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The Saga of Maja and Ebba (Chapters 1 to 3)

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Offline kamafight666

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The Saga of Maja and Ebba (Chapters 1 to 3)
« on: February 10, 2024, 05:59:30 PM »
Chapter 1

Maja parked the Sierra in the small car park outside Dr.Reagan’s clinic. The clinic looked neat from the outside with its yellow windows which gave a bright contrast to the white coated one-story building. There was nobody in the oak paneled waiting room, so Maja knocked on the door to Dr.Reagan’s consultation room.

Dr. Reagan opened the door and Maja stepped into the room which was cozy with its little fireplace, Dr. Reagan’s large chair and the leather sofa with cushions for patients to sit in. The large orange carpet in front of the sofa stood out. Today, there was another woman on the sofa. She was a tall and heavy woman who smiled pleasantly when Maja walked in. Dr Reagan had already informed Maja that there would be another person at this week’s therapy.
“Maja meet Ebba. Ebba, meet Maja,” Dr.Reagan said, addressing both of them.

There was a hint of impatience in Dr.Reagan’s voice. Maja and this woman were the last patients for the day, that’s why Dr Reagan was in a hurry, thought Maja. She sat on the sofa beside the woman called Ebba.
“Let’s get down to it girls. As you know, neither of you have responded very well to modern therapies like electrical regeneration and voltage massage. All I can do now is recommend a traditional primitive partner therapy which was used among the early Indians. The Australian researcher Professor Christine Burr in a controversial paper recommended partner therapy for breast atrophy. I will discuss and make the two of you go through the basic partner therapy exercises so that you can perform them together over the Christmas season”.

Dr.Reagan’s tone was straightforward and matter of fact.

Maja felt a bit embarrassed discussing her breast atrophy with this woman in the room.

Maja looked sideways at this woman Ebba who smiled shyly back at her.

“Allright girls, on your feet now.” Maja thought Dr.Reagan sounded like a military instructor.

“Now take off your coats, your blouses and your brassieres please”, Dr.Reagan said authoritatively.

Maja looked over at Ebba who was looking uneasily at Dr.Reagan.

“Girls, I do not have all day. I have a plane to catch in a couple of hours.”

Maja slowly removed her coat and placed it on the sofa, followed by her blouse and brassiere. Beside her, Ebba did the same.

“Now the two of you move closer and face each other.”

Maja and Ebba did as they were told. Maja felt that Dr.Reagan gave them both a moment to appraise each other. Ebba was as tall as she was which was 6’1. She was a robust and fleshy woman with thick arms between which were a large pair of breasts. She looked like a perfectly healthy Viking woman. But then Maja noticed the red spots on her breasts that were not easily visible due to her skin tone. Maja decided the woman must be in her late thirties, the same age as her.

“The essence of partner therapy involves two women caring for each other’s breasts. It is mutual help rather than self-help therapy. Now I want the two of you to move closer to each other.”

Maja and Ebba took a step towards each other. A blank expression had replaced the smile on Ebba’s face.

“Now I want you to raise your arms on either side and entwine your fingers like you are two wrestlers.”

They raised their arms above their shoulder and entwined their fingers. Ebba gripped her fingers tightly, so Maja also did the same. Their fingers fit perfectly together. They stood like that, arms raised, and fingers entwined tightly, awaiting the next instruction. Maja felt goosebumps rise across her body at the twining of their fingers.

“Good. I now want to crash your breasts and bodies against each other and wrestle.”

Maja looked at Ebba’s face which still wore a blank expression. Before she could ask any questions Ebba’s breasts crashed into hers and she felt Ebba pushing at her with her body. Maja hardly had any time to recover but she pushed back with her entwined fingers and the two big women tested each other’s strength on the carpet in Dr. Reagan’s clinic.

“Fight with everything you got. Let’s see who the stronger girl is.”

Maja managed to push Ebba back a little, regaining some lost territory. They panted into each other’s faces. Ebba’s blank expression was replaced by a mildly fierce one.

“Make sure that your boobs are in contact. That’s the key element here. Your boobs must rub together to get the blood flowing.”

Their eyes were locked together as they strained against each other, breasts pummeling one another, fingers tightly interlocked. Their nipples poked into the soft flesh of each other’s breasts, and they became engorged by the friction created by the rubbing of flesh against flesh.

“Now that’s enough,” shouted Dr. Reagan.

Maja was too intensely locked in battle with Ebba to hear her.

“I said that’s enough,” said Dr.Reagan, louder than last time.

The two big women disentangled and looked towards Dr. Reagan.

