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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 4

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 4
« on: December 30, 2023, 02:33:56 PM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 4 - July 4

        Finally July 4 arrived. Emily awoke with gigantic butterflies in
        her stomach. She was extremely nervous in anticipation of the
        upcoming party. She knew Joy would be nervous as well, but it
        didn’t stop those butterflies. She made last minute adjustments
        to the house and went out to her hair stylist. She spent an hour
        and a half with her stylist and left with a terrific, sexy,
        hairstyle that would do a cover girl proud. Arriving back home
        by 3 o’clock she laid out her clothes, took a nice bath, keeping
        her hair from getting wet. The butterflies diminished in her
        stomach as she lay in the soothing water. All the emotions she
        tangled with bounced around inside her, but as the time drew
        nearer, it was her sexy confidence that came out on top. She
        knew her preparations had been sufficient to draw Joy into her
        web, and she knew that she was as physically and mentally
        prepared as she could be. The warm water of the bath had done
        its job. Emily emerged, dressed, set out the food and tools
        needed for the initial dining event, and waited for Joy to arrive.

        An unforeseen event had made the need for Joy to come up with an
        excuse for such a long absence from home unnecessary. Her
        parents would also be out of town for the next five days. It
        would be no problem to spend three days with Emily and not raise
        any suspicions. July 4 at Joy’s house found her in nervous
        anticipation. She knew, like Emily, that she was well prepared
        physically. Her hatred fueled her desire, but her desire took
        several forms and she knew it. She felt an unquenchable desire
        to beat Emily, but in sexual battle, she knew that her own
        lustful desires were not much less than her desire for victory.
        She had lusted many times for the touch of Emily’s naked body.
        Those flames of desire she knew would be both her friend and her
        enemy during the next three days. Those flames of desire would
        be her ally when she used it as a resource to draw Emily into
        her sexy clutches, but it would be her enemy as Emily used her
        own feminine wiles to do the same to her. But even with these
        conflicting thoughts, she approached the final hours with great
        confidence. She too left the house long enough to have her hair
        and makeup done professionally. She looked in the mirror and
        marveled at the beauty she saw. She had always felt that she was
        a ‘good-looker’, but the image she saw in the mirror was
        stunning. Her high cheekbones were accented perfectly and the
        shade of lipstick turned her lips into a pure invitation to be
        kissed. Wow!

        Joy went home and knowing that she was an absolutely gorgeous
        young woman, she headed for her bedroom to dress. She spent a
        long time dressing. She savored every item as she pulled it on.
        The feel of her luscious lingerie and dress made her feel like
        she was the most beautiful girl in the world. She just knew
        that, no matter how pretty Emily was, that she had nothing on
        her. The time arrived and she loaded her car with the gifts and
        headed to Emily’s house.

        At exactly 5:00 P.M. Emily’s doorbell rang. Within seconds Emily
        answered the door to see exactly what she expected. Joy stood
        there in a clingy full-length gown, deep maroon in color,
        highlighted with gold at the plunging neckline and gold thread
        embroidered into a most lovely flower. A single long stemmed
        rose arced gracefully across the front of the dress. Beginning
        just below and to the right of her navel the stem rose in
        gorgeous curvy conformation to Joy’s shape upwards to her left
        breast, where the gold flower burst forth with radiance. The eye
        couldn’t help but be drawn to the image and the shape of the
        dress. The straps were an extension of the dress and narrowed
        seductively to only an inch wide where they crossed her pretty
        shoulders. The neckline made a conspicuous V, stopping just at
        the bottom of her breasts. Much of the inside of her breasts
        were visible, imposing in their glory. Four-inch high heels in
        matching maroon, each with a perfect gold rose bud adorned her
        feet. The open-toe design allowed her painted toenails to be
        viewed with ease. “Splendid!” greeted Emily, after she let her
        eyes dance over Joy’s body at least three times. A great wide
        smile showed the pleasure Emily felt in seeing the lovely Joy.
        She continued, “What have you here?” She was looking at the
        items Joy had brought to the door with her. The first was
        obvious. Joy had brought a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, none of
        them roses, but fragrant and beautiful. She handed them to Emily
        saying, “These are for you, my dearest.” As Emily lowered her
        nose to absorb their fragrance she noticed the well-done nails
        of Joy’s long fingers. Each nail had a wonderfully detailed tiny
        image of a scarlet rose. Her toenails were painted identically.
        Emily smiled not only from the fragrance of the lovely flowers,
        but also from the knowledge that her own chosen imagery had been
        completely adopted by her enemy. “Thank you ever so much. They
        are lovely, just like you. By the way, I can’t say how much I
        really like your nails. They are precious.” The tone was set.
        Flattery was the order of the day, and the competition had begun.

        Joy spoke up in her softest sexiest voice, “Well my dear, I have
        really been looking forward to the fireworks. I have loved
        fireworks ever since I was a little girl. I can’t wait to join
        you for a very special time.” Joy had been ogling Emily all
        along and she now had her chance to speak up, “What a
        spectacular dress, Emily. You are just about the sexiest thing I
        have ever set my eyes on. And your hair, Mmmmmm.” Emily wore
        four-inch high heels of her own. They were a creamy,
        flesh-colored pair, matching the creamy fabric of her satin
        dress. In fact the dress bore a remarkable resemblance to the
        front page of the 2roses website. “Wow!” thought Joy, “IT IS the
        same fabric. She is actually wearing the dress that she used to
        photograph those roses that were pictured throughout the
        website.” It was stunning in its simplicity. It hugged every
        curve of her body. Thin spaghetti straps held the gown in place,
        dropping to the top of her dress at a height to show two inches
        of delicious cleavage, more if she bent over. It clung tightly
        to her breasts and followed her shape downward elegantly to her
        hips and even following the curve inward from her hip bones
        towards her pubic mound, denting inward to actually show a
        V-shape impression in the material. Her dress clung tightly to
        her ass when she walked, causing the satin to wiggle and shimmer
        delightfully when viewed from behind. There was a single slit on
        the left side, allowing her freedom of movement. It rose to
        mid-thigh, or maybe slightly higher. The slit was high enough to
        look daring, but not far enough to look slutty. Joy meant it
        when she said, “That dress really does you justice, girl.”

        An awkward silence lasted a few seconds as the girls absorbed
        the aura of their competition. They didn’t even try to hide
        their eyes scanning every visible inch of their lovely enemy.
        Emily invited Joy inside and asked, “What is in the package?”
        Joy still held in her hand a box about three feet long and about
        six inches square. It was wrapped in pretty floral paper and
        tied with a nice white bow. Joy answered, “Oh, this is a present
        for you, but I think the timing will be better if we wait before
        I let you open it. Is that alright?” Emily’s sweet reply made
        Joy smile, “Why, yes dear, whatever you desire.”

        Emily led the way through the foyer into the great room. Joy had
        been in the room before, but it was transformed from what its
        former appearance. The room was large and in the center of the
        house. A hallway to the immediate right led to the bedroom areas
        and towards the back of the house. Through the large windows and
        French doors was the pool. A hallway to the left provided access
        to the garage and other rooms. Towards the back right was the
        large island kitchen. But the room itself had a whole new feel
        and look. A large bed had been placed near one corner of the
        room, covered with a pretty rosebud bedspread. A low table with
        pillows had been placed on the opposite side, near the kitchen.
        Every available table and the fireplace hearth and mantle had
        been adorned with dozens of candles. Only a few were currently
        lit, since it was only five in the afternoon, but the scent was
        fruity and sweet. Several bouquets of flowers were already
        placed around the room and Emily took Joy’s bouquet gift and
        found a suitable spot for display. A second low table stood near
        the bed. On it was a very pretty red velvet fabric that had been
        folded over upon itself. Several bumps and indentations in the
        fabric hinted that items to be viewed later were hidden between
        the layers of the velvet. Many large pillows were arranged
        across the back of the room, adjacent to the wall of windows.
        Access to the doors out to the pool remained. The carpeted room
        also contained a stack of towels and another of bedding. A
        single large couch was along the left wall. With a room this
        size there was still a large open area in the middle of the
        room. One more notable object stood near the bed. A whiteboard
        mounted on an easel with a couple of dry erase markers. Written
        at the top were two names: Emily and Joy, with a line down the
        middle. It looked like a place to keep score. “Interesting, very
        interesting,” thought Joy.

        Emily escorted Joy into the room and offered her a place to set
        her package. She took Joy’s hand in her own and led her to the
        couch. Offering her a seat, she sat down next to her, still
        clutching her hand. She turned to face her and spoke in a soft
        sexy voice, “Joy, I have been looking forward to this holiday
        ever since my birthday. I found your attendance at my birthday
        very stimulating. I felt it was all I could do to offer you a
        similar experience, only richer and deeper. It is my utmost
        desire to please you in every way possible while you are trying
        to please me. I firmly believe that I am the sexiest girl and
        that my body is superior to yours in every way. I intend to
        prove it repeatedly until you accept your fate and are gone. I
        have devised a series of competitions between you and me. Call
        them games if you will. If you have games of your own, I will
        entertain them. I doubt you could dream one up that I wouldn’t
        thrill to accept the challenge. I see by your adornment that you
        fully understand the consequences of our little war. Only one
        rose will be left in the end. The other will be left broken, a
        shadow of her former self. Forever in agony over the failure she
        suffered here. Are there any important questions you might have?”

        Joy had listened intently, smiling all the while as she listened
        to Emily’s little speech. When it was her turn to speak she also
        spoke in her husky, sexiest voice, “You have remarkable insight,
        Emily, into my mind. You know what motivates me. You know what I
        want. The reason you know this is because it is the same as what
        you want. My desire will by your desire. My body will be your
        body. I will compete with you on every level and I will show you
        no quarter. The results of such battles will not be in doubt. I
        have proved victorious over you before, and I will do it again.
        Any venue, any rules, any time. So my dearest friend, you will
        get your wish. One rose in the end! Me.” She paused a moment and
        then asked her question, “The agenda. I was wondering about your
        idea of a ‘Grand Finale’. Could you elaborate?”

