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School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter

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Offline Susanoom

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School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« on: January 11, 2024, 07:43:15 AM »

Ana's gaze was lost in the void, the car wandered slowly through the streets to the parking lot near the house. She was stuck in the driver's seat for a few seconds while thinking about the previous scene.
Inside she could feel the anger of not having finished what had begun, the disappointment of not having continued to the end, the curiosity of knowing who was the most deserving to be called queen, and the special excitement of having faced a girl unlike any other.
Ana felt within herself that Louisa shared a primal pleasure with her, something that would drive anyone who might have tasted just a drop of her sensations to madness.
Reality dragged the blonde to her feet with unprecedented force, so much so that she winced as she sat on the spot. Ana turned sharply, watching as Claire leaned against the window.
"Ana, are you all right?" asked her friend worriedly.
The brunette was walking toward the bar when she saw Ana's car parked near her. Expecting to see her friend get out, she waited a few seconds before approaching.
Claire found Ana stuck inside the car, her hands still on the steering wheel and staring straight ahead. Worriedly, she tried knocking against the window, calling her name.
"Sorry, I'm ... pensive," Ana said, exiting the car and sketching a smile.
Claire looked at her with a worried face, wondering if that was the truth and what could torment a girl like her.
"Is it because of ... the kiss?" asked the brunette after a few seconds of silence "Don't worry, it was ... nothing special. Just two friends who like each other's presence," said Claire, smiling sincerely.
Ana looked at the girl, remembering the kiss with her and still feeling the taste of it inside her mind. She was the first girl with whom she had exchanged that kind of effusion, but she had not wondered what it could mean.
The reason was not that Ana did not care; Claire was an important person to her. Simply the blonde had had too much to think about in the meantime.
"I ... Yes. I was wondering that" lied the blonde, "I didn't know what to think and I was afraid of ruining the relationship between us."
"Don't worry. Between friends, we may kiss like that. Who said that kisses are only given out of love?" giggled the brunette.
Ana smiled, although inside she began to feel strange. She had lied to her friend, and she still did not understand why. Had Louisa changed her way of being solely with that little challenge?
"Where were you going?" asked Ana, trying to stop thinking about the girl.
"Heh heh..." smiled the brunette mischievously "I'm going on a date with a guy."
"What?" Ana widened her eyes, smiling happily.
Claire nodded happily before the two embraced. Ana felt as if her evil feelings had disappeared; happiness for her friend was greater.
"Who is he? Do I know him?" the blonde asked impatiently.
"Secret" giggled the brunette "But you can accompany me to the bar. Maybe you happen to see him," Claire finished, sticking out her tongue.
The two girls then began to set off, talking and joking together as if nothing had happened.
The shadow of change, however, hovered over Ana.


The girl was hit and pushed around the alley, the poor student could not reach the power of her opponent.
The blonde tried with all her might, pushing and slamming back. The two couples faced each other with increasingly hard slaps, but Demi kept getting the better of them.
Again and again, the blonde girl's body fell to the ground, getting up weakly only to be slammed around again.
"Give it up, bitch!" cried Demi.
The blonde cried but continued to fight until the ebony girl stopped the fight. All the girls present understood that Demi would completely destroy that girl if they continued.
"Is that all you got, Vivi?" growled Demi, thrusting her still-strong breasts out.
The ebony girl stared at the pair of brunettes, smiling sadistically. She wanted to see that girl fail miserably and would have given anything to do so.
"Oh, the best is yet to come," smiled Vivi.
Snapping her fingers, a girl took off her shirt and entered the center of the arena. Demi watched as the brunette's boobs bounced with each step.
"Time to go to bed, bitch," hissed the brunette.
"You think you scare me?" smiled Demi.
The new girl had the size advantage, surpassing Demi by at least a size. The queen of the neighborhood, however, was sure that her firmness would demolish even that pair.
Screaming, the two girls lunged forward.


