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Dare Party - A story that follows Joy & Emily

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Offline hghunt999

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Dare Party - A story that follows Joy & Emily
« on: February 07, 2024, 03:59:42 PM »
I am posting this story in chunks. The first chunk is Chapters 1-5 out of a total of 31 chapters. It is quite long and I hope this method works for those who wish to read it. I will be posting successive chapters every few days. This is the fourth and final fiction story in the saga of Joy and Emily, whom I featured in the first three stories: Peasant Actresses, Peasant Actresses 2, & Peasant Actresses 3. I wrote these stories over 20 years ago. They have been available on for a long time, as well as on the hostboard Titfighting and Sexfighting site. I hope there will be at least a few readers here who find it enjoyable.

The story is complete fiction.
        DARE PARTY - Chapter 1

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 1 - July and August after the Fireworks

        A month went by after Joy left Emily's home that hot July day without the desired victory. Her 72-hour marathon battle with Emily had begrudgingly ended with Emily the winning sex-fighter.
 Joy's comments as she parted ways with Emily hinted that she
 still believed she was better had echoed through her brain
        during the time that her parents were preparing to move to
        Minnesota. She DID think she was better than Emily and the
        parting had left her with a two-fold empty feeling inside.

        She desperately wished there would be another opportunity to
        challenge Emily and to defeat her definitively with her sexual
        powers and stamina. New, compared to before the Fireworks party
        though, was the other emotion: lust, pure lust. The intimacies
        the two girls had shared were now wound deep into her psyche and
        the bond that developed was full of warmth. Joy struggled with
        the two sides of that sword. On the one hand she hated herself
        for desiring Emily so much when what she really wanted was to
        dominate her completely in sexual conquest. But on the other
        side of that sharp sword was the burning ache in her gut that
        told her she just wanted to be with Emily, to be with her all
        the time. It was a burning that didn't go away after a day, a
        week, and now a month. She had lain awake at night, unable to
        sleep, as images of Emily intruded into her head. They were
        marvelous images: her face, her hair, her feet, alone and in
        clinches with herself. Joy struggled, not knowing how to handle
        the conflicting sides of her own desires. The vicious hate
        associated with trying out for play parts was gone, but she
        still felt the yearning inside to use her body in sexual
        conquest of Emily.

        Her parents had set a moving date after the home in St. Paul was
        purchased. They would be moving in the third week of August, in
        time for her mother to become settled in at the University and
        for her to get enrolled in school. From what she had learned
        about the place it seemed like a really good place to live, but
        since it was her senior year she worried about making new
        friends. But what worried her most was the fact that she
        wouldn't be near Emily. Their paths had crossed only once since
        July 7 and that was accidental and brief. Joy quit going to the
        weight room at school, but she still ran regularly to keep in
        shape. She was actually quite proud of her newfound fitness,
        separate from its impact in dealing with Emily.

        Her desire to perform on stage remained. She hoped to find
        success in Minnesota with singing and acting, but the fire that
        burned inside that burned the brightest was the fire of lust for
        Emily. Rarely did a day go by without her fingers finding their
        way into her moist cavern and churning away until she gave
        herself an orgasm courtesy of her fantasies or recollections
        involving Emily. How could she quench the desire? She wondered
        if Emily had kept the two-rose website up. She wondered about
        email. What about a phone call? Did she dare to contact Emily?
        What would she say? Would Emily look down on her if she seemed
        too eager to rekindle the sexual fires? Finally Joy sat down at
        her keyboard late one Saturday evening. She stared at the screen
        for along while before she began to type.

        To: Emily

        Re: Are you up for another round? Or More?

        Message: Hey, sexy bitch. The Independence Day party was great
 (except for the ending :). I was just wondering if there was a
        way for us to keep our furnaces stoked during our senior years.
        I have an idea for maintaining a "hot" battle even when we're
        apart. Interested? If so, give me a reply.

        She signed it "Joy, the Sexy One!"

        She looked over her short message, deciding that lots of words
        shouldn't be needed to entice Emily into a response. Not sure if
        all the words were correct she took a deep breath and hit the
 "Send" button.

        Her email was on its way and there was no pulling it back. She
        wondered how long it would be before she got a reply. She was
        certain that Emily couldn't resist the temptation to resume some
        sort of sexy rivalry with her.

        When she didn't get a response after 24 hours she wondered if
        she had made the right move. Her gut ached with the realization
        that her desires might not ever be fulfilled. It was another 24
        hours before she got her response. She had been unaware of
        Emily's vacation.

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 2

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 2 - Recognition

        Emily glowed with a vibrancy that was noticed by many of her
        friends and acquaintances over the next few weeks after the
        Fourth of July. People commented to her about her good looks and
        vivacious spirit. It was reminiscent of the Viagra commercials
        in tone. Emily accepted the compliments graciously, knowing full
        well that the real reason for her powerful aura could never be
        revealed. She took a vacation with her parents during the last
        week of July and just into August and even though she had fun,
        it wasn't as fulfilling as time spent with her family in earlier
        years. Now that she was about to be a senior, the ties to her
        parents weren't as strong as before.

        Intruding into her brain was the overpowering desire for further
        sexual conquest and particularly conquest of Joy. The rush she
        felt upon her victory over Joy had only fueled a greater desire
        to repeat the thrilling actions. She often found herself looking
        at other girls as potential conquests and her confident
        personality let her enjoy several fantasies: Alicia - one of her
        high school friends who was also graduating next year, Angelica
 - an older (23 year old) waitress at the restaurant where she
        worked, and Monica - the 30-year-old fitness freak from the
        private gym she had joined for just one month, and Joy, Joy,
        Joy, Joy. How sweet it would be to bend the others to her will.
        Her gorgeous pussy received many a workout from her frenzied
        fingers at the thought of all the delicious confrontations and
        conquests she fantasized about.

        So it was with great excitement that she discovered the email
        from Joy that late evening after her return from vacation. She
        noted that the message was over two days old and hoped that Joy
        would still be "in the mood" for revenge, not that she doubted
        it for an instant.

        After unpacking her clothes she sat in front of the computer and
        mulled over her reply.

        To: Joy

        Re: Another Round? Really?


        You say you have an idea for keeping our furnaces stoked? I'd be
        happy to listen to your suggestions. But I am surprised you feel
        like humbling yourself any more.

        Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been away for a week
        with my family and I just got back tonight. Call me. I'll be
        glad to hear your voice.


        Emily clicked the "Send" button, and because it was already late
        she went to bed, once again having pleasant dreams of lusty
        dominance over Joy.

        The next morning Joy hesitantly checked her messages and a great
        flood of relief rolled through her when she found a message from
        Emily. "Yes!" she practically burst with emotion as she read the
        response. Emily's haughty remark didn't bother her in the least.
        Her excitement bubbled over and she immediately picked up the
        phone (it was only 8:00 in the morning) and dialed Emily.


        Joy hadn't prepared any words ahead of time and her voice
        wavered with her excitement. "This is Joy. How was your vacation?"

 "Forget the bullshit. You didn't call me to talk about my
        vacation. You want my body don't you bitch?"

 "I want to teach it a lesson. You bet I do!"

 "So what was your idea? Your email mentioned a "hot" battle that
        we could maintain even when apart. How?"

 "Messenger. We can use Messenger service from our computers to
        take each other on virtually. I think it will be quite exciting
        to type our thoughts and battles online and share our mutual
        sexy interest in each other that way."

 "Well, Joy, I think that might be a fun way to keep warm on some
        of those long winter nights. I'll bet my words can make you come
        first every time."

 "Oh, Emily, your arrogance sure is nice to hear. I'm glad you
        haven't changed. But I'll bet that it will be you who comes more
        than me before the nights are over."

 "Well, girl, I do think you've got a deal. When do you move to
        Minnesota anyway?"

 "Two weeks. The movers will be here on the weekend to load up
        and they will head out on Monday while we don't leave until
        Tuesday. Then we'll unpack everything and I'll be in Bloomington."

 "Well, as much as the "virtual" battles could be really fun,
        don't you think the real thing would be better? You don't leave
        till after two more weekends, right? I hope you aren't thinking
        we should waste the next two weeks without a little more
        competition. Were you?"

 "Oh no! I do have a suggestion and then I was hoping maybe you
        would have one of your own. You always seem to come up with a
        few good ideas."

 "Ok. What did your devious mind conjure up?"

 "Now don't take this wrong. I love nothing better than pitting
        my sexy body against yours in private. But my imagination
        sometimes leads me down more adventurous paths. We have dared
        each other in many ways during our get-togethers and now I think
        a little daring with a few more "close" friends would be a very
        stimulating experience."

        Emily interrupted, "Oooohhh. I've been dreaming the same thing.
        There is this other waitress where I work with a pretty hot
        body. I'd love to make her beg for mercy while I fuck the shit
        out of her."

 "Yeah, you get the drift. Is there any way we could pull that
        off? We could invite some girls to a "DARE" party. By explaining
        just a little bit with a few choice hints at the party's theme
        I'm sure a few of our friends might be daring enough to join us.
        After we get them there we can lead them ever so gently down the
        path of more daring challenges."

        Emily smiled at the thought Joy was conjuring up from the other
        end of the phone line. "Delicious. Can we get together tonight
        after work and make firmer plans? I work until 7:00. Are you
        available after that?"

 "Yes. Sure. Do you want me to come over to your house?"

 "Yeah. I'll be home by 7:30 for sure, so why don't you come over
        around 8:00 and we can strategize."

 "Love it. See you then." Joy smooched a kiss over the phone and
        heard a like response from the other end.

        Emily and Joy had now entered the anticipation stage. This time
        they were in it together. What could their two devious minds
        conjure up?

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 3

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 3 - The Invitation

 "Girls Only," the note read. Over the next two days eleven girls
        each received a nice but simple note with an RSVP for either Joy
        or Emily to be notified of the girls' potential interest.
        Reading further they saw the following: A "DARE" party. We DARE
        you to come. We DARE you to be your sexiest. We DARE you to be
        discreet about the festivities. We DARE you to let us know of
        your further interest. We commit to having a good time and to
        giving further information and dares upon acceptance of this
        invitation. Both Joy and Emily signed the invitation. All the
        girls had been sought out and had the invitation hand delivered
        by one of the two. The place and time were given so the girls
        could make plans.

        By Thursday they had received all RSVPs. They hadn't expected
        all of their sexy friends to accept. Some they thought might be
        too shy. Some might have had other commitments that forbade them
        from attending. They were happy to get positive responses from 5
        of the 11 girls. As the phone calls came in Joy and Emily added
        further instructions and another brief DARE list.

        The party would be held at Emily's house on Saturday. Emily's
        parents, unknowingly, were being very cooperative as they had
        another engagement out of town for the weekend. They wouldn't be
        home until Sunday morning. Arrival time was set for 1:00 P.M.
        sharp. The invitees were to bring a daring snack, a bold and
        daring sexy attitude, and two daring outfits. One outfit was to
        be the most daring outfit they would wear to the mall, and the
        other the most daring for the beach. Prizes and consequences
        would be in order for the best and worst in the judgment of the

        Joy and Emily met again late Thursday evening to go over the
        list and make further plans. They were having great fun
        together, enjoying each other's company as they collaborated
        over the possibilities. Knowing which girls were coming gave
        them ideas that they tailored specifically to their perception
        of the daring (or not) qualities they perceived in each girl.
        With the five girls accepting (Alicia, Racine, Carmen, Lori, and
        Maria), plus themselves, they would total seven. All but Maria
        had attended Emily's birthday party back in May and they
        displayed various levels of delight at the thought of attending
        the party on Saturday. As Joy and Emily discussed the
        possibilities, the odd number of girls bothered them a little.
        They wished for an even number and that was when Emily
        remembered Angelica. She was the hot-bodied waitress she worked
        with, the one she had fantasized over many a time. After
        discussing it with Joy, it was agreed that Emily would make
        small talk mention of her party to Angelica the next day at
        work. If Angelica seemed interested, Emily would invite her
        over. Angelica was five or six years older than all of the
        others, but Emily felt she would fit right in. Besides, she
        assured Joy, her body was incredible, she had a to-die-for
        shape, a saucy attitude, and a fiery temper. If she came that
        would bring the group to eight.

        The girls ironed out the rest of the details and Joy left late
        for home, but not after a stirring kiss passed between them,
        both giving nice tongue, but restraining themselves from the
        temptation to go further. A genuine friendly smile from Emily
        sent Joy on her way home.

        When the phone rang at Joy's house she raced to pick it up. It
        was half an hour past Emily's shift at the restaurant and Joy
        was dying to know about Angelica. Breathlessly whispering into
        the phone, Emily said, "She'll come!"

 "Great. How did you do it? What did she say?"

 "It was easy. Just a few words about the party, an interesting
        glance, a quick invite, and a very quick YES! She seemed quite
        excited; in fact she looked at me and licked her lips about ten
        times during the next shift. I can't wait to lick HER lips."

 "Oooohh you devil! There better be some of that tongue action
        left for me."

 "Don't worry, you know I've got lots of energy. You'll get
        yours, don't you worry about that sweety!"

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 4

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 4 - RSVP

        Alicia, a bouncy girl of five feet six inches wondered about the
        party and its implications. As a friend of Emily since
        elementary school she thought she knew Emily as well as anyone.
        Her "straight" smart girl image didn't seem to be reflected in
        the theme of the upcoming party. Alicia certainly had noticed
        the subtle differences in Emily's demeanor over the past few
        weeks, but she hadn't really mulled over the implications until
        the invitation. Now she perceived an even more ebullient
        radiance from Emily. What could be the cause, she wondered.
        Could it be some secret liaison? Was it just her turning 18 last
        May? Whatever it was, it sure seemed to make her happy. Even
        though Emily was never a sour or pouty person, the special glow
        made her even more attractive than before.

        Alicia absorbed the invitation and her impressions of Emily,
        combined with the somewhat surprising dual-hostess situation, to
        conclude there must be a connection. The possibilities were
        intriguing. She hoped to delve more into the situation Saturday.
        She would be ready with her dares. It would be FUN.

