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My Best Friend's Mom 4

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Offline Dan Zone43

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My Best Friend's Mom 4
« on: January 22, 2024, 11:07:32 PM »

My Best Friend's Mom 4

When you get to be Linda's age its inevitable, friends pass away   Linda received a phone call this morning.  Her dear friend and many time opponent Kwan had passed away.  Kwan's daughter, Julie, called her.  She passed away peacefully of natural causes surrounded by her loved ones.  Funeral arrangements were made.  When Jackie wanted to try catfighting at the age of 18, Linda asked Kwan to be her opponent.  Kwan beat Jackie in two straight falls that night but that led to Jackie's love of fighting.   

Linda and Jackie went to the funeral and the reception afterwards.  Julie finally was able to chat with Linda and Jackie.  “We are so sorry for your loss.” Linda told Julie.  “Thank you, Linda you were always a good friend to her and opponent.  I'd like to introduce you to my son Charlie.”  Charlie was an 18-year-old Chinese American boy smaller in stature.  He wore thick glasses and was a little nerdish.   

“Jackie, I haven't seen you in years.  Last time I saw you I was 14 when you and mom fought.”   “That's right I forgot you were there.”  Jackie replied.   “I always wondered how I would have done against you.”   “You disappeared for a few years.”  Linda said.  Julie took a deep breath, this was her deepest secret, her lowest point in her life.  It also turned into her proudest moment.  “I was 17 when I got hooked on drugs and alcohol.   I got into a bad place and did a lot of bad things.  Turned tricks for drugs, I even got involved with a woman’s combat company and did a lot of fights for them (Julie told them the name of the company but Jackie and Linda did not know it).  At 22 and pregnant I showed up at mom's door asking for help.  She did.  I went to rehab; mom went to meetings with me.  17 years clean and sober thanks to mom.  And I have a wonderful son.  I owe everything to mom.”  Julie pulled out her 17-year chip. 

The funeral reception wound down and everyone went home.  A few days later Linda received a call from Julie.   Julie wanted to know if Jackie would be up for a fight, a tribute to mom, Julie said.  After going back and forth between her daughter and Julie they agreed to a fight.  It would be an all-out fight that included body and head punches, tit mauling and hair pulling.  Julie had to be talked out of knees and kicking.   The fight would be best 2 out of 3 falls and in only underwear.  Jackie wanted to see Julie's fights but didn't know where to look, but she knew who did.  Maggie came over with her tablet.  She knew the company Julie fought for and pulled it up.  “I didn't like this company when looking up catfights.   They basically got 2 crack whores to fight with no rules.  Biting was allowed.  Eye gouging, kicking and punching to pussies.”  (Maggie remembered when Indira punched her in the pussy).  “They basically just fought for drug money.  It is very violent even for a catfight.”  Maggie even found some of Julie's fights.  Maggie was right, this was violent, there was no real strategy or skill in the fights just go.  Blood was everywhere.  They watched a few of Julie's fights.  Some she won, some she lost.  Julie looked tough, but that was years ago.  Things have changed for both women. 

A few days before the fight Julie called Jackie herself.   To arrange some stakes.  Julie explained the stakes she wanted.  “My son received a scholarship to Harvard in the fall.”   Julie explained.   “As you could tell he's a bit of a geek, a wonderful son with an amazing brain.  But he’s extremely shy.  He hasn't kissed a girl or been on a date.  He's not gay, I asked him and told him I’d love him no different if he was.  He said he likes women.  But I’d like him to lose his virginity and have some experience before he goes away.  I propose if I win, he spends the night with you and you make him a man.  If you win…name it.”  Jackie couldn't believe this was happening and she was about to agree to this.  Jackie asked Julie for a threesome with Gary if she won, Gary always had a thing for Asian women.  They talked about who would be invited to watch their fight.   Julie wanted Linda there as a tribute to her mom.  Gary was agreed and so was Charlie.  Jackie told Julie about young Maggie, Julie saw a picture of Maggie and how cute she was so hoping maybe to hook Charlie up with her she agreed to Maggie watching.  Considering they were going to fight in panties only Jackie asked Julie if she was ok with Charlie seeing her like that.  Julie said Charlie had seen her nude before, besides he gets to see the tits of the woman he’s going to lose his virginity to. 

