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Spanish Titfight Tournament. Playoffs Round II: Monica vs Cristina

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Offline bonclaysama

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After the brutal victory of Marian against Martha, in which the first one showed that she was a real contender for the title, being the first to reach top 4, a brand new duel was heading on.

A brand new duel with certain taste of rematch, as both duellists faced each other in group stage as part of the group G. That time, Monica and Cristina both were able to end the tournament of the other three girls, Mariola, Alice and Martina, and met each other to determine who was seed one of that group.

Monica showed an incredible display of power and firmness, being able to make Cristina bent the knee but, finally, Cristina was able to surprise her foe and smash her opponen'ts rack, taking a final surrender by Monica. Cristina won that time but she new that Monica put her on the edge.

Both girls met in the middle of the mat, staring into each other eyes with a evil grin in their mouths.


-Hey babe, what? ready for another beating? I promise to be gentle with you this time if you don't give too much opposition.- Cristina said, walking sexily towards Monica, puffing out her chest, taunting her rival.
-Haha, nah, I'm here to finish the job I begin in group stage. I had mercy on you there, but you're out of luck now. You're going down BITCH- Monica said, raising her arms as she puffed out her chest too, swinging it in a threatening way towards Cristina.
-Shut up and attack whore, or are you too afraid for it? -Cristina taunted.
-Bring it on slut!-Monica cried, smacking directly her rack into her opponent's, beginning the hostilities with it.


Cristina grabbed Monica's arms, smacking directly her rack into Monica's. Monica mimicked her rival and grabbed her arms beginning to press her rack against Cristina's. Both girls began to press further and further, compressing their racks and, finally, meeting in a rabid bearhug, swinging from side to side and trying to take her opponent's down.

Both girls pressed their foreheads to the other, clinching their teeth. Suddenly, Cristina kissed Monica with a sudden surprising kiss, and Monica responded sticking out her tongue and licking Cristina's cheek, below the ear. Both girls were trying to arouse her counterpart and defocus her to gain a important leverage.


Suddenly, Cristina broke the embrace, stepping back panting. Her face blushed with arousal due to the expert tongue of Monica. Cristina felt her nipples burning for the contact and continuous attacks shared with her rival. Monica smiled at her.

-Ohh babe, you're shy! don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just give up and we will have so much fun- Monica said, taunting her foe as she approached her to deal a definitive blow. But Cristina had different plans as she ran into her enemy, smacking with all that she had against Monica's rack, making her lost balance and fall flat on her ass.

Cristina walked towards her felled opponent with hands on her hips, looking down at her with fire in her eyes. She was aroused but, over all, she was so angry. Monica looked up at her with her mouth still open because of the impact, she couldn't believe it, she was really mad and jumped back on her feet with agility.


Without a word, Monica began to hit Cristina's rack with her own, with a quick and brutal swing from left to right, smacking directly flesh against flesh. -Feel my firmness, whore!!! You're nothing! -Monica cried.
Cristina responded in the same way, beginning to swing her tits, trying to demolish her foe with her huge jugs. -I'll hear you scream my name crying, bitch! I'll make you my dog!- Cristina shouted directly into Monica's face.

With that, both girls swinged with abandon, trying to deal the maximum damage to her opponent and tank the blows they were suffering theirselves.


After a especially heavy blow both girls stopped suddenly, falling on her knees and panting heavily, both with their heads on their rival's shoulder, trying to regain her composture. Little by little, both began to get their breath again and they stared into each other eyes, still on their knees.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the final bout began.


Who will end on top?


Offline Eve

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Re: Spanish Titfight Tournament. Playoffs Round II: Monica vs Cristina
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2023, 08:49:36 AM »
So hot, i cheer for Cristina


Offline agnithefire

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Re: Spanish Titfight Tournament. Playoffs Round II: Monica vs Cristina
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2023, 10:20:14 PM »
Instagram for Cristina please


Offline bonclaysama

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Re: Spanish Titfight Tournament. Playoffs Round II: Monica vs Cristina
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2023, 09:56:11 PM »
I forgot about this series of polls/stories for a long time, I think maybe it's time to end the tournament, because there aren't so many series left (2 quarters, 2 semifinals, and a final).

-The End-

She fought, and she lost. She gave it all and it wasn't enough. For the second time, she lost against the same woman. Cristina simply outtitted her, outmatched her. Monica had nothing to regret because she did everything she had. Cristina, on her side, felt so empowered in the moment she saw her rival's firm and powerful rack just give in inside her own chest, tamed and conquered by her better pair.

{alt} Cristina

The only thing left was the humiliation, and Monica knew that. She won't simply go away. Cristina tighten her grip, engulfing completely the losing rack, making Monica cry and beg for mercy. "OOOOH GOD, OK YOU WON AGAIN, YOU SHOWED ME AGAIN YOU'RE JUST TOO GOD FOR ME, PLEASE LET ME ALONE". Cristina smiled, kissing the defeated woman with dominance and loosing the grip "it's enough, i have to save strengh for real rivals, you don't deserve my time".

And with that, Monica knelt against her, crying, as Cristina topped her after simply turn around and leave the scene.

{alt} Monica

With that victory, Cristina won 160 point, confirming her leadership, as Monica won only 20 points due to her resilience against a much better opponent.

THE CHAMP- Saray (relinquised)
1.º Cristina           1762 (+160)
2.º Irene              1569
3.º Marian            1551
4.º Marta              1381
5.º Sha                1380
6.º May                1358
7.º Maca              1331
8.º Tricia            1308
9.º Monica            1263 (+20)
10.º Susan              1258
11.º Becky              1253
12.º Loreto            1247
13.º Nerea            1202
14.º Isabella          1193
15.º Veronika           1193
16.º Noelia            1177
17.º Akuma              1164
18.º Mariola           1061
19.º Abby              1054
20.º Andrea            1025
21.º Cher             1004
22.º Paula             1002
23.º Celia             997
24.º Val               981
25.º Mar               981
26.º Io                973
27.º Alice             973
28.º Eli              968
29.º Mari              960
30.º Anakeli           933
31.º Silvia            915
32.º Ester             901
33.º  Lidia            895
34.º Diana             897
35.º Ambar             871
36.º Dalia             846
37.º Martina           799
38.º Leto              786
39.º Elena             779
40.º Carolina          726

The Next duel will face Maca against Nerea.