        Racine, Lori, Carmen, and Maria were a little bit dubious of the
        invitation at first, but after thinking for a while, they each
        reached similar conclusions. Why not? Each was a fine sexy
        specimen of a young lady. Maria was the most shy of the bunch
        and her acceptance probably the most surprising to Joy and
        Emily. Her soft dark eyes, framed by long black hair and super
        long dark eyelashes were definitely a pretty sight. Racine,
        Lori, and Carmen were a little more daring in their clothing and
        behavior and so it wasn't much of a shock when they expressed
        their desire to come. Racine was the only other blonde among the
        high school students coming. Lori sported short light-brown hair
        that bleached out towards blonde in the summer sun. Carmen was
        Irish with reddish hair and a fiery spirit to match. While never
        one to seek confrontation, she could work up her ire in an
        instant when perturbed.

        Each one of them, after some further explanation from Joy or
        Emily, had vowed to herself that she would not be "out-dared" by
        the others. Maybe it was the flowering of their womanhood. Maybe
        it was the remembrance of Joy's very daring bikini last May.
        Maybe it was the need to venture "outside" the boundaries that
        they knew their parents would accept. In any case these five
        girls who accepted the invitation were ready to have a fun sexy
        time with their friends.

        Angelica was the wild card here. While she was older than the
        others, she hadn't really "grown up." She still hung out with
        younger friends, attended high school events and even dated boys
        still younger than 20. Her friendly waitress smile and large
        bouncy boobs made certain that she received plenty of attention
        from men, boys, and girls. She considered herself bisexual,
        after having a relationship with another girl when she was still
        in high school, she had flings, affairs, and one-night stands
        with just as many women as men over the past three years. Emily
        had never been aware of this, but her boldness was rewarded upon
        mentioning the party to Angelica. In fact, Angelica, hearing the
        scenario, felt as though she was just about to go to heaven. The
        thought of seven other delectable young ladies all together at
        once had her loins stirring just seconds after Emily's
        pronouncement of the invitation. Those looks she threw Emily's
        way were sincere evidence of her horny intentions.

        Saturday came and eight young ladies awoke to the expectant
        trembling of anticipation for the unknown and dangerous. Each
        wondered if they were capable of accepting the dares bound to
        come her way. Each tingled with excitement at the thought of
        putting herself on parade for the viewing pleasure of the
        others. None of them knew where it all would lead, but all were
        anxious to find out.

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 5

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 5 - Arrival

        Joy showed up at Emily's door early, around eleven. Her parents
        were gone and Emily rushed to greet Joy. Both were casually
        dressed in ordinary shorts, shoes, and pullover t-shirt tops. As
        Joy heard Emily walking hurriedly toward the door she shouted,
 "I dare you to open this door!" The party hadn't officially
        begun and the challenges had begun.

        As the door opened wide Emily tossed out her own challenge. "I
        dare you to step inside and kiss your hostess."

        Joy couldn't hide the grin as she practically jumped through the
        doorway and wrapped her arms around Emily. Emily reciprocated as
        Joy thrust her head forward to meet Emily's waiting mouth. The
        lustful kiss soon found them wriggling their bodies in heated
        exchange. Emily felt her face flush red and her heart start to
        pound. Not wanting to risk getting caught in such a blatantly
        lesbian embrace if another girl should arrive (not yet anyway),
        she pulled away and suggested that they hold off on fulfilling
        what was obviously a mutual desire they shared.

 "Sure, we can wait. If we play our cards just right, we might
        just have an audience the next time we kiss." Joy wryly smiled
        as she pulled slowly away from Emily's soft embrace.

 "Oh, yeah! It might be a few hours away, but it will be worth
        the wait, especially if the other girls care to dare as much as
        we hope."

        Inside the girls busied themselves with last minute
        preparations. There wasn't much to do. A few "props" were
        brought out of hiding and placed strategically (but hidden) out
        in the back yard near the pool. A salad was prepared. The girls
        didn't want to have a heavy meal, but they did want to make sure
        that no one went hungry. Coolers were filled with ice to keep
        the liquid refreshments cold. They were done with their
        preparation before 12:30. They conversed about the other girls,
        trying to gauge which of them might be the most daring, and if
        in fact one or more of them might even turn out to be more
        daring than them. Both girls sensed that they were the two who
        would set the standard, but until you hear the other dares, and
        see what others might be willing to do, it's only conjecture
        they agreed.

        Emily tried to get Joy to tell her or show her what her outfits
        would be for the fashion show, but with no luck. "Surprises are
        what this is all about, don't you think? I'll wait to see what
        you picked out, you can wait to see what I'm going to model."

        They sat and talked for only a few minutes when they heard the
        first car pull up. It was Lori. The hostesses ventured out to
        the car to meet her, not willing to wait inside for Lori to come
        to the door. She grabbed her bag and greeted Joy and Emily. Her
        lithe, graceful 5' 6" body exited her car and headed towards the
        girls. They were striding towards her purposefully and she met
        them a few feet from her car. Both girls gave her a quick peck
        on the cheek and told her how happy they were she had come.
        Questions flew quickly. "Did you bring something daring to eat?
        To wear?"

 "Yes, of course. Your instructions were perfectly clear. I can
        hardly wait to see what you have in your daring wardrobe." Lori
        was speaking to both girls as the next car pulled up. Inside
        were both Maria and Racine. Emily took Lori inside while Joy
        remained outside to greet the next two guests. A similar round
        of greetings and questions followed. Before long Alicia,
        Angelica, and Carmen had arrived. None were even a minute late.
        Emily did a few quick introductions since Angelica didn't know
        every one of the others. A few items in boxes were stored in the
        kitchen. The girls had all remembered to bring something "hot"
        to eat. Heading out the back door, Joy and Emily brought the
        salad and told the girls to serve themselves. "Just leave some
        room for the "daring" food that may be on your palate before too

        The octet of young ladies ate their light lunch, surrounded by
        casual conversation, most of which was innocuous and not focused
        on the nervous tension hidden beneath the outer veneer of calm.
        As they finished, Joy got up and addressed the ladies, who were
        seated now in a near circular layout of comfortable reclining
        deck chairs. Each girl had brought a bag with her and sly grins
        now crept onto their faces like a fresh breeze blowing in off
        the ocean. Who would go first they wondered? What would be the
        game? More questions than answers filled all their heads.

 "As you know ladies, we thought we might have some fun and
        entertainment today. Emily had graciously agreed to host our
        party and we should give her a round of applause in appreciation
        right now before we begin." The girls cheered and clapped for a
        moment, as Emily blushed a bit. Going on Joy added, "We had a
        discussion a while ago about who was more daring between
        ourselves and some of our friends. You have all agreed to help
        us answer those questions. We all know that we have complete
        privacy here and that nobody can force any one of us to do
        anything we don't want to do. If anyone ever reaches the point
        that they feel too uncomfortable with the dares that transpire,
        she is free to leave. But I presume that by your attendance that
        that won't be likely too soon. All of us have limits. Surely we
        will find out today just where some of those limits really are.
        Any questions?"

        After just a few seconds of silence, Alicia ventured a question.
 "When do I get to model my outfit?"

        Emily answered, "Very soon, dear, very soon. Just to add a bit
        to what Joy mentioned we would actually like to begin with our
        first entertainment now. You were all asked to bring the most
        daring outfit you would be willing to wear to a mall. We'd like
        to make this a little contest. We will each get a chance to go
        change and then model for the rest of us. We will all have
        little slips of paper where we can write a score. We'll use
        numbers from one to ten, with ten representing the most daring.
        When it comes time for the dares a little later the girl with
        the highest overall score will get to start the dares. Any
        further questions?"

 "Yes! Can I go first?" It was Maria. It was somewhat surprising
        for the seemingly shyest girl in the group to want to go first,
        but maybe that was just her way of trying to get rid of the
        butterflies as soon as possible.

 "Well, we'll try to be fair. We have a deck of cards here and
        the order will be from high card to low. We can each draw a card
        and if there are any ties, then the ties will be broken by a
        second draw. Isn't that fair enough?" Joy looked around and
        didn't see any further questions, so she offered the deck to the
        girls one at a time. They all showed their cards at once and
        noted the results. Only one tie occurred and it was broken quite
        quickly. All the girls were anxious to start, albeit with a bit
        of nervousness. The order had been determined thus: Racine,
        Emily, Angelica, Maria, Joy, Lori, Alicia, and Carmen. Maria
        hadn't gotten her wish of going first, but she accepted the
        fairness of the draw. The 7 girls chatted while Racine went to
        change. Their talk was of course about Racine, trying to guess
        what she might display. It took only 4 or 5 minutes and Racine
        came out.

        She pranced out onto the pool deck to the applause of the other
        girls. She was wearing a "Daisy May" style of very short cutoff
        jeans, frayed at the bottom, tightly gripping her feminine shape
        and cinched tight at the low waist by a leather belt. Her
        midriff was bare and she had a yellow and blue plaid shirt tied
        between her breasts with no buttons in use. The neck swept wide
        across her shoulders, showing lots of bare skin across her upper
        chest. Her blonde hair was allowed to hang low and loose. Her
        feet were adorned though in a definitely "NOT Daisy May" pair of
        high heel shoes. They were bright yellow to match the yellow of
        her casual top. She was definitely very sexy, and enjoyed the
        stares from the other girls. She relished the complete attention
        of the hen party. She walked with a haughty wiggle and made sure
        to let each of the others get a good look at her wares. Her
        tanned legs were bare and smooth, the extra height from the 5"
        heels making her look much taller than her rather short 5' 3"
        actual height.

        The girls had been given a paper with which to write their
        score. The final scores wouldn't be turned in until after the
        entire party had finished. After Racine had her chance to
        display herself, the other girls took their turns. They were all
        having fun ogling each other, occasionally making a little jest
        or two at each other's expense, but it was all in fun and they
        were having a great time.

        Emily had paraded around in a very short white mini dress,
        pantyhose, high heels, white sheer see-through blouse that made
        very visible her also-sheer white bra. Her massive tits
        stretched the thin fabric of the blouse, her endowments achingly
        obvious and gorgeous, even inside two layers of fabric. The all
        white outfit offset her darker tan. While usually a quite pale
        girl, this summer had seen her spend an inordinate amount of
        time in the sun and she had developed a quite dark hue. The
        other girls gave her undivided attention, their eyes capturing
        every stunning detail of her sexy outfit.

        Angelica had followed in an outfit of incredible tightness. She
        wore brilliant red shorts that looked sprayed on. They cut into
        her crotch tightly and followed the curvy contours of her ass
        deeply into her crack. She walked with an exaggerated sway to
        her hips, eyes drawn into her groin where they could see the
        distinct outline of her pussy lips through the stretchy fabric.
        Above she wore a red tube top that also hugged her tits tightly,
        but constraining them at the same time. While not as
        full-breasted as Emily she certainly had enough up top to draw
        attention. She wore ordinary jogging shoes on her feet, but the
 "workout" outfit was certainly a great attraction.

        Maria went next and the "shy one" gave a hint that she might not
        turn out to be as shy as everyone might have predicted. She came
        out in a dress that looked sort of like the one that J-Lo had
        worn on the red carpet the year before. It probably didn't cost
        multi-thousands of dollars like Jennifer's designer gown, but it
        sure as hell made Maria look great. In fact, with the obvious
        similarities between Maria's dress and J-Lo's, the other girls
        made an instant comparison and noted, for the first time, how
        much Maria actually looked like J-Lo. Her ass had that perfect
        full, round shape that slid deliciously under the clingy dress.
        The brilliant green was low (no - make that no) cut in the back.
        It barely covered the crack of her ass. While the front was two
        long narrowing strips of fabric that left the entire inner half
        of her breasts bare to the breezes and the sun. The inner edge
        of those strips were achingly close to letting her nipples show
        as they stretched up to her shoulders and slipped around her
        neck. The dress hung to the floor, but a single long slit up the
        left side allowed her the freedom to walk and to show off her
        stunning legs. Maria was a full 5' 7", nearly as tall as Emily
        and Joy. Her green high heels accentuated the elegance of the
        outfit. Wow! While probably not something she would ever REALLY
        wear to the mall, it was a dress that made a definite statement:
        Maria was serious about her sexiness. The girls all made
        comments of appreciation and discussed the striking similarity
        to Jennifer Lopez. All the comments made Maria proud.

        Joy was next. Her appearance generated a bit of a buzz as soon
        as she came out of the house. Her outfit was (coincidental or
        not) practically identical to the one that Emily was wearing.
        The only real difference was the color. Instead of white she was
        thoroughly soft pink. The heels, hose, skirt, and blouse were
        otherwise practically carbon copies of what Emily had shown off
        just a couple of girls earlier. A few comments were made among
        the girls as they admired the huge breasts bulging outward as
        though trying to split the fabric of bra and blouse apart. Her
        long legs, more toned than ever before, strode powerfully around
        the deck. She strutted and stretched for all to admire. She
        especially made a point to give Emily some "extra" teasing.

        Emily, for all the cooperation and shared spirit, she had been
        sharing with Joy in the planning of the party, found herself
        envious and jealous of the attention Joy was receiving. She
        wondered if Joy's outfit was just like hers on purpose (although
        she didn't know how Joy could have known what she would be
        wearing) or just remarkable coincidence. Either way, it bothered
        her. As Joy finished her display, and the girls made remarks
        comparing the two of them, it sparked that anger within her that
        she was so familiar with. "How dare she try to out-do me!" she
        thought to herself as Joy sat down and Lori headed to the house
        to change. She glanced over at Joy to see a bit of a smirk on
        her face. Joy, without the others seeing the quick move, blew a
        kiss across the space between them. Emily felt her face flush
        and a hot flash surge through her body. "Damn that bitch! Now I
        REALLY have a reason to get back at that bitch again," Emily
        fumed inside, even as her heart raced a bit.

        Soon it was Lori who dashed outside. Lori's small (A-cup) tits
        could never draw the same stares as some of the other girls, but
        she had a very shapely ass, a trim waist, slender legs and a
        very pretty face. Her wardrobe choice was a good one to
        accentuate her assets and to be very daring. She chose a
        one-piece dress in a pale blue color. Its most visible feature
        though was how invisible it really was. It was of the utmost
        sheerness, allowing almost totally transparent visibility
        through to what was hidden underneath. The dress itself extended
        down to below her knees ala - peasant girl length, but no one
        really noticed the length. They stared right through to see her
        thong underwear. The white thong was very tiny, barely covering
        her pubic mound in front and the string descending in back to
        disappear between her lovely ass cheeks. If she was facing away
        it was practically impossible to tell that she even had anything
        at all on underneath. Her glorious spherical cheeks bulged out
        against the fabric, making the fabric disappear to one's sight.

