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First Wife, Second Wife aka The Co-Brides (Chapters 1 to 4)

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Offline kamafight666

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First Wife, Second Wife aka The Co-Brides (Chapters 1 to 4)
« on: August 07, 2024, 04:32:04 AM »
Chapter 1: Jemima

It was late in the evening and a cool breeze enveloped Jemima as she stood on the upper deck of the ferry. There was a hint of rain in the air. The evening sky was cloudy, and thunder rumbled in the distance. There were less than ten passengers on the ferry to Fairhope, Alabama. Jemima would reach her destination in a few minutes.

Jemima’s nipples were rock hard. Jemima was excited. She had been looking forward to this trip. Looking forward to meeting the other woman. The woman who would soon become her co-wife. Her husband Myron’s second wife.
Of course, the woman was only a prospect. A prospective bride. Jemima had the right to select Myron’s second wife. That’s how things worked within the Bravid community. The first wife would meet and approve the woman who would become the second wife to her husband.

Jemima took out the polaroid of her prospective co-bride from the pocket of her gown and looked at the woman in the photograph. The woman was called Jolanda. It was hard to tell what the woman looked like from the polaroid shot. She looked tall. She was in her traditional tunic. There was a thin and anxious smile on her face that was covered by a veil. It was the face of a submissive woman.

Jemima wanted her co-wife to be submissive. All Bravid women wanted their co-wives to be submissive. Jemima was no different.

Jemima had not been given too many details about Jolanda.

Once again, Jemima felt a tingle surge across her body and her nipples harden as she looked at Jolanda’s polaroid.

Why was she sexually aroused thinking about the meeting with her prospective co-bride? She and Jolanda might soon share a husband. Share a house. Share their husband’s cock.

Was it the thought of sexual competition with Jolanda that aroused her so much? Jemima could not put her finger on what exactly it was that aroused her to this degree.

But she had been haunted by Jolanda’s polaroid ever since she had received it a week ago.

She so badly wanted to meet Jolanda and establish her dominance over the woman who might soon become her husband’s second wife.

The ferry changed course and moved towards the jetty that could be seen in the distance.

Jemima adjusted the veil on her head so that it covered the sides of her face. Despite the conservative tunic which covered her whole body, it was evident that Jemima was a tall and sturdy woman. Her ample bosom protruded against the tunic.

The ferry stopped as it reached the jetty, and its motor came to a stop. A gangway to the shore was opened.

Jemima put the polaroid of Jolanda, her prospective co-bride back into her tunic pocket and walked across the gangway onto the shore.

She was going to meet Jolanda at the Bravid women’s training and guidance center. It was a religious convent where women were groomed to be obedient brides to Bravid men. Jemima herself had been sent to such a convent in her youth.

The Fairhope boat jetty was deserted at this hour except for a black Cadillac.

Jemima walked towards it with her suitcase in hand, opened the back door and entered the Cadillac. 

The driver did not turn around, speak or acknowledge Jemia. He drove the car off the jetty’s parking lot and onto the road.

As they drove across Fairhope, Jemima gazed at the black river and the orange-leaved shagbark hickory trees on its banks.

But Jemima was not really watching the river or the trees. She was thinking about Jolanda.

Jemima opened her legs just a little because beneath her tunic, her panties were wet with the juices flowing out of her cxnt.

Chapter 2: Jolanda

Jolanda took a bath in the evening that day. She soaped her pink-milk white skin that was the color of rose milk with the orange peel soap that was made at the convent.

She soaped her ample breasts slowly. Her nipples had been hard all day.

She had been looking forward to this day.

She would meet the other woman today. The first wife. Her prospective co-wife. The woman whose approval would be required for her to become wife to Myron.

Thinking about the meeting overwhelmed Jolanda.

Her name was Jemima. Jemima and Jolanda. Jolanda and Jemima. Their names rhymed and could be placed easily in a poem if somebody wrote a song about them.

