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Family Competition

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Family Competition
« on: January 21, 2024, 05:33:18 PM »
Like with Prisoners of Lust, this is a story I had written for myself and decided to now post and share with you. It’s a direct sequel to my story from last year, My Journey to Confidence. Again, you can consider it canon or not. Up to you.

Warning: Lesbian incest

Well, I guess there is a downside to being a nymphomaniac after all. What do I mean by that? Well, let me start at the beginning. It was Spring Break and Jason was out visiting relatives for the entire week. He asked me if I’d be good staying here all alone and I told him I’d be fine. I lied because I didn’t want to keep him from his family.

It hasn’t even been a day and I was ready to jump out of a window. Not only was I missing the love of my life but dear God, was I horny! So overpoweringly, unbearably, mind-numbingly horny. You’re probably thinking “Well, why not go and get a rematch with one of your rivals?” Well, I can’t. Leah’s on break too and I don’t know where she’s gone, Evelyn and Kara have been avoiding me since they’re sore losers and I just outfucked Dawn for the third time in a row for my discounted rent and she only wants to fuck me for that once a month as she doesn’t want to overdo a good thing.

Jason was usually here to keep me satisfied when my rivals weren’t available and while nothing can pleasure me to my core like fuckfighting other women can, I loved being with him. If you ask me, the main reason why nymphos have men in their lives despite their addiction to fucking each other is because men are the only ones who actually can get our endless lust for each other under control. When I’m fucking or getting fucked by another girl, I feel dirty, sinful, hedonistic, animalistic and slutty and I love it. But when Jason fucks me, I feel loved, protected and treasured and it almost makes me forget about my other urges. Unfortunately, he’s not here right now and I’m fucking losing it! I was so horny, I was squirming in my seat!

Now you’re probably thinking “Why not just find other rivals or rub one out?” Well, masturbation loses the thrill it once had when you become a nympho. It absolutely pales in comparison to the life-changing pleasures that other sluts can give you. As for other rivals, well, I can’t. Why? Because I’m seeing family myself. Or rather, family seeing me. My Mother, Claire is coming to visit, so I have to keep her company.

Now, how do I describe my Mom? Well, she’s more or less everything that every guy wishes their girlfriend’s Mom is. She’s 39 years old, having given birth to me when she was 19. She looks nearly identical to me, just older. We’ve been mistaken for sisters more times than either of us can count.

Like me, my Mom is a woman with long, ass-length brunette hair when let down, smooth, flawless skin, pretty, hazel eyes and a nice, plump ass. However, my area where my Mom and I differ is cup size. I am a D-cup. Small by nymphomaniac standards but pretty good in its own right. My Mom on the other hand, is a whopping E-cup and she loves to show them off.
Yeah, that’s another major difference between my Mom and I. Her personality is the exact opposite of mine. Or at least the exact opposite of the old me. My Mom isn’t just a social butterfly. She’s a social griffin. Whereas, until recently, I was a social caterpillar. As long as I’ve known her, she was always a party girl. She was as extroverted as it gets. She was upbeat, smiley, talkative, witty, flirty, elegant and always craved fun and a good time.

Even now with my new and improved nymphomaniacal self, I was far more subdued than her. Of course, she can get serious and mature when she needs to and she raised me quite well, especially given the divorce. My Dad split up with her due to not being able to keep up with her crazy lifestyle but it was fairly amicable. She has a job as a small-time fashion model, which attracts even more people to her. She was also openly bisexual and would often come home with a man, a woman or one of each. She had a particular liking for younger women, I remember. However, she had no plans for another serious relationship after my Dad. She’s all about freedom and fun.

She often visits us on holidays or long weekends and I swear Jason is usually happier to see her than I am. My Mom adores him and the feeling is more than mutual. Honestly, Jason is kind of a simp for her and is all over her whenever she visits. The fact that she likes to greet her friends and loved ones by hugging their faces into her cleavage no doubt has a lot to do with that.
My Mom is also a massive tease and flirts with Jason all the time, often turning my usually confident boyfriend into a blushing, blubbering mess. Most girls would get jealous but I know my Mom means nothing by it and I actually found it pretty amusing. Besides, my Mom looks so much like me that Jason drooling over her felt kind of reassuring.
Not to mention that I’ve gotten much thicker skin since then, as you are well aware. Honestly, my Mom kinda reminded me of Serena AKA Madam Red from Yuri’s stories. Just less arrogant and morally dubious. I wonder what she would think of the new me…Granted, I didn’t know if I was ready to tell her exactly what caused my change. I didn’t have much time to think about it as I heard our doorbell ring and went to answer it.

Claire’s POV:

I rang the doorbell as I waited patiently for my baby girl to come answer it. It would be strange visiting her and not Jason. That boy is such a gentleman and I love teasing him. Still, I did overdo it sometimes. I once got really wasted and asked Jason if he wanted a threesome with Heather and I. I don’t remember much of that but my daughter told me that Jason almost fainted from hearing that and she herself blushed like crazy.

But hey, I’m a Mom. Embarrassing our kids is what we do. Still, I should really learn to control myself. Especially with being cut off from sex for at least a week. While Heather is well aware of my sexuality, I never told her about my greatest passion in life. Sexfighting. I love competing with other women and fucking them into submission. Especially younger and more arrogant women. I love humbling them with a nice, long, pussy-fuck. I’m an absolute addict and I haven’t gone a week without sexfighting since Heather was a baby. Yep, I even did it while I was pregnant with her. I’m actually amazed that she didn’t inherit that trait of mine. Heather was as shy and timid as it gets and I always wanted her to come out of her shell. Thank God she found a boy like Jason who clearly loves her and treats her well. Even if he can’t keep his eyes off his girlfriend’s mom’s rack. Not that I blame him for that.

My daughter opened the doorbell and we both smiled upon seeing each other. She looked different. She let her hair down from the twin tails she always wore and she even gave off a totally different vibe from when I last visited her. What exactly happened to her, I wonder? I pushed those questions to the side as I grabbed her and hugged her face into the cleavage of my enormous E-cups as I cheered. Heather had to practically yank herself away from me.