        And then there was above the waist. She wore no bra. The same
        sheer fabric did almost nothing to conceal her tits. Being small
        they certainly didn't need any support, so there was no need for
        a bra for that reason. Her dark areolas pressed against the
        fabric and were totally visible from even 25 feet away. What she
        lacked in tit size, she had made up for in daring visibility. It
        almost seemed as if she was naked. She had come out a bit
        embarrassed, but by the time the compliments on her looks had
        bounced around she was smiling and enjoying the kudos from the
        other very sexy girls. She almost didn't want to sit down, but
        eventually she found her seat as Alicia anxiously got up to go

        Six of the eight girls were now in "costume" so to speak as they
        lounged around waiting for Alicia. The girls chatted, amiably
        most of the time, catty on occasion. Each girl had felt the
        simmering heat caused by the undertone of competitiveness in the
        air, not to mention the effects of the muggy August afternoon.
        The scorecards were filling up with some numbers. The glances
        back and forth generated a tinge of tension to the proceedings.
        Obviously they were sizing each other up, each hoping that her
        provocative outfit would be considered the best. Whatever
        thoughts they had about relative scoring, however, they kept
        them to themselves. No one wanted to tip her hand.

        Alicia had made a decision after seeing Racine regarding an
        alteration to her own outfit. It seems that she had chosen denim
        cutoffs also, but considering the scanty, tight shorts that
        Racine had worn, she didn't want to be considered "just as good"
        as Racine. She wanted to make sure that she could be more
        daring. So it was that while in the bathroom she found a pair of
        scissors and managed a quick alteration.

        Her arrival outside brought the usual stares and comments, a
        mixture of catty and complimentary. She was certainly a showoff
        in her recently altered attire. She wore sandals on her feet,
        showcasing the pretty platinum toenails. She bounced around the
        deck, literally. Her large C-cup breasts blasted forward and
        jiggled enticingly as she walked. They were encased inside a
        tube top that bore the results of some strategically placed
        cuts. The shears had been used to place numerous slits in the
        stretchy fabric. With the tight weave of the fabric, only a
        small cut had been necessary to open up a considerable
        elliptical hole. Placed three to a boob, they nestled up close
        to her nipples, dangerously close! Several square inches of tit
        flesh could be seen through the gaps and since the tube top
        wasn't any extra large to begin with a very significant show of
        cleavage glowed out for all to admire.

        Her shorts, sans underwear were well ventilated also. Besides
        their tight, tiny, dimensions, she had managed to slit and fray
        several calculated holes. She had narrowed the crotch to where
        it was now only about an inch wide. But as she walked the fabric
        naturally found a way to nestle up into her girl-gash. For all
        practical purposes she had given herself a wedgie. A close-up
        look would have revealed the soft brown fuzzies curling around
        and beside her narrow strip of denim. Just 3 inches higher,
        another tiny hole gave perfect proof that she wasn't wearing
        even the tiniest of thongs. Another shock of her wispy light
        brown patch was clearly visible. Other alterations gave
        significant views of bare skin all around her delicate ass. Some
        of the girls held their breath in response to the daring outfit.
        Whether or not she would really wear it to a mall or not wasn't
        the point. She had certainly dared to show her friends a
        dazzling amount of "private" skin.

        This show prompted a particularly resentful response in Racine.
        Of course all the girls were jealous of any of the others they
        thought might have nudged past them in the "daring" game. But
        like Emily and Joy, the similarities of Racine and Alicia's
        outfits generated an extra degree of competitive instinct within
        Racine. She even went so far as to claim out loud that Alicia
        had just altered the clothes to unfair advantage. Alicia laughed
        of course, hardly commenting on what Racine had said, but
        inwardly taking pleasure in the type of response she had
        achieved. The other girls laughed also, which didn't do much for
        Racine. She began a slow simmer inside, nasty thoughts of Alicia
        overpowering her.

        Now it was time for Carmen, the last girl by draw of the cards.
        The sexy redhead jauntily exited the yard, swinging her ass
        provocatively as she entered the house. She didn't take long to
        change and her swift arrival surprised the girls who were
        continuing their banter. Carmen's 5'5" body, B-cup tits and sexy
        green eyes were ready for the show. When she first appeared,
        from a distance, the other girls thought she was dressed quite
        conservatively. Her skirt was bouncy and pleated down to her
        knees. Her blouse was wrapped around her top, hiding all her
        curves. Her sexy white shoes looked nice but didn't make a
 "daring" impression. But as she approached them they could see
        the somewhat transparent nature of her skirt. It wasn't as sheer
        as Lori's but when the light was just right it allowed for
        plenty of see-through ogling. It was dark blue, but with the
        bright sun, the outline of her shapely legs and the shadow of
        her white thong panties were plainly visible.

        But as she flounced around the pool deck, showing off her
        outfit, she went a little further. It was more her attitude and
        her actions than the outfit itself that was daring. She made a
        point of approaching each girl and giving each one a peep or
        two. Her wraparound blouse had a small Velcro flap that allowed
        her to pull the front of her top away, allowing a clear shot at
        her steaming breasts. Her light pink areola, topped by a
        delicious looking nub of a nipple on each breast was flashed for
        just an instant for every girl's benefit. If one hadn't been
        watching so intently it might have gone unnoticed. After a
        whirlwind of tit flashing, she made a second loop. This time her
        dancing body caused her dress to spin and swirl. The breeze
        caught it and lifted it gently upwards. With a little helping
        hand (literally) she moved in close to Alicia and with a quick
        twirl she swung the skirt up and out of the way. Alicia caught a
        quick glimpse of Carmen's bare ass. Only the thin line of her
        thong interrupted a fine view of her butt. Yes! Moving around
        the irregular circle of girls she gave each girl a show of
        something more hidden beneath her skirt. She tried to charm them
        a little with some sexy words, talking to them as though they
        were complete strangers. "Hey there big guy (faking the gender
        of the listener), I bet you've never seen anything as sexy as
        this." Then she would flaunt her dress quickly up and away,
        giving the viewer a clear, but quick look at her thong covered
        crotch. She finished with Angelica, the one among them who
        actually was a stranger to her.

        Angelica was sitting relaxed and enjoying the show, her legs
        crossed in front of her. The left leg and her pretty foot were
        bouncing a bit as Carmen approached. Seeing an opportunity to
        make a firm impression on Angel(ica), she found a nice way to
        use Angel's foot as a prop. Swinging her skirt up and out of the
        way, she straddled Angel's leg and lowered her torso until her
        crotch rested on Angel's foot (Angel had kicked off her shoes
        earlier). Simulating sex by riding her foot for a few seconds
        and making fake orgasmic noises gave all the other girls a big
        laugh, all except for Angel that is. Angel didn't really
        appreciate the way that Carmen used her for her own performance
        and enjoyment, even if it was just a simulation. Obviously it
        wasn't a real orgasm, but the fact that she had so brazenly
        chosen to use her, a stranger, to get a rise out of the other
        girls didn't set too well with Angelica. Now, let it be known
        that Angel liked other girls' pussies, and she had used her foot
        more than once to probe the pleasure coves of some of her
        lesbian partners, but this was different. She tried to smile but
        it wasn't very genuine. She stared at Carmen and the grin looked
        fake. She recognized the return glance as one of haughty
        superiority. "Damn that bitch!" thought Angel. "How dare she
        think she can use me that way?" When Carmen licked her lips and
        tossed her head back with a big laugh, it was all Angel could do
        not to kick her in the cxnt.

        Carmen caught the barely hidden anger in Angel's face. "Good!"
        she thought. "I don't like that old bitch much anyway. I bet I
        can piss her off some more before this afternoon is over." It is
        sometimes hard to tell what kernel grew to cause the dislike
        between these two, but it certainly happened. Maybe it was
        genetic. Maybe they were preprogrammed to dislike each other.
        Whatever it was they both felt it. It was quite real. Angel
        didn't like Carmen and Carmen couldn't stand Angel. The fact
        that there was 6 years age difference didn't matter. The only
        thing that mattered was their mutual dislike.

        As Carmen finally pulled away and waltzed back to her own lounge
        chair, Emily rose to discuss the next stage. The girls would
        need to finish their vote recording and then they would have to
        be tallied. With a few instructions the girls wrote their final
        opinions on the little slips of paper provided, one number for
        each other girl, and dropped them into a small bowl. After all
        were collected Joy and Emily asked Lori to help and the three of
        them tallied the results.

        All the girls were expectantly waiting. They quieted down when
        it was apparent that the tally was complete. Emily had their
        rapt attention. "Well, it seems that we all succeeded to a great
        degree. Since a perfect score would have been a 70, scores up
        close to that are very good. I hate to admit it, but I had the
        lowest score of all." She blushed a bit, but it was more for
        show. Emily wasn't really trying to "win" this contest. Her
        motivation for the afternoon was only beginning. "But, not by
        much. I had a score of 48. Working up from there we have the
        following scores: Racine = 50, Joy = 50, Maria = 53, Carmen =
        54, Angelica = 55, Lori = 58, and finally the highest score went
        to Alicia and her much-modified cutoffs with a score of 60."

        Each girl clapped for the winner, but several found some reason
        to be dissatisfied with the outcome. Of course all were here for
        a good time, but the perfume of competition was wafting through
        the air and each mulled over their feelings as Emily went into a
        short little dissertation.

        Racine was disappointed to have scored so low, but she certainly
        could see why some of the other girls ended up with higher
        scores in a relative sense. The thing that incensed her was the
        fact that Alicia had won the whole damn event. After all, her
        outfit was practically identical to her own, except for the last
        minute alterations she had performed. She felt cheated because
        she had the misfortune to be selected first, and that Alicia was
        given an unfair advantage as a result. "Fuck the arrogant
        bitch," she thought. "I hope I get a chance to give her a dare.
        I'll get her good."

        Joy was happy that she came out on top of Emily and wasn't
        worried about her relative placement compared to the others. She
        and Emily were of course in their own personal competition, but
        apart from that, she was focused on the upcoming events, as was

        Maria wasn't feeling as much bitterness as the others, in fact,
        she was happy to not have been in last place. Her shyness had
        been something she had dealt with for a long time, and she felt
        like she had just cleared a major hurdle. Ranking 5th out of 8
        wasn't exactly stunning, but it seemed respectable to her.

        Carmen was pissed! She had ended up one point behind Angel! The
        stares they had shared and the dislike she felt for her made it
        hard to stomach. She was angered that the other girls hadn't
        given more weight to her actions. They had all laughed at
        Carmen's expense hadn't they, after all? When she glanced at
        Angel and saw the haughty "I beat you" look, she fumed even
        more. She hardly heard the words that Emily was speaking.

        Angel for her part relished the fact that she had nudged out a
        slightly higher score than the uppity Carmen. She had no problem
        with Alicia winning the whole thing, since she herself voted her
        a "10."

        Lori and Alicia just glowed with pride at their high standing.

        Emily let them know that Alicia would indeed be the first to
        dare another girl, but there were a couple of additional
        consequences of the outcome from the modeling to consider. As
        the afternoon wore on, Alicia would be given two "passes" that
        could be used to extend a dare that had been given her to any
        other girl of her choosing. If she chose therefore she could
        defer up to two times. Lori, because she was in second place
        would be given one such pass for her use. She could pass on any
        dare that came her way just once, as long as it wasn't passed up
        to Alicia. She could only use it to pass down the score chain.
        That gave the 1st round winners some power and flexibility that
        the others didn't have. Joy then added that the other two
        pre-planned events would be the same. The top scoring girl would
        get 1st dare along with two "passes", and the second place girl
        would get 1 pass, as long as it was to a girl who scored lower
        than herself in that event. In case of ties, additional passes
        would be given.

        Emily now gave an outline of the rest of the agenda: next would
        be a single round of dares for while they were dressed in their
 "mall outfits." After that would come the daring food share with
        points awarded just as for the modeling. A second round of dares
        would follow and that would be followed by the beachwear
        modeling contest. From that point on the dares would commence in
        earnest with an unscripted flow. All the girls understood and
        were anxious to begin.
HG Hunt


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Re: Dare Party - A story that follows Joy & Emily Chapters 6-10
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 03:02:19 PM »
 DARE PARTY - Chapter 6

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 6 - Dares Begin

        Joy and Emily glanced at each other with a pair of tempting
        smiles. Each felt that the initial round of their contests had
        gone quite smoothly. The subtle signals of tension between some
        of the other girls had been noted. This pleased Joy. She felt
        that some jealous tension between girls might make for the
        stakes and the dares to become quite juicy or challenging. As
        for her part, she didn't really need anything extra to motivate
        her, especially when it came to Emily. As lustful and horny as
        she felt, the competitive drive deep inside her remained strong.
        Whatever she might be able to do to make Emily squirm would be nice.

 "Ok, Alicia, you can get things started. Give any girl a dare
        and we'll start to find out who is really daring or not." Emily
        gave Alicia the go ahead and Alicia was ready. She stood up in
        her #1 sexy outfit and strutted slowly around, looking at each
        girl as she went. Her hand cupped around her chin with her index
        finger curled up at the corner of her mouth as she made it look
        like she was in deep thought regarding who or what to dare.
        Actually this was all for show. She had already made up her mind
        about her dare. Eventually her eyes settled on her hostess.
        Alicia stared at Emily and Emily began to squirm expectantly.
        But Alicia had other plans. "My dare is for Angelica." Her eyes
        turned towards her and she continued, "I DARE you to flash your
        tits and give them a big shake. I want to see just how firm they

        Angel: "Oohh, you sneaky girl. I thought for sure you had
        something up your sleeve for Emily. But not to worry, I'll take
        your dare." She stood up and grabbed the top of her tube and
        pulled it down around her waist, exposing a lovely tan pair of
        breasts. Angel's 23 year-old tits were without flaw. She was
        tanned completely with only a slight difference in darkness
        visible where her favorite bikini top was occasionally present.
        Her globular orbs protruded with very little sag a few inches
        from her ribcage. Her slightly outward-pointing nipples were not
        erect at this point, but just barely bumped out from the light
        brown areolas that spanned about two inches across each tit.
        Fourteen eyes were glued to her chest as she dropped her tube
        and began to shake her tits like a seasoned stripper. They
        bounced from side to side with plenty of delicious vigor. She
        used her upper arms to squeeze them together and magnify the
        cleavage she was so proud of. As the older girl among them she
        felt it mandatory that she not hold anything back and she
        didn't. She was proud of her body anyway, and in the current
        circumstances, she wasn't about to be bashful with her
        adornments. She moved slowly around the circle. Giving each girl
        a few moments in which to savor her hooters. If there had been a
        Hooter's restaurant anywhere near she would have been an obvious
        choice among male patrons to be a waitress. Sadly there wasn't a
        Hooter's anywhere within 60 miles. Oh well!

