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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« on: December 29, 2023, 05:25:09 PM »
Christmas dinner had now become an excuse for getting together rather than following the magic of the holiday. Iri was aware that her father did not have enough time to devote to his daughter, work always led him to come home late or not even show up at home.
The young girl was used to it; in her 25 years, the father figure was always missing, even though he would still try not to let her lack anything. If Iri asked, she got. Fortunately, she never needed too many things but wanted only one thing: a family.
Since she had lost a mother and he had lost a wife, the harmony that could be imagined had ceased like a broken spell. She, the princess locked in the castle by an ancient spell, and her father the king, was too busy with his kingdom to notice how his daughter was dying inside.
Like any self-respecting story, before the usual happy ending, which this time Iri knew would never come, was the presence of the evil and ugly stepmother. Instead of being a cruel and austere lady with hair as short and black as her heart, the new witch-formed woman was a comely blonde with curves to match and knew how to win men over.
Her father was bewitched by her love magic, a dark spell that Iri felt in the air as Amanda kissed her father. The girl saw how the blonde flaunted that she was a better replacement than the original, smiling and being an angel to her new conquest.
Iri could not stand her; she was too much to bear. That secondhand professor was so fake she looked like a doll fresh out of the store. She was light years away from the woman who was her mother and never could have replaced her. The girl had never done anything to hide these thoughts, but she had remained silent longer than she had to to make her father happy.
"At least he is," she thought to herself as she ate.
A Christmas spent as a family, silent on the girl's part and a little more animated for the couple who had been on their honeymoon for at least six months. The spectacle was closing the girl's stomach more and more, the hatred she felt for the blonde growing.
"Irene, please help Amanda clean up."
Nodding silently at her father's request, Iri began to take what was left on the table after dinner to the kitchen. Her father used to get up and go rest on the couch while "his women of the house" tidied up. Quite a macho view, but not that it could be done otherwise. After a few minutes, Iri's father was already dozing.
On the other side of the wall, two women with perhaps overgrown pride and similar feelings were preparing to hold up a house of cards amid the storm.
"You should stop with your attitude, little girl," Amanda said breaking the silence as she put away a plate, "Your father has already decided that I will live here with you. Resign yourself and accept it."
Iri was silent for a few seconds, putting down the last glass before turning back to the blonde.
"And you should stop playing the good wife," hissed Iri, leaning against the sideboard "He may be enchanted by your magnificence, but I am not."
Amanda giggled slightly, almost amused by the insult of her new partner's daughter. What the girl could not understand was that she had not sought her father but the other way around. After a few days, the spark had been ignited.
"You're going to have to accept me, whether you want to or not," replied the blond, turning to the girl, "Your mother is gone, life goes on, and-"
"Don't you dare talk about her," growled Iri, taking a step toward the blonde and pointing at her with her index finger "You will never be like her. She was more of a woman than you in everything, and I, her daughter, am the same" hissed the girl, this time pointing at herself with her thumb "You will never be able to replace my mother, so do everyone a favor and leave."
The girl's rush of anger and hatred had revealed, once again, the deeper reason for her hatred of Amanda. The teacher had imagined it; she knew it would be difficult for a daughter to accept another woman as her mother. What she could not stand was the girl's arrogance and expressive hatred toward her. Amanda loved to provoke these kinds of people.
"You need to get over this, you spoiled little girl," growled Amanda, crossing her arms under her breasts with an arrogant smile, "Do you think your father is going to run these little girls off?"
"I have two myself, bitch," said Iri, mimicking the pose and raising her 36EE "You're not the only one with a nice pair of tits here"
"I'll tell you something, little spoilsport. When your father falls asleep tonight, I'll come to your room and we'll see if your maternal heritage can compete with me, okay? If you win, I'll leave..." said Amanda, getting up and leaning her still-supported breasts against Iri's pair "...but if I win, you'll shut the fuck up about it and treat me with due respect."
"It will be a real pleasure to see you go, bitch," hissed Iri, pushing back.
"Don't worry, the clothes won't move from the closet."
The two remained locked in that position, two arrogant smiles on their lips as green eyes and brown eyes threw venomous barbs at each other. Everything returned to normal when her father called Amanda, the blonde separated from her stepdaughter and walked away from the kitchen.
"God, how I hate her," hissed Iri, leaning against the sink.


