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work in progress

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Offline man-of-sea

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work in progress
« on: January 30, 2024, 05:24:17 AM »
Hi I am working on a story that is loosely based on "What would you do for $200K"
Here is the intro let me know if you would like me to continue or  is it to boring and passé    hope you enjoy

As Brad sits at the bar he going over in his mind of what to say to Janie when she gets here.  To his mind it boils down to what would you do for a very size able amount of money? He found out from his ex that she would not fill his fantasies so she left with a good chunk of his 1st fortune.  Brad as always been a quick learner  so all his current girl friends are just casual relationships nothing that could take it all away from him every again.
The idea though of making big money on the side was intriguing and something that would make him feel complete.   As he thought about it he realized that he had the capacity to seduce women and have them fall madly in love with him.    So why not use it for something else.  His mind began to form a plan that he knew might seem far fetched but hey it was worth a shot.  Janie would be the perfect test subject.  She seemed like the type of person whose head he could turn in no time.

The kind of person who would listen intently to every word he uttered, her gaze never faltering, soaking up every detail as if each one were precious treasure. Brad couldn't help but grin mischievously, envisioning the moment when he would finally drop the bomb—the one that would make her reconsider everything she believed about life, love, and trust.
"Hey babe," Brad murmured softly as Janie finally sauntered up to the bar, her heels clicking rhythmically against the wooden floor.

Her eyes sparkled like emeralds, her full lips parted slightly as she gazed back at him, seemingly entranced. Brad felt a shiver run down his spine; her beauty was captivating.
"Hi there," Janie replied coolly, perching herself on the stool beside Brad. "What's your name?"
"Brad," he responded, flashing his signature smile. "And yours?"
"Janie," she answered, glancing sideways at him. "Nice to meet you.

So, what brings you here tonight?" Brad asked. He couldn't stop himself from admiring Janie's radiant face. The way her eyes danced with excitement and curiosity was irresistible. It felt like they couldn't get enough of each other – a feeling that he was more than willing to indulge.

"Oh, I'm just passing through, actually," Janie explained. "I heard good things about this place, so I decided to check it out.

" Janie crossed her legs, tilting her chin upwards, giving Brad a better view of her delicate neck, supple shoulders, and graceful arms. He watched her carefully, taking note of how she spoke and moved. Her elegance seemed almost regal, as if she carried the weight of centuries of refined breeding within her genes.

"It's great that you stopped by, then," Brad said, genuinely appreciative of this unexpected encounter.

"What can I get for you?"

Janie tilted her head to the side, considering his offer. "Well, I think I'll start with a glass of red wine," she mused, tapping her fingers gently on the counter. "Something rich and bold, please."

"Of course," Brad nodded, turning around to serve her request. "By the way, what brings you to town? Just curious."

Janie took a sip of her wine before replying, "Actually, I'm here to attend a conference.

" Brad raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and continued pressing her for information. "A literary event," she added, "but business is business, right?"

Brad nodded, trying to imagine this elegant creature poring over manuscripts and attending talks. "You're quite the multitasker, aren't you?" he joked. "Work hard, play harder."

Janie laughed heartily, "That's my motto! But tell me, Brad, what do you do for a living?"

"Me?" Brad feigned surprise.
"Well, I've dabbled in a few different things, but currently, I'm working in marketing." He paused briefly, casting a sidelong glance at Janie. "I suppose you'd call me a bit of a jack-of-all-trades."

Janie chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Sounds exciting, I must say. So, what brings you to this particular bar?"

Brad smiled wryly, shifting in his seat. "Just wanted to unwind after a long day, you know?
" Brad shrugged, placing two glasses of red wine on the bar in front of Janie. "This place always seems to do the trick."

Janie sipped her wine slowly, savoring the flavor before responding. "I understand that completely. Sometimes, we need to escape our reality for a little while."

Brad nodded, reaching for his own glass of wine. "Indeed we do." He paused, watching Janie sip her drink. "So, Janie, tell me about yourself.
What sort of adventures have you embarked upon?" Brad leaned in closely, studying her delicate features.

Janie swirled the liquid in her glass, relishing the warm sensation spreading throughout her body. "Well, I've traveled to many places around the globe, both for pleasure and for work. But I must admit, my favorite destinations are those off the beaten path, where I can truly immerse myself in local culture and history."

"That sounds wonderful," Brad said sincerely.
"I've always admired people who can step outside their comfort zones and explore new experiences. It speaks volumes about someone's courage and resilience."

