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Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?

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Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2023, 12:58:10 PM »
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #46 on: November 09, 2023, 01:43:10 PM »
Wow wow wow! You actually outdid yourself with this surprise! The models are on point and really put a face on the characters that I love! It actually make sense for Dahlia to win and Camellia to lose; Although I was team Camellia from the start


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2023, 03:12:45 PM »
These new pics make me want to see ample future stories with Dhalia.


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #48 on: November 09, 2023, 04:16:22 PM »
Wow wow wow! You actually outdid yourself with this surprise! The models are on point and really put a face on the characters that I love! It actually make sense for Dahlia to win and Camellia to lose; Although I was team Camellia from the start

Thanks so much for your kind words :) Well, I didn't do anything, it's AI graphics. Does Dahlia look stronger and tougher than Sylvia then? I actually would wish for Sylvia to be thicker around the shoulders and have more of a roided look, but well, the face at least is smug enough for me and she doesn't look small. I also want Sheila to have a thicker waistline and look meaner.

And of course, they should all have much smaller breasts. The AI really could not understand "flat-chested", "very small breasts", or even "no breasts". Dumb AI.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2023, 04:17:44 PM by katietay »
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2023, 11:27:06 PM »
Thanks so much for your kind words :) Well, I didn't do anything, it's AI graphics. Does Dahlia look stronger and tougher than Sylvia then? I actually would wish for Sylvia to be thicker around the shoulders and have more of a roided look, but well, the face at least is smug enough for me and she doesn't look small. I also want Sheila to have a thicker waistline and look meaner.

And of course, they should all have much smaller breasts. The AI really could not understand "flat-chested", "very small breasts", or even "no breasts". Dumb AI.
Don't sell yourself short, AI prompting to get an accurate result is a headache  :D ! Dahlia doesn't look stronger but the difference between the two is just enough that a burst of second win can help Dahlia win the fight, just like last time the two fought! But Sylvia got a young face, a young smug face that deserves some spanking ;) ! With those muscular bodies the breasts are not center of attention I'll tell you that  ;D


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2023, 03:42:55 PM »
When the moment comes, it comes suddenly.

Camellia Kwan opens her mouth. A tiny whimper comes out, almost inaudible, but Dahlia is almost right beside her and hears the heartrending sound.

And then, Camellia collapses. She first sinks to her knees, her legs no longer able to support her weight. Her entire core gives way, and Sheila’s weight bowls her over. Her back smacks against the mat, driving the remaining wind out of her lungs.

The cheering dies in Dahlia’s throat.

All around them, a great cry comes up: whooping exclamations at the conclusion of this incredibly grueling, tortuous contest. “Ohhhhhh!” “Holy cow…” “Fucking... Look at all that…” “Wow… just… whew! Wow!”

Sheila lies sprawled atop Camellia, spreading their arms out to either side. She raises her head and makes a few gurgling and snorting sounds. “Hurrrghh… glarrrkk…” She swallows a few times, hard. Then she turns her head slightly to the side and expels air from her nostrils in a couple of gusts. Globs of blood fly out, but less than before. Her broken nose is red and purpling, and visibly swollen, but the bleeding seems to have slowed; likewise for her cut tongue. Still bleeding, but by a combination of spitting, snorting and swallowing she has finally managed to clear her airway.

Sylvia is screaming from the sidelines. “Yes! Yes! YES! YEEEEESSS! Mooooom! GO MOM!”

Slowly, painfully, Sheila pushes herself to a straddling position across Camellia’s chest. Camellia lies motionless, her face on its side away from Dahlia, with only a slight rise and fall of her torso to indicate she is still conscious. Sheila wipes her face roughly a couple of times with the back of her hands, hawks and coughs a few more times, and then raises her head to look straight at Dahlia.

Dahlia is just beside them both, on her knees. Her strong shoulders are slumped. She stares hollowly at the sight before her, at her supine mother. “Get up, Mom,” she whispers. “Get up.” She sounds broken and hopeless.

