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To What Extreme

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Offline DottiD

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To What Extreme
« on: February 05, 2024, 04:57:14 PM »
To what extreme

Bonnie Parks was a 53 year old woman, her greying black hair was a perfect amount to accent her features of her face, and was thick but she wore it on the tight look side. With ice blue eyes and round cheek bones and that still sharp firm jaw line. Though her neck was a little loose from age Bonnie was still a looker, she was 5’8” 137 pounds and a 36F-28-38 body.

Bonnie was still proud of her figure and well being alone other than dates, she was growing tired of dating sights and men playing games. She was on the hunt for a man that would both have some youth on his side as well as that of a mature disposition.

Rita Morgan was 55 years old and also was greying but she decided to stop living the lie of hair die and to hide it and instead bought the newest silver grey to get ahead of what was coming. Her hair was thick and short , to her ears but still had volume. She had dark amber eyes and pointy cheek bones, and the slightest jowls starting. With an impressive tone body of 36 E-28-38, and 140 pounds . Rita had no issues getting mens attention either.

Neither woman had ever met before, in fact they lived a good 10-12 miles apart. But the common theme they did have unknown to each other at the time, was they would cross paths under circumstances they should have experienced some 20 years ago, as young women dating.

But back then a simple run in would have been enough for them to move on if need be, but now being more mature and with less to prove other than getting what they want happiness, these two cougars would not just cross paths. They would reign hell on each other to get their way over the other.

Joe was a 40 year old gentleman who did not look 40. He lived a good life and had nearly no stress other than his divorce years ago. Since then he had only wished to date, he didn’t really want the tie down of another marriage. But like many men, those were famous last words and actions, if the right woman came along he knew it was a good chance he would be hooked.

As things when along in all three of their lives, the universe had set these three on a collision course. One that would leave one ruined, another wondering and the last one looking for better answers.

Bonnie was at a bar one night with no plans to meet anyone, when Joe walked in. She sat up a bit straighter and liked what she saw, she smiled at Joe as he took a seat near by. Joe smiled back and nodded then with the crowd so light asked if he could buy her a drink.

Bonnie looked at her glass then Joe both let out a laugh then Bonnie nodded “sure as long as you catch up so we can get to know one another”. Joe orders and slips closer to Bonnie, they introduce themselves and give a brief reason as to why they are alone.

After they start on the second drink the two adults were getting along perfectly, so much so Bonnie had already decided if he asks she would date him but more than that go find a room and spend the night with him.

Joe felt it as well, there was a definite spark between them, after the third round Joe was talking when Bonnie cut him off with “hey hold that thought a second, you wanna get out of here ?”. Joe stares in her eyes, as he throws a fifty on the bar and says “god i thought you never ask”.

The pair leave and Bonnie says outside “follow me i am the BMW up the street”, Joe nods and he dashes to his car and pulls up to where Bonnie’s parked and she leads them off.

They drove further in to the city and pulled into the Hilton hotel, Bonnie swaggers to the door then Joe trots up and grabs the door for her. He grabs a room for the night and he and Bonnie head up. On the elevator ride up they are passionately kissing till finally reaching the 12 floor, they are already starting to open their clothes as they enter the room.

Once in Joe scoops Bonnie up she laughs and they end up in bedroom area. Bonnie goes to the ladies room then returns in just a thong and thigh highs and heels. She models for Joe her busty thick body, “see anything you like ?”. Joe smiles “yeah all of it”.

Bonnie shoves him back on the bed and climbs up on him then proceeds to ride his manhood for all she can. His hands expertly massage her large bust as she arches up and presses her breasts into his hands for more.

In the morning as Bonnie was deep asleep, Joe ordered room service , he quietly rolled the cart into the bedroom, Bonnie stretched as she opened her eyes and was greeted with the full breakfast , coffee and juice. She thanked Joe and as they sat in the bed eating Bonnie says “you have some place to be ?”.

Joe looked at her “no why, do you ?”. Bonnie grabbed him by the shoulders and climbed back on him and the arousing lust filled night continued till noon. Finally with both worn out each took a shower , Joe grabbed Bonnie at the hips and they kissed as he asked “so any chance we can be a couple or am i just your piece of meat?”.

They laughed and Bonnie smiled “well lets play it by ear for now but i will tell you mister i wouldn’t mind seeing more of you as well”. After exchanging numbers and more deep kissing the pair stood out front waiting for their cars and kissed goodbye one last time.

Bonnie was elated , she couldn’t believe she found the type of man she was looking for. Bye the time she got home she was ready to lay claim to Joe and hoped he wanted the same .

Joe lived about 15 miles west of Bonnie, so seeing each other daily was not exactly feasible, but they called each other as often as they could during the week . Their weekends were spent together road trips , eating out and in bed . Bonnie was sure her new romance was going to grow even deeper, but as Joe traveled to and from work he decided one day after a long week to turn right instead of left. He headed in the opposite direction of Bonnies place, it was a Friday. As he drove into the new town he spotted a bar that looked more upscale , much like the one he met Bonnie in.

