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Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction

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Offline lvmycatfgtwife

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Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« on: January 15, 2024, 10:41:05 PM »

Hi folks. My name is Dave, not that you really care. But I’ve had an extraordinary year. First my wife of 37 years got a big buyout and retired early, and I sold my company at the same time. As our kids have had families and moved away, we decided to sell our house, and buy one in an upscale “mature” community. We moved in on a Thursday, and to celebrate, nobody knew we were there until Tuesday.
A couple of weekends later, there was a gathering in the community center, and we both felt attending would be good, meet the neighbors and all. The gathering was fairly large, but I was a bit surprised on 2 fronts. One, most of the people were not much older than us (60 for Anne, 62 for me) and some even a bit younger. And second, the vast majority of the gathering was female. I asked a fellow about that, and he mentioned that between the price tag, and the location, it seemed to cater to the younger “mature” set. And that because of widows and divorces, over 70% of the community was female. But he also cautioned that most were also “on the prowl”.
I laughed it off, and went to find Anne, who was chatting with a couple of couples. I joined in, but after a few minutes, the other women wandered away, sort of taking their men with them. It was curious, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, and was looking at a stunning blonde, with an enormous rack. Now realize, my Anne is gorgeous, and built. Even at 60 she is sensational 5’8 150lbs, 36E 26 36 with flaming red hair and green eyes, so it takes an awful lot for me to really stare at another woman. But in front of me now, I WAS staring. “Hi handsome, new here?” Foolish stuttering followed “, yess, I em My name uh mm, my name is Dave..” “Hello Daavee” the blonde purred. Just then I was snapped to as my Anne stepped between us “and I am his WIFE, Anne. And who might you be?” “My name is Betty, dear, remember that”
Betty looked around, saw a small space in a corner that was unoccupied, and sort of moved me there. I followed, as did Anne. As we got there, Betty let me go, then turned to face Anne. I gulped a bit, and saw a scowl on Anne’s face. My gulp was from Betty palming my crotch. “Well one question answered hun” Betty cooed to Anne. “Next would be, do you share well with others? Or is that something you need to learn?” Anne stepped forward and removed Betty’s hand from my crotch. “I Don’t share, and have never learned to, even when someone has tried, HUN” “Oh dear, someone needs to learn manners” responded Betty.
“Now ladies, let’s calm down for a minute” While I have spent the better part of my marriage, even my life, enjoying a couple of cats getting together, especially Anne, I was concerned about our new surroundings. Not wanting to get in bad with the entire community in our first month, I was more than willing to have them calm down. “Oh don’t worry sugar..nothing will happen tonight, rest assured. But from that bulge, I really do want a night by myself with you, and will do what I need to, to make that happen” Betty replied. “Well, slut, what you will ‘need to’ is be able to walk over my beaten body, and that will not be happening!” Came back Anne in a terse whisper. “Oh that can be arranged hun, but again not tonight.” Betty took out a card from her purse, and pushed into Anne’s ample cleavage “If you aren’t all talk sugar, give me a call. If you don’t, I’ll assume handsome Dave here is free and clear” With that, Betty turned and walked across the room.
We left pretty soon after that…Anne was fuming. She placed Betty’s card on the counter, and stalked around the new home. Eventually we went to bed, and I did my best to try and make her forget. But when I got up the next morning she was still mad as hell (redheads!). “Listen babe, It’s been a few years since you did this, and it seems Betty has been keeping up” Fuck, that was a mistake! “ think that bitch is Better than me??! At what?? Fighting! FUCKING!!” “not at all, just like I said, it’s been a bit..” “I’m Still in shape! And I know her type, Big tits, pretty blonde, intimidates most wives without doing anything. Those who might stand up, wither with a couple of slaps. Well this time she picked the Wrong Wife!” With that Anne picked up the card and the phone. Within minutes they were shouting and cursing at each other.
They had set it up for 3 weeks, a Saturday night, at Betty’s. Anne was a demon in our little pre-made workout room, spending at least 3 hours there every day. By the Wednesday before the “meeting” she looked incredible. Her arms were fabulous, her legs were toned, and any slight pooch to her belly was gone. Thursday I just had to make her scream I was so turned on. She wouldn’t look at me Thursday night, Friday or Saturday..even sleeping in another room. Then came Saturday night.
Betty lived around the corner, maybe 500 yards away across the street. We walked there together, Anne’s arm in mine. We got to the door, and even before I could ring the bell, Betty opened the door, covered in just a robe. I could see her nipples poking at the robe, nothing underneath. She ushered us in, then dropped her robe. Again, I was staring. Betty was amazing. Her tits at 63, just a firm as Anne’s still, and for sure, even a bit fuller. Nice belly, and what looked like some very strong hips and legs. And smack dab above her engorged pussy lips, the fullest blonde bush I ever recall seeing in my life “Well, time for you 2 to strip also, or for Anne to leave” announced Betty. I stood there, while Anne quickly disrobed. If I forgot to mention, Anne has a good carpet to match her drapes as well. Anee started to help me undress, but left me in my boxers “Not until we’re done Whore” She snarked at Betty.
Betty led us into the “fight room” an extra bedroom, with a thick shag carpet, and what I could feel was a lot of extra padding underneath. The only thing in the room was a Queen mattress, which Betty had me position on hooks in front of the windows. I realized it was to keep anyone from seeing in, and to make sure any fighters didn’t slam into the windows and break glass. This woman knew there would be rough fights in this house. I shuddered just a bit, as I compared the two combatants. This was a rarity. Anne was facing a taller, heavier, larger titted woman, whose ample bush was as full, maybe even fuller, than my wife. I didn’t recall many, if any, times that Anne physically was behind in every category in all the time we were together.