        “Why yes, my special friend. If by some miracle you have managed
        to compete with me sexually for two and a half days, minus the
        time we must sleep to replenish our bodies, I have tentatively
        reserved the last five hours of available time for the final
        event. You are free to leapfrog to the Grand Finale at anytime,
        as am I, if you feel your fortunes in our war are so low that
        you can’t bear to continue the contests. The contests themselves
        are not for keeping score, but simply sexy events that will
        force us to put it all on the line again and again. The only way
        a winner can be determined is if one of us quits the battle
        altogether, signifying victory for the other girl, or by the one
        of us who, in the end manages to completely and totally dominate
        the other girl, including the freedom to use the loser and her
        body in any way she sees fit, for orgasmic or other humiliating
        uses. The Grand Finale, if necessary, will be the greatest fight
        of all. You and me, if a winner hasn’t already been determined,
        will compete without any rules or structure of any kind to a
        final conclusion. Do you agree?”

        “Great minds think alike I guess. I can’t believe you actually
        think that any part of this scenario you have planned could
        possibly result in a victory for you. I totally accept every
        aspect of your plan. You have doomed yourself Emily. Your life
        will never be the same after you discover what a real sexy woman
        is – me!”

        “Well Joy, you have just made me very happy. I didn’t doubt your
        intentions. Certainly you have made yourself very clear. I will
        be extremely happy to find out just what you are really made of.
        Deep inside, you know I am the better woman. The next three days
        are going to be great fun! I think we should now have a little
        warm-up cocktail. Follow me.”

        Emily got up and headed to the kitchen with Joy right behind.
        Emily provocatively swayed her hips as she walked. Joy surely
        noticed the splendid ass, highlighted by the creamy satin
        fabric, as it wiggled beneath. Emily stopped by the home audio
        system and pushed play on the CD player. She had programmed 50
        different CDs to play continuously. It was all wonderfully
        smooth, containing Jazz, R&B, and classical tunes for the first
        evening. The sound wafted throughout the house and out to the
        pool through the outside speakers. As she then entered the
        kitchen she retrieved a bottle from the refrigerator and put it
        on the counter. “I know you don’t disapprove of alcohol, but I
        think that for our little party, that we should be totally
        ourselves, and therefore I am not serving alcohol as a drink. I
        do have a couple of bottles that we may find a little use for
        later, but for now I have prepared a non-alcoholic drink you
        might like.” Emily poured the contents of the bottle into two
        glasses. She handed one to Joy and headed back to the living
        room, grabbing and holding Joy’s hand as she went by. Joy
        followed and they sat back down on the couch.

        Turning to Joy, Emily held her glass aloft and spoke directly to
        Joy, just inches from her face, “To us. Let’s drink to the fun
        and excitement we’ll be sharing together.” They clinked their
        glasses together and drank a sip of the tasty punch. Now it was
        Joy’s turn, “Yes, dear. I am happy to drink to us and to our
        sharing. I must however, offer a very special toast to you. As
        wonderful a hostess as you were at your birthday party, I must
        say you have really outdone yourself for the fireworks. Your
        website was delicious and very well done. I thoroughly enjoyed
        your twisted sense of humor and your choice of images. Very
        clever and I salute you. Here’s to you!” With that she held out
        her glass and waited for Emily. “Well thank you. That was
        sweet.” With that they clinked their glasses again, followed by
        another sip.

        All the time the girls were never taking their eyes from each
        other. Emily finished her sip and breathed a big sigh, a soft
        lustful sigh, and her eyes focused longingly on Joy’s face. She
        toasted again, “ Now to you. We must toast you, Joy. Your
        willingness to follow through on this rematch, even under many
        circumstances out of your control, is commendable. Your bravery
        and spunk are much admired by me. To that we must drink.” Joy
        gladly raised her glass to meet Emily’s glass as she offered her
        response, “Its nothing really, but thank you anyway.”

        “I can think of one more toast, Emily. We should toast your
        parents for providing so graciously in their absence the privacy
        of your home. You have outdone yourself in preparation, but
        without their absence the fireworks party wouldn’t be possible.
        Cheers!” With that the two girls clinked their glasses and
        drained their drinks. Joy rolled her tongue around her lips,
        licking the last drops of sweet punch from them. Still staring
        at Joy’s face, Emily responded in kind. Her excruciatingly slow
        tongue followed every curve of her pretty painted lips twice
        around before she spoke up. “There is much more punch. Feel free
        to have some at any time. Let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll get
        out the Hors D’oeuvres. We can prime our appetites for the main

        With that she got up and headed to the kitchen, Joy at her side.
        Emily brought a paper-covered tray from the preparation side of
        the kitchen over to the serving side and set it down. With a
        flourish she uncovered the tray to reveal the Hors D’oeuvres.
        Emily watched Joy carefully for her reaction, which was not long
        in coming. A happy smile spread across her face as she feasted
        her eyes on the tray filled with images of body parts, all done
        in food. First to catch her eye were the two realistically
        shaped cocks. Carved in fine detail out of carrots, they
        approached the full size wonder of the real thing. There were
        two of them, nearly identical, and approximately five inches
        long and nearly two inches thick. It was obvious much care had
        gone into their creation. Slender veins were visible in raised
        detail crossing the length of each cock. Each head was carved
        with the glans engorged and beautifully proud. Even the little
        spurt-hole at the tip of each carrot-cock was rendered accurately.

        “Ooh, these are gorgeous,” spoke up Joy. “These are too
        beautiful to eat.”

        “Well that’s up to you. I have more carrots without the carving
        that you may wish to try. We can use the carved carrots later on
        if you feel the urge. But you might just like to use your pretty
        thing to dip some dip.” With that Emily took one of the
        cock/carrots and dipped the tip ever so softly but deeply into
        the veggie dip. Picking it up she was now looking longingly at
        the creamy dip running off the tip and down the sides. With her
        eyes glancing back and forth between Joy and her carrot she
        brought it up to her lips and proceeded to lick the carrot-cock
        clean of all its spunky dip. She watched Joy watch her as she
        expertly removed every drop of goo from her carrot. Finally
        sticking the orange knobbed cock into her mouth for a good final
        sucking. She let it slide in and out several times. As she was
        giving that carrot a good mouthing, Joy followed suit with the
        dip. In moments she too was licking the gooey drizzle from the
        entire length of the shaft. She too let it ride deeply into her
        mouth and the two girls watched each other as they both
        continued a damn-fine job of carrot fellatio. Both had obvious
        intentions of proclaiming themselves the better cock-sucker, and
        the carrots certainly gave them a jump start on their sexy
        competition. Several “Mmmmmms” had been heard as they finished
        their little dip party.

        “For later,” said Joy as she set her carrot back down. “What are
        these lovely things?” She smiled coyly as she looked knowingly
        at the creatively folded slices of ham. Many slices had been
        shaped and folded into elegant resemblances of pussies. Complete
        with outer lips that lay flat and apart enough to show inner
        lips folded in wavy splendor. Some were closed shut, but most
        were open or partly open, and merged towards the top into
        lovingly crafted clits. There were at least a dozen different
        versions and each lovingly laid out on a little plate all its own.

        Emily discussed her creation this way, “Well, Joy you know me. I
        just CRAVE pretty little hams. So I thought you should learn to
        eat them just like me. I think you’ll love the taste and texture
        of these little creatures.” Emily wasted no time in scooping one
        up and in one ravenous bite took it all in her mouth. Joy smiled
        at the clever use of the ham and of Emily’s not-so-subtle
        innuendo about Joy learning to eat pussy. She wasted no time and
        shot back quickly, “Well my dear, I’m not sure that tasting your
        ham is in my future, but I’ll be happy to try these.” Within
        minutes the two girls had devoured every little pussy-ham and
        the gleam in their eyes gave away their thoughts.

        Next to be examined were the deviled eggs. They too had been
        prepared to resemble female genitalia. Each filling had been
        shaped to resemble the confluence of two legs and a torso, with
        an obvious V-shaped mound, sprinkled with enough pepper to give
        the definite impression of a woman’s pussy area. In a flash the
        girls gobbled these up. Joy remarked to Emily, “I can sure tell
        what’s on your mind. Looks like you have plans for munching on
        pussy. Now can I have one of these?” She pointed to the last
        group of items on the Hors D’oeuvres tray.

        These were splendidly large and firm melons. They had been
        halved and were lying face down so as to present a perfect
        hemispherical shape. Each had been indented at the very top and
        a chocolate colored Tootsie Roll mounted in the indentation.
        There was no mistaking the imagery: two large breasts, topped by
        dark brown, long thick nipples.

        “Just a minute,” Emily cautioned Joy to wait. “Before I eat a
        melon, I like to nibble on the chewy tip. Then I like to carve
        up the melon into little pieces so I can savor the taste of
        every morsel.” With that she leaned over the melon, stating
        “like this.” Lowering her mouth to the top of the melon, she
        opened it wide, stuck out her tongue and ran it around the
        tootsie roll for nearly a minute as Joy watched. Then she closed
        her lips on the Tootsie Roll and gave it the same sucking motion
        as one would use to suck a dick. In and out she sucked that
        roll, making it all wet and juicy. Finally she bit it between
        her teeth and pulled it out of the melon. She chewed it up and
        swallowed it, grinning at Joy as she devoured it. “Your turn.”

        Joy was enjoying the sexy tidbits of food and the even sexier
        challenges being offered up by Emily. Every little bite was not
        only food and nourishment and a reminder of sexuality, but it
        was filled with the innuendo of the underlying challenge of the
        day. She couldn’t wait to have a real life tittie snack, but she
        could savor the excruciatingly slow build up the Hors D’oeuvres
        snacking provided. So Joy captured her Tootsie Roll in her mouth
        and tried at every turn to outdo the sexy mouthing shown by
        Emily. When she was done she actually had a little chocolate
        drizzle at the corner of her mouth. She finished her Tootsie
        Roll nipple and smiled seductively at Emily. “Scrumptious Hors
        D’oeuvres, Emily. I’ll bet your main course is even better.”

