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To What Extreme chapter 3

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Offline DottiD

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To What Extreme chapter 3
« on: February 10, 2024, 12:35:04 PM »
Chapter 3 Like Cougars Claws Come Out

They move apart about the room and small area they will finish this. Their bare round breasts a heavy wobble as they breath and step about. Their long legs flex with each step, as fingers flex tight as they can.

Their nipple stiff as spikes stand outward, their aureolas swelled into pronounced peaks. Both caress their breasts as they take a minute to mentally be ready for whats to come. For either this might take a few minutes, or a bit longer, but one thing they know for certain, neither woman is leaving here unscathed.

Bonnie looks to Rita, Rita looks back then nods. Bonnie nods and both women turn to face other and they meet at center room. They stare ahead , eyes locked as they step until nipples meet, then as they breath in at the feel, they slowly press their breasts against the others.

Both inhale at the feel of her rivals bust, how well matched and full and weighted they are. Lips closed and nostrils flair as they stand straight legged and glare. Bonnie in a growling hiss whisper, “just so we are clear , i am going to use my claws on your face, tits, and anywhere else i need to, till you understand i am the better woman and the one he deserves”.
Rita sucks in a breath, with the fear of what this fight will bring to both she replies in a catty growl whisper, “i fully understand the stakes of doing this, its why i agreed to them. Just know your face ,tits and anywhere else will not go untouched either, i am the better woman here and Both you and he will soon know it”.
The two mature cats rub their breasts against the others slow as they almost touch noses, their hot breath bathing the others face.

Bonnie opens her hands and has her fingers flexed, Rita does the same. Slowly they raise their hands higher, as they do lips curl into jealous fear filled hate. Both inhale then each of them sinks her left hand in others hair, their finger nails scratch the others scalp as hair is gathered up into a fist.

Content they have a solid grip they start to pull on it, each snarls more , as they grunt, “bitch”.
Rita opens her right hand and as she slaps it onto Bonnies face she curls her nails into the flesh and gouges at the skin.  Bonnie huffing as the burn of acrylic nails tears skin, mimics the move and slaps back sinking her nails in, gouging at Ritas cheek.

They stare as they both pull skin and slowly rake it in their finger nails. Their faces become contorted as they dig their fingernails in, stretching flawless features as red furrows rise.

Scalps become red as roots start to snap and strands are ripped in half. Their stiff nipples swipe with a slow heavy church bell style sway. Their heavy tits bumping and a firm clopping is heard and felt.

Snarling through gritted teeth the two hell cats step in tiny circling steps, growling and spitting at each other as pain is their new highlight. Bonnie holds her rivals head still as does Rita, they share the same spitting insults , “bitch, whore, cxnt” and more.

As soon as their nails scrape free the pair again slap the others face and sink in a new grip and once again gather flesh and dig at it. The burning pain already becoming unbearable as each hears her growl turn to a cry. Bonnie as her eyes well up, “you fucking cheap whore I’ll claw your eyes out”. Rita her cheek being pulled and torn, eyes welling up, “try it cxnt , I’ll dig yours out, fight like a cougar you cheap slut”.

The two savage bitches stand and teeter about in inch by inch steps neither releasing her rival. Hands slap and claw at faces as they spit at one another. Heads tilt to sides and up, but neither turns to look away.

Finally as Rita finishes raking her rivals face, she stabs her claws into Bonnies  left chest and as her nails dig in , she drags them slowly down onto the large breast then to the aureola, her thumb nail finding the target of the stiff thick nipple.

Bonnie glaring into her rivals eyes pulls her shoulder up and in, trying to use her upper arm to guard her breast as she can’t hold back a cry. “Ohhh awww you cxnt my tit”. Rita squeezes in deeply, “I’ll rip your tits off whore” in a vicious hiss.

As Rita stretches and drills her thumbnail into the thick stiff nipple, Bonnie is pulled forward and leans into Rita. As quick as she can, Rita feels the grip on her face ease up, she quickly side steps Bonnie and gets beside her and now holding the hair still pushes Bonnies head lower. Rita spits at the back of Bonnies head and then after a sharp slap to the hanging breasts, cups her hand into Bonnies face and scratches freely.

Bonnie cries into the sweaty warm palm, as her one hand still has a tight hold of Ritas hair , her free hand tries to blindly find Ritas face. Rita turns and tilts her head back to avoid the reaching fingernails. As she does she gouges more at Bonnies face, “cmon bitch I’ll rip your face apart”.

Bonnie is crying and screams, unable to get at her rivals face she turns her head and sinks her teeth into Ritas breast at the aureola. As Ritas eyes go wide in pain and shock, her mouth drops open “ Awwww MY TIT you cxnt”.