A few years ago

"This is Sarah. From today she will be part of our family. She is a few months younger than you, so treat her well."
Lauren's mother's voice was soft and compassionate as she stood behind the girl's back, looking at her daughter she winced at the thought of no longer being an only child.
The girl with the colored lock stared at the other girl from head to toe, continuing to wonder why she had to have this kind of life. Lauren was doing so well on her own, why would she share a happy, carefree existence with a stranger?
Sarah thought the same when her father told her that from then on she would have a sister, the brunette immediately felt a weight on her chest. She had no desire to have to share a room, although she was happy that her father had found a companion.
Sarah's and Lauren's eyes met after each had noted the presence of the other. In silence, they both learned the same thing. They had become stepsisters, not sisters. Neither wanted to get along with the other.
And both would be committed to showing who was in charge.


The table was properly set, and the two adults were still sorting out the last of the dishes before finally sitting down at the table and being able to have lunch with the family. Lauren and Sarah were sitting in their seats, staring at each other in silence and smiling at the thought of what would happen next.
Since they had started living together, the two girls had shared such a jealous and competitive relationship that shortly after the first month of living together they had found themselves engaged in a titfight while their parents were away. Both wanted to prove who was the better sister, the better woman.
The first time it was Lauren who prevailed, backing her half-sister onto the mattress and driving her into submission. From that time on, Sarah had to humor her better sister, doing the housework for her.
The next time Sarah won, forcing her sister to cry a silent surrender as her breasts were beaten from every angle by Sarah's pair, who smiled as they hissed how much better she was.
This scenario was repeated over time, finding footholds in every motivation to lock themselves in their rooms and decide who was the better sister of the moment. Their parents thought their two daughters were building a loving relationship, but the reality was quite different.
Then again, the greatest gift would have been his sister's defeated groan.