Camellia stirs slightly but doesn’t respond.

A slow smile spreads across Sheila’s face. “Dahlia. Look at me. Look at me, girl.”

Unwillingly, Dahlia does so.

“I’ve won, Dahlia.” She is breathless, but her voice is redolent with insufferable smugness. “I’ve beaten your mother. I’m stronger and better than her. Look.” She flexes her arms. The powerful muscles ripple all over her body. The blood streaks make her look extra-savage, like a victorious warrior queen sitting astride her defeated opponent. “You see, Dahlia? You see?”

“Kiss those guns!” Sylvia hollers, and is quickly echoed by the others. “Kiss my momma’s guns! Your mom’s done, Dahlia! Your mom’s done!”

“Mom. Mom, get up.” Dahlia moves forward and bends down, closer to her mother’s face. “Mom, can you still fight? Mom, please.”

Camellia turns her head weakly. Upon seeing the look on Dahlia’s face, her own face crumples. She takes an agonized breath. Her arms move, slowly. She reaches up towards Sheila, her fingers clutching useless at Sheila’s chest muscles, shoulders, biceps.

“Submit, Camellia? Do you submit? Ask her, Dahlia. Ask your mom.”

She lowers her left hand and grabs hold of Camellia’s chin, and she raises her right arm slightly, still cocking her fist. The threat is clear.

Dahlia has to blink tears out of her eyes. “Mom, do you submit?”

Camellia’s hands clutch uselessly at Sheila’s left wrist, at Sheila’s right shoulder. She cannot stop the punch if Sheila throws it. Her eyes close. Then her eyes open. Her lips move.


Sheila’s fist comes hammering down on Camellia’s helpless face. Dahlia screams. Everyone else, including Sylvia, is open-mouthed in astonishment – for Sylvia and a few others there is also sadistic delight.

A thin trickle of blood comes out of Camellia’s nostril. She holds Sheila’s gaze defiantly.

“Come on, Camellia. You’re finished. I’ve won. Submit. Now.”


Growling angrily, Sheila swings again, and her fist smashes into Camellia’s mouth in a spray of blood – Camellia’s lips are cut.

“Mom,” Dahlia sobs.

Camellia bunches her left fist, swings her arm and strikes Sheila’s jaw with it. She can put no force into that feeble blow, with limited range of motion. Still, it rocks Sheila back slightly, and seems to daze her for a moment.

Then she glares at Camellia again, her eyes wide with sheer outrage.

“C’mon Sheila, let her up,” some of the women begin saying. “Dahlia, make the call. Throw in the towel. Your mom put up a hell of a fight, but she’s lost.”

Dahlia’s hands trembling. Slowly, her fists bunch up. She raises her voice. “As long as my mom refuses to surrender… she hasn’t lost yet!”

“You really want me to knock you out, Camellia?” Sheila’s voice is low and dangerous. “You really won’t submit to me?” She addresses Dahlia without looking up. “Dahlia, you really want to see me do this to your mother?”

Dahlia’s heart is in a million pieces, and she feels her mother’s pain as her own. Half of her wants to break down and beg Sheila to stop, to throw in the towel on her mother’s behalf as the women are saying she should, to save Camellia from any more hurt.

But the other half is her mother’s loyal daughter. She knows her mother better than anyone. Despite not thinking of herself as such, Camellia Kwan is a valiant warrior through and through. Her will is indomitable. She has never forgiven herself for submitting to Sheila the way she did in their first match, especially not after seeing the way Dahlia won hers against Sylvia. Mother and daughter have never spoken about it this way, but in her heart Dahlia knows that Camellia was ashamed by what she considered a poor showing. It was galling, to see Dahlia kiss Sheila’s pussy while Sheila posed with one foot on Camellia…!

And so with this match, this fight that she consented to… Camellia will fight to the end. She will put her body on the line this one last time. She knows of course that Dahlia is proud of her no matter what, but this is about her pride as a woman. When she told Dahlia before the match that no words of surrender or submission will pass her lips today, she meant it. Dahlia knows it.

