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Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood

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Offline DottiD

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Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood
« on: December 11, 2023, 02:17:44 AM »

Chapter 5  Tough Time in the Neighborhood

Pam woke the next day very sore and swollen, she had done three fights in just about a months time. Her bust and body weren’t use to the pain or ache. But Pam had a new confidence and unless she suffers a loss like she did for the bar, she was going to make sure other mothers knew she earned what she got.

As she lay in her bed Pam stretched her arms over head and arches her back. The covers swell with the hidden globes just under them. Her thick nipples slowly stiffen, she smiles at the feeling then suddenly recoils as the reminder of those recent fights comes flooding back.

Pam sits up slow and the combination of their weight and gravity allow them to drop heavily. Pam winces and cradles them, their large overly round shape look flawless and the veins mapping them to the aureolas seem extra blue.

Her husband Mark walks in and sees Pam moving a little slow, “babe you ok?”. Pam looks at him, and puts on a comfy smile, “oh yeah fine, just a little sore, i am fine”.  Pam eases to the beds edge then stands up, she slowly eases on her silk robe and ties it at the waste.

Her stiff nipples tent the silk robe red and white piping. Her breasts spread the closed robe despite the attempt to tie it. Then take the shape of the breasts, Pam rows her shoulders and upper back then does a little bit more stretching and is able to handle the ache much better now.

Mark is making the coffee, as Pam walks in, they kiss and Mark asks, “so what does the toughest mother have planned today?”.  Pam grabs the milk for the coffee , she uses her hands to hold the gallon at her cleavage.

She gives Mark a wink, “i was thinking of a light workout in the garage and then taking our little girl for a walk in the stroller, whats your day look like?”.  Mark smiles, “sounds like the perfect day, have fun and get some rest you earned that as well”.

He kisses her bye as he heads to the office, Pam sips her coffee as she in D’s the maid dressing the baby. Pam smiles, “morning Mary, and good morning my little munchkin”. She tells her maid to grab a pre made bottle from being so sore.

Pam feeds the baby then goes up to change, she decides to hold off her workout till later. Slipping on her black stretchy yoga pants, then her red heels. Pam brushes her hair out and goes with the natural wild look, then slips on a black bra and her red silk blouse. Her lipstick a ruby red and her make up perfect.

She smiles at herself in the mirror then grabs the baby and heads to the front door, after popping open the stroller Pam sets the baby in it and begins her walk. With her head high and her large bust just contained in the snug bra, her breast have that firm heavy yet slow jostle.

The bra straps already strained to the limits and taught of her chest, work over time to restrict the side to side wobble of the laden breasts. Pam struts about the affluent streets and waves to a few neighbors they know.

The sun was bright but it wasn’t over bearing hot, after a few blocks Pam headed for the park to sit for a bit and enjoy the fresh air. Pam undoes one extra button on her blouse allowing the sun to warm and bake her breasts. As she glimpses through her phone, their is a distinct sound coming from her right .

Pam feels her spine tingle as the noise is easily recognized. The noise is that of a set of heels walking the path. Pams cell rings it is a woman from the club informing her, that she may have a challenge coming this Friday night .

Pam’s eyes slowly glance to the right when they see the woman whose heels are clicking along. Pam’s eyes behind her sunglasses instantly realize just who is heading her way.

The woman swaggering her way was none other than Jill Masters. A young mother who lived in the area as well, Jill and Pam while never having a verbal disagreement or heated one for that matter. Just never liked each other from first sight .

Jill was as busty as Pam, maybe a cup size fuller of Pam’s old cup size, but after hearing rumors that Pam had swelled larger, Jill was feeling a bit jealous, and even went as far as to say Pam must have had work done.

But when Jill hears that Pam was seen topless at one of her “get togethers”, Jill was quickly shut down, Pam was all natural still. What made it worse for Jill, was her husband Jack always had an eye on Pam, an when he hears about Pams growth spurt, his reaction was more than a raised brow.

Jill inhaled and stood her posture upright, she gave her husband a look of (watch what you say) then decided to try and forget the rumor. When Jill walking along notices it is Pam sitting on the bench.  Jill is dressed in black stretchy yoga pants as well, with yellow heels and a yellow blouse open to her yellow bra. Her blonde hair was cut to her just below he ear lobes , where her diamond earrings swayed glimmering from the sun light.