The blonde and brunette walked close together, one arm entwined with the other as Ana tried to figure out who the mysterious guy was that her friend was meeting with.
"Hair color?"
"On the dark brown, in the Sun it almost seems to have lighter highlights."
Ana thought of more questions after a few seconds of silence as Claire giggled at the blonde's spasmodic curiosity.
"Is he tall?"
"Oh yes, taller than us for sure."
"Does he attend our school?"
Claire nodded in amusement.
"Oh my goodness! He's a student at our school! Who the heck is he?"
"It's a secret haha"
"... Is he handsome?" smiled the blonde mischievously.
"You don't know how much" returned the brunette's smile.
The two friends took a few seconds to laugh like fools as they walked and got closer and closer to their destination.
Ana spotted on the other side of the street a familiar face, Demi walked briskly with a frowning face. The blonde followed her with her eyes, it seemed that the brunette was in a thorny situation.
Continuing to walk, the blonde found herself at a crossroads. On one side was following Claire and discovering the identity of her friend's handsome prince charming. On the other side, a girl whom Ana considered almost friends because of their history seemed to need support.
Claire kept laughing, not noticing Demi across the street and her friend's indecision at her side. Ana looked at the brunette, sunny and simple, excited to have a date. This made the blonde decide.
"Sorry, Claire," Ana said, releasing her arm from her friend's, "I… just remembered I have an engagement."
Claire paused, looking puzzled at her friend. Until recently, the blonde had been charged and ready to find out who the beau was, and now she seemed to be back as the motionless girl inside the car.
"Sure..." replied the brunette "... Are you sure you're okay?"
Ana nodded, smiling simply. A genuine, true smile. What made Claire calm down at least partially?
"Remember that if you need me, you can count on me."
"The same goes for you, Claire. Now go, you can't be late!" Ana waved to her friend, before crossing the street.
She had seen Demi enter a side street a few minutes earlier, the only lead she had was to try to follow Demi's path, hoping to find her.


