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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 10 - Saturday Evening

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 10 - Saturday Evening
« on: January 15, 2024, 07:22:12 PM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 10 - Saturday Evening

        By 5:00 the energy level of both girls was only marginally
        returned. Each had expended so much in the last 48 hours that it
        was slow to return. They had not talked much as they relaxed. In
        fact they even dozed off again briefly. By 5:30 the two girls
        had begun to stir.

        Joy’s body ached. Her muscles still burned from the strain of
        her exertion. She wished she could just sleep for hours to
        relieve her soreness. She knew Emily must be feeling the same,
        but she dared not let on to her that she wanted a break. She had
        known from the start that this marathon contest would test her
        limits and the way she felt now was proof that she had been
        right. While not exactly in real pain, her stiff, sore muscles
        begged her for relief. Besides that her pussy was feeling pretty
        sore too. The long bout with Emily’s pussy, submerged in
        chlorinated water made it feel burned and itchy. She really
        needed a nice soothing shower or bath. She looked at Emily who
        made a big stretch, extending her arms far above her head and
        extending her legs to their fullest, as though she too was
        trying to relieve some of the stiffness from her joints and

        When Emily stood up and stretched a second time she turned to
        Joy and suggested that they plan on their next match at 7:00 and
        between now and then they could shower and even get dressed for
        dinner. They had spent most of the last 48 hours naked and the
        thought of getting dressed for dinner appealed to Joy. There was
        much of the fabulous food from Thursday still uneaten and having
        a real sit-down meal instead of quick snacks would hit the spot.
        Emily offered to let Joy have the first shower or bath and so
        Joy, relieved by Emily’s suggestions, went to cleanse herself.

        She put the water on hot and added some skin conditioner to the
        bath. She soaked for twenty minutes before shampooing and
        conditioning her hair. Spending several minutes with Emily’s
        hair dryer she was able to bring her hair back to some semblance
        of its beauty that it showed on the 4th of July. She even
        slipped her gown back on as she exited the bathroom. She greeted
        Emily who smiled at her appearance with a smile of her own. She
        went to the kitchen to see that Emily had begun preparations for
        the meal by setting out the food and getting out the dishes. Joy
        set to work zapping the food that needed to be heated in the
        microwave and waited for Emily.

        Emily, relieved to be able to slip into the hot water, hoped
        that her aching body would recuperate enough for her to fulfill
        what she felt was her destiny. She was pleased to know that she
        was 3 points up on Joy at this stage of the contest, but knew
        that the hardest parts were yet to come. The way her body felt,
        she didn’t know if she could will it to keep up the pace of
        their confrontations. The muscles in her thighs burned from
        overexertion. Her back was sore in many places. Her labia itched
        as much as Joy’s did, and the fatigue was settling in so much it
        seemed like the normal state. Joy had showed no signs of
        symptoms of distress, but she hoped that it was as much acting
        as she had used to hide her own aches and pains. Her anxiousness
        to fulfill her destiny, as she viewed it, must be tempered by
        the need to preserve her body for the duration. She had added
        skin conditioner to the water and then she finished off her bath
        with a shampoo. She did feel much better and the idea of
        dressing up appealed to her, so following Joy’s lead she donned
        her gown and fixed her hair for the meal.

        She met Joy in the kitchen finishing the meal prep. They each
        complimented the other on their appearance and they sat down for
        a relaxing meal. Talk again was minimal, but pleasant. Emily
        kept eyeing Joy for signs of stress, but she was not hinting at
        any trouble. The mealtime passed too quickly. It was now 7:00
        and Emily knew she had to advance the agenda or appear weak in
        Joy’s eyes.

        Joy waited for Emily to make her move, and after the cleanup,
        she watched as Emily headed over to the table with all the toys
        and stare at them for a few moments. Clearly she was thinking
        about the choice of toy/weapon for the next round in their
        ambitious battle. For her part, Emily had been trying to decide
        on a contest that would at least allow for a little more healing
        of her pussy and still allow her to show Joy who was the real
        woman here. A little light went on in her brain as her eyes
        passed over the smaller of the double-headed dildos. ASSES. YES,
        they could see whose bum-hole could take more. While neither of
        them had ever had anal sex (unless you count fingers), they both
        knew that men were often appreciative of girls whose ass could
        double as a cock-hole. She picked it up and smiled as she turned
        to face Joy, who returned her smile.

        “I have here a nice little purple toy. I think I would like to
        fuck you in the ass with it!”

        “Oooooo! Really. Just how will you do that?”

        “Can’t you see this has two heads. One for me and one for you.
        We work them into each of our bums and then we fuck each other
        until one of us quits. Accidental discharges don’t count. One of
        us must quit for a winner to be declared. I hope your hole is in
        good shape, because I plan to ream it good. We can go ‘natural’
        or if you please we can lube it up real good with some of that
        gel. Its your choice.”