At 5’10” 133 and a 38H-26-36, Jill knew her only competition was Pam as far as popularity and looks go in the neighborhood, but her only saving grace was she was bigger. Pushing her own baby in a stroller her own veiny bust that same weighted firm jostle.

Pam watches Jill who makes it a point to look at Pam. The pair just give each other a fake smile, there was no love loss between them, at parties they certainly weren’t going to have any alone at a park out of eye sight and ear shout of their social get togethers.  Jill like Pam had a couple motherly fights, but not as many as Pam, in fact Jill had seen Pam in one of her first challenges and knew Pam could use her breasts and fight.

But Jill knew how to use breasts and was as laden as Pam, her breasts were a bit rounder looking perfectly symmetrical , a sight to see with no doubt. Both Jill and Pam never entertained having a mothers duel, as their husbands played golf from time to time and each felt it would risk their friendship.

Jill slows her swagger, pauses by Pam then decides to take a seat at the bench across from Pam. The two stare as Pam chats on the phone, each mother gently sways the strollers to try to get the babies asleep. The park is almost empty as women in the area stroll or jog about the paths.

The paths are white cement and the lawns are a rich green with a few trees scattered about. Jill and Pam just sit in silence and look at one another, each makes a point to posture her busty figure as they sit and even turn once to show the profiles.

While to Jill it is clear Pam looks fuller, to Pam Jill still looks bigger and shapely, as the two mothers stare their thick nipples stiffen even more. They always compared and tried to out dress each other, but sitting here now the feeling this accidentally meeting was about to be more was making both breath a bit heavier.

At the moment for both women , it is their surroundings stopping them from abruptly challenging each other, while neither is worried about a duel in public, the fear of the police being called is holding them back.

But as the two mothers stare each slowly rotates her ankle and heels. Their red lips purse as they let their eyes slowly take in every area of the other. As their eyes can’t stop from focusing on the tenting nipples, and swelling tight deep cleavage, both of which slowly rise and falls as they breath heavier at the internal jealousy and anger rises.

The small hill the pair sit on allows each of them to look out over the park. Both can see as the morning passes the park is becoming more empty, at least in their area.

Each mother feels her entire body come alive at the  prospect of this long over due conflict finally can come to a head. As much as these mothers want this , they need to be careful. They would hate to have this start only to be broken up, if this begins these two must finish it once and for all.

Jill feeling this internal hunger starts to fidget, she wants this and has for sometime. Looking at Pam she seems to read it in Pams eyes as well. To  keep her self respect over just asking out right , Jill does what she knows will grab her rivals attention.

Jill looks about , but seriously not caring much allows her eyes to gaze back upon Pams. Pam who just sits glaring at her rival, to see if she is woman enough to bring the dislike to a head .
Jill eases her hand to her blouse top, her yellow finger nails flick the next button on her blouse allowing more bra cup to be seen.
Then another button and yet a third. Her filled bra cups easily spread her top open and her contained breasts now seem to pant in the bra waiting to be unleashed.

Once her bra cups are freed Jill inhales swelling them to the fullest. Her pride swells them as well, she stares at Pam with little respect. Then with a smile that says i already won, Jill softly says “you know Pamela , i never liked you and your little shows you put on are a joke . Frankly from what i see, you must just be the luckiest little bitch i ever seen”.

Pam smirks and rocks her heel , then allows her hand to slowly undo her buttons til her own bra cups pry the blouse apart exposing them to Jill. Her own bust pants slow but full as she proudly glares back, then replies. “Well you know Jill, as it turns out i never liked you either, and i heard you tried to put on a few shows as well, but for some reason you just couldn’t get the attention you wanted, its that or you just aren’t that good at this. So which is it ?”.

Jill feels her lip curl a bit, she coldly hisses back, “well since you never got the chance to see me in action, why not make a day of it and lets find a place i can show just how much bigger and better i am than you”?.

Pam runs her fingers over bra cup and starts to stretch it out and down. Her thick stiff nipple springs free over the cups top. Pam lets her index finger and thumb trap the shaft then she slowly pinches it and rubs it.  With a soft hiss back, “well Jill as it so happens i have am free all day, and i am not sure if you ever got to see me in action or not but in case you haven’t just know the stakes, i will take your bra, your milk, and then i will feed your baby with my milk as you watch.”

