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Janie fight in the follow up of the Conundrum

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Offline man-of-sea

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Janie fight in the follow up of the Conundrum
« on: January 30, 2024, 10:47:01 PM »
Here is they follow up  I'm not sure of the ending maybe a little to corny :-\ let me know if I/ should rewrite it

Janie's fight

Brad opening his sleepy right eye to check what time it was. Janie still sleeping next to him her long legs intertwined with Brad's. Brads slowly strokes Janie chestnut hair and with his right fore finger starts drawing circles around her thick nipples. Smiling as he see her responding as. the wrinkles of her areola deepen and the nipples become even more erectas he continues teasing her with gentle circular motions.

He doesn't want to rush things. He wants to ensure that Janie feels comfortable and relaxed, allowing her to fully surrender to the upcoming confrontation.

Brad knows that trust is key to building a strong bond between two opponents, even in a brutal catfight. He wants Janie to feel safe and secure, knowing that the outcome of the contest will be fair and square.

Brad's phone buzzes loudly, interrupting the tranquil mood. He quickly silences the device and checks the message. His eyes widen, and a broad grin spreads across his face.

Brad reads the message, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. The sender, a mysterious stranger named X, has arranged a match for today - a fight to the finish. X provides the address, a warehouse tucked away in the industrial outskirts of the city.

Brad hesitates a moment, his finger hovering over the reply button. He knows that Janie deserves a proper introduction to this twisted world. Yet, the anticipation of a ruthless, bloody catfight stirs his blood.

He musters up his courage and presses send.
Moments later, a message pops up on his screen: "Confirmed. Be ready."

Brad lets out a sigh of relief, his heart pounding in his chest.

He turns to Janie, her chestnut hair fanning out on the pillow, her face etched with traces of untamed desire. He knows that this moment will define their fates, that their lives will forever be altered by their actions.

He pauses, his finger hovering over her shoulder.

The silence stretches, punctuated only by the ticking of the clock on the wall.
Brad glances apprehensively at Janie, whose eyes flutter open at the noise. She stares blankly at the ceiling, momentarily disoriented. Slowly, recognition dawns on her face, and a mischievous grin spreads across her lips.

"What's that smug look for?" Brad teases, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. Janie arches an eyebrow, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You mean that smug look because I'm about to kick some ass?"

Brad grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you're going to enjoy this, Janie. Trust me."

She smirks, pushing herself up onto her elbows. "What's the deal? Another fight?"
"Not just any fight," Brad replies, his voice low and gravelly. "Today, we're going to watch a real catfight."

Janie's eyes widen, her pulse quickening.
"A real catfight? You mean like the ones we've watched online?"

Brad nods enthusiastically, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Yeah, just like that. But this time, we're going to be there in person. It's going to be raw, primal, and utterly breathtaking."

Her curiosity piques, Janie can't help but wonder what surprises await them. "Who else is going to be there?"

"Just a small group of enthusiasts," Brad explains, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
"People who appreciate the thrill of witnessing a clash of female warriors. We'll be in good company."

Janie narrows her eyes, squinting slightly. "And how did you manage to get invited to this exclusive club?"

Brad flashes a roguish grin, his gaze flickering downward. "Well, let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy. Connections, you know?"

Janie's skepticism grows, her brow furrowing in concern. "I'm not so sure about this, Brad.
I mean, we've seen plenty of catfights online, but actually attending one in person—it just seems a bit extreme," Janie hesitated, her voice trembling slightly.

Brad gently placed his hand on hers, his touch conveying a comforting warmth. "Look, Janie, I know it sounds intense, but it's all in good fun. These women are professionals. They know what they're getting themselves into.

The rest of the morning they had love tussles in bed and the shower.
Brad with the soft towel was taking time dryingJanie’s  large breasts cupping with one hand each breast while he meticulously  use the towel and his tongue arousing Janie’s thoughts about what is coming next.
Janie pulled on a gray pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt Brad spanking her tight ass.
Lets go we don’t want to miss the action.

The smell of sweat, the muffled grunts echoing through the cavernous space, the high-pitched shrieks of pain. The excitement builds as they reach the entrance to the warehouse, a nondescript steel door standing resolute against the encroaching darkness. Brad, brimming with anticipation, fumbles with the keys in his pocket before finally unlocking the massive padlock securing the door.

Inside, the contrast is stark. Dimly lit, the space is illuminated by strategically positioned spotlights casting long shadows across the concrete floor.

Two raised platforms anchor opposite ends of the warehouse, each marked with an ominous circle. Thick black mats cover the entire floor, muffling sounds and deadening the blows of impact.