        “Fine! Fine. I’ll take your asshole on any time. It ain’t gonna
        give me any problem at all. Because I want this to last a while,
        I suggest we use the lube. Get your dress off girl!” Joy’s last
        comment came out as a command and she did her part by
        immediately removing her dress to stand naked once again in
        front of Emily.

        Emily yanked her dress over her head in seconds and stood close
        to Joy holding out the device for her. Joy took the dildo, using
        her fingers to appreciate its size and texture, wondering what
        it would feel like stuck in her anus. Emily fetched the tube of
        gel and squirted a gob of it on her hand and then handed it to
        Joy. Joy gobbed her hand with a bunch and the two girls bent
        over and rubbed as much of it as they could all over their
        assholes. Turning to face each other one last time Joy squirted
        more of the jelly on the dildo and rubbed it all over its total
        length. It glistened in the early evening sun that was now
        shining in through the west windows. Joy spread out a blanket on
        the floor and turned to stare at Joy.

        “Get ready to lose, bitch.” Joy’s haughty remark showed that her
        desire for victory had not ebbed. Even though she was 3 wins
        behind, she echoed the same motivation that she came here with
        on Thursday night.

        “Get on the floor, bitch.” Emily spit her remark with as much
        venom as she could muster, and in a quick move she dropped to
        the floor and turned her ass towards Emily. Emily fell to her
        hands and knees and moved back towards Emily holding the dildo
        behind her until she felt Emily’s hand grab her end of the toy.
        Carefully they slid closer together and with each girl’s hand
        guiding her own end into her anus. This was a new experience for
        both and it took a moment for them to relax their sphincter
        muscles sufficiently to allow penetration. But penetrate they
        did. Each found the technique at about the same time, and with
        the pressure they were applying they felt about an inch of the
        device slide inside. The gel made its entry relatively painless.
        The girls were actually clueless about what this would really
        feel like, but they were intent on success. Emily wiggled her
        ass back a few inches as Joy did the same. The fullness in their
        rectum became instantly noticed as their holes devoured the
        purple toy. The shiny middle of the dildo showed about four
        inches as the other ten inches had slid into one girl or the
        other. Neither knew just what depth of penetration she was
        capable of so they proceeded slowly, inching their asses closer
        together until they felt the tips of the device pushing firmly
        on their insides. Luckily this happened just as their ass cheeks
        touched. They could devour the whole dildo between them, each
        consuming about seven inches. Feeling almost embarrassed by the
        full feeling inside they were both tentative at first in waging
        their contest. Not knowing how much pressure or depth the other
        girl was feeling made judging progress difficult. Slowly,
        however they began the ritual they had used before. Pulling and
        pushing that dildo against the other became their realm.

        Each girl tried to take the initiative. With the preliminary
        tentativeness behind them they began forcefully pounding,
        attacking each other with gusto. Emily tried hard to squeeze the
        slippery cock between her cheeks as she pushed towards Joy’s
        ass. The slippery device wasn’t very cooperative with either
        girl’s intentions though, and not much control could be
        maintained, especially since both girls were trying the same
        tactic. In and out the tool went, filling more and less of their
        brown holes as they fought. As vigorous as they pushed against
        each other, the intensity was a notch lower because of the
        muscle fatigue that had not gone away. Their asses slapped
        together in staccato rhythm as the artificial phallus jammed its
        way deep inside their well-jelled hole. Each could feel the
        intensity and power behind her and each enjoyed the thrill of
        this battle. This was different though from most of their
        earlier wars. The sexual excitement was not present, or at least
        not much. Certainly sharing something so intimate with another
        girl caused a touch of arousal, this was definitely not the
        center of either girl’s sexual nerve center. Therefore the
        divine dilemma of earlier confrontations was not present. This
        was turning into something quite pure. Who could take the aching
        and pain the longest. After ten minutes the slippery tube had
        lost some of its juice and the in and out motion began tugging
        at the anal tissues of both girls. Each out-stroke pulled the
        stretched hole outward like a balloon under pressure. Each
        in-stroke stuffed more of her skin inside her. The stretching
        and pulling began to take its toll on both girls. Even the
        sporadic instances when their pussies collided with the other
        girl’s leg as they twisted and turned for effect didn’t distract
        them from the focus of their collisions. Small jolts of sexual
        pleasure would squirt from cell to cell in their bodies, but it
        couldn’t overpower the uncomfortable nature of their anal battle.