The blonde walked slowly, the road she had taken was darker and dimly lit, so much so that she felt an icy sensation around her skin as she proceeded. Demi seemed to have passed that way, but the reason was still unknown.
A cat dropped the lid of a garbage can, and Ana jerked on the spot like in one of those old-fashioned horror movies. Ironic that she was the one to find herself in that situation, the beautiful girl died first usually.
Recovering her breath, Ana continued on her way holding one hand against the wall as if not to get lost. As she got closer toward the end of the side street, she could hear some unnatural sounds.
The sounds gradually became louder until they remained at a steady level, almost as if someone was whispering in the blonde's vicinity. Ana was sure that such deaf and raw sounds clashed with the place she was reaching.
Stopping at the corner of what appeared to be a wider area of the street, the Russian student's eyes widened as she saw the scene before her. A small group of girls, Ana had counted five approximately, were across the area from her.
Some of those girls were topless, their breasts flushed and drooping downward, and some of them had runny mascara after a cry. In the center of them was the only girl still clothed, her dark skin reminiscent of dark chocolate, and she was watching the scene with more enthusiastic eyes than the blonde's.
In front of that girl, in the center of what seemed to have become an arena, was Demi. The brunette was busy fighting, the girl she was facing seemed to struggle to keep up with her but Ana's watchful eye could see how her rival breasts were being deformed by Demi's pair.
After a few exchanges, the brunette dropped the blonde to her knees with a groan. Demi's tits had destroyed the rival pair with a frontal impact, stabbing her flesh directly with her breasts. Demi growled victoriously at the sky.
"Bigger isn't always better, bitch," Demi hissed at the blonde.
The girl cried silently, massaging her battered breasts as she struggled to get up. The ebony girl clapped her hands slowly, applauding Demi with a very surprised look. The brunette waved the girl off, then posed with her hands on her hips.
"This little girl has also been grounded," Demi smiled, "Are you going to come yourself or do you still have some henchmen to send against me?"
Vivi looked at the brunette's arrogance with a smile, but what Ana had not missed at first glance was what Vivi had not missed so far: Demi was tired. The brunette's body was searching for oxygen, the girl's chest rising and falling quickly. Although Demi tried to hide it, all those fights had tried her.
"Almost done, heart of cream," giggled the ebony girl, "I don't think you can go on much longer."
"Do your worst, bitch" growled Demi, glaring at the girl.
Vivi simply snapped her fingers and the girls behind her opened to let another girl through. Ana followed with her eyes where her new opponent would appear, wondering if Demi could carry on like that.
"She's not mine, but she was dying for a wild encounter. So..."
The ebony girl did not finish her sentence, or if she did Ana did not notice. From the shadows, behind the other girls, Demi's new opponent entered the circle, showing herself to all. The blonde was familiar with those huge breasts, she could still feel the firmness pressing against her chest, although this time there was no bra to hide her nipples.
"Let me enjoy myself, Demi. Okay?" smiled Louisa.
Demi grunted, stepping forward and approaching the newcomer menacingly. Ana darted out of her hiding place, stopping the brunette and pulling her toward her.
"What the fuck?" yelled Demi, turning quickly as she was pulled "Ana? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"No time for questions," the blonde replied dryly, "Don't confront her. She is too strong for you right now."
Demi looked at her sideways.
"What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you to tell me what I have to-"
Demi's words died in her throat as Ana pushed her breasts into the brunette's pair. Normally, she and Demi would have equaled each other in firmness from the start but this time the brunette had already fought and taken more serious damage than Demi herself thought.
Demi's legs trembled suddenly as her pair warped against Ana's undamaged firmness; the blonde had to support the other girl so that she would not fall. Demi looked uncomprehendingly at the blonde, unable to conceive this weakness of hers but being struck by the realization that Ana was right.
"I..." muttered Demi.
"No, don't say anything," smiled Ana, "I'm here. I'll take care of it."
Demi was silent for a few seconds before nodding and getting up. Detaching herself from Ana, she brushed her hair and walked out of the circle.
"See that you win," hissed the brunette as she walked away.
Ana smiled, before turning toward her old acquaintance. Louisa stood calmly staring at the scene, a sadistic, excited smile on her lips at the mere thought of facing the blonde again, this time unrestrained.
"Looks like my wait was faster than expected," smiled the brunette, bouncing her breasts.
Ana focused on Louisa's pair, fixing on the dark nipples that pointed menacingly, the glistening piercings emitting a sinister and dangerous sensation. She had felt them through the fabric but now it would be different. Slowly, she removed the sweatshirt she still had on from the previous encounter. It had been a few hours and she still had not been able to go home. Removing her bra, she finally remained topless like her rival.
Louisa deliberately looked at the rival breasts, watching them with a ravenous, attentive gaze. The pale, luscious flesh, those pink areolas and thick diamonds that pointed menacingly at her pair. She had tried them, faced them, but had failed to bend them. This time would be different, she and Ana would play together until the end, and their hunt would last until a prey was caught.
"What's the matter, Demi? Are you afraid of-" Vivi's words faded away when Louisa turned to her.
Ana could not see the brunette's gaze, but judging by the change on the ebony girl's face, it did not look like a friendly look. Louisa seemed to have control even over the girl behind her, yet she was going to fight for her anyway.
When Louisa turned back to look at the blonde, her face was back to what it had been before. Sunny and calm, the brunette licked her lips as she approached Ana. The blonde approached in turn, stopping when their breasts brushed against each other.
Thrusting her chest forward, Louisa wrapped her arms around the other girl before Ana did the same. Both could feel the other's warm breath on their skin, feeling how the contact between their naked flesh was almost unlike anything else.
"This time, no one will bother me while I break you," smiled the brunette.
"Not even in your dreams," replied the blonde, pulling her opponent. "The only one who will be broken tonight is you."
Without waiting, the two girls tightened their grip on each other's bodies, pushing their breasts forward. Their flesh flattened upon contact with a pair of equal firmness, spreading outward and stopping the rival pair's advance. Both the Russian students pushed even harder, immediately trying to force the other back.
Their breasts remained pressed evenly together, with no chance of advantage. Ana grunted annoyed as she pushed forward again, the brunette licked her lips and smiled, pushing back. Louisa pressed her tits even harder into Ana's, forcing the blonde to have to push again.