So, though it burns her inside, though her heart is pounding with fear for her mother’s well-being… she will respect her mother’s wishes, as a devoted daughter should. And Camellia will know that Dahlia believes in her to the bitter end, even when no one else does.

“Then let’s finish this,” Sheila snarls suddenly.

She clambers to her feet, reaches down to grab a hunk of Camellia’s bunned hair, and drags her over to Sylvia. Camellia cries out and grabs Sheila’s forearm, trying to lessen the pain as her back gets dragged along the mat. Dahlia scrambles to follow.

Then Sheila dumps her in front of the grinning Sylvia, and rolls her body over with a painful toe kick to the ribs. Camellia grabs her side. Her muscles are still too fatigued for her to put up any meaningful resistance as Sheila moves to sit on her lower back, pinning her firmly down.

Dahlia watches this horrific sight in slow motion, knowing every step of what is to come but utterly unable to do anything about it. It is a nightmare come true. While Sylvia practically slavers at this gift from her mother, Dahlia sinks to her knees again, slack-jawed and despondent.

Sheila takes hold of Camellia’s arms – she had worked out so hard to make them so sculpted and strong, adding thickness that had never been there before – and drapes them over her thighs. Already this position puts some strain on Camellia’s abs and lower back. Then Sheila reaches down and laces her fingers underneath Camellia’s chin with exaggerated care.

“Oh, yes,” Sylvia sighs orgasmically as her mother slowly leans back, presenting Camellia’s bruised and bloodied face to her like a gift. The pain of the camel clutch stretch twists Camellia’s face, and Sylvia shivers violently all over. “Ahhhh… I think I can cum without touching myself, Mom… this is so good…”

“Yeah, I’m good to you, aren’t I?”

“You’re the best, Mom.”

The other women are now quiet. Everyone is watching with bated breath, vibrators or hands pressed firmly on clits. Surely… surely now… surely this is enough. Surely Camellia will have to submit now, stubborn and foolish though she is… surely her body can’t take this punishment anymore.

Camellia’s body trembles finely all over now, uncontrollably, and she cannot prevent herself from uttering soft, weak cries of agony. Her feet flutter and thump the mat.

Dahlia bends low and leans in. “Mom… do you submit? Can you continue?”

“Yes… yes… submit…” Sylvia moans in ecstasy.


Sheila has already leaned back as far as she can go. Now she changes tack. She wraps her beefy right arm around Camellia’s neck.

“Hurkh…” Camellia begins to choke.

“Give it up, Dahlia,” Sylvia says softly. “Give us our victory. Come on, Dahlia. It’s time for your pussy pounding. My mom has already broken yours. Don’t you see?”


Dahlia gazes at her mother’s slowly reddening face, squeezed tightly in the crook of Sheila’s massive arm. She is etching this moment in her memory. Her mother’s final defeat at the hands of her nemesis, her rival. Defeated by the flexing of superior muscle.

This is the only way she can honor her mother now. She waits for the moment when Camellia’s eyes begin rolling upwards.

“Mom, can you continue?” she asks softly, lovingly.

Camellia can make no reply. And doesn’t. Still conscious, but unresponsive. She can neither speak nor move her head. Her hands dangle limply. Her legs have stopped moving.

Dahlia moves in and plants a quick peck on her mother’s cheek.

She straightens up. Still on her knees, she looks at Sheila, at Sylvia, at the other women in the room.