Jill tries to not show it, but the thought of what her rival just proposed gives her a slight chill. Slowly Jill eases her bra cup down exposing the thick nipple and pinches it. But then she thinks about it and if she wins then it will be Pam who has to watch Jill feed her baby, and that thought brings a huge smile to Jill’s face.

Jill breathes in a bit, “well it seems Pamela you and i have a date with destiny, so how about we put the chatter aside and get down to it hmm, mother to mother”. Pam breathes in “well Jill to be totally honest i thought you would never ask, lets take a walk and find a place we can sort this out mother to mother “.

Both women stand up and take hold of the strollers, then position themselves side by side. The slow walk begins, unsure where this is going to happen the two mothers are determined this will happen today no matter what.

As the two women slowly swagger along they each make a point to steal glances at others veiny breasts. Each makes a point to notice there is little motion in the bra cups, reaching the break of the small hill, Jill says “so where we doing this?”.

Pam looks about then sees the towns water pumping station, it is a small tight cement building with large pipes coming from the back wall into the ground. Pam smiles “will that do?”. Jill smiles “as long as we can get in , it works for me “.

They pull the cups over their nipples just in case anyones down by the small building. They slowly sway their hips as they walk the strollers, each can see their babies eyes start to drift. They reach the buildings door and Jill smiles at the two babies, “i know how this normally starts Pamela but lets not disturb them,a nod just get to this”.

Pam nods in agreement, “fine with me”. Pam steps up to the metal door, slowly her hand turns the knob and the door opens. She looks into he dank chilly building , the noise of water flowing easily drowning out the the inside.

Pam grabs her stroller and eases it into the building , she parks it by the largest pipe, Jill steps in and places her stroller beside it. The two mothers making sure they shush  and gently rock the strollers till the babies fall asleep to the hum of the water pump .

Once content the two mothers ease away from the strollers, they stare at one another less then a foot and half apart. Each raises an eyebrow signaling the other their is nothing left to discuss.

They each undo the remaining buttons and peel the blouses off, they drape them softly on the stroller handles then look each other, their dislike can not squash the fact each has a fit body with a healthy bust.

Then with nothing to say, they both start to pull their bra straps down their arms, they lock eyes as they reach behind them and unclasp the bras clasps. The bands of the bras explode open from the strain, then as if timed they ease off the bras and drape them on the blouses.

Their large round breasts stand out, the fibers of their chest muscles are seen as they support the heavy breasts. Slowly as hands ease up , each pauses to caress her warm breasts, they part their lips a bit as the rooms chill tightens their breasts.

Then with no prompt their hands continue onto their heads and their proud laden breasts lift up and out more. As if on cue they step in and then again, their thick pink brown nipples are side by side. The broad tips softly graze the other mothers thick bulging shafts.

They stare as they feel the rubbery texture of the others nipples. Then as each takes a breath they ease closer till their nipple tips press agains the others aureolas. The feeling making both breath in but they control how fast, then as if agreed on the tow mothers start their long waited fight .

Both now breath in fuller as they press head on more then at the feel of their warm veiny breast meat, they let out a slow exhale. With out hesitation they start to try to push the others breast to the left, failing they now try to push to the right.

Both lets out a second breath, then they start to press in more, slowly as they feel the resistance of her rivals breasts they start to push. That now becomes a more firmer pump, and as it does he two mothers let out soft huffs of hot air.  The huffs slowly become moans and groans, “nmmmm uuhnn cmon”. Pam “uuhh nmm more “.

Their long muscled legs, a slight bend at the knees despite being concealed by the tight pants, show the flex to hold the bodies up.  Each woman her flat tummy bellows as they start to more firmly pump and push their tits agains their rivals.

As so often when Pam has a fight , she starts out strong, letting her rival know before it is decided she picked the wrong mother to fight. Pam feels the added weight in Jill but she isn’t concerned, instead Pam starts to really fight hard.

She pulls her breasts side to side across Jill’s and then adds a heavy pumping motion into each of Jill’s breasts as she drags. Pam plows her twin breasts straight into Jill’s left , then right breast. The solid CLOPS fill the room, Jill is a bit taken back and even loses a step as they both start to use their breasts harder.

