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Floor routine

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Floor routine
« on: February 26, 2024, 04:22:07 AM »
Floor routine

In the heart of a towering, ancient redwood forest, where the air is thick with the scent of pine and the sound of rustling leaves, there lies a hidden clearing. Within this secluded glade, a small pond glimmers like a mirror, reflecting the dappled sunlight that filters through the canopy above. It is here, atop a massive, moss-covered log, that Emely sits cross-legged, her long, unkempt hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of ebony. She holds a small, leather-bound book in her lap, its yellowed pages fragile with age. Her emerald eyes are fixed intently on the text, her delicate features contorting with emotion as she reads.

She feels a sudden surge of warmth in her chest as she recalls Diane's text, and she quickly types out a response, her nimble fingers flying across the keyboard. "Diane, I cannot begin to describe how much your words mean to me. To know that you, someone I've admired from afar, understands my story... it is a gift beyond measure. Thank you, my friend. I am forever grateful."

As she finishes typing, Emely looks up from her book, gazing out across the pond. Tears well in her eyes, but they do not fall. Instead, they remain suspended, caught in the currents of her emotions, as she contemplates the strange and wondrous events that have transpired. She wonders how Diane managed to find her, hidden away in this forgotten corner of the world. Was it fate? Chance? Or something more?

The thought of returning to her old life fills her with a mixture of nostalgia and dread. She has grown accustomed to the solitude of the forest, the rhythms of the seasons, the company of the ancient trees. But she knows that she cannot stay here forever. There are people who love her, people who miss her, people who need her. And so, with a deep breath, she closes the book, carefully wraps it in a cloth, and tucks it into a small bag at her side.

Diane is just waking and seeing there is a new text and it's from Emely. Smiling as she reads her message she lets her hands and her nimble  fingers  run small circles around her areola's  and playfully tickle her nipples. She can't help but feel warmth flowing through her body, as her heart skips a beat. She quickly types out a reply, taking a moment to collect her thoughts and emotions. "I'm so happy to hear that Emely, you have no idea how much your words mean to me. I'm here for you, always. And I promise, together we'll find a way to make things right. We'll find our way back to each other, and back to the lives we once knew. I believe in us, Emely. I believe in you. And I can't wait to see you again, my friend."

As Diane fixes her morning meal she looks at herself in the mirror in the hallway and can't help but notice how good she looks and says a little pray to her mom thanking her for such good genes.  Sipping her tea she has her laptop resting on her lap "ooh my that really feels good as she notices the heat from her "muse" typing a new text to Emely "Would you meet me at my gym I want to talk about some thing" The gym is Diane latest business venture where she caters to the women in her neighborhood workout, boing, and yoga classes  She used the money from her settlement from her Ex to start this venture.

She waits for Emely's reply with bated breath, her heart racing with anticipation. As she types the message, her mind races with thoughts of their reunion and the possibilities that lie ahead. She imagines their laughter filling the gym, their bodies moving in harmony during a yoga class, their fingers intertwined as they discuss their plans for the future. The image is so vivid that it takes her breath away.

When she finally hits send, Diane stands up and stretches, rolling her shoulders and arching her back. She glances out the window, taking in the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees, and feels a sense of renewal wash over her. Today is a new day, and with Emely by her side, anything is possible.

The anticipation is almost unbearable as she waits for Emely to respond. She paces the floor of the gym, her mind racing with thoughts of their reunion and all that they have been through. She pictures Emely walking through the door, her long blonde hair flowing behind her, her emerald eyes shining with hope and determination.

Finally, her phone vibrates, and she sees the familiar name flash across the screen. Emely has accepted her invitation. With a beaming smile, Diane types out a quick reply, her fingers moving nimbly across the keyboard. "I'm so excited to see you, Emely! I can't wait to talk about everything. I've made sure there'll be plenty of privacy for us at the gym today, so feel free to let it all out. I love you, my dear friend, and I can't wait to be by your side again. xoxo"

As she awaits Emely's arrival, Diane takes the time to tidy up the gym, making sure everything is just so. She sets out fresh towels, fills the water dispenser, and plays some soothing music in the background. The familiar scent of lavender and lemongrass fills the air, calming her nerves and setting the mood for their long-overdue conversation.

Emely finally arrives, her steps a little uncertain at first, but gaining confidence with each step. She looks around, taking in the serene atmosphere that Diane has created, and her shoulders relax a little. Seeing Emely approach, Diane's heart swells with love and affection. She rushes forward to envelop her friend in a warm embrace, holding her tightly for a moment before stepping back with a small smile.

"It's so good to see you, Emely. I've missed you more than I can say." Diane's voice is filled with emotion, and she reaches up to wipe away a stray tear from Emely's cheek. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I wish I could take it all away."