Janie met his gaze, smiling softly. "Thank you, Brad. I appreciate your sentiment." She reached for her wineglass, taking another thoughtful sip. "Speaking of stepping outside my comfort zone, I've been contemplating doing something rather daring."

Brad's interest piqued immediately. "Do tell," he urged, leaning closer.

Janie looked around cautiously, lowering her voice.
"I've been thinking about running away."

Brad nearly choked on his wine as he tried to stifle a laugh. "Running away? Like, leaving everyone behind and starting fresh somewhere else?"

Janie nodded eagerly, clutching her wineglass tightly. "Exactly. I feel like I've grown tired of the same old routine. There's got to be more to life than just work and responsibilities."

Brad contemplated her words, sensing an opportunity to broach the topic he'd been mulling over.
He hesitated for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of divulging his secret.

"Janie," he began, clearing his throat. "I have something interesting to share with you. It might sound crazy, but give me a chance to explain."

Janie set her wineglass down, clasping her hands together. "Please, go ahead. I'm listening."
Brad took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I have this theory," he started, "that life is too short to live without fulfilling our deepest desires. I  been working a a plan and it needs some one like you to make it happen for me or I should say for both of us.
It a pretty wild and I bet you won't believe me even now but hear me out." Brad took a large gulp of his wine before continuing.

"Imagine having access to funds that could change everything. Not just for ourselves, but also for the people around us. What would you do with that kind of opportunity?"

Janie furrowed her brow, staring deep into Brad's eyes. "That sounds intriguing," she admitted, "and quite unbelievable. Tell me more about this opportunity."

Brad smirked, knowing exactly how to draw her in.

Let's head up to my room where there are not some many public ears and eyes shall we Janie?
After all, you wouldn't want anyone eavesdropping on our conversation, do you?" Brad suggested with a mischievous grin.

Janie hesitated a moment, weighing the possibilities, and then agreed. "Alright, let's do it."
As they ascended the stairs, the music faded into the distance, replaced by hushed whispers and laughter echoing faintly from below. Brad led Janie to a cozy corner room overlooking the bustling city lights. The scent of vanilla and candle wax filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere. Not to brag to much Janie but I have been very successful in my ventures these past few years  and have learn some new lessons along the way
I've learned that sometimes, life presents us with opportunities that may seem too good to be true. However, it's important to remember that we only live once, which means we shouldn't miss out on chances that come our way. This realization has prompted me to develop a unique proposition that I believe could potentially alter the trajectory of your life, just as it has mine.

Before I reveal anything further, I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question first.

Do you consider yourself a creative individual, Janie?
someone who isn't afraid to push boundaries and challenge societal norms?" Brad questioned, peering deeply into her eyes.

Janie pondered his query, momentarily lost in thought. "I'd like to think so, but honestly, I haven't really had the chance to explore my creativity fully. My career has consumed most of my energy," she confessed, tugging at her sleeve nervously.

Brad nodded sympathetically. "Understandable. We often prioritize stability and security over our passions, but I believe it's absolutely crucial to nurture those dreams. Now, imagine this. What if we were to enter into a casual relationship where you have access to all that I have and in turn we can explore some things that I have been thinking about. They are personal in nature giving Janie an evil smile.

With a sigh and a giggle Janie says yes I am willing to try.  Brad nods approvingly, obviously pleased with her response. "Great," he says, "Now let me lay out the ground rules. This relationship we're embarking on will be purely physical. Emotions and feelings will stay out of it."

Janie looks at him skeptically, wondering how she could possibly detach her emotions from such an intimate experience. "How can you separate feelings from sex?" she asks, her voice quivering slightly.

Brad smiles warmly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I promise you, Janie, this will be an unforgettable adventure. We'll explore uncharted territories together, and the rewards will be beyond anything you can imagine."

Janie hesitates, her heart pounding in her chest. "But Brad, I'm not sure if I can commit to something like this."

Brad reaches for her hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. "Don't worry, Janie. We'll take it slow. I have been planning this for some time and I think you will come to the conclusion that is good for the two of us.

In this scenario, you'll gain access to my resources while I benefit from your company and creativity. It's a win-win situation, don't you agree? We'll travel the world together, exploring new cultures, indulging in exotic cuisines, and experiencing the ultimate freedom. I can assure you that you'll never look back once you take this leap of faith."

Janie stared at Brad, her heart racing at the prospect of such an extraordinary journey. Her senses were abuzz with excitement, yet she couldn't shake off the lingering concerns about the consequences of her decision.

