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Finishing things off

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Online Ashley2000

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Finishing things off
« on: February 28, 2024, 04:40:33 AM »
Rick exploded in a massive orgasm into Doreen's powerful pussy.  She smiled, her big tits slick with sweat, her powerful hips still grinding on his body. 

He tried to catch his breath.  "If my wife catches us, she will absolutely destroy you and then rip my cock off Doreen." 

Doreen dismounted and stood up next to him by the bed in the small lakeside bungalow that Rick and his wife Molly owned.

"What makes you think that Rick?  I'm not a pushover, you know."

"I know, but Molly is a really tough bitch and she's destroyed a lot of women in her day--I'm not talking regular fightin', I'm talking tits and pussy and shit.  "

Headlights played across the wall through the window and a car turned onto the gravel drive.  "I guess we'll see...." smiled Doreen. 

"What did you do?" said Rick, a panicked tone infusing into his voice.

"Don't you worry, you stud.  Molly and I are gonna have to sort things out and then I'll be in here to finish things off...."

"You don't get it Doreen..." she held a finger to his lips...

"Oh, but I do..." 

The front door slammed open.  "Might as well strip out there Molly... I'll meet you in your spare bedroom,..." 

And Doreen opened the door to the jack and Jill bathroom and walked into the spare, locking the door behind her as Rick caught a glimpse of his wife Molly storming across the small living room to the spare bedroom.

The smack of titflesh was instantly audible to Rick as one of the women grunted and the fight began.

Exclamations of pain and frustration repeatedly emanated from behind the closed door punctuated by smacks of flesh.  The voices were too muffled for him to discern who was who.

On the inside of the door, the two women were battling each other with rage and fury.  To their surprise, despite being very evenly matched in size, one woman was dominating the battle, her tits punishing the other's as they smashed their breasts together trying to damage the other woman in a way she wouldn't forget.  They squawked and groaned as they stumbled about the room, the dominant woman controlling the motion until she drove her foe back into the wall.

"Oh tits!" exclaimed the battered woman.

Rick heard the exclamation, and then a smack of flesh and a groan, another grunt of exertion and then a moan.  A whimper, "oh you're destroying my tits you fucking whore...mother FUCKER" and then a series of smacks and screeches. There was an ass kicking going on  and he had heard Molly do it so many other times, he felt bad for Doreen.

"Oh gawd...mother of cxnty're going to pay when we get to that cock...oh god, my tits, what have you done..." he heard.

Back in the room both women were drenched in sweat, and the alpha was stalking her prey, who was struggling to stay standing. 

"The bed....." mumbled the battered woman. "let's get that dildo so I can fuck your brains out..."

the dominant woman sneered and charged at her foe, wrapping her in a bearhug and crushing her proud tits flat against her chest as her own massive breasts engulfed the other woman.they spun around and stumbled, crashing onto the bed, the outmatched woman screaming with pain as her tits were crushed. 

They wasted no time grabbing the massive double dildo and shifting their position to double crab position. 

the battered woman sneered, confident that she would gain control with this next part of the fight.  The two women stared into each other's eyes, grabbed the sheets for leverage, clamped down on the cock, arched their hips and drove forward.  Both grimaced and whimpered as they first hit a stalemate but then one was overpowered and the cock plunged deep into her pussy.  She screamed, "Oh god, my pussy!  Oh my fucking god!  No NO NO NO! You're tearing my pussy apart!" she screeched frantically as the alpha, maintaining her dominance, thrust the cock aggressively into her foe.  The other woman groaned rhythmically and began to pant as she contorted her face and arched her body in an effort to defend herself and fight off her opponent. 

Rick heard the rhythmic grunting of one woman being physically punished by the other.  "oh god, you're ruining meee... oh god.  oh god...Rick, she's destroying me...Rick what have I done???"  she whimpered and Rick heard a voice growl back, "you're an overblown piece of garbage with fake tits, bitch..." and he was confident now that it was Molly who was talking trash as she victimized Doreen...He listened as his wife dominated his lover and Doreen cried out in several successive orgasms and then begged for mercy....

"Please,'ve proven yourself, my uterus is going to fall pussy is ruined... oh god...please...."

Inside, the women were now drenched in sweat as the alpha thrust her hips brutally into the overwhelmed woman...."oh noooooo....noo no no no no....puh-puh please..." whimpered the destroyed victim.  The dominant woman easily ripped the cock out of her foe's destroyed pussy, and then pulled it out of her own dripping twat.  She quickly scrambled up to her enemy's face and ground her scent all over her nose and mouth before dismounting....

The defeated woman curled up in a fetal position sobbing quietly to herself.  She had clearly taken on more than could handle.  it was a shock and a destructive blow to her ego after consistently talking trash to Rick. 

On the other side of the door, Rick heard the fight end.  He was throbbing as he heard the door unlock and he stepped back as the door was opened and the room was visible. 

He saw Molly and he saw Doreen.  Molly was curled up on the bed as Doreen strutted into the room.

"Let finish things off..." she said, grabbing his cock.  "Wait, you beat her?" he said, stunned...

"What's it look like Rick.  Your wife has been destroyed.  I own her...she ain't that tough anymore...." and she dropped to her knees and began to suck him off....


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Re: Finishing things off
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2024, 05:04:27 AM »
Doreen sure looks the part. If I’d been Rick that door would’ve gotten open way before they finished