“It’s good to see you too.” Heather said.

I reached out to stroke her hair, feeling its softness and silk.

“That’s a new look for you, baby girl.” I said sweetly.

“I guess I just needed a change.” She said.

It honestly reminds me of myself but my own hair was in a ponytail right now. She looked so different despite the change being relatively small. Pretty attractive, if I do say so myself. Ugh. She’s my daughter, why am I thinking like that? I need to control myself. I sometimes wanted to tell her about my passion but who wants to hear about their mother’s sex life?

Heather’s POV:

My Mom’s soft, smooth cleavage being pressed against my face felt much nicer than I remembered it being. That was probably just my urges talking. I swear, if the woman right in front of me now was anyone other than my own Mother…Ugh! Stop thinking like that, you pervert! Control yourself! She’s already shown some curiosity over the new me.

How do I explain it? That I thought my incredibly loyal and loving boyfriend was cheating on me, so I went behind his back and looked at his Internet history? That I saw he was actually reading sexfight stories and I loved them too, which changed my outlook on life and motivated me to take revenge on my bullies by sexually dominating all of them?
Yeah, that’ll make for very nice mother-daughter conversation. Regardless, my Mom and I walked back into my and Jason’s apartment. I saw her take off her jacket, revealing her tight clothing, highlighting her womanly splendor. My Mother was hot as Hell, there was no denying that. There’s good reason why so many men and women keep taking her to bed. Still, I have to control myself and not let my sexual withdrawal get the better of me.

We sat down, had lunch and talked about a bunch of things. My Mom was mostly curious about the different air I was giving off. She’s kind of a hippie like that, often commenting on the vibe she gets from people. Sort of like Natalie from the Maggie and Amber series, although not full on hippie like she was.
I lied and told her that one day I just decided I had enough of being a doormat and decided to change myself. Well, that was more of a half truth than a straight up lie but I couldn’t just go into detail on what caused my transformation that both her and Jason have been trying their damnest to make happen. My Mom could always tell when I lied to her but I hoped that either my lying skills have gotten better or her talent for that has worn off.

Claire’s POV:

Heather was clearly lying to me. I could always read her like a book. As mean as it is to say this about anyone, let alone my own daughter, it’s true. She was as spineless as a jellyfish for her entire life. I kept encouraging her to stand up for herself for years and now suddenly it just happens? I don’t buy that for a second. Was it Jason who finally got through to her? No. She’d have no reason to lie about it if that were indeed the case. I could feel pure confidence and even bravery oozing out of her. You’d think her body had been taken over. That kind of change does not happen overnight.

What could it be, though? A part of me wonders if…No. What are the odds? Still, me being the nosy and smothering Mom that I was, I was determined to find out. Anything to distract me from my torturous sexual withdrawal.
I know you better than anyone, baby girl and I will get to the bottom of this.

We spent the rest of the day doing largely normal mother-daughter bonding. Shopping, eating out, watching chick flicks, you know the drill. However, I could not help but notice how much Heather was checking me out throughout the day. When you’re as stunning a MILF as I am, you get a sixth sense for someone’s leering eyes on you. Damn, I’m so fine even my daughter is hot for me!

The idea of that made me laugh. Still, Heather herself was quite a catch. Many would call Jason a very lucky boy. Her new look with her hair down was so alluring and her newfound confidence just added so much to that impressive body of hers. I was proud to have created such a beautiful creature. Geez, I need to stop being such a pervert towards my own flesh and blood.

Heather’s POV:

I just couldn’t stop myself from ogling Mom throughout the whole day. What should be fun, mother-daughter bonding turned into me trying to convince myself that I didn’t want to fuck my own Mother.
Still, I caught Mom eyeing me up more than a few times as well. Maybe she was just teasing me after catching my leering gaze or maybe she genuinely liked what she saw as well. My newfound confidence made me realize how fuckable I was but I never could’ve imagined I’d be so irresistible that my own Mother was undressing me with her eyes.

God, why am I thinking all of these things? I wanted to call Mom out for her staring but not only would it be hypocritical but it would just make things even more insufferably awkward.

Once night came and we had Dinner, we both washed up and the image of my Mom showering, something I had seen before without any problems, was getting me more than a little hot under the collar. Just the thought of her glistening skin, washing her long, wet hair, water flowing around her nipples and down her swaying ass…

At this point, I didn’t even bother trying to keep these thoughts under control anymore. Fantasies are just that, right? Doesn’t matter unless you try and make them reality, right?

Claire’s POV:

I got out of the shower with my voluptuous form wrapped in a towel, drying off my wet hair. Heather was looking at me like she was in a trance. I giggled a little in response.

“It’s all yours, honey.” I said.

“Yeah, thanks, Mom.” Heather said, snapping out of it.

I went over to Jason’s room, which is where I’d be sleeping. He’ll probably never wash these sheets again after this. Heather never really seemed bothered by how much her boyfriend fawned over me but maybe that was just her old lack of confidence holding her back.

I could hear the water running from the bed and the mental image of my Daughter lathering herself up in there filled my lecherous, dirty mind. I then pictured myself in there with her, scrubbing her down, shampooing her wet hair and then pressing her against the shower wall as I slipped my tongue down her…

Ugh! What the fuck’s the matter with me?! Oh, fuck it. Fantasies never hurt anybody, I suppose. Bad thoughts are one thing. Bad actions are another. Just keep it in my nymphomaniacal little head for now. Last the rest of the week and then I can go home and fuck my rivals all I want…This was going to be the longest week of my life.