        Joy could not gauge her opponent very well. All she knew is that
        every push was met by an equal and opposing push, coming from
        Emily’s ass behind her. Neither girl spent much time with her
        head turned to see what her opponent was up to. They just looked
        forward and tried to concentrate on dishing out as much
        punishment as they could. Joy thrust her ass directly backward.
        She angled her attacks to push the dildo sideways as it slid far
        into Emily’s bum. She lowered her butt and attacked upward. All
        this was to try to irritate as much tissue as she could inside
        Emily’s dark opening.

        Emily felt Joy’s twisting action and she countered with her own
        diagonal thrusts. In all this, the dildo kept its place between
        them. It never disengaged. As each girl pulled away to prepare
        for a charge, they managed to keep at least an inch or two
        inside. The double purple phallus was getting quite a work out.
        In and out, side to side, and up and down it went. Emily knew
        the progress toward finality was advancing. She was a long way
        from giving up, but the irritation of her tissues was beginning
        to bother her. She knew it must be causing Joy discomfort too.
        Twenty minutes had passed and they were still banging each
        other’s bums with vicious intent. Their energy was lower, as
        might be expected, but neither girl showed signs of collapse.
        Their arms ached from the need to hold her torso up as they
        gained leverage for their backstrokes.

        By 7:30 all the lubricating gel had been used up and the
        increased friction began to irritate even more. It was only a
        matter of time before one girl could no longer take the heat.
        Joy heard Emily whimper. At least she thought she did. It was a
        small noise, barely audible above the music that still thumped a
        beat throughout the house. It gave Joy resolve to accept the
        punishment her ass was taking. Many times Emily’s thrusts had
        pushed the far end deep inside her rectum causing significant
        pain several inches inside. She committed herself to accepting
        this pain and when she heard another whimper a couple minutes
        later she believed she was in the advantage.

        Emily had let out a couple of whimpers, true, but they were
        meaningless in her mind. To her this battle was still
        even-Steven. Her ass was taking a real beating but she was sure
        that Joy would succumb first. When Joy’s elbows gave out and her
        body slumped to the floor for a second, it gave Emily her first
        inclination that Joy was in retreat. Joy bounced back up right
        away and continued her pounding against Emily’s pushes.
        Reinvigorated, Emily endured her own pain to try to inflict even
        more on Joy. She caused Joy to fall face forward on the blanket
        once and as she got back up, Emily’s next thrust forced her back
        down again, pushing her off the blanket and onto the carpet.
        Irritated at the success of Emily’s attack, Joy quit bumping
        backwards but let her ass take the beating Emily’s thrusts
        provided. She simply pushed with all her strength and crawled
        backwards on hands and knees forcing Emily to move in that
        direction or lose her balance and fall forward like Joy had.
        Having regained parity on the blanket, Joy resumed her bouncing

        Emily had hoped for a more clear-cut advantage from knocking Joy
        forward off the blanket. When Joy arose and pushed her back,
        Emily was disconcerted. As she ached from the thwarted
        advantage, she felt an extra-powerful thrust from Joy that
        somehow caused the toy to probe deeper than ever before inside
        her tube, stretching her outer anus skin further inside as well.
        Jolts of pain raced through her and she fell to the floor as her
        own hands gave out. She recovered in an instant before Joy could
        take positional advantage, but it angered her that she had
        succumbed like that, just as Joy had only a minute before.

        Somehow, deep inside, Joy had found a reserve of fortitude.
        Accepting the irritation and pain she squeezed her butt cheeks
        as hard together as she could before her thrust in reverse. This
        caused the false cock to delve its furthest yet inside Emily.
        Wham! It was like the jolt one might get when punched solidly in
        the gut. In fact that is what it was, from the inside. Emily
        felt it again. The rounded end of that purple devil was pounding
        deeper and deeper into her. She felt as though she must be
        bruising in there from the way it felt. She didn’t know how it
        was happening, but she wanted it to stop! She pushed back as
        before, but each time she felt the same result. Three times,
        four times, five times, ten times, and as the ramming home
        continued, and Joy heard “Uumph,” from Emily’s mouth several
        times, Joy gritted her teeth through her own pain and pushed for
        a victory. Emily’s arms gave out again. She was slow to get up
        and Joy now was thrusting downwards and with even more power
        with a little help from gravity.

        In fact, Emily just lay there accepting Joy’s bunghole banging
        as long as she could. But in another three minutes it was over.
        Emily yelled out, “Stop! Oh shit, stop!”

        Joy slowed but didn’t remove her ass yet, asking, “Are you
        giving up?”

        “Yes! Just get your ass off of me!”