Pam huffing a she drives into Jill, “uuummff ummfff cmon bitch fight my tits “. Jill is being backed up but while she can feel Pam has firm heavy breasts that are a clear threat. Jill also can feel Pam isn’t putting a 100% into the move, “ohh uuhhnn mmff mfff mmfff cmon bitch are your tits ready for a fight ?”.

Pam while working her breasts into Jills, a slight confused look then comes the one thing Pam wasn’t ready for. Jill side steps and pulls her arms in bulging both her larger tits together as she is angled on Pam’s right side, with a perfect open side wall of the large ground breast.

Jill slams her tits directly into the concave form behind the round large breast,SLAP rings out and Pam now feels the weight, firmness, and just how sore she still is from those other fights.

Pam drops her mouth open as Jill presses tighter, their heels clicking rapidly as Pam retreats and Jill waists more. “Ohhh where are you running to bitch hmm, cmon my tits wanna fight “.

Pam was trying her best to just grunt at the counter move , but as Jill feeling her own bust start to dominate she starts to walk her rival back till Pam’s bare back hits the cold cement wall.

Forced to be stood up perfectly , Jill snakes her hands behind Pam’s neck holding her there and slowly unleashes her bigger breasts on Pam’s large, but sore breasts. Side to side Jill drags, pumps, jabs, and smears her breasts all over Pam’s no second is wasted lining up. Instead Jill can feel Pam’s weak in her chest and she is going to exploit this so called champ, even if this fight is between just them.

Pam is breathing are heavy, her lips purse as Jill is starting to pummel her already swollen sore breasts and her sore chest muscles. “Uugghh ughhh ohh you bitch my tits , awww aghhh get off my tits”. Jill a savage sneer “problems honey hmm?, cmon my tits wanna fight , your tits got it or they don’t fight me bitch lets have this out cmon “.

Jill’s back flexes like a body builder, her shoulders squared to Pam, her hands hold Pam at the back of her neck. Jill has a smile as she uses her breasts to pull, pump, press, smear and pummel Pam’s breasts freely now as Pam can only lean her head on the wall, look up as tears well up and feel her proud breasts being devoured.

Pam shakes her head no slowly as the pounding she is taking gives her a flash back to the fight for the bar she lost two times, and how that woman destroyed her bust in such a fashion Pam thought she would never fight again.

Looking up as tears start to run down her cheeks, Pam is only able to grunt as the pain is becoming to much , only 15 minutes into the fight and Jill is making short work of her rivals solid breasts with her own.

Jill smiles trying to make Pam look her in the eye, “whats wrong big girl hmm?, my tits to much for yours, looks like we finally are seeing just who is the better woman and mother. Fight back or give you useless cow”. The fleshy slaps, clops, claps echo in the tight little room , as Jill never once slows or stops to see if Pam can go on.

Pam seems to drift into a place of shame and pain, she feels and hears the flesh being abused freely and her only choices are to use her hands to fight off Jill or give up. Pam squirms her hips as she tries to pull her breasts to either side.

Jill feels the attempt but thinks Pam is trying to get motion to fight back. Jill breaths in then pants “uuhnn uwww you wanna titbox my tits ?!, oh honey i will knock your tits black and blue with mine, nmm cmon bring it then.”
Pam swallows a she shakes her head no on the wall, but her breasts do knock the. Side of Jills,as the torturing duel goes on. Pam breathes in and uses her shoulders to knock her breast aside Jills.

Jill tightens her bust and chest then starts to use her breasts like fists, alternating her shoulders , Jill starts to box Pam’s breasts. The sound that was a dull soft fleshy one has now become a loud, firm and sharp fleshy echo.

The sudden change is filling the room along with Pam’s hurting gasps, “ohh uuhnn mfff mfff mfff bitch my tits , oh god owww fuck my chest and my tits let me go bitch oww”.  But Jill is in a zone, she smiles wickedly as she uses her breasts harder and firmer, “UUGHh ughh mmff mmff mff cmon bitch feel my tits hmm? Put em up bitch, fight my tits cmon, show me how tough your tits are “.

The look of Jill’s breasts easily pummeling and shifting and quaking Pams breasts is like a slow motion video of a boxer just openly pounding his opponent. Pam starts to crouch and curl her body inward as away to guard and protect her tits from more abuse.

Jill pushes her rivals shoulders back and up making Pam stand , leaving her breasts open to the pounding . Pam uses her hands to push at Jill to get her away, Jill grabs Pam and keeps her tight to her.

