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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 12 - The aftermath

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 12 - The aftermath
« on: January 20, 2024, 04:03:16 PM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 12
       The Aftermath

        They slept. All the reserves of energy were gone. The intensity
        had drained them and the only relief available was sleep.

        They lay together in that position, Emily above Joy, until they
        awoke nearly two and a half hours later. Shaking a few cobwebs
        from her head, Emily heard the clock chiming and when it reached
        six o’clock it stunned her awake. Her parents were expected to
        arrive home between 9 and 10 pm and she wanted to have all
        evidence of her weekend tryst gone before they arrived. There
        was still time to accomplish the cleanup but another thought
        intruded. What had happened? WHO HAD WON?

        The kind of mutually satisfying blissful sex she had just shared
        with Joy was not exactly what had been in her mind as the kind
        of conclusion she had hoped for. In fact it was hardly
        definitive at all. With the evenness of all their earlier
        competitions and the awareness that the girl underneath her was
        now stirring too, made her feel a momentary pang of fear. What
        if Joy returned to fighting right now? What if Joy challenged
        her again? What if the aches and pains she was just now becoming
        aware of prevented her from taking care of Joy in the way she
        had wished for since May?

        All these concerns turned out to be moot. As Joy stirred and
        opened her eyes, not yet understanding the time or the thoughts
        that had been troubling Emily for the past moments, she looked
        up at Emily and smiled. It was a slow deliberate and engaging
        smile. Even though her hair was a mess, her face streaked with
        sweat, her body sticky with the dried secretions from every part
        of their two bodies, she transmitted a message of great joy to
        Emily. Finally, with her senses returned she spoke the first
        conversational words spoken between them in several hours. “I
        guess you win.”

        Emily was a bit shocked to hear Joy say those words of defeat.
        She just lay there atop Joy wondering at what thoughts had
        caused her to admit that she was the victor. She looked down at
        Joy and smiled back at her, “Yes.” She spoke tentatively enough
        that Joy sensed it and she responded, “Well, you’ve been on top
        of me for the last three of four hours and the time is up. You
        are the winner. I can’t believe it but you got me and you got me
        good on that last one. I submitted to you totally, and to my
        pleasure, that total submission set me off like nothing else
        ever could. I have to admit that you are one terrific fuck.”

        A nice tingly sensation shot down Emily’s spine as she listened
        to Joy’s words: eloquent and to the point. She continued her big
        smile of happiness and she in turn complimented Joy on her own
        prowess as a lover. “Well dear, I don’t really know if we ended
        up fighting of loving or what, but whatever it was it was
        absolutely great. I hurt all over my body right now, but it was
        all worth it. You set me off with your hot body as though a
        supernova had blasted an entire galaxy apart. It was incredible.”

        They lay in each other’s arms for just a couple more minutes
        before Emily finally extricated herself from the arms of Joy.
        Their sticky skin pulled slowly apart and when she finally
        rolled off and stood up, it was the first time in about seven
        hours that their bodies had parted. It was then that Joy arose
        and noticed the camera. It had been chugging along, snapping
        still shots for several hours unnoticed by either girl.
        Obviously their minds were elsewhere. With another big smile she
        pointed to the camera and the scoreboard. She walked over and
        erased everything and then wrote just two words on the
        whiteboard: Emily wins! Standing beside it she motioned for
        Emily to join her. Obliging with a big smile, Emily sauntered
        over and then the two tired girls posed for their last picture.
        Joy pointed to the equipment and noted “Well, I guess this is
        yours now.” Emily was happy to have won, but a little
        disconcerted at the ease with which Joy had agreed to the
        finality of her victory so quickly. Something didn’t seem quite

        Emily suggested that Joy go and shower and that she would begin
        the cleanup, mentioning that her parents would be home before
        10:00. Joy quickly showered and collected her small bag of
        things and while Emily showered, she contributed some cleanup
        chores to the task on behalf of Emily. When Emily came out of
        the shower Joy asked her to come and have a seat beside her on
        the couch. Wondering what Joy was thinking, she obliged.

        As she sat down, Joy held out her hand for Emily. She held her
        hand and proceeded to tell her a little secret. “I’ve been a
        little deceptive with you. Our whole confrontation began back in
        the spring with the incident at play practice. I desperately
        wanted to play the lead role in next year’s musical and I
        thought that anything I might do to have Mr. Slater think fondly
        of me would play in my favor. You upset my plans by trying to
        outdo me with your own actions. Your body and your tits became a
        barrier to what I wanted. I ached for victory over you and after
        your little birthday party I was happy to have put you in your
        place. It was so nice of your parents to have left you alone
        like that and to have done so again this time. But I must
        confess that I was able to get away so easily because my own
        parents were coincidentally out of town as well. You know my
        parents. Well, my mother is an assistant professor at the
        university and for years she has held her teaching job here
        because this is where my father has his law practice. Well, an
        opportunity came up for my mother up in Minnesota. The weekend
        of your birthday, my parents flew up there to look over the
        University of Minnesota and to have her final interview for a
        professorship there. Before school was even out she decided to
        accept the position and my father agreed to look for a law firm
        up there. He found one right away and this weekend they flew up
        again to look for houses. When school starts here this fall I
        will be long gone. We are moving to Minnesota and I’ll be
        attending my senior year there. I won’t be here to try out for
        the plays. You won’t have me to worry about anymore.”

        Emily was dumbfounded. “How come you went through all this if
        you knew that you wouldn’t even be here for your senior year?”

        “I wanted to beat you so badly that fighting with you became
        more important than the acting roles we both want. When you beat
        me that first night at my house, I wanted revenge in the most
        awful way. When I got it at your party, I thought at first that
        I would be satisfied, but shortly afterward I found myself
        wanting to compete with you just as much as before. When I
        discovered your note in my locker at school, it was music to my
        ears. I couldn’t wait to get at you all over again. And I must
        say, even though you put me through a lot, I know that I put you
        through a lot as well. It was WELL worth it.”

        Emily listened intently to Joy’s words, letting them sink in
        before replying, “I guess we are just two peas in a pod. I too
        desired this sex competition with you in the worst way and I
        admit to being overjoyed (pun intended) when you accepted my
        challenge. I just wonder, what are you going to do now?”

        “Well, if my parents found a house and can purchase it before
        school starts we will all be moving to Minnesota when the deal
        is done. If they can’t we’ll rent an apartment until they get a
        house. Either way I’ll be in Minnesota when school starts. I
        better go now so you can finish up around the house.” Joy leaned
        over close to Emily and planted a soft gentle loving kiss on
        Emily’s pouty lips. She rose with her bag and walked to the
        door, paused and just before she closed the door behind her
        said, “ I’ll admit you won today, but I still think I am better
        than you sexually.” A tear formed in the corner of Emily’s eye
        as Joy walked away.

        Peasant Actresses 3

        It is now November and I have heard that indeed, Emily will be
        having a lead role in the December play at the local high
        school. Joy and her family have moved away and I haven’t heard
        anything about them since August. One interesting tidbit I heard
        though is that Emily is now expanding her horizons regarding
        which colleges she might be interested in. Her dream of
        attending an exclusive eastern private school has been expanded
        to include some of the big universities in the Midwest. I’ve
        been told she has even submitted an application to the
        University of Minnesota!

        The End
HG Hunt