Bonnie then stabs her hand at Ritas warm wet mound and her nails grab hold of the wet folds and stretches them out as her finger nails score marks. Rita in a fear filled panic tries to get her hips back while still hurting her rival.

The struggle gets faster as both want to rip their rival up more but need to get free of her current attack. Their bodies slap together as they yank each other about the circle and room, using the door, dresser and walls as their ring.

Finally in total fear Rita drives a knee up and it slams into Bonnies belly. The force makes Bonnie cough out loud and cup her belly relinquishing her crotch attack and staggering onto her knees.

Rita sneers and pounces on Bonnies bare back as she is on her knees , they continue to rip at the others scalp. Rita sits up on Bonnies back and glaring down with huge, reaches around and cupping Bonnies face tears her fingernails up Bonnies face drawing red furrows that now fill her features. Bonnie crying feels her salty tears fill the fresh burning furrows, adding to the burning fire in her face the wet tears are like acid adding to the burn.

Rita wraps the hair around her fist and pulls up and back, as she does she pushes her free hand on Bonnies head downward. Bonnie has to shut her eyes as her hair and roots are stretched beyond pain. She again cries out , “MY FUCKING HAIR YOU cxnt AWWW W!!.

Bonnie releases her hair grip on Rita and grabs back at her rivals wrists, her claws dig in as she tries to ease the pain burning her scalp as badly. Rita snarling and panting wrestles to get her free hands wrist free. Rita growls , “let my fucking hand go Bitch “. Bonnie is arched at the back, Rita sits like in a saddle as she uses Bonnies hair as reigns.

Bonnies breasts round and heavy sway and bump together inches above the rough dirty damp rug. Her mouth open and despite the cries of agony she coughs on not wanting to cry out again, “get off me Bitch and I’ll give you a fight “.

Rita shakes her rivals head violently snapping hair free as it liters the rug, Bonnie finally pulls her body upright and swings her elbows back hitting Rita in the ribs and knocking her off her back.

As Rita lands on the rug and winces Bonnie spins on her knees and suddenly pounces on her prone rivals body. The two hell cats wrap themselves around each other and start to roll as one , their hands claw, punch and slap any flesh they feel, or find as they are in a cat ball.

Snarling, cursing , spitting  with faces cherry red and tears and sweat soaking their hair and faces adding to the burn from the furrows drawn into their faces. Teeth snapping at faces no as they roll side to side, crying, spitting they rip hair free, scratch freely and try to punch the other to gain the upper hand. Blood starts to trickle and slap from nails cutting flesh.

At one point Bonnie rolls on top, she arches and stretches her upper body up and does so to punch Rita in the lips and breast, then drops down again to fight on. When she drops again she tilts her head low and her teeth find Rita’s breast.

The bite is deep and locked in, Rita now screams, “awwwww MY GOD MY TIT YOU FUCKING cxnt LET GO!!”. Bonnie manages to ease her knees up under her, as she does Rita is like a wild cat scratching a vaguely at Bonnies back, face and hair. Doing anything to get her rivals teeth to open. Bonnie closes her eyes as she bites harder. Her tongue tasting the iron taste of blood. She spits the flesh free and sees the red, blue and black imprint of her bite with a slight trickle of blood.

Rita manages to set her thumbnails at Bonnies eyes and threatening to blind her rival starts to press her thumbnails in.
 The move causes Bonnie to lift up from Ritas body and turn her head as she grabs Ritas wrists again. The two wrestle hand to hand as they look at one another both still prepared to claw her rival up and win.

Their heavy breasts wobbling and jostling now as they struggle. Rita manages to shove Bonnie partly off her body as her hands are forced from Bonnies face. They struggle more till they both kick the other away and roll from each other.

Gasping and hurt and angry hey both stand up, faces with tiny cuts, and red lines from nails are a horror they aren’t scared of. Ritas breasts has a thread of bleeding from the bite, and Bonnie’s the same from the finger nail dig in her breast.

Both know they delivered a lot of damage and as they breath heavy they crouch and have hands opened wide to fight on. They snarl again, bodies flex and they charge into one another, the SMACK of flesh on flesh rings out.

Instantly they grab a double fistful of the other hair and start to pull, yank, twist, stretch and tug , trying to rip each other bald. Staggering as one again as they bounce off everything in the room. Grunts, hissing, spitting and pain filled yelps ring between them.

Bonnie starts to shake Ritas head by the hair, “I’ll bald you whore”, she then whips Rita to the left only to snap her back by the hair. Rita gasps out, AAGHHH OOOWWWW”. Her eyes stream tears from the scalp pain.