Heather’s POV:

This was going to be the longest week of my life. I thought if I let my fantasies run wild, it would alleviate some of my desire for my own Mother but it only made it worse. There was no escaping it. I tried to instead fantasize about my rivals like Leah or Dawn and what I’d do to them after Mom left but Mom always found a way to slip in. This was just one day. One fucking day and I was ready to explode! She was sleeping in Jason’s bed, at his insistence as you can guess, that horndog.
Hours went by and it was around midnight now. I had to find some way to alleviate this heat before I died of dehydration in my sleep. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to be near my Mom, touching and feeling her.
Just not sexually. Humans are animals and like all animals, we have a natural yearning for our mothers and a feeling of comfort when around them. Maybe it would help. Or maybe it would drive me to do something I didn’t want to do. Only one way to find out.

Claire’s POV:

I was tossing and turning trying to get my daughter’s delicious body out of my mind when I heard a knocking at the door.

“Come in, dear.” I said sweetly.

“Hey, Mom.” Heather greeted me. “Sorry to disturb you.”

“It’s no problem, honey.” I reassured. “You can’t sleep either, huh?”

“No.” She answered. “Too hot in my room. The AC doesn’t flow there for some reason.”

Another lie. I could immediately tell. What was her aim with this charade?

“So, why can’t you sleep?” She asked me, putting me in the hot seat.

“I guess I just have too much on my mind.” I said, telling the partial truth. “You’re more than welcome to sleep here. I’m sure Jason wouldn’t mind.”

“No, he certainly wouldn’t.” Heather said with a laugh. “Thanks, Mom.”

I patted the part of the bed next to me, signaling her to join me and she did. The second her body came within inches of mine, my heart rate went off the charts. Oh, Lord. Why did she have to do this to me? Unless…This is exactly what she wanted…Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on part of my burning libido.

Heather’s POV:

I laid next to Mom in a spooning position with myself as the small spoon. At any moment, she could come closer and make it complete. I felt my pulse skyrocket. I was an idiot to think sleeping in the same bed as her would help calm me down. Or maybe I just told myself that as an excuse to be physically close to her.
Either way, no going back now. Pardon the pun but I made my bed and now I have to lay in it, so to speak. I just have to find some way, any way at all to get myself under control.

“Your vents are broken, are they?” Mom asked.

Thank God. A conversation! Anything to distract me from my ever growing libido!

“Yes.” I answered. “Probably my bitchy landlady being lazy again.”

“Yes, Dawn.” Mom said. “You told me about her.”

I told her some things like how obnoxious and perverted Dawn was but I never told Mom about how Dawn sexually extorted us. Mom was always very confrontational and I feared how she would react if I told her that. Worst case scenario, Mom confronted Dawn, pissed her off and Dawn took it out on my boyfriend and I, kicking both of us out. I couldn’t risk that.
Although, with the benefit of hindsight, the thought of a confrontation between Mom and Dawn was an enticing one. No! Don’t think about that! Focus on the conversation!

“She really does sound horrible.” Mom added. “I really would like to teach her a lesson one of these days.”

The way my Mom said that sounded so…intense and almost seductive. Not like she was alluding to just giving Dawn a piece of her mind as I originally feared but…something else. Oh, God. Please tell me that I’m not dreaming right now!

“What kind of lesson?” I asked with genuine curiosity

Claire’s POV:

Shit! I said more than I should have! My baby girl always hated it when I butted into her business but I just can’t help myself. That’s what mothers do. The way Heather asked what I meant sounded very curious, as if she was almost begging me to elaborate on what I would do that cxnt of a landlady of hers.

I wonder…Does she know more than she’s letting on? I shouldn’t get my hopes up and inflame my loins even more than they already are inflamed but at this point, I felt that I had no choice but to keep the conversation going or risk another awkward silence and allow my dirty thoughts to take over again.

“Oh, I don’t know.” I answered, obviously lying.

That’s the thing about my ability to always detect when Heather was lying to me. It’s hereditary. My daughter can also easily tell when I’m lying too.

“Oh, really?” She asked skeptically. “Well, I did finally stand up to her myself not too long before you showed up.”

“And how did that go?” I asked, now catching her in saying something she would instantly regret.

Heather’s POV:

I just had to open my goddamn mouth, now didn’t I? Not that she wouldn’t come to that conclusion of her own accord, given how confident I’ve become and how I don’t take shit from anyone. At this point, my curiosity peaked and I was done playing games. No more beating around the bush. If anyone can understand what I’ve been through, even more so than Jason, it’s my mother. Besides, I had a strong, sneaking suspicion that she had an all too similar story or better yet, stories to tell me herself.

“It went very well, actually.” I answered. “She’s not the only person I’ve stood up to lately.”

“Oh?” She asked. “You never told me this, honey.”

“No.” I said with guilt. “There’s a lot of things I haven’t told you about recent events, honestly. I’m sorry, Mom but it was a big change and the story is so insane, you might not believe it.”

“I understand, dear.” She said, caressing my bare leg, giving me chills. “You can tell me when you’re good and ready.”

“Well, I’m ready now.” I said with a sigh.

Claire’s POV:

Heather completely spilled the beans. I was totally invested as she told me of her bad day, spying on Jason’s online activities, discovering sexfighting stories, becoming a massive, die hard fan of them, changing her view of herself and inspiring her to take revenge against her four bullies, including Dawn, who was her favorite opponent. I felt myself getting wet as she described what she did to all of her opponents. I think she was doing it on purpose just to get that reaction out of me, the little tease. What a story, though…And it would be unfair if she were the only one spilling the beans tonight.

“And that’s everything.” She finished.

“Wow.” I said in near disbelief.

“Yeah.” She said almost shyly. “Crazy, isn’t it? I would’ve told you sooner but it seems weird to tell my Mom about things like that.”

“Well…” I said with a bit of shame. “I guess I owe you my own confessions.”

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

Heather’s POV:

My Mom told me everything. My jaw dropped as she bombarded me with her confessions. She had been sexfighting since she was 18! Before I was even born! My Dad had actually introduced her to it, hoping she’d fulfill his fantasies. She was actually once a very prim and proper woman until that day. She became hopelessly addicted and that’s what caused her to develop such a hedonistic lifestyle that even my Dad couldn’t keep up with eventually. Oh, I hope that doesn’t happen to Jason and I! Nearly every time my Mom went out partying or took a girl home, she would end up fuckfighting. It was her ultimate vice. I was flabbergasted. She sounded like even more of a nymphomaniac than me.