        The seven girls made no pretense of not looking at Angel as she
        passed in front of them. Each girl ogled to her hearts content,
        making mental comparisons between Angel's mature but youthful
        tits and her own. The smile on her face made it clear that Angel
        enjoyed the dare. The others had liked it also.

        Now it was Angel's turn to give a dare. The pattern was that
        each girl who successfully completed a dare would get to go
        next. So before Angel sat down she pulled her tube back up to
        cover her lovely breasts and mimicked the pose Alicia had used
        moments before. Angel's target was Carmen. She hoped to make
        Carmen squirm a bit after what Carmen had done to her just a bit

 "Carmen, since you seem to like toying with other girls' feet so
        well, why don't you suck Emily's toes?" She waited a moment for
        the dare to sink in and she followed up with, "Or are you scared?"

        Carmen responded with quite a bit of sarcasm in her voice.
 "Yeah, I'm scared... NOT!" She immediately got up and went over
        to Emily who couldn't hide the grin on her face. Carmen knelt
        down and carefully slipped off the high heel from Emily's right
        foot and slowly brought it up towards her waiting mouth. Turning
        towards Angelica she muttered, "Ain't no way you can out-dare
        me." Those words too were clearly spoken in a challenging way.

        Turning back towards Emily she didn't hesitate to pull Emily's
        foot right up to her lips. She kissed the top of her foot. Her
        eyes wandered up to Emily's face to see the reaction. Obviously
        it was one of pleasure and surprise. "I guess our hostess
        deserves some sort of thanks for inviting us all over here
        today. I hope this will tide you over for a little while." Then
        she pulled first her little toe into her mouth and sucked for a
        few seconds before moving along to accommodate each toe, ending
        with Emily's big toe. Emily shivered a bit at the ticklish but
        pleasant sensations Carmen's tongue managed to elicit. It felt
        really nice. Before Carmen left, she even took off Emily's other
        shoe and repeated the maneuver. It took three or four minutes
        for her to finish sucking all ten of Emily's pretty toes. She
        had succeeded in her dare.

        Now it was Carmen's turn. Her impulse was to dare Angel right
        back, but she figured she would have time for that later so she
        chose Lori. "Lori, I dare you to tell us about losing your
        virginity. I suppose you aren't a virgin anymore, right?" She
        spoke with just enough sarcasm in her voice to make the dare a
        little bit taunting.

        Several of the others chimed in with encouragement for Lori,
        begging to hear of her first escapade into intercourse. Lori was
        blushing and tentative, but she slowly began to talk. "This will
        be short." She paused as she mulled over the words she wanted.
 "It was embarrassing. I'll admit that for sure. It was with a
        boy just last summer while my family was on vacation in Florida.
        We stayed near the beach for a week and I met this boy from
        Boston. We got along real well and by the fourth day we were
        practically inseparable. One afternoon, his family, which was
        also on vacation, wanted to go visit some relatives and he asked
        if he could stay and continue the beach scene. They let him stay
        and so his condo was empty for a whole day and it was only a
        couple of blocks from the beach where he and I spent most of the
        time. So we went back to his condo and we had sex." She stopped
        talking, hoping that would suffice.

        It didn't work. The others hooted for more information. They
        weren't about to let her get off without details. Joy spoke for
        several of the girls when she said, "Come on Lori, we know you
        can tell us more than that. We want to know what he was like in
        bed, what his cock looked like and felt like, and we want to
        know what it was like for you. Come on tell us the juicy details."

        A few Amens from the 'choir' echoed in Lori's ears and she
        blushed again. She sat silently for another short moment before
        she continued. "Ok. Ok. I'll tell you some more, but I will NOT
        tell you everything."

        Carmen interrupted, "Well if you don't tell us everything then
        you don't win the dare and get your turn!"

        Lori piped up again in response to Carmen, "Well, I'll tell you
        what I want to tell you and then you can decide if it's enough."

        So she continued, this time without interruption. "We had been
        lying on the beach close together when I asked him to rub some
        more lotion on my back. I was hoping he would say yes. But since
        he was kind of shy I wasn't sure he would do it. Up to that
        point we had only been very polite and tentative with each
        other. We had nice conversation but he wasn't taking any
        initiative even though I could tell he liked me. So I thought it
        was up to me to get things going. Anyway, he said he would and
        soon I could feel his hands rubbing my back with the lotion. His
        hands were shaking and I could tell he was nervous, but so was
        I. Somehow I got up the courage to ask him to untie my top and
        he awkwardly managed to get my string undone and tossed to the
        side. I kept lying on my stomach as he worked the lotion into my
        skin. It felt really good and I didn't want him to stop. I think
        I moaned a bit when he stopped. In a short moment I begged him
        to rub my legs with lotion too. I was wearing a pretty high-cut
        bikini bottom, that blue one some of you may remember from last
        year, and that meant that my legs were bare but so were most of
        my ass cheeks. I could tell Chad was a little scared, but I
        encouraged him and he continued. As soon as his hands started
        rubbing the back of my legs, I could feel myself getting horny.
        His brown eyes were so pretty and his face so cute that I knew I
        wanted to fuck him. I hoped he wanted to fuck me, but I wasn't
        sure up to then. But when his hand began to glide along my
        thighs and approached my ass, the fidgeting gone, and his
        fingers kneaded the lotion into my soft cheeks, I felt sure he
        was getting horny. There were quite a few people on the beach,
        as usual, and I wished that we were alone."

 "When he finished covering my bare skin I waited for him to lie
        back down and then I thanked him for doing such a good job. He
        smiled at me as I looked over at him smiling right back. I
        carefully twisted my body a bit, enough to insure that my
        uncovered left tit would be off the towel enough for him to see,
        yet not so much that the entire beach would notice. He couldn't
        take his eyes off my tit. He just stared, not the least bit
        apologetic. That was just what I had wanted, and so I made sure
        I mentioned the fact that he was staring, and he admitted he
        couldn't help himself. Now that made me even hornier and I
        broached the subject of sex. Well... sort of. I mentioned how
        much I liked the beach, but that sometimes a girl just wanted
        some privacy where she didn't have to worry about so many eyes."

 "He took the bait quite nicely. Reminding me that his parents
        were gone for the whole day, the condo was empty and if I liked
        we could go spend some time there. That sounded really good to
        me, but I didn't want to just hop up and leave. I didn't think a
        girl should be too forward. So I suggested that we soak up a bit
        more sun and then head over there in a 'while.' I could see the
        disappointment on his face when I lay back down and my titty
        disappeared from view. I was now beginning to have fun teasing
        him. I asked him to tie me back up and then I would put lotion
        on him, 'if he liked.' Well you can be sure he wanted that.
        Although I think he would have preferred me to forget about my
        top he was willing to go along."

 "I rubbed his legs and back with lotion, making sure that my
        hand brushed up under his baggy suit. I didn't linger too long
        there, but made sure he noticed. He must have been ticklish,
        because he groaned when my hand slid a few inches up between his
        baggy suit and one of his legs. When I finished and went to lay
        back down he knelt up and before I could lie down he kissed me.
        I don't know where he got the boldness from, but it was sweet. I
        can't say it was a perfect kiss, but the feeling that swept over
        me was like a hot wind from a brush fire had just roared by. My
        whole body felt hot and excited. I tried to kiss him back with
        some open mouth, but he backed off for a moment and acted like
        he had broken some sort of rule or something. So I just smiled
        at him and we lay back down. We didn't have much to say to each
        other for the next several minutes; the awkwardness apparent to
        both of us, but the flush of excitement I was feeling, as he lay
        so close beside me was great. I had certainly felt real horny
        for a boy before, but this was the first time that any
        possibility of following through had existed, and so I was
        feeling really nervous and horny at the same time."

 "We had lain there quietly for a while when I felt his hand on
        my back again. This time he just rubbed and massaged in small
        circles, the position of the circles wandering over my bare
        skin. It felt really nice. His hand approached my bikini panties
        and gently rubbed its way over the top of the fabric and down
        towards my ass. Several sexy swirls later I felt his fingers
        grasp the fabric gently and pull upwards. He wasn't really
        trying to rip them off or anything, just trying to make an
        impression I think. It worked. As the fabric pulled upward and
        pressed into my pussy, another wave of heat blasted through me.
        I began to ache for his body more and more."

 "I rolled sideways towards him and he rolled up a little bit to
        face me. His hand was still resting on my ass and I let my hand
        sneak between us to his suit. He trembled as I found the front
        of his suit. I rested my hand on his crotch and felt his hard
        cock. He was hard enough to poke the front of his suit out a few
        inches and my hand grabbed right on through his suit. I squeezed
        it a few times and he grabbed my ass with his free hand,
        clenching my skin between his fingers."

        Lori paused for a moment and the other girls stirred a bit,
        hoping for more details. So far none of them had a complaint
        about her story. It was quite intriguing and exciting. Emily
        wiggled in her seat. Alicia gulped a bit of the water she had on
        the table beside her chair. Racine begged her to continue while
        Lori took a drink of her own. She had been nervous when she
        started, and it wasn't totally gone, but she discovered the
        thrill that came from her story telling. She noted the girls
        rapt attention when she spoke, and the uneasiness whenever she
        paused in her story. Those made her feel good, so she took
        another drink and continued.

 "He whispered to me: 'Lori, you've got me too excited. Please
        stop.' I could sense the commitment in his voice as he pleaded
        with me to stop. But I liked what I was doing so I didn't quit.
        I rubbed his dick up and down right through his shorts. I
        squeezed it hard and felt it lurch in my grip. His hand quit
        rubbing my ass and just rested comfortably as my left hand
        continued to play with his hardness. I loved it and I thought he
        did too. Then after only about a minute he shuddered, closed his
        eyes, and jerked his hips towards me. I'm sure he would have
        moved a lot more and been a little louder if we had been alone,
        but we were on the beach and trying to be discreet, if that was
        possible. Anyway, it turns out that he had come right there
        after just a few jerks of his cock. Instantly a wet stain
        appeared on the front of his suit. I felt the stickiness and
        pulled my hand back. 'Oh,' I cooed, 'did I make you come?' I
        asked him with as much innocence in my voice as I could muster.
        At that time I think he was far too embarrassed to say anything,
        so he just nodded. I asked him if maybe now wasn't a good time
        to go back to his condo. I offered that 'we' could clean him up.
        He gave me another cute embarrassed smile as he said, 'yes'."

        Lori took another drink and went on. "I leaned over and kissed
        him on the cheek and whispered in his ear. 'Lets Go!'"

 "I got up and quickly stuffed my things in the bag and watched
        as he tried to get up and somehow hide the obvious stain on the
        front of his yellow trunks. It was an irregular oval shape
        nearly 6 inches up and down and almost as much across. It almost
        looked like he had pissed his pants. He hadn't brought much
        stuff to the beach so he asked if he could carry my bag and he
        looked so silly as he carried that bag in front of him,
        obviously embarrassed about hiding the big wet spot on his suit.
        He blushed crimson and I giggled most of the way to his condo,
        but as funny as it was I began to get those hot flashes wafting
        through me again and again as we approached the his family's
        condo. I think a few people that we walked past noticed his
        predicament and stared. That made it even more difficult for
        him. But somehow he managed to make it all the way home."

 "When we finally got inside his apartment it was cool with the
        air conditioning on and I thought the embarrassment would be
        over for him, but I was wrong. It seemed he became even more
        bashful than before. I wondered if he was a virgin too, but I
        didn't ask. I knew I wanted him and I could tell he wanted me,
        but it was very awkward now. He had turned away from me,
        embarrassed even in private by his cum-stained trunks. I tried
        to make him feel better by saying, 'I don't think too many
        people saw the stain.' Well that didn't help. He said how
        humiliated he was."

 "He went on to say, 'how would you like it if you had peed your
        pants and had to walk three blocks along a crowded street?' I
        said yes, it would be tough, and then I apologized for making
        him come. But then I added, 'Didn't you like what I was doing?'
 'Of course I did, I just didn't want to come so fast. I was
        dreaming of having sex with you, not getting embarrassed in
        public by you.' I knew I had some fences to mend and so I said,
 'You haven't quit having that dream have you?' 'No,' he
        responded. 'Good,' I said, 'because I want to have sex with you

 "He finally smiled and turned back towards me. After the long
        walk his cock had lost its erection, but now I could see the
        stain on his trunks pushing forward from the pressure
        underneath. His cock was beginning to get hard again and my
        horniness surged back through me at the sight. I stepped closer
        as he came to me. We threw our arms around each other and
        kissed. In an instant we were groping everywhere at once. Our
        hands scratched and pulled at each other's clothes as quickly as
        they could and we almost tripped and fell, as there was no
        coordination or patience in our actions. I ached so badly to see
        him naked and get his body to mine and he apparently felt the
        same. I think he got me naked even before I could get his trunks
        down off his legs. We fell on the couch together and we fumbled
        with each other. I grabbed his cock in my hands, feeling the
        still somewhat sticky remains along its length. His hand went
        between my legs and his mouth snagged onto one of my nipples and
        began sucking violently. It hurt, but I didn't want to hurt his
        feelings and tell him to stop, so I just let him go on. His
        fingers played with my pussy, diving between my fuzzy lips and
        trying to stick them inside me. He pushed and prodded for a
        while before he found my entrance and I gasped as he finally
        shoved a finger into my wet hole."