“That was the first exercise in the partner therapy program, ladies. Now for the next one. Move closer to each other and throw your arms around each other in a mutual embrace.”

Maja and Ebba moved towards each other, and Ebba threw her arms around Maja’s upper torso. Maja reluctantly wrapped Ebba in hers. Maja could feel Ebba’s strength as they embraced each other.

“Now this is not a competition, girls. Just warmly embrace each other, enjoying the rubbing of your boobs together. Rub each other’s backs if you please. Or if that’s too intimate for you girls, just hold each other real close. Or place your hands on each other’s hips or waists. ”

Maja heard Ebba gasp a little as they embraced. It felt good rubbing their boobs against each other. They placed their hands around each other’s waists and softly rubbed their boobs together. Maja noticed that Ebba’s nipples were aroused just like hers.

“Don’t be shy, girls. Remember its therapy and its good for you.”

Maja did her best not to moan as their engorged nipples rubbed and played with each other. They smiled at each other, pleasant expressions replacing the fierceness of the previous exercise. They achieved a rhythm with which they pitted their fleshy breasts and engorged against each other. Maja was really beginning to enjoy the exercise when Dr.Reagan interrupted them.

“That’s enough. I just want you girls to get the hang of the exercises before I leave on my holiday. Now onto the next one.”

Maja disentangled from Ebba. Ebba smiled friendly at her as they disentangled.

“Allright, Maja I want you to lay down on the carpet,” said Dr. Reagan.

Maja looked at Dr. Reagan, a bit surprised by her order.

“Lay down girl. Don’t you worry. My carpet is as clean as a freshly bathed baby,” said Dr. Reagan, guffawing.

Maja lay down obediently on the carpet. She felt conscious that Ebba was watching her.

“Now Ebba, I want you to lay down on top of her. I want you to lower your breasts onto hers and the two of you must wrestle. Maja, you must try to throw Ebba off you and climb on top of her and smother her breasts with yours.”
Ebba did as she was told. She got down on her knees and climbed on top of Maja and lowered her breasts onto hers. Maja gasped a little as Ebba’s breasts weighed down on her.

“Now entwine your fingers like you did earlier. You will use your breasts, arms, and legs to wrestle against each other.”

The women raised their hands above their heads and entwined fingers.

“Wrestle!” yelled Dr. Reagan. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

They wrestled on the ground, straining against each other with their interlocked fingers and pushing with breasts. Maja pushed up with her chest, but Ebba’s breasts were as big as hers and she did not relent. Ebba was as strong as she was and there was a stalemate between their breasts and bodies. A pleasant smell of soap emanated from Ebba’s body.

Maja locked her legs around one of Ebba’s legs and used the leverage to push her on to the orange carpet. She quickly climbed on top of Ebba and pummeled her with her breasts. The two women paused for a moment to entangle fingers once again. Then they began to push against each other again.

“That’s enough. Both of you onto your feet.”

Maja disentangled herself from Ebba and they both stood up, rather reluctantly.

“Now you both have an idea about how to go about these partner exercises. I will give you both copies of Professor Burr’s book.”

Dr.Reagan took two small identical books with red covers off her table and handed it to the two of them.

“I want you both to read them before your next meeting. The time and place which you can decide between yourselves. The sooner the better and meet each other as frequently as possible, girls. The Christmas holidays are here and both of you are single women. So, take good care of each other this winter,” said Dr. Reagan.

“Thank you, Dr.Reagan. Really appreciate all you’ve done for me”, said Ebba in a low husky voice.

Maja thanked Dr.Reagan and her and Ebba left the clinic together. Dr.Reagan seemed relieved to see them both go.

Outside, it was beginning to get dark.

“Do you have a vehicle?” asked Maja.

“No, I’m afraid I don’t. I live three miles from here. I walked it. I could really use some walking,” said Ebba.

“Hop into my car. I’ll drop you at your home,” said Maja.

“Gee, that’s nice of you,” said Ebba sounding genuinely grateful.

“When do you want to meet next?” asked Maja as they settled into their seats.

“I work as a cook at a small hamburger joint near where I live. I get off at 5 in the evening every day. I work six days a week. Sundays off. So, any time after 5 pm is okay with me.”

“I work as a security guard at the mall in town. Six days a week. Even I get off around 5 every day. So that’s perfect then. We’ll meet around half past five every day.”

“Gee, looking forward to working out with you,” said Ebba in her shy husky voice.

“Me too”, said Maja.

They reached Ebba’s house in no time. It was at the bottom of a small hill, hidden inside a bunch of ponderosa pines.  Maja could make out the bright orange of the walls through the trees. 