Emely looking her with her beautiful smile "It's ok Diane really I really not that upset in fact if I can speaking softly it was really a turn on for me" Diane blushing "I wasn't sure asking you about such things and you know  Im sort of a bull in a china closest with my words sometimes" They both giggle and Emely continues "but really I am happy that we are here together and I love you too Diane, you know that right?" Diane nodding with a big smile "Yes Emely I know that and I love you too, more than anything in the world" she says as she takes Emely hand in her and lead her to the yoga studio where they begin to stretch and warm up.

Diane feeling more at ease  now " I want to ask you is it more physical or sexual  when I ask you to fight. I have very  mix feelings I really enjoy the physicalness of body  contact and the dominance over your opponent and yet their is this  underlining need to fullfill this raw sexual need of mine" she pauses "I hope you don't feel I am asking too much" Emely smiling "Oh Diane no it is not too much I enjoy it as well and I think we both understand this need in each other" she pauses "But also there is this deeper emotional connection we share and I think that is what makes it so special between us" they both bow their heads and take a moment to connect with each other before continuing with their practice.

"So your ok if we continue having this type of physical and sexual relationship Emely? "Diane asks as she positions herself behind Emely and begins to massage her shoulders "I want to make sure I'm not crossing any lines or making you feel uncomfortable. I know you have a family and I don't want to be the cause of any problems." Emely closes her eyes and sighs, enjoying the massage and Diane's touch. "Diane, I trust you. You've always been there for me and I know you would never do anything to hurt me. I appreciate the concern, but I am ok with it. In fact, I enjoy it. It makes me feel close to you and I know we can be honest with each other about our desires and needs."

Diane slaps Emely's ass with a  quick hard slap "You want to have a best two out of three wrestling match we can start in our leotards and see where we go?" Emely smiles and nods "Yes let's do that" they both in their leotards revealing their nude bodies under neath the form fitting fabric , Diane's 50 year old 5'8"  140 38c 26 36 muscles rippling under her chiffon  fabric skin and Emely's curvaceous figure 40 years old, 5'9 151 38d 27 36 in azure fabric on full display.

"I will go first" Emely says with determination as they both assume their wrestling stances. Diane nods and they circle each other for a moment, both trying to gauge the other's strengths and weaknesses. With a quick movement, Emely lunges forward, attempting to tackle Diane to the ground. Diane is able to avoid the tackle, but Emely's momentum carries her forward and she ends up falling onto her back, rolling gracefully to absorb the impact.

As Diane moves in for the pin, Emely manages to wriggle out of her grasp and flip herself over, landing on top of Diane. They both let out a grunt of exertion as Emely pins Diane's shoulders to the ground, her toned thighs pressing firmly into Diane's chest. Emely smirks triumphantly, feeling the heat from Diane's body through their leotards.

"Not so fast, young lady," Diane growls, her muscles tensing beneath Emely. With a sudden surge of strength, Diane throws Emely off of her and rolls to her feet. Emely quickly regains her balance, the two women circling each other once more. This time, Diane feints a lunge before quickly shifting her weight and attempting to trip Emely up from behind. Emely is caught off guard, but manages to twist her body out of the way, landing on her feet gracefully.

Their movements become more fluid and aggressive as the match progresses, each woman seeking an opening to gain the upper hand. Sweat begins to bead on their brows and roll down their spines, mingling with the warmth of their bodies. The sounds of their heavy breathing fill the room, each labored inhale adding to the growing sexual tension between them.

Thick excited nipples are showing themselfs  pressing out from the fabric in a most enticing manner. Their leotards leaving nothing to the imagination as they show their wet camel toes and glistening pussies. Diane tries to take the lead but Emely is quick and agile and manages to slip out of her grasp, landing on her feet with perfect balance. They circle each other again, each one studying the others' movements, searching for an opening.

Emely lunges forward, aiming for Diane's legs, but Diane is too experienced and easily avoids the tackle. The two women roll on the ground, their bodies pressing together as they struggle for control. Their breasts slide against each other, nipples hardening even more as they fight for dominance. With a sudden surge of strength, Diane pins Emely's shoulders to the ground, trapping her helpless beneath her muscular body.

"Give up yet, little one?" Diane asks, her voice low and husky. Emely shakes her head defiantly, her chest heaving as she struggles to free herself from Diane's iron grip. With a final burst of energy, Emely manages to throw Diane off of her and roll to her feet. The older woman lands on her back with a loud grunt, but quickly rights herself, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she catches her breath.