Jolanda stepped out of the bath and toweled her fleshy body. There were goosebumps across the length of her naked body.

Jolanda walked towards the large oak cupboard in her room and took the polaroid shot of Jemima out of the drawer.

It was hard to tell what Jemima really looked like. The only thing that could be weaned from the polaroid was that Jemima was tall. She wore a tunic like all Bravid women were expected to. She had a noble yet slightly stern smile on her face.

It was the face of a woman who could dish out a carrot as well as use the stick.

Jolanda wondered whether her co-wife would be a strict and nasty woman. What kind of relationship did she want to have with Jemima?

Jolanda knew that the first wife would be strict and dominant in their first few meetings together. She would have to act submissive. Would she win the approval of Jemima and be chosen as second wife to Myron?

Jolanda wanted to leave the convent and see the outside world. It was what all Bravid women wanted. To win the approval of a woman who was the first wife to some man and become a co-wife with her.

Jolanda wondered what her life with Jemima would be like. Bravid men had wives across the world. A man like Myron, who was an oil prospector in one of the Arab nations was hardly at home and traveled the world.

It would be she and Jemima together most of the time.

If she was chosen by Jemima to be her co-bride. Jolanda knew that she would do everything in her power to impress Jemima. She would do absolutely anything. Anything. Whatever it took to leave this convent and move into some big luxurious house that a man like Myron housed his brides in.

In a way, she had to seduce Jemima. That was the truth. Seduce and impress her co-bride who was like a gateway to her future husband and his riches.

The situation she was in excited Jolanda.

Her breasts heaved as she thought about the arrival of Jemima. She looked at the round oakwood clock on the wall beside the cupboard. It was past 6:30 pm now. Jemima would be here any moment.

Jolanda put on her panties and her brassiere. Then she got into her white tunic and pulled the veil over her head.

Jolanda was a picture of modesty and virtuousness as she left her room and approached the wooden staircase.

Jolanda felt her wet panties squish against the insides of her thighs as she walked down the wooden staircase.

Chapter 3: The First Meeting

The Cadillac drove around the green bush lined roundabout and stopped outside the giant arched door of the convent.

As Jemima stepped out of the car, the large wooden door creaked open and a figure in a tunic stepped out slowly and demurely.


Jemima looked at Jolanda, trying to meet her eyes. But Jolanda was staring at the ground as she walked towards her. She was tall. Jemima noticed Jolanda’s bosom protrude against the tunic that she was wearing.

This was a fleshy woman, thought Jemima.

The black Cadillac drove away, and it was just the two of them in front of the convent door that looked onto a beautiful garden.

The two prospective co-wives in their white tunics. Prospective co-brides. A silent lightning lit up the garden around them as they stood in front of each other.

Jolanda took a step forward towards Jemima and placed her hand on Jemima’s suitcase.

“Let me carry your suitcase”, said Jolanda and glanced briefly at Jemima’s face which was impassive.

Their eyes met briefly before Jolanda looked away. Jemima let Jolanda take her suitcase.

Jolanda led the way towards the convent door and opened it for Jemima.

They stepped into the large hall filled with medieval Romanian paintings on its walls.

Jemima waited for Jolanda to close the door behind them.

There were doors across the hall. The doors and the largeness of the hall gave the convent an aura of the labyrinthine. But there was nobody else around, except for her and Jolanda. 

The hall was lit up by candles.

Once again, Jemima tried to meet Jolanda’s eyes. But Jolanda refused to meet her eyes.

“Mother Superior Gretta wants to meet us both”, said Jolanda, still looking down onto the floor.

Jemima thought Jolanda’s demure voice and demeanor was deliberate and maybe slightly put on and phony.

“Lead me to her”, said Jemima in a stern voice. She looked into Jolanda’s eyes, but Jolanda still looked downwards like an obedient child in front of a teacher.

Jolanda placed the suitcase on the floor and walked towards a door in the right corner of the hall.

Jemima followed her. Jemima tried to fathom Jolanda’s body type. The tunic made a nice shape across her buttocks.