In a clear voice that betrays no weakness, she says, “Camellia Kwan is unable to continue. The winner of this fight… is Sheila Steele.”
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2023, 10:07:49 PM »
Nooooooooooooooooo! Why God? Why my favorite fighter must go down in agony? (as if I didn't know the result of the poll)
Another interesting part from the legendary Katie! I kinda don't have the stomach to read the next part and witness the suffering of the Kwans!( but I can't wait for it)


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #52 on: November 24, 2023, 05:02:43 AM »
Nooooooooooooooooo! Why God? Why my favorite fighter must go down in agony? (as if I didn't know the result of the poll)
Another interesting part from the legendary Katie! I kinda don't have the stomach to read the next part and witness the suffering of the Kwans!( but I can't wait for it)

lolwut? me? too kind  ;D 

I'm sorry, but the next 2 parts are being worked on and yes, they will upset you with the suffering described  ;D
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


Offline Becca The Beef

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2023, 02:17:14 AM »
I'm late to this party but I just gotta say this is some of the hottest shit I've ever read! Great job!


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2023, 07:17:24 AM »
A half-hour intermission is declared, much needed by all.

Sylvia has been released from her bonds and is applying an ice pack to her mother's face. They are resting together in the middle of the mat. Around them, a few of their closest friends and supporters -- including Florence with her remote control -- recline and fawn over the pair, stroking Sheila's veined muscles and cooing over her size and strength. Sheila is soaking up the attention, smiling widely despite the growing, swelling bruise spreading over the center of her face. She props up her arm on her knee and flexes lazily, basking in the gasps of admiration and lust from those around her. She looks over to where her defeated, humiliated rivals are, and begins smiling so much her cheeks start to hurt.

In a corner of the room, Dahlia sits alone with her mother as they recover from their physical and mental ordeal. She cradles Camellia's head in her lap, feeding her fruit juice from the flask they brought. She's iced Camellia's nose already -- the nosebleed cleared up easily enough, though the bruises are already starting to show on the places that Sheila's fist struck. The bruises on Camellia's belly made Dahlia frantic with anxiety earlier until she ascertained that there was no internal hemorrhage. The trembling in Camellia's muscles have thankfully subsided -- mostly. Nothing more than just sheer muscle fatigue, not a sign of anything more serious. And Camellia is lucid, despite losing consciousness for a few seconds. She gazes up now at her daughter's face.

"I'm sorry," she says, yet again. "I just wasn't strong enough..."

And yet again Dahlia shakes her head and blinks away her tears. She has refused her mother's apology for the umpteenth time.

Again, Camellia says, "Let me take whatever she wants to do. I'm the one who lost. I'm the one she wants to crush and shame."

And yet again Dahlia shakes her head and replies, "No. Let me take it. I want to take it."

"You're both taking it!" Sheila crows. The room isn't that large -- they can hear it all. "Don't you worry about a thing, Camellia. You'll get your share. Sylvia and I, we'll both make sure you get what you've earned." Mother and daughter cackle together, like witches.

"You know what, though," one of the other women speaks up -- she's not with Sheila's admirers in the middle, but is rather reclining in her own chair. She was one of those tweaking Sylvia's nipples during the match, Dahlia vaguelly recalls. "Sylvia shouldn't partake of the prize. She didn't win anything today. Not without cheating."

There are glares and angry words thrown around at that, but a consensus is soon reached: Sylvia indeed did not earn the right to take part in the victory ritual. Despite her furious protests, they have to accept the group decision; it will be just Sheila with the Kwans, while Sylvia is relegated to the audience. All she will be able to do is to spitefully watch and see to herself, while her mother takes the prizes. She does at least get to help Sheila put on the strap-on harness, slipping the inward-curved portion into her mother's pussy and making sure that the front presses firmly against her mother's engorged clit. Then she grumpily finds a chair for herself and angrily demands a tube of lube from her friend Florence.

Small mercies. As Dahlia and Camellia reluctantly get up and move to the center of the ring again for the forfeit, they can feel Sheila's hungry gaze on them both. Despite herself, Dahlia shivers. This torment has been years, maybe even decades, in the making... Camellia still walks with a slight stoop, holding her lower back gingerly and wincing with every other step. Dahlia is firmly resolved: she will take the brunt of it, and spare her tired, injured warrior mother as much as she can.

Sheila, her eyes glittering with malice, brusquely orders Camellia to lie facedown on the mat. Dahlia clenches her fists helplessly as Camellia slowly complies.