 "He made like a piston and rammed his finger in and out of me as
        though his life depended on it. His mouth sucked my titties so
        hard they became sore in just a couple of minutes. I loved it,
        even with the pain. I knew I just had to fuck him. I was jerking
        on his cock with my hands, feeling the hard smooth skin sticking
        six inches out from his crotch. I grabbed his balls with my
        other hand and toyed with them while he continued to fuck me
        with his finger. I knew we had to fuck real soon and sure
        enough, he pushed my back into position on the couch and I
        spread my legs wide for him. He slid on top of me and tried to
        push his cock inside, but it took at least six or seven attempts
        before he managed to get the angle and position just right. We
        were both extremely horny, but I could tell he was frustrated at
        how long it took him to find my cxnt. I felt his purple head
        poised against my opening and he thrust towards me without much
        happening. I must have been apprehensive but eventually he
        wormed inside me with much slower squirming motions. After he
        got himself inside me about half way things started to go
        better. It had hurt as he pushed past the outer part of my cxnt,
        and the hurt didn't go away instantly, but it didn't matter. I
        just wanted to fuck him. His body shivered again and again as
        his cock slid deeper into me until I could tell he was fully
        inside. I could feel his hairy balls bouncing against my butt
        when he started to ram into me. His instincts took over and he
        thrust in and out of me and before I knew it he was done. He
        ground his cock against me and he jerked. I didn't feel him
        coming, but he pulled out and left a huge sticky mess inside me.
        He told me how good it felt and I told him how much I liked it
        and then we cleaned up. He rinsed out his trunks and put on
        another pair and I put my suit back on and we went back to the
        beach. We never had another chance to fuck again and I've never
        seen him since that vacation was over."

        Angel was the first to respond, "Did you come?"

 "No, I don't think so."

 "What do you mean you don't think so?" It was Racine who asked.

 "Hey, it felt really good except for the pain, and that was my
        first fuck. I told you the story. Isn't that enough?" She turned
        towards Carmen who quickly answered.

 "Yeah, that was good enough for me. I enjoyed your precious
        little story. Who are you going to dare?"

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 7

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 7 - More Dares

        Lori glanced around, recollecting who had already been 'dared'
        and who had not, and meshing that with her own desire to see
        someone squirm. Lori had wondered about the fact that this party
        was coordinated and co-hosted by Joy and Emily. "Had they ever
        fooled around?" she wondered. "Could they be gay? Just what
        caused them to spring the invitations on the rest of the girls?
        Did they expect something sexy to happen?" All these questions
        were unanswered in her head and she sought some way to get them
        answered. No one had mentioned whether or not they were playing
 'Truth or Dare', but since she had just told her 'truthful
        story' she figured that others could be forced to do the same.

        So with a little more thought she asked Emily, "Do you ever
        fantasize about sex with girls? If so, tell us what that fantasy

        Emily was ready for this one. She hadn't expected this so soon,
        but she was prepared to answer. "Why yes, I do believe I have.
        Is that your dare? Is that all?"

        Lori: "Yes, just tell us about your fantasy of having sex with a

 "Well that isn't as easy as it sounds, because I have many, many
        different fantasies along that line. We'd be here till next week
        if I told you all of them. But I'm willing to tell you about
        one. Is that alright?"


 "Well, to begin with I have this dream girl I fantasize about
        all the time. I do have other girls, some real and some
        imaginary, that I dream about also, but most of my fantasies
        center around one girl. She is very pretty of course, feminine,
        but athletic at the same time. I fancy meeting her in a nice
        restaurant where we discuss all sorts of intimate things before
        and during dinner. Our legs meet under the table and I feel her
        rub her calf up against mine in long slow-motion glides of her
        pantyhose over mine. I gather my boldness and play footsy with
        her, our toes tangling together as best they can inside the
        slippery hose. Eventually her foot creeps up my leg and explores
        between my thighs, probing towards my pussy. I am so excited
        beforehand that just the slightest touch of her toe in my crotch
        sends me into an orgasm right then and there in the restaurant.
        I lose control and jerk, shake, and everything but shout. I
        notice a few of the other customers glancing at me and I am very
        embarrassed. But the orgasm is very intense, powerful, and
        lovely. Is that good enough?" She addressed Lori who looked pleased.

        Even though the short fantasy didn't go into nearly as much
        detail as Lori's recollections of her deflowering, it struck a
        chord of genuineness that she liked. Of course Lori still had
        more questions, but she figured that more would likely come out
        as the afternoon progressed.

        Of course Emily was actually thrilled to have been able to
        admit, in front of the others, that she harbored sexual
        fantasies about other girls. She would have even been willing to
        be more specific if the dare had required it. In fact her
        fantasy was very real and it usually involved her cohort in
        crime. Luckily she didn't have to say out loud that at least
        three other girls currently present were also occasional
        partners in her restaurant fantasy.

        Emily's libido was kicking up a bit as she relayed her fantasy
        to the other seven girls. She had noted that some of them
        glanced about, gauging the reactions of each other during the
        tale. She wondered if any of them were aware of their own
 'special place' within her other fantasies. Well, it was time to
        see how Alicia reacted to a dare sent her way. Emily, ever since
        her multiple encounters with Joy (and her lovely large tits),
        had been drawn to Alicia by the magnetic attraction of her
        chesty body. What would Alicia think about baring those tits in
        front of all her friends? Emily contemplated all this before she
        came up with her dare. Of course Alicia was already showing tons
        of gorgeous skin, so Emily needed to add a little something to
        make the dare none-too-easy for Alicia. Just 'baring' her tits
        wouldn't be enough.

 "Hey, Alicia. Are you proud of your tits?"

        Alicia blushed for only a second before composing herself and
        admitting that she was indeed proud of her tits. "Of course I
        am. Why wouldn't I be?" She managed to sound a little bit
        haughty. In all honesty she was aware that her boobs weren't in
        the same ballpark as either Joy or Emily's but she was
        sufficiently large and firm for her to be quite truthful in
        admitting her pride.

 "Well then, prove it. Prove it by giving us a bit of a show.
        Bare them and play with them as though you were teasing a lover.
        Do you dare?"

        Now Alicia had the option of passing on the dare if she wanted
        to, due to her top finish in the earlier voting, but this wasn't
        beyond her at all.

        She stood up and walked directly in front of her dare-maker.
        Emily smiled as Alicia quickly pulled the tube top that was
        already quite revealing, over her head. Her C-cup endowments
        burst forth in all their glory, soaking up the sun's rays and
        the stares of the seven girls. She leaned over, positioning her
        chest in front of Emily's stare. "I love my tits. They're
        perfect. I know you think your tits are something special, but I
        think mine are just as nice as yours. Here, see these." She
        pointed to her nice round areolas. She let her index fingers
        wander symmetrically around the tip of her breasts, tracing the
        outline of each areola, emphasizing their smooth, flawless
        texture, and the crisp perfectly circular edge separating her
        creamy skin from the dark pink color. Her nipples weren't
        particularly extended at first, but she began to tweak each one
        with her fingers and then pulled on them a bit. In moments they
        had grown outward, extending deliciously beyond the now
        diminished areolas. The rose pink nipples blossomed into quite
        lengthy protrusions, standing out like pink tootsie rolls.
        Emily's mind had a flashback to an earlier encounter with Joy.
        Alicia's nipples reminded her of her very first titfight with
        Joy back in the spring. Emily shivered at the exciting recollection.

        All the while Alicia continued to play with her nipples she was
        cooing and using advanced body language techniques that would
        have sent the hormone level skyrocketing in any men that might
        have been fortunate enough to have spied her show. Her tongue
        followed the contours of her lips provocatively. Her eyelashes
        fluttered invitingly. Her hips swayed gently. Her shoulders wove
        a delicate pattern of advance and retreat towards Emily. Assured
        in her own mind that she had fulfilled the requirements of the
        dare, she gave every other girl an abbreviated version of the
        show that she had given Emily.

        Throughout much of the show the other girls were making comments
        and whistling their appreciation for her efforts. Alicia felt a
        heated rush of excitement as the girls applauded at the
        conclusion. It was quite a new sensation for her, to feel the
        pride in her body as she showed it off for the others, and to
        accept the adulation that went with it. "I could get used to
        this," she thought to herself.

        Emily had been grinning and watching intently, of course, as
        Alicia worked her breasts into erotic bubbles. When it was clear
        that Alicia was finishing, Emily commented, "You certainly
        completed the dare, but I don't really think you ought to be
        comparing your breasts to mine. As nice as it was to watch you
        toy with your little titties, mine are in a whole different
        league from yours." She paused a moment and then added, "Thanks
        anyway for the show. I guess you now can make another dare."
        Emily had been hoping for a reciprocal challenge immediately
        from Alicia. She wanted to show off her own tits, to prove their
        superiority. After all, part of the fun she had anticipated in
        the planning of the party was to massage the sexy ego she had
        become so aware of. But it was not to be.

        Alicia contemplated her next dare, but it wasn't Emily that
        would be put on the spot. It was Racine. Alicia recalled
        Racine's contemptuous comments after Alicia had sliced up her
        Daisy May outfit to be more spectacularly revealing than her
        own. Her ire was up and she wanted to make Racine squirm.

        She turned towards Racine. Her voice became a little edgy, with
        a tinge of malice. "Ok, little blondie." Racine was 5' 3", only
        3" shorter than Alicia, but Alicia took this opportunity to make
        a dig at Racine's diminutive stature. "I want you to beg for a
        fuck. Pretend one of us is the hottest sexiest boy you've ever
        seen and you have him all alone to yourself. There's one problem
        though, he doesn't really think he wants to fuck you. You've got
        to convince him to fuck you. Now make it convincing girl!"

        Racine fumed inside at the blatant insinuation in Alicia's
        challenge. How humiliating already, and she hadn't even started
        yet. "Fuck you!" Racine hadn't really vowed NOT to perform the
        dare, but she wasn't about to let Alicia's haughty challenge go
        uncontested. Her anger just boiled over and she lashed out
        verbally. "I may be short but I don't need to beg anybody to
        fuck me!" It was literally true. Racine was very pretty and her
        petite sexy body was a definite attraction for the boys. While
        she would never have been considered slutty, she had a handful
        of male sexual partners by this summer. None of them needed to
        be begged. In fact it was distinctly the other way around. If
        she had a mind to she could have fucked probably a dozen more
        from the begging that came her way. So it was with sincerest
        offense that she responded to Alicia. "I could probably out-fuck
        you without even working up a sweat!"

        She was about to continue, but some of the other girls butted in
        and urged her not to forfeit her turn. "Come on, Racine. This is
        all just for fun." "Just do the dare." "Don't let Alicia upset
        you." "You can do it. Let's see how much realism you can put
        into your act." Those comments and others did seem to lower her
        anger a bit. As she considered NOT doing the dare, she
        recognized that it would mean, in effect, that Alicia had won,
        that she had forced her to renege. She didn't want that to
        happen, so she eventually relented and said that she would 'act'
        it out. She put emphasis on the word act, to make clear to all
        of them that she wouldn't really have to beg for a stud fuck.

        One thing for sure, she sure wouldn't use Alicia as her
        prospective stud. She looked around the pool trying to decide
        which sexy girl would have to stand in for her fantasy stud.
        Taking a deep breath she settled on Angelica.

        She strolled over to Angelica's chair, calling her name, "Andrew."

 "Oh Andy, what are we waiting for? Isn't it time to play?"

        Angelica was pleased that sexy little Racine had picked her out.
        Her lesbian sensibilities would make it easy to pretend to be
        the reluctant guy in Racine's fantasy. "Oh no, I don't know you
        well enough yet. Shouldn't we have a few more dates before we
        take the plunge?"

 "We don't need anymore time. I can feel the connection between
        us. We really care for each other and don't deny it, you feel
        hot for me just as much as I feel for you." As she cautiously
        stood next to Angelica, she began running her hands through her
        hair. She massaged her scalp gently and twisted her butt around
        and sat on her lap. Calling her 'Andy' she suggestively pressed
        her torso up against Angel. Her hips wiggled against Angel's leg
        and her arms wound around her neck, pulling her face close.

        Angel responded with tentative acceptance, but obviously playing
        to the theme of unwillingness. She smiled as she tried to remove
        Racine's arms from around her neck. But Racine was relentless.
        She planted a real kiss on Angel's thick red lips. She made it a
        hard kiss, full of passion, but without much tenderness. Angel
        squirmed some more and Racine rolled her body a bit, found the
        lever that controlled the reclining back to the chair and gently
        lowered it as Angel rode the back downward to a reclining
        position. Racine had manipulated her body to lie atop Angel now.
        She began to rotate her hips slowly as Angel's legs parted just
        enough for Racine's hips to wedge betwixt them a bit. Angel
        maintained frequent comments, demanding Racine stop. But Racine
        kissed again. This time Angel kissed back, also hard and with
        definitive emotion.

 "I think you are ready now." Racine whispered loud enough for
        all to hear.

 "No, not now. Not yet." Angel felt the sizzling heat of Racine's
        body as they slowly writhed on the chair. But she still
        maintained as much reluctance to go all the way as she could.
        Except for the fact that Angel was supposed to be the male and
        it was Racine who was riding between Angel's legs, they were
        quite realistic in their portrayal of such an encounter. So far
        Angel had only responded to Racine, and Racine knew she needed
        to get some aggression from her partner. "Time for some tease,"
        she thought. While she wasn't really a lesbian, or necessarily
        attracted to Angelica particularly, she was assuredly feeling
        the libido enhancing effect of the tightness of their bodies,
        and the feel of her skin on Angel's. If she were going to get
        her (him) to fuck her she would have to up the ante.

        After another quick kiss, she sat back up and leaned backwards
        on the chair's leg support and spread her legs across Angelica's
        legs and hung them over the side at the knee. With a gleeful
        look of mischievousness she reached down to her crotch and
        pulled aside her frayed cut-offs. Wiggling her ass as she spoke
        and opening a viewing window on her pussy she begged Andy to
        meet her needs. "I need you Andy. I really want you Andy. I
        can't stand it to have you so hot and horny right here with me
        and not get you inside of me. COME ON! Fuck me!" Her hips were
        writhing across the lower portion of the chair and Angel had a
        superb view of Racine's shaved cxnt. It was all she could do to
        not make a nose dive deep into her snatch right then and there.
        The desire she felt inside had turned definitely real, but
        somehow she managed to stay in character for a bit longer.

 "Oh, gosh, Racine. I don't want us to think that our
        relationship is only about sex. There is so much more that we
        can share."

 "Yes, of course there is. But right now is the time for the sex
        part to get started. I want you and you want me. What are you
        waiting for?" With that she untied the knot in her shirt and
        flipped the panels aside, baring her breasts for Angel (Andy).

