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The New Blood: Atlanta Vs Honey

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The New Blood: Atlanta Vs Honey
« on: February 01, 2024, 11:32:29 AM »
The New Blood: Atlanta Vs Honey
The Swingers Club wasn't exactly a high brow establishment. A strip club in the heart of London. It had seen plenty of beautiful women pass through to work there and men needing somewhere to have fun and spend some hard cash.

Two young women needing money had seen an advert in a local newspaper about needing a job there. Neither were shy as you can guess, so they both applied and got to show off their wears to try to get a shot in front of the crowds.

As it turned out there was only one spot as one of the strippers had left to go take up a job as a secretary in an office. First through the door came a gorgeous blonde who had put her stage name down as Honey. She was eighteen and she wanted at least a year to decide what to do with her life. When she saw the advert though it screamed at her as something fun to do. She was only 5 foot but proud of her figure.

Honey was waved in to speak to the owner Claudia, who once worked as a stripper in her own younger days, the redhead was now fifty and proud of the life she had lived. Claudia showed Honey where the young woman could change as she asked her to give her a show.

Claudia left the young woman alone and moments later spotted the woman she knew as Atlanta on her application. Atlanta was nineteen years old and danced, she needed rent money and well stripping was a form of dance. The raven haired girl smiled as she shook the owners hand, at 4'11 she was cute and flexible.

Claudia showed her to the room where Honey was changing. Honey covering her tits instinctively as she stood in just her blue denim jeans. Atlanta saw the other young woman and glared at her, she was wearing a white blouse, blue denim shorts and black trainers. Claudia introduced them to each other as the competition to add tension to the matter.

Leaving the two young women alone. Both Atlanta and Honey weren't exactly happy to be changing near each other. Both got a glimpse of the others nude body, neither could see a single flaw but of course they didn't tell themselves that. Atlanta thought to herself "what a fat arse" even as Honey didn't have any on her. Honey meanwhile told herself "look how ugly she is... Fucking dog."

By the end of them changing Honey was wearing a white bikini and Atlanta a red one. They stood hands on hips for a moment, neither said a word but they could feel the hate being aimed at themselves from their rival. Eyeing each other up with scowls that was broken when Claudia knocked on the door and asked if they were ready. Both said "yes!" At the same time, making them turn back to give the other a death stare.

Led out the room and to the stage. Claudia had a seat in the center of her club and she told Atlanta to go up first as Honey was made to watch her. Atlanta showed her flexibility she would do high kicks in her routine. The bra was off and tossed to Claudia with a wink, making the owner chuckle to herself. Atlanta felt her nipples harden as she couldn't hide how turned on she was by doing this. Pulled off her bikini bottoms and then knelt down thrusting her breasts out with a look of "come fuck me" written across her face.

The owner applauded her and told Honey "you better bring you A game" with a wink. Honey nodded before she passed by Atlanta, who stuck her tongue out to show her youth. Honey wanted so badly to punch her but restrained herself to climb on the stage.

Honey went through her own routine, twerking and spanking her backside. She sucked her winks with a wink to Claudia as if promising what she could do for the owner. Off come the bra and she threw it at the feet of Atlanta, that drew a big smile from Claudia as she watched closely. Next came the bottoms with a shake of her hip. Honey used her left hand to cup her pussy, while her right went up to her mouth as if doing an Marilyn Monroe impersonation that got Claudia smiling.

Coming off the stage, both women had a sheen of sweat on their brow. Claudia got them standing shoulder to shoulder. She looked them over as if they were prize cattle. Giving both a firm spank to see how firm their bums were, smiling when she saw they both clearly worked out.

Nervously both bit their lips as they saw Claudia move back to the chair and move it to the back of the room. They knew the verdict was coming and unlike something like the Miss World competitions, neither reached out to hold their competitors hand. Claudia could see both women's nipples were hard and they had a little bit of juices around their shaven pussies.

"Look girls I have to applaud you both, Christ that was something" said Claudia before clapping her hands together. That didn't ease the tension one bit in the room. She added "honestly I can't call it between you two. I wish there was two posts but I am not rolling in cash to hand out contracts." Both their hearts sank a little as they wanted this to be decided right now, neither wanted to be considered each to the other.

