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Womens Pro Wrestling

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Offline Denim Fritz

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Womens Pro Wrestling
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:39:13 PM »
Our first match is Rachel who weighs in at 143 and is wearing a black and blue two piece. She is facing Jill who weighs in at 124 and is wearing a purple two piece. These two fought hard both seeking thier first win ever. Rachel had the advantage in the early going of the match. She spent nearly 5 minutes working on Jill's arm. Jill however was able to break out of the hold and was able to whip Rachel into the ropes and hit her with a big dropkick. Next Jill said that it was over as she wen to the top rope but as she jumped off the top rope to deliver a big splash Rachel moved out of the way. Jill then hit the mat hard and as she was laying there in pain. Rachel picked Jill up and gave Jill her finishing move the swinging neck breaker and thats all it took as Rachel picks up the win. Your winner of the match is Rachel.

Our next match is Marilee who weighs in at 120 and is wearing a pink and green two piece. She is facing Brooke who weighs in 165 and is wearing a blue one piece. This match lasted about three minutes. Brooke just over powered the much smaller Marilee who did not stand a chance in this match. She spent the first two minutes just working over Marilee's back and ribs and then finished her off by putting her up into the toruture rack leaving Marille screaming that she gave up. Brooke then just droped her hard on the mat. Your winner of the match is Brooke.