The silence of the night came like a protective friend, marking the beginning of something that must have been consummated before. Iri was awake, sitting on her bed as she waited, her breasts resting free inside her tank top the same color as the panties she wore.
The door opened in silence, Iri's eyes fixed on it as the light from the lamp on the bedside table put the room in semi-darkness. Amanda slipped inside, closing the door behind her without a sound.
The brunette watched as the blonde wore a midnight blue robe that struggled to contain her breasts. She gritted her teeth as she imagined her father fantasizing about that robe, continuing to love a woman who did not deserve it.
"It's about time, bitch," hissed Iri, getting out of bed.
"Don't be in a hurry, honey," smiled the blonde, joining the girl in the room, "I want to savor every moment."
Iri growled low; she had no intention of waiting to put the woman in her place. With a quick gesture, she removed the camisole and threw it behind her. Amanda watched as the youthful breasts bounced on her chest before stopping.
Squinting but not losing her smile, the blonde lowered her robe slowly, revealing first one breast and then the other, letting the garment slide to the floor before climbing onto the bed.
Iri hated to admit it, but the woman's pair was huge, perhaps as big as her own if not more so. The girl knew her 36EE could do it, the bitch in front of her would be gone forever, and her father would finally open her eyes.
"Ready to be defeated, whore?" hissed Iri.
"The only one who will be defeated here will be you," the blonde replied curtly, "After I defeat you, I will return to your father for dessert."
Iri's eyes widened at the very thought. She did not think twice before throwing herself at the woman in front of her. Both pairs of breasts crashed together with a loud pop. Their breasts pressed against their counterparts, flesh trembling on impact as the two women continued to grind their breasts together even after the first impact. Iri's breasts pushed outward a little but did not seem to surrender to her rival's breasts. Each fighter immediately put her hands on her opponent's shoulders and then began to slowly push their breasts against each other.
The young girl grunted after a few seconds, followed by a deep sigh from Amanda. Neither seemed to want to give their rival the satisfaction of seeing a reaction from them. Iri noted how well Amanda's tits held up, curving slightly as they met her full breasts.
After the initial clash, they both slid their breasts over each other, forcing each pair to shift and bend before reshaping under the rival pair's force. Neither could see which pair of breasts had more force.
Amanda tried several times to slide her boobs over Iri's, but the brunette slid hers in response, preventing it from happening. Placing their hands on each other's shoulders, they began to rub their breasts against each other, beginning to grunt louder.
Breathing deeply, Amanda arched her back and pushed her tits out, pushing Iri's huge breasts into her chest, dropping them into the center. The girl let out a little cry of surprise and pain as her rival's breasts seemed to envelop her pair. The girl gritted her teeth, not thinking she might be in trouble with this woman, arching her back in turn and catching up.
"Don't shout honey, or your father will hear you" giggled Amanda.
"Fucking whore!" retorted Iri with a hiss "My room is soundproof and you know it."
Amanda grunted in surprise when Iri sent her left breast against the blonde's tit. Amanda returned the favor, hitting her stepdaughter's right tit with her own. Both women pulled away, before slamming their breasts together. As the slap filled the room, their boobs were pressed together upon impact, their flesh rippling hard.
Amanda moved her hands to the girl's arms, continuing to push her tits forward as before. The brunette slid her breasts down before Amanda could solidify her grip, and launched herself upward, sending her breasts directly into the blonde's underside.
"Oh, I hope Dad didn't hear you," smiled Iri as she watched Amanda's breasts fly, causing her to moan, "I wouldn't want you to have an excuse to stop!"
The brunette continued her assault, thrashing from left to right and violently twisting her hips. Her right breast slammed against Amanda's right counterpart, almost causing her to turn to the left. Iri heard the blonde cursing loudly as she suffered the attacks without having time to respond.
"Look at your fat tits!" smiled the girl "Look how helpless they are!"
Amanda growled furiously, thrusting violently forward. Their breasts were pressed together again, and both pairs warped together but this time they gave their pairs no time to return to their original shape, crashing their bodies immediately together. They grabbed each other again, taking each other by the arms, pushing their tits together, sweaty and flushed from the constant rubbing.
Their faces were beginning to betray the effectiveness of their opponent's moves and the growing pain coming from their chests. Amanda took a step backward, bending at the knees before rising with speed soon after.
Iri quickly stepped back to avoid the blow, smiling. A fleeting smile quickly disappeared from her lips as Amanda let go of her arms to close her hands behind the young woman's back.