"Not gonna back out now, are you, Camellia?" Sheila says mockingly.

"I'm a woman of my word, Sheila," is all the reply Camellia gives over her shoulder.

And then, as the cellphones and tablets get whipped out, Dahlia has to ceremoniously raise Sheila's arm in victory, as Sheila plants her foot hard on Camellia's lower back and flexes her other arm.

This is so wrong, Dahlia cannot help thinking. It should be her mother's arm she is holding now, Camellia's victory she should be celebrating in front of all these scoffers and naysayers. Instead, her strong beautiful mother has to lie pliantly beneath the gleeful, wicked Sheila's foot.

"I want to hear you say," Sheila announces, "that I'm the stronger, better mother with the superior muscles."

The words stick in Dahlia's craw. She cannot force them out of her throat.

"Still skeptical, Dahlia? Maybe I need to prove it to you again...?" Sheila laughs an ugly laugh.

"It's all right, love," Camellia says, still sprawled facedown. Her teardrops fall onto the mat as she blinks. "Just say what she wants."

Dahlia's voice trembles as she complies. "You're the stronger, better mother with superior muscles." And then immediately she adds, "And when it's my turn to challenge you, I'll break you completely and let my mom have her way with you, as revenge for today."

There is a collective gasp around the room.

"Spirit strong as ever," Sheila murmurs as she turns to gaze steadily at the defiant Dahlia, still holding her arm up. "Let's see about breaking it right in front of your momma's eyes, girl..."

Dahlia senses the taunt has worked. Sheila will now focus her lustful attention on Dahlia, whose body is still strong enough to take it.

Or is it...?
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2023, 08:03:15 PM »
Way to go Katie! Another incredible installment to an epic tale.


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2023, 04:52:33 AM »
The rest is coming, I just need time to finish it. :)
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #57 on: December 24, 2023, 11:16:24 AM »
Camellia Kwan

My vision keeps blurring with tears, no matter how much I blink. Sheila is yanking me up by the hair now, and I have to clutch at her forearm to lessen the pain, but this pain is nothing compared to the ache in my heart.

I am a loser.

I've done everything I possibly could. I've had my lovely, wonderful daughter with me every step of the way, helping me get into the best shape of my life, giving me the strength to keep pushing beyond my limits, making my muscles harder, better, stronger than ever before. I've had her in bed with me every night, rubbing my soreness away, rejuvenating me so well that I've been able to train seven days a week. She was cheering me on as I matched muscles and willpower with Sheila, pouring strength into my ear. Has any other mother been so blessed?

No. My Dahlia is the best daughter in the world. And I've failed her.

Big, brawny Sheila. Burly, bullying Sheila. Rude, coarse, vulgar Sheila. Her Sylvia is everything I've taught my Dahlia not to be. But here they are, here I am -- beneath Sheila's foot, flat on the mat. Sylvia is looking at her strong, powerful mother standing and flexing over me. My poor Dahlia... she has to perform this victory ritual for my nemesis. And it's all because I was too weak, in the end. My body is too old, too weak, too small. I can't outmuscle Sheila, ever. She will always have the better of me. That's what we've determined here today. Between her and me... I will always be the one who loses.

At least... at least Dahlia is stronger than Sylvia. I'm sure of it. We've demonstrated it a few times already. Despite Sylvia having just that slight edge in size, and despite her use of steroids... Dahlia can beat her. Has beaten her.

Is my darling crazy? Has she just challenged Sheila to a match on my behalf, to win back our honor? I can barely imagine it. My strong, beautiful Dahlia... against this monster who has crushed me. But she's issued the challenge, my brave girl. Will she follow through? Silly question. Of course she will. My brave girl. But how? How does she hope to...?

No time to think about that now. Sheila is in my face now, still holding onto my hair. Deliberately, she spits in my face. I flinch at this gesture of contempt. Her nose bridge is still fiercely purple and swollen where I cracked it, but she's no longer bleeding. How I wish I could smash her sneering face... she'd smash mine worse, but it might be worth it. Dahlia wouldn't be happy to have my face permanently disfigured, though.

