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Behind the Scenes (Kianna v Goldie)

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Behind the Scenes (Kianna v Goldie)
« on: January 03, 2024, 02:04:13 AM »
Behind the Scenes

Kianna and Goldie


"Mmmhhmmmm...oh yes."

One the wide, luxurious bed two women knelt, one behind the other. The one in front, a busty brunette moaned and writhed as her breasts were manipulated by the pretty faced Asian behind her. Nipples pinched and dragged, she moaned and pleaded...and finally submitted, her voice carrying a distinctly British accent. " win. You win."

"Oh no, not just yet. Not after all the trouble you gave me." Her tormentor sultrily declared, squeezing the glands even further, the moans between them rising in intensity. Rising...rising...until the brunette cried out, and her boobs began to leak. "Mmmm...good. There we go. Milked you like the cow you are. Now we know just whos are better, right Goldie?

"Yes Kianna." Goldie Blair moaned. "Yours are. I'm sorry."

"Indeed they are, darling." Kianna Dior smiled, looking up. "Now and always."


Not quite immediately the two women leaned apart, a soft squeak coming from Goldie at a final squeeze from Kianna. "Nice one girls, excellent." The producer came up to the bed, handing each a robe to cover their nakedness as they swung their legs off the mattress. "I loved that ending Kianna. Milking Goldie? Good job."

Both women smiled prettily at the words and for the staff who all had noticeable stains on the front of their pants after the performance. Working quickly, the workers moved to clean up the set after the final shoot of the day. None noticed the angry look Goldie shot the Asian porn star as they retreated to their dressing rooms.


Kianna smirked to herself, switching off the shower. It was always pleasant when they got a request from someone with taste. After all...she posed in front of the full length mirror in the stall...who could ever think that a two bit skank from Sussex could stack up to her. She then scowled...unfortunately quite a few.

She hated being forced to allow herself to get manhandled and, often, milked by the blonde whore. Always coloring her hair after finding out blondes, contrary to belief, DIDN'T have more fun. Drying her hair she pulled back the curtains, stepping out of the shower, chuckling. Well payback was a bitch after... "What do YOU want?"

Goldie smiled coldly, sitting in Kianna's chair. Still in the robe from earlier, hair damp, indicating she came straight here from the shower. "That request never called for a milking." The pale skinned Brit rose off the seat, pinning the tanned Asian in an angry stare. "You know damn well how much I hate that. Do it again and no matter how much of the crew you fuck will stop me from mangling those half rate boobs of your yours for real. By the time they realize I'm not playing it'll be too late!"

"If you don't want it done to you, then don't do it to me." Kianna snapped back, referencing Goldie doing the same, shoving past the woman to sit before her mirror. Reaching for a brush, she began combing her her light, golden brown locks. "And you're one to talk. I saw the gaffer slip into your room during your last shoot with Nadia. Good thing they're soundproofed, eh. And besides...I'd feed you you those floppy sacks the second you tried anything funny before anyone could pull me off you."

Furious now, Goldie whirled chair around forcing Kianna to look at her, entire body heaving in barely suppressed outrage, robe slipping to expose a stiff, pink nippled breast. She hated this fat titted cxnt and how, for some reason, her fans got a kick of watching the two of them together. It took all of her control to not just lay into the bitch for real under the cameras. "You watch your mouth," she hissed quietly, her accent thickening. "Or I'll feed them to you. We both know how it would turn out if we did this for real."

Kianna glared fearlessly into Goldie's blue eyes, mirroring the hate she saw there, resting down her comb carefully before slowly rising to her feet. Everyone seemed to think they were such a great match, in bed or in the ring. Rumors running wild that they were lovers in secret. When in actuality it took everything she had to stick to the script and not tear the cow bald and rip off those tits. "Is that a threat you cxnt?" she demanded. "Cause if it is, it's not much of one."

In response Goldie shoved Kianna, sending the woman back till her ass hit the makeup counter, shaking it and sending much of her cosmetics to the floor. "It's a PROMISE," She spat. She raised a hand to her forehead. "I've had it up to HERE, with your bullshit. You go off script again and so help me I'll give everyone on set a real show!"