He walked in sat a down and as the bar tender came up to him he took Joes order then sat a glass upside down by Joe, a marker he had another coming. Joe looked up in bewilderment then he thought (oh shit was Bonnie here ). The bartender side smiled and pointed to the far end o the bar, sitting there was Rita Hartly .

Joe nodded and stood up and walked over to the busty woman, he thanked her and asked if he could join her , Rita raised a brow “well i should hope so handsome have a seat”.

Like he and Bonnie , Joe and Rita hit it off and again it was Rita that looked him the eye and asked to they find a better place to be alone. Like last time it was a night of love making and breakfast in bed and then a mid morning romp before leaving for the weekend.

And like before Joe and Rita kissed a long goodbye with an exchange of numbers and smiles .
As Joe drove back towards his place he sat in the car laughing to himself as he asked himself “holy shit two women what the hell do i do now”. For Rita the drive home was identical to that of Bonnies,Rita felt she just met her dream man.

Joe had no idea how he was going to share his time, or how long. One thing he knew choosing between these two women was something he was not ready for. Rita took his attention the rest of the weekend but not without Bonnie leaving several messages as to where her man was.

The following weekend was all Bonnie and Rita was calling non stop, Joe told each it was something for work, and for now the women accepted it. But like any woman their intuition was like a radar station picking apart his every movement and story.

It wasn’t long before both ladies started to see the signs of Joe sharing his time. But neither wanted to lose him after such not just good times but filling the void each has had for years.

Bonnie was going to be the one who was going to find out just who was after her man. One night after another long night of love making and his phone going off almost constantly, Bonnie timed it so that after he opened the phone and went to the bathroom on , she had her chance to look at the messages or number that was harassing him.

She took a picture of the phone number then laid back down just in time. Joe never knew that Bonnie just had a direct line to the other woman. Later that night when Joe left Bonnie waited for what she thought was sufficient time for him to get to this woman. She then started leaving an obscene amount of messages much like Rita was doing just before.

Bonnie knew if this woman was worth a damn she would make a point to at the very least ge the number of the caller as well. Bonnie let the night ride out and when Joe nearly drained to exhaustion left the next day. and she knew he was home, Bonnie made her move.

She waited till roughly midday she knew Joe was sleeping in after a marathon weekend, so it would just be them speaking without either on the phone with him. Bonnie dialed the number and as it rang she knew at the least the woman was looking at her number in confusion.

Right up till she remembered looking at it just hours before. The ringing stopped and Bonnie heard the sexy voice “Hello?”. Bonnie calmed herself, and in a sexy tone as well, “Hello i would like to speak to Rita please.”

Rita heard the sultry voice back and she had to take a breath, “this is and you must be Bonnie, is that right ?”. Both women waited a second then Bonnie replies “well i was right in assuming you also were aware there was another woman in his life, so i i would like to speak to you on how we can resolve this issue just between us”.

Rita sat on her bed, “oh i was going to suggest that as well, the thing is Bonnie , i couldn’t really narrow down just how or a way we could come to an arrangement , can you ?”.

Bonnie breathes in , she wanted Rita to take an easy route out of this situation, “well Rita, the way i figure it you and i have one of three ways we can do this”. Rita smiles to herself thinking Bonnie wants the easiest way around it. “Oh and jus what do you think those options are ?”.

Bonnie sits on her chair, “well 1, one of us can agree to step out of the picture willingly”. Rita purrs, “well unless thats you thats not an option, go on.” Bonnie rolls her ankle “ well we both know i am not doing that either, option 2 we agree to go on sharing him, but truthfully dear, i don’t like that we already have been so unless your willing to i think thats said and done”.

Rita looks up “well your correct in that assumption dear, i don’t like that we have been sharing time as it is and you were my next call. I believe you said 3 options?”. Bonnie takes a breath “well yes the last option is one i want you to know i don’t take lightly and i am willing to see through if you truly will not consider an alternative”.

Rita a bit of a hiss now “i am listening “. Bonnie inhales “well our last option is just that, i say you and i meet and no where public, a private meeting just you and i, if you get my drift.”

Rita feels her cheeks flush she knew this was going to come down to this. “Oh alone just the two of us and tell me Bonnie, just what will you and be doing to satisfy this between us?, cause it sounds to me like your asking me to fight you for him, am i correct?”.

Bonnie a slight hiss back, “well you know exactly thats what it means Rita, so i have two questions for you before you answer, number 1 you said you were going to call me, did you have another solution in mind?, and number two if not just what were you going to propose?”.

