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Licensed to Fuck: Part 3

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Licensed to Fuck: Part 3
« on: February 13, 2024, 08:28:01 PM »
Stacy and her spy friends had to examine the entrance to the underground base that our two MSS targets were using. They concluded that there was only one entrance. The tunnels were ironically built during the Cold War under the orders of Chiang Kai-shek himself in case of a Chinese invasion. They were planned to be much more extensive but he died before they were completed. A secret he took with him to his grave. Or so he thought, it seems. When out on recon, it became apparent that our two adversaries, Chen Ai and Li Diwei were often leaving their little HQ for rather long periods of time for some reason. This would give Hitomi and myself the perfect opportunity to slip in and see what they were up to. Stacy gave us the time and place. It was on a beach and the secret entrance was a panel hidden in the sand just by the road, so that if any beachgoers stepped on the panel, they wouldn’t think anything of it. Hitomi and I removed the sand and used a crowbar to remove the panel.

“This is it.” I said as we looked down into the dark tunnel.

“Ai and Diwei are often gone for inconsistent periods of time.” Hitomi pointed out. “So let’s just get the intel we need, cover our tracks as best we can and bail.”

“Agreed.” I said. “Besides, the sooner we get this done, the sooner I get to fuck you and then Stacy.”

“We’ll see who fucks who, bitch.” Hitomi shot back. “But for now, we have a job to do.”

I went down the ladder first and Hitomi quickly followed me. I very nearly stumbled down the ladder due to Hitomi’s beautiful, bubbly ass hanging in my face but I maintained focus for now. It was pitch black down there but instead of looking for a light switch, we used our built-in flashlights in our watches. After all, for all we knew there could be a third enemy waiting for us down here. Honestly, that’s kind of what I was hoping for. Hitomi being so close to me was getting me antsy and if I didn’t fuck a hot bitch soon, I was gonna lose my mind. Eventually, we came across a square shaped hole in the ground leading to water.

“It looks like this goes into the cross straight waters.” Hitomi theorized.

“I guess there’s more to this place than we thought.” I suggested. “Did Chiang have this built? Or someone else?”

“Only one way to find out.” Hitomi said.

We each took a little tube out of our pockets and put them in our mouths. They would help us breathe underwater. We didn’t take our clothes off, though. We needed to keep our gadgets on us. Besides, we weren’t sure we could control ourselves around each other’s naked bodies. We swam through the water tunnel as our clothes and hair flowed behind us until we eventually found another hole leading to the surface. We swam up and hit air as we flipped our soaked hair back in the slightly cramped hole. We put our water breathers back in our pockets. Thankfully, all of our gadgets were waterproof. We looked at each other as we floated there. Hitomi looked so irresistible. Her clothes were now see through, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra and her long, drenched hair clung to her back. I looked the exact same and she gave me the same lustful expression that I was giving her. I just couldn’t take it anymore. We swam towards each other and embraced before passionately kissing with lots of tongue. We moaned lustfully as we made out for about two full minutes, pressing our hardened nipples together through our wet shirts before we broke the kiss.

“Business first. Pleasure later.” I said reluctantly.

“Hopefully we’ll get to mix the two together.” Hitomi said.

We pulled apart despite every cell of our bodies begging us to keep going and climbed out of the hole. I could see Hitomi’s bulbous ass past her soaking shorts and it made my nympho blood boil. Patience, Jamie. You can have her all you want when the job’s done. We found ourselves in a room full of machines. We looked around for anything that might help us figure out what these sluts were up to.

“Hey, take a look at this.” Hitomi called out.

I went over to her to see her holding a flag. It was a black banner with a beige-ish white sun in the center with stripes coming out on all sides. It kind of reminded me of the Imperial Japanese flag but with different colors.

“What the Hell is this?” I asked.

“No idea.” Hitomi answered. “We should show it to Stacy.”

“Good idea.” I agreed.