“Wow.” I said in surprise. “Okay, I guess we’re even now.”

“I guess so.” She agreed.

Once it all sank in, it all started to make sense. And here I thought that nymphos having a sixth sense for each other was just some urban legend. Guess not. The atmosphere in the room had now shifted a full 180. I could feel it in the air and I was positive she did too. The awkward tension and resistance was fading away, being replaced with pure, shameless, animalistic desire. At this point, I didn’t care anymore. A hot, fuckable, semi-naked older bitch was in bed with me and there’s only one way that should end!

Claire’s POV:

My conscience was now clear and with that, my inhibitions vanished into thin air. I felt my beautiful daughter’s soft, supple skin on mine and I could just sense that she was feeling what I was feeling. I knew it all along but kept pushing it away. No more of that. It being so wrong only made it even more right. A gorgeous, delicious looking young slut was cuddled up next to me. Clearly that must be a sign that the universe wants this to happen! No more resisting!

“There is one other thing I think we should clear the air on, baby girl.” I said seductively.

“And what would that be?” Heather asked equally flirtatiously.

“Who the top cxnt in the family is.” I answered with utmost confidence.   

Heather’s POV:

As soon as those glorious words hit my eardrums, it was as if something inside of me snapped. My urges had taken the wheel and I gave in completely. Before I could turn around to finally initiate what my body had been begging me to do all day, my Mom had beaten me to it. She dove on top of me, wrapping her legs around mine as I turned my head only for my mouth to be instantaneously penetrated by her skilled tongue. I went light-headed as it fully hit me what was going on and what we were doing. My Mother’s tongue was in my mouth, slithering all throughout the inside of it and wrestling with my own tongue. The dirty sense of sluttiness that I had felt when I fucked my bullies positively paled in comparison to what I was feeling now. I felt so taboo and naughty. So incorrigibly perverted and filthy. And I fucking loved it! I kissed back as best I could, turning around fully in the bearhug that Mom had me in.

We were now fully moutE-to-mouth and tit-to-tit or at least as best we could with what little clothing we had on. I felt her bury her hands in my long hair and I quickly reciprocated as we made out relentlessly. You’d think we were both trying to swallow the other. I haven’t felt this possessed since I first popped my fuckfight cherry when I faced Leah and just like back then, it felt as if a whole new world of kinks and pleasures was being introduced to me. One that I would never leave.

Claire’s POV:

This was it. There was no turning back now. I initiated this. I gave in to my uncontrollable lust. You may judge me for it but the only fuck I’m giving is to my hotass daughter and nothing would stop me. Besides, it’s not like we have to worry about inbreeding, so who cares? I don’t.

Nothing else mattered right now as Heather and I passionately sucked each other’s tongues. These damn clothes were in the way! I hated to interrupt this heavenly connection but they just had to go. I broke our intoxicating kiss as I immediately began stripping down in the bed. In my daughter’s boyfriend’s bed. As if this wasn’t kinky enough already. I can only imagine his face. Heather looked disappointed at our kiss being broken at first but quickly began stripping down herself.

The exact moment we were both in our birthday suits, Heather pounced on me as she finished stripping just milliseconds before I had. She put all of her weight on me and pushed me onto the bed, my hair now hanging over the edge. I could tell that she was practically rabid with desire, as was I. It was impossible to tell who wanted this more between the two of us.

For the moment, neither of us dared to speak. I could just feel that the reasoning behind her silence was the same as mine. Fear that the mere sound of our voices, voices we always associated with family would break the spell and make this feel too wrong. For now, we just saw our blood ties as something to fuel our lust and nothing more. We both saw each other as fodder for our endless libidos and we would not finish until our maniacal desire was satiated. We would not stop even if our survival or the entire world’s survival depended on it.

Heather’s POV:

I almost felt as if I was going to faint as I felt my nipples penetrate my Mother’s areola as well as her own nipples penetrate mine. They were so fleshy and hard but that was nothing compared to what I would feel next as our juicy, soaking wet pussies finally made contact at long last!

“Mmmmmm!!!!!!!” We both shamelessly moaned into each other’s occupied mouths.

With our near identical DNA, I guess it would make sense why our cxnts melded together so flawlessly. And here I thought Dawn’s twat was made for mine. Mom’s is a whole other level. I never could’ve dreamed of such a perfect union and believe me, I have a very active imagination. I humped and tribbed her with all my might, feeling my monstrous libido guide my every move. I was fucking my own mother and I loved it more than life itself!

Claire’s POV:

Oh, God! Heather, my daughter, was fucking me like the captain of the football team fucks the head cheerleader! If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up! However, like any nympho, I still had competitive urges and still wanted to come out on top but for now, we would just enjoy this feeling of otherworldly euphoria that we never could’ve thought up in our wildest dreams until this very moment. Her tongue dominated mine as I felt my baby girl pull her pelvis back and then slam it back into me, rubbing in with each and every delicious slam.

This was it. This was pure sexual Nirvana. The word “pleasure” does not even begin to do justice to what I and my girl were feeling right now. Time has escaped us, along with the rest of the world around us as my hot daughter fucked me and I did my best to fuck her back in spite of my inferior position. The pleasure was so intense that I expected both of us to have orgasmed some time ago but the pleasure just kept building and building. We were discovering an apex of sexual euphoria neither of us have even come close to experiencing before.

Heather’s POV:

I was an autopilot at this point, the only thing guiding me or keeping the pleasure from overwhelming me into unconsciousness was my own desire to keep getting more. I was an animal unleashed on my prey. My Mom’s tongue wrestling mine, her nipples pushing into mine and her pussy kissing mine…I’m running out of words and phrases to describe how transformative and heavenly the whole experience was for both of us.