 "I don't know." Angel sort of stammered with her words, but her
        body rose up to a sitting position. Her bright red shorts,
        tightly sticking to her hips and crotch wormed their way towards
        Racine, who lifted her ass a bit to allow Angel to work
        underneath. Angel reached the point that her crotch was just
        beneath Racine's crotch, still partly exposed. Angel leaned
        forward and wrapped her arms around Racine, pulling her chest
        close to her own. Then with slow upward thrusts she began to
        rock her hips up into Racine's wide-splayed legs. The two girls
        sat there staring at each other while the other girls watched.

 "Come on Andy, don't just fool around. Fuck me good!" Racine was
        responding now out of desire to make the dare as realistic as
        possible and at the same time from actual lust that had
        unexpectedly found a refuge in her heart. She felt Angel's
        strong hands pulling her back towards her. She felt the sizzling
        touch of Angel's glossy-shorts-covered pussy, bouncing upward
        into her own partially covered crotch. The skin-to-skin contact
        of their rubbing legs was an aphrodisiac also. "I SAID FUCK ME

 "Okay, little girl, you asked for it." Angel quickly lifted
        Racine up off the chair and lay her back down on her back. She
        parted her legs and lay back down on her and immediately began
        to ram-thrust her hips down into Racine's waiting crotch. The
        piston action looked very realistic and their pussies actually
        banged together with only scant microns' thickness of fabric
        separating their horny labia, and twitching clits. The other
        girls could see the rising lust (at least it appeared to be
        real). Alicia sensed the now real rutting action might lead to a
        climax for one or the other or both if they continued, and she
        saw another opportunity to exert a little dominance over
        pipsqueak Racine.

 "Good show. Nice job. I wasn't sure you could do it, but I guess
        if you were in a pinch you might barely be able to seduce a guy
        someday." Her matter-of-fact words indicated that Racine had met
        the dare and caused Angel to stop her missionary pseudo-fuck."

        Both Angel and Racine felt obligated to stop, but it was with
        much reluctance that they let their bodies part. They kept their
        eyes boring into each other as they parted and listened to the
        other girls cheer and applaud. Several comments were heard and
        all were positive. Angel offered her own two bits worth as she
        sat at the foot of the chair. "Yeah, you did a nice job. You
        could try to seduce me for a fuck anytime." She laughed, as
        though to make her comments seem to be in jest and part of the
        act. But both she and Racine knew it was for real. The
        spectators felt the same way, but Racine and Angelica hadn't
        realized how much of the realism had been apparent. They thought
        it was just their little secret.

        Now though, Racine had another reason to despise that bitch
        Alicia. Just as she was beginning to feel the power and
        wonderful heat from another girl, Alicia had interrupted the
        feeling. The rage inside was hard to contain. But since it was
        now her turn she figured she could get back at her in an instant.

 "Ok, smartass Alicia, you earlier said you thought you had
        better tits than Emily. I don't think you do. I think you are
        just a pretender. I dare you to convince Emily to compare her
        tits with yours and we all get to vote to see whose are better.
        Put up or shut up." She wanted to say more, but thought against
        it as soon as she said "put up or shut up." She knew the others
        would like to see that match up and that surely Alicia would get
        put in her place by Emily's massive breasts.

 "Oh, you'd love that wouldn't you. Now, I meant what I said
        earlier, but I think a more interesting spectacle for the rest
        of us girls would be to see how Joy and Emily match up. I wonder
        who has bigger better tits between them. Since I have a pass
        privilege I choose to use it now for the benefit of all of us,
        except you little girl." She nodded spitefully at Racine. One
        thing though that Racine had forgotten about was that Alicia had
        won the wardrobe contest that she had the free pass available.
        Hearing Alicia use it now just made her fume even more inside.
        The other girls sensed the tension between them, but in fact,
        they thought it would be fun to see a tit match up between Joy
        and Emily.

        As for Joy and Emily they had been pleasantly surprised by the
        relative swiftness that a confrontation between them had been
        arranged. Both girls were thrilled to begin their
        contest/courtship at this early stage of the day. Joy got up and
        told the girls that she would be glad to compare her tits
        against Emily.

        The girls smiled at each other as Joy strutted towards the
        arising Emily. "Now," she thought, "I can show these girls that
        Emily isn't the only one with big perfect tits. This will be fun!"

        Emily was hardly out of her chair when Joy ripped off her top,
        exposing her bra. She immediately went after the clasp to unfurl
        her large beauties.

        Emily snidely commented, "Why so anxious? You're only gonna
        lose, you know."

        Joy couldn't let an opportunity for some trash talk pass idly
        by, so she bounced right back. "Ha, ha. That's funny. Your
        flabbies already know they're second best to my pair." She
        finished the sentence just as her bra came flying off. Her boobs
        attracted 14 eyes instantly and they were, of course, very full
        and flattering. Even Emily kept her eyes on Joy's tits as she
        tossed off her blouse and went to work on her own bra.

 "Not a snowball's chance. Mine are superior in every way to your
        little puberty bumps."

 "OOOOOOooooooooohhhhh. Losing touch with reality, huh? You know
        you can't compare to these." Joy lifted her tits in her hands,
        kneading them just a little to confirm their soft, yet firm
        texture to herself. Emily laughed now, just as her tits came
        into view from behind the veil of her bra. She laid her bra on a
        chair and stepped up close to Joy. The other girls jumped up and
        ran to the sides of either girl, wanting a better look.

        Emily took a deep breath and thrust out her chest, emphasizing
        her heavenly protrusions. Joy followed with a breath and thrust
        of her own. Alicia was enjoying the comparison, having already
        confirmed that her own pair was just a bit lower on the scale
        than these two, at least for size. Trying to distinguish the
        larger tits by eyes alone was neigh impossible. The dimensions
        were so closely matched that only a tape measure had discerned
        any differences back on the Fourth of July. But that was in
        private between the girls and both knew the results. But today
        was today and there would be no measuring. It was strictly up to
        the other girls to vote for the better pair. Alicia admitted out
        loud that it was hard for her to tell just from viewing. "I
        think I might have a better idea who to vote for if I could feel
        them for myself."

        Neither Joy nor Emily even flinched at the idea, and when Lori
        chimed in wishing for the same chance it wasn't long before Joy
        and Emily were taking turns offering their tits to each girl in
        turn. Fingers and hands lingered over the soft skin, squeezed
        gently to feel the relative firmness and heft. Lori pinched both
        sets of nipples in her fingers one at a time, savoring the firm
        texture and plump arousal that both were exhibiting. Several
 "Hmmms" and "Aaahhhs" punctuated most of the probing, massaging

        Both Emily and Joy felt swells of pride as the others admired
        their assets. Of course they also felt the sure arousal that
        such touch produces. After each girl had concluded her touches,
        it was apparent that some had chosen to use only a moment for a
        quick comparison, while others had lingered and maintained long
        sensuous contact with Joy and Emily's hefty mammaries.

        Alicia, who had passed this challenge over to Joy, after Racine
        had proposed it, finished off the exam. She juggled their orbs
        in turn, even going back for a second comparison before she felt
        satisfied. "I think we should make a secret vote. I'll put my
        vote on a slip of paper and drop it into that bowl over there on
        the table." She gestured towards the snack table where one of
        the potato chip bowls was empty. The rest of you do the same. A
        piece of paper was found, ripped, distributed, and then a few
        marks were made and the slips dropped into the bowl. Joy and
        Emily had remained topless, but had returned to their seats.
        Each was confident in her chances of winning the 'best tits' title.

        Racine took it on herself to read off the results. "First vote
        goes to... drum roll... Joy." She opened each folded piece of
        paper in turn and continued, "Joy, Emily, Joy, Emily, Emily.
        It's a tie." So after all that there was not a consensus at all.
        The four massive tits had been fondled and ogled by twelve sets
        of hands and eyes without a clear winner.

        A few comments were made as the girls admitted the tough choice
        and the apparent equality of the size and appearance and feel of
        the breasts in question. Joy turned to Emily and said, "Well,
        well, I guess we'll have to find 'some other way' to figure out
        whose tits are best." Her comment was of course well understood
        by Emily who answered, "Yes, I guess we will." The others just
        wondered at the exchange, unsure of the meaning. Now, since Joy
        had fulfilled the challenge passed along so adroitly to her by
        Alicia, she could make the next challenge.

        After the fun of the past few minutes, Joy was feeling
        significant arousal dripping into her veins. She noted that
        Maria had not yet been dared with a challenge. "How can I give
        her a dare that will test her limits without causing her to
        forfeit?" She still imagined Maria as quite shy and she didn't
        want to overdo the dare. But her own sexy thoughts were so
        dominant in her head she couldn't resist.

 "Maria, I dare you to..."

        She hesitated for several seconds, before she articulated her
        challenge. Again she started up, "Maria, I dare you to use that
        lovely long cleavage on that 'J-Lo' dress to massage the backs
        of our necks. I feel some tension in the back of my neck that
        I'm sure a little soft massaging from your cleavage would do
        wonders for." Joy raised her eyebrows as she waited for Maria's

        Maybe Maria was normally shy and a bit reticent, but the
        atmosphere today, heightened by the pleasing reception she got
        with her daring dress, gave her enough of a boost to take the
        dare. She blushed for sure, but she managed to rise and move
        over behind Joy, who was seated again. She needed to lean over
        just a bit to achieve the desired level. She pressed forward,
        nestling Joy's neck between her breasts. The soft skin snuggled
        around Joy's perspiration-covered neck. Maria's own flesh was
        beginning to glisten from the heat also, and the two moist
        bodies tingled as they discovered the lovely texture of each
        other's skin. Joy grinned while Maria rotated her B-cup breasts
        back and forth across the back of her neck and top of her
        shoulders. This was Joy's first chance to feel another girl's
        breasts with her own body. Maria's dress was still in place,
        however the wide cleavage gave plenty of tit-flesh exposure to
        rub across Joy.

 "Mmmmmm. Keep that up. That is really nice." Joy urged Maria to
        continue the pleasant sensation, but she only stayed with Joy
        for a minute or so before she stepped over to Emily. She
        followed Emily with the rest of the girls so that each felt the
        erotic tingle of Maria's tits massaging their necks.

        Maria still was flushed from the embarrassment, but she glowed
        an even darker color now as her libido succumbed to the
        unexpected surge of hormones. Maria finished her rounds on the
        back of Carmen. At first she softly toyed with her neck. She
        squeezed her breasts together with her arms and pinched them in
        to engulf a fair amount of her neck. She wiggled back and forth,
        changing pressure from right to left and back again. She slid up
        and down, letting her boobs ride up higher to feel her neck
        glide piston-like between them. It was as if she was giving a
        tittie-fuck to Carmen's neck and head. Her breathing had become
        a bit staccato and broken. She felt Carmen lean her head to the
        side, pressing firmly against her right tit. Maria ground her
        tit back at the side of Carmen's head, compressing her tit
        firmly between her own chest and Carmen's skull. All this time
        she had somehow managed to keep the daringly open front of her
        dress from parting further. But now she ground to the left with
        such force that the dress couldn't maintain position and it
        pulled away. Her right nipple was no longer encumbered by the
        dress and she instantly felt the added jolt of eroticism as it
        pushed towards the side of Carmen's head.

        The others watched and noted the distinct advancement in Maria's
        level of involvement in her 'task'. With one nipple freed and
        feeling the sexy tingle it caused, Maria ventured to pull her
        left tit free from its green covering. With two on the loose she
        proceeded to repeat much of what she had done just moments
        before, but now there was a much spicier erotic overtone in her
        movements and sounds. As pleasant as it all had been up to that
        point, it could have been viewed as nothing more than a massage
        with her chest, but now it was without reservation an erotic
        act. She used her hands once again to guide her titties around
        and over Carmen's head, neck, and upper back.

        The other girls watched the smile on Carmen's face ebb and flow,
        but never leave. It ranged from soft whimsical curling lips, to
        wide ebullient grins. Plainly Carmen enjoyed the sexy attention
        from her counterpart. Her hands, steady and quiet at first, had
        become wanderers. They unashamedly moved across the front of her
        own torso, cupping her own breasts while she felt Maria work
        wonders across her back. Her eyes were shut to avoid the stares
        of the others, but somehow the fact that she knew they were
        watching didn't seem to faze her. Her dreamy state came to an
        abrupt end just as her hands had wound their way south towards
        her crotch. But just as they both arrived at the juncture of her
        thighs, Maria pulled away. "Hey! Don't stop!"

        A couple of the others laughed for a moment, sensing the lack of
        fulfillment in Carmen's voice as Maria pulled away. It was a bit
        humorous, unless you were Carmen. Of course the others had each
        felt the same sense of sadness when Maria left them, only to a
        lesser degree. Angelica spoke for several of them when she
        asked, "Hey girl. Why don't you give me the same kind of treat
        you just gave her. I think that would be very ladylike of you to
        share your skills with my sore neck." She rubbed her neck to
        emphasize the (untrue) stiffness.

        Joy clapped her hands and interrupted to anoint Maria as having
        been successful in completing the dare. "I didn't know you had
        it in you girl. I thought you would be too bashful for that, but
        hell, you went even farther than was necessary. I hope that is a
        good sign for the future." She let her words linger in the air
        for a moment, their import sinking into the minds of all. "Great
        job ladies." She complimented the group as each girl had been
        challenged to a dare that she successfully met. Now it was time
        for some food.

        Emily gave short instructions for the food event. Each would
        bring out her 'dish' and then the others would get a chance to
        look and taste whatever they wanted among them and then a
        ranking of their merits would be made using a 0-10 scale, just
        like the mall outfit from before.

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 8

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 8 - Hot Dishes

        The girls busied themselves inside, a few horny glances being
        exchanged, along with some pretty angry glances also. The
        bitterness between some pairs of the girls had not been all
        forgotten as they worked to put their dishes on display. Some
        tried to sneak peeks at the other's wares, but most just tried
        to sneak peaks at each other. In less than 10 minutes they were
        assembled back on the pool deck with a table of succulent
        dishes. Some were clearly the result of extraordinary effort,
        while others were much simpler, but all had some sort of apropos
        connection to the theme of the party.