Brad grips Janie's hand, his heart thrumming in his chest. "This is it," he murmurs, his voice barely audible. "Welcome to the world of real-life catfighting."

They navigate the dimly lit corridors, the smell of sweat and liniment heavy in the air. A crowd begins to gather, murmuring voices filling the space.

The participants emerge from behind the curtains, their bodies clad in nothing but skimpy underwear, their muscles flexing, their expressions stoic, their eyes burning with determination. Janie watches in awe, her heart pounding against her ribcage. The sight of these women, powerful and formidable, triggers a surge of adrenaline within her.
"So," Brad whispers, his breath hot against her ear, "what do you think? Ready to witness this spectacle?"
Janie nods, her mouth dry, her voice catching in her throat.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

Brad releases her hand, stepping closer to her. "Remember, this is just entertainment. Nothing more. These women chose to be here, and they're well-prepared for whatever comes their way. Just relax and enjoy the show."

Janie forces a thin smile, casting a sideways glance at her surroundings. The murmur of expectant voices fills the air, the tension rising with every passing second. She swallows hard, trying to calm her nerves.

"Of course," she murmurs, attempting to project confidence. "I'm just curious to see how these girls handle this type of pressure."

As the contestants enter the ring, Janie can't help but notice the diverse array of shapes, sizes, and backgrounds represented. Some are lean and muscular, while others proudly display curves and tattoos. Some sport ponytails or pigtails, while others wear their hair loose and flowing. Their ages span decades, yet each competitor shares a common thread of self-assuredness and unwavering determination.

The air crackles with an electric charge, as spectators huddle close, eager to observe the unfolding drama. The fighters exchange brief glances, sizing each other up, their hearts pounding in syncopated rhythm.

"Ready, steady, GO!" the referee bellows, his voice reverberating through the concrete walls. The competitors lunge toward each other, grappling for position. Their movements are fluid, almost balletic, each twist and turn perfectly executed. Janie finds herself holding her breath, unable to tear her gaze away from the spectacle.

Each strike, each counterstrike, and each submission holds the audience captive. The fighters dance around each other, feints and jabs punctuating the air. The crowd's collective breath hangs heavy, waiting for the moment when one fighter gains the upper hand.

"Damn," Brad mutters under his breath, his eyes glued to the action. "These girls mean business."
Janie smiles wryly, her grip tightening around Brad's arm. "Yeah, no kidding”.

Janie nodded, her voice hushed as she leaned closer to Brad.
 "They don't seem to be holding anything back."
"It's crazy, isn't it?"
Brad replied, his eyes wide with admiration.
"The guts, the determination. Watching them push past their limits makes you realize how much potential each of us possesses."
Janie smiled softly, her eyes never leaving the fighters. "Maybe we should reconsider our own boundaries," she whispered thoughtfully.

"We came here seeking something different, a release from the confines of our everyday existence. What if we were to step outside our comfort zones, just once?"

Brad's gaze drifted to the fighters locked in combat before them. The intensity of their struggle mirrored the tumultuous emotions churning inside him. He turned to Janie, studying her profile in the soft glow of the spotlights.

Janie met his gaze, her green eyes ablaze with resolve.

As the taller woman got her opponent down you could here from the group of observers to her left yelling Yess that's it rip her fucking tits of her.
With  her friend in the same tone screamed Yeah grab her fucking neck and squeeze till she taps bitch! The cat fight warriors fought fiercely, each determined to emerge victorious. The tension mounted in the warehouse, the atmosphere thick with anticipation.

Brad reached out, his warm hands enveloping Janie's as they sat perched on the edge of their seats. "You think you are ready for this last chance to back out “.

 Brad whispered in Janie's ear, his breath tickling her neck. Janie stiffened slightly, her gaze fixed on the ongoing battle. The tension between the fighters intensified, and the stakes grew higher with every passing round. Each blow landed with force, causing ripples of discomfort to radiate through the muscles. Blood began to stain the mat beneath some of the fallen fighters, adding dramatic flair to the already gripping scene.

"I'm ready," Janie finally spoke, her voice wavering slightly.
"Let's go through with it."

Brad squeezed her hand affectionately, his heart swelling with pride. "You sure? There's no turning back now. Once we take this leap, there's no going back."

Janie swallowed hard, her throat constricting with fear. "I know, Brad. But... I can't deny that I'm intrigued. This world we've stumbled upon... the strength, the passion, the raw power...
it's intoxicating. I want to taste it, Brad. To feel it coursing through my veins."