We just kept at it for we didn’t even know how long. We just kept fucking each other over and over and over and over again until a change finally snapped me out of my haze somewhat. I felt my first orgasm of the night and certainly nowhere near the last closing in on me and from my Mom’s movements, she was feeling the same thing. A mutual orgasm! The perfect way to end our current dichotomy! I fucked my Mom even harder and faster as she humped into me harder and faster as well. It just kept building and building until finally our sexual dams both burst at the same time as we at last broke our soul sucking kiss.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed.

“OHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Mom screamed.

We were so loud that I was actually worried that the neighbors might have heard us but that was not nearly enough to kill the mood. Them calling the cops and the cops kicking the door down wouldn’t be enough to do that.

We both felt the other nympho fill our cxnts up with her respective juices as our fluids coalesced inside our joined labia before we pulled apart from each other, huffing and puffing as if we were both calming down from asthma attacks. We were already soaked in sweat, our faces as red as tomatoes, our damp hair curtaining our faces. I don’t think either of us expected our bodies to be able to handle so much pleasure all at once and while we needed to catch our breath for the moment, we both knew that neither of this was over.

Claire’s POV:

I made my baby girl cum…And she made me cum. Both inside of each other. Only one orgasm in and of the hundreds, maybe even thousands of matches I’ve had, this one was the best by far. Not a fraction of doubt in my mind. A line had been crossed that we could never go back from… And that was a good thing. It was a line I wished we had crossed once Heather turned 18.

As we caught our breath, we flipped our sweat soaked locks out of our faces and just stared at each other, smiling with equal parts love and lust. At this point, we finally felt truly comfortable with what we were doing and had no shame in it whatsoever. I could tell that she felt the same way, that the sounds of our voices would no longer break us out of our nymphomaniac haze.

“I’m not done with you yet, baby slut.” I half threatened, half flirted.

“I was about to say the same thing to you, mommy bitch.” She shot back.

This night was not even one percent complete yet.

I pounced on my daughter and we wrestled on her boyfriend’s bed until this time, I came out on top with the dominant position. I was more or less sitting on top of Heather’s pussy with my own pussy, our bodies arranged into the shape of the letter L. I grabbed hold of her left leg and immediately began using it as leverage to grind against my once little now not so little girl anymore. I slowly and harshly scraped my juicy, fleshy lower lips across hers.

“Ugghhhhh!!” I groaned.

“Agggghhhh!!” She moaned.

I could do this all night and then the entire next day and maybe even the next night again, so I think I’ll do just that.

Heather’s POV:

I felt my entire body burn with glorious pleasure as my mother slowly and brutally slid her pussy against mine. Each and every time our hot, slutty cxnts came into contact felt like the first time all over again. My body began jerking in response to the pleasure as she fucked me, my D-cups jiggling like jello molds as I looked up with one eye winced closed. I saw her massive, bouncy, soft, jiggly E-cups flying all over the place, almost as if they were alive. Each and every subtle, small movement made them flow like the wind. They were so bouncy that they would sometimes even jiggle in opposite directions of each other, with one breast bouncing up and the other bouncing down. There was no doubt about it, Mom had the best set of tits I’d ever seen. And to think, Tamara had this same cup size. What I’d give to see Mom dominate her.

“Fuck!” I cursed as she kept fucking me like the whore that I proudly was.

Her twat dominated mine as if it was created in a mad scientist’s lab for that exact, specific purpose. My libido was screaming, begging for me to just give in and let my Mom take charge but my inner nympho was screaming much louder that I had to keep fighting and dominate her back. For now, though, I wasn’t in much of a position to do that. Still, the night is young and so am I and from how my Mom looks and how she was fucking me, you’d easily guess that she was in her physical prime herself.

Claire’s POV:

I looked down at my daughter squirming, blushing and jerking her head and body all around as my cxnt dominated hers. Each slight change in contact would send shockwaves throughout my slutty, MILF body. Heather had managed to work her way through the pleasure enough to reach up and start groping and squeezing my gigantic E-cup tits.

“Ugh!” I grunted from her roughness, the little whore.

“I hope you’ve got more than that. I raised you to be better.” I teased.

“You mean like this?” She asked rhetorically before pinching my swollen, pink nipples nice and hard.

“Ow!” I squealed. “You little bitch!”

I began increasing the speed and intensity of my tribbing, which caused her to squeeze and fondle my tits and nipples even more aggressively. I decided to retaliate by reaching down and giving my daughter a taste of her own medicine, mauling and digging my fingers into her D-cup breasts.

“Ugh!” She grunted.

I could feel her trying her best to trib back upwards into me just as I had done mere moments ago back when she had the dominant position over me. I took joy in realizing how the tables had turned but not enough to make me lose focus on tribbing my prey. Daughter or not, an opponent is an opponent and I play for keeps.

Heather’s POV:

I felt my Mom’s weight on me as she tribbed me and it made me realize who I was truly dealing with. God knows how many women she’s tangled with. I thought Dawn would be my most experienced opponent but Mom made her look like a virginal girl next door in comparison. I was tangling with a nympho who had been in the game since before I was even born. I was even in her womb during some of her sexfights! My withdrawal had me begging for a good fuck and a worthy opponent and I guess this was fate’s way of answering my pleading. Still, I would not just lie down and take it. She may be my Mother but she was still my rival at the moment and I had no intention of going easy on her.

The sound of our womanly flesh smashing and grinding against each other alongside our own frantic, frenzied grunts, cried and moans filled Jason’s room as we ravenously fucked each other. I took one of my hands off of her succulent E-cup breast and reached behind her to yank on her long, sweat-soaked, matted brown tresses.

“Agh!” She groaned. “Goddamn you!”