Her warning delivered, the pale skinned porn star turned to the door. As her hand touched the knob she was yanked to the side, pulling it open, and gasped at a sharp pain exploding across her cheek, recoiling to the side out of reflex. "Running away after those big words." Holding her face Goldie turned slowly to see Kianna carefully untie her her towel, holding it to the side and letting it drop. Nakedness on full display the golden skinned Asian spread her legs, while giving her upper body a shake. 34E breasts that flowed out from her chest wobbled delectably, chocolate brown nipples stiffening before her eyes. "If you WERE to try anything on camera the crew would jump in immediately. And you know it! But let THAT be a warning  of just how I'D respond if you started anything."

"Are you insinuating I'm afraid of you?!" Goldie demanded, incredulous at the thought. Kianna merely smiled and shook out her hair, tapping her cheek. Growling, Goldie yanked off her robe, baring her own boobs to her rival. Likewise a pair of 34E, hers were more full and rounded, with less hang, topped by light pink spike on each swollen jug. "Then it's a good thing they've already left. We're all alone now. And you've brought this on yourself you fat old slut!"

Kianna's contemptuous smile faded at the reminder that, last time they were weighed, she ended up being almost twenty pounds heavier than her younger rival. With a angry snarl she rushed at Goldie, who gave an answering growl charging across the short distance. With a painful, meaty SMACK, the furious porn stars crashed together, arms immediately going backs to crush and squeeze. Hissing and cursing, they bounced around the room like a wild, if very pleasing to look at top, until Kianna stepped on her fallen hairbrush. With a shocked squall she tripped, falling to the ground, dragging Goldie down with her. Legs twined and arms wrapped up as tight as vises they careened across the room, knocking over the chair as well as getting Goldie's robe and Kianna's towels tangled between them.

Slamming up against the wardrobe Goldie felt herself wedged slightly under Kianna and unable to budge the other woman. "You weigh a ton, bitch. Lose some..." she abruptly screamed as a furious Kianna tightened her grip, forcing their boobs together.

"That's just my big beauties," the Asian actress spat, releasing the pressure and shoving a leg between the Caucasian woman's to keep some leverage. "You wouldn't know since yours arrrrrrraaaggghhhhh!!"

"Fuck you...FUCK YOU!!" An enraged Goldie took advantage of Kianna's distraction, crushing the woman mightily, the wail loud in her ears. Her own breasts already ached painfully as well, even moreso when Kianna squeezed back.

The trapped glands squashed thickly, spreading, spreading while the flesh shone. Their owners moaned and Kianna gasped, seeming to weaken, as Goldie gradually forced herself away from cabinet, rolling on top of the other woman. Unable to pull away due to the tight hold Kianna had on her, the brunette settled for grinding her heavy jugs onto the Asian's. Kianna bellowed at the pressure and the sharp stabbing pain of Goldie's nipples and writhed on the ground, bringing her own sharp spikes into use. Goldie grunted, then yelped, her rival's nips tearing lines of fire across her pillowey orbs.

Swirling her tits back and forth the tips finally met and both beauties moaned and arched. Lashes fluttered and hips began to make soft squelching sounds. Goldie's eyes shot open and, with a fierce grunt, butted Kianna hard. She heard the Asian cry out, arms relaxing, and rolled off and away, seeing double. "Fucking skank," she snarled, rising to her knees, embarrassed at her own loss of focus. "Quit humping me."

"You were the one doing the humping, whore." Kianna spat in return, voice somewhat high, rolling upright. "Getting paid is the only reason I pretend to enjoy your nasty pussy."

"Well you're gonna get a proper taste after I've reduced your tits to mush." Goldie growled. "Get over here!"

Brief arousal forgotten they shuffled eagerly towards their rival, rising up off their haunches to lunge together with a fierce cry while embracing one another tightly. Kianna's tanned bullet breasts splashed heavily against Goldie's pale broad boobs, the orbs spreading outwards under the compression. It made the distinction between the two easy to spot as eyes flickered from agonized faces to the battling bustline that rolled and shifted.

Kianna gasped as Goldie's dense tits seemed to swell, the border between their breasts shifting her direction. The younger porn star's eyes lit up at the sight, pouring on the pressure, sensing victory. The older however took several deep loud breathes and held on tight.

Goldie then moaned as Kianna's pointed boobs surged outwards, the line between their breasts, once closing in on her neck now slowly rolling back. It was the Asian now, who's eyes glittered in malicious pleasure at the clear discomfort on the pale skinned woman's face. But just like before the advantage was only temporary, Goldie's orbs resisting, then reclaiming lost ground.