My poor girl. What's this monstrous woman going to do to us now? Am I still your strong, sexy mother? Am I a loser now in your eyes? What are you thinking, as you watch me get dominated and humiliated by our family foes?

Sheila flexes her right arm and practically smooshes my face into her hard biceps. The facial bruises she gave me still throb painfully. "Tell her whose muscles are better," Sheila demands. I look at Dahlia shamefacedly, blink some more tears away, and make myself say some suitable words. "Her muscles are better than mine."

Immediately Dahlia shakes her head, tight-lipped, even though moments ago she's just said the same thing. She won't disagree outright -- because she's afraid of what Sheila will do to me if she does so -- but in her own way she's letting me know: she's still in my corner. She still loves me. My heart lifts slightly.

But now Sheila shoves me painfully down onto the mat, and commands me to sit cross-legged. I comply. She then grabs Dahlia's shoulder and shoves. "Lie down, head in your mommy's lap," she laughs evilly.

No... no, she can't be thinking... but she is. The big, black strap-on gleams wetly right in front of me. My heart jumps. She's going to use it. She's going to have Dahlia lying right here... have me cradle my daughter's face in my lap... while she... No, this is worse than I could imagine. She's grabbed hold of Dahlia's ankles, lifting up her legs...

And giving them to me.

She tells me to hold them. To hold onto my daughter's ankles, holding her legs apart and spreading them wide.

The murmurs and exclamations around the room are getting louder. I not only have to do this in front of our enemies, I have to do this while this audience watches...

"Mom..." Dahlia's soft voice calls me back to reality. I look down, blinking away more tears -- they are practically streaming down my face now. Dahlia is looking up at me from below. "Mom," she says again. "It's ok. I can take it. We can take it." She then flexes her arms. The most beautiful double-biceps pose I've ever seen her perform. "Together! They won't break us, Mom. We won't let them."

My fierce, strong, defiant daughter...

Sheila, don't you see? Even as you're forcing my mouth open and making me lubricate your strap-on with my own saliva, don't you see? You may have beaten me bodily, and even broken my spirit... but you'll never break my daughter. You can't. She's too strong for you.

Sheila deep-throats me until I start to gag, then pulls out. The strap-on now has a sheen of my saliva over it. She then grabs my arms and shoulders for support as she lowers herself into position, grunting with effort and anticipation. "Mmm. Yeah... wider, Camellia. Spread her legs wider for me. There we go. Theeeerrree we go... how does that feel, Dahlia? Feels good? You like this? Huh?

"Whatever. Just shut up and get it over with. You won't be half as good as my mom is, anyway." Dahlia has never been so fierce and sassy in her life. She must be heartbroken inside at my defeat, but she's putting on such a fierce front... it's for my sake. She's making such a brave show of it for my sake. I'm so sorry Dahlia... I'm still weeping and defeated. I can't play along with your act. But you're doing such a fine job of it. Sheila is glaring down at her now.

"I'm going to pound your pussy so hard..." she growls as her pelvis begins to move.

"Do your worst," Dahlia grunts in reply. Her muscles tense up all over, as if she's about to sexfight rather than take the punishment that should be meant for me. As if this is a fight she has a chance of winning, as opposed to a one-sided sexual forfeit she's paying on my behalf.

Her strength gives me strength... just a little more. I am able to look Sheila in the eye as she starts the fucking. Over the rhythmic, rapid slap of her flesh against Dahlia's inner thighs she says, "I've wanted this for so long, Camellia Kwan. All these years you strutted around thinking you were better than me. Making it seem like you were untouchable... high and mighty... not so high and mighty now, are you? Huh?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "You're the one who's been so... so boorish... so rude..."

"There you go again," she snarls, and her muscles ripple as she increases the speed of her pounding. Dahlia grunts slightly, her whole body tensed to resist. I can feel her trembling through her ankles as she strains to endure Sheila. "Always like that. Always so proud... think so highly of yourself... but I won! I won, Camellia! You bitch! I... beat... you!"