Suddenly, we heard the sounds of metal creaking and a slamming sound. We looked over to see that the hole we came in through had sealed shut. Before we could say anything, we heard a hissing sound and noticed that gas was pouring into the room we were in.

“Shit!” I cursed.

“Help me get that door open!” Hitomi said frantically.

We dug through our pockets in a panic looking for something, anything that might help us but it was too late. I felt my head get heavier and heavier until eventually, it became too heavy for me to hold up. We both fell to the floor, unconscious.

I don’t know how much time passed but the next thing I remember was waking up and being unable to move my hands or feet. I looked around and saw that Hitomi and I were tied together with our legs tied at the ankles to opposing support beams. I could tell that Hitomi had woken up too and we began struggling to get free. I had also noticed that we were both stark naked.

“Looks like our sleeping beauties have rejoined us.” A female voice speaking in Mandarin said.

We each turned our gaze over to where the voice was coming from and saw two naked beauties standing in front of us with smug, complacent grins on their faces. We then immediately recognized them as our targets. They were even more delicious looking in person. I could now see that they were both E cups, just like Hitomi and myself. It’s a special kind of rivalry when all parties involved are the same exact cup size. The two women in general looked quite similar to each other. Not exactly twins but pretty damn close. They had long, dark brown hair down to their lower backs in comparison to Hitomi’s black locks and my orangish red.

“Congratulations, spies.” One of them said sarcastically. You found the base of Chen Ai…”

“And Li Diwei.” The other one finished. Effectively introducing themselves.

“Let us go, you commie cxnts!” Hitomi demanded in Mandarin. “We know what you’re up to!”

“Do you now?” Ai asked. “You Japs like to think you know everything, don’t you?”

I kept my mouth shut for now. There was a good chance that they didn’t know I could understand everything they were saying and I wanted to keep it that way for the moment.

“What should we do with them?” Diwei asked. “I say we sexually torture them until they tell us where their boss is.”

“An excellent proposal.” Ai agreed. “But that might take too long. Let’s hack into their phones and find their boss ourselves. Then we can have our way with all three of these whores.”

“Even better.” Diwei agreed.

“Or you could let us go and we can settle this like women.” Hitomi suggested.

“How dumb do you think we are?” Diwei asked. “You’ll just jump us.”

“Why do that when we can outfuck you nice and slow?“ Hitomi asked. “No nympho worth her clit would ever deny herself a good fight. Especially not a good, old two-on-two.”

“A likely story.” Ai said sarcastically.

“I know you want us as much as we want you.” Hitomi said. “Or do you have so little confidence in your own sexual abilities?”

Thems were fighting words if I ever heard it.

“Oh you think just because your country produces more porn than anyone else, it means you know how to fuck?“ Ai asked challengingly.

“I say we take them up on it.” Diwei suggested. “Let’s wipe that smug look off their bitch faces.”

“Alright then. You two are on.” Ai agreed. “Diwei, go and shut the hatch just in case these sluts try and bail on us.”

Diwei proceeded to do exactly that as Ai looked down at us.

“Your friend there is awfully quiet.” Ai pointed out.

“She doesn’t speak Mandarin.” Hitomi said as she nudged me with her shoulder where our rivals couldn’t see. I was way ahead of her.

“You two speak English?” Hitomi asked.

“Not a word.” Ai answered as Diwei came back from closing the hatch door. “Tell her about our new arrangement.”

“Oh, I think she’s already put two and two together.” Hitomi said confidently.

Boy, did I ever. My pussy has been burning for these two whores ever since I saw them in the recon photos and even more so after seeing them in person. That being said, I couldn’t help but wonder if them not being able to speak English was just them bullshitting us. I’ve been in this profession long enough to know how far a good deception can get you. Either way, I knew that they didn’t know I could speak Mandarin, so I had that over them at the very least.

“Now are we gonna do this or what?” Hitomi asked.