For another 10 minutes Jill has her way with Pam slapping her sore breasts side to side and up and down. Finally Pam can’t take it anymore her lips quiver as she finally screams out, “STOP STOP PLEASE , I GIVE M TITS ARE HURT YOU WIN’.

Jill a vicious smile pulls away, and Pam sinks to her ass along the wall, she knows whats coming as she cradles her hurt tits , Pam looks up and Jill slowly steps to the strollers and takes Pam’s baby and feeds her left nipples to her.

Pam watches hurt on the floor tears run as she is forced to see, Jill feed her child. Her baby latches onto the stiff thick nipple and is sucking as if starving. Jill just gently rocks her as she stares at Pam with a smile of victory.

Jill lays the baby back in her stroller then swaggers to Pam, she slowly grabs Pam by her hair and pulls her up onto all fours. Pams heavy loaded tits drop hard and sway as Pam grunts in pain.

Instead of mounting Pam’s back, Jill steps forward and traps Pam’s head between her legs and squeezes, she bends forward over Pam and both her hands form fists. Pam concerned yells out , “what are you doing Bitch , we said loser milked”.

Jill her fists ready growls down at the trapped rival, “oh bitch don’t you worry i am gonna milk your pathetic tits right now, my way”.

Pam eyes widen as Jil suddenly starts a left , right fist pounding into Pam’s hanging tits. Jill swinging freely , “uuhnn uhnn uhnn mm great targets bitch, feel my fists hmm? Do ya?”. Pam screams at the hard pounding , “AWWWWW MY TITS PLEASE STOP. OWW”.

The pummeling goes on and slowly Pam’s milk starts to leak , then drip. Jill feels the milk as she pounds her fists two more times and then opens her hands and latches onto Pam’s tits. Deeply she squeezes, twists and pulls on the red and bruised tits hanging under Pam.

Jill moans “nmmm yess warm milk spill it bitch spill it all”. Pam at every squeeze whimpers as she is getting more hurt. “My tits p..p.please stop, owww oh my god they hurt”. Jill content now gives a long sharp yank on Pam’s tits then steps away.

Pam drops on her hip and cradles her tits, Jill puts her own bra back on then her blouse, she grabs Pam’s bra, and wraps it on the stroller, as she heads out of the room she hisses, “let me know if you want an invitation to one of MY PARTIES BITCH, or maybe you will invite me to one of yours for a REMATCH?”.

Jill tosses her head back laughing then walks out and the steel door shuts behind her. Pam finally gets up , her breasts wet and leaking as well are red, and black and blue.

She gets her blouse on gingerly, then grabs her stroller and steps out of the room, her eyes welling up and she nearly screams as every step has her breasts swaying and banging together. Making her walk home as painful as Jill punching her full tits.

Pam nearly stopped to sit two times the pain was so bad. Once home she leaves the stroller outside grabs her baby and hurries in the house. She hands her daughter off to the maid and with one arm under her tits runs up to her room.

She strips her clothes off soaked in her own milk , and showers for 20 minutes, finally done as she steps from the shower, Pam feels the deep pain and sees her tits are like balloons and green and black and blue in several spots.

Pam vomits in the toilet a few times, then pulls herself up and goes to bed. Mark walks in later in the day, his face concerned “babe whats wrong you ok?”. Pam can not tell him she fought Jill and got beaten badly, with a big fight at the club coming soon, Pam has just try to heal up, so she can give that mother a fight for the title.

Pam uses ice packs and heat on and off all night to just ease her swelling, but the bruises will take a lot more time.


Offline Drake8

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Re: Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2023, 05:48:45 PM »
Terrific chapter


Offline DavidG

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Re: Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2023, 05:53:16 PM »
Well I knew she would lose eventually but that was a thrashing
To many fights in to short of time
Excellent to read


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2023, 06:14:59 PM »
Pam got too cocky! Can she make a come back? Can she get her revenge?


Offline User1

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Re: Chapter 5 Tough Time in the Neighborhood
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2023, 07:49:05 PM »
Pam got too cocky! Can she make a come back? Can she get her revenge?

Miss Masters seems very skilled in using her tits, as she also outgunned Pam in the past she may be a wall Pam can not break, even if she is fully healed.

Dotty really gives us hell of a story to read!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 07:52:59 PM by User1 »