        “Not so fast, girl.” Emily reminded Joy of the melon, yet
        un-tasted. She picked up both of the melons and carried them the
        short distance to the island work area with its large cutting
        board surface. “I think we can probably eat one slice now and
        save the rest for later, alright?” “Fine with me.” She reached
        into a nearby drawer and pulled out a large sharp knife. Looking
        directly at Joy she ran her finger slowly up the sharp side of
        the knife, licking her lips as her finger followed the
        razor-sharp blade. Then in a flash she made a quick chopping
        motion and expertly sliced off a sliver of melon, just the right
        size for a snack. She spoke as she raised the slice to her
        mouth. “I just love sweet juicy fresh melons, don’t you? Here
        have the knife. Be careful. They were professionally sharpened
        just this week.”

        Joy was actually a bit taken aback by Emily’s violence tinged
        innuendo with the knife. But it certainly did have an erotic
        aspect to it. Without ever losing her smile, she cut herself a
        piece and ate it, as Emily was finishing off her slice. “Mmmmm,”
        Joy mumbled between bites, “I just love your wonderful melons,
        Emily. I think I could eat them every day.” The girls wiped the
        juice that had leaked out across their lips and chins. Emily put
        the melons back in the refrigerator. “Now to the salad
        preparation. Are you good with the knife?”

        “Yes, I am quite good, thank you.” Joy aimed for subtle innuendo
        with her answer.

        Emily brought out the salad fixings and retrieved a second large
        knife from the drawer for Joy. Together they prepared a salad by
        slicing up the many items Emily had provided. Standing directly
        across the island work surface from each other, very sharp
        knives in hand, raised new sensations in the stomachs of both
        girls. Like Emily had planned, the danger of allowing your sworn
        enemy to wield a big knife, only inches away from yourself, as
        you did the same, sent expectant shock waves of foreboding
        images coursing through their brains. Of course, this was
        exactly as Emily had planned; she just hadn’t imagined how
        powerful that element of danger would be. It was very real now
        that Joy was standing there in person with the sharp knife. It
        hadn’t been that strong a feeling in her plans. Both girls were
        now being put to the test. An acting test; neither dared let her
        true emotions of fear and hatred be displayed under the
        circumstances. True to her own feelings of power and control,
        neither girl made a mistake. They finished their salad prep
        without incident.

        They took their salads out to the low table in the living room.
        Sitting on pillows on the floor instead of chairs, allowed them
        to sit close together. For a change they didn’t talk in innuendo
        and double entendre. After finishing their salads they went back
        to the kitchen where a timer had buzzed, announcing the finish
        of the main course. Emily brought out the chicken from the oven.
        Large breasts covered in creamy sauce. Rice and broccoli came
        off the stove-top as did one more hot item: steamed clams.

        Once again Emily’s devilish mind had struck. She lifted the hot
        steaming clams from their pot and dumped them in a bowl. Without
        even leaving the kitchen she set one aside on a small plate and
        offered it to Joy. “You know Joy, I can’t wait to have you eat
        my hot steaming clam. I think you will really love it. It was a
        real ‘joy’ (emphasis spoken on the word joy) for me to prepare
        this meal for you. Here, go ahead. Gently open up the clam and
        scoop out the meat with your strong tongue. If that won’t work
        feel free to use one of the toys, Ooops, I mean utensils.”

        Joy waited a moment for the clam to cool and then with a wicked
        grin of her own, she pried open the shell and slid her tongue
        along the inside of the clam shell, separating the meat from the
        hardness, and sucked it into her mouth with a loud slurp. No way
        would Joy let Emily’s clever ploy get the best of her. She just
        reached over and without being asked, took a second clam and
        gobbled it up in the same manner as the first. “Mmmmm. Those are
        hot clams. They taste wonderful. I guess we’re be having a real
        clam feast tonight. Your turn honey.”

        Emily wasted no time in attacking her first clam. She watched
        Joy’s reaction as she slid the clam meat into her mouth, just as
        Joy had watched Emily. There were lots of clams, but after just
        two they moved to setting up the main meal. The huge chicken
        breasts, accompanied by the rice and broccoli went down nicely
        and the girls actually began to feel full. Pushing away from
        their low table they took their dishes back to the kitchen,
        cleaned up the kitchen a bit and Joy was about to venture back
        into the living room when Emily reminded her that they hadn’t
        had dessert yet.

        “I’m not sure I have room for dessert. Besides, I thought you
        had a little music and dancing on the agenda prior to dessert.
        What delicious item have you prepared?”

        “Well, this is something I bought, not prepared. I thought it
        would be best to switch the agenda a little bit. You don’t mind
        do you?” Emily answered as she pulled out a large cake from its
        storage container.

        “Lovely, go right ahead,” commented Joy as she was met once
        again by the symbolism of Emily’s 2rose website. The cake was
        flat but professionally frosted. The two-rose design, exactly as
        on the website front page appeared. The two beautiful crimson
        roses stood tall and stately beside each other. One was labeled
        Joy and the other was labeled Emily, spelled out in pretty script.

        “You may have the first piece. I really think you should take
        any piece you like. Here, take the knife and cut yourself a
        piece, from anywhere, mind you, while I get some ice cream.”

        “Fine. Have it your way. I guess for just the right piece I
        could kickstart my appetite.” Waiting for Emily to bring the ice
        cream out of the freezer, she contemplated her decision. No
        problem. That decision was a piece of cake. She took the knife
        and carved out a nice little square around the pretty crimson
        flower head above the stem labeled Emily. She put it on her
        plate and scooped out some ice cream as she spoke, “You know
        Emily, now that you have energized my appetite, I really think I
        could devour every piece of your cake. But out of consideration
        for you, I think I should let you choose your favorite piece now.”

        “Gladly.” With no fanfare Emily hastened to cut out and put on
        her plate the other pretty flower, Joy’s flower. As she scooped
        her own ice cream she put in her two-cents worth. “I am sure you
        will enjoy eating my precious flower. I promise you that it
        won’t be more than I enjoy devouring your pretty little flower.
        It’s quite a piece you have taken, but I think mine will
        probably taste even better. Mmmmmm.”

        They ate in silence, watching each other with lustful (or was it
        hateful) eyes. Putting as much sensual impact into their eating
        as they could, they finished in a few minutes and it was almost
        with a degree of wistfulness that the two girls put away the
        remainder of the food. What a wonderful and delicious time they
        had, for the last two hours, preparing and eating the food. The
        most fun of all however was the intricate little verbal dance
        they did with each other. Teasing, threatening, toying with, and
        lusting over each other with words, gestures, and eye contact
        had been the highlight of their meal. Just as she had planned,
        thought Emily.

        By now the clock had advanced to 8:00 and the sun was sinking
        lower in the western sky. The evening was still quite warm, but
        Emily invited Joy outside to the pool area. The paper had
        announced that the fireworks that year would be the best they
        ever had. Emily pointed out that fact to Joy and took her to the
        south side of the pool, from where there was a little rise in
        the yard to a small hill. Atop the hill sat a small outdoor love
        seat, accompanied by two tables. She took Joy’s hand in hers and
        they walked over to the rise. Emily pointed out the direction
        the fireworks display would occur and mentioned how great the
        view would be. Joy squeezed Emily’s hand gently. She thanked
        Emily, “This is a very special spot and I can’t wait to watch,
        and even be part of the fireworks. You are so thoughtful to
        offer me this opportunity. I am in your debt.” With that she
        squeezed Emily’s hand again and stepped in front of her face to
        face. They were close enough to smell the pretty perfume each
        was wearing. Sensing an opportunity to nudge their tête-à-tête a
        little further along the path of eroticism and confrontation. “I
        want to savor your lovely aroma. Please stand still.” Emily
        obliged as Joy leaned close, nearly nose to nose and sucked in a
        slow deep breath, letting a slow sexy grin sweep across her
        face. “Mmmmmm. So sweet.” She moved closer and leaned her head
        close to the side of Emily’s neck and sucked in another slow
        breath of fragrant air. Savoring the smell of Emily and her
        perfume, she pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. “You
        are just heavenly to look at and just as heavenly to smell.
        Don’t you dare move. I’m not done yet.” She walked around behind
        Emily, and she lifted Emily’s hair up into a small handful and
        rubbed her nose into the golden mane, inhaling deeply as she
        did. Again and again she sucked in breaths of perfumed hair.
        Emily let out a little tiny shiver, not bothering to try to
        cover it up. Joy stayed behind Emily and pressed her nose up
        against Emily’s shoulder. From there she traced a path down and
        across Emily’s back, sucking in very deep breaths as she went.
        Each exhale was accompanied by a little moan, almost like a
        melancholy moan, as if she was saddened to have to part with the
        breath that contained Emily’s delightful odor. Further down she
        traced her nose across Emily’s satin covered ass. Never missing
        a breath, she sucked in as much fragrant air as her nostrils
        could draw in. Spending a little extra time near the crack of
        her ass, Joy was thoroughly enjoying her little southerly
        migration and the wonderful womanly aroma. Yummy!

        She finally stood up and walked back around to face Emily up
        close again. “You are one delicious babe. I can’t wait to get
        down and serious with that body of yours. But I’m not done with
        this just yet.” Working to prolong every little detail, hoping
        to excite Emily with tortuous teasing, Joy bent her head down
        towards Emily’s fabulous cleavage. She used no touch, except her
        breath, and continued her deep slow sucking breaths. Holding her
        nose just a couple of inches from Emily’s cleavage, she could
        smell the perfume dabbed there with a more intoxicating power
        than she had noticed anywhere else on Emily’s body. Scrumptious,
        she thought. When she exhaled she made sure to purse her lips a
        bit so her hot breath would blow directly on the inside breast
        skin Emily was so joyously sharing. After a couple of minutes of
        that, Emily let out her second small shudder of excitement.

        Finally speaking up, Emily said to Joy, “Now, now, don’t be
        greedy. I think I ought to have a turn at this game.” Joy
        thrilled to hear Emily sound impatient. It proved to her that
        her timing instinct was right, and that Emily was just as
        motivated and turned on by all of this as she was. “Well OK, my
        dear. I don’t want to steal all the fun.”