The fight was to take place at Linda’s, the place where Jackie had fought Kwan all those years ago.   The day came, Gary and Maggie went to Linda’s early to move furniture and lay out the fighting mats.  Jackie showed up an hour early to her mom's home.  “Nervous,  dear?” Linda asked.  “Of course, mom.  You told me it's not normal not to be nervous.”   Julie and Charlie showed up a half hour later.  Maggie answered the door in blue yoga pants and a crop top t-shirt that showed off her sexy belly.  Charlie almost blew his load right then and there.   Maggie led Julie to a room to change.  Maggie brought Charlie down to the basement where the fight would take place.  At the right time Jackie and Julie came down in robes, Jackie in hhhhhh and Julie in a small black robe. Linda got up and began the fight.  “Ok, ladies you know the rules and the stakes.  Remove your robes and get ready to fight.”   Both women took their robes off.  Both women were about the same height but that is where the similarities stopped.  Jackie had a bigger bust; Julie was just above an A cup.  Jackie had had a bit of belly fat but…Julie had a washboard stomach.   Julie had defined muscles while Jackie had muscle but wasn't as predominant as Julie. 

“Fight!”  Linda yelled and it was on.  Julie closed in on Jackie her fists high and tight, each step precise and calculated.   Jackie no stranger to throwing fists throughout her fight career but she wasn't anywhere near as graceful as Julie.   Jackie cocked a right back ready to fire a right hook when 2 quick jabs smashed into her face.  Her head snapped backwards with each blow.  Jackie barely had a chance to steady herself when another jab bashed her nose and a straight right into her eye.  Jackie stumbled backwards in disbelief!  Jackie covered up her face when Julie pounded a left uppercut right into her belly and a right hook to her tit!  Jackie grunted with the shot to the belly and winced in pain as her bigger tit flew everywhere.   Julie smiled.  “Come on Jackie, I thought you were tough!” Julie faked an overhand right that made Jackie duck to avoid it.  Bent over 1/3 of the way Julie fired a right-left combo to each of the sides of Jackie's face.  Jackie dropped to her hands and knees stunned, seeing stars.  “Oh no, Jackie, we're not done yet!” Julie told her opponent.   Julie pulled a dazed Jackie up by her hair and spun her around by that hair finally throwing Jackie into the couch where Maggie and Charlie were sitting.    Jackie landed with an ‘Ummpphhh!”.   Maggie was shocked that Jackie was getting beaten this badly!   Using the couch Jackie pulled herself up and turned around just in time to catch a 5 punch flurry to her head and tits.   Julie was a well-oiled punching machine and, well, Jackie, was the punching bag.  Blood plastered Jackie’s face but nobody knew if it was from her bloody nose or the cut above her eye!  Jackie’s knees were buckling, her legs wobbly when Julie came at her again with another unanswered flurry of punches. 

18 years ago, Julie knocked on her mother's door, addicted to drugs and alcohol and pregnant.  Who the father was she had no idea.  She begged her mother for help.  Kwan wasn't going to turn her daughter away.  Kwan got Julie into rehab, went to all her AA and NA meetings with her.  Kwan stayed up to all hours in the night when she was having a rough time.  Kwan bought Julie a heavy bag they put up in the basement.   Kwan then gave her the old pair of gloves she used in boxing.  Kwan was 1 and 2 in boxing.  Kwan told her anytime she felt anxious or wanting to use to come down to the basement and workout on the heavy bag.    Julie spent many hours smashing the bag.  A few years after Charlie was born Julie, now clean and sober, joined a woman's boxing gym enjoying the workouts, her new drug.  She spared a bit, light stuff no real boxing.   Eventually she did have a match, she knocked her opponent out in the second round.  Julie would box 4 more times over the years only losing once in an amazing 8 round fight to a younger woman that went on to have a pretty good pro boxing record.   Julie knew how to use her fists.   It was evident by her destruction of Jackie. 

Julie threw Jackie against the wall of the basement and was bobbing and weaving her way to her pray.  Jackie was barely standing when Linda got between them.  “That’s enough, Julie, she’s done!” “She's done when I say she’s done or the bitch gives up.  Now stand aside old woman or I’ll knock you silly just like your daughter!”  Julie moved after a groggy Jackie again when Linda got in the way.  Julie shoved the senior aside; Gary was about to jump in to defend his family when Maggie got their first.  Maggie got in between Julie and Linda and Jackie.    “Nobody does that to My Best Friend's Mom!   Bitch!”   Maggie yells. 