"Yes, give me what you have Ana" whispered the brunette with an excited smile on her lips.
"Fuck you," hissed the blonde, increasing the force in her thrusts and grunting as she felt her rival do the same. Both brought one leg further back, the other girls could see how the muscles in their legs tightened in the effort.
After a few seconds, with a grunt of effort, Ana managed to push her rival back a step; her legs had gotten the best workout in the gym. Louisa stepped back one more step, hissing in frustration as she pointed to her feet.
Louisa turned sharply, using the blonde's strength against her and throwing her back. Ana stumbled a few steps, backing away from the challenge. Cursing, she turned just in time to see the brunette's body charge against her.
Ana managed to launch herself at Louisa, colliding with a resounding slap as their flesh visibly trembled, the blonde's body pushed back hard. The girls around heard moans of pain from both of them, though the brunette was back to smiling.
"I'll rip your crown off, Barbie," hissed the brunette amusedly.
"The only thing you'll get is a crown of thorns," growled the blonde.
Approaching each other, the two schoolgirls slammed their heavy boobs together with another meaty slap, staring at each other defiantly and arrogantly, then slamming again and again as they slapped each other, staggering to the center of the makeshift arena.
Demi watched with curious admiration as the raven-haired foreigner was holding her own against the blonde, knowing how dangerous the blonde was after having faced her once before. Tapping her breasts, feeling the small twinge of pain, Demi realized that if Ana had not taken her place she would have already been defeated.
Louisa slammed her tits back into Ana's, who moaned in pain before responding hard. The blonde continued to slam her breasts into the brunette's pair, responding to each blow and recoiling from the impact. Slowly, the brunette was pushing her back, she knew it but seemed to refuse to give in.
The blonde stretched out on her toes, throwing her breasts up before slamming them down on Louisa's pair with a resounding pop. The brunette stiffened, falling to one knee from the surprise and force of the impact. The weight of Ana's breasts was incredible and painful to bear.
"Bow before the queen," smiled the blonde, looking down at her.
Louisa growled, getting up soon after and slamming her breasts into those of the blonde. Both moaned in pain as they continued pounding their heavy breasts together, their bodies spinning around the alley as the other girls looked on ecstatically.
With a scream, Louisa and Ana swung their pairs, connecting with the rival pair. Their flesh flattened on impact, grunting as they kept their tits pressed together, pushing their breasts hard until Ana staggered back from the jolt of return.
"What's going on? Did you drop your scepter?" giggled the brunette.
Ana felt anger boiling inside her body, rising quickly under the gaze of all of them. Louisa waited until the blonde was on her feet before their bodies made contact again. Both girls pushed their breasts together, by now already sweaty from exertion as Ana felt herself being pushed back again.
"I'm better than you are," smiled Louisa.
"You're just a slut!" growled the blonde.
Hissing, the two girls joined their thick tits together again, nipple to nipple, feeling how their flesh pressed together as their tips remained in contact.
Louisa whistled in amusement, engaging her rival in a challenge between their proud tips. Ana reciprocated with a growl, accepting and pushing her tips into her rival's.
Louisa's nipples seemed to be more menacing, the piercing giving a greater sense of danger than Ana's thicker pair.
Their tips bounced off each other as they pressed together before the two girls went back and pushed forward again.
Neither pair yielded to the other; Ana and Louisa continued to stab each other still, feeling how their tips bent together before returning to position.
The two pairs of breasts were rubbed together slowly, letting their nipples face each other in singular tongues. Ana felt a shiver down her spine as her tip touched the cold metal of the piercing.
Louisa bit her lip, feeling the pain increase but she continued mindlessly as she watched the blonde's pained gaze fixed on the battle.
Pushing forward, the brunette gasped as their nipples buried themselves in rival areolas. Ana grunted annoyed as the two girls continued to rub their nipples together, sliding between them and bending over.
Louisa's tips seemed to slowly bend the blonde's nipples, it was almost impossible to tell for sure but Ana looked increasingly uncomfortable. Their eyes met and before Louisa could smile, Ana pushed her own breasts forward.
Ana threw her breasts at the brunette, and both gasped in pain as they collided. They took to pummelling each other with their breasts, uncoordinatedly connecting their tits with each blow. With a loud exchange, Ana and Louisa held their breasts together before turning back and slamming them into each other fiercely.
Ana swung from the right against the rival pair, causing the brunette to moan, who stepped back a step before reciprocating. The blonde, however, moved her breasts down and then threw them into the tender flesh of her rival's underside. The blow was hard enough to knock a groaning Louisa to the ground.
"That's where you belong, bitch," hissed the blonde.
Demi watched as the two students threw their breasts at each other again, meeting with resounding slaps as the heavy tits shattered together. Both Ana and Louisa could feel the firmness and resistance of each other's tits each time their bodies collided.
Louisa felt her excitement soaring as Ana was giving her the fight she had dreamed of from the first moment she saw her. She had recognized in the blonde the same arrogance and determination to never give up, even in impossible challenges.
Ana's moans grew louder as their heavy, huge tits shattered together, her eyes moist with constant pain as the blonde desperately threw her breasts against the brunette's, hoping to break her and break that absurd cycle of pain.
Louisa continued to fight and advance with each blow, pushing the blonde back and relishing in the increased intensity of her rival's screams of pain. Again and again, the brunette seemed to start beating her rival until she stumbled back. Ana hit the wall, slumping to the ground with a pained groan.
Louisa launched herself at the blonde, letting herself fall on top of her with a resounding slap. Ana's scream was sharper, a tear dropped from her eye as she stared hatefully into the brunette's face. However, the Russian student was surprised and enraptured by the blonde's breasts, which, despite all the beating, continued to retain their flushed shape.
"I'm going to enjoy taking you apart piece by piece," Louisa hissed, grinding her breasts into those of the blonde.
"Bitch!" hissed Ana with a grimace as she felt her tits wobble in the face of the rival pair.
She continued squirming and twisting the tits that hung above her. "I can't keep this up or I'll lose. I have to come up with something!" thought the blonde urgently.
"Mmmmmm so good, so...exciting," Louisa moaned, before kissing the blonde forcefully, then feeling overwhelmed by the sheer lust emanating from her confrontation with the Russian student.
For several long seconds, Ana returned the kiss with the same intensity, their tongues smashing together, coiling and licking like snakes. Each girl slipped her tongue into the other's mouth, feeling the popping of their lips as they made out.