        She stood up tall and waited for Emily to commence. Here they
        were. The two tall statuesque beauties, standing on the hill,
        silhouetted against the reddening sky, were again facing each
        other only inches apart. Emily, at five feet eight inches, and
        Joy at five feet nine inches, plus heels, presented a remarkable
        sight. Their glorious dresses shimmered in vibrant color from
        the setting sun. The little sparkles of embroidery in Joy’s gown
        practically looked on fire. Emily’s creamy gown took on the
        color of the evening sky, showing red, orange, and yellow.
        Neither girl was really thinking about what they might have
        looked like to a third party viewing the scene. They were only
        thinking about each other.

        Emily waited a long time, a very long time. Joy wasn’t the only
        one who could tease with moments of inaction. But she wasn’t
        totally inactive. Her eyes stared deeply into Joy’s eyes. Blue
        eyes met green eyes. Emily was actually trying to use mind
        control. She forced her brain to think hard, very hard. She kept
        repeating in her brain the same phrase over and over again while
        she continued her stare with Joy, “She wants me. She wants me.
        She wants me.” For five full minutes the two beauties locked
        their eyes in a lustful embrace. No physical touching took
        place. They were just using their lovely eyes.

        Joy knew it was Emily’s move and she waited, but dared not show
        any impatience for fear of tipping off Emily of just how anxious
        she was. She thought much the same thoughts as Emily during this
        quiet, erotic standoff. Finally Emily moved, slowly, ever so
        slowly she lowered her head towards the V-shaped cleavage
        drawing into her nose the intense, powerful aroma of Joy’s
        perfumed body. The smell was exquisite; an intoxicating mixture
        of clean skin, a touch of sweat, and a musky sweet perfume. The
        effect was as expected. Emily’s excitement was real as she
        breathed heavily of Joy’s breast aroma. She sighed a loud sigh
        and moved around Joy’s body, sucking in the sweet aroma from
        every angle; her hair, her neck, her shoulders, back, her ass,
        and finally the home of Joy’s womanly nectar. Kneeling in front
        of Joy, and staring up into her face, Emily took many deep
        breaths from within an inch of that prominent Mound of Venus.
        When she finally stood to look Joy in the eyes again, she spoke
        up, in measured tones, “I’m so thankful for noses. They detect
        such intimate information about a person. I know I sure had fun
        sucking in your sweet smell.”

        “I agree. You smelled so delicious, every part of you. Lets rub
        noses like the Eskimos do.”

        In an instant they leaned together and began a tentative nose
        rubbing session. Careful to avoid touching lips, they spent
        three or four minutes just gently rubbing their noses together,
        tip to tip, around and around, and side to side. All the while
        they drew into their nostrils even more of the sexy odor of
        their counterpart.

        Emily eventually pulled back, took Joy’s hand in hers, and
        without a word walked back toward the house. Joy compliantly
        followed along. The sun was still not quite below the horizon,
        but the sunset blazed in wondrous glory. It was still an hour
        and a half before the fireworks and Emily wanted to use that
        time for a bit of ‘hands-on’ activity. She knew Joy was a good
        dancer, as was she. What better way to whet each other’s
        romantic appetites than with slow dancing? Arriving at the door
        to the house by the pool she turned to Joy, “The sun will set
        pretty soon and I want to light the candles now, so we won’t
        have to interrupt ourselves later. Would you be a dear and help me?”

        “Sure, I love the scent of candles. Their soft light is so sexy
        and romantic.” Emily fetched the matches and handed some to Joy.
        Joy went around the interior of the house and Emily lit all the
        candles outside, by the pool and also up by the little love seat
        on the hill. All together she had more than four-dozen candles
        prepared. They lit up the slowly darkening interior of the house
        and wafted a lush aroma throughout. Emily went to the audio
        system to make a change in the CD. She started a selection of
        soft R&B love ballads, interspersed with an occasional jazz
        number with a thumping beat.

        Turning to see Joy holding the package she had arrived with she
        walked over to listen to Joy, “I think now is a good time for
        you to open your present. Here, open it.”

        Emily took the package and carefully removed the bow and ribbon.
        The paper removed, she opened the box to find two items. The
        length of the box was necessary to allow a professional quality
        video tripod to fit inside. Also included she found a high-end
        digital video/still camera and several memory cartridges for the
        camera. At first Emily seemed a little puzzled. The gift was
        certainly an expensive one. She looked at Joy with just a hint
        of a smile when Joy spoke up to explain, “One thing Emily. This
        gift comes with a couple of conditions. We can use the camera,
        in both still photo and video modes, to record our little games
        and contests. There will then be a historical record of what has
        transpired here. Each cartridge can store up to two hours of
        video or several hundred photos, depending on image quality, and
        there is a timer function to allow unattended shooting. It will
        even work in low light like the light of this room. I’m sure the
        candles will be enough light for acceptable quality. But there
        is one more thing. Only the winner of our little fight for the
        rose will own the camera and the images. And, once again, just
        so you don’t have any misconceptions about my feelings. I fully
        intend to leave with my camera and my images on Sunday evening,
        or sooner. It can only be yours after the three days if you are
        the one rose left. It will be mine if you cannot defeat me. Is
        that too much for you, or do you have the guts to accept this
        gift with its conditions?”

        “Oh you wicked bitch! I LOVE your gift. I only wish I had
        thought of it myself. I will gladly accept the gift and the
        conditions you place upon me in order to acquire it in the end.
        And acquire it in the end I will. Of that there can be no doubt.
        What a perfect way for me to assure that you never bother me
        again.” Emily had spoken with the excited confidence of a girl
        who knew exactly what she wanted and exactly how to get it.
        “Shall we set it up right away. I think we could do a little
        dancing out by the pool while we wait for the fireworks. We can
        even use it to record the fireworks.”

        “Sure. Why don’t you get me another drink while I take the
        camera out to the deck and set it up.”

        Emily quickly fixed a glass of the wonderful punch for each of
        them and took them out back to find Joy nearly done setting up
        the camera. Setting the glasses down, Emily joined Joy for the
        final set up. She suggested that they take the first picture as
        a high quality posed shot of the two of them together with the
        final brilliance of the sunset in the background. Emily switched
        on the bright yard light for the portrait after Joy agreed and
        she set the timer to take the picture in 20 seconds and the two
        positioned themselves, each with an arm around the back of the
        other. Their smiles were very genuine and the camera clicked.
        With the first shot behind them Joy added a further suggestion
        of how they might use the camera. Tell me if I’m right, but
        isn’t that white board back inside for some sort of scorekeeping?”

        Emily admitted that she had forgotten to mention that earlier
        but said, “Yes, it is. I thought that keeping track of the
        outcome of our matches would add a little spice.”

        “Well,” drawled Joy, “I think we could use the camera to record
        for posterity the results, with both of us posing beside the
        board. That way there could never be any doubt as to the truth
        of what was written on the board. Also, I suggest that it should
        be the LOSER of each little battle who has to write the results
        on the board.”

        “Great! Once again, that is fine with me. I can’t wait for my
        picture library to fill up with those poses.”

        “Not so fast girl! You aren’t going to be looking so happy in
        those photos. You might want to think twice before you jump to
        conclusions about that.”

        “Whatever!” Emily spoke in a haughty voice.

        Obvious to both girls, a little bit of an edge to their evening
        had developed as a result of Joy presenting her ‘gift’. It
        reminded them that as sexy and lustful as they had been acting
        towards each other that the marathon event they were beginning
        would only have one winner. It would not end with two equally
        satisfied sex partners. No, both knew that this marathon event
        was a true war, but the arrangement of that war was of many
        small battles, most designed to be quite pleasurable, the
        outcome of which really determined nothing. They would add spice
        and excitement, sex and anger, joy and sorrow, arousal and hate,
        exaltation and exhaustion, and maybe even some laughs to the
        next three days. But they were not the war. The war would be won
        by whichever girl could continue to fight the battles beyond her
        foe. The one who had the will and physical stamina to follow
        through on the braggadocio they were both so full of when they
        spoke to each other. It was as if there was a marathon to be
        run, but it would be composed of many, many hundred-meter
        dashes, run consecutively. Both girls considered themselves
        champions of both the short distances and the marathon. But only
        one would win. It was a promise they made deep inside of
        themselves and to each other.

        The tension was now palpable. Joy looked at Emily and could see
        the disdain in her face. Aching to just tear into her and rip
        her to shreds, she held back. As much as she wanted to destroy
        Emily, she knew that the satisfaction would be much greater when
        she defeated her in all those little battles that were planned.
        She bit her lip, sending a clear signal to Emily that she was
        angry. She spoke sweetly trying to hide the anger lurking behind
        the words that followed. “All that will take care of itself in
        due time. Let’s take a potty break and come back out here for a
        little romantic dancing. That was a good idea you had.”

        Her attempt to diffuse the tension didn’t really fool Emily, but
        Joy had said the right words, and Emily agreed. So off to the
        house they went. Back in five minutes they set up the camera and
        Emily set it to take a wide shot every 3 minutes. The tension
        had eased a bit by the time they returned to the pool deck. The
        music was still playing. The sun had just set and dusk was
        settling in. The candles and soft pool deck lights made for a
        romantic setting.

        Emily was nervous. The first of many moments of truth was
        imminent. How should she act? She knew she had to entice Joy
        with her sexuality, drawing her in to her web. But what she
        really felt like doing was demonstrating her superiority. It
        would still be another 45 minutes or so before the fireworks
        began and she wanted to have Joy so excited by that time that
        she wouldn’t even want to take time out for the show. “Joy, I
        think its time I offered you a dance. Would you dance with me?”

        Joy had been thinking too. She wondered when and if they might
        have a little shaving party. Remembering the item from the
        website, she figured maybe that was for later. As she was
        wondering about that Emily asked for the dance. “I would be
        honored to dance with you.” Joy offered her hand to Emily. Emily
        took Joy’s hand and led her over to the largest open area of the
        pool deck. She pulled Joy’s hand up to her mouth and gave the
        back of her hand a soft kiss. She pulled that hand around her
        waist and rested it on her hip. Sliding her own hand around
        Joy’s waist she pulled their bodies closer together, but leaving
        just an inch of ‘air’ between their bodies. They offered their
        other hands to each other and began to gently sway to the soft
        beat of the music. Both were very good dancers and it was easy
        to merge into a nice rhythmic motion without either one being
        the ‘lead’. They stared into each other’s eyes and enjoyed the
        intoxicating smell of the scented candles and the warm outdoor
        July night. The music played on with soft soul music. It would
        have been hard to tell which girl instigated the motion to close
        in on each other. It was by mutual consent their bodies touched.
        Their elegantly encased breasts touched. One hipbone touched
        another. The arms circled around their backs a little further.
        Emily let go of Joy’s hand and circled it around Joy’s waist.
        Now with both of Emily’s arms around her waist, Joy put both her
        arms around the neck of Emily.

