Suitefight's [Jess vs Mira, 1-3]
ECC's [Kyra vs Tori, 1-3]
<1> Skill level of the fighters
Kyra and Tori both seem like genuine fighters--not quite streetfighters, but certainly game for a real barfight. Props to Jess and Mira for fighting both each other and third partie. But the skill department goes to ECC.
ECC 1.0, Suitfights 0.0
<2> Competitivess of the fighters
Kyra and Tori are a perfect match. Mira pushes Jess to her limits--and marks up Jess's right butt cheek--in their Second fight, but never quite scores even a fall.
ECC 2.0, Suitefights 0.0
<3> Intensity of the fights
Kyra and Tori get around to slapping in their Second fight; but they also do a lot of standing around. Jess's Third fight finish of Mira is epic, and Mira's determination in the Second fight was .... Amazonian.
ECC 2.0, Suitefights 1.0
<4> Sexiness of the fighters
Kyra and Tori both have toned bodies. Mira's goth-girl/cosplay-girl vibe makes her intriguing. Jess is a legit model. Wouldn't be disappointed landing any of the 4 on a blind date. Push.
ECC 2.5, Suiteglfights 1.5
<5> Intangibles/Catfight authenticity
Even though Jess and Mira push each other from a skills perspective, they don't quite push each others' BUTTONS. In a pre-fight interview, Mira calls Jess a woman, not a bitch. Kyra and Tori have genuine moments of pure hatred for each other.
ECC 3.5, Suitefights 1.5
ECC's Kyra vs Tori trilogy gets the job done.