The two women circle each other once more, their gazes locked in a heated battle of wills. Diane's muscles twitch and flex beneath her taut skin, while Emely's nimble feet dance across the mat, searching for an opening. They move closer together, their bodies pressing against each other, their breath mingling in the air. The air is thick with tension as they wait for the other to make the first move.

With a sudden surge of strength, Emely lunges forward, aiming for Diane's legs. The older woman is quick to react, however, sidestepping out of the way and tripping Emely up with her free foot. Emely lands on her back with a thud, wind rushing out of her lungs. Diane straddles her chest, pinning her arms to the ground above her head. She leans down, her breasts pressing against Emely's face, her hot breath tickling her ear.

"Aren't you tired yet?" she whispers, her voice low and sultry. Emely shakes her head feebly, her body aching from the fall. Diane smirks, her strong fingers digging into Emely's shoulders. "Oh, I don't think so," she says, her voice laced with amusement. With a powerful thrust, Diane pushes her hips forward, grinding her wet pussy against Emely's lips. Emely gasps, her body trembling under the onslaught of sensations.

Diane's movements grow more desperate, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Please...," Emely whispers, arching her back in response to the older woman's touch. Their hips move faster and faster, their moans filling the room as they lose themselves in the heat of the moment. The leotards are stretched tight across their bodies, outlining every curve, every muscle. Their sweat-slicked skin slides against each other, heightening the sensation of every touch.

With a final thrust, Diane cries out, her body tensing as she reaches orgasm. She collapses forward, her weight pressing Emely deeper into the mat. Emely feels a wave of pleasure wash over her as well, her muscles tensing and releasing in a series of spasms. As they catch their breath, their bodies still entangled, they look into each other's eyes. There is a newfound understanding there, a shared intimacy born of their intense physical battle.

Their embrace lingers for a moment, then breaks as they both sit up, panting heavily. Diane reaches out and tenderly wipes the sweat from Emely's brow. "You fought well," she says, her voice husky with admiration. Emely nods, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "So did you," she manages to reply. They exchange a small smile before standing up and taking each other's hands. Their fingers intertwine, a silent agreement to continue their dance together, to test each other's limits and push each other further.

As they resume their training, their movements are more fluid, more confident. They flow from one exercise to the next, their bodies in perfect sync. The leotards cling to them, revealing every curve and muscle, a testament to the strength and discipline they share. The air in the room is charged with the energy of their connection, their passion for the art they practice.

Diane smiling at Emely "Ok girl I'm stepping out of my skin it's to hot in here" as she removes her leotard and standing  naked in front of Emely "You can keep your's on if you like or remove it too. I don't mind either way. But it's hot and I'm sure it'll help us both cool down" she says with a wink and a slight blush coming to her cheeks. Emely hesitates for a moment, feeling self-conscious about being naked in front of Diane but also realizing that it would be a lot cooler without the leotard. She decides to take it off, revealing her curvy toned body to the older woman.

The air in the room seems to cool down slightly as the two naked women begin to dance together, their movements flowing effortlessly. Their bodies are in perfect sync, the muscles in their arms, legs, and backs rippling as they move. The softness of Emely's skin contrasts beautifully with the harder, more defined muscles of Diane's body. Their breasts sway together, the nipples hardening in the cool air.

Diane looks into Emely's eyes, seeing not just a student, but a fellow dancer, a partner in this art form. She reaches out and takes Emely's hand, guiding her into a new series of steps. Their hips grind together, the wetness between their legs a silent testament to their arousal. Emely arches her back, pressing her breasts against Diane's chest, her lips parting as she gasps for air.

Renewing her feeling of dominance  she whispers into Emely's ear "1st to cum loses are you in agreement?" as she presses her wet pussy harder against Emely's lips. Emely gasps, her body trembling under the onslaught of sensations.

Diane's hips begin to move faster, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she feels the pressure building inside her. She looks down at Emely, watching the younger woman struggle to maintain control, her own need for release growing more insistent with every passing second.

Emely's body is aflame, every nerve ending tingling as Diane's wetness presses against her. She can feel the older woman's muscles tensing, can hear the harsh breaths rasping through her throat. She knows that Diane is close, that the first one to cum will lose this challenge. But Emely is determined to push herself further, to defy her mentor and prove that she can withstand the onslaught of sensations.

With a groan, Emely arches her back, pressing her breasts against Diane's chest. She grinds her hips against the older woman's pelvis, feeling the heat between their bodies intensify. Her own need for release grows more desperate with each passing second, but she refuses to give in. As Diane's hips begin to move faster, her breath comes in ragged gasps, Emely matches her pace, their bodies moving together in perfect sync.