        Now their bodies were lined up from head to toe. Without losing
        a step they continued their slow dance. Joy began trying a
        little extra sensory mind control. She focused her thoughts on
        sending Emily a message with her eyes and brain. “You want me.
        You need me. You have to have me. You love me!” She really put
        her mind into it. She looked deeply into Emily’s eyes and
        repeated those phrases silently over and over again; almost
        aching with the concentration it took to send these messages
        through the ether, directly from her brain to Emily’s. When
        Emily pulled Joy a little closer at the hip, so that now there
        was discernible pressure between their pussy mounds, Joy smiled.
        To Emily it was a smile of lust as she felt her mound press
        against her rivals. But to Joy it was affirmation that her
        mind-control actually worked.

        The sensuous atmosphere led them to focus on the feel of the
        other girl’s body. Their lush dresses slid provocatively across
        each other as their bodies swayed. Their steps took them slowly
        all around the pool. The music playing in their ears emphasized
        their feelings. Joy’s hands played with Emily’s long blonde
        hair. Emily began running her hands slowly in small circles on
        Joy’s back. Up and down went her hands, rubbing gently the small
        of her back, her shoulder blades, and her round lush ass. The
        sky had turned to darkness and the girls got a little more
        aggressive with their roaming hands and dancing motions. Joy
        wiggled her hips in little circular grinding motions against the
        satin-fabric-covered-body in front of her. Emily responded in
        kind. The dance continued through many songs and the lithe girls
        appeared almost as a single being as they effortlessly and
        elegantly glided around the pool. The girls avoided kissing each
        other, but their heads eventually fell to snuggle in the crotch
        between neck and shoulder. Joy felt hot breath on her neck. It
        felt ticklish and she nestled her face close in to Emily’s neck
        and blew hot breaths across the tiny soft hairs on her neck.
        This too sent shivers of ticklish pleasure through Emily’s skin.
        The night was still warm, being July 4, and sweat beaded up on
        their skin. Pheromones were at work. Each girl, so close to the
        other and inhaling high doses of feminine aroma, lustily
        continued their slow dance. Joy continued giving and receiving
        those hot breaths, while she upped the ante a bit by moving her
        tits in a slow side-to-side slide across Emily’s tits. Their
        original confrontation eight weeks before had resulted from the
        belief that the other was using her imposing breasts to impress
        Mr. Slater, their play director. Joy didn’t want to let Emily
        forget that their tits were at the heart of their rivalry. She
        ‘firmly’ believed that she had bigger better tits than Emily and
        this was her first direct challenge to Emily in that regard. No
        words were spoken. None were needed. Emily instantly took up the
        erotic challenge and moved her breasts in gentle opposition to
        the movements of Joy. Their dresses prevented skin contact for
        most of their breasts, but with considerable cleavage showing,
        their damp-from-sweat breast skin slid back and forth. The
        dampness of their skin was not enough to make a slippery
        conjunction. Instead the skin of one breast clung to the skin of
        the opposing breast. Consequently as they slid across each other
        the skin stretched out and maintained thin contact with the skin
        of the other. Not pain exactly, but it wasn’t very comfortable
        either. This reminded both girls of the nature of the battle
        that lay ahead. Neither did anything to diminish the breast
        friction. Now, even with the slight discomfort they found
        themselves aroused all over again. When their opposing breasts
        made contact it was inevitable. The sexy tits pushing against
        each other actually caused their pussies to lubricate a bit,
        their breathing to become a little more sporadic, and their
        heads to become a little light-headed. Then BOOM!

        The first loud crack of the fireworks display startled them from
        their dance. Emily pulled away from Joy a bit and pointed to the
        little hill. “Lets go watch the fireworks.” Their dance had been
        long and lovely. There was plenty of lust and arousal. There had
        been a little bit of confrontation. All in all it had been a
        wonderful sexy dance. But now they were ready to move on. The
        clock was ticking after all.

        Joy: “OK.”

        They walked hand in hand up the small knoll to the outdoor
        loveseat. They sat down close together in the warm evening air
        and looked out over the trees to the horizon to watch the
        fireworks. The second volley began as soon as they sat down. The
        fireworks exploded in dazzling beauty in the sky, to be followed
        a few seconds later by the booms and other noises. The girls,
        even in the warm evening, huddled close together to watch. The
        fireworks lasted for 45 minutes and the girls loved the show.
        They talked a bit during the show, mostly about the fireworks
        they were watching. They snuggled together just like lovers,
        toying with each other’s dresses, hair, and running fingers
        ticklishly across arms and shoulders. The scene would have
        looked serene, but within each girl a flood of emotions was
        churning. The setting was very romantic and neither could deny
        the feelings associated with the romantic side of the evening,
        but hovering just beneath the surface were other emotions;
        nervousness, anger, pride, and determination. Emily watched the
        fireworks imagining that the fireworks between Joy and herself
        would be much more exciting. Joy could hardly wait to see what
        Emily had planned next. When the finale concluded it was nearly
        11:30 P.M.

        “How about a nightcap?” purred Emily. “I don’t really want to
        drink alcohol, but I did discover a wonderful brandy from the
        stash of my parents. We could just use our fingers to lick a
        little of the stuff onto our lips. We can use that as a
        springboard to the show.”

        Joy responded, “I’d love a little taste of brandy. What do you
        mean ‘show’?”

        Emily reminded Joy of the agenda posted on their personal 2rose
        website: Modeling was next. “Remember that Modeling was listed
        as following the fireworks. Well, I suspect that you aren’t
        naked underneath that dress. Neither am I. I think we should
        begin our competition by having a two-girl strip show, down as
        far as our underwear, at which point we ‘model’ our underwear
        for the benefit of the each other. We’ll pretend we are on stage
        in a strip joint and we’ll entice each other with the sexiest
        strip/dance routine we can. Personally, I don’t think you can
        hold a candle to me there.” She threw in that little challenge
        at the end, knowing full well that Joy would readily accept.
        Joy, as so many times before, leaped at the chance to compete
        with Emily. “You are right about one thing. But that is all you
        are right about. I am not naked underneath my gown. I intend to
        prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that I can outstrip you. If
        you think you need a taste of brandy to get you going that is
        fine. But rest assured that I hold about a hundred candles to
        your measly one when it comes to performing. I’ve known it
        always and I’ll prove it to you tonight.”

        Emily smiled, leaned close to Joy, kissed her softly on the
        cheek, and said, “Wonderful. I can’t wait to get started. Come
        on, let’s go inside.” She pulled Joy up by her hand and they
        walked together into the house, bringing the camera with them.

        Emily found the bottle of brandy and poured a very small glass.
        Beckoning Joy to come closer, she put her finger in the glass
        and swirled it around for a moment. She held up her finger to
        Joy’s lips and rubbed it across both lips. Joy ran her tongue
        around her lips and relished the bite of the brandy. As she
        continued to savor the tingly taste, she put her finger in the
        glass and followed Emily’s lead. She ran her finger around
        Emily’s puffy lips and left her finger there as Emily’s tongue
        came out to retrieve the flavor. Emily’s tongue darted out to
        Joy’s finger and licked it clean. Emily then wetted her finger a
        second time and held it up for Joy. Joy voraciously pulled
        Emily’s finger into her mouth and sucked it totally clean. Emily
        slowly pulled her finger from Joy’s mouth and asked her if she
        wanted to go first. Joy said, “Why don’t we flip a coin? Whoever
        wins the toss can choose to first or second.”

        Emily retrieved a coin and offered Joy the chance to call it.
        Joy called heads and it was tails. Emily said, “OK, Joy you go
        first. I’ll go last.” With that Emily went to the CD player and
        selected music with more of a driving beat, suitable for
        stripping. She cranked up the volume a bit and went to the couch
        and sat down.

        Joy had waited for Emily to get comfortable and then she
        immediately started a slow erotic dance. Maneuvering her body in
        slow sensuous motions, using her hands to glide provocatively
        all over her body. She swayed closer to Emily, turning her body
        around as she continued to gyrate to the music. Closing in on
        Emily even more she cupped her hands under her breasts and
        hefted them up and down and back and forth to the beat. Very
        close to Emily now, she licked her lips and blew her a kiss.
        Emily was sitting back and just watching the show. Joy stepped
        back and really gyrated vigorously, shaking her body. She turned
        to face away from Emily and then, peering around behind her to
        watch Emily, she bent over and began to lift up her long maroon
        gown. Pulling the dress aside at the long slit, she revealed the
        light red hose she was wearing. She pulled the dress up further,
        bunching it as she pulled it higher. She pulled until the tops
        of her stockings appeared. The light red hose accented her
        creamy skin wonderfully. Her garters showed themselves to Emily
        for the first time. Emily smiled and sucked in a short staccato
        breath as the soft smooth skin of Joy’s upper thigh sprung into
        view. Joy kept up her motions and backed her ass up closer to
        Emily, giving her a great view of her luscious thighs. Lowering
        her ass she slid it across the crossed knee of Emily’s right
        leg. Back and forth she moved her butt in time to the music.
        Never really putting her weight on Emily’s leg she just kept
        teasing with gentle pressure. She was enjoying her own performance.

