to pussy. The two fighting teens are tribbing wildly, moan, cursing threatening, when they see their siblings fucking their dads. “That’s it Dad, fuck that whore senseless” “Fuck you whore, my Dad is gonna make your sister cum till she passes out” No way, you cum dumpster. My dad obviously is the better fuck, with the better cock”. Meantime both the older girls are moaning, and soon their bodies are shaking, and from their screams, I know both have cum. We, being smart, shove our prospective fucks off, just as we both shoot huge loads, each flying almost 4 feet into the air.
Seeing that monster cum, the girls on us go nuts. They really rake at the others tits..and Gabe and I start to get into the fucking. I can feel myself about to cum, and I roll, tossing Joyce to my side. Gabe does the same. The girls shift around, heads going to our crotches “I can take more of your dad’s fat cock cxnt” says Joyce “Bitch, I can swallow all your dad’s long cock” and then Kathy swallows Gabe whole, and Joyce follows on me. I can’t hold it any longer, and shoot my own monster load deep into Joyce’s throat. She gags, and most of it falls out of her mouth. I see my Kathy get the same from Gabe. Amazed that we are still hard, I roll towards Gabe, and he rolls towards me. Soon we are locked together, again grinding cocks, Even though we have just shot, the feel of cum covering our cocks gets us going again, and really quickly, we both cover the other’s belly cock and balls in cum.
Kathy and Joyce, turn to each other, and get to their knees. They start swinging, slapping each others faces, and fat tits. The sounds of skin getting hit echoes loud through the backyard. Joyce finally reaches out and grabs one of Kathy’s big pink nipples, pulling and twisting. Kathy shrieks, and tries to slap Joyce’s hand away “That’s it whore, let me hear you cry, you cock stealing slut” Kathy is frantic, but her hand reaches down between Joyce’s legs, and soon I see Joyc’s labia being pulled and twisted in Kathy’s clutches. Now it’s Joyce’s turn to shriek.


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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2023, 05:20:08 PM »
Ch 5 (end)

Max and Geordi are standing, slugging it out. Gotta give it to them, as Gabe and I are way to spent to fight any more tonight. Max lands a good punch to Geordi’s mouth, sending him to his butt. Max moves to him, and Geordi sends an uppercut to Max’s balls. Max groans, his hands drop between his legs, and falls to his knees. Geordi hears his sister shrieking, and gets up to help her. Max dives forward, and grabs Geordi’s ankles, tripping him. Geordi falls face first..or should I say hard cock first. His swollen member gets impaled into the grass. Geordi groans, lays there, his hand under his body, obviously holding his crotch. Max is in much the same situation.
Katie and Jane are now furiously swinging each other around by their tits. Big beautiful fat tits, now stretched into weird shapes as the twirl. Katie tries to trip Jane, but ends up off balance. Her foot does catch Jane, and she goes down as well. Unfortunately, Katie is on the bottom, and Jane lands on her, with Jane’s knee connecting with Katie’s cxnt. Katie is stunned and in great pain. Jane rolls off, and hearing her daughter screaming, heads over to help her out.
I am spent, and looking over Gabe is as well. Out of shape middle aged dads were not meant for a long hard fight. I look around, seeing Kathy yanking on Joyce’s twat, Katie moaning and holding her pussy, and the boys face first in the grass, hands obviously to crotches. Then I see the two teens. They are furiously tribbing, cursing trashing, threatening. I watch as they exchange slaps to face and tits. I am completely amazed. Two sets of full fat tits, almost as big as their mothers’, yet instead of flopping around, the seem to hold steady on their chests, even as those big tits take vicious hard slaps.
In the meantime, Jane has reached Kathy, and grabs her hair to pull her off Joyce. As Jane pulls Kathy back, Kathy keeps her hold, dragging Joyce by the cxnt as Jane drags Kathy by the hair. Katie, while still groaning, sees her daughter attacked by the older woman. She struggles to her feet, then slowly approaches from behind. Katie gets behind Jane, and wraps an arm around her neck. Then Katie, puts a knee to the back of Jane’s knee. The two go down, Katie on her back, Jane on top, facing up, arm around her throat. Jane has let go of Kathy’s hair, and is slapping at Katie’s arm. Katie wraps her legs around Jane’s, sort of grapevining, then her free hand begins to rake and claw at Jane’s tits. Jane is flopping around, arms flailing, slowly going out.
Her hair free, Kathy now goes to work on Joyce. While still pulling and twisting her labia. Kathy kneels into Joyce, a knee right across her belly. Joyce is having a hard time breathing, and is starting to cry. Kathy then starts slapping and pinching Joyce’s big tits, watching as they turn redder and redder. Finally, Joyce screams out her surrender, and when Kathy lets go, Joyce curls into a fetal position, hands to her aching tits and pained cxnt. Meanwhile Katie has Jane passed out, and slides her off to the side. I look at the last combatants..and they are furiously tribbing, then both cry out..I can tell the squirted big cums into each others young pussies, and then they fall back, passed out, cxnt to cxnt.
Gabe gets to his elbows, and looks at me “come by the office Thursday..big special order for you”. Then he gets up and goes to his wife, reviving her. Gabe goes to Geordi, and Jane goes to Joyce, helping them up and walking to their piles of clothes. Max gets to his knees. The two young ones start to revive. They get up, and exchange looks. That tells me this didn’t sttle anything between them. The only many of us will join in next time???


Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2023, 02:41:54 AM »
awesome stuff
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline footfight

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2023, 09:23:06 PM »
Hot stuff;way better than families spending a weekend fishing or camping!!!

Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2023, 08:01:12 PM »
Wow action packed
trillian: fitzy_j
Discord: fitzy_j#7501


Offline GrayHairedWarriors

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Re: Family Fight (my first try)
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2023, 11:40:49 PM »
Great first attempt....looking for more stories in the future.  Would love to be able to meet up and have our families fight but I'm afraid we don't match up well in age