Ai and Diwei walked towards us and carefully began undoing our restraints. They gave us suspicious looks to make sure we didn’t try anything smart. We were free. We got up and stretched for a while before we all stood apart from each other in a classic two-on-two pose. I was across from Ai(That would sound confusing if spoken out loud) and Hitomi was across from Diwei. Believe it or not, this would be my very first time in a two-on-two match. Besides my passion for fucking other women into submission, I’ve actually always been somewhat of a loner. Stacy has been my only consistent company recently and that’s mostly because she’s my boss. Maybe working with a partner wouldn’t be so bad and I know I found the perfect one in Hitomi. I then focused back on our soon to be opponents.

“Anytime you’re ready, sluts.” Diwei challenged.

“After you.” Hitomi said back.

“Oh no, we insist.” Ai said smugly.

I was growing impatient now. I had to fuck these bitches right here and right now! So, I made the next move. I marched straight into Ai until our powerful E cups came together in a glorious collision of female flesh as I bearhugged her to push her into my body even more while my tongue slithered straight through her lips and into her mouth to do battle with its fleshy counterpart. While that was happening, Diwei had pulled Hitomi into herself and they began making out the exact same way. Eight beautiful E cupped breasts mushroomed together while four talented, lecherous tongues did furious battle inside of our sealed mouths. Ai slithered her hands through my orange hair and down my back until she made contact with my firm, meaty ass cheeks before sinking her fingers deep into them. Hitomi had done the same to Diwei.

“Mmmmmm…” We all moaned into each other’s mouths.

We remained that way for quite some time. It was custom for fights between newly met rivals to start this way. A method of each nympho getting familiar with her opponent’s body and technique. Start out slow before getting to the nice and rough stuff. Ai was an excellent kisser and her saliva tasted as sweet as honey. Her nipples poking into my areola and mine into hers felt so intoxicating and hypnotic. I can already see why the MSS hired these two. My knees were starting to become weak as my arousal began to fully set it. My body craved more of the warmth of another woman’s skin. I broke the kiss with Ai and looked over at Hitomi and Diwei engaged in the deepest of female intimacy. Ai looked over too, no doubt curious herself. Watching the two Asian beauties make out as they tightly gripped each other’s meaty asses was erotic beyond words. It was like watching Japanese lesbian porn live in person, even if one of the women in question was Chinese. I looked over at my opponent and knew that we both wanted the same thing. Meanwhile, Hitomi and Diwei broke their kiss by yanking on each other’s black and brown hair respectively.

“You’re going down, bitch.” Hitomi mocked.

“I’d like to see you try, slut.” Diwei shot back.

It looked like they were about to resume their battle when they noticed Ai and myself standing next to them. They looked over and they also immediately knew what we wanted and they wanted the same. I tell you, nymphomaniacs can read each other like books. We all came together, with eight E cup breasts pushed into each other while we brought our faces nice and close and our tongues came out to do battle in a passionate, lustful fourway kiss as we all sensually moaned like the horny bitches in heat that we all knew we were. I couldn’t tell whose tongue I was tasting as we all closed our eyes in sheer pleasure. My very first two on two match had barely even started and already I felt I was addicted to them. Group sexfights are just the most primal and kinkiest thing you can imagine. Each of our hands tightly gripped the asses of the nympho to our sides as our legs came up to grind against another bitch’s cxnt. I could be pleasuring Hitomi, my partner in this fight but I honestly didn’t even care anymore. I just needed more. I needed to fuck and get fucked by all these beautiful whores until either myself or all of them were incapable of fucking back.

“Mmmmmm…” We all moaned.

Our saliva mixed and dripped all over each other and to the floor. I felt so filthy, slutty, naughty and amazing. I could stay like this forever. I opened my eyes to see the three beautiful faces of Asian nymphos kissing all around me and each other. I felt like I was in the best dream I would ever have in my life. Eventually, I decided that we had been soft and intimate with each other for long enough. Now it was time to get down and dirty like the true, proud, clit-brained whores we were. I grabbed hold of the hair of the two other women to my side and pushed myself into the group, sending us all crashing down to the floor, still kissing with absolute lustful abandon. The other seemed surprised but quickly adapted. We all pulled apart from our little fourway and I now noticed that Hitomi and I had switched partners. I was now wrapped up with Diwei while Hitomi was now straddling Ai. Works for me. The more pussy I get to pound, the better.