Their dance becomes increasingly intense, a battle of wills as they struggle for control over their bodies and their desires. The air in the room is heavy with the scent of sweat and arousal, the sound of their labored breathing filling the space. Emely's muscles ache from the effort of maintaining her composure, but she pushes through the pain, determined not to break first.

Diane's eyes blaze with a combination of lust and respect as she watches Emely fight to keep from losing the challenge. Her own need for release grows more urgent with every passing second, but she refuses to give in, knowing that the moment Emely gives in, she will have won. The tension between them builds, palpable and electric, as they continue to dance, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

The muscles in Emely's thighs burn with the effort of holding back, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to maintain control. She can feel Diane's muscles tensing beneath her fingers, can hear the older woman's labored breathing growing more desperate. The wetness between their legs rubbing against each other only serves to heighten the sensations coursing through their bodies.

Diane's hips buck forward, her breasts pressing against Emely's, her nipples hard and aching. With a low growl, she speeds up the pace, her movements becoming more urgent. Emely matches her every move, their bodies moving together in a fluid dance of power and desire.

The air in the room grows thick with the scent of their arousal, the sound of their breathing loud and ragged. Emely feels her control slipping, the need for release building within her like a storm. But she refuses to give in, determined to push herself further, to prove to Diane that she can withstand the onslaught of sensations.

Diane can feel the changes  going on with Emely's wet pussy she can feel she going to win whispering into Emely's ear with her hot breath" Come on babe give into me you know you what to cum for me bitch" she whispers as she presses harder against Emely's lips with her wetness. Emely arches her back and cries out as her body tenses up, every muscle straining to hold back the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.

Diane senses Emely's weakening and speeds up her movements, grinding her hips harder against Emely's. She whispers dirty words into Emely's ear, taunting her, trying to make her lose control. Emely's breath comes in ragged gasps as her control begins to slip. She can feel the pressure building inside her, the need for release growing more intense with every passing second.

Their bodies move together in perfect synchrony, a dance of dominance and submission. Diane's muscles tense beneath Emely's fingers, her hips bucking wildly as she tries to push Emely over the edge. Emely fights back, her own body trembling with the effort of holding on.

The air in the room grows thick with the scent of their arousal, the sound of their labored breathing filling Emely's ears. Diane's voice, low and husky, whispers words of encouragement and seduction, trying to weaken Emely's resolve. But Emely refuses to give in, determined to prove her strength and endurance.

Emely using her own tactics now starts to nibble on  Diane's nipples using her teeth and tongue to get Diane to cum first. She moans into Diane's ear as she feels the older woman's body tensing up beneath her. "Cum for me, Diane. Let it go. You know you want to," she whispers, her voice low and seductive.

Diane arches her back, her hips bucking wildly as Emely's tongue teases her nipples. She cries out, the sensation overwhelming her, her body shuddering with release. Emely feels the wetness between her legs intensify as Diane's orgasm washes over her. With a final thrust, Diane collapses on top of emely, panting heavily.

Emely smiles triumphantly, her body still trembling from the exertion. She leans up, pressing her lips against Diane's ear. "See? I told you I could handle it. Now it's your turn to give in." She whispers, moving her fingers to circle Diane's clit.

Diane groans, her body tensing at the touch. "Oh god, Emely..." she gasps, arching her back. Emely's fingers are expert, knowing just how to push her buttons. She can feel the familiar tension building within her, the need for release growing more urgent with every stroke of Emely's fingers.

She looks down at Emely, their bodies still locked together, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. "You're so fucking good at this," she whispers, her voice thick with desire. "I can't believe how much I want you."

Emely smiles, her fingers moving faster, circling Diane's clit with expert precision. "You know I'm here for you, Diane. You can have me any way you want." She leans down, capturing one of Diane's nipples between her teeth, rolling it gently between her lips.

Diane gasps, arching her back off the bed. Emely's words, her touch, the feel of her lips on her skin... everything is too much, and yet not nearly enough. Her body tightens, her muscles coiling like a spring about to snap. "Oh god, Emely..." she moans, her hips bucking against Emely's hand. "I'm close..."

Emely looks up at Diane, her eyes filled with desire as she watches her lover's body writhe beneath her touch. She leans in, capturing one of Diane's lips with her own, their tongues dancing together in a passionate duet. Her fingers continue to tease Diane's sensitive flesh, circling her clit faster and faster, until she feels Diane's body tense up and her inner muscles clench around her fingers.

Diane cries out, her voice muffled by Emely's kiss, her body shuddering with release. Emely feels the wetness of her orgasm coating her fingers as she strokes Diane's sensitive spot, milking her climax for all it's worth. They collapse together on the mat, their sweaty bodies tangled in a heap of limbs and pleasure-drenched exercise floor.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.