The women stood on opposite sides of the room, me against one wall, in my boxers. Betty commented “I never lost a fight over my late Bob’s cock bitch, and this won’t be my first for Dave either” Then she strode over and yanked my boxers down, going to her knees. She stopped to lick my cock, bringing it complete attention. “Oh my, and I always thought Bob’s was are just monstrous dear Dave” “Fuck off whore, you have to earn that!” Betty turned, and crouched
Anne crouched as well, and the 2 cats started to circle, in short time, the claws came unsheathed. The starred death into each others eyes, and then as if a bell went off, both leaped forward, hands up. Hands went into hair, with a shriek. I knew both had gotten talons into scalps by the sound, then CLOP! And “uuhnnn” as the two monstrous sets collided. The impact actually drove them apart. Both stood, shaking heads, and twirling fingers. I saw wafts of red and golden hair float to the carpet.
Then, they re-engaged. This time it was left hand to hair, right to left tit. Even for a big girl, Anne has fairly large, and strong hands. Betty’s hands seemed more feminine and petite, even for her size. I could tell the difference even without seeing as Anne work Betty’s giant orb. Anne’s fingers went deep, and the titflesh started to ooze around her fingers. From the look on Betty’s face, I could tell she was getting hurt. I looked at the clock on the wall..they were into this position for almost 2 minutes.
Then Anne must have sensed she was doing damage. She started moving forward, and the larger Betty was giving way. Anne yanked her left hand from Betty’s hair and Ltche onto Betty’s other big girl. This got betty moving back quicker, until she hit the wall with a thud, and “GUUHH”. Anne now had her trapped to the wall, and was really working Betty’s titis. She twisted them in and out. I saw the titskin wrinkle and straighten with each turn. Betty looked in bad shape. Then Betty started to slap at Anne’s face. There wasn’t great leverage on the slaps, with Betty pinned to the wall, but I could tell they were stinging. But my Anne could take that if it would win her the fight.
Then maybe out of desperation, I saw Betty’s left hand curl, and the next slap was more of a rake. Anne screamed out, and stepped back, holding her face. Betty, took a deep breath, and stepped away from the wall. Anne dropped her hand, and I saw 3 angry looking welts form on her cheek. At least the skin hadn’t been broken. “You dirty Whore!” screamed Anne, and the two re-engaged. This time both went straight for the tits. After a few minutes of straight arms, the elbows folded and they got in close. The threats curses and trashing from their mouths almost made me blush, but instead, my hand went involuntarily to my cock.
Again, Anne was winning this tit war, but Betty was holding her own. I took a look, and the fight was now 9 minutes in. Anne changed her hold, moving her hands underneath Betty’s massive jugs. Betty cried out, but change her hold as well, I saw her fingers go to the outside of Anne’s twin giants, then heard Anne howl. I looked and saw that Betty now had her thumbnails pushed directly into Anne’s long fat nipples. The look on Anne’s face was unfamiliar, but frightening. She looked in deep trouble. Then I saw her let go of Betty’s left tit, ball her fist, and send a punch up into the bottom of that tit. It connected solidly, almost knocking the massive orb into Betty’s face. Betty grunted, and stepped back, as did Anne.
Both women hunched their shoulders in, and quickly massage their chests. Then Betty put up her fists, and came at Anne. Anne put up hers, and I watched, figuring this was good. When it came to fists, Anne was as in her element as anyone. Anne snapped 2 hard jabs to Betty’s face. But Betty walked through them, and sent a thunderous right to Anne’s side. It must have been a tremendous shot, because Anne yelped, and folded a bit, something she almost never did from a first blow. Anne stayed in though, and kept firing accurate and rough fists at Betty’s pretty face. But Betty was as accurate, and seemingly more effective. I watched, and could tell, while Anne had better arm strength, Betty knew how to use her strong hips and legs behind her punches.
Anne was doing her best, and Betty was getting swelling on her face, as well as a bloody mouth, Anne’s tits and body were taking a real beating. Anee was eventually backed to the opposite wall, and Betty really went to work. Anne kept up the face punches, but with even less leverage and effectiveness. Betty had Anne tits really swelling, and I heard Anne groan with each body shot. It looked bad for my sexy wife, when she reached up and grabbed Betty’s blonde locks. Anne pulled Betty’s head down, and with a foot on the wall to push off, managed to get Betty into a front headlock, then pulled her head to the side. Anne started sending punches into Betty’s back and side. Betty roared, and tried to move her shoulder into Anne’s middle, then drive Anne to the wall. At that, Anne twisted slightly. There wa a huge thud!, then Anne fell to her knees, coughing and breathing deep, her monster tits jiggling heavily with each breath. Betty stood up for a second, then staggered back and fell onto her big sexy butt, shaking her head.
Both women had been magnificent, and my cock was dripping in pre-cum, harder than I recall in years. I looked at the clock, they were 18minutes in, with neither really ahead. “Ladies, you have bith been incredible, more than anyone could expect.. I think we should call it for tonight, and see about the future” Betty looked up “Listen, as long as I can feel that fat cock in me, I will happily share with both of you tonight” Anne coughed “I guess that would work, as long as we DO share”.
Betty got up, and brought us into her bedroom. It was huge, and there was a monster customized bed there. Betty laid Anne Down, and Buried her face in Anne’s crotch, with her ass wiggling in the air. I gladly climbed onto the bed, felt Betty’s already wet pussy, and then plunged deep into her from behind. Betty squealed in delight, and we spent the night. WE got up the next morning, and dressed. Betty woke up as we finished “That was great guys. Sharing isn’t the worst. But I know what I need to do to get a solo night. And we will have to decide that my tits are better sometime anyway” Anne replied “I think I might shre like last night more, but yes, for alone sharing we both know what that entails. And we will need to show you that bigger is not better…Dear”
With that, we went to the front door. As we got outside, let the door close. I took Anne’s arm in mine. I hate to admit this honey” cooed Anne “but that Bitch can fight, and FUCK!” I tapped her hand with my other arm “I’ll second that babe” We both chuckled. Then I added “Interesting community we wandered into. I wonder how many more ‘Bettys’ there are here” Anne punched me in the arm, but chuckled again. Maybe my Fighter is coming out of retirement??