“Get out of the way child or you will get hurt!”  Julie yelled but Maggie didn't budge.  “Maggie, no.  She’s too dangerous. “  Jackie mumbled still hurting.  “I’m not afraid of an ex crack whore!”   Maggie pulled off her shirt.  “You want a catfight, bitch?”  Julie asked.  Maggie pulled off her bra and pants.  “I want a fucking fight!”  She finished by pulling off her thong.   Charlie had a hard on seeing Maggie nude!  “I see somebody has found some of my old fights on videos.”  Julie pulled off her panties.  While Maggie's pussy was shaved, Julie had a big bush.   The younger and older women put their dukes up and circled.  “You know this is a no rules fight, right?”   Julie informed Maggie.    “I know, just no biting or eye gouging, that’s not womanly.”   “Fine, you’re going to regret fighting me!”

When she got close enough Julie flicked out a kick to Maggie's pussy!  Pain shot though Maggie as Julie’s foot connected with her pussy!  A jab smacked Maggie in the cheek snapping the younger woman's head back.  A second jab…got blocked as Maggie fired off a left hook to Julie's chin, this landed with a hard “Ommuuffhh” from Julie!   This was followed by a side kick to Julie’s thigh from Maggie.  Julie closed in on Maggie ready to fight Maggie stood her ground and met Julie toe to toe.  Maggie reached out for Julie's hair yanking it hard.  Julie tried to break Maggie's hold on her hair.  It’s been a long time since someone pulled her hair like that!  A struggle ensued Julie couldn't believe Maggie was pulling her hair so hard Julie was now bent at the waist!   Then…1,2,3 uppercut fists smashed Julie's small tits from Maggie!   What the fuck!  Julie thought to herself, was she getting too old for this?  Was this Maggie kid’s youth better than her?  NO FUCKING WAY! 

Julie fists up threw a 3 punch combo at Maggie's head!  Maggie tried to block them but 2 caught her good stunning her.  Julie reached out and grabbed Maggie's pussy lips.  Maggie squealed in pain!  “That’s it, little bitch! Scream!” Julie pulled and twisted the younger woman's pussy lips.  Maggie had to let go of Julie's hair to try to stop the pussy attack!  “Get her mom!  Rip her pussy off!”  Charlie yelled from his seat, his hands fondling his cock through his pants.  Maggie didn't know what to do!  She has never felt this pain even when Indira punched her pussy before!   Maggie was on her tippy toes fighting the pain.  Maggie finally saw a way out.  Julie was to focused on her pussy attack and didn't know she was wide open.  Bam!  A downward right hand smashed into Julie’s eye, then a second!  Julie fell to the mats on her hands and knees.  Maggie knew this was not boxing, this was not a ruled catfight, this was a fight!  “Oh, Julie we are not done yet!”  Maggie said mocking what Julie said to Jackie. Maggie flicked a kick into Julie's ribs that landed with a sickening thud!  Julie cried out in pain and rolled to her back holding her ribs.  From previous fights Maggie knew to jump on Julie this time with a knee to Julie's belly.   Julie was stunned when Maggie spun on top of her and bashed a fist into Julie's face.  Maggie then went after Julie’s tits!  Maggie twisted Julie’s tits but left herself open to a right hook to her jaw from Julie!   This knocked Maggie off Julie.  Julie growled and jumped on Maggie.   The two fighters rolled over and over on the mats, punching,  kneeing,  yanking each others hair, this was a wild fight.  Both fighters faces were now bloody as they continued their fight.  After a few minutes of this action Julie kicked Maggie in the belly sending Maggie flying away from her. 

Both fighters struggled to get to their feet.  Burses, scratches, blood all over their bodies.  The two women charged each other fists flying everywhere!   Hands went to hair!  Maggie hammered a solid right uppercut into Julie's belly knocking the wind out of her.   A second uppercut doubled Julie over leaving the older fighter vulnerable.   Maggie grabbed Julie by the hair in her doubled over position and started a flurry of knee lifts into Julie's tits and face.  6,7,8 knee lifts were without mercy as blood from Julie’s face dripped to the mats below.  It was too much for Julie.   “Stop!  I give!”  Julie yelled. 

Post credit scene.

Technically Jackie lost her fight with Julie and took Charlie's cherry.  She fucked him really good and taught him how to eat pussy.   Julie never had another fight after getting beat by Maggie.   

For the next part of the My Best Friend's Mom universe check out the boxing section.  If boxing is not your thing sorry. 

« Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 11:12:59 PM by Dan Zone43 »