She then took one of her own hands off of one of my D-cups and happily reciprocated the hair pull, which in turn pulled both of us further into each other. We yanked on each other’s hair so hard that our upper bodies soon came together while our pussies still battled, joined by our nipples and then our lips and tongues. We humped at each other furiously but it soon became clear to both of us that I was further ahead on the climax meter than Mom was and she took full advantage of that by pressing all of her weight against me. She pushed herself and me down onto the bed, my hair hanging over the edge and I soon began to feel those all too familiar electric volts, signaling an oncoming orgasm. Mom has me hopelessly pinned, so fighting against it would be a waste of time. All I could do was brace for the internal impact and then it happened as we broke our ferocious kiss.

“Ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I came, shooting my womanly load straight up my mother’s hot, juicy, lovely cxnt.

I slid off the edge of the bed until my head touched the floor and all the blood began flowing to it. I felt as if my eyes would bug out of my head from cumming so hard.

I could feel my Mom looking down at me smugly, proud of herself for making her daughter climax so powerfully. I began to think. Was I out of my league here? This was only my fifth match but Mom has been doing this for more than half of her life. I shook it off, reminding myself that I asked myself similar questions when I first faced Dawn and look what happened there.
I climbed back up onto the bed, catching my breath and coated all over in sweat and a bit of my own secretions. I was right. Mom was smiling smugly at me, the arrogant cxnt. This fight is far from over, though.

Claire’s POV:

The sight of my baby girl so disheveled and sweaty from the beautiful fucking I had just dished out on her was pure eye candy. Still, I learned never to get an inflated head or underestimate your opponent. Heather may have only four victories to her name but it’s quite rare for nymphos to win her first match, let alone so many following matches. She’s a real chip off the old block but I was determined that I was going to hand my daughter her first loss. Can’t let her get too full of herself after all.

“I hope you’ve got a lot more than that, baby whore.” I mocked.

“I’m just getting started, mommy bitch.” She shot back through mildly heavy breathing. “And even if you do beat me, I still have all week to avenge myself and then some on you.”

The thought of that was beyond intoxicating but I remained focused.

“Good.” I said sinisterly. “Because I can fuck you for days and nights on end.”

“Why don’t you come over here and try it?” She dared me.

I needed no further invitations. I pounced on my little girl again and we once again wrestled all over the bed until she amazed me and I think herself by ending up on top this time. She had me in a reverse tribbing position, pulling both of my legs up and using them to pull my pussy straight into hers. An unorthodox but devastatingly effective strategy. I ogled her shapely ass as she did. She may not have inherited my E-cups, at least not yet but she certainly got that sweet ass of hers from yours truly.

“Ahhh!!” I moaned.

“How do you like that, you cocky slut?!” She mocked.

“Do your fucking worst, rookie!” I dared.

And boy, did she ever.

Heather’s POV:

I pulled my Mom’s smooth, creamy legs as far in my direction as possible, thus forcing her cxnt into mine from an upside down position. I felt her clit be swallowed by my lower lips as well her own lower lips swallowing my own clit. It was incredible. I would lightly bounce up and down, gently but effectively slamming my cxnt into hers each and every time. I made sure to rub it in just after each point of contact. My Mom dug her fingers into my meaty ass cheeks and squeezed hard. This position was rather physically straining but I could tell that it was working.

“Fuck!” My Mom cursed as she squeezed my ass even harder.

I then switched up my tribbing method by sliding my pussy back and forth across my Mom’s. I could never get over how perfectly her twat matched with mine. I could grind with her forever. I was also aware that my Mom had built her own pleasure up from dominating me just a few minutes ago, so it would not be very long until the inevitable would happen.

“Ahhhh!!” She groaned.

Her body language and reactions to my pleasuring of her signaled that the time was indeed near. So, I responded accordingly by fucking her as hard and as fast as I could. Mom could handle it no more and came, blasting her womanly fluids straight up inside of me.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!” She shrieked.

I released her legs and we gave each other a rest again, huffing and puffing as we stared at each other lustfully.

Claire’s POV:

That was some very good tribbing just now. I tried not to underestimate my opponent but it seems my Heather really learned a lot from her matches or from this “Hostboard” sight she had told me about that introduced her to the concept of the game in the first place. I had never heard of it but perhaps I should look into it myself. When I first started out, I was nowhere near this level of talent and it took years of training, experience and many, many losses for me to get where I am today in the field of carnal warfare. I knew I had to bring out the big guns now. Heather could grind pussies, there was simply no doubt about that but there was much more to it than that.

“I fucked you hard, mommy slut.” Heather taunted.

“I’ll fuck you harder, honey bitch.” I shot back.

I took a nice, big, deep breath before I hit the bed and in one, swift motion slithered underneath Heather’s legs and crotch before I quickly lifted her up and put my face directly below her pussy and oh my, what a beautiful pussy it was. I snaked my tongue straight up inside of her inner walls, slithering it all around.

“Ohhhhh!!!!” She cried.

Here I was going down on my own daughter.

Heather’s POV:

My Mom’s tongue was exploring my womanhood like nobody’s business, reaching places that I didn’t even know a human tongue could possibly reach. Decades of experience in cunnilingus no doubt brought her to this, so it only made sense for me to show off my own oral skills in return. I bent down until my face was directly in front of my mother’s cxnt and began eating her out mercilessly just as she was doing to me.

“Mmmmm!!!!” We both moaned, muffled by the other nympho’s lower lips.

It was now a 69 duel. Mom had a slight head start over me, so I knew that I really had to kick it into high gear. My tongue slithered all along her labia before I dipped it inside of her, feeling her inner walls constrict around it as her juices hit my tongue like tiny tidal waves. I decided to take this one step further by bringing my fingers into the mix. Whatever I could do to pleasure my mother, I was going to do above and beyond. Our clits soon came out of their hoods to join in the fun and Mom wasted absolutely no time in wrapping her slutty lips around mine and orally assaulting it while fingering me at the same time.
It was as if a shotgun blast of pure pleasure had been set off in my cxnt. I was quick to reciprocate her clit sucking with my own sucking of her clit, kissing, licking, prodding and poking her pretty, pulsating, pink pleasure bud. Now, all that mattered was who would outlast the other.