"You talk too much, bitch," hissed the blonde.
The blonde stood on tiptoe and pushed forward, moving her breasts over her rival's. Iri found herself struggling against the enormous weight of the rival breast, moaning as Amanda's breasts were pushed against hers with each squeeze. The brunette could feel her girls flatten each time the rival breasts pushed down, making her moan.
Their breasts blended as they twirled their shoulders, with Amanda keeping her breasts on top of her rivals.
"Do you feel that, you sassy little one? Feel how my best breasts crush yours?" asked Amanda with a cruel grin.
Iri moaned as her breasts were pushed down by another blow, cursing at the smiling blonde who then pushed forward, watching as the girl's flesh opened up.
The brunette did not think she could find herself in such a thorny situation, feeling her breasts yielding ground.
With a swift gesture, Iri moved her hands to the blonde's shoulders, pushing frontally hard, the two pairs swelling to the sides as Amanda's eyes went wide and her rival breasts recovered ground.
"Fuck, no!" moaned Amanda, feeling the flesh mold against the rival pair.
"You're going down, old woman!" growled the brunette.
Iri slammed her tits against the blonde's again, forcing the woman back. The girl pulled her against herself, sending a hard blow to the opposing pair.
Their flesh pressed together, and both moaned though it was the blonde who suffered the most, a grimace of pain and discomfort on her face.
"My mother was much better than you, bitch."
"Fuck you," growled Amanda, "Stupid little girl, I'll put you in your place!"
Amanda pushed the girl away, then stepped back to charge forward. Iri quickly recovered and charged the woman in turn. In no time the two women threw their huge breasts forward hard. The meaty slap that resulted from the impact was violent, followed by groans from the two women as they backed away a few steps, but nothing stopped them from repeating the move.
With each blow, both moaned in pain, forcing their huge breasts to collide and distort each other, nipples buried in their rival's flesh as the battle raged on. Tears in her eyes began to line Iri's cheeks, making the blonde smile but only because she did not realize she was crying too.
Throwing herself down again until she felt her legs trembling, her breasts faced each other with baleful impacts, their lips parted in increasingly loud and incessant moans. Their feet locked on the floor, neither of them wanting to surrender but feeling how their breasts grew weaker and weaker.
A wobble from Iri made the blonde yelp, who remained fixed in place with a pained look. This did not take away from the fact that Amanda swung back against the brunette's pair, exchanging incredible moans. The flesh visibly deformed with each exchange.
The blonde and brunette took their time with each swing, coming to a final confrontation of sheer will, swinging their breasts at the same time. Each pair shattered together, warping along with the rival pair, rubbing and continuing the movement on the other side.
With their arms raised to let their proud breasts move freely, Amanda and Iri continued for two long endless minutes swinging their breasts together, convinced that they could no longer resist another exchange but continuing to fight.
The last exchange exploded in out-of-bounds pain, their breasts were shaken violently without either of them having any way of knowing whether one pair had finally succumbed to the other. Amanda's legs trembled from the blow, and she felt herself falling backward. Trying to stay on her feet, she stumbled until her back hit the wall.
Moaning, she looked forward as Iri gasped heavily, her breasts hanging miraculously from her chest. The blonde realized that this was the end for her, her breasts were numb and falling from her chest. The girl would seal her superiority with that last blow. Amanda knew that even if she tried to respond and strike together with her rival, her breasts would be helpless.
Iri rushed forward, her breasts were sore as never before but she had that bitch, she was with her back to the wall literally. Victory was hers, she just had to strike one more time. Her body launched forward, her eyes fixed on her target.
Her vision changed drastically, however, when his legs gave way and she fell to her knees. She was surprised, feeling how he could no longer move. She was desperate, if he did not give that last blow she would be defeated, she felt it inside her. Looking up, she met the blonde's gaze.
"It's over," was the mutual thought.
Amanda slid to the floor, her ass on the floor and her legs spread open as she watched her stepdaughter similarly defeated. Neither had been able to win; both had been defeated by the other. The throbbing they felt from their breasts hanging lifelessly downward was a reminder of a battle.
They were the only words spoken by the two defeated women, aware that they were only at the beginning. Their war would not stop with that confrontation; they would go on until one of them admitted the superiority of the other. Both thought that next time, one of them would win.
The chime of midnight marked the beginning of Christmas, as well as the beginning of their War.



