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To What Extreme chapter 2

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Offline DottiD

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To What Extreme chapter 2
« on: February 07, 2024, 07:39:00 PM »
Chapter 2. No Turning back now

Saturday arrives and both women start to prepare starting with a hot shower to ease their nerves that has no effect. Each goes in her closet and throws jeans and a tee in a bag then picks out her lingerie and dress for the meeting.

Rita chooses a red bra thong and thigh high set red heels and a red and white mini dress, she brushes her hair out with a quick blow out and puts on her ruby red lipstick and nail polish. She stares into the mirror and tells herself “you know its a fight but you can beat her , its for you and your pride not just him.”

Bonnie chooses a powder blue heel and thigh high and thong bra set, a darker blue mini dress and nail polish with a light light reddish lipstick, her hair blown wild look and as her rival, looks a t herself and fills with confidence “its just another fight you had them before you got this , its pride and not just him”.

As if arranged both women leave their home and throw their packed bag in the car then set their purse on the front seat and start the seemingly long ride out, at least 15 miles for each according to their GPS.

Neither wants contact with Joe in fear they will break and let on what the plan is and have him try to stop it or fear of breaking into tears, they both need to be mentally ready for whats to come.

Bonnie arrives first she parks in the lot that has all of three cars and she knows one is the desk clerks. She enters the lobby and requests a room in the rear out of the way and sight of anyone, she even tips for the extra effort as if there was any.

As she walks through the aisle of the motel she struts to the room and enters with her key, the place is dingy at best , but she isn’t here for a five star rating. She moves the television and a chair and the table to other side of the bed and then sits on the bed waiting .

Not long after Rita pulls in counting the cars she has to assume one is the clerks and the other her rivals. She walks into he lobby and says she is meeting someone here, the clerk retrieves the second key and Rita pays her share then heads to the room.

She slips the key in and enters the room, she sees the items moved then Bonnie waiting with a confident glare, “well we meet at last i am Rita”. Bonnie inhales “and i am Bonnie lock it up and put the do not disturb sign on we have a lot to finish”.

Rita bolts the door then turns and walks in, she looks about then sits near Bonnie. The two women flair their nostrils inhaling others perfume as they stare. Rita then softly asks, “so just how did you want to get this get together rolling Bonnie?”.

Bonnie looks away then back, “well Rita, i think its clear what we are doing so before we really tear each other up i think we should see who can please him more “.

Rita smirks “i think you meant to say which of us is the better woman sexually don’t you?”.

Bonnie narrows her brow, “well glad to see you brought your inner bitch honey, your gonna need it today”. Rita raises a brow “why don’t we get started and we can see who is the real bitch here “. Bonnie slowly stands up as does Rita, they step away from the bed for now and then Bonnie reaches to Rita and grabs her dress front and with a hefty tug rips the front open exposing her rivals bra.

Rita stands taking it then returns the favor as she rips open Bonnie’s dress front as far. Both look at the others full bust in her bra adding to the jealousy already boiling, Bonnie then slowly uses her fingers to hike her hem till just a hint of her thong is in view.

Rita with no hints does he same. Each woman then reaches to her thong and eases it aside stretching the delicate items. Bonnie hisses softly , “we start fingering first to cum loses then we get on the bed and fight clit to clit agree?”.

Rita hikes her hem and nods “i told you i agree already , time to stop talking honey “. The two mature cats come together, their bra cups meet. Inside the cups their full breasts swell and over flow the bra cups.

Bonnie eases a hand low and between Rita’s thighs, Rita mimics the move, as they stare in the others yes their fingers gently tough the warm moist folds of the rival before them.

Each woman swallows, then slowly as they fondle the soft folds, they spread them and start to coax the others clit from its hood. Neither says a word but they know what they feel, Rita gently pinches the engorged clit of Bonnie. She strokes it as the tiny strings of juices surface.

Bonnie just licks her lips as her fingers are busy doing the same to Rita. They hate having the other touch her womanhood, but in pride of their more than average clits they inhale wanting the comparison to be in their favor, but each can feel they are well matched.

The fact they are adds to their already boiling jealousies. Rita softly hisses, “you ready to get this started?”. Bonnie raises a brow, “lets get to it “.
Each keeping her eyes locked on the other slowly sinks a finger in the other. Both just stare then as they slowly pump their finger in and out , their thumbs are rubbing the engorged clits.

Their breathing gets a bit hotter, and lips start to dry as they feel the arousal build despite the hate for the other. Both are trying to fight the desire and the verbal response they each are feeling. Bonnie brings her free hand up and rips more of her rivals dress , as well as now pulling at the straps of Rita’s bra. Bonnie can feel the weight the bra cups hold, as well seeing the slow jostling shift as she tugs stretching the material with each tug. Rita curls a lip, she acts shocked her rival is ripping at her bra. Not to be out done Rita grabs twists and starts to both pull and tug her rivals bra strap.

The weight held within the cups is equal, as is the wobbling shift. Rita feels her fingers slide deeper, but has to pant heavily as Bonnies fingers plunge in and out as deep. Bonnie presses her thumb into Ritas engorged clit and huffs , “cum you whore you know you want to uhnn”.