Claire’s POV:

Here I was having a 69 battle against my own daughter. I’m sure I sound like a broken record at this point but if you could only imagine what this was like. Every new thing I was doing with her was like a new door of life being opened for both of us. She tasted so good. Kind of reminded me of the taste of my opponents kissing me after eating me out, tasting myself on their tongues.
Just another thing she inherited from me. Her own cxnt licking skills were quite impressive and very similar to my own. Oh, my Heather truly has a long and glorious career as a nymphomaniac ahead of her, I know it. Still, experience always comes out on top in the end…Or so I thought, given that all of Heather’s previous opponents were far more experienced than her but still lost anyway. I must remain focused on winning.

My baby girl and I ate and fingered each other for we didn’t even know exactly how long. We were so immersed in what we were doing that time once again escaped us and we didn’t even care anymore. If I had to guess, we had been doing this for hours. Even through my closed eyes, I started to detect sunlight coming into the room and sometime later it went dark again. Unreal. We made each other cum more times than either of us bothered to count. Our mouths may as well have been glued to each other’s pudendas. Our faces and hair were splattered so many times, you’d be amazed that we didn’t start to suffer dehydration. Like all good things, though, it had to end at some point.

Heather’s POV:

I rolled off of Mom and back onto the bed, panting like a dog as she did the same. My entire face, my hair and even a good part of my sternum and chest were absolutely drenched in both sweat and my mother’s womanly secretions. I looked down at her and noticed that she was just as much of a mess. While we did tire ourselves of cunnilingus, I was still hungry for me and knew that she felt the same. I looked at the clock and we have been going at it for eight hours. The morning sun was filling the room now. I figured a change of scenery would do us some good.

“Hey…” I said through my heavy breathing.

“Yeah?” She asked through her own heavy breath.

“Maybe we should stop making a mess out of my boyfriend’s bed.” I suggested.

“You know he’ll love it.” Mom joked. “But you’re right, let’s just keep this between us for now.”

“Honestly, I haven’t even let him watch any of my matches yet.” I admitted. “He says he’ll wait until I’m ready for that.”

“Such a good boy.” Mom said.

We both got up and walked over to my room. At this point, I think we both knew that I lied about the AC in that room being broken. I was tempted to suggest a shower together but it would be pretty pointless as we would just get all sweaty again right afterwards and besides I don’t need Dawn bitching at me about the hot water bill.
We went into my room and immediately got on the bed before our urges kicked back in and we pounced on each other once more. We wrestled around the bed, finding it a bit harder than last time, given how lubricated we were with each other’s juices but I managed to get the upper hand. I wrapped myself around my mother from behind, using my arms and legs to keep her own arms and legs pried open, leaving her frontal parts completely vulnerable and unprotected. I felt my D-cups and nipples stabbing into her back and being tickled by her damp, thick hair.

“Ugh!” She grunted.

“Now let’s see how much you can really take, mommy bitch.” I mocked.

“Bring it on, baby whore.” She dared.

Claire’s POV:

She had me pinned like this. A classic maneuver that I have both used against other nymphos and had other nymphos use against me multiple times in the past. From how she got me into this position, I could tell that my daughter was quite familiar with this technique herself. She would fondle, slap around and maul my luscious E-cups with one hand and use the other to brutally finger my red, ripe pussy.

“Ohhhhh!!” I groaned.

I subconsciously jerked my head in the direction of her face, allowing her to silence me with her tongue. For being such a rookie, at least compared to me, she was very good at this. No denying that. I had no way of escaping this. I just had to bear with it until she tired herself out. She pumped her alternating fingers in and out of me like a machine while her mouth relentlessly dominated my own.

“Mmmmm!!” We both moaned into each other’s mouths.

Her hand tightly squeezed my breast, as if to say “This is my property and mine alone.” It was clear at that point that she had no intention of letting me go until she pumped as many climaxes out of me as possible. I had to find some way to get out of this before she fingered me into submission. All I could really do at the moment was flex my ass so it would grind against Heather’s pussy as well as try my best to kiss her back. So, I did both of those things. I could hear her grunting even through the muffling of the kiss, which showed that my efforts were not in vain.

Heather’s POV:

My Mom was fighting back against my domination of her in this position more than I was expecting. I responded in kind by increasing the speed and power of both my fingering and my kissing of her. I felt her thick, meaty ass pressing against my pussy as powerfully as she could and it was more effective than you’d think. Calling my Mom an experienced nympho would be like calling the sun mildly warm. Still, I pressed on regardless. Our tongues wrestled passionately inside of our sealed mouths and lips, slithering around each other as we swallowed both our own and each other’s saliva. The make out session was so heated that we actually began to drool down the sides of our faces. Still fingering her, I assaulted her amazing E-cup titties with my free hand, mauling at them like a dog with its favorite toy. Eventually, we had to take a breath and broke the kiss but we still kept at our respective techniques.

We huffed and puffed as I manually pleasured her and she humped my cxnt with her ass. I was already beginning to feel an orgasm coming on but I could tell from her reactions and body language that she felt the same way. I seized the opportunity I had been given and fingered and groped her harder and faster. I just kept at it over and over and over again until finally neither I nor my Mom could handle all of this any longer.

“Ahhhhhh!!” Mom shrieked as she came, soaking my hand.

“Uhhhhhh!!” I groaned as I climaxed all over Mom’s luscious ass cheeks.

My arms were both exhausted and I had to give them a break, which I and my MILF opponent both knew would leave me wide open for a counterattack. Still, I could not handle one more moment of not resting them. I pulled away from her and before I could even react, Mom had pounced on me again. I felt like an idiot as I realized that I needlessly overexerted myself. I had her pinned. She wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t need to thrash my hands all over her like that…Fuck.