        Back to the center of the room she went. Smiling seductively at
        Emily she dropped one of her gown straps off her shoulder. A
        moment later she pulled the other strap down her arm. With the
        full support of the straps gone, her upper dress slid lower on
        her body. Cupping her arms under her breasts to help hold the
        dress up she sashayed back over to Emily’s seated form. More of
        her large breasts were visible as she leaned over to emphasize
        their prominence to Emily. She wiggled back and forth, with the
        help of her arms, to call attention to her impressive cleavage.
        Then in a flash she pulled the dress down to reveal a frilly,
        sheer, lace bra. It was scarlet red to match the hose she wore.
        It was a very pretty bra. Emily smiled again at the disclosure.
        Once again Joy cupped her hands underneath her tits, encased in
        their bra, and kneeled on the floor to rub her boobs over
        Emily’s legs. She rubbed her tits all over her knees, calves,
        and thighs before standing back up to drop her dress completely
        off. Stepping out if the gown, she laid it across the bed before
        continuing her dance.

        Her panties and garter belt were the same crimson red as the
        bra. Her panties were cut in a slender thong style, revealing
        much skin. Her ass cheeks were displayed wonderfully by the
        perfect fit of the red thong. She was a magnificent sight and
        Emily smiled appreciatively. Joy continued to dance around the
        room, usually close to Emily. She used her hands to emphasize
        her tits. She lifted her panties enticingly. She kept up the
        dance until the song ended.

        Emily told her, “Nice dance girl. I really love your underwear.
        The red certainly goes good with your gown. It’s very sexy! But
        now it’s my turn.” She got up and let Joy take the seat she
        vacated. The next song came on, one with a similar driving beat
        as the last. The satin fabric of her gown almost glowed in the
        soft candlelight and Joy took it all in. Emily began her routine
        similarly to Joy. Shimmying around the room to the beat, letting
        the music drive her motions. The fabric of her gown slid
        smoothly across her skin as she wiggled her body. Lifting her
        straps up from her shoulders and then sliding them down her arm
        she exposed significant cleavage. Leaving her dress just
        covering her bra and hanging precariously from her large tits
        she walked nearer to Joy. Bending down to expose her full
        breasts her gown fell away to her waist. Joy took her first view
        of Emily’s undergarments. Her bra was a black satin number that
        provided very little support. None was really needed anyway,
        since even her large breasts were quite firm. The material crept
        up from the base and barely covered her nipples. A very large
        amount of breast flesh overflowed the top. Emily pulled her
        right breast upward with her hand until she could actually lick
        the tip of her tit, through the material. She repeated the
        tit-kiss with her other boob and stepped back to allow her dress
        to fall away. Black, all black were her matching undergarments.
        In the same combination as Joy, Emily wore black hose, black
        garter belt, and black g-string panties. These were even
        skimpier than Joy’s thong. Only a slender string followed the
        crack of her ass in behind. In front only a small triangle of
        black satin fabric covered her pussy. The music began thumping
        louder and Emily took advantage of the up tempo beat to gyrate
        gracefully in front of Joy. Exuding sexuality she lured Joy’s
        eyes to her crotch and leaned back to spread her legs. She felt
        a real rush as she watched Joy stare directly into the tiny V of
        her panties. Drops of sweat were forming all around her crotch.
        The slick looking skin, highlighted by the perspiration kept Joy
        riveted to Emily’s crotch. Emily ran her finger over her mound
        to her pussy and rubbed it up and down the length of her slit.
        Legs spread wide; she continued to play with her pussy through
        her panties until a drop of moisture appeared. Emily could feel
        the dampness with her finger and she pushed her finger up
        against the tiny panties, right at her opening. Wiggling her
        hips and pushing with her finger she parted her labia lips and
        penetrated an inch or so, pulling the fabric of her panties
        inside with her finger. She wiggled her index finger very
        quickly back and forth, causing the edges of her panties to slip
        further into her twat. Joy could clearly see the outer lips of
        Emily’s pussy as the panties were drawn inside. Joy could see
        that Emily’s hair had been allowed to grow back since the
        birthday party. Most of her lower pussy hairs were short,
        approximately a quarter inch long. Joy smiled as she could see
        the results of her pussy whipping had caused Emily to respond by
        growing her pussy hairs in anticipation of a rematch. The
        thought of Emily being ground into submission by her stubbly
        pussy at the birthday bash reinvigorated Joy’s throbbing
        motivation. She remembered the thrill of her victory and ached
        to taste that same sweet emotion again.

        She leaned forward to get a better look at Emily’s increasingly
        sloppy panties. Emily watched as Joy leaned closer and then she
        with a quick pull, moved her panties off to one side, allowing a
        full view of her slippery pussy lips. “Mmmmm. You sure know how
        to get a girl turned on.” Joy lied. Well, sort of. She was
        actually turned on by the performance, but her real emotion was
        one of burning anger. She burned to pummel that pussy again with
        her own. It was a real problem to keep that emotion simmering on
        the back burner, though, knowing that such a pussy pounding
        wouldn’t likely be happening anytime soon. She knew Emily well
        enough that the prospective events would likely start out a
        little more tame before reaching a cxnt-to-cxnt battle.
        Nevertheless, Joy kept that thought in the back of her head as
        she watched Emily finish up her dance as the song ended.

        “Why don’t you get up here with me now and we can spend a moment
        dancing without our dresses,” Emily offered to Joy. Emily could
        hardly believe how quickly Joy jumped up to take her up on her
        offer. This time their dance was a bit different. This time the
        beat was more thumping and erotic, less romantic, and more
        urgently sexual then when they were outside before the
        fireworks. So now with their dresses shed, and the availability
        of close skin-to-skin contact the girls held each other close
        and began a lusty slow dance. At this point Emily had made a
        decision to just let the events flow. She did have a whole list
        of ‘games’ and sexual competitions lined up, but why stifle
        spontaneity she thought. Lets just see where this leads.

        Where it led was hot. Each girl, anger and hated
        notwithstanding, found herself caught up in the erotic
        atmosphere. The candles were still burning their pretty scent
        wafted throughout the room. The music still thumped away and the
        sexy lingerie joined with all the rest to send pangs of desire
        through them both. This time both sets of hands reached around
        to the back of the other. Their faces moved together as they
        pulled each other close. Noses brushed up against each other.
        Lips were forced together by the combination of passion and
        hate. Joy resisted the urge to forcefully go after Emily’s mouth
        with her own. She kept the pressure light as she kissed Emily’s
        lips repeatedly. Their mouths moved in unison: apart, together,
        apart, together, making kiss-smacks each time. Their hips swayed
        together to the thumping beat of the music. Their lingerie clad
        lower bodies slid together and the feeling was delicious. Emily
        felt sparks of pleasure shoot through her skin. “Ooooh. So
        nice.” She thought. She pressed her black bra up against Joy’s
        red bra as she continued kissing all the while. They danced
        close like this all through the first song. When the second song
        came on it was as if a signal had been sent. Emily pushed her
        mouth forcefully against Joy’s mouth while opening a bit. Joy
        noticed the change and she opened her mouth too. No tongues just
        yet but they could now feel the hot moist air emanating from
        each other. Mouths opened farther and in another instant their
        tongues met midway between their throats. Arms began to squeeze
        tighter around waists. Legs moved more slowly as they focused
        their attention on the tongue play between them. The


        So Sorry about that. I don't know why the rest of chapter 4
        disappeared. So here it is.


        Where it led was hot. Each girl, anger and hated
        notwithstanding, found herself caught up in the erotic
        atmosphere. The candles were still burning their pretty scent
        wafted throughout the room. The music still thumped away and the
        sexy lingerie joined with all the rest to send pangs of desire
        through them both. This time both sets of hands reached around
        to the back of the other. Their faces moved together as they
        pulled each other close. Noses brushed up against each other.
        Lips were forced together by the combination of passion and
        hate. Joy resisted the urge to forcefully go after Emily’s mouth
        with her own. She kept the pressure light as she kissed Emily’s
        lips repeatedly. Their mouths moved in unison: apart, together,
        apart, together, making kiss-smacks each time. Their hips swayed
        together to the thumping beat of the music. Their lingerie clad
        lower bodies slid together and the feeling was delicious. Emily
        felt sparks of pleasure shoot through her skin. “Ooooh. So
        nice.” She thought. She pressed her black bra up against Joy’s
        red bra as she continued kissing all the while. They danced
        close like this all through the first song. When the second song
        came on it was as if a signal had been sent. Emily pushed her
        mouth forcefully against Joy’s mouth while opening a bit. Joy
        noticed the change and she opened her mouth too. No tongues just
        yet but they could now feel the hot moist air emanating from
        each other. Mouths opened farther and in another instant their
        tongues met midway between their throats. Arms began to squeeze
        tighter around waists. Legs moved more slowly as they focused
        their attention on the tongue play between them. They did keep
        moving, but not much. Joy loved the feel of Emily’s tongue
        sliding around her tongue. Emily loved the feel of Joy’s tongue
        just as much. Together they felt the arousal that sexy bodies
        produced in each other. Joy moved her tongue to match Emily’s
        movements. With the tips of their tongues in vigorous contact,
        they dueled. Emily moved her tongue towards the right and Joy
        would follow. If one tongue moved its opponent matched the move.
        Slowly they found a swirling motion was very pleasurable. One
        moving clockwise and the other counterclockwise, their tongues
        traced circles around each other, allowing the full texture and
        moisture to be shared for 360 degrees. This rhythm was
        maintained in perfect synchronization with the beat of the
        music. The second song ended and the third began. This song was
        a little slower and with a more muted bass line. The girls
        responded in kind. Their forceful tonguing relaxed and when Joy
        ground her tits firmly into Emily’s mammaries, a different stage
        began. They stopped their kiss and each girl looked lustily into
        the eyes of the other before looking downward to see the pretty
        bra-clad breasts in close contact. Joy relished the look and
        feel of four bountiful breasts mashing together. The sight of
        frilly brassieres overflowing with the massive fleshy orbs was
        exquisite. The thin material of her bra let her feel quite well
        the ample endowment that Emily carried around on her chest. Her
        nipples were hardening in response to the sensation. She pushed
        forward with a jolt, and then slid sideways to watch the flesh
        flow in waves as the four boobs sought the gaps between the
        other girl’s tits.

        Emily watched with as much eagerness as Joy. Sight, smell, touch
        all merged together in her brain with one focus. “Ooooh,” Emily
        let out a little noise as they continued their tit dance. “Your
        tits sure feel good. They look good too, but you know what. Mine
        are superior to yours. Nothing seems to have changed about
        that.” She was referring to her ‘almost’ titfight victory over
        Joy the night of the cast party.