Pumping and thrusting hard, forcing their breasts to push against their opposites Goldie and Kianna glared hatefully into each other's eyes, making sure they saw each time the other was hurt by their feminine battle. Rocking too and fro, while shuffling back and forth on their knees, the pair kept their tits plastered together. But this was the most they could do as neither could afford to waste any breath taunting her rival...the constant, insistent pressure barely left them enough to breathe.

With rising, frustrated whine that became an explosive cry they released each other and simultaneously shoved. Falling back, Kianna sat down while Goldie rested on her hands. Gulping down lungfuls of sweet, sweet oxygen. Air replenished they bounced back together, wrapping up as tight as they had before. Goldie and Kianna grunted, the breast meat bulging outwards under the pressure, sweat beginning to run down their faces.

The grunting grew louder, fiercer, the two rising up on their knees. Grinding the heavy glands together without pause they ran into the same problem as before. Faces turning purple from the inability to breath they released their holds, falling back onto their feet as they gasped and panted.

Then they grabbed each other again. Teeth bared in a hideous snarl that looked out of place on her pretty face, Goldie poured on as much pressure as she could on the hated Canadian. Jaw clenched so hard it felt like she'd crack her teeth, Kianna matched the despised Brit pump for pump, thrust for thrust. A new emotion began to express itself on the faces of the two women.


Both brunette's breasts stood up against the squeezing of their strong arms and the pumping of their large, powerful boobs. The heavy orbs, incredibly sore from almost fifteen minutes of continuous pressure refused to be penetrated or flattened, redirecting all that crushing to power back to their owners lungs. For a third time the duo fell away, almost gagging with how short of breath they were. Once they recovered Kianna reached for Goldie again...only for the younger porn star to change tactics.


"AAHH!!" The pretty Asian-Canadian squealed at the sharp swat that had her right boob wobbling as it banged against her left. Goldie gritted her teeth and landed a second hit that had Kiana's left breast bouncing before the older woman scooted back into a squat, then to her feet. "So you want to go there, huh?"

Goldie's response was to leap to her feet and rush the woman, flinging her boobs left and right, just in time to meet Kianna as her breasts bashed back against Goldie's. Both were perfectly familiar with this style of titfight. Granted all the other times were scripted matches with sound effects to make it sound like they were actually hitting each other with effort...but both felt like they had a good enough idea. Good enough however didn't include just how much actually banging their tits together would hurt.

Slugging their boobs together again, and again in bitter competition the voluptuous beauties gave voice to their pain easily. aggressive grunts and pained cries bounced between them just as their taut breasts did, the flesh reddening from the insistent banging. Despite this, hate and jealousy gleamed behind their eyes and they simply kept smashing the orbs against one another spitefully.

Kianna felt herself stagger in the face of Goldie's savage boob blows. The Brit aggressed relentlessly and despite the shrieks she forced from Goldie, despite beating against her breasts with equal violence, her young rival refused to let up.

Goldie heard Kianna scream as she slammed her tits against the Canadian's dense boobs. But she also heard her own agonized wails when Kianna slammed their mammaries together with an unexpected ferocity. Despite the clear pain on her face, the old bitch refused to go down.

Bashing their tits around the small room, Goldie suddenly gave a frustrated scream and staggered back, clutching at her chest. Kianna didn't follow as she was also busy trying to rub away the terrible burning, all the while maintaining the baleful, furious eye contact. The cat hate swelled under that gaze, neither woman willing to accept that their prized possessions could be so evenly matched as to be totally equal. "MINE are the best!" was the thought that ran through the mind of both women and they leapt forward once more to prove it.

WHAM! Goldie yelped as her left boob jiggled deliciously at a vicious diagonal swipe from from her Asian-Canadian rival.

SPLAT! Kianna squealed when the young Brit swatted her right breast, setting the orb wobbling delectably.

Sweating freely now the porn stars attacked each others assets in unrestrained bosomy violence. They were both beginning to panic at the intense pain, and also because they could feel the structures of their breasts being worn down. Each collision saw the orbs squash and flatten dramatically at the point of impact before rebounding away in time for the others to crush together.

"Just...just give up, you bitch!" Goldie panted, sweating, hating the whining tone in her voice. She wanted this to end, hated Kianna for not quitting. "Back off while you still have a pair of breasts to flaunt around."

"Fu...fuck you, you little shit." Kianna gasped, crying out as their breasts hammered together again. This was what men liked? They'd prefer to something like this rather than the show they put on? What the fuck was wrong with them! "Say you're sorry and I'll let you walk out with what little dignity you had left."