        Maria brought a Mexican dish on an oval platter. She had crafted
        the soft tortillas into a dramatic and realistic replica of a
        woman's cxnt. The folds and curves of the tortillas were
        cleverly designed to replicate the slightly parted labia and
        puffy clitoris. Just visible inside the small cleft between the
        tortillas was a true smorgasbord of Mexican delights.

        Joy uncovered a Jell-O based concoction that in near perfect
        modeling prowess, resembled her own proud tits. Protruding
        Teton-like from the plate they were a soft yellow color and
        topped by a painted areola and chewy Tootsie Roll on each hefty

        Racine presented her stuffed peppers. While not quite conveying
        the realism of Maria or Joy's concoctions, it still generated a
        clear feminine aura. The opening into the pepper was of
        appropriate size for potential insertion. The texture and aroma
        of the innards was one of danger and lurking forbidden desires.

        Alicia had chosen to bake a cake and decorate it lovingly in a
        teasing motif. There was a small statue/sculpture of two people
 (sex unclear) facing each other. Beside the pretty decorations
        were the words of a poem. "Who is she? Do you care? Would you
        take a bite? Maybe some will dare?" The poem gave Emily a real
        thrill when she read it. "Alicia, you bad girl," thought Emily,
        a smile pursing her lips.

        Emily's creation was a reconstruction of her delicately carved
        carrots. She had been proud of her handiwork presented to Joy
        back on the Fourth of July, and she thought it would be
        appropriate today also. Several deftly constructed phalluses,
        each different in detail, lay beside a dip of carefully planned
        ingredients. The realism was as superb as before, only there
        were at least a dozen of them delicately displayed on a platter.

        Lori also had chosen a male member as her focus. She, however,
        had prepared some sort of pastry, similar to a donut. Each was
        about 6-7 inches long and had been decorated with details in
        pastry frosting. The heads were bulbous and tipped by a clear
        gel drop at the very tip. One of them however looked like a big
        spill occurred. Milky-white gel frosting dripped all over the
        plate in puddles and loops, creating a clear image of a spent
        semen blast.

        Three o'clock had come and gone as the girls viewed and
        commented on the various dishes. Carmen's concoction was a sweet
        ice cream dish, frozen with decorations, much like a cake.
        Adorning the top was a picture of Carmen's head on top of a
        decorated image of Carmen in a bikini.

        Angelica brought out a fruit tray that had been arranged with
        great care. It was quite large and the overall image laid out
        was that of a naked couple. Grapes, pineapple, apple slices,
        bananas, pears, raisins, and more were strategically placed to
        give ample realism to the naked bodies. A separate dip bowl was
 'at the ready' for those who wished to dip various edibles.

        Several minutes went by as the girls relished the visible
        treats. Lots of laughter and jocular humor was shared. A few
        jokes at one or the other's expense passed the air. Eventually
        they had seen what they needed and the feasting began. Fingers
        found plenty to grab, probe, touch and sample. Mouths were
        treated to delicious and naughty edibles. Nearly half an hour
        elapsed as the girls nibbled their way through the trays.
        Finally, after all were sated, it was time to vote. The results
        came in this way: Lori's pastries came in at the top with 55
        points, second was Emily's intricate carrots with 52 points,
        third was a tie between Maria's Mexican dish and Racine's
        peppers with 50 points. Fifth and sixth were another tie, this
        time between Racine and Angelica, with 47 points. Seventh and
        last places were Carmen and Joy with 44 and 43 points respectively.

        Emily read off the results to the sound of a few chuckles and
        comments. Her second place finish pleased her, but she wasn't
        really too concerned with score, just the added impetus towards
        sexy thinking and daring that the food had provided. She
        announced that now Lori would be able to pass on any dares that
        might come her way that she wished not to take. Lori smiled at
        the outcome, happy with her handiwork. Evidently the girls liked
        the phallic offerings best, since they did take the top two
        places. But all were daring in their own way and it contributed
        to a bit of a light-hearted mood among the girls. Not that the
        simmering friction between certain pairs of girls had
        disappeared, just that it was now hidden beneath the veneer of
        fun and frolic that went with the 'meal'.

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 9

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 9 - Beachwear Extreme

        Joy took over the speaker's podium (Actually there was no
        podium, she just started talking). "All right girls. That was
        lots of fun. After the first round of dares and now the food,
        which was delicious by the way, we can have our next fashion
        show. It's time to see what daring items can be worn at the
        beach. As you can tell," she glanced down at her own bare tits,
 "some of us may have to put more clothes ON to get ready for the
        beach. But we'll assemble back here in ten minutes and we'll all
        get a chance to judge each other on the sexiness and daring of
        the outfits chosen. See you back here in a few." That sent the
        girls inside to change. There wasn't enough rooms for all the
        girls to change in private, but they scattered about the house
        and didn't need to be more than three to any room. Angelica and
        Carmen made sure they didn't share a room, as did Racine and
        Alicia. Those girls were finding the mere sight of the other to
        be distasteful.

        Soon they began to reassemble in their best getup for a sexy day
        at the beach. Of course, with the modern style of thong bikinis,
        even an ordinary suit would be quite revealing, so it was
        definitely a chore to choose the right cloth for today's
        competitive event.

        Emily was the last to come out to find the other seven already
        parading around, putting themselves on display and ogling each
        other in turn. It was definitely a sight to behold: eight young,
        fit, beautiful girls barely covered at all, parading around with
        flamboyantly sexy strolls and movements. Wiggling hips, jiggling
        breasts, subtle hand gestures, glistening skin. The wickedly
        sexy sight of those girls could have sent a dormant volcano
        spewing forth its hot lava. As soon as Emily joined them for the
        mutual parade of beachwear she told them that they would have
        five minutes in which to form their opinions and then they would
        vote. "Please use this time productively. Take good long looks,
        up close and personal, at all the outfits, formulate your
        thoughts and then get ready to play some more 'dare' games."

        The girls took her words to heart and before long girls could be
        seen kneeling over to get a good close-up look at tiny swatches
        of fabric that barely covered one or another girl's mound and
        tunnel. Emily wore a pale pink bikini that was skimpier than any
        she had actually ever worn to the beach. Its narrow cut in front
        gave plenty of evidence that her patch of bush was well shorn,
        since there wasn't a hair visible anywhere. The thong straps
        converged into a tiny triangle of material at the northern
        juncture of her ass cheeks, with the thin strap diving invisibly
        into the crevice of forbidden pleasure. Her matching top
        struggled to contain her massive mountains, clearly a size too
        small for such hefty breasts. The tight strap caused much to
        bulge out from all sides of the triangular cloth. "Delicious,"
        thought many of the girls as they ogled Emily's endowments.

        Joy wore the same skimpy, thin suit that she had worn back on
        Emily's birthday party: plain but sheer and small. She had
        wetted the material before coming outside, so the clingy fabric
        gave transparent views of her womanly cleft, small patch of
        fuzzies, and her blatantly protruding nipples.

        Alicia displayed her fine body in a wet t-shirt top, clearly
        showing her large healthy tits and nipples. The underside of her
        tits was visible below the lower edge of the ripped cotton.
        Surprisingly she wore the same jean cutoffs as before over her
        hips. The thin crotch material had been narrowed even more with
        a pair of scissors, and a few additional strategic cuts had been
        made to show even more skin than earlier.

        Racine (the tiny one) came out with a bikini that was nearly
        microscopic. It was lime green in color and carried the WW logo
        on a tiny tag. While no one ventured to bring out a tape measure
        but certainly there wasn't many square centimeters of material

        Lori grinned at the others and grinned just as much from the
        stares she received with her daring attire. She had fashioned a
        homemade covering for her mound and pussy from a seashell she
        had collected at the ocean as a child. Small holes had been
        drilled to provide a place for some thread to hold the calcified
        crustacean in place. There was nothing at all on her backside
        except for the invisible thread winding down between her lovely
        round buttocks. Another, smaller pair of shells jiggled in place
        over her nipples.

        Carmen sported a very shiny gold bikini. It was a high-waisted
        bottom, but contained a bit more material than could
        legitimately make it a thong bikini. The bra portion snuggled
        her breasts a bit together emphasizing her cleavage just a bit,
        but is wasn't as revealing as most of the other girls. It was
        very pretty though, with the glittering gold color that truly
        caused her red hair to seem to shine and glow more vibrant than

        Maria found a black bikini, very tiny, but she came out with a
        covering wrap that was very sheer. Depending on the angle of the
        sun and the viewer, the wrap would be transparent or not. When
        the angle was right, or when Maria swished the wrap up and away,
        the bikini bottom was nearly as tiny as Racine's. It's black
        color made a distinct contrast to her well-tanned Mexican skin.
        The bra was equally black and tiny, barely covering more than
        her nipples and a few square inches besides.

        Angelica, the oldest, was ogling the other girls with an eye
        towards the future. She greatly appreciated the fine fleshy
        specimens on display. Of course she was immensely proud of her
        own femininity and sexiness. Her show-off attitude had the
        perfect forum today. She pranced around among the others in
        nothing more than string, literally string, nothing else. Her
        big bouncy boobs did have a small covering in front, not even
        enough to hide her warm brown areolas. The string had been
        braided into patches not much larger than a postage stamp. The
        same string material ran downward towards the 'V' of her crotch
        to connect with another very tiny braided patch that covered
        only her clit. A small patch of blonde fuzz patrolled the mound
        above her cleft, through which the two strings descended. There
        was no string connection between her breasts, but another pair
        of strings rose from the top of each braided patch on her
        nipples to her shoulders, looping over them, and then descended
        steeply towards her ass. Just above the crack of her ass, the
        two strands merged together as a single woven braid, barely 3 mm
        wide. It dove snugly between her cheeks and connected to the
        tiny 'clit umbrella' in the front. Her pussy lips were clearly
        visible around both sides of the string and the overall effect
        was quite stunning. The white string contrasted enough with her
        tan to avoid invisibility, but it was so thin and tiny that she
        might just as well have been naked.

        Most of the girls' minds had been made up quite soon. As
        delightfully sinful and sexy as they all were, two of them
        really made the boldest statement: Lori and Angelica. When it
        came time to score the beachwear (which only a few might
        actually have ever dared wear to a REAL beach) it was Angelica
        that came out with the most points. She totaled a remarkable
        score of 68 (out of 70). Right behind was Lori (66) with her
        shell bikini. The novelty of her dress was very much
        appreciated, as well as the generous show of skin, but Angelica
        just edged her out as the most daring of all. Other scores
        followed with Racine several points lower at 59, Joy at 56,
        Maria with 52, Alicia with 51, Emily with 50, and last was
        Carmen in her gold creation with 47 points.

        One certain outcome of this little parade of flesh was the fact
        that the young ladies could ogle each other to their hearts
        content, on the pretense that they were 'checking out the
        swimwear', when in fact what was being checked out was far more
        often the skin that was revealed by the skimpy choices of
        clothing. The clothes were so skimpy that the entire wardrobe
        for all eight would have fit in a one-gallon zip-loc baggie with
        room to spare. (Wouldn't it have been nice to be a sneaky thief
        and make off with THAT bag?)

        The girls complimented the winner (except Alicia - who couldn't
        bring herself to do that), making Angel feel quite at home and
        appreciated by the younger girls. She was feeling very glad
        about having received the invitation from Emily, never having
        dreamt that Emily was the kind of girl who appreciated 'kink'
        like this. How much kink remained hidden wasn't even on Angel's
        mind. She accepted the accolades for her strings and pranced
        around in front of them one more time as Joy assumed the emcee
        duties for a moment. "Angel, congratulations. You have won the
        last event of the day. From here on out we just see who can dare
        someone to do something outrageous or sexy. Be reminded, all of
        you, that Angel and Lori each have one pass coming. All the rest
        of us are doomed to pass or fail with whatever comes our way.
        Since Maria was the last to fulfill a dare from before our meal,
        she has the next chance to make a dare. Are we ready?"

        DARE PARTY - Chapter 10

 (by HGHunt)

        Chapter 10 - Dares Get Hotter

        Maria's shyness was certainly not something that was going to
        leave her after a couple of hours of gentle dares, but that
        didn't stop her from having the same intense reaction to all the
        sexy goings-on as any of the others. She had noticed her blood
        flowing hotter through her veins. Her loins absorbed the warm
        glow of generous pleasure caused by the continued surges of
        hormones. "Now its my turn to see if one of you will squirm or
        not." She smiled a big smile, undaunted by having to choose a
        dare appropriate for the new round to begin. She had some very
        wild dares that she wished upon herself, but felt that at this
        point at least a small amount of restraint might be the best tact.

        She turned towards Carmen. "I see there are still a few items of
        food on the table. I was wondering if you might find a good use
        for this." She held up one of the hard cock sculpture carrots
        from Emily's collection. "Most of us have had a chance to taste
        one of these, but I want to see you use it a bit differently. I
        dare you to work yourself into a real lather and then fuck
        yourself with this cock." That last word was given an emphatic
        emphasis as she flourished it like a wand in front of her. With
        one quick motion she opened her mouth and pushed the carrot-cock
        inside her wet lips, coating the outer portion with plenty of

 "Here." She held out the phallic vegetable towards Carmen.

        Carmen flinched at the idea of fucking herself with that carrot
        in front of the others, but she knew that she would be
        unmercifully teased if she didn't manage to live up to the dare.
        Another thing that entered her mind was the fact that if she did
        complete the dare, she would be next to choose who and what the
        dare would be. It only took a moment of contemplation for her to
        decide that the best course of action would be to just do it, as
        the Nike commercial says. She stood up and grabbed the
        cock-carrot from Maria.