Bonnie tries to get behind Rita, she manages to partly and as she does her two fists clenched with hair yanks back hard. Ritas forced to look up, her eyes and mouth fall open. So stunned by the sudden move Rita can barely keep her balance, her hands grip for the wall and dresser, “let my hair go BITCH”.

Bonnie again rattles her rivals head about, “cmon Whore give or fight BITCH!!”, strands are felt and heard snapping, and hair litters he rug and sweaty bodies. Rita claws back at the hands holding her hair, hoping to ease the scorching pain. Finally Bonnie looking to end Rita pushes her knee into Ritas bare back and pulls slowly straight back.

Rita is preying for help as her face is bright red and clumps of hair are ripped free. Scared and gasping as she snarls, Rita manages to reach back low and feels the ankle of her rival, Rita squirms her back as she tugs the ankle, and Bonnie starts to hop then has to release her rivals hair as she falls flat on her back to the floor.

Rita turns and pushes the leg wide to the right exposing Bonnies mound, she quickly reaches down and digs her claws into the thick bush and clenches her nails and fingers tight , then pulls up.

Bonnie screeches, “you bitch my pussy let go”. Rita twists as she pulls so hard she hoists Bonnies hips by the thick bush. Bonnie stunned but scared kicks and gets the back of Ritas knee buckling it .

Rita drops to her knees and Bonnie scissors her legs around Ritas neck and pulls her down as she squeezes her thighs tight crushing Ritas neck. Rita slaps and claws at the thick sinewy thighs , her face red again as she is trapped. Bonnie sits up her arms propping her from behind as she watches her thighs crush her rival, “cmon slut lets keep going i am gonna carve you up”.

Bonnie reads down and her finger nails again rip across Ritas breasts. Rita is like a fish out of water bucking and twisting. Bonnie can’t maintain the hold but she slowed Rita down, her thighs pop open and as she turns to get on her knees Rita suddenly pounces on her back.

The weight of both carries them forward and Bonnie is face first on the rug,a few minor rug burns on her cheek and breasts. Rita now looking like a wild amazon, grabs Bonnie by her bangs and pulls up an back, bending Bonnie backward from the floor.

Bonnie cries out as her spine feels like it will snap, her large breasts swinging in front , Rita sees this and with her right hand delivers a blow to Bonnies face, “we done bitch?”.

Bonnie turns her head then a second blow lands harder, Bonnie uses a hand to guard her face. Rita annoyed then cups the left breast and crushes the meaty globe in her nails and rips the skin, “we done bitch?”, Rita asks again.

Bonnie wincing from her arched position and bangs being stretched to the limits, tries to buck her rival off as she screams out , “get off me whore and fight”.  Rita snarls “you wanna fight ?,lets fight”. Rita unleashes a barrage of curled finger nail slaps all about Bonnies face, hitting and gouging every inch of skin.

Bonnie tries to cover her face with both hands as Rita is like a piston swinging slaps from every angle. Finally Rita uses an arm twist to roll Bonnie onto her back . Rita straddles her pinning her rivals arms under her knees.

Bonnie chest heaving looks up then spits up at Rita. Rita sneers “have it your way cxnt”. Then starts to use her fists to hit Bonnie in the face, like a windmill. Ritas fists clock Bonnie from her scalp to her chin.

Bonnies head is knocked side to side like it was a rag dolls. Rita pauses ,”wanna fight more cxnt?”. Bonnie face red nose bleeding as is her lip, and out of breath , shakes her head no.

Rita sets her open palm on Bonnies chin, her finger nails dimple Bonnies eyebrows as she snarls down at her rival. Rita growls low, “say you give whore”. Bonnie looking up through the poised fingers “I..I..I Give Its Over”.

Rita snarls again teeth gritted, “am i gonna find out you called him again?”. Bonnie gulps “no no never he is yours “. Rita smiles “no one is going to want you cxnt”. Ritas nails ever so slowly rip down Bonnies face to her chin.

Bonnie screeches in pain and fear, as Rita stands up she does the same to Bonnies breasts. Content with her nail work, Rita sets her heel on Bonnies tits, hands on hips glares down, then rakes her heel off the tits and delivers a kick to Bonnies side.

Bonnie curls into a ball crying, Rita swaggers to the bed opens her bag and pulls out jeans and a bra and a top. She dresses and then grabs Bonnies thong and bra and steps over Bonnie still on the rug.

Rita opens the door and looks back, “i am going to my mans house , i am going to inform what happened here, how i won then make crazy love to him, if i see, hear or even think you are around, I’ll finish scratching your eyes out cxnt”.