Brad's heart swelled with pride for Janie's bravery. Gently tugging her up, he led her towards the makeshift arena. The stage was set; the crowd had grown restless, anticipating the arrival of new challengers.

Janie took a deep breath, her palms sweating profusely. Brad's reassuring touch on her back calmed her nerves, reminding her why she was there in the first place.

As they stepped onto the stage, the crowd erupted in applause, their cheers reaching deafening levels. Janie's heart raced, her palms slick with perspiration. She felt Brad's firm grasp on her hand, anchoring her amidst the swirling chaos.

"Don't worry," Brad whispered, his voice resonating with confidence. "You'll be fine. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for."

Janie gulped, swallowing a lump in her throat. "Okay," she managed.

Janie in just sweats and a t-shirt that just barely covering her firm 38 D tits that still sit high on her beautiful frame.

Janie paces around waiting for her opponent wondering what type of woman she would be going against. Would it be a teacher, a mother? Are they going to be just as determined to win as her? Will their tactics differ? Is the unknown opponent skilled and experienced, or might they be a wild card?

As Janie paced nervously around the stage, her gaze shifted to her opponent. Her heartbeat quickened, her palms beginning to sweat.

"Alright, ladies," boomed the referee, his booming voice cutting through the cacophony of cheers and whistles. "Let's get started. Rules are simple: knockout, technical knockout, or submission. Fighters, come forth and meet your opponents."

The crowd surged forward, eagerly awaiting the spectacle.

Janie's heart hammered in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Brad's supportive presence steadied her nerves, and she could sense the anticipation growing amongst the spectators.

The referee raised a microphone to his lips, addressing the anxious throng. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event! We have two brave souls, both seeking victory. Let's introduce our contenders!"

The roar of the crowd filled the cavernous warehouse, drowning out the sound of the approaching music. Janie's opponent emerged from the shadows, her gaze fixated on Janie.

She wore a tight tank top that strained against her toned arms and chest her breasts were more saggy and bigger being 33E, and a pair of denim shorts that left little to the imagination. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her angular features.

The referee signaled both fighters to approach the center of the stage where he stood.

With lightning speed, Janie wasted no time initiating contact with her opponent. In response, her adversary sprang into action, launching a vicious assault of punches and kicks aimed directly at Janie's exposed midsection.

Instinctively, Janie raised her arms to protect herself, blocking most of the incoming attacks. However, the relentless barrage pushed her backwards, forcing her to retreat until her back hit the ropes lining the wrestling area.

"Come on, Janie!" Brad yelled, his voice echoing through the warehouse. "Show her what you're made of!"

Emboldened by Brad's encouragement, Janie launched a counterattack, throwing a series of haymakers designed to catch her opponent off guard.

The crowd roared with approval, their excitement escalating with every punch thrown.
Janie and her opponent traded blows, each landing hits that staggered the other.

The tempo of the fight increased, becoming a frenzied exchange of strikes and counters. Both women sought dominance, their faces contorted with determination and desperation.

Brad watched, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that Janie was giving everything she had, but her opponent was proving to be a worthy adversary. The thought of Janie losing the fight sent a wave of anxiety through him. He wanted desperately to intervene, to pull her from the ring and end the violent dance.

Two women next to brad now topless are playing with each other tits hissing that they get to see the  shorter one get her fucking tits destroyed by Janie and they hopes would soon come to fruition.

Janie gets her opponents big tittes in front of her face and starts crushing her tits saying yeah I’ll show her who owns the best tits here.

Brad watching her writhe in agony, gasping for air as she struggled to defend herself, his heart ached for her. The world seemed to slow down around him, his senses heightened as he focused intently on the desperate duel taking place between his lover and her opponent.

Brad couldn't believe how fast the situation had escalated, the unbridled ferocity displayed by both fighters exceeding his wildest expectations. He felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness, his gut twisting in knots as he realized that Janie was struggling to regain control of the bout. he shouted, his voice cracking in desperation. "Fight back! Don't let her beat you!"

His plea echoed through the silent warehouse, the tension mounting with every passing second. He could see the strain in Janie's face, her breathing labored and ragged.

Every punch, every kick, every grapple drained her strength, pushing her closer to collapse. Brad's insides churned, his heartache mirroring Janie's physical exhaustion.

"Janie!" Bradley cried, his voice breaking with emotion. "Don't give up! You can do this!"

Janie faltered, her gaze shifting between her opponent and Brad. A glimmer of defiance sparked in her eyes, and she straightened her posture, refocusing her energy on the woman before her.

With renewed vigor, Janie launched a furious barrage of punches and kicks directed at her opponent's vulnerable points.