Nevertheless, the enticing promises and the thrilling possibility of escaping her mundane existence proved too tantalizing to resist. With a determined nod, Janie grasped Brad's hand firmly. "Okay," she whispered, their fingers intertwining tightly. "I'm in. Let's see where this leads us."

Their hands locked in a firm grip, a palpable tension crackling between them as they made their way through the crowded bar. The dimly lit corridor leading to the staircase seemed to stretch endlessly, as if the universe itself was conspiring to test their resolve.

Brad smiling I am glad you made this step as I know it's the right one. Taking a deep breath Janie have you ever been in a cat fight before?

Yes she responds somewhat surprised by the sudden shift in topic.

Well you have been through the ringer and came out on top. That's why I picked you. Brad explains.

Now sit down and let me show you what this adventure is going to entail.
Brad takes Janie's hand and guides her to a plush velvet couch nestled in a cozy alcove. The room's dim lighting casts a soft glow on her face, highlighting her natural beauty. She takes a seat, her posture erect and alert, eager to discover what Brad has in store for her.

Brad sense that this is a bit strange for her so easing back You know it some thing that men like to think about as well as talk about. Well now I have the means to go beyond talking about it.

He leans back casually, crossing his legs nonchalantly. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the hunter instead of the hunted? To toy with your prey, controlling their every movement, manipulating their emotions until they lose control?"

Janie blinks twice, her heart pounding against her ribcage as dread creeps up her spine. "What do you mean?" she manages to utter, barely audible.

Brad grins wickedly, his eyes twinkling under the dim light. "Picture this, Janie. You're in control. You decide what you want to become.

In this game, there are no limits. No boundaries. Only the extent of your imagination. And as you sink deeper into this twisted fantasy, you realize that power lies within your grasp. Your actions, your decisions, and the choices you make dictate the fate of the ones you hold captive.

The exhilaration of control becomes intoxicating, as you watch their faces contort in desperation, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. This is the sweet taste of revenge, a bitter pill to swallow for those who dared cross you.

You revel in their torment, the screams of agony and despair serving as your symphony, a hauntingly beautiful melody that resonates with every fiber of your being. Each cry for mercy amplifies your triumph, validating the strength of your willpower and determination. You have transcended the confines of mere human limitations, embracing the darkness that resides within your soul. In this twisted landscape beneath you like a conqueror claiming their prize.

What I am offering is for you to have the cat fight of your life. To go against a woman you never meet or know about only that the two of you will fight until one submits or one is left standing. I hoping that you can ascend beyond what we read or talk about and have a brutal catfight in front of me
Brad says looking Janie in the eyes. 

Janie gasps, her heart pounding against her chest. "Are you serious?" she manages to ask, her voice cracking slightly.

Brad grins confidently, his gaze never wavering. "Absolutely. I've seen videos, talked to people, and have even taken part in these fights. And let me tell you, it's a whole new level of intensity and passion."

Janie's eyes widen in disbelief, her mind reeling from the shock. "But…why?
" Janie stammered, struggling to find the words. "Why would I willingly participate in something so violent and cruel?"

Brad shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze fixated on a distant corner of the room. "Because, Janie, sometimes, it's essential to embrace the darker aspects of our humanity. It's cathartic, liberating, a release. Don't you feel trapped by expectations, societal constraints, and the fear of judgment?"

Brad asked, his tone darkening. "Fighting a relentless battle against an invisible foe, who constantly reminds you of your inadequacies and failures."

Janie sat frozen, her eyes darting back and forth between Brad and the exit. The words echoed in her mind, striking a chord deep within her psyche. Had she been suppressing the same feelings, yearning for liberation, desperate to break free from the chains of conformity?

"Sometimes, the best remedy is to confront the source of our fears," Brad continued, his voice growing softer.

"To unleash the pent-up rage and frustration that we've accumulated over countless years of suppression. The thrill of victory is intoxicating, empowering, a testament to our tenacity and resilience. The fight becomes symbolic, a representation of the battles we wage daily against the odds stacked against us."

Janie remained silent, her gaze fixated on Brad's face, absorbing every word he spoke. An unfamiliar feeling coursed through her veins, like a tidal wave crashing against the shores of her conscience.

retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.


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Re: work in progress
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2024, 01:43:47 AM »
Your writing is lovely but I'm not sure it will land in this genre. I'd be interested in seeing more though.