“Why don’t we meet at my place tomorrow evening, then?” asked Ebba.

“Sounds good to me. 5:30 Ok with you, Ebba?” asked Maja.

“That’s just fine, Maja. Just walk right upto my house and ring the doorbell”

As Maja reversed and drove back to the main road, she watched Ebba walk up the hill. She really was a giantess. But then, most women in Devil’s Lake, Oklahoma were big and tall. Maja had a pleasant feeling about Ebba.

Maja had thought that she would spend the Christmas holidays alone on her farm. She had spent the last Christmas holidays and the one before that getting drunk on beer and whiskey. She had been hoping that there would be something better than binge drinking to do during the holidays for a third straight year.

Now there was something to look forward to.  Even after she reached the mall, changed into her uniform, and assumed duty near the entrance, she kept thinking about Ebba and their intimate wrestling bouts in Dr.Reagan’s clinic.

Chapter 2

Ebba was sleepy and distracted at work the next day. She had stayed up the night reading the small nameless book written by Professor Burr. She looked forward to the evening when she would perform partner exercises with Maja. The day passed slowly for her, and she was relieved when the crowd at the hamburger joint thinned out after lunch. She left the joint in a hurry at 4:30 (thirty minutes earlier than she would normally leave) and walked home briskly. She took an elaborate bath, washing away the hamburger grease and smells of the kitchen off her body, to prepare for her session with Maja. She put on a low top and a tight denim shorts but did not bother to wear a brassiere. They would have to come off during the partner exercises anyway, she thought to herself.

Her flat was a bit of a mess with empty beer cans strewn all over the floor. She collected them and put them in the kitchen. She moved some of the furniture and a table to make a large space where she and Maja could work out together. They were two big women and would need a lot of space.

Ebba also placed fresh towels on the sofa which they would need.

Maja arrived a little after 5:30 and she let her in.

“Had a good day at work?”, asked Maja. Ebba thought she seemed like a nice sort. She had a tiny feminine voice that was at odds with her gigantic stature. She wore jeans and a tight top that accentuated her large breasts. Her nipples pierced through the top. She was not wearing a brassiere, Ebba observed.

“It was all right. I’ve been looking forward to working out with you all day”, the truth just gushed out of her.

“Me too”, said Maja and they smiled at each other.

Maja looked the house over.

“I see that you made some room for us. Cool,” said Maja sounding impressed.

“Didn’t want us to bump into anything and injure ourselves,” she said.

They faced each other awkwardly for a few seconds.

“Can I get you anything to drink? A beer? Black coffee?”, asked Ebba eagerly.

“No, I am all right. Why don’t we get down to it?” asked Maja shyly.

“Sure. Why don’t we?”

They paused for a moment before they began to undress. Tops came off to reveal their large breasts. Maja took off her jeans under which she wore tight denim shorts just like Ebba. When she turned around to place her jeans and top on the floor, Ebba got a peak of Maja’s large fleshy buttocks that were accentuated by her tight shorts.

Maja walked towards where Ebba stood, and the two big women appraised each other.

“It’s a good thing you got diagnosed early. Your breasts don’t look atrophied at all. They are nice and full,” said Maja appreciatively.

“Your breasts seem to be in good shape too. I am sure these exercises will help us get over this disease.”

Ebba took a step towards Maja and they both raised their arms. Fingers entwined. Ebba realized that they both had large hands and their long fingers locked perfectly together. Maja gripped her fingers tightly and Ebba returned the tight grip. Their upper bodies crashed against each other, and big breasts jostled. Ebba gasped at the rubbing of soft flesh against flesh.

She smelt fresh soap and shampoo on Maja. They struggled with fingers entwined tightly, their arms were lined up together, just like their breasts. Neither woman gave an inch as their breasts squeezed together. Gasps and grunts escaped both women as they struggled. Neither woman was able to dislodge the other by even an inch.

“My, you are one strong woman,” Maja gasped out as they fought.

“Gosh, I guess we are kind of equally matched,” said Ebba.

“We’ll see about that,” said Maja in mock challenge.

Ebba felt her nipples harden as their breasts pummeled each other. Their foreheads butted into each other, and both women laughed.

“I think my breasts are tougher”, Maja whispered under her breath.

“Ha! Don’t push it, partner”, said Ebba.

Ebba felt Maja pushing harder with her entwined fingers. She pushed back with equal fervor.

Her breasts were beginning to hurt now. Maja adjusted herself slightly and their nipples rubbed against one another. Ebba couldn’t help herself and moaned. 

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”, taunted Maja.