Moving towards them, Claudia turned them so they were nose to nose. She told them "so I have another option, see when I broke into this business do you know how I got my job?" Neither said a word as they listened intensely. She whispered as if it were a dirty secret, which in some ways it was, saying "I fought bare for it, me and a girl nude, winner took the job as the loser left bruised and humiliated." That perked both girls up as they edged closer on instinct to touch their swollen nipples together with a hiss.

"So this is your choice ladies, you can both walk out the door now and I'll decide later, one can walk and give up the job or... Well I see it in your eyes.. you fight on the stage, loser never works here, winner gets the job and starts next week" says Claudia. Both women nod and hiss they want the job now.

Moving to opposite sides of the stage only minutes ago they were dancing on. Claudia smiles with her arms folded as she says "fight!" Leading to both charging each other. Hands grab into hair as Atlanta screams "you fucking cow!" Giving Honey a good shake of her head by her hair.

"cxnt! I'll kill you!" Roars back Honey as she does the same to her rival. Their nipples grind and pussies are so close to touching. They circle tugging each others hair. Already a few strands drop onto the floor as they snarl and groan. They both knew that even if they didn't fight now, they probably would have bumped into each other and forced a fight, here they could do it without being dragged apart.

The first slap came from Honey, who cracked the back of Atlanta when they crashed breast to breast. That made the raven haired girl scream "bitch!" As her back showed a little redness. They both started to swing in close, backs and shoulders taking most of the hits to cause more redness.

Claudia could smell that both were getting off on fighting, see little trails of their juices running down thighs. She remembered her fight thirty years ago, the inside fighting, slaps and her hair being pulled out. She liked both these girls but she loved seeing two gorgeous women fight.

Atlanta fired her right knee towards the pussy of Honey, it didn't land flush though, making Honey scream "slut!" Before trying to do the same to her. Neither landed flush on their intented targets. Claudia could see slight ripples through their thighs, bums clenched tight with each hit.

Soon Honey changed the game as she hooked her right leg around her foes left. Now both were soaked in sweat, she was able to trip Atlanta down onto the hard stage with a thud. Atlanta cried out as her back landed on it, before she could focus on it, Honey was slapping her right hand as she held down Atlanta with her left hand in her hair. They both had murderous looks on their faces, they truly hated each others guts.

Reaching up as her left cheek was a red shade from the slaps. Atlanta grabbed and pinched the nipples of Honey in both hands. Honey had never experienced that both and she screamed out with her head tilted back and eyes shut. Atlanta drags Honey over to the stage and mounts her to start smacking her with her left hand, as she pulls up on the nipple with her right hand.

Claudia rubbed her own nipples as she took off her light blue blouse to sit in a black skirt and black heels. She could see the burning hatred and agony both women were feeling. It made her own pussy burn and wish she was young enough to fight either of these two herself.

Honey desperately fires her right knee up and this time catches Atlanta on her pussy. Atlanta cries out in unbridled agony as she rolls off Honey and rubs her pussy. Honey can't attack though as she rubs her nipples and is breathing hard. Claudia asking both "are you done?" Knowing it'll get under their skin. The would be strippers pride has them thinking "fuck you" as they slowly move up to their knees.

Slamming their bodies into each other with sweat spraying off them. They try to over power each other at first in a tight clinch, nipples going back to fencing and Honey is crying out as hers are obviously more hurt then her opponent. Atlanta starts to muscle her onto her heels but Honey grabs two fist fulls of hair to pull her head back staring at the spotlights above.

"I... Fucking hate.. you" snarls Honey as she tries to muscle back Atlanta onto her back. Atlanta showing her fighting spirit as she starts punching at the sides of Honey. One lands on the blondes kidneys to make her howl and bend her body into the hit as she fights back tears.

Honey releases the grip and Atlanta slides around her to get back the blonde. Locking in a full Nelson, Atlanta is pressing her pussy into the bum of Honey, who cries out in frustration as she feels the juices of her rival over her bum. It doesn't help that Atlanta turns her so she is facing Claudia. Her tits thrust out as her cheeks are rosy red from the pain in her shoulders and back.