        The comment got under Joy’s skin, which was the intent. She shot
        back, “You have been in a dream if you think your tits are
        better than mine. Just look down girl. Don’t you see my tits are
        pushing yours all over the place. My firm melons are squashing
        yours flat.”

        “Oh no they’re not. It’s your tits that look like they are about
        to point backwards into your chest. And I haven’t even pushed
        hard.” Emily spoke with a degree of irritation and also with
        quiet confidence. “Do you really dare to put your flabby tits up
        against mine? We can start right now if you like.”

        “We’ve already started and I’m winning,” shot back Joy. She
        emphasized the word ‘I’m’. She stepped back and reached behind
        her to unhook her pretty red bra. In an instant she was naked
        above her garter belt. Her gorgeous tits, now unrestrained,
        stood high on her chest. Their firmness kept them from sagging
        much, even though the fullness of their size caused a distinct
        rounded appearance when viewed from profile. Her creamy
        complexion contrasted nicely with the pink of her aureoles and
        nipples. Her nipples had hardened into full erection, causing
        her aureoles to shrink. She smiled at Emily as she gave her tits
        a little shake to emphasize their magnificence to her.

        “Now we can look at a real pair of tits,” spat Emily, emphasis
        on the word ‘real’. She also reached behind and unhooked her
        black bra with a flourish and tossed it aside. “No question
        about it. These girls are the queens in this room. My breasts
        are bigger, firmer, have better nipples, and are just plain
        prettier than your lumpy nubs.” She too shook her tits back and
        forth for Joy’s benefit. It was as if two large melons were
        being waved in the breeze. Hardly any jiggling occurred despite
        their massive size. “I propose we find out exactly whose tits
        are better in every way. We can take pictures of our tits
        together and separately. We can measure them any way you like
        and finally we can put them up against each other in battle; any
        way you like.”

        “You know ahead of time that I’ll prove superior with my baby
        girls here,” retaliated Joy as she shook her tits once again,
        this time using her hands to force them into more pronounced
        projections. “Lets do it.” She walked over to the camera and
        stopped its automatic mode and told Emily to pose in front of
        the camera. Emily stood just a few feet from the camera and Joy
        took several shots in different poses that Emily felt would
        emphasize her tits most beautifully. Emily stepped behind the
        camera and did the same for Joy. They didn’t bother to look at
        the images. Emily went to the sewing room and returned with a
        fabric tape measure.

        Emily proposed, “We can measure our nipples, both length and
        circumference, bigger is better. We can measure our aureole
        diameter, total chest measurement, chest measurement just under
        out boobs, and the difference representing the size of out tits;
        bigger is better. Can you think of anything else?”

        “Those sound ok to me. The only other thing I can think of is to
        measure the distance between our nipples, side-to-side. Also, I
        think it makes most sense to measure each other instead of
        ourselves.” Joy was ready.

        Emily got the yellow legal pad and a pen to record their
        measurements. She picked up the tape and approached Joy. “Let’s
        start with the nipples. Are yours as big as they can get? Are
        you ready?” Joy’s nipples were erect, but she stepped back and
        pulled first one tit and then the other to her mouth and sucked
        each nipple for a few seconds. Coming out of her mouth it was
        apparent that they had grown even larger. “Ready.”

        Emily took the tape to measure the nipple length. First her
        right nipple challenged the tape. Emily carefully placed the end
        of the tape at the base of the nipple shaft, up against her pink
        aureole. Pulling the tape taught she read a measurement of
        five-eighths of an inch. Showing Joy the measurement and seeing
        Joy nod, she wrote it down. Next came the left nipple and it
        came out to be eleven-sixteenths of an inch. Joy nodded
        agreement with that measurement and took the tape from Emily.
        Emily leaned over and sucked each of her nipples for a few
        seconds, as had Joy, extending them to their fullest. Emily was
        nervous as Joy took the tape and carefully put the end up
        against Emily’s right nipple to gather the measurement. Pulling
        the tape taught she read five-eighths of an inch. That was
        identical to Joy’s. The other nipple turned out to be a match:
        five-eighths of an inch. There it was. Joy had one-sixteenth of
        an inch between both nipples in excess of Emily’s nipples. Joy
        taunted Emily, “See I’ve got more nipple than you. It’s not much
        but an inch is as good as a mile.”

        “Think what you want, girl, but my nipples are symmetrical,
        even, and nicely matched. Yours are mismatched and ugly. Lets
        move on. Measure my diameters now.”

        Joy took the tape back to Emily’s right nipple and measured
        across the tip. The diameter was one-half inch, as was the left
        nipple. Her nipples were nearly as thick as they were long.
        Emily took her turn at measuring Joy. Each of her nipple
        diameters were seven-sixteenths of an inch. Just slightly
        narrower than Emily’s. Now it was Emily’s turn to crow. “Got you
        there girl. You know thick nipples are what boys like.”

        Joy answered back, “Cut the crap. Just measure my aureoles.”
        Emily moved quickly to the task and found Joy’s pretty pink
        aureole on the left side to be two and three-fourths of an inch
        and on the right side two and seven-eighths of an inch. It
        seemed that the diminished aureole on the right side was as a
        result of not quite as much of that tissue being taken up by her
        engorged nipple. The left had a longer nipple but a slightly
        lower aureole diameter. Emily recorded each measurement on the
        yellow pad and on the white board along with the earlier
        measurements. Joy took the tape and measured Emily’s light brown
        aureoles and found them to be equal but slightly less than her
        own, coming to a diameter of two and a quarter inches each. They
        finished recording the measurements on the board and then set
        the timer on the camera for a posed picture. They once again
        proudly showed their tits pointing towards each other at an
        angle as the camera flashed, centered on the measurements of
        each girl’s nipples.

        Emily picked up the tape and had Joy raise her arms for the
        chest measurement. First she measured around her chest across
        her boobs and was a little stunned to see the dimension: 41.5
        inches. “Wow!” thought Emily. She hadn’t counted on Joy having
        such a large measurement. She did remember that Joy was an inch
        taller at 5 ft 9 instead of her 5 ft 8, but it was still a
        surprise. Joy beamed with pride when Emily pronounced the
        measurement. Emily next pulled the tape around Joy’s chest above
        her tits and under her armpits and came up with a measure of
        37.75 inches. The difference was 3.75 inches. Joy’s tits added
        exactly 3.75 inches to her chest measurement. This gave her a
        bra size of 38D. Joy took her turn with the tape and carefully
        found both of Emily’s measurements. Her chest around her tits
        measured 40.75 inches and under her armpits the measurement was
        36.75 inches. This meant that her tits expanded her chest
        measurement by 4.0 inches. Therefore Emily’s tits turned out to
        be .25 inch larger. In terms of bra size she too would use a
        38D. Now it was Emily’s turn to beam proudly. “See, I told you
        my tits were bigger than your scrawny things.” Joy jumped back
        with her retort, “Bullshit. My chest is bigger than yours, my
        nipples have more length than yours and I’ll bet my nipples are
        farther apart than yours too.” With that she grabbed the tape
        and proceeded to measure Emily’s nipple separation. From the
        center of one nipple to the center of the others turned out to
        be 9.5 inches. When Emily put the tape to Joy she came up with
        an identical measurement. With their nipple separations being
        the same it boded well for the upcoming titfight(s). It wouldn’t
        take any effort at all to get their nipples to line up for battle.

        The girls shot another couple of pictures with them posing by
        their tit measurements. It seemed that each girl found enough
        positive in their measurements to be proud of, but the real
        result of all that was noted by both girls. That was just how
        similar their tits were to each other. Each girl proved
        marginally superior in a few measurements and marginally
        inferior in others. Basically the girls were equal on the
        ‘scoresheet’. Both of them knew it. If the truth be told, they
        each knew beforehand just how equal they would likely be, so
        neither girl was shocked, even though their hearts were telling
        them that they had the superior boobs.

        Emily put the tape away and returned to find Joy standing tall
        in the center of the room. Her hands were on her hips, her feet
        were shoulder width apart and she was staring directly at her.
        Emily noticed the posture and body language and felt the
        challenge they carried to her without a word. Emily walked over
        to her and stood just inches away. Joy spoke up in challenge,
        “Let’s nipple fight: my nipples against your nipples. How about
        these rules: we poke each other’s nipples with our own, keeping
        the touch within the boundaries of our aureole. We can use our
        hands for support underneath our breasts and for helping aim,
        but they may not touch the other’s nipples or our own. Whatever
        tactic you want to try to get the other to submit or quit is ok.
        We’ll really see whose nipples are the best.” Emily responded,
        “You read my mind. I can’t wait to show your nubs what my
        nipples can do. You’ll be crying for mercy before this is over.”

        “Enough talk bitch! Let’s go.” That was the first time that the
        language had escalated to that point. It was a sign that the
        true intentions of the girls hadn’t changed one bit since their
        first meeting.

        Joy and Emily each took a small step forward while cupping their
        tits in their hands. Using their hands they guided their breasts
        into perfect alignment for their battle. They watched the space
        between the opposing nipples shrink to nothing. They touched!
        Jolts of pleasure shot through their bodies. Tingly sensations
        triggered a shudder in Joy. As she recovered from the impact of
        the pleasure she felt the first jab from Emily. Emily poked her
        nipples simultaneously into Joy’s firm knobs. Straight on she
        came. She pushed and then pulled back and pushed again. Her
        second poke was met with a retaliatory poke from Joy. With the
        added support behind the thrusts provided by the use of their
        hands, the nipples were less likely to get pushed back into the
        supporting breast tissue. Consequently the nipples themselves
        were absorbing a greater share of the physical impact than if
        they were not using their hands. Both girls realized this and
        they began to jab in other directions than straight ahead. Joy
        shifted her aim of attack to push Emily’s nipples right at the
        end at a 45-degree angle, hoping to bend them sideways. Most
        often Emily would counter the move and thwart the attack.
        Whenever Joy could catch Emily’s nipples at the correct angle
        she would push mightily, causing Emily’s thick nipples to bend
        sideways a bit. Emily however was having equal success when she
        could attack Joy’s nips from the side. Joy’s nipples would
        invariably bend to the side if Emily could attack with her
        nipples straight ahead. Each girl would let out small grunts
        with the effort put forth in the attack.