Jolanda opened the door and they both stepped in. Jemima had already talked on the phone with Mother Superior Gretta.

An old woman in a red tunic sat in a large red cushioned chair behind a long wooden table. She wore round glasses.

“Welcome Jemima. Hello Jolanda. Why don’t the two of you take your seats?”, Mother Superior Gretta said, pointing towards the two large chairs opposite her on the other side of the long table.

Mother Superior Gretta sat back and rested her head on the red cushion of the large head rest and watched the two prospective co-brides  approach their chairs.

The two tall women in their matching white tunics sat down in front of her. Mother Superior Gretta looked from one woman to the other.

“I will keep this real short, ladies. I am sure the two of you are eager to meet and get to know one another”, said Mother Superior Gretta.

The two women simple nodded their heads.

“Jemima, I can only convey to you the highest recommendation for Jolanda. I have little doubt that she will be a perfect co-wife for you and a wonderful second wife for your husband, the esteemed Myron Templar. Of course, I must add that the final decision to select Jolanda as your co-wife rests with you”, said Mother Superior Gretta.

The two women nodded again.

“Jolanda, I can also convey to you the highest recommendation for Jemima. She is from the convent down in Plumsville, Alabama. The Mother Superior in Plumsville has spoken glowingly of Jemima and her conduct. I hope you are lucky enough to be selected by Jemima as her co-wife”, said Mother Superior Gretta.

Jolanda nodded obediently, her face turned down, eyes watching the floor.

“Both of you are to treat each other with respect and understanding. If things go well, and you both like each other, you will be sharing a husband soon. That is all, ladies. Jolanda, I am sure Jemima is tired after a long journey. It is your responsibility to take her to your room which you will share over the course of Jemima’s stay at the convent”, said Mother Superior Gretta.

Then Mother Superior Gretta turned towards Jemima. She had been addressing both prospective co-wives together until then.

“Jemima, you have until the day after tomorrow to decide whether Jolanda is the right co-bride for you and the right woman to be second wife to your husband. You have to let us know by the morning of the day after tomorrow. You may both leave now”, said Mother Superior Gretta.

Jemima and Jolanda got up from their chairs, bowed down in front of Mother Superior Gretta and walked towards the door.

As Jemima and Jolanda walked side by side towards the door, Mother Superior Gretta thought how similar the two women looked in height and build. Except for the fact that one was blonde and the other brunette.

Chapter 4: The Examination 

Jolanda took Jemima into her room on the convent’s first floor. She carried Jemima’s suitcase and placed it in a corner of the room. 

“Hope everything is to your liking”, said Jolanda, meeting Jemima’s stare for the first time.

“I just arrived here”, said Jemima sternly.

“Oh yes. I did not mean to hurry you madam”, said Jolanda in her best obedient voice. 

“You don’t have to call me madam. Jemima is fine”, said Jemima in a serious tone.

“OK Jemima”, said Jolanda.

Jemima looked around the room, began to walk around it, checking the bed and the cupboards. Everything was spick and span and looked freshly dusted and cleaned. The bed was freshly made.

Then Jemima turned around suddenly and looked at Jolanda with a piercing stare.

“Take off your clothes”, said Jemima in a quietly confident voice.

“Uh! What?”, asked Jolanda, surprised.

“I think you heard me just fine. I said take off your clothes”, said Jemima in a really stern voice.

“Uh! I don’t think you have the right to ask me to take off my clothes”, said Jolanda, a hint of defiance entering her voice.

“Oh yes, I do. It says so in our book. Law 27 in the chapter on the interaction between two prospective co-brides. The first wife has the right to ask the second wife to take off her clothes. For, she has a right to know whether the second wife is physically fit and healthy to be wife to her husband”, said Jemima, adopting the tone of a preacher.

Jolanda did not respond for a few moments. She glared at Jemima. Jemima glared back.