Sheila is panting and gasping now, and beads of sweat appear on her brow. She is now going full speed with her hips, her abs flexing and undulating as she keeps driving her strap-on into Dahlia. Her fingers dig into my upper arms. Her fetid breath washes over my face, making me gag. Dahlia's face is red, and her lips are slightly parted. She's trembling visibly now, even though she keeps her arms bravely flexed.

"And this is what you get for losing... Camellia!" Sheila says breathlessly. She pushes her nose up against mine. "This, right here... Your girl... is mine!" She smooches my lips then -- my skin crawls at the wet, unwanted contact. She chuckles at my reaction.

"Never!" Dahlia's voice is still strong. "I will never... ungh... belong to you!"

"You're mouthy, aren't you..." Sheila snarls, looking down, her attention taken away from me momentarily. "I'll make you cum, right here in your mother's lap... that'll get you to shut up..."

"Ha! As if... as if you could..." Dahlia has adopted a scoffing tone. "Like I said, Mom... she can't do this half as well as you can. Our training... unggh... our training has been tougher than... than... unngghh..."

Sheila has upped the intensity of her hip thrusts. Her face is now screwed up tight in concentration, still fetching up against mine, her brow pressing against my brow. Sweat now glistens over her whole body. I glance down at Dahlia. My daughter's teeth are clenched and bared, and her eyes are squeezed shut. Her muscles are fully taut all over as she endures the pounding.

I know her body. She won't cum from penetration -- at least, I've never been able to give her one with just penetration, despite all the positions we've tried. So now, she's just pitting her endurance against Sheila's, waiting for Sheila to flex herself into exhaustion. After the half-hour rest we had, most of Sheila's energy has returned, but I think it is still going to be hard for her to breathe, thanks to the damage I did. How much can she do to my Dahlia, and can Dahlia take it all?

"I'll make you cum..." Sheila is practically grunting into my face, her lips moving against mine, even though she's clearly addressing my daughter. "Make you cum..."

"As if you could... you can't... not as good as... my mom..."

I've never done it as fast as Sheila is doing it right now. This is new to Dahlia. Short, sharp, rapidfire thrusts like a piston, for such long minutes... I've never managed to keep up this kind of pace, on the relatively few occasions we've used toys. I can feel something in Dahlia's body. Glancing down, I see the way her abs are flexing... the way her lower belly is moving...

She's getting close. My Dahlia is getting close to orgasm. She's trying to fight it, but she's never been penetrated like this before, and we've never really practiced holding off on orgasms.

If Sheila cums first, and she seems really close as well, then maybe after she's done she'll have to stop and rest, though her orgasm will be long and sustained.

I don't want my Dahlia to cum. Not like this. I don't want Sheila to have the satisfaction, for her to say she's conquered my daughter's pussy while I'm holding her open. Dahlia deserves better. Dahlia deserves better than me. She doesn't deserve to lose like her loser mom loses. She deserves to win. To at least pull through without losing.

"Cum, you bitch..." Sheila snarls.

"You cum first..." Dahlia snarls back. Her voice sounds frantic, desperate. She can't help it. She's getting so close, against her will...

Come on, Sheila. Cum. Cum now. Have your climax while my daughter is still holding out. Dahlia's pride must survive this. Mine can be broken, but not hers. Never hers.

Don't lose, Dahlia! Don't lose!

My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2023, 11:59:28 PM »
Impossible! I won't accept the fact that you actually outdid yourself Katie and it's not even finished yet; well done! I hope Absence of Sylvia won't last long also I bet Dahlia will outlast Sheila she's smaller but her sexdrive is definitely better than Sheila it sure was better than Sylvia! Loved the mother forced to opening up her daughter's legs for her nemesis; truly humiliating and something a heartless brute would do, just shows why I'm team Kwan ;D


Offline katietay

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Re: Family Fitness Feud part 04: Camellia's Swan Song?
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2023, 12:40:17 PM »
"Gnnnnnn... gahhhh... aaargh..."