 "You mean like this?" She immediately plunged the orange rod
        into her own mouth and gobbled it deep. Wrapping her lips around
        it she demonstrated a passable fellatio for a few moments. The
        other girls hooted and hollered a bit as she downed the carrot.
        Undaunted her face turned into a bit of a snarl (she was
        thinking about the bitch Angelica), she slid it from her lips as
        she sat back down on her chair and leaned back. Her fingers
        reached low and rubbed the carrot across the soft shiny gold
        fabric of her bikini bottom. It pressed firmly into the fabric,
        denting it inward enough to reveal the slit beneath. With a real
        gusto she began to rub it feverishly across her pussy and clit,
        right through the fabric. She kept it up non-stop for five or
        ten minutes as the others spied on her progress, encouraging her
        from time to time and enjoying the show. Of course Maria was
        waiting for some penetrating action and she mentioned it aloud.
 "Don't worry bitch," snarled Carmen, "You'll get everything you
        asked for." And no sooner were the words out of her mouth than
        she pulled aside the crotch of her bikini panties and revealed a
        moist pink cleft, plump and ready for some action. Positioning
        the carrot at the entrance to her hole she wiggled both her hips
        and the carrot until it found its way inside. Jab, poke, jab.
        She thrust the object in, inch by inch until only a half-inch
        protruded. She twisted it back and forth and then began a rapid
        plunging fuck. In and out she went, her hips rocking and
        wiggling to enhance the lush friction the orange vegetable
        provided. While the voters had appreciated Emily's handiwork
        earlier, it was now much more appreciated now, especially by
        Carmen. While her right hand controlled the carrot in its
        plunging escapade, her left hand reached for her clit and began
        to rub. The gyrations of her torso turned erratic. She began to
        moan and jerk. Her self-ministrations had been quite effective.
        She hit a plateau of intense pleasure that lasted for a minute
        or so and then she finished herself completely with the most
        violent fucking and rubbing combination. Her orgasm rolled
        spasmodically through her body, shaking and jerking for 30
        seconds. Her cries of pleasure wafted across the pool and yard,
        bringing smiles to the other's faces.

        The orgasm faded away and Carmen opened her eyes to see grins
        splashed across the other's faces. She had obviously passed the
        test. Maria, gaining verbal confidence, congratulated her, "Wow!
        You sure didn't hold back that time."

 "Good job." "Well done." "Hoooeeeeey." A generous helping of
        compliments flowed, including one from Angel, "Not bad. Not bad."

        With the bitterness Carmen felt towards Angel, the 'not bad'
        comment represented a distinct slap in the face. She had a plan
        to make Angel eat her words. In fact when she pulled the carrot
        from her twat, she made sure to hold it up in the bright
        sunlight to show the glistening juices coating the entire carrot.

 "All right, Carmen. I'll bet you have a dare for someone. What
        will it be?" Lori had affirmed Carmen's success and passed the
        torch to her for the next dare.

 "Oh you bet your sweet ass I do." She pulled her gold bikini
        bottoms back in place over her crotch and stood up. Walking
        directly to Angel she stood in front of her, hands on her hips,
        the carrot clenched in her right fist at her side. The scowl
        returned to her face, which by now the other girls had become
        plainly aware of the motive behind that look. She held out the
        carrot. "Eat it." She spoke as a demand, not as a question or a
        dare. But the implication was clear. She wanted Angel to eat the
        carrot along with all her slimy juices that still plainly coated
        the orange phallus.

        Carmen hadn't forgotten about Angel owning the right to pass.
        She had considered that she might, in fact, use it. But she felt
        that the humiliation of passing that would be felt by Angel
        could well overpower the humiliation she might feel from being
 'forced' to eat the slimy-coated carrot.

        Angel paused a moment, gathered her thoughts, and responded,
 "I'll bet you thought I'd pass on this dare. But let me tell you
        something." She spoke directly to Carmen, as though the others
        weren't present. "No 'little girl' can make a dare for me that I
        can't handle." The reference to Carmen as a little girl was
        figurative and not literal, since Carmen was actually an inch
        taller than Angel. A sneer crept across Angel's face as she
        spoke. "Give me that greasy thing!"

        She stood up, facing Carmen. The two were practically toe-to-toe
        and their faces grew increasingly ugly as they stared daggers of
        bitterness into each other's eyes. "Here, eat the tastiest
        morsel you've had today."

 "In your dreams. Give it here bitch." The angry words and body
        language generated considerable tension in the air that the
        others accepted as part of the game. They knew that such
        friction might happen, and they just watched to see what would
        play out. It almost seemed like they would come to blows. None
        would have been surprised if they had. But somehow enough
        restraint remained to avoid that possibility (for now at least).

        Carmen held out the carrot in front of Angelica's face. "All for
        you cxnt!"

        Angel snatched it from Carmen and bit off the tip in one bite.
        She stood her ground in front of Carmen and Carmen only stepped
        back about a foot. They still faced each other as Angel gobbled
        down the carrot in record time. "Satisfied?" She aimed the
        pointed question at Carmen.

 "Not by a long shot, sweety!" Carmen's sour response wasn't a
        rejection of Angel having passed the dare, but an admission that
        in her mind there was much more she had planned for Angel. An
        awkward silence hung over them for a moment before Emily tried
        to ease the tension. "All right, good show. Angel, now it's your
        turn. Come up with another good one, ok."

        Gingerly, Carmen stepped back from Angel. They glared at each
        other for a few moments before the distance between them
        increased enough for Angel to feel like she could maintain
 'face' by looking away. Finally when Carmen sat back down, Angel
        let the glare leave her eyes, and she took a few deep breaths
        before she summoned up the wherewithal to speak. She didn't
        speak of the event that had just happened but of the next. It
        took some moments, but her calm voice finally came out with a
        dare for them all. "I dare you all." She paused. "I hate an
        empty pool on a hot day. I dare you all to a skinny dip in the

        She followed her dare by immediately shedding the stringy
        concoction that barely covered her assets anyway. As the others
        glanced about at each other she shredded the string until in was
        nothing more than a pile in her hand. Even considering that this
        dare wasn't for a particular girl, they all felt that the time
        had come to get wet and so first one and then another, until all
        of them had complied, ripped off the tiny adornments and were
        headed to the water.

        When it was apparent that all were taking the dare, Angel added
        some directions. "Lets all stand on the side together and then
        hold hands and jump in all at once. After that, who cares?"

 "Who gets the next dare if we all do it?" Joy wondered aloud
        about the sequence that would follow. "Shouldn't somebody be

 "Maybe, but why don't we just play around for a while and then
        someone can be chosen?" It was Lori who ventured to just let
        things happen. Then she jumped. The others were right next to
        the pool and even though they weren't expecting her to jump just
        then they all followed immediately. Splash! Splash!

        They were all in the pool, naked as babies, and the frolicking
        began. It must be noted that Carmen and Angel avoided each other
        as did Alicia and Racine, but somehow they all managed to have a
        good time swimming, splashing, diving, and just generally
        enjoying the water. It appeared to be all good clean fun, but
        occasionally a stray word, hand, foot, or knee found a way to
        remind the girls that there was more going on than just childish
        water fun.

        Maria felt a knee ride up between her legs from behind, nestling
        for a moment at the juncture of her ass and thighs. It departed
        quickly, but it happened a second time a few minutes later, and
        Maria couldn't help but detect the non-randomness of its presence.

        Emily noted occasional bumps, feeling breasts press against her
        arm or back and even once briefly against her own breasts.

        Racine enjoyed a tingling sensation when a hand slid down her
        shoulder and back but didn't leave until it had wedged briefly
        between her ass cheeks.

        Angel bristled whenever Carmen was close, but she relished the
        detection of fingers following the contours of her leg. Tracing
        long loops across her knee and thigh she shivered at the
        delicate wet touch.

        Carmen's anger was hard to keep stifled, but a toe raking
        circles around her tummy, teasing with the possibility of
        heading lower, but never fulfilling, made the transformation to
        erotic thoughts gradually happen.

        Alicia expected some horseplay, of course, but she was quite
        surprised by the added dimension of eroticism that she felt by
        being naked in the pool with seven other girls. She found some
        opportunities to engage in a few discreet, but not so anonymous
        touches. She came up out of an underwater dive once at the
        shallow end of the pool to find another coming up right in front
        of her. She slipped a bit as she tried to catch herself her
        hands went out. She felt another pair of hands catch themselves
        on her body. So it was that they found themselves with four
        hands holding four handsome breasts. Their eyes met and slowly
        their hands melted away from their chests. As the other girl
        fell back in the water on her back, her leg came up and brushed
        inside Alicia's thigh until she felt the top of a foot nestle
        briefly into her soft wet crotch. It didn't stay and probe, but
        it lingered just for a couple of seconds, long enough to pass
        the message that it wasn't an accident. She shivered at the
        delicious touch, only to feel disappointed when the other girl
        glided away on her back, a smile plainly visible on her
        soft-featured face.

        Blissfully splashing around in the pool, reminded of earlier
        encounters with Emily, Joy was overwhelmed by the wicked tension
        between childish water play with womanly eroticism, fueled even
        further by evident tension and anger between some of the girls.
        Her own months-long feud with Emily was still very strong inside
        her veins. It permeated her tissues and was never far from her
        mind. But somehow the sexy competition between them had risen to
        a higher plane, less based on its original chesty confrontation
        in peasant dresses, but more based on the inner fulfillment each
        felt by pitting her body, mind, and instincts against the other.
        Today's episodes were only fueling a broader array of
        possibilities in the relationship. Other girls' sexy
        contributions to the erotically angry atmosphere just heightened
        her horny feelings. She was sure it was the same for Emily. She
        took the pool play as a personal challenge to sample the wares,
        much like a kid with $20 in a candy store. Her foot, her knee,
        and her hands managed to wind their way into the consciousness
        of several feminine friends. She enjoyed a bit of reciprocity as
        one finger 'accidentally' brushed across her nipple. Another
        finger squirmed between her ass cheeks and rested bare
        centimeters from her anus. Wickedly delicious thoughts permeated
        her mind when another digit probed between her legs. Teasing the
        short, soft, brown curls that announced her pubic mound, the toe
        would have ventured lower if Joy hadn't been grabbed from behind
        and tossed headfirst into the water.

        The play became more physical as the minutes passed. A personal
        dare or two had been shared, and under the circumstances, each
        was fulfilled. The first watery dares were benign enough. "Go
        touch so-and-so in her________." "See if you can get so-and-so
        to ________." But after 15 minutes of energetic fun, punctuated
        with the frequent horny action, the dares evolved a bit into
        more physical form.

        After enough dares that were privately spoken had occurred, the
        obvious accumulation of daring actions caused the group as a
        whole to begin listening to the issuing challenges. Some were
        athletically oriented; others were focused on the erotically
        sexy possibilities apparent from 8 naked girls in a pool.
        Angelica ended up offering a clever dare to two girls at a time.
        She dared Emily and Alicia to race two laps of the pool, with
        the loser forced to suck the titties of the winner. As luck
        would have it the two of them were the two best swimmers in the
        bunch. Neither had ever raced against the other before, but both
        felt strong and neither balked at the possibility of losing.

        The other six girls cleared off to one side of the water while
        Alicia and Emily climbed up to the west end of the pool. "Ready,
        set, Go!" Angelica shouted the start and the two dove strong
        into the pool, their flat tummies and full breasts snaking into
        the water and their arms churning in powerful crawl-strokes.
        Alicia's quick start and strength put her in the lead for the
        first lap, but as the turn was made, and Emily's long arms and
        legs powered through the water with their long strokes, it
        appeared she was catching Alicia. There was enough pool left for
        her to overtake Alicia and win the race, but either she lost
        energy or Alicia's resolve was more, because at the end it was
        actually Alicia that touched the wall a couple of feet in front
        of Emily.

        Joy had watched closely the finish and in her mind it appeared
        that Emily had lost on purpose. She knew how strong a swimmer
        she was, and no other explanation existed for what she had just
        witnessed, other than Emily 'wanted' to lose. She wanted to lose
        just so she could suck Alicia's pretty titties and rub Joy's
        nose in it (figuratively). Joy was sure of her perception when
        Emily cast a quick glance her way, revealing a definite wink.
 "Raising the bar," She admitted to admiring Emily for the way
        she managed to provoke a rise out of her and at the same time
 'win' the right to suck another nice pair of tits. "Oh how
        powerful jealousy is." She reminded herself.

        The west end of the pool was the shallower end and Alicia stood
        up beaming from ear to ear. The other girls clapped and
        congratulated her on the win and instantly prodded Emily to pay
        the winner her due. Briefly Emily acted upset that she had lost
        and disinclined to live up to the rules. But in only a minute or
        so she relented and bent low towards the pretty brunette beside
        her. The chlorine taste didn't prevent Emily from enjoying her
        first 'public' sex-play with another girl. She sucked first one
        nipple into her mouth and then the other. Her fingers found
        ample flesh to knead and massage, alternating her mouth from
        nipple to nipple.

        Alicia responded to Emily's action with a big smile. At first
        her eyes were closed from a dose of embarrassment, but soon she
        opened them and watched Emily intently. Emily's eyes were open
        and she found Alicia's pretty brown eyes in a melting stare.
        Alicia felt her nipples pucker and grow at the first contact.
        The cool water had already forced them into little nubs, but
        Emily's tonguing fueled the fires inside her and they grew
        larger and larger to full extension and width. Her wide areolas,
        usually light tan, had condensed towards the center, little tiny
        nubs of prickly goose bumps covering the darker skin surrounding
        each expanded nipple. Emily relished the sensation of Alicia's
        nipples growing in her mouth in response to the lovely sucking.
        Emily noted the length, which seemed quite impressive. When she
        stared into Emily's eyes she felt a rush of lustful urges, less
        playful, and more intense than the tingly nice and naughty
        feelings before now. She caught herself in a sigh, unable to
        hold it nonchalantly from the others. She vaguely heard some of
        the other girls urging remarks. She noticed her legs become a
        little wobbly as Emily continued the special attention to her
        nipples. She put her hands on Emily's head for balance and
        pulled her face hard into her chest. She felt her breasts mash
        inwards from the force and she loved it. Emily's tongue was
        wondrously lavishing oral enjoyment that had spread well beyond
        the local breast tissues and engaged nerve endings far from the

        The rising heat in her breast was abruptly altered when Emily
        stood up, leaving Alicia's boobs dangling in the air. But the
        rush she felt wouldn't be completely stifled just yet. As Emily
        stood up she made eye contact once again with her 'victim' and
        grabbed her towards herself. She pulled tightly. Their bodies
        crushed gently together and Emily kissed Alicia full on the
        lips; not long, not wet, not forceful, but sweet, firm, and
        nice. As Emily pulled away Alicia longed for the contact to
        continue. She ached for more fulfillment than was awarded by
        this brief excursion into feminine sexuality.

        Jarred back to reality by the cheers and hoots of the others she
        grinned an embarrassed smile. "Ahhh, the benefits of being a
        fast swimmer." She laughed, as did most of the others.
HG Hunt