“Come here, you hot, fuckable bitch.” I said to Diwei in English as we began rolling around.

The first words I had ever spoken to either of our Chinese rivals. I had to be careful with what I said just in case their no English thing was indeed a load of shit but what’s a good sexdoght without some trash talk? Even if they can’t understand it.

“I’m guessing you’re talking shit right now.” She replied in Mandarin as we briefly stopped rolling. “Either way, I’m happy to fuck that classic American arrogance right out of you, fire crotch!”

Honestly, not being able to respond and give my linguistic skills away was harder than you’d think. I had to keep my own natural instincts in check, pretending I didn’t understand every word of her running her smartass mouth. Ah, well. I get to fuck her and that’s all that matters in the end. We continued rolling until I managed to pin her with my arms and legs. My ginger hair curtained both of our panting faces. I licked my lips with lust before using them to seal hers shut. We tongued each other passionately again. I just couldn’t get enough of making out with these Asian beauties. They were so good at it. I began pumping my cxnt into Diwei with everything I had. My body flowed like water as I did, swaying my plump ass up and down as she grabbed a tight hold of it yet again. She did her best to pump back up into me but it was clear to both of us who had the more advantageous position.

Meanwhile, Hitomi had managed to pin Ai up against the wall of this mysterious, underwater, Cold War era shelter we were in and was pumping into her with just as much animalistic fervor as I was with Diwei.

“I thought you Japs were supposed to be good at this.” Ai mocked.

“You want rough, you commie bitch? I’ll show you rough!” Hitomi promised.

She then began grinding against Ai with everything she had as the brunette was up against the wall and unable to do much to fight back. The long standing Chinese-Japanese rivalry was starting to fire up, in addition to the natural pride and competitive urges that all nymphos have for one another. This fight was getting better by the second.

“Ohhhhh!!” Ai groaned as she was fucked.

Her hands desperately slid all over Hitomi’s voluptuous body, smacking her jiggly ass cheeks, pulling her silky, raven hair, doing anything she could to try and fight back but it was hopeless. My sexy Japanese fuck buddy had her right where she wanted her. Hitomi’s knee rubbed up fiercely against Ai’s cxnt as the Chinese beauty tried desperately to rub her back with her own knee. However, it was too late.

“Agghhhh!!!” Ai cried as she came.

The very first orgasm of this entire two on two debacle had finally reared its ugly head after what had felt like forever. First blood had gone to our team. There was no time to celebrate or get a big head about it, though. Last blood is what really matters in this game after all. As Ai reeled from her climax, Hitomi sensually slid down her perfect body and dragged her amazingly skilled tongue along her rival’s smooth skin until it reached her cxnt.

“Oh, fuck!“ Ai cursed as Hitomi went down on her.

I could hear my partner in fuckfighting slurping all over her opponent’s twat and it made me get fired up myself. I focused my attention back to my own fight and began tribbing Diwei ferociously.

“Ugh!” She groaned. “You fucking bitch!”

I sealed her mouth closed with my own as I fucked her mercilessly. My tongue dominated her mouth and her own tongue as I felt my closed eyes nearly roll into the back of my head as our lower lips sealed together even more perfectly than our upper lips were. I felt our E cup breasts mushroom together as I used the full weight of my big, firm ass to slam down on top of her again and again.

“Mmmmm!!” She moaned furiously into my mouth.

I loved this. The thrill of dominating another slut that’s desperately trying to dominate me. I love the feeling of turning the tables on cocky bitches like her who no doubt expected me to be an easy fuck. I love making her scream and thrash around underneath me, struggling to get free and put me into a similar position to what she is now. Keep trying, you commie cxnt. I look forward to fucking that arrogance right out of this sweet, juicy pussy of yours with my own sweet, juicy pussy. Eventually, Diwei could not handle my superior carnal abilities anymore and her internal dam finally burst as I broke our kiss to hear her scream.