Neither of them needed the light; they knew every inch of their room by heart. They had used precious time to get to know it as their bodies dueled incessantly.
The two brunette sisters lay on Lauren's bed, their knees sinking into the mattress as the two girls settled in before they began. They were obliged to stay on their beds, the risk of being overheard was too high and embarrassing for them.
In silence, both Sarah and Lauren took off any unnecessary clothing, remaining in their underwear as usual. The coolness of the season allowed their nipples to harden quickly, conscious that the heat would come shortly thereafter during the fight.
"You're going to be my bitch this year," hissed Lauren, massaging her breasts.
"Same words as last time, sister. Remind me, who lost?" smiled Sarah, pinching her nipples.
Lauren growled angrily before thrusting forward so that her nipples bumped against Sarah's tips. The girl gasped at the contact, but without wasting time she pushed her nipples back toward her rival.
Lauren immediately pushed back, bringing both tits forward, sending her nipples against her sister's flesh, who moaned in a low voice at the discomfort. Lauren dealt a blow to Sarah's right breast, driving both nipples into the tender flesh.
Sarah reacted promptly, rotating her hips back and forth to send her breasts to the sides against her rival's pair, hissing as Lauren bit her lips when her sister's tips scraped into her skin.
Lauren quickly aligned her nipples with her rival's, pushing forward to block Sarah's movements, who gasped when the electric shock shook her body. Their large breasts swelled together, pressed against each other as their tips flexed against each other.
They both knew their sister so well that they had no trouble discerning the small details on their faces as they felt discomfort or distress, any annoyance at seeing each other's mischievous or arrogant smiles.
Lauren began to gain the first advantage, alternating the speed of her blows so that her rival was unable to respond, the brunette's breasts rammed Sarah's pair backing away slightly.
"Fuck!" moaned Sarah, losing ground.
"Already you're going down? Patheticaaah."
Sarah grabbed her sister's waist, pushing her breasts heavily into the rival pair and interrupting her arrogant sentence. Sarah's breasts pushed against her sister's, recovering lost ground and being pumped hard. Lauren moaned before hissing and grabbing her sister's waist.
Thrusting in turn, Lauren's nipples chased and faced Sarah's turgid tips, bending and thrusting into each other's flesh. Suddenly, Sarah's eyes went wide as Lauren's nipples rammed her left aureole without warning, past her tips.
Lauren lifted her shoulders to slide her heavy tits over the rival pair, Sarah responded by thrusting forward, relishing the frustration of her sister's moan. Sarah pushed further with a satisfied expression as Lauren's pair seemed to lose shape.
The brunette met the rival force, causing her to moan when she pushed back with equal force. Their grunts mingled with the sweaty slaps of their flesh as the two sisters slammed and rubbed their breasts together.
Sarah continued to work her sweaty tits over her sister's pair, her flesh continuing to warp from the force of her thrusts. Lauren grunted to reciprocate the thrusts, crushing her sister's pair in turn.
Kneeling on the bed, leaning against each other mercilessly, their tits continued to rub against each other. Sarah sighed and moaned more over time, feeling how Lauren's tits seemed to slowly consume her sister's pair. In Sarah's eyes was the effort to counter, pushing back to give her rival no chance to continue.
Sarah relinquished the hold she had on her sister, pushing her breasts together to create space between their bodies. Lauren let out a grunt of surprise as she felt her body sway backward while Sarah had time to swing her breasts against her sister's.
The meaty slap filled the room, followed by Lauren's stifled groan of pain as she was forced to lean on her elbows to keep from falling onto her back. In her aching eyes, her sister could see the anger at losing her earlier advantage.
"What's the matter, sister? Can't you handle my girls?" smiled Sarah arrogantly.
Snarling, Lauren returned to her knees and threw herself against her sister, pushing her shoulders back to increase the force of the blow, closing her left breast against Sarah's right. The brunette moaned with her mouth closed, gritting her teeth to swing back.
The two girls continued to sway their breasts, little fleshy slaps and beads of sweat leaping off their flesh at the exact moment each pair slammed into the other repeatedly, their breaths interrupted by the moans they tried not to let out of their lips.
The sound of the meaty, wet slaps that continued intense and incessant filled their minds, neither girl hinting to slow down as they gritted their teeth to resist the pain.
The two sisters continued to move their bodies back and forth, panting in pain as their uniform breasts continued to slam together every second, watching their flesh deform with each stroke.
After interminable minutes, Sarah could see the despondency in her sister's moist eyes as she began to take control of the painful exchange, striking hard before pressing her tits into the torque of an increasingly panting Lauren.
Sarah smiled arrogantly and excitedly at just imagining the frustration her sister must have felt when she felt she was losing the confrontation between them, hearing how she was trying harder and harder to put force behind her attacks, yet always being pushed back.
Lauren moaned again, but her breasts continued to struggle more and more, finally beginning to push her sister's body back. Sarah clenched her lips, feeling herself being pushed back and the pain increasing again. With a desperate gesture, the two girls pushed their breasts together, leaving them crushed, before maneuvering them against each other.
The eyes of the two sisters focused on the spectacular struggle taking place between their breasts, their flesh mingling relentlessly, the hard points continuing to duel like swords before stabbing like daggers into each other's flesh.
"," hissed Lauren, pushing forward.
"My...tits...are better," growled Sarah, pushing back.
Squinting, Sarah pushed harder to create space between their bodies, then swung her breasts to the side making Lauren moan in pain. A surprised moan escaped the brunette's lips as Sarah pushed forward again, feeling how her pair finally seemed to win the space between them.
A second later, Lauren pushed from below and lifted her sister's pair upward, flattening them against her pair as Sarah gritted her teeth. The two sisters continued to press the other wearily, slapping their breasts together and dragging their girls against each other.
The clash kept going back and forth, the girls' unsteady movements not hiding the trembling of their bodies as their breasts painfully met. Each face betrayed pain as they forced their breasts together again.
Lauren wrapped her arms around her sister's body, crushing her boobs into her rival ones. Sarah gasped as she felt the grip tighten and the smile on Lauren's lips increase.
"I'll...crush you," hissed Lauren.
The sister strained harder, twisting her shoulders as much as possible to grind her tits more into those of her sister. Sarah in turn wrapped her arms around her sister's body, locking each other in place. Squeezing and grinding, their flesh swelled more, neither pair of breasts seeming to be able to occupy the other's space.
Sweaty and fatigued, the two sisters used the last reserves of energy in their breasts to dig into the rival pair. Squeezing beyond their limits, they could feel their flesh shrinking more and more, convinced that they would eventually consume the enemy pair with their own.
Neither had any intention of stopping fighting, but both moaned together as they felt how their tits gave ground, shifting to the side. Sarah gasped uncomfortably, feeling her pair flatten incredibly. Lauren squeezed again, shuddering as her flesh sagged against his chest.
Forcing their breasts to squeeze again, they stared at each other one last time with tears in their eyes as the pain increased, then leaned into each other, reaching the end.
The clock struck midnight.
The two couples canceled each other out, merging into one sweaty, fleshy body as the two sisters' bodies trembled from the effort. Sarah and Lauren fell to the side, remaining embraced as their bodies fell long on the bed.
Panting, they stood motionless in the darkness of the night. Their bodies were pervaded by the pounding flow of their blood, pumped by their maddened hearts as their breasts were defeated by their sister's pair. Lowering their gaze, they both saw how neither had been able to win, silently cursing themselves for failing to prove themselves better.
"Bitch," whispered Lauren.
"Bitch," whispered Sarah.
The two sisters remained still for a few seconds before releasing each other and breathing again. The frigid air on their heated breasts was worse than a stiletto to the heart, but at the moment they had no other energy to complain. Sarah could have gotten up and moved to her bed, but she was too tired to do so.
Turning again, the two girls exchanged an eloquent look, full of hatred and jealousy. A look that was worth a thousand words, sharing a single thought:
"Next time I will win."
Both then closed their eyes. That battle was over.