        Well, hearing Emily beg was music to Joy’s ears. It had been a
        while since she had claimed a victory and this was sweet as a
        result. But she couldn’t resist the temptation to rub it in, and
        therefore she didn’t immediately get off. Instead she took the
        inactivity of Emily as an opportunity to ream her a few more
        times. Even though her own hole was very sore, she managed
        another quick half-dozen plunges before slowly extricating
        herself from the toy that had impaled her for the last 40
        minutes. She stood up and felt very relieved to be rid of that
        thing. Emily lay on the floor face down with that big purple
        dildo sticking out of her ass, pretty as could be. Joy looked
        down at her and chuckled. “It’s about time I had this view of
        the bitch!” She thought to herself. She smiled as Emily slowly
        reached behind her and pulled it from her body, tossing it aside
        before rolling over to see Joy gloating above her.

        It was a pained smile that Emily managed as she stood up. “You
        cxnt. I’ll get you for that!”, she said, referring to Joy’s
        attack after the bell. Joy just let out a little whistle to
        indicate she was carefree and not at all worried by the threat.
        Stepping over to the white board, she patted it to let Emily
        know it was time for the score to be posted. Slowly Emily made
        her way to the board and used the black marker to write:
        DoubleBum, Joy wins. Totals now read Emily 15.5, Joy 13.5. It
        was now nearly 8:00 pm on Saturday and they had been together
        for more than 50 hours. Much had transpired between them and the
        score was a reminder of all of that. The picture was snapped and
        Joy changed the memory cartridge again. She wondered what all
        those images might look like. She remembered the bet and her
        just-concluded victory gave her more confidence than ever that
        it would be she who would walk out tomorrow with the camera and
        the images. She hated the thought of Emily maintaining ownership
        of them.

        Emily’s words snapped Joy from her reverie. “I’ll have my
        revenge you know. Don’t smirk so much, its unbecoming.”

        “Fuck you. I’ll smirk as much as I want. I just proved my ass
        better than yours and there’s nothing you can say to make it any

        “You heard me! I said I’ll get revenge for what you did to me at
        the end. I’ll take great pleasure in it too! Besides, if you
        care to look at the score you’ll see that I’m still 2 points
        ahead of you.”

        Joy couldn’t contain her belligerent attitude, “Those points
        mean nothing. If you are going to make threats then you should
        here mine. I’m going to whip you in the next battle and the next
        and the next and as many battles as we can have. In the end it
        will be me who walks out of here as the ‘ONE ROSE’. You can bet
        your bottom dollar on that!”

        The two angry girls had to use immense self-control to avoid
        attacking each other right then. But neither wanted to be the
        one to admit she had had enough of the competitions, and so they
        cooled off a bit, took a break to clean up and returned to the
        living room. Joy took the liberty of changing the music as Emily
        finished in the bathroom, and when she came out a retro tune
        from Jim Morrison and the Doors filled the air with Light My Fire.

        The song set the stage for what was to follow. Joy walked over
        to the low table and perused the toys with Emily at her side.
        She reached for the clips on a string. Picking them up she
        snickered at the thought of hooking up to Emily with them. She
        put them down and picked up one of the strap-ons and felt the
        rigidity and thickness of the cock. Next she lifted the bright
        shiny red dildo that had a large appendage at the base with
        multiple bumps of hard plastic all along the front. Obviously it
        would allow for vaginal penetration and clitoral stimulation
        simultaneously. Emily watched as Joy touched or picked up nearly
        every other toy on the table. When Joy picked up the largest
        double-headed dildo and caressed it gently Emily winced a little
        inside. She wasn’t in the mood for the big guy right now.
        Thankfully Joy set it back down and returned to the bright red
        dildo with the clit stimulating bumps. Joy picked up its mate,
        which was also red. She held it out for Emily. Breathing a sigh
        of relief she took it and the two girls looked at each other for
        signs of the hidden feelings. Emily pushed her fatigue and
        distress from the last match into the recesses of her brain and
        lifted the toy to her mouth and inserted it as her eyes teased
        Joy with a look of lust.

        Each of the toys had a handle below the ‘working end’ and this
        would allow for considerable control by the person wielding the
        toy. Emily wrapped two hands on her handle and gave it a quick,
        menacing jab into the air. She meant to show Emily that she was
        serious about the next fight. Mission accomplished. Emily
        understood completely and she followed with a jab of her own.
        Joy spoke up next, “I propose we use these on each other. The
        mission is to produce as many orgasms from the other as possible
        within a set time frame. I think we should avoid violent uses
        and stick to the erotic. It’s more fun that way. We can keep a
        supply of oil handy. If either of us can’t continue then the
        other girl will automatically be declared the winner, regardless
        of the orgasm count. Can you live with that?”

        “Oh, that’s right up my alley. Tee-hee. You’ll not be happy when
        this is over, slut.”

        “Ouch! Calling me names really hurts.” Sarcasm dripped from
        Joy’s tongue as she moved a bit closer to Emily. “I say we set a
        time limit of 2 hours. That OK?”