(to be continued??)
Let me know what you think. And should I continue..with Betty, with others, the community in general?


Offline DavidG

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2024, 11:23:44 PM »
That was brilliant
Would like these 2 to rematch the catfight to a decisive winner whilst also wanting to see how many more Bettys this town has


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2024, 12:16:31 AM »
Great story.  Anne needs to fight Betty again.  Plus I suspect Betty isn't the only fighter in the community.


Online suffolkwrestling

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2024, 02:25:42 AM »
Wonderful start, please continue the story of these two ladies and others in the community who fight!


Offline ultimatespinach

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2024, 02:42:08 AM »
That was an excellent story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Since you have a whole group of women to choose from I'd like to see your wife fight an equally endowed and well matched senior black woman. I'm a huge fan and proponent of interracial catfights so that's where my interest lies!


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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2024, 03:42:25 AM »
Great build up. Great description of the beautiful ladies. Please do more


Offline lvmycatfgtwife

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2024, 04:17:32 AM »
That was an excellent story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Since you have a whole group of women to choose from I'd like to see your wife fight an equally endowed and well matched senior black woman. I'm a huge fan and proponent of interracial catfights so that's where my interest lies!

Check out Sexfights for your interest, I hope


Offline Suzanne_fights

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2024, 09:24:50 AM »
This is excellently written and yeah Anne and Betty need to fight again plus maybe they fight someone else each too but I loved this first instalment


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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2024, 04:52:52 PM »
Loved it!!  Matter Double D Catfights are a real favorite of my husband too!  Thanks for teeing him up for me!


Offline guzelyali

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - Introduction
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2024, 12:56:29 AM »