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Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens

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Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens
« on: December 08, 2023, 02:01:56 AM »


Jillian Murray barely defeated Diane Guerrero.  They walked out together and Diane hugged her “Even if she had taken you serious you would have still kicked Eva’s ass.”

Jillian sat down next to Julianne Hough “That what you wanted to see out of me.”

“I had two choices of who I wanted to beat the most.  I never believed you actually beat Lacey two times, so I chose Lea who seemed tougher.  Now after seeing that I still think I got the bigger challenger”

“Keep talking because when Lea comes out and you get in there you get exposed.  I wont ever have to think about you again because I like the challenge.  I don’t shy away from it”  The two had a staring contest that was a dagger throwing event.  Jillian just had a tough fight and knew this wouldn’t end well for her but also knew the rules.  Fighting only in the cage. “Who is next?”

Julianne took out a phone “Send in Vanessa” Vanessa Hudgens stormed into the room looked at both of Jillian and Julianne.  Julianne leaned over “You should seat far away from me if you want to cop an attitude that I fear you.”  Jillian looked at her and smiled, she got up and sat in the furthest seat from Julianne Hough

“Thank you for this… Because of you I finally once and for all get to end this fucking overrated bitch.”  Vanessa was taking off her shoes and was over the moon as she got into the cage.  She paced around it so eager to start fighting Jessica Lowndes for the third time

“Vanessa there are two fights I’m worried about and this is one so please I beg you stop pacing and let her come out and most of all get in.  The fights are supposed to take place in there where nothing else is involved just the two women.” 

“Fair enough.” Vanessa said

Vanessa may have verbally acknowledged what Julianne had to say but her body was in the doorway watching for Jessica Lowndes.  “Back up, she has to get in.  The fighting happens in there.”  Julianne got up and stood in front of Vanessa and Jillian Murray joined her.  Vanessa smiled and backed to the far end and grabbed the cage and leaned forward.

To be safe Julianne closed the door then she called for Jessica Lowndes.   Jessica came in and stopped halfway because she got in sight of Vanessa Hudgens.  Shoes were kicked off and Jessica was pressing Julianne into the cage door as she wanted in and never saw anything but the cocky smile of Vanessa Hudgens “Who lets me in.”

“Yes, let her in I’m ready for whatever it takes this time.”

“Whatever it takes to prove I’m the better woman.”

“Ok so the two of you the fight has to be in there.  When the door shuts and locks that means the fight is on.  The door will reopen when there’s a winner.”

“What she’s saying is don’t run and jump me because you are afraid what I’ll do to you in a fair fight.”  Jessica said getting a ‘really’ face from Vanessa.

“What she’s actually saying is she knows you are too afraid to step in because you know what I’ll do to you, and you fear it happening again.”  Vanessa smiled and Jessica stepped into the cage finally.

“What I said was when this door shuts you two can do what you want to each other, and this door won’t open again until there’s a victor and hopefully it ends this feud.”

Both said “It won’t.”

“So why”

“JUST OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR” They both yelled.

The door opened and Jessica walked in and stood there “This shut” “That shuts” Vanessa replied.

Both were smiling.  The talking just ended and now it was soon time for them to head into round four of a never-ending feud.  They hated each other and it was easy to desire to deliver pain on someone else when they wanted that for you

“Don’t shut it yet…” Vanessa said, “Its about time this bitch and these two bitches watching ask themselves that if I sent a curvy cute blonde crying out of Hollywood and made her uncastable will or can I be stopped when I legit hate the sight of you and want you out of my sight.”

“They can wonder… I don’t care about you and Hayden.”

Jessicas words were cold and the chill made others feel fear but it turned on Vanessa and then Jessica said “Don’t shut the door yet.  Vanessa you and Hayden is where you learned how to fight but I don’t care.  I don’t want to make you leave this city I want you to wish you never beat Hayden that bad.  I’m ready for your hate and have felt it before and now you will find it don’t matter because my hate is stronger just…”

Vanessa had grabbed on the cage when she had said her peace to stop herself from storming over and starting the fight.  Jessica had done the same when Vanessa was speaking now that both were done, they were leaning forward.  Ready to explode on the word fingers were bleeding from holding the chain links so tightly.

“Alright are you both done, nothing else to say so can we shut the…”

“DOOR!!!!”  there was a tone no one had heard before but it was time for Jessica Lowndes and Vanessa Hudgens to wreck bodies.

“Hey Hough just so you know what they do to each other. Neither of us are doing that to anyone.  Ha I heard these two are crazy with what they do when locked together.”

“I actually agree with Jillian god damn I can feel it .  Feel that…”

The doors had shut and Julianne never got a chance to finish as she heard the slaps and blinked.  In those split seconds Vanessa and Jessica were on each other trading punches somehow had ripped each other shirts off and were digging nails into the others face.

“When did the shirts get taken off.”  Julianne Hough sat next to Jillian Murray

“I blinked and they were on each other.”

Vanessa won the first strength contest and pushed Jessica into the cage and threw a group of knees into the ribs.  Legs strong and fast at least six landed but they were so fast it was hard to tell she went for one to many and was shoved across the cage.


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Re: Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2023, 02:09:49 AM »
Vanessa spun got a foot on the cage and pushed off as did Jessica and they collided.  Nails back on the others face “I’ll take if off this time”  one said “I’ll wear your face if theres enough left.”  The other.  This was like their last fight.