        Emily motioned toward the back door. “Outside?”

        “Sure.” With that Joy and Emily walked out into the cooling
        night air and spread a blanket on the ground. The timer was set
        on the table nearby and Emily set it for two hours. “Let’s get
        this show on the road.” Emily walked over to Joy, slapping the
        dildo in her other hand as she approached. “You can’t intimidate
        me,” Joy nonchalantly mentioned as Emily got right up to her.
        Joy continued, “Hell, I’ll even give you a head start. I’ll lie
        back and let you have my pussy for ten minutes before I even
        start trying to bring you off.”

        Emily was a bit taken aback by the brashness of Joy’s proposal.
        She couldn’t believe that Joy, behind by two points, would risk
        so much with the offer. Was it pure bravado and confidence, or
        did Joy have an ulterior motive? Emily didn’t know what to make
        of the offer but she retorted in an instant, “You’ll regret
        that. Lay down!”

        Joy lay on the blanket and spread her legs wide for Emily. Emily
        knelt beside her and with her left hand began kneading Joy’s
        boobs. Her right hand held the wand gently and let it glide
        smoothly over Joy’s lower belly. She let the weight of the wand
        rest delicately on Joy’s bare mound of Venus. Joy looked up at
        Emily as she felt the tip of the dildo brush ever so gently
        across her labia. The pussy lips that had endured so much in the
        past two days were now about to be tested again.

        Joy was the one passively accepting Emily’s ministrations, but
        surprisingly she felt completely in control. She felt a glow of
        contentment as she relished the hidden power she felt in letting
        Emily have her way with her. She shivered as the toy slid all
        around the confluence of her widely splayed legs. Emily did not
        choose for an immediate insertion of the very red dildo. She
        wanted to make sure that the soft nerve endings of Joy’s lips
        were gently aroused with delicate touches. Two or three minutes
        of this and Emily noted the delicate drops of feminine dew-lust
        forming on the edges of her pinkish lips that she prodded the
        tip of the dildo between her outer lips. Without pushing deep
        she continued to let just the tip explore the outer regions of
        Joy’s vagina. Her left hand continued persuasive kneading of
        Joy’s tits and nipples.

        Emily tried to dismiss Joy’s bravado by focusing on her task,
        hoping to greatly arouse her and possibly even force an orgasm
        before the 10 minutes went by. She badly wanted a win here and
        regain the three point lead she had earlier. As much as she
        tried, however, she couldn’t get Joy’s confidence out of her
        mind. The feeling of loss had not gone away, and Joy rubbing it
        in by giving her the head start still irked her immensely. It
        was difficult to feel confident right now. She didn’t quite no
        what to make of Joy’s behavior. She kept up the task, however,
        and was pleased to see a little bit of squirming from Joys hips.
        Rededicating herself to the task she slowly inserted the toy
        further, still avoiding the total insertion that would bring the
        clit-tickler into contact with her already flushed clitoris.

        Eight minutes in to the contest and Joy did not perform any
        mental gymnastics to try to forestall her arousal or orgasm. She
        had decided to just let Emily take her all the way to orgasm
        before she began to go to work on Emily. Consequently she just
        let the feelings flow through her and it was working
        magnificently. Even before the tickler touched her clit she was
        enjoying the early escalation of her pussy nerves. The technique
        Emily was using was certainly efficient. Her outer pussy lips
        were quite sensitive and the slow gentle wiggling and twisting,
        was making her feel quite aroused. Her hips were wiggling in
        concert with Emily’s actions and she even let a few low moans
        escape from her mouth. The ten-minute time had now come and gone
        and still Joy had not begun to work on Emily. Emily didn’t fret,
        but just kept her slow vagina massage going. Then as she noted
        Joy’s hips begin a slightly faster tempo of rotation against her
        toy, she switched to thrusts in and out. The first thrust to
        full penetration gave Joy the first full realization of the
        utility of that little tickler. It bumped firmly against her
        aroused clit, bombarding it with joyous jolts of pleasure. Emily
        noted the gasp from Joy on that first contact and she smiled as
        she plunged it in again and again. Each full thrust caused
        another gasp from Joy and the moaning became practically
        continuous when Emily let the dildo remain fully inserted and
        the tickler, with its bumps stimulating her clit very
        effectively she gyrated her pussy hard against the intruding
        toy. Emily wiggled the device in small circular motions and the
        feeling of the tickler against her clit made Joy scream in
        ecstasy. Her orgasm flowed effortlessly throughout her body, the
        wonderful result of the toy’s design. Her hips bucked in
        wondrous spasms of pleasure and she let it seep throughout her
        body before she regained her senses and alertness. Emily had
        just pulled the toy out when Joy spoke up. “That was GOOD! Now
        the real contest begins and you have the lead. I hope you’re not

        “Not to worry, bitch, I’m not scared the least bit. You just
        screwed up by letting me have such an easy one. You’ll never be
        able to catch up!” Emily let her voice carry a bit of contempt
        for Joy’s decision.