Sheila's face twists and contorts as her body is wracked by the most powerful orgasm she's ever had. Never has she cum so hard, not with Sylvia, certainly not with anyone else. Her fingers dig so deep into Camellia's flesh that Camellia cries out in pain, but Sheila smothers those cries with her mouth, kissing Camellia so fiercely that she is almost devouring her defeated rival's face.

But as she pulls out of the crimson-faced Dahlia, lying helplessly in her mother's lap with her legs spread wide... as she collapses onto her back, head swimming, seeing stars, buzzing all over so hard she actually starts wondering if she's overdone it... as she gulps in lungful after lungful of air through her mouth, letting the total exhaustion wash over her... a small nagging thought gnaws away at the back of her mind.

The photos and videos will all show her triumph, her total and complete victory. She has stood over Camellia's body, while Dahlia raised her arm in victory; she has taken Dahlia's pussy while forcing Camellia to hold her in place; she has kissed Camellia full on the lips while cumming against Dahlia's pussy. She has shown, without a doubt, that between her and Camellia, the matter is settled. She is the better woman, with the bigger and stronger muscles, the more powerful pussy; she is the superior mother.


Dahlia didn't cum.

Even though they're both holding each other now and sobbing, trying to console each other... even though her admirers (fair-weather friends, all) are clapping and cheering for her, dazed with orgasms of their own that they owe to her... even though Sylvia is by her side, caressing and fondling away as a good daughter does... something goes sour in Sheila's mouth.

Dahlia didn't cum.

"You did it, Mom. You broke them. Look at them," Sylvia's expression of sadistic delight is obscene -- she got it from her mother, after all.

But Sheila grits her teeth and fumes silently.

Dahlia didn't cum.

And the defiant, disobedient little girl... not so little, she's almost as broad across as Sylvia, she can outmuscle Sylvia, I've seen it with my own eyes... is glaring across the room at them now. She's... she's pointing. At them -- at her!

"You and me next time, Sheila Steele!"

And then she flexes her arm at them! At her!

The sheer, fucking gall of this...

"She's a real firecracker, huh!"

"She crazy? Look at the size difference! I mean... Sylvia's one thing, but Sheila? Did she not see what just happened with her own momma..."

Sylvia is shaking with rage, her fists clenched. "Let me at her, Mom," she snarls. "You already beat her mom, it's my turn now, let me crush her the same way..."

"No," Sheila says. Heads turn to her in shock. "No, hun, shut up," she tells Sylvia to quell her storm of protests. "No, shut the fuck up, Sylvia. I said no! It'll be me and her, just like she wants. You hear me, Dahlia??" She raises her voice. "Challenge accepted! Challenge fucking accepted! Next month, you and me, let's fucking go!"

So the little daughter wants to pit her little muscles against big, strong Sheila Steele? Get revenge for her loser mom? There is no fucking way she can do this. I'm twice her muscle mass. I've got at least 15, maybe even 20 kilos on her. You're going to cry again, Camellia. You're both going to cry, Kwans.

"And this time... if you lose to me, Dahlia," she calls out, "let's make it mean something. Losers become... the domestic servants of the winners, for a full year. Cleaning, laundry... sex slaves. Whaddaya say, huh?" she laughs, as the Kwans seem to hesitate. Everyone is laughing and clapping with excitement at this fitting suggestion. Even Sylvia starts to smile as she looks over at the rival family, contemplating the prospect of having the Kwans serve the Steeles...

Camellia says something, nods, and kisses Dahlia on the lips. Dahlia sets her shoulders more firmly, nods back, and returns the kiss. And Sheila knows the deal is sealed, even before Dahlia turns around and declares that they, as a family, accept the terms.

Sheila can hardly contain her anticipation. And they haven't got a fucking clue what I have in store for them...

To be continued...

The Kwans and the Steeles will return...
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)