“Aghhhhh!!” She shrieked like a banshee as she came.

“Oh, yeah…That’s the stuff…” I moaned as I felt that glorious feeling of another beautiful bitch filling me up with her hot cum.

God, I love my job. I love my life. I love everything about my current situation right now…However, I also had a strange feeling about all of this. I looked over at the other pair of battling babes and saw Ai pulling hard on Hitomi’s black hair as the Chinese nympho came for a second time and boy, did she ever. Hitomi’s face and hair got blasted with cum, which I know from experience is also a wonderful feeling. I honestly didn’t know which I liked better. Getting girl cum in my face and hair or getting it shot straight up my pussy. Sometimes I like the former better and other times I prefer the latter. Ugh! Focus, Jamie! Hitomi turned around as I saw her cum soaked face look at me. I could tell that she and I were thinking the same exact thing. This was too easy.

When sexfighting, especially if you’re new at it, it can be all too easy to just let yourself become consumed by the intoxicating carnal pleasures and just treat the whole thing like any other lesbian hookup. I myself fell for it quite a bit in my early days, which my opponents were more than happy to exploit. The key is to develop your predatory instincts. Learn to love fucking more than getting fucked. You have to crave the pride of dominating the other bitch and focus on that. It seemed our Chinese opponents were allowing themselves to get consumed by the pleasure but that’s a rookie mistake to make. There’s no way they made it this far into the MSS if we could so easily do this to them. Something was up. I nodded at Hitomi, silently telling her to keep her guard up. She nodded back at me, basically telling me “You too.”

I got off of Diwei and sat up in front of her as she herself got up and wrapped her legs around me. I could tell she wanted to trib some more but the look on her face changed. She seemed much more…I don’t know…Seductive…In control. I didn’t like it. What was this whore’s game? Diwei reached for me and began running her lecherous fingers through my orange hair playfully. It was honestly giving me goosebumps.

“You Westerners and your variance of hair colors have always fascinated me…” She said in a sultry tone, still speaking Mandarin. “Just look at all this red…”

“You like my hair, do you?” I asked in English.

I immediately realized that saying that could have tipped her off that I understood Mandarin but given that she was playing with my hair, it could still be seen as me coming to that conclusion from that alone, so I wasn’t too worried. Assuming she was telling the truth of her not understanding English anyway. Or so I thought…

“So, you do understand Mandarin…” Diwei said to me in English. My heart skipped a beat but then I realized that I had caught her in her own lie.

“And you speak English.” I said to her in Mandarin specifically to mock her.

“No point in hiding anything from you two anymore then.” Diwei said.

“Ai!” She shouted over to her partner. “Enough playing around with these sluts! Let’s show them what we can really do!”

Hitomi was on top of Ai, rubbing her palm all over her cxnt as they were kissing when her eyes opened and she pushed Hitomi off of her.

“What the fuck?” Hitomi asked in confusion.

Our Chinese rivals then reached into two cabinets that were beside them the entire time by pure coincidence. They each took out what looked to be pill bottles. They each took out a pill and swallowed it simultaneously. The writing on the bottle was in Chinese. I could speak Mandarin but I was pretty rusty on the writing. Almost immediately after swallowing the pills, the demeanor of our two rivals completely changed. They both moaned sensually as Hitomi and I got up, confused and admittedly kind of afraid as we backed up until we were beside each other again. We watched as our rivals both seemed to become sexual beasts. Their tits grew at least a full cup size and their pussies looked engorged and powerful as they opened their eyes to reveal predator expressions and sadistic grins. What the fuck was going on?

Hitomi and I got as close to each other as possible. It was almost as if these two had transformed. The aura in the room had become so tense and nerve wracking. Then suddenly, Ai charged at me and Diwei charged into Hitomi. We braced ourselves for the impact but they both tackled us straight into the floor with what felt like almost superhuman strength and they both had us completely pinned with our legs spread. Our ripe pussies ready for a good fucking.