        “We’ll see,” retaliated Joy.

        And so they began anew. This time with bodies resting on their
        sides and one leg lifted for easy access the girls played with
        each other using the shiny toys. Joy’s pussy was already very
        lubricated and Emily returned to a similar approach from her
        first attack by inserting the false cock a couple of inches
        inside her cxnt and began slow methodical rotations within that
        outer region. Joy mirrored the motions and her insertion probed
        the new device for the very first time inside Emily’s accepting
        pussy. Physically the girls were accepting the intrusion, but
        now inside their heads, as before, each tried to minimize the
        arousal. Emily fought with the arousal from the start, but the
        physical sensations were undeniable. Her pussy began to
        lubricate. Fortunately she was in good physical shape and her
        diet had been very good so that her cxnt was able to produce
        juices in volume, even with the immense amount already produced
        during the last few days. Before long she was totally lubricated
        and the device began sliding inside deeper and deeper. Joy kept
        up gentle pressure on the toy and let it slide in and out in
        slow strokes. Her own pussy was now being worked over again and
        she too, felt the exquisite fullness the dildo provided on top
        of the pleasant, juicy friction against the walls of her cxnt.

        With both girls now working in concert (sort of) the timing and
        activities took on a new significance. Each wanted to assure
        more total orgasms in the time remaining, but each knew that the
        poor timing of any of their actions might backfire. It took five
        minutes before Joy decided to let the tickler reach its
        destination with a full penetration of Emily. “Oh God!” screamed
        Emily the moment Joy hit her spot with the clitty tickler. In a
        short moment Emily was writhing her hips in delicious agony as
        Joy rotated the toy around and around her pussy. The little
        bumps on the tickler probed and prodded her clit, causing wild
        sensations to rocketed through her pussy. Emily lost track of
        her manipulation of Joy for a moment before she regained control
        and continued her probing of Joy’s hole. The two girls were now
        locked in a duel that shared many features of their earlier
        duels. Only the detail of the clit tickler dildo was different.
        Twenty minutes had passed now and Joy could tell that her system
        response was not as diminished as she hoped it would have been.
        Shortly after Emily had shouted her oath, she too had let loose
        with a long loud moan of pleasure. Her clitty was so sensitive
        and Emily’s elegant motion so superbly erotic that she couldn’t
        stop the flow of pre-orgasmic bliss. She certainly didn’t want
        Emily to get a 2-orgasm lead. It was with utter disbelief that
        Joy let loose a scream of joy as she twirled her hips against
        the invading dildo. Her ecstasy was complete except for the
        desire to have waited longer. Renewing her efforts with the toy
        on Emily’s waiting pussy, she feverishly plunged and twisted the
        toy inside her in time with Emily’s slow gyrations. Her own
        orgasm had barely subsided when she realized the deficit needed
        immediate attention and her efforts with Emily were having the
        intended effect.

        Emily didn’t slow down her own plunging, twisting, invasion of
        Joy’s cxnt, and gritting her teeth in concentration to avoid the
        seemingly imminent approach of her own orgasm, she devilishly
        attacked Joy’s still sensitive pussy. The two young women were
        now in a very serious stage of the fight. Joy was anxiously
        trying to bring Emily off for the first time and Emily was not
        letting up her invasion of Joy in hopes of bringing number 3 off
        quickly. Emily’s pussy was sending her brain messages of
        pleasure, and her brain was sending back messages to avoid it,
        forget it, and deny it. Evidently her brain was having some
        success because it was another five minutes before her blissful
        hell was torn apart by a gut-wrenching orgasm. By that time she
        had Joy well on the way to number three. Or so she thought. Joy
        was responding in practically identical fashion to the third
        attempt as the previous two. If Emily could bring her off soon,
        she would be in a practically insurmountable lead. If not, it
        could be a race to the finish.

        The outdoor air was perfectly still and the coolness was
        beginning to descend on the girls, but they did not notice. The
        heat generated by their actions kept them very warm. Amazingly
        Joy was still very lubricated inside her pussy and Emily never
        even considered adding the oil to provide more lubrication. The
        odor was a delicious mix of summer flowers from the nearby
        garden and the intoxicating pheromone secretions of the two
        eighteen-year-old girls. A spy on the scene might have seen a
        loving toy-fuck scene and never realized the competitive nature
        of their duel. But this was very competitive. Joy was bent on
        backing up her boastful pre-fight attitude and Emily was just as
        intent not to let that happen. The plunging red phalluses and
        the soaking wet pussies were matched very well. The motions of
        one were often mirrored by the other and the back and forth
        excitement continued. It was Emily who succeeded next. Joy had
        her third orgasm before Emily had her second. But neither girl
        slowed down even a bit. Emily’s hand and arms were beginning to
        tire, but she persevered and continued right on through her own
        next orgasm, number 2.