Rita so wanted to have a different reply but she knew by her rivals voice she also knew the choices were the same. “Well Bonnie truth be told i think you pretty much covered exactly what i was thinking, so i have to ask, just so we are clear, he has no idea about this and when its over the loser walks away agreed?”.

Bonnie clears her throat, “thats right, we agree here and now whoever loses , loses him period.” Rita feels her heart start to race , “well i can agree to that and tell me Bonnie just exactly in what way , since it will be just you and i alone , where, and how will we do this ?”.

Bonnie feels her heart race , she has been waiting for Rita to look for a way around it. “Well Rita as to where we must make sure no one hears us or interrupts us till we are done, so in that case i think a motel over a hotel, a place where almost no one goes and we will be left to sort it out woman to woman. As to how , well there we have a few options but to be frank Rita, i think we need to prove to one another both sexually and physically just who the better woman is , that way the loser will have no thoughts of wanting to meet again.”

Rita feels her nipples tighten and her juices start, “i see and i think i get what you want or might have in mind, you want to put your womanhood up against my own, and if i am correct do you want it to be first to orgasm or another way?”.

Bonnie smirks “well i see your as versed as i am in these meetings and thats wonderful we are on the same page, i was thinking more along the lines of whoever can make other cum till she can no longer go on as such loser is face sat pleasuring the winner , you agree?”.

Rita smiling “and i see you as versed as well perfect, and yes i agree to that and the other way the grand finale?”. Bonnie clears her throat, “well lets be honest Rita if we were to meet by accident with him you and i would be rolling about the street, so i am going to suggest a fight neither of us has yet endured, one that will leave no rom for one or the other to say there was cheating or anything “.

Rita purrs “so you want to catfight me yes ?”. Bonnie gets a cold tone, “oh its more than a typical catfight Rita, we are both cougars obviously so i am suggesting a cougar fight, you and i face to face center room and we go at it with claws and teeth till one of us has to give up to the better woman, so my question is are you still willing or am i talking to a kitten?”.

Ritas mouth falls open , “your serious you want a cougar fight and vanity fight with me alone? Well you leave me no choice but to say yes obviously and just what attire and rules will be in place honey?”.

Bonnie swallows she had hopes Rita would scoff and hang up, “ rules ? Well if we were to have any i think simply no kicking no kneeing other than that , what rules, unless you need some”.

Rita in a hiss, “oh your being cute now i see, those rules are all i need honey don’t you worry, you want a fight you will get a fight, might i suggest we bring a change of clothes and fight in just lingerie to avoid anything hindering us, is that up to your standard?”.

Bonnie in a hiss, “well glad you are woman enough to agree and your suggestion works perfectly for me as well, so how about we tell Joe we are busy Saturday and we drive out to the motel on route 15 ?”.

Rita breathes in “ well I’ll be there have, hows noon sound , that should give us time to finish this and winner go meet Joe”. Bonnie scoffs, “well winner can do that , though i am not sure either of us will look ready to see him right after, but i agree”.

Rita then says “well unless you have more to add , i will see you Saturday afternoon, and all i can say is , bring your best bitch”. Bonnie replies “i intend to you best do the same whore”. They hang up and both feel their hands shaking as to what was just agreed on.


Offline Drake8

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2024, 06:25:14 PM »
Always glad to see DottiD back, and with a new style of fight. I never heard of cougar fight, and it sounds really promising.


Offline DavidG

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2024, 06:54:46 PM »
Yes Dotti Fantastic to have another story from you and I love how you’ve set this up
Can’t wait for the action now


Offline Ingxmir

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2024, 09:55:21 PM »
OMG. Determined arrangement. Unleash the tension.


Offline catfightfan_2000

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2024, 12:13:17 AM »
I’m always ecstatic when a new DottiD story makes its way to the forum. This new story looks to be starting purrrfectly and really looking forward to the carnage these to cougars are going to wreak on each other. The cougar fight is going to be something else. I can’t wait for the next part! Love your writing DottiD!!


Offline lumberjack66

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2024, 07:09:54 PM »
Amazing start, DottiD.  Can't wait to read the next chapter.
I love catfights and chatting.  Look me up on trillian at ljack66   (I think... just figuring Trillian out)


Offline Kathykelsey78

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2024, 07:17:04 PM »
Dotti has done it again, captivating and intense.


Offline sonalee

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2024, 01:34:39 PM »
As always... Excellent...


Offline Titfight_fan67

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2024, 01:26:06 AM »
Dotti is the best writer here, these stories should be converted to a comic to read


Offline DottiD

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2024, 12:36:26 PM »
Wow thank you so much All, it goes a long way seeing this type of feedback. Hugs and kisses for that i hope the final chapter is worth your wait


Offline YH5050

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Re: To What Extreme
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2024, 09:43:09 AM »
It is so great to see another piece from you Dotti! Its almost like you have been in the deepest part of my mind where my fantasies are locked away! Looking forward to reading part 2 soon!