Demi and Vivi watched as the two girls exchanged stifled moans as their tongues danced in their sealed mouths, Ana's cheeks moving according to the movement of their tongues, each setting direction to the other in a wet dance.
Panting, Ana regained control and grabbed her rival's hair, pushing Louisa's head and lips away, even as she kissed and licked her frantically. Ana had to fight an unbearable urge to kiss back, to release her grip and let the Russian student do what she wanted. Desperate, she instead rolled the wiggling girl frantically under her, focusing on the unfinished battle between them.
Louisa gasped as she came down from above, the sheer unbridled need and lust making her momentarily weak. She felt the blonde's arms around her, squeezing tightly before the weight disappeared. Then she screamed when Ana dropped her heavy orbs on her tits, hearing her rival's aching moan. Finally, the brunette responded by throwing her arms to encircle the blonde's upper body, squeezing hard.
Louisa rocked her body, slamming her hips into the blonde, managing to topple her rival onto her back again before Ana reversed positions again and they began rolling each other down the street.
"You're... going... to lose... bitch," Louisa gasped as she rolled on top of the blonde.
Sweat was also visible on their faces, crushing their bodies together and rubbing their tits hard. Both pairs of breasts had softened, spreading outward from the pressure.
"Fuck'll be... the one to...lose," hissed the blonde, listening to the brunette's moan as she climbed on top and pressed her breasts into her rival's pair.
Rolling still, she squeezed and pressed her breasts together, hearing the brunette's moans grow louder and louder. Ana began to smile, knowing that if she was able to stay on top for longer, she would finally defeat that girl.
Louisa, however, continued to roll, albeit more weakly. She no longer knew what could be real, the pain in her chest grew more and more and she did not want to be defeated, fear was a feeling she could not stand. One push with more force and the brunette knocked the blonde to the side, letting her go so that Ana rolled away.
The blonde found herself on the ground, searching with her eyes for the brunette who was getting back up as if nothing had happened. Slowly, Ana pulled herself up, her muscles aching and she felt her breasts rock downward as she stood up.
"Give me more..." whispered Louisa "Give me more...GIVE ME MORE, ANA!" ending with a scream, spreading her arms wide and challenging her rival.
Ana felt a blind rage explode inside her, standing up forcefully and screaming angrily as she threw herself at her rival. Louisa saw that blind fury in the blonde's eyes, the same fury she felt inside her. The brunette's hands closed on Ana's head as the blonde's hands grabbed the brunette's hair.
For a few moments, the two students used their legs to hurt each other, hands clenched in their hair as they pulled wildly. Ana and Louisa screamed in pain but neither seemed to want to let go of the other girl.
Their bodies staggered around the makeshift arena, under the dumbfounded gaze of all. No one expected such a turn of events, watching as the brunette and the blonde pulled at each other's hair, insulting each other venomously and continuing to claw at each other's heads.
Louisa released one hand, slapping the blonde's face. Ana responded in the same way, beginning to slap each other on the body, face, and breasts while with the other hand, they tugged at each other's hair relentlessly. Moans of pain filled the air as their legs tangled together until they both stumbled and fell to the ground with a thud.
The two students continued a fierce struggle, rolling back over and over again but still hitting each other hard. Slaps filled the air as their hands connected with each other's bodies, leaving red marks on their skin.
Their legs clung to each other, squeezing and kicking relentlessly, the blind fury of two girls had exploded like a bomb between them, continuing to scream and whimper in pain. Their lips curled into furious snarls, hurling insults relentlessly at each other as they beat each other.
Growling, getting up on their knees, maintaining their holds, and continuing to do damage to each other, their hands flew to each other's breasts, squeezing and squeezing relentlessly. A second later, they were slapping the other's body, hearing the howl of pain escape from their rival.
Tired after all their struggle, that theater of fury began to slow down. Both were exhausted and sweaty, grunting from exertion as they threw a few more slaps at each other and held firm grips on each other's hair.
"Bitch..." hissed Ana.
"Cow..." gasped Louisa.
They both slapped the other's breasts, moaning in unison as they became lucid again. They had lost control, yet neither had surrendered to the other. They were not done yet.
"Let's finish it, bitch," hissed Ana, "Let's see who is the real queen."
"Bring it on, bitch" growled Louisa.
The two schoolgirls grunted from the effort, wrapping their arms around each other and squeezing, their tits squeezed again, rubbing wildly against each other. Ana threw her head back as she moaned from the pain of the pressure on her chest. Louisa closed her eyes as she felt the weight of her rival breasts.
"I'm the better one," whimpered Louisa, pushing back hard, eliciting a squeal from the blonde.
"No, I'm the better woman!" replied Ana, screaming as she pushed her breasts into Louisa's pair, crushing them.
The two students felt their breasts molding together, pushing relentlessly as their breasts lost their shape under the watchful gaze of each girl around them. Both girls felt their flesh spurt out, glistening with sweat as they deflated more and more.
Louisa and Ana continued to hold each other, their bodies feeling heavier and heavier and their heads lolling. Ana found it difficult to see what was in front of her, she only felt the urge to squeeze again. The pain she felt coming from her breast seemed distant.
Louisa struggled to breathe, the blonde in front of her was increasingly blurred but she couldn't allow herself to stop, she didn't want to stop. She wondered if her tits could win, but she couldn't feel them anymore, if the brunette tried to concentrate on her chest she would only feel a cold numbness.
“I'm… better…” Louisa whispered.
“No… I… am,” Ana whispered.
The two girls leaned face to face, keeping their breasts pressed together, now almost completely crushed against their chests. Their flesh protruded from the sides and fell downwards like enormous drops of water held up by mutual pressure.
Demi observed the conclusion of that battle in absolute silence, remaining amazed by the determination shown by the two girls. A few seconds must have passed before all the girls present realized what had happened.
It was Demi who noticed the dead silence that had fallen on the two girls engaged in the duel of supremacy, now motionless and silent. She approached slowly, looking at the two girls as she approached step by step.
“They passed out,” Demi said, looking up and meeting the ebony girl's eyes.
Ana and Louisa had fainted during the battle, which was unique to those present. Demi moved to help the blonde, as the other girls moved closer to Louisa. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they tried and failed to bring her back to her senses.
Demi then called for help.