        Plunging ahead she noticed the bottle of oil and even though she
        hadn’t noticed any diminished lubricant production form Joy’s
        wet pussy, she slathered a large squirt of oil all over the toy
        and renewed her pussy pounding with vigor.

        Joy noted the clock was at nearly one hour and she was still one
        orgasm behind. The girls had no trouble keeping track of their
        orgasms. Joy maintained a steady pace and by vacillating between
        deep pussy thrusts and short little twirls she found Emily’s
        pussy responding to the delicious touch and movement. As the
        70-minute mark approached Joy felt on the verge of number four
        and Emily still hadn’t had number 3. It seemed to be a
        tit-for-tat situation. Neither girl seemed to be gaining ground
        on the other. Joy’s arm began to tingle with fatigue in its
        early stages. But on she went. As she felt her despised orgasm
        inching closer and closer she was happy to see and feel Emily’s
        cxnt grabbing and holding the dildo as best it could. She could
        feel the difference in tension on her withdrawal strokes,
        indicating that Emily was squeezing her pussy on the red tool.
        In a moment Emily and Joy had a shared orgasm, courtesy of each
        other’s tool use.

        Both girls relaxed only a moment to let the wave of orgiastic
        gratification wash over them. Then they renewed their attacks on
        their enemy. Joy was still behind 4 to 3 and there were now 45
        minutes to go. Both girls would allow their upper hand a few
        moments of tit teasing and nipple pulling as all this pussy
        fucking was going on, but both girls maintained a clear focus on
        the other’s cxnt in seeking orgasms. Joy now grabbed the bottle
        of oil and liberally doused Emily’s groin area so that it shown
        in the reflected light of the sunset. It was now 9:30 pm and
        both girls were tiring. Neither pussy was really sore, what with
        the continued use of lubricant, but their arms and backs were
        very tired. Emily in particular, because of the vigorous workout
        she found she couldn’t make her arms work as hard and fast as
        she would have liked. She had actually been doing this for
        fifteen minutes longer than Joy and she was feeling the effects.
        By 9:45 both girls were slowing their motions but Joy managed to
        keep up a more steady and vigorous pace. Emily was actually
        taking short breaks of a minute or two before resuming her
        attack on Joy’s pussy. Hating herself for succumbing, she felt
        the next orgasm in her loins building and building as Joy
        continued her expert tempo and pressure just right. Against the
        super slick tickler her clit felt like it was on fire as the
        terribly delicious wand twisted this way and that. She exploded
        in orgasm number 4, stopping her own toying with Joy’s pussy.
        This allowed what had been Joy’s escalating fuck-drive to
        diminish and when Emily finally started in again it was from
        ground zero. Joy’s hips had stopped wiggling and writhing and
        Emily was forced to work very hard, expending large amounts of
        muscular energy to bring her back to her former level of
        horniness. By this time Joy had actually been able to recycle
        Emily’s fuck-happy cxnt back to expectant bliss. Against all her
        motivation she felt her cxnt muscles twitch and her hips
        involuntarily begin to buck and thrust against its now familiar
        invader. She was beginning to hate everything about that dildo:
        the fact that she bought it, the designer who put that clit
        tickler and its wonderful bumps in just the right spot, its
        color, its length, and everything else about it. Joy was having
        too much success! Wham! She came again and Joy came right
        behind. It was 9:55 pm and only twenty minutes to go! The score
        was 5 to 5. The last twenty minutes would be the deciding time.
        It was now a dead heat, but Joy already felt like a winner,
        having spotted Joy the first success.

        Joy could tell that Emily had been tiring and she could only
        hope that her own tiredness wouldn’t diminish her effectiveness
        in the last round.

        Emily was not finished by any means, however. She did not quit.
        She pulled from deep within her a reserve of fortitude and
        energy to keep going and the erotic sights, sounds, and smells
        were keeping them both in an attitude of lustful plenty.

        Neither girl offered any sign that she was content to let the
        other accede to the throne of this battle’s championship. Even
        if the arms and hands couldn’t move as vigorously as before it
        wasn’t for lack of effort. The mental fortitude that drove them
        on was exceedingly high. Battling burning muscles the two young
        beauties were matched in height, weight, beauty, and now
        seemingly in orgiastic self-control. Neither was content to
        settle for a tie and the pussy pumping action continued unabated.