As the motel door shut slowly, Bonnie laid there crying, trickles of blood from her nose,mouth and face. As well her breasts, hair strands still fill her fingers and are in light balls on the rug.

Bonnies nose as it flairs can smell of hers and Ritas womanhood scent mixed with the years of grime and dirt in the fibers. Bonnie finally changes, her body in pain as she looks in the mirror the red finger nail furrows etch her face and breasts, and neck. She curses Rita, but she has to admit it, her rival today was the better woman.

If there is to be any consolation, it would be to have Joe call her and come over , she smiled at the thought as she got in her car. He drive home was slow as she hoped after hearing the war story from Rita he would want them to face each other again as he watched. Her fingers tighten on the steering wheel, and she growls to herself, “oh please give her and i a reason to fight again, I’ll carve her up”.

Bonnie gets home and showers, the warm water adds to the burning cuts as does the soap. She sits at her vanity brushing her hair and torn trapped clumps are pulled free.  Bonnie can tear up after each brushing, she was sure she was the better woman for her man,but as she fell short in her challenge, it turns out maybe the better woman did win.

Back at Rita’s she spends her week preparing for a weekend with her man. When Friday night arrives he picks her up, he notices a few of the furrow marks still on her face and neck. Coupled with some bruises and cuts, he doesn’t ask or bring git up as they have a wonderful dinner. 

Later that night Rita emerges from his bathroom in nothing but her heels and thigh highs, her round heavy breasts have that slow wobble as she walks to his bed. He marvels at her body, for most of the night the couple has a marathon of love making.

Rita smiles through it as she proved herself to be the better woman. The next morning as he is showering ,Rita hears his cell ringing, she leans across the bed and sees it is Bonnie.

Joe walks in the room and Rita hands him the phone, she gleaned at him as she growls, “put it on speaker”. He answers and hits speaker, “Bonnie hi, just so you know your on speaker, i am here with someone at the moment.”

Bonnie pauses a moment, Rita purrs, “unless you want to meet me again honey, i suggest you hang up and never dial his number again”. Bonnie wanting to save face but knows she can’t as she is sure Rita will tell him about the fight as soon as they hang up.

Bonnie inhales, “listen Joe your going to hear a few things but just know i did my best, if you two ever break up call me”. Rita takes the phone, “Say goodbye whore, and move on”. Then she clicks the end button.
Joe looks at Rita, his thoughts of what happened to her face and neck and breasts and back, were right. He also has to assume if Rita is this marked up Bonnie must look a whole lot worse.
Rita can see the hunger in her lovers eyes and his manhood grow hard at the thought of it. She takes his hand and pulls him in the bed, and she moans seductively , “wanna hear about our fight ?”.

Her soft hands gently stroke his hard cock, “nmmm i thought you might like to”. Rita as she climbs on her man and eases him inside her, slowly undulates her hips as she tells him how the fight went. Joe explodes nearly instantly, but Rita keeps him hard with more of the days war with Bonnie.

As she finishes him off yet again, she stands smirking as he lays in bed spent and she purrs, “if that whore coms around my man ever again, I’ll carve her tits off and scratch her eyes out, you don’t want me to do that , do ya baby?”. Joe can see Rita means it, he shakes his head no, Rita smiles and kisses him, then heads into the shower.

Joe lays back and smiles as he now knows he has the better woman and a real cougar.

The End


Offline lumberjack66

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2024, 11:47:22 PM »
Amazing Job as always DottiD!  Love the passion and emotions of both women.  Lucky Joe.
I love catfights and chatting.  Look me up on trillian at ljack66   (I think... just figuring Trillian out)


Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2024, 01:08:43 AM »
Just AWESOME Dotti
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline bobf

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 01:48:04 PM »
Simply amazing!


Offline sonalee

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2024, 06:02:01 AM »
Another amazing masterpiece...
Can we expect a Part 4 ??


Offline DottiD

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2024, 08:38:06 AM »
I wasn’t planning on a part 4 , but if you guys want it to go forward, i surely can add a part 4 , perhaps this winner and a new challenger ?


Offline sonalee

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2024, 08:26:45 AM »
Or may be same rivals but different winner ... like a well deserved revenge ?


Offline femfitefan

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2024, 08:49:31 PM »
i had never heard the term "cougar fight" before but now I find myself thinking about it ALL... THE... TIME!

Great story.  Thanks for sharing.


Offline YH5050

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2024, 10:30:38 PM »
Agreed! Joe is a lucky man!


Offline YH5050

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 3
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2024, 10:41:20 PM »
Oh, by the way....
Yes Please to part 4!