"No...nnnnngh..." Demi moaned.
The rival easily grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms to the floor. The brunette looked at the ebony girl, the fear of her defeat in her eyes. This made her rival smile, realizing that the girl beneath her was under her control. VivI pushed her breasts against her rival's.
“Nnnnnngh… Ahhhhhhhh… Nooooo…” Demi moaned in agony as her tits were crushed mercilessly.
After a few long seconds of screaming and moaning, Demi finally submitted.
“Stop… Stop, please… Pleeeeeaasee…” Demi whimpered as the pain in her breast nearly made her pass out.
Vivi smiled mischievously as she stood up.
“Now you know who the better woman between us”

Vivi was getting excited just imagining the scene. The intervention of that blonde bitch had ruined her plan to defeat Demi, and now she had to change her strategy. Inside, she aspired to dominate the brunette with the better body than her, and maybe she would.
In front of the girl's sexy naked body, a photo of a boy was enlarged. Vivi grabbed her phone, looking at it with bright eyes as she continued to tease her womanhood.
“Mmmmm… you will be my little toy… aaaaah…. for my revenge” the girl moaned, kissing the screen “Will you... Uuuh... succeed… Kyle?”
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Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2024, 09:30:16 AM »
This is the best chapter yet. Hands down.
Thankyou soo much for including a kissfight and catfight in it I loved it.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline BlondeCurves