“What the fuck?…” I asked in equal parts shock and fear before Ai silenced me with her mouth and began fucking me with absolute power and mercilessness.

“Mmmmmmmmm!!!!” I screamed into my opponent’s mouth as I was dominated. I was able to scratch at Ai in desperation but she was so roided up, she barely even noticed.

My whole body burned with overwhelming pleasure as the sounds of my and Hitomi’s frantic sexual screaming muffed by the forced kiss echoed throughout the steel coated room. I had never been fucked so hard and so brutally in my life. Whatever those pills were, they were some incredible stuff. Despite my position, I was angier than anything else. These cxnts couldn’t beat us fair and square, so they had to Lance Armstrong themselves. God, what I’d give to switch our positions right now and teach them a lesson alongside my gorgeous, fuckable Japanese partner in fuckfighting. Hitomi however, was every bit as helpless as I was. My pussy had never felt pleasure like this before and it has felt a lot of things in my years of lesbian debauchery. Ai hadn’t even been tribbing me for two minutes and I already felt what I was sure to be the most devastating orgasm I would ever have closing in on me. There was nothing I could do. Ai broke the kiss.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” I screamed.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” Hitomi screamed.

We both came straight upwards into our Chinese rivals in perfect unison. Our cum felt like lava flowing out of our volcano cxnts into our enemies as our eyes rolled into the back of our head…

I had no idea how much time had passed but the next thing I remembered was the feeling of water on my skin and then waking up to see Hitomi and myself tied together again as our two roided up rivals were gone and the water level was rising. I immediately shot fully awake, realizing we were left to drown by those cheating bitches.

“Fuck!” I cursed. “Hitomi, wake up!”

The raven beauty did and she immediately realized our situation too.

“Shit!” She cursed.

She looked around frantically to see our clothes nearby. They were too far to reach but Hitomi noticed a pen sticking out of her pocket.

“Pen, turn ten degrees to your left and shoot eight inches upward!” Hitomi called out.

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Her pen had, all on its own, turned towards us and shot a laser in the exact way Hitomi had ordered it to, cutting through the rope binding us.

“You have a voice activated laser pen?” I asked.

“You never know.” Hitomi answered.

I had no time to admire the coolness of that. We untied our foot restraints as the water began rising higher and higher. We both put on our breathing tubes as we grabbed our stuff and had to swim out of the tunnel. However, I just remembered something. I swam back to the flooded HQ of theirs and opened one of the cabinets that had those pill bottles in them. It was empty. Ai and Diwei probably took it with them. I then swam to the other one as Hitomi came back to get me. It had the bottle! I grabbed it and then we both swam out of the tunnel. The water pressure from both the outside and the inside combined was causing it to collapse. We managed to swim out of it and then made a break for the surface. Luckily, the seal on the pill bottle was airtight. We both took our breathing tubes out as we swam in the water up to our necks.

“Can you read Mandarin?” I asked.

“A little bit.” Hitomi answered.

I handed her the bottle to see if she could read the label.

“Ugh!” Hitomi groaned in annoyance. “The label’s too waterlogged for me to make anything out!”

“Whatever this is…It’s better in our hands than theirs.” I said.

“Agreed.” Hitomi said. “We should show Stacy.”

“Wait…” I said. “We still have a job to do. If they left us to drown like that, they’re probably putting their plan into action right now.”

“But we have no idea where they are.” Hitomi argued.

“That’s where you’re wrong, babe.” I said.

I put my watch on. It showed a map of the city with a strobe on it.

“When I scratched at Ai just before she fucked me unconscious, I managed to slip a tiny tracking device on her.” I explained.

“You clever bitch.” Hitomi said, impressed. “Where are they?”

“They’re in an office building…Right across the street from the Presidential Palace!” I answered frantically.

“We have to move fast!” Hitomi said.

“No kidding.” I agreed.

We swam to a beach and snuck to a building where we managed to swipe some towels to cover ourselves. Time was of the essence.