        Joy felt the success of Emily’s courageous pumping as her groin
        began to swivel and roll in its now familiar dance. The slow
        methodical pistoning Emily was producing was arousing her almost
        as much as the earlier more vigorous actions had. Emily resisted
        as best she could the intense feelings surging through her own
        pussy as Joy continued her spirited assault and the two of them
        moved ever closer to a higher state of arousal. Joy did not have
        the muscular vigor as before, but she did maintain her variation
        of angle of attack, depth, twisting, turning, hard, soft, and
        the creative nature was actually causing Emily to become
        physically frustrated that she couldn’t come. Her body was
        telling her to come and her brain was willing her body to avoid
        it. It was the same dilemma she had fought with many times, and
        she liked to be victorious. After a moments break for her arm to
        rest, Emily renewed her attack on Joy’s pussy. She even let out
        several moans, trying to get Joy to think she was at the brink
        of orgasm, and hoping that that would help bring Joy there too.

        The battle continued back and forth for ten minutes with each
        girl having reached a high state of lust and arousal. Joy’s hips
        were rocking back and forth as the invading tool slid so
        deliciously inside her and the tickler did its magic on her
        aroused clit. The sounds of wet gurgling sloppiness permeated
        the nighttime air and the breathing of the two became sporadic
        and gasping. Joy’s pussy began to clench and unclench the bright
        red dildo and her body was telling her that the end was near,
        but she noted that Emily was actually lifting her hips off the
        blanked to receive the cock-like toy ever deeper into her slimy
        slew. She quivered whenever it hit bottom and the tickler
        rotated against her engorged clit. Joy gritted her teeth and
        tried to think of something else as she plunged the toy in her
        hand into and out of Emily in time with her now increasingly
        erratic motions. It was like heaven above had actually opened up
        its gates when Joy watched and heard Emily scream oaths of
        damnation against practically the whole world as her orgasm
        rocked her to her core. The orgasm was a very violent one, with
        lots of shaking and screaming. Her focus on her own task had
        been interrupted and she was not paying any attention to Joy’s
        pussy. Fortunately for Joy, because she had been within an
        instant of her own orgasm when Emily had erupted. The clock
        hadn’t yet ticked all the way down, but Joy knew she had won. By
        the time Emily had recovered and her wits were back in place she
        was faced with a girl whose arousal had diminished and the
        imminence of orgasm was gone. She tried mightily to finish her
        off, but the timer rang after only a few moments of her attempts
        and Emily lay there crying softly in her anguish.

        Joy was very tired but ecstatic. She had beaten 6 orgasms out of
        Emily, while only permitting 5 of her own, and if that wasn’t
        enough, she had done it with the kind of risky bravado that
        couldn’t help but put seeds of doubt deep inside Emily’s brain.
        Both girls lay there trying to let their bodies recover, not
        only from the last event, but from the accumulation of energetic
        sex-play of the last two days. Joy knew she needed a good nights
        rest and since it was dark, she hoped that Emily felt the same.
        Having beaten Emily in the last two events with the dildos had
        made Joy feel that she would ultimately become victorious. As
        she lay there with all sorts of thoughts flooding her brain the
        chill of the night air began to soak in and she roused herself
        enough to tell Emily, “I told you I’d whip you. You just can’t
        seem to hang with me anymore. You can concede right now and save
        yourself the trouble if you want.”

        That was the wrong thing to say. Emily certainly was feeling
        down after the loss, but she only got her dander up at the words
        from Joy. Her anger and hatred were rekindled and she knew that
        tomorrow would be another day. After all, even with this win, it
        was she who still held the points lead!

        “Two days done. One to go. You may have won that one, by a
        smidge I might add, but you are still behind. Let’s get the
        fucking picture over with!”

        Joy just smiled at Emily and they picked up the paraphernalia
        and went inside just as the darkness became full in the sky
        above. The sight that greeted them was one that engendered a
        weird mix of anticipation and nostalgia. So much of what was in
        the large living room had already played a part in the last two
        days that it brought back vivid memories in both girls. But yet,
        each knew that more was to come. Emily wrote the results on the
        white board: RedToy-2hours, Joy wins 6 to 5. She wrote the
        totals next in big bold letters: Total score: Emily 15.5 and Joy
        14.5. They smiled for the camera and snapped the photo. The
        girls looked at each other, neither quite sure what to say or do
        next, and then as if by mutual consent they headed to the
        kitchen for a snack. Except for the need to talk about the food,
        they did not talk at all. Finishing a sandwich and still feeling
        very tired, the girls walked slowly together towards the bed and
        they collapsed at about 10:40PM. Each had a multitude of
        thoughts swirling through her head but in fact it was only
        minutes that they remained awake. Their bodies were so exhausted
        that sleep came very easily and the two girls slept side-by-side
        all night long.
HG Hunt