But neither would give in. They were too far gone to just walk away now. Someone HAD to win. So with their formerly luxurious hair sticking to their faces and neck, giving the women a manic appearance they kept pounding their reddened, swollen boobs together. Their swings grew wilder and less effective as they began to cringe away from the impacts.

One landed with stunning force and Kianna screamed, tottering back into the shower, tearing down the curtains as she did so. Goldie stumbled about, punch drunk and hurting, before lumbering after the Asian. As soon as she stepped into the stall Goldie wailed when Kianna jumped into her, all four orbs squashing, and falling onto her side.

"GIVE UP YOU FUCKIN' LITTLE FART!" Kianna shouted hoarsely, stamping her feet, almost maddened by the pain. "MINE ARE BETTER THAN YOURS. DEAL WITH IT!"

"NO!" Goldie screeched, scrambling back to her feet, breasts bouncing painful from the rapid movements. "MINE ARE! MINE ARE YOU FLABBY OLD cxnt!"

Screaming in rage and bellowing in pain the anguished women resumed attacking each others boobs with increased fervor. A hard, stabbing blow from Goldie knocked Kianna against the wall with the nozzels, which she used to keep her balance. And inadvertently switching on the hot water. Fortunately after being used by them and staff it was merely hot, rather than scalding, but the shock drove the stars apart. Squinting through the spray the determined starlets darted under the steady stream, flinging the weighty jugs together with a vengeance.

Bare feet scrabbled on the wet tiles, leading to many blows glancing off instead of impacting solidly. Or getting lucky and landing a hit at an awkward angle, making their rival screech in a especial pain. Out of necessity they grabbed each other high around the neck, head over shoulders, boobs pressing together strongly. Squirming, shoving the teats together, scrabbling for a solid grip, they abruptly reared back and slammed all four orbs together. Shuddering, shoving out their prominent rears, they repeated the move, boobs smashing with solid sounding SPLAT.

"Uuuhhhhh..." Goldie groaned, legs quaking, forcing herself to keep hitting Kianna. The water kept spraying into her face, but she ignored it all. Just focused on plunging her breasts against the tanned Asian despite the liquid fire that seemed to course through her nerves. She didn't want to lose. Not to HER!

"Oh God..." Kianna whimpered, swooning on legs that could barely support her. Blinking away the droplets that hung on her lashes she Goldie's squirming form reflected in the slowly fogging mirror. Each fleshy impact made the woman shudder in agony, breasts feeling as if they'd swollen an extra cup size. She wouldn't quit. Not to HER!

Sobbing loudly, the women's thrusts began to take on a frantic edge, pounding and slamming their large breasts together in a desperate need to finally finish off her rival. Before the pain finally became too much. Her fingers inching up Goldie's neck, Kianna suddenly tugged at a handful of the woman's dark hair and swung as hard as she could.

Goldie screeched in pain at the sudden, sharp pain from her scalp and the upping of Kianna's blows and in outrage at her hair being pulled. She snatched at the woman's sodden, messy mane, pulling her head back to snap forward, and pounded her tits harder and harder against the cheating slut. Battering their brutalized tits together, found the pair nose to nose gushing out warm breath and pitiable sobs across each others face.

Long, shapely legs trembled with each crushing impact, ready to collapse at a moment's notice. But pride and sheer stubbornness kept them upright for two...then the ninth Goldie cried out, legs wobbling. At number eleven, Kianna shuddered, groaning deeply. Immediately after, as their breasts crushed together for the twelfth time, there was a sharp, keening wail, and legs finally collapsed. Dropping to their knees, they never ceased in their frantic boob bashing, hammering the orbs together for ninety seconds of agony before finally thrusting away from each other to opposite corners of the bath.

Weeping piteously Goldie held her boobs, whimpering at how flaccid they felt in her hands, how red they looked to the rest of her. Squinting through the shower she could barely make out Kianna through the spray. She shook her head, trying to remember what had happened. Had she fallen...or had the old cxnt pulled her down...

Crying softly, Kianna moaned at how soft her prized breasts had become, how they seemed to glow with a painful heat. Swallowing hard she raised her head to peer through watery haze at the woman across from her. Reaching above her head, she gripped the switch, turning the water off.

As the water slowed to a dribble, the women once more found themselves locking stares. The question behind them was the same. "Have you had enough?" To which both answered. "Bite me, bitch!"