Ebba, a bit embarrassed, did not reply but continued to push hard with her breasts. She looked into Maja’s face. Their eyes pierced into each other. Maja’s face was red. She was smiling. They had been struggling for at least three minutes now, thought Ebba. But neither women had moved an inch.

“How long are you going to keep this up?” grunted Maja.

“As long as you do”, replied Ebba.

“It seems like this one is a stalemate.”

“Are you giving up?”

“No way.”

Ebba adjusted herself and pushed sideways with her breasts and their nipples rubbed against each other again. This time Maja moaned.

“I think you are liking this”, Ebba giggled.

Maja did not reply but smiled shyly.

They stared at each other intently, slight smiles on their faces, hands clasped together, breast to breast.

“Who do you think has the larger breasts?” asked Maja in a taunting tone.

“Definitely not you,” said Ebba.

They pushed at each other with renewed intensity and panted into each other’s faces. Maja’s breath was sweet as if she had been chewing gum. Their entwined fingers were leading their arms in crazy angles as they struggled.
The large mounds of flesh were red with struggle. Slowly, Ebba felt herself gaining an upper hand as Maja began to tire. She pushed with the last vestiges of her strength and finally Maja took a step back and broke her grip on Ebba’s fingers.

“Gosh, that was fun!” said Ebba excitedly. 

“Well, you won that round”, said Maja sounding disappointed.

“So, who has the larger breasts?”, asked Ebba tauntingly.

“Why don’t we find out? You got a mirror in here?”

“I got one in the bedroom. You want to go there?”

“Sure, let’s settle this.”

Ebba led Maja to her bedroom which had a large mirror. The two of them lined up, side by side. Their breasts were still red. Ebba thought their breasts were equal in size. They both had large, pointed nipples as well.
“I think our breasts are about the same size”, said Maja.

“That’s what I was thinking too,” said Ebba.

“You have really large nipples.”

“So do you.”

They turned towards each other.

“Hey. It’s all right that you lost the last bout between us. I mean I hope that doesn’t turn you off me. I am a competitive girl. But you are as big as I am and I am sure you will beat me in a few of our partner exercises,” said Ebba, comforting Maja.

“That’s ok. We are working class Viking women. I don’t feel bad.”

“It’s great that you are taking it sportingly.”

“I hope you don’t mind my trash talking,” said Maja.

“No, I enjoy it. I think we should continue talking trash while we work out together.”

“Allright. I am glad we agree on this.”

They took a step towards each other.

“Ready for the next exercise?” asked Maja.

“You bet,” said Ebba eagerly.

“Let’s embrace each other like we did in Dr.Reagan’s clinic,” suggested Maja.

“I would like that. But let’s make sure our nipples are rubbing together. Professor Burr insists in her book that our nipples should be rubbing against each other while we embrace.”

“I read that too. We’ll make sure they are rubbing together”, said Maja.

The two women looked at each other competitively, tempered by sexual longing. They closed the gap between them and locked together in a tight embrace. Their large arms wrapped around each other’s bodies. They looked down at each other’s breasts and lined their nipples opposite each other. When their nipples rubbed, both women let out low moans.

Chapter 3

Maja tightened her grip around Ebba’s waist and pierced her nipples into Ebba’s. Ebba let out a cry. Maja was tremendously aroused by the situation she found herself in. She looked down to see that both their nipples were a deep red. Ebba pierced back with her nipples and Maja also let out a cry.

They looked at each other angrily, as they stood toe to toe. They went back and forth like that, piercing and poking their nipples into each other. Both pairs of nipples were hard as rocks as they rubbed and jousted, eliciting both pleasure and pain.

The back-and-forth attack on each other’s nipples stopped and as if by mutual agreement and the women settled into a slow rhythmic rubbing of nipples.

“So do you have a man?” asked Maja as their sharp nipples rubbed.

“No. It’s been a while. How about yourself?”

“I am in the same situation.”

“Well, it’s a good thing we found each other.”

“Thanks to Dr.Reagan I guess.”

“Yes, thanks to her.”

Their rubbing gathered a new intensity at the realization that they were both single. Maja recalled that Dr.Reagan had mentioned this during their first session. The confirmation inspired her.

“So, you got any family here?”, asked Maja.

“No. I stay by myself.”

“Me too,” said Maja, feeling a tenderness towards her workout partner.

Ebba seemed to have calmed down. But that did not stop her from rubbing her nipples slowly but intensely against Maja’s.

Maja began to rub Ebba’s back with both hands. A second later, Ebba began to do the same.

“You feeling good?”, asked Maja.

“Yes, I am feeling good. How about you? Are you feeling good?”

“Yes. I like your breasts,” whispered Maja.