“You are absolutely right, Jemima. Our book does say that you, the first wife has the right to ask me, the prospective second wife to be naked if she wants to examine the second wife’s body”, said Jolanda, in a cool tone.

“Exactly”, said Jemima. She was eager to establish her dominance over Jolanda immediately.

“There is also a corollary to Law 27. In a rare instance of equal rights for the second wife, the book gives the second wife the right to ask the first wife to be naked with her during the examination”, said Jolanda, in a defiant voice.

Jemima did not respond for a few moments. Jolanda was right. The book bequeathed the prospective second wife the right to ask the first wife to be naked when the first wife examined the second wife’s naked body.

“I concede that you are right. Let us both take our tunics off then. But remember that only I have the right to examine your naked body. You cannot lay so much as a finger on my body without my permission”, said Jemima sternly.

“I know that Jemima. I will not lay a finger on you without your permission”, said Jolanda, in a reconciliatory voice.

Without another word, the two women began to undress slowly in front of each other. Their tunics  came off, revealing their fleshy milk white bodies to each other.

Neither woman could take their eyes off the other woman’s body.

Brassieres came off next and both women stared hungrily at the other woman’s ample breasts.

It did not escape either woman’s attention that the other woman’s nipples were erect and a deep blood red in color.

They took a moment to savor each other’s fleshy upper torsos and enormous breasts.

Then both women took off their panties.

Jolanda’s vagina was freshly shaved and there was not a single strand of pubic hair to be seen across her vagina.

In contrast, Jemima’s vagina was covered by a thick bush of black pubic hair.

The two women eyes each other’s contrasting vaginas, one completely felled of pubic hair, the other completely covered by pubic hair.

Jemima took a few steps towards Jolanda until their naked bodies were inches apart.

Jemima placed her hands on Jolanda’s fleshy shoulders and ran her hands quickly across the length and breadth of her shoulders and across her neck.

“You are a healthy woman”, said Jemima, her hands still holding Jolanda’s shoulders.

Jolanda gulped. Goosebumps had surged through her body as Jemima touched her shoulders. Jemima also gulped as her hands rested on Jolanda’s fleshy shoulders. Jolanda’s fleshiness felt good in her hands.

Then Jemima slowly moved her hands down to Jolanda’s breasts, cupping them softly at first and then giving both breasts a quick grope.

Jolanda moaned.

“Oh my, you are easy to please, aren’t you?”, asked Jemima, her hands still cupping Jolanda’s breasts.

Jolanda did not utter a word. She wore her best demure smile but met Jemima’s eyes. Jemima waited for Jolanda to look away, but she did not.

Jemima was impressed by Jolanda’s silent and subtle defiance.

Jemima liked the feel of Jolanda’s large breasts in her hands. Then she placed both her thumbs on Jolanda’s nipples and pressed down on them.

Jolanda let out another moan.

“You have really large orbs on your breasts”, said Jemima.

Jolanda had never heard anyone call her nipples orbs.

After savoring Jemima’s breasts for a few more moments, Jemima placed her hands on Jolanda’s hips.

“Those are some ample hips you got there”, said Jemima in an admiring tone.

“Glad you like them”, said Jolanda, barely able to contain herself.

Jolanda felt the blood surge into her nipples again. She hoped Jemima would not notice her sexual arousal. But her breasts were heaving, inches away from Jemima’s breasts.

Then Jemima moved closer to Jolanda and their nipples flicked briefly against each other.

Both women let out simultaneous moans.

With their engorged nipples still inches apart, Jemima grabbed the flesh of Jolanda’s buttocks and gave them both a nice long grope.

Jolanda let out a feisty cry.

“Turn around so that I can take a better look at your ass, Jolanda”, said Jemima, her face impassive.

Jolanda turned around slowly.

Jemima raised her hand and slapped at Jolanda’s left buttock.

Jolanda let out a little cry.

Then Jemima slapped Jolanda’s right buttock.

Jolanda let out another muffled cry.

Jolanda pulled at Jemima’s hair and brought her face close to hers.