Lips pulling back into a snarl Kianna started to crawl towards Goldie, only for the woman to surprise her with a sudden hard slap that knocked Kianna onto her side. Scared of the woman jumping onto her back she instead heard the sound of feet pattering on the tiles, then carpet. "Where do you think you're going?!" She demanded staggering upright, seeing Goldie moving into a jerky trot out the door. Tottering after her, Kianna glanced to the left then right, before spotting her stumbling towards the back. "Running away, cxnt?"

Moving unsteadily, Kianna found herself back by the set, all the electronics removed and the bed stripped. Glaring around the room, she noticed the side door to the small pool open and warily moved towards it...only to shout in surprise as Goldie came barreling back inside. Pushing back against the rival porn star Kianna strained, managing to push the Goldie back a step, before being forced back by her furious rival to tumble onto the soft mattress.

The impetus already set them rolling, screaming in anguish, arms wrapping tightly around backs once more with legs kicking and flailing. The sound of panting filled the room, as the pair thrashed energetically across the large circular bed, squeezing tightly, their entire bodies now in conflict.

"I'll crush 'em!" Goldie threatened hoarsely, fighting for control as they spun wildly back and forth across the now damp mattress. Briefly she found herself holding the other woman under her and ground down with her boobs, Kianna bellowing at the pressure.

"I'll smash them!" Kianna rasped, teetering on her side, she and Goldie slinging their flopping tits at each other before making one rotation back in the opposite direction. Finding herself on top and, rocking violently she felt Goldie's grip slip enough to raise her upper body and deliver a series of boob bombs that had the woman scream.

On and on, fighting with the same bitter determination to overwhelm and hammer the other down that had marked the start of their fight. Fighting to hurt the other as much as possible, more than they themselves were hurt. The orbs wrestled even fiercer than their owners, the flesh sloshing back and forth in time with the thrusts, claiming, then losing ground before reclaiming it again. Big, full and meaty, pale boobs mashed against large and firm, golden breasts, swelling together in a seemingly even battle.

But...after another five minutes of fierce brawling...rolling back and forth, panting and gasping, pumping their softening tits into one another fear and anguish began to take hold of the increasingly desperate porn stars. Their voluptuous bodies were coated in fresh sweat that had dried, welding the bulging glands together such that the flesh visibly resisted being pulled apart, as if refusing to let go until a victor had been decided. They were hurting each other terribly, could see the pain in each others eyes, feel it in their tits. But still it wasn't enough their breasts still fought evenly and...Goldie gave a deep, keening cry.

"Oh...did that hurt?" Kianna whispered hoarsely at the sudden panic in Goldie's eyes before her head snapped back, mouth opening wide, her cries and shouts becoming frantic and more fearful. In comparison Kianna's grunts became more aggressive, her groans increasingly assertive. Though they're boobs still seemed even, Goldie's expression turned desperate as, more and more, it took an increasing effort to keep from being trapped under the heavier woman. And, from the cruel smile that lit up the bitch's heart shaped face, she knew it too. Foreheads pressed together. "I felt Your weak little titties folding on themselves."

"You fuck..." Goldie moaned. "I hate you!"

"Talk like a bitch, lose like a bitch." Kianna spat, sweat rushing down her face, thrusting her boobs against Goldie's fading pair. "I'm gonna enjoy feeling those melons go flat!"

Her boobs...her entire body ached. Tears running down her face Goldie still kept her arms wrapped tightly around Kianna's upper body, fighting the bitch every step of the way. They rolled, Kianna squeezed and she cried out again. Another roll and now Goldie drove her tits forward, arms wrapped tight, Kianna giving a frustrated grunt. She kept struggling desperately, not out of any sense of winning, but just to know she'd made the whore work for it. Goldie whimpered as Kianna crushed their bodies together. Her boobs quivered. Goldie squeezed back, pouring out as much effort as she could and shoving her boobs forward.

"GAAAAAHHH!! YOU BITCH...YOU WHORE!! Kianna suddenly screamed, feeling her breasts flatten slightly at the front.

Goldie didn't understand Kianna's outburst. Her boobs still hurt abominably and were still squashed firmly against her chest. But rolling on top of the Asian, she realized that HER jugs had also retreated heavily. Suddenly realizing she still had a chance, the Brit scrapped at what little she had left and SQUEEZED!

Kianna screamed again at the horrendous pressure, sliding her arms further up under Goldie's pits, hands locking tightly around wrists, squeezing with all her might. "Slut...I'm gonna...crush you for...that!" Kianna rasped.

