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Brunette Rivals

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Offline CTCF20

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Brunette Rivals
« on: December 09, 2023, 12:42:16 PM »
Maybe the last poll of Bethan for a while, but a good one. Here she is against Shannon, another girl she bitches about behind her back. And this is very evenly matched, I don't think there's much in it in height and weight. Shannon maybe a little bit taller.


Offline dhalgren

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Re: Brunette Rivals
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2023, 07:25:19 PM »
I need more Bethann pics!!! :'(


Offline CTCF20

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Re: Brunette Rivals
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2023, 08:55:53 PM »
I need more Bethann pics!!! :'(

I know, there just aren't many to choose from