"Ugh!" Janie grunted, her knuckles connecting firmly with her opponent's cheekbone. "Take that!"

Their adversaries exchanged increasingly desperate maneuvers, each seeking to exploit any weaknesses in the other's defenses. As the match progressed, both fighters became increasingly aware of the toll taken on their bodies, their stamina dwindling with every passing moment.

Janie's hands throbbed, her knuckles swollen and aching from the unrelenting assault she had endured. Despite the mounting fatigue, she refused to succumb to despair. Instead, she channeled her inner strength, summoning the resolve to continue battling.

In stark contrast, her opponent appeared unfazed by the rigorous combat. Her dark hair whipped about her head as she danced nimbly around Janie, striking whenever an opportunity presented itself. Her gaze remained cold and unwavering, devoid of mercy or compassion. Janie now in full survival mode has the animal in her take control Janie fires a kick that connects in her opponent's crotch.

The woman collapses to the ground, groaning in agony. Janie takes advantage of this unexpected turn of events, leaping atop her opponent and seizing her wrists. She pins her opponent's arms to the mat, securing a tight hold.
"That's right," Janie growls, her voice distorted by rage. "Feel the wrath of a woman scorned!"

Despite the pain coursing through her, Janie's opponent refuses to surrender. She fights tirelessly, clawing at Janie's legs and twisting her hips feverishly.

With the new found animal in her Janie with her body pinning her opponents  arms Janie rains down on her opponents  face fists  and can feel blood and sweat flying off her face  flying hitting the mat and her face
The audience erupts in a frenzy, their cheers and screams fueling the intensity of the match.

"Finish her!" someone cries, their voice lost in the cacophony of shouting and clapping.

Janie feels a rush of power coursing through her veins, propelling her fists upward with renewed fervor.

"Give it to her. Show her who's boss!" another spectator shouts, their enthusiasm contagious.

Despite the immense pain she inflicts upon her opponent, Janie feels no remorse.

Instead, she revels in the power she holds over her adversary, her fists crashing down again and again. Her anger and frustration, previously suppressed, find release in this brutal confrontation.

"Yes!" Janie cries, her voice hoarse with exertion. "You won't escape me this time!"

Her opponent writhes beneath her, her face twisted in anguish. Yet, despite the severity of her injuries, she does not surrender. Instead, she bites down on her lip, refusing to cry out for mercy. The refee jumps in and pulls Janie off before she kills her.  Janie starts  running around showing her exposed  bleeding tits and screaming at the top of her lungs such animal sounds have  been heard before.

Brad stands frozen, watching the pandemonium unfold in disbelief. The crowd's reaction is split, with some cheering Janie's brutality while others express horror at the sight of such violence.

He'd never witnessed anything quite like this, and it deeply concerned him. His initial feelings of pride and excitement were replaced by fear and uncertainty.

Janie's opponent lay motionless on the mat, her condition unclear. Brad's gaze flitted between the injured fighter and Janie, who continued to pace wildly around the ring.

Her hands balled into fists, her knuckles white against her tanned skin.

Sweat drenched her brow, staining her clothes, and matted her hair, rendering her a terrifying spectacle.
Janie paused, her body rigid and alert. Her eyes flashed towards Brad, her expression cold and distant. "See what you made made me a viscous animal I was ready to finish her and kill her I didn't care I wanted to see her suffer and die I wanted to rip her fucking tits off with my bare hands and stomp on them”.

"Janie," Brad pleaded, his voice quivering with fear. "Please, stop. It's enough."

Her gaze bore into him, her voice dripping with contempt. "No, Brad. This is just the beginning. I'll want to continue and will accept any new challengers you want me to fight.

Brad smiling he was thinking to himself this could not have worked out better he got what he wanted a great fight a new girlfriend that goes beyond any expectations and her pussy is still entacted so they could still make love
and she will fuck me even harder now.

He walks over to Janie and says "baby you did it you have showed everyone what you were capable of and I am so horny I just want to fuck your brains out now lets go back to my room and you can show me how much of a beast you really are."

Janie looks at Brad with desire in her eyes as she replies quietly. "Baby, I promise you... I'll show you things beyond your wildest dreams."

As they exit the warehouse, the crowds part for them, awed by the fierce battle they had just witnessed. The couple's bond strengthened through their shared triumph, and they both knew that they were embarking on a journey together that would test their limits.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.


Offline Lightweightfighter88

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Re: Janie fight in the follow up of the Conundrum
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2024, 07:48:23 AM »
Liking your style of writing, another great story, keep em coming another great writer joins the form.