Goldie didn't respond. She didn't have the breath to do so. Instead she spoke through her eyes, conveying a loathing equal to, or surpassing that of her Canadian counterpart and promise to do worse.

Pale white tits and golden brown jugs met in a final head to head comparison, luscious flesh swelling...spreading until it could no more. Muscles bulged on sexy, voluptuous bodies as the two women finally stopped their wild tumble, landing on their sides.

Curvaceous bodies trembled with effort. Heads pressed forward, noses brushed together and pouty lips puckered slightly at the proximity. Tits ground together while distended nipples played havoc, hidden within the fleshy mass. This was their last chance to finish each other off and, with a tensing of back muscles and shrieks of effort both gave everything they had left in one final, powerful squeeze.

Arms crushed, legs kicked weakly, bellies and loins slapped together and...a dark haired head snapped back with a horrified gasp, whipping back and forth in disbelief. And Goldie wailed anew. It was a sound of pure grief and it's reason was obvious. Between their bodies the young porn star's orbs were crushed tightly against her pectorals while Kianna's still retained a roundness, though greatly diminished.

Likewise, Kianna cried out as well...though for another reason. The feeling of Goldie's boobs quivering under her own, then squashing was maddeningly euphoric. Thrusting madly with her hips, she forced the crying Goldie onto her back. The younger brunette struggled back weakly against the insistent pounding of the Asian's hips until her glands suddenly gushed under the pressure.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Goldie squealed, legs waving wildly as she came. Liquid leaking down her curves. Those same legs now wrapped instinctively around Kianna's waist as the Asian's thrusts and grunts increased in violence. "NOOO...NO MORE. PLLLEEAAASEEEEE!"

"Yeah...yeah!!" Kianna growled savagely, keeping her breasts firmly on top of Goldie's as she pounded the fuck out of her once arrogant rival. "WHO'S GOT THE BEST TITS, HUH? HUH!? WHO'S THE HOTTEST BITCH IN NAPALI NOW!!"

Goldie's answer was drowned out by Kianna's own orgasm, the Asian starlet slamming the woman into bed. But, as her lovely, sweat-stained body convulsed in another release Kianna smiled at the sobbing whisper. Twisting Goldie's face, Kianna kissed her possessively before collapsing tiredly on top of her beaten rival. Then...wincing at how the flesh peeled apart...she sat on the defeated woman's stomach, smiling brightly, hands on hips. Goldie merely stared up at her dully, beaten boobs rolling in time with her breathing. Though lacking the fire from before, the hate reflected in those blue lenses was still strong. Kianna grinned.

"Now, i do recall promising to feed someone a pair of tits." She purred, lightly. Goldie immediately began to struggle weakly, but the heavier Kianna simply used her position to pin back her arms...and lowered her heavily hanging boobs directly onto Goldie's face.

Already tired and gasping after the fight, Goldie could feel herself already fading. Kianna's sweaty musk enveloped her, the woman's soft tits covering her mouth and nose. But not her eyes, allowing Goldie to bear witness to the toothy, domineering smile on Kianna's face as she blacked out.


Jeremy, the gaffer that had managed to luck himself into a fucking by Goldie, took several deep breaths to get himself back under control before peeking back around the corner, phone in hand. Kianna was sitting back on Goldie's stomach, the latter appearing unconscious before rolling off the woman with an exhausted sigh.

Thank god he'd remembered to keep his phone charged or he'd never have been able to get this recording. Also thank whatever deity was looking over him that he'd been responsible for the clean up today. Hoping to get lucky again he'd wandered over to the dressing room area only to find Goldie's open and empty. Then he heard the noise coming from Kianna's. Something made him peek inside, rather than just opening it and he thanked his stars he did.

Part of him felt guilty over not breaking up the brawl, just a small part. The rest of him...prick in particular...took great enjoyment and he'd quickly yanked out his phone and started recording. The one scary moment was when Goldie bolted from the room, but her mind was elsewhere and it gave a him the few seconds he needed to duck back around a corner.

Now...Jeremy backed away slowly and quietly headed towards the entrance. He had no doubt the girls would concoct some story to placate the boss. He really wasn't into his girls getting it on off camera. But he at least would know what really happened. And...with a grin on his face...he flipped his camera in the air. With a little work he'd have a personal recording of something no one else would ever see. Which got him thinking.

What else went on behind the scenes?


Wrote in this in just about two days after talking with a fan of the pair.