Claire’s POV:

My baby girl, being the rookie she was, had made a rookie mistake. One that I had made many times when I was that new to the game, so I won’t judge. Still, an opportunity is an opportunity. I grabbed my daughter’s legs and rested them on each of my shoulders, leaving her sweet, juicy little newbie cxnt wide open. Just as she had done to me earlier, I yanked her legs in my direction, pulling her lower lips straight into mine.

“Ohhhh!!” She cried. “You goddamn whore!”

“Like mother, like daughter.” I shot back.

I rubbed my pussy across Heather’s, tribbing her without a semblance of mercy. It had been a long time since I locked up thighs with someone as young as her. This was exactly what I needed. A young, recently deflowered nympho who thought she was hot shit after winning a handful of fights. I was more than happy to fuck her haughtiness right out of her and my pussy was eager to dish out some much needed wisdom on her twat. I winced my eyes and slightly gritted my teeth as I fucked my little girl and watched her D-cups jiggle and her head jerk around in response to my domination. A sight I would truly never get tired of seeing. I was half tempted to just secure one of her legs to me and use my free arm to maul her tits as she did mine but I knew better than to take chances like that for such petty revenge. Instead, I flexed my pelvis, my waist and my dump truck, MILF ass back before suddenly slamming them all back forward, practically forcing my cxnt as well as my clit against those of my opponent.

“Ahhhhh!!” Heather yelped. Music to my ears.

I would rub into her up and down, left to right and switch up my patterns and amount of time rubbing to make sure I never became too predictable and allow her to defend or get sexually desensitized. When it gets to that point, you know it’s a good fight. This may sound nepotistic but I can safely say that of all the young rookies I’ve faced, Heather is by far the best. She fights like a woman who’s been playing the game for at least a decade. Still, despite the exhilarating workout she’s given me, all logic dictates that there was only one way that this match was going to end.

Heather’s POV:

I was backed into a corner and it especially stung knowing that I had no one to blame but myself. Still, you know what they say about cornered animals. I did my damndest to fuck my Mom back from my inferior position. If I was going down, I would be going down fighting as any nympho even remotely worthy of that title would do. From my laying down position on my back, I humped up into her but of course, it was nothing compared to the pleasure being dished out on me. Mom held a vice grip on my legs and I could just feel that she would not let me go even if her life depended on it. She was done with fun and games now. She was determined to fuck me into submissiom and then unconsciousness. For I don’t even know how many times in a row, time had escaped us as my Mom tribbed me in that L-shaped position. I think the sun was even starting to go back down again. Soon, I felt another orgasm coming on and in that indescribable way, I knew this one would be my last. There was no avoiding it or even slowing it down. All I could do was face it head on. And then it finally hit me.

Claire’s POV:

“No! Fuck! UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Heather screamed as she came, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she once again filled me up with her fluids.

I didn’t even notice at the time but she had actually passed out and I was in such a frenzy that I continued fucking her unconscious body. I soon felt my own climax coming on and sped up.

“Agh! Agh! AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!” I screamed as I came inside of my passed out daughter one last time.

After my orgasm calmed down, I finally realized that it was over and I had won. I smiled weakly before my exhaustion hit me like a brick and I immediately fainted on top of Heather.

What felt like an eternity had passed before I began to stir alongside Heather. The sun was up again. I looked at the clock and…Holy shit. We had been sexfighting for over 24 hours! I hadn’t done that since my College days! What a night! Or rather what a night and day.

“That was…amazing.” I said.

“Yes.” Heather agreed. “My first loss too but I don’t even care.”

“Honey…” I said guiltily. “Now that we finally got that out of our system…You don’t regret what we did, do you?”

“No.” She answered. “I don’t. Not even a little bit. In fact, I wanna do it again…and again…and again.”

“Good.” I agreed. “I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. First rule of the game. Every woman is a target. Zero exceptions.”

“I only regret not doing it the moment you came into my door.” Heather said.

“Truth is…” I began. “I’ve met many women who challenged their relatives. Sisters, cousins, in-laws, mothers, daughters, nieces, aunts…But I never considered it myself until now.”

“Every woman is a target.” Heather repeated. “But…Let’s not tell Jason, okay?”

“No. I don’t want him to have a stroke before he marries you.” I joked.

Heather’s POV:

My first loss. Not as emotionally crippling as I had expected. I knew it would happen sooner or later but at least it was at the hands or rather the pussy of the woman I respected most. If it was one of my bullies, I’d be much more sore about it. We spent the rest of the week doing…Well, take a wild guess. Let’s just say that Dawn will probably bitch at me about the water bill but it’s nothing another pussy whipping won’t fix.

This was the best week of my life by far. My Mom and I did just about everything that two women can do to each other. Of course, we didn’t want to overdo such a good thing, so on the second to last day, the day before Jason got home, we cleaned up the place and changed the sheets to both beds. We rested our weary bodies the rest of the day and shared stories of my Mom’s sexual exploits and I even introduced her to some stories on the board. She’s a big fan of JB57 now. You see where I get my good taste from? The final day had come at last and I was sad to see her go but I knew what I had to look forward to when she came here next for Christmas. I’ve been a naughty girl. I gave her a long, loving hug goodbye and we even squeezed each other’s asses in the hug too. Jason knocked on the door as she was about to leave, so she answered it.

“Oh…” Jason said with a blank expression. “He…Hello, m…Ma’am.”

“We’ve been over this, dear.” Mom lectured. “You can call me Claire.”

“Okay.” Jason said.

“I was just leaving.” She said. “I’ll see you both at Christmas.”

“Okay. Bye.” He said nervously.

Mom kissed him on the cheek, making him blush as she left. Jason calmed down and closed the door behind him.

“Hey, babe.” He greeted me.

“Hey.” I said back. “How was your family?”

“Good.” He answered. “Yours?”

“Good.” I said barely managing to keep a straight face


Offline Bustyannette

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Re: Family Competition
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2024, 02:51:12 PM »
Loved the stoty,,,


Offline Frank

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Re: Family Competition
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2024, 08:43:25 PM »
One of the better stories of this kind (mom/daughter sexfight) I have ever read.