“I like your breasts too”, whispered Ebba.

Their engorged nipples jostled and played.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea to take this any further, considering this is only our second meeting. But Professor Burr says workout partners must lick each other’s nipples to get the blood flowing,” said Ebba uncertainly.
Maja hesitated but knew that Ebba was right. She had read it in the book too.

“If it says so in the book, I think we should go ahead with it,” she ventured.

“Then let’s go sit on the bed,” said Ebba shyly.

They walked towards the bed and sat beside each other. Maja’s heart beat like there was a Nordic shaman pounding on a Sami drum inside her heart. She wondered for a moment whether Ebba could hear her beating heart.
“Do you want to go first?” asked Ebba.

“No, you go first”, said Maja shyly.

“I insist that you go first,” said Ebba, rather forcefully.

“You are not my boss,” said Maja.

“I know that. Why do you have to be so shy? We are both adults here.”

“I am not shy. Why don’t you do it first if you’re not shy?”

They stared at each other intensely.

“Fine then. I’ll go first”, said Ebba.

Maja leaned back and thrust her breasts towards Ebba. Ebba lowered her head and first licked one engorged nipple, flicking her tongue over it and then the other. Maja squirmed on the bed. Then Ebba nibbled at Maja’s nipple before biting on it. Maja let out a yell.

“Your nipples taste of condensed milk”, said Ebba.

Maja just sat there, unable to control her feelings. Lust had possessed her body, and she was in its heady grip.

Ebba continued to lick Maja’s nipples, stopping in between to nuzzle and pleasure her rock-hard nipples with her nose. Maja did her best to stifle her urge to cry and moan but low gasps escaped her. 

“You do have such nice breasts, Maja,” whispered Ebba as she licked with gay abandon. Maja could not control herself any longer as she stared down at Ebba running her tongue over her nipples.

She clutched Ebba’s hair and raised her up. Ebba’s look of surprise did not deter Maja and she lowered her head and took Ebba’s nipples in her mouth. After a few naughty nibbles which elicited lusty gasps from Ebba, Maja flicked her tongue over a nipple, to which Ebba let out a sensuous moan.  Maja took a bite at Ebba’s aroused nipple, and Ebba let out an amorous scream. She looked up and Ebba was glaring at her. Maja glared back as her tongue pleasured Ebba’s nipples.

Ebba began to caress Maja’s back, her hands going up and down the flesh, stopping just short of the shorts which covered her buttocks. For a moment, Maja wondered whether they should get rid of their shorts and become butt naked. But she continued to lick Ebba’s nipples, alternating between the two in short intervals. The engorged globes felt good in her mouth. Ebba’s dark brown nipples were a nice contrast to her pink breasts.
“Your nipples taste of fresh cream and sugar” whispered Maja in between licks.

Ebba let out an ecstatic moan in acknowledgement of the compliment and began to rub Maja’s back with both her hands. They continued like that, Maja licking on Ebba’s nipples and Ebba rubbing Maja’s back. Ebba’s nipples were covered with Maja’s juices. Maja would look up after every few licks and Ebba would be looking down at her with a sexual intensity that encouraged her.

Then she felt Ebba grab her by the hair and push her slowly onto the bed. She let herself be pushed down and waited for Ebba to climb on top of her. But Ebba got off the bed to pull the curtains over the window. Now the room was dark, and she could barely make out Ebba hurrying back to the bed. A moment later, she heard the bed creak as Ebba climbed on and then she lowered her large body onto hers. Maja raised her hands and Ebba accepted them by entwining her fingers in hers. Ebba lowered her breasts onto hers and they began to struggle against each other. The bed protested with loud creaks as the two big women pitted their breasts and bodies against each other.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 06:16:16 PM by kamafight666 »
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Re: The Saga of Maja and Ebba (Chapters 1 to 3)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 06:01:26 PM »
If you liked the first 3 chapters, do consider buying my story on Amazon:

Maja and Ebba, two working class women in a small town in Oklahoma suffer from a rare muscle wasting disease. The two giant women meet each other at Dr. Reagan's clinic. The doctor introduces the two women to a special partner therapy that involves wrestling and pitting their large fleshy bodies against each other in various states of undress. Both Maja and Ebba are single and soon the two women find themselves locked in an intense and competitive relationship with a distinctly sexual nature.

Maja and Ebba wrestle not just with each other but also the creature in the swamp and a drug cartel out to kill them. The Saga of Maja and Ebba is a rip roaring action adventure about the intense lesbian relationship between two big and tall equally matched single women and the various forces that try to tear them apart.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 06:16:04 PM by kamafight666 »
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