"Fucking... Submit" whispers Atlanta into Honeys left ear. Honey shakes her head and mouths "no" in reply. Her arms are shaking though as she tries to fight back but she is hurting. Honey desperately fires her head back and catches Atlanta square on her nose. The black haired beauty cries out and releases the hold. Her nose is bleeding but doesn't look too badly hurt, still it brings water to her eyes.

Shaking her arms as she looks to recover while turning to her foe, Honey bares her teeth and lunges at Atlanta to drive her back towards the curtain. They roll around a few times calling each other every curse word they can think of. Claudia moves closer to see what is happening. Hair, sweat and a little blood now on the stage as these two hell cats won't submit so easily.

Ending up side to side as they begin to tire after doing a strip routine and  now brawling for around twenty minutes. They lock up legs and end up in a catball, Claudia grinning wickedly as it has been years since she was in one. Both fighters start biting each other and clawing at backs. She can see the red marks on the back of Honey, while hearing both crying out with each wicked clawing.

All the while they are also grinding pussies together and nipples. Blood is dripping from bottom lips being cut. They both can feel their juices bubbling up and are screaming inside themselves to hold on. Tugging at hair to hold the other in place so they can't escape as they both bite each others cheek.

Moments later Claudia can hear one fighter scream out... She smells the sweet nectar of one of the fighters before one is able to turn the other to her back. A right hand goes into the drenched pussy to slash inside it as the orgasming fighter howls like a wounded animal.

Atlanta screams "I've fucking got you!" As Honey is tapping the stage. Blood is mixed in with her cum now as Atlanta shows her no mercy. Claudia let's it go a little longer before telling Atlanta "she is finished. Mount her face and get your release" Atlanta doing as told. She mounts the beaten woman's face and tells her "bite me and I shred your pussy till you can never fuck again."

Through tear soaked eyes Honey sees the glistening pussy and obeys as she knows Atlanta will do as she says. Her tongue going deep inside Atlanta's pussy. Claudia now reaches under her skirt to finger herself as there's two sets of moans in the room. Honey feels utterly ashamed of herself, regretting coming here at this very moment.

Soon in unison both Atlanta and Claudia orgasm. Honey crying her eyes out as cum splashes across her face. Atlanta is panting as she rolls off Honey and has to lay on her back. That is the most thrilling thing she has ever done, she is so proud of herself for winning.

Claudia meanwhile has to hold onto the edge of the stage as that is the best orgasm she has had in awhile. She helps Honey first off the stage as she tells her to clean herself up in the bathroom. Honey meekly nods and walks gingerly off to the toilets.

The owner then pulls herself on the stage to sit as Atlanta slowly drags herself to her knees. Both women panting as they look over each other, Atlanta shocked that Claudia is nearly nude as only the ruffled up skirt remains. Claudia tells her "darling you were amazing... You remind me of me, I fought as hard as you and honestly I wish I was young again because I'd like to have seen which of us would have won." Atlanta nods along as she listens.

"I am just glad...  To get the job" replies Atlanta. Claudia smiles and soon both are helping each other up to their feet. All the while Honey is out of the toilets somewhat patched up and heads to the room they changed in. Claudia telling Atlanta not to go in till Honey leaves the club, not wanting them fighting again without her supervision.

Both Atlanta and Claudia chat about the job on the stage. While Honey wants to throw up in the room, she can't get over how bad that was. Getting as changed as her sore cost will let her. She doesn't bother with knickers as she leaves her bikini too. Storming out the room and then the club.

Atlanta admits when Honey is gone "fuck she hurt me... I wasn't far off myself." Claudia smiles and replies "but you toughed it out and you showed you will go as far as needed to win. You might think it's outdated to fight for the job, honey trust me if a man gets out of line you have to be able to defend yourself, security will help of course, till they can step in you might need to kick someone in the balls." Atlanta realising that the job isn't exactly just having fun.

Still Atlanta shakes her new bosses hand. Hoping the job will be a lot of fun as she gets off the stage, grabbing both bikinis as she asks Claudia "can I keep this as a trophy?" Making Claudia laugh as she answers "of course, to the victor go the spoils." Atlanta shoving them in her Jean short pockets as she reflects on what she just did. Her nose is sore and so is her body, still she proved to herself she can be tough and sexy in one evening.