This time Jessicas nails broke through and she powered Vanessa to the other side.  Jessica grinded the head of Vanessa into the steel cage then hit her own knees to Vanessas fit stomach.  Then the nails went from face to chest and  bra was torn apart in seconds and seconds later Jessica was on her back and Vanessas nails were on Jessicas larger chest.

Jessica could not get Vanessa off of her and kept trying but this time Vanessa Hudgens was a woman possessed.  Third fight first person she fought more than twice since she broke Hayden Panettere physically and mentally.  That smile came on her face thinking of how Hayden left the business because of her.

Vanessa was ripping away at those tits and never noticed that when Jessica was raising her hips she was getting something done.  Jessica Lowndes got the belt off her jeans and threw it around Vanessas neck and pulled down then threw her head up crashing it into the nose.

Jessica rolled Vanessa off her got the belt in the loop lifted the brunette up “I’m no wilting blonde who looks tough but folds to the likes of you.”

Jessica spun quick and threw Vanessa into the cage with help from the belt she was about to put pressure on when Vanessa reached and scratched her eyes.  Vanessa desperately went for her belt and Jessica regripped fell back and got both feet on Vanessa stomach and monkey flipped her

“Know what I want.”  Jessica rolled onto her belly “I want to watch those big eyes close.”  Get up start bringing Vanessa up “Watch you go out as I choke you out last thing you see is me tightening this belt and you.”  Brought Vanessa completely up with her belt around Vanessas neck “Hope they get in and stop me from tightening even more.”

SNAP SNAP SNAP.   Vanessa was not going to just get choked out with a belt she was able to get her belt off and had it doubled up and whipped Jessica in the sides.

That allowed Vanessa to get Jessicas belt loose.  Vanessa pulled her head out backed up stepped up and whipped Jessica’s back.  She got her feet ready and threw a whip at Jessicas perfect tits and it hit but Jessica was able to trap the belt enough to turn and chop her own belt whip down on Vanessa’s chest.

Jessica was trying to sneak away but there was nowhere to go.  Vanessa over hand whipped Jessica across the back “This what you wanted, you wanted more against me knowing I want your skin ripped apart.”

Vanessa lifted her belt and got it around Jessica’s face then spun so they were ass on ass.  “perfect ass about to do work.”  She pushed her ass into Jessica and bent down lifting Jessica Lowndes up onto her back while getting extreme pressure from the belt around the face.

Vanessa was carrying a beaten up from being whipped Jessica Lowndes around the cage “She cant last.  I got her and she knows it.” 

Jessica was reaching her feet for a chainlink and finally caught one and pulled.  That stopped Vanessa who carried the weight longer than she should have.  Vanessa knew it and the pull worked then heel to cage and push.  Jessica Lowndes flipped on her feet and hit a upper cut that spun

Jessica saw the back and she pushed Vanessa into the cage. Her body was ripped apart but when Vanessas arms went over her head Jessica held on and grabbed Vanessas own belt and got it into the chain links.  To distract Vanessa she began biting the neck and trapezes.

Jessica got the belt through one chain link then two over and pulled it out and got it around Vanessas throat.  Jessica let the bite go and turned her body hauling down on the belt getting it as tight as possible then stood up straight to clasp the belt and choke Vanessa Hudgens.

“You like whipping me.  You like bringing whips into this.”  Jessica said raking her nails down on Vanessas back.  “Lets see how much you like it?”

Jessica stepped away and retrieved her belt.  Vanessa was desperately trying to push her face into the cage and slip her head down to get out of this.  Last time they fought it was over broken tables and glass.  This time belts got involved and skin torn.  “HOW YOU LIKE IT?”  WHIP PhaP the belt went down Vanessas back.

She stopped leaned in at the ear “What about it vanessa what about what you wanted.  You brought your belt out didn’t you?”

Jessica dropped to her knees and pulled down vanessa’s jeans then stepped back and the hardest whip down the back she had yet.  Vanessa shrieked louder than she ever did and the pain made her snap so much she broke her own  belt and crumbled to the ground.

“Look at her cute little ass she likes to shake and always show off.”  Three whips across the ass “What felt worst that or Austin dumping you on it?”

Rage overtook Pain and Vanessa like a woman possessed kicked out Jessica’s legs.  She was on top of Jessica clawing at the larger tits and exotic face.  “Fuck you fuck you fuck you.”

She could feel the skin under her nails and Vanessa could feel blood between and on her fingers.  “You want more.”  Vanessa wanted to whip the tits of Jessica Lowndes.

“I want it all” Jessica hit a punch with the belt wrapped around her knuckles then clawed at Vanessas face and was getting her own clawed at

Jessica was somehow losing after having Vanessa trapped and whipping her.  Those eyes were pure unadulterated savagery.  Jessica could think what to do and she still had the belt and again got it around the neck and hauled and tightened around the neck of Vanessa Hudgens.

Vanessas hands went up to the belt and that was what Jessica needed she drove knee up and square into Vanessas’ pussy.  Jessica was out and was getting behind Vanessa she once again got the belt in the buckle.  “Tap… No don’t I want this so much.”

Knee went on the back and then  foot got down and Jessica leaned back.  The look on Vanessa's face was pure horror.  She never got the chance to tap out “SECURITY” “WHERE ARE THEY YOU SAID SOMEONE”  Vanessa Hudgens was choked unconscious and Jessica Lowndes let go soon as the doors opened and fell on her ass.

(Upcoming: Alexa vega vs Sarah Shahi; Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan; Ali Larter vs Jodi Lyn O'Keefe; Hailee Steinfeld vs Saorise Ronan)