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2024, 11:59:41 AM »
Wow just Woowwwwwww
Best Chapter Ever!!!!
Loved the catfight just loved it. Not to belittle kissifight in any way but this was out of this world.
The way you kind of made Demi and Ana allies here was so refreshing. I mean this is like so late in this series and yet you manage to make it write so refreshingly.
I am so grateful for you sharing this here.


Offline Busty Jem

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2024, 03:18:56 PM »
I just wonder how many times you will outdo yourself.
It started with Ana vs Demi then Ana vs Sarah post that Ana vs Claire and finally Ana vs Louisa. Everytime you made me think this couldn't get any better and yet time and again you just bring something even better.
Hats off! This was nothing short of absolute Brilliance.


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2024, 03:31:31 PM »
It took longer than expected, this chapter was hard to write and long.
The catfight part is ephemeral, two paragraphs but they took up too much time. This means I need to get better at the catfight style, I'll use the Rose Chronicles series to get used to it.
I wanted to take a chance with the catfight even though it seems to have been appreciated.
I'm happy you like it!
Susanoom on Tumbrl,Bdsmlr and
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Offline Voluptuous Eden

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2024, 03:49:29 PM »
Dude what have you been drinking? What was this? I was not expecting this. This season went from 7 to 20/10. I don't know your time zone but I read this at my office. Seriously I have never read an entire story at work i just take glimpses and then read later but this was too engaging for me to leave. You had it all in here. I can't tell you hum much adrenaline rush I got it was like I had 7 cups of coffee.
In one word i say Fabulous. Even Jane Austen couldn't have done it better. You really should try to be a screenwriter if you can do this i wonder what great stories you can write.


Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2024, 04:35:58 PM »
Dude what have you been drinking? What was this? I was not expecting this. This season went from 7 to 20/10. I don't know your time zone but I read this at my office. Seriously I have never read an entire story at work i just take glimpses and then read later but this was too engaging for me to leave. You had it all in here. I can't tell you hum much adrenaline rush I got it was like I had 7 cups of coffee.
In one word i say Fabulous. Even Jane Austen couldn't have done it better. You really should try to be a screenwriter if you can do this i wonder what great stories you can write.
i was in a similar situation. I was in cab coming back home when i read it and i was giggling all the time as it kept getting more and more interesting.
Trillian : strongsarah315


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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2024, 08:53:22 PM »
Loved the story it's becoming stressful xD
I wasn't expecting the tie again though, I think Louisa will be too much for Ana next time, she just seem to have something else! Well, at least I'll cheer for her, we need a new queen


Offline Maria Curves

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2024, 05:30:22 AM »
Loved every bit of it. Super exciting and and surprising.


Offline CurvyVictoria

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2024, 02:16:56 PM »
My man living in a different atmosphere breathing some different air. What a chapter, What a chapter. Start to end and that catfight was fire!!!
Best Curves


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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2024, 11:40:03 PM »
Well, I can safely tell you that I am not from another planet.
I like to drink, but I'm pretty sure I write when I'm sober... most of the time haha ??I'm glad you liked my gamble, although I wanted to follow this psychology for Louisa.
Many of you have written to me privately about the story everytime (and i love It, you make me feel how much you care and I love to know what you think) but now I think you all understand what I meant by "particular construction" for Louisa  ;D
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Offline Miafit

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Royal Encounter
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2024, 08:05:32 AM »
Loved it! Best chapter yet. That catfight and kiss got me all sweaty