“You’re going to be a nice obedient little girl to me aren’t you, Jolanda?”, asked Jemima in a tough voice.

“Yes madam, I will be like your servant”, said Jolanda in her demure voice. But her face had toughened up. 

Their faces were really close to each other. They glared into each other’s eyes.

Jemima wanted to kiss Jolanda on the lips but contained herself. She let go of Jolanda’s hair.

Jolanda turned around and adjusted her hair and fixed Jemima with a demure smile as if nothing had happened.

“Your nipples are erect. Are you aroused?”, asked Jemima, adopting a mocking tone now. 

Jolanda put on a helpless look on her face and did not answer. Her breasts heaved in front of her. There was nothing she could do about her tumescent nipples.

“I see that your nipples are erect too, Jemima. Are you aroused?”, asked Jolanda quickly. It just charged out of her.

Jemima was taken aback for a second. Their eyes met and neither woman looked away.

Jemima raised her hand and slapped Jolanda on her face.

Jolanda put a hand to her face. She felt the urge to slap Jemima back. Jemima looked at her like she was daring her.

Jolanda recovered quickly and brought the demure look back onto her face.

“Don’t you ever talk back to me like that”, said Jemima like she was a strict teacher.

“I won’t, Jemima. I promise”, said Jolanda in her best sincere tone of voice.

Jemima did not acknowledge her reply.

She placed her hand on Jolanda’s vagina, covering her pussy lips with her fingers. Jolanda gulped but did not move away.
“Myron, my husband does not like his woman being fully shaved down there. He likes a woman who lets her pubic hair grow. He says the hair adds to the aroma down there during sex”, said Jemima.

“Oh! I apologize for shaving my pubic hair. I will let it grow thick from now on”, said Jolanda, swooning in front of Jemima.

Jemima pressed down hard with her hand on Jolanda’s pussy lips. 

“You need to grow your pubic hair only if I select you as my co-bride, honey”, said Jemima in a vicious tone.

That really stung Jolanda. She was suddenly reminded that she was still at the mercy of Jemima.

Jemima continued to place her hands across Jolanda’s pussy lips.

The two women glared at each other for a few moments before Jemima removed her hand off Jolanda’s pussy and took a step backwards.

Jemima placed her hands on her hips and eyed Jolanda feistily.

“I am hungry. I need something to eat”, said Jemima, as if she was in a restaurant and Jolanda, was the waitress.

“I have cooked French toast and strawberry syrup for you, Jemima. Let us go down to eat. There is a separate room for co-brides to eat dinner, far away from other women at the convent”, said Jolanda meekly.

“Take me to it right now”, said Jemima.

The two naked and fleshy women put their bras, panties and tunics back on.

As they exited the door, both Jemima and Jolanda adopted a demeanor of piousness and servitude.
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Offline kamafight666

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Re: First Wife, Second Wife aka The Co-Brides (Chapters 1 to 4)
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2024, 04:33:32 AM »
If you liked the first 4 chapters, do consider buying the whole book (containing 27 chapters) on Amazon:

First Wife, Second Wife aka The Co-Brides

Jemima, a beautiful and fleshy young woman belongs to the Bravid faith, a strange religious cult, which allows multiple wives for its male believers. Jemima is sent to a Bravid convent by her husband to find a co-bride for herself. The co-bride would also be the second wife to her husband. Jemima meets Jolanda, her prospective co-bride at the Bravid convent.

During the days they spend together, the two women become intensely attracted to each other and embark on a relationship distinguished by frenzied sex, feverish lust and extreme sexual jealousy. The two women are evenly matched physically and they feud and fight and wrestle with each other in a variety of settings to establish their physical and sexual supremacy over each other. The fact that they are lovers while also sharing a husband, adds spice to their intense and competitive lesbian relationship.

First Wife, Second Wife aka The Co-Brides is a sexually charged tale of two sexually amorous women whose fates are entwined by circumstances.
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