The bed creaked in rhythm, the girl's naked body trembling in pleasure as his body continued to pleasure him. It seemed to have gone back years, the discovery of first love and the first time.
The rhythm increased again as well as their breaths grew in intensity. The girl tightened her grip on his hair, pulling him even closer, kissing with wild intensity as his manhood moved in and out of her pussy, tickling her clitoris.
Faster still, the girl's moans left her lips with more frequency as their hips slammed incessantly with wet slaps, her huge fleshy breasts bouncing up and down wildly as the two boys fucked in the same bed he and his ex made love to.
His hands locked on the sheets, clutching them in pleasure as the orgasm hit the girl, moaning as she screamed his name. He listened with excitement to the crystalline voice of his new flame, feeling the warm body envelop him again as the girl still trembled.
On the nightstand beside the bed, a photo of him and his ex-girlfriend had been altered with an X made with lipstick. The symbol covered the ex-girlfriend's face and barely concealed breasts. A thump of the bed, and the photo fell face down.
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2023, 01:46:45 AM »
Is there a sequel to Amanda and Irîs fight ?


Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2023, 08:19:07 AM »
More like double treat. Thankyou for providing 2 fights before new year. I couldn't help but compare and both of the fights are interesting but i think Amanda vs Iri was just more intense and involving. Amanda was able to beat Demi and Iri being able to draw with her speaks alot about Iri.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline BlondeCurves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2023, 05:17:38 PM »
I love it!


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2023, 12:03:14 AM »
Thanks for the nice words. My plan wasn't to put two fights in one story, but to post one before Christmas and one before New Year's.
Unfortunately the weather is always short so I opted for this version, trying to make it warmer for everyone!
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Offline Maria Curves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2023, 06:27:56 AM »
Amanda vs Iri was top notch. I have to say the best action that Sarah had was with Ana.


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2023, 08:12:02 PM »
Love these especially bits us younger girls that get to fight


Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2024, 11:01:10 AM »
This was really good. I am waiting for Sarah vs Demi.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline krrishtiano

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Double Trouble
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2024, 10:21:00 PM »
One of the best stories you’ve written. Thank you for your work