        The attack and counter attack of jabbing nipples kept up for
        about twenty minutes with each girl able to push the foe’s
        nipples to the side if they had the perfect angle of attack.
        Otherwise they were ineffective in damaging their opponent’s
        nipples. Emily changed tactics first. She began flicking her
        nipples upward from underneath. With her hands supporting her
        tits underneath she could attack the underside of Joy’s nipples
        with an impact. The friction of all this nipple play was very
        erotic to both girls, but neither ever lost focus of their
        mission. It was to prove her nipple superiority by inflicting as
        much damage as possible to the other’s nipples. Joy took up the
        tactic herself and the two now would swing their tits up from
        under their opponents attempting to bend the other’s nipples
        upward toward the sky. These were not jabbing motions, however.
        Their nipples would meet along the full length of the shaft.
        Joy’s nipple tips would brush against Emily’s aureoles while
        Emily’s would return the favor. In an instant the motions would
        cause them to slide against each other longitudinally, or in the
        same direction as the centerline of their nipples. As they slid
        the pressure of the movement would force them together firmly
        and they would bend in opposite directions. Then as the pressure
        mounted, they would spring apart, only to be subjected to the
        retaliatory attack of the other girl. Joy thrilled with
        satisfaction as she went nipple-to-nipple with Emily. She
        watched her nipples accept every attack Emily mounted with pride
        at their degree of firmness and resistance to bending. She
        thought that Emily’s were actually bending just a little bit
        more from her attacks than the other way around. After 15
        minutes of this chapter in their nipple war the two began to
        notice the soreness begin to creep in. Joy exalted in her
        nipples performance, but the pain was beginning. Emily noticed
        the same thing about a minute later than Joy. She too, had been
        watching their battle, but with a different belief than Joy. In
        her mind it was Joy’s nipples, with their slightly thinner shaft
        diameter that were bending a bit more then her own. It was
        certainly hard to tell, since they were nearly equal.

        The girls kept going. They would shift from up and down to
        side-to-side motion with the same intent. Flick across the
        nipples of the opponent with your own. Shafts were sliding
        across each other as they bent and then sprung apart. Neither
        girl could ignore the chafing pain that grew as they continued
        on. But the intensity of their efforts never wavered. Four proud
        nipples had been going up against their opposites for close to
        45 minutes without a whimper from either girl. The only noise
        they made were small grunts from the effort. Joy chose to change
        tactics this time. She began to follow Emily’s movements with
        her own, but in an exaggerated way. She began swirling her
        nipples around Emily’s nipples so that they kept contact
        continuously. Emily picked up on the change and now the nipples
        never lost contact. They just lined up the pointy nipples side
        to side, touching along their length and rotated them in the
        same direction so that all 360 degrees of lateral nipple surface
        would slide against all 360 degrees of their antagonist’s nipple
        surface. The movements were actually quite small to keep up this
        battle, but they were able to exert considerable sideways
        pressure on each other’s nipples this way. The friction was
        formidable and continuous. Immediately Emily noticed the
        increase in the pain. Joy felt it too. They had not used any
        lubricant, but when they began their sweat glands had provided a
        little lubrication, but as the night wore on and the air cooled
        their skin became drier and the chafing pain grew and grew. Joy
        began to think about energy reserves and future sex battles that
        might involve her nipples. Not wanting to jeopardize her
        competitive longevity she began weighing in her mind the plusses
        and minuses of submitting to Emily. She hated herself for having
        those thoughts, but she couldn’t help it. She began to rub her
        nipples even more vigorously in that circular pattern against
        Emily’s light brown nipples. Emily retaliated with a different
        motion. She too was feeling the pain. Emily though began to
        swing her tits in very wide arcs across the path of Joy’s
        nipples. She would only occasionally catch both nipples at the
        same time, but even one impact had its intended effect. Swinging
        hard and fast so that their nipples met with a loud (relatively
        speaking) smack. Again and again she charged Joy’s nipples with
        her own. Joy didn’t want this kind of battle but she entered the
        fray with as much determination as she could muster. Back and
        forth with the entire momentum of their breasts being absorbed
        by just the little four nipples. Joy felt the pain grow. She
        ached for a conclusion but she kept going.

        Their nipple skin began to crack and after one violent impact
        Emily’s left nipple opened up a little crack. She felt the pain
        but didn’t notice the blood until at least eight or ten more
        whacks. Then a second viciously effective impact opened up
        another little crack on the same nipple. More blood began to
        flow. At first it had been just a few drips but after two more
        minutes of vicious impacts the blood was now dripping to the
        floor. Both girls noticed of course, sending renewed energy into
        Joy’s actions. She grit her teeth in response to her own pain
        but continued her assault even as Emily continued hers. Emily
        began to feel the pain reach new levels and when a third crack
        opened up on her right nipple she felt only a flush of anger.
        The pain was real, but it was anger at what Joy had done to her
        that drove her on. Joy and Emily stood there, still battling
        with just their nipples, gritting their teeth in determination,
        each with much anger and a will to win this first battle. Joy
        began to wonder what sort of insanity possessed Emily that could
        allow her to continue even as she bled from her nipples. The
        blood had now spread and spattered across both girls breasts. It
        wasn’t enough of a gushing flow to really act as a lubricant,
        but it certainly added a new (and unwanted) dimension to their
        battle. After nearly five minutes of blood spattering the
        intensity continued even with the fatigue from their battle. It
        wasn’t noticed right away because of Emily’s blood covering much
        of the front of each girl’s breasts that Joy too had opened a
        crack in one of her nipples and began to bleed as well. The pain
        she felt was very real and her mind raced with considerations of
        her predicament. Impact after impact sent shock waves of pain up
        her breasts and deep into her brain. She fumed at herself for
        contemplating submission, but she knew that the real battle
        would be one of marathon proportions and this was only round
        one. Nearly concluding that submission would be the right choice
        she threw a last violent rash of nipple smacks at Emily. She
        watched Emily wince in pain of her own on the first heavy blow.
        The second blow brought another wince and a tear fell from her
        eye. Joy pushed onward with more blood spattering blows until
        about the tenth one when Emily stepped back, lowered her head
        and said, “I’ve had enough. You win.” She turned to head to the
        bathroom to clean up when Joy grabbed her arm and pulled her
        back. “Oh no you don’t! Not yet. I whipped your sorry-ass
        nipples with mine and you are going to acknowledge it on camera.

        Emily fumed at the thought, but she had agreed completely with
        the notion earlier and so her sense of honor forced her to post
        the results on the yellow pad and on the white board. She wrote
        a simple result: Joy won the nipple fight. Then she marked a
        single tally under Joy’s name column and she stood aside while
        Joy stood on the other side of the board and activated the
        camera. What a shot that was. Both topless girls with
        tremendously impressive boobs spattered in blood. One girl stood
        with a gigantic smile and the other with a stoic look of harsh

        The two girls took turns in the bathroom cleaning up and putting
        some antiseptic on their cuts. All the cracks were small and the
        bleeding stopped shortly after they quit nipple fighting. They
        would heel quickly. Emily had to quickly scrub the carpet to
        eliminate the stain. Fortunately the blood hadn’t dried out yet
        and it all seemed to come out. By this time it was after 1:00
        A.M. and it had been a long and exciting day. Emily reminded Joy
        that they would be better combatants on a good nights rest and
        that they shouldn’t fight anymore tonight, especially with their
        raw and damaged tits. “But,” she said, “I have a plan for
        tomorrow morning. Tell me if it meets with your satisfaction.
        Since it seems that we have both had a moment of really
        ‘pissing’ each other off, that maybe we should have a little
        contest: a pissing contest! We can each drink a couple quarts of
        water tonight, and if we don’t dispose of our bladder
        accumulation over night, then it should be quite a lot by
        morning. I think we should follow that up with a shared bath
        where we can do a little pussy grooming. You do remember your
        agreement don’t you?”

        “Of course I remember. I can’t wait to personalize your little
        pussy with my own barbering skill. And as to the piss contest:
        you must be kidding. There is no way you can piss better than
        me. Whatever you want for a contest, you got it: aim, distance,
        volume, or longevity. Whatever you can think of I’ll agree to.”

        “Not so fast Joy. You haven’t heard my plan. Are you sure?”
        Emily cautioned Joy.

        Joy affirmed her agreement and Emily added, “Well then I won’t
        tell you till tomorrow and it will be a surprise to you. That’s
        now your problem not mine.” She said that for effect, knowing
        that Joy would have a hard time sleeping with the mysterious
        nature of tomorrow’s piss war gnawing at her brain. “Lets get a
        big pitcher of water each and we’ll sit here and drink it down.
        Then we can sleep together on the bed.”

        “I can live with that. I don’t want you far from me at any
        time.” Joy let her feelings be known. The two girls drank the
        water as fast as they could. It took nearly ten minutes, but
        they were each able to finish two quarts of H2O and then they
        went outside to blow out all the candles out there except for
        two big long lasting candles. Inside they extinguished them all,
        but left on a little night light in the kitchen. Both girls were
        very tired, but the adrenaline surging through their bodies
        would make it difficult to sleep. They lay down side by side on
        the bed, needing only a thin sheet for covers since the night
        air was warm. Anxious thoughts ran through their heads as they
        lay there so close to their enemy, but somewhat surprisingly
        they both drifted off to sleep within fifteen minutes. The clock
        said 1:42 A.M.
HG Hunt


Offline krrishtiano

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Re: Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 4
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2023, 03:52:36 PM »
One of the best nipple fights ever written. Best of it was a decisive winner. How will their breasts fare when they have their own battle later on is anyones guess.

Thank you so much for sharing these with us. Must have spent a lot of time writing such elaborate stories.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 03:53:33 PM by krrishtiano »


Offline Austin315

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Re: Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 4
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2023, 10:01:13 PM »
Loving this saga! Thank you for this wonderful story so far. I personally loved how they each went to the gym to build their muscles and stamina for this epic war. Would love to see a little more emphasis on their newly built body and muscles.