Rita licking her dry lips as she pumps her fingers faster as her thumb strokes her rivals engorged clit, “uhnnn mmm you first slut i feel you quivering, cum for me”.

The two mature women stand thighs apart ,knees bent as they both snarl and lust to free the other of her orgasm. Grunts and moans fill the space between them as they bring each other closer to pleasure.

The bra strap on each woman’s shoulder snaps under the added weight of the pulling. Both women begin to pant heavier they yank on the tor straps and expose the right stiff thick nipple of her rival. Instantly each grabs a hold of the others stiff peg. Then pull and twist on it, it is enough to put each woman over the edge.

Suddenly both shake and they nearly fall into each other. They wrap their free arm around the other to stay standing, then both tilt their head up and their rivals hand fills with juices of the others womanhood.

As each lets out her moan of relief, they both growl, “ohh you whore”, damn you slut “. Their bodies quiver, then both pull their fingers free. They push away from each other, and stagger aside to each side of the room. Their thighs glisten and trails of juices run down, the thongs stretched to the sides drenched.

They swallow deep panting breathes and glare at the other as if ready to pounce, but neither is ready to move just yet. 

Chapter 2 How Many orgasms does it Take

Each woman is able to take a deep breath and get control of herself. They stare as they straighten up, then each with a curled lip for the other, takes the last tatters of their dress and peels it down and off.

They then arch and reach back as they remove their bras, finally as they know what they have to do , they slowly slip their thongs down to their heels.  They step free of their thongs, then kick them aside. Their folds still glistening, each woman runs her fingers through her folds, the scent from off their fingers fills their nostrils.

It’s Rita this time acting ready for this duel to continue, “well whore bed or floor i am ready “. Bonnie takes a breath, “oh you can believe i am so ready to prove my pussies better Slut, lets make use of the floor to settle this”.

Both women move with the slow grace like that of panthers stalking its prey. They slowly ease to the floor and sit up, they slowly spread their thighs. Then each as they stare gently pets her folds, then spreads them. They allow their fingers to spread around their engorged clits standing out proudly.

Slowly they scoot closer together, each slides a thigh over the others , and they slip their lower legs around the back of the other. Their sinewy calves close in tight behind the others ass, their top leg bent at the knees are placed upright.

Their sharp heels stab the carpet, dimpling it as they anchor themselves in place.  Then with a deep breath in they ease their wet warm pussies together. Suddenly each rolls her spine like a cat as their engorged clits touch. A sigh of hot breath is exhaled, then as their heads level off and their eyes again lock, slowly their hips begin to gyrate.

They swallow deeply at the feel, their hate and jealousy escalates ten fold now. The realization that they have met their equal is being burned into them. Their large breasts gently wobble on their chests as they slowly rock a bit faster. Both already primed from an orgasm, not the feeling building much quicker within themselves, brought on by their rival.

Slowly the moans start to surface, their hips start to gyrate and rock a bit faster. The wet lopping sounds from wet folds fill the room as does their breathing. Slight grunts become more verbal and as they do, each woman grunts into the others face , “cum whore, cum slut”.

Slowly they both begin to undulate even faster . Their glare while filled with lust are also with contempt for one another. As if agree on they dig a hand in each other’s scalp and twist up a fistful of hair and yank back on others hair.  They are forced to look down their noses at the  other as they both pull. The pain while burning sharp also adds to their growing lust, their free hands cup and then roughly and deeply squeeze others right breast, massaging deeply as their thumbs flick and work the stiff thick nipples.

They both pant and huff harder and faster, the sensation now building steady and faster.  Their fingers deeply knead the others right breast. The effect while looking pain filled, actually has a pleasured feel .

Stiff nipples get pinched and stretched and rolled, but between the women,and between their thighs the real “fight” is going on. Their sopping wet folds spread and seal together as their clits jab and saw together.

The arousal has their womanhood to the max, yet these women want more and Ned more from it. They roll the. Others head by the hair as hips starts to buck and pump their pelvic bone together. Panting breaths turning to hot gasps let go of freely.

Untimely nerve shutters give away each woman’s steps toward her orgasm. While wanting to reach it ,  they are fighting their own bodies to not freely give into the feelings, that eventually will be forced from them.

Faster faster faster, the two mature women pump, their juices spread and run, forcing wet lopping sounds from between. Moans defy their resistance as more arousal comes through each in waves.

Finally as both are nearly forced to release, they yell out, “uuhh uhh uhh. Oh yes yesss you bitch Slut oh my god”. Bonnie gasps, “do it do it bitch oh god you whore just cum you bitch , uuhnn uhnn yesss mmfff mfff “.

Their faces snarled in jealous hate and ecstasy glare, watching for who will flinch first and be unable to hold out . Faster faster each seeing it in unfold in others eyes when suddenly both shake. They both feel a spasm take over their being, thigh muscles quiver with no control, mouths drop open in silence, fingers grip tighter. Suddenly Bonnie can’t hold on she releases Rita’s hair and breast and needs to prop her hands behind her as she feels Rita’s clit pin hers and saw away as her folds smear enveloping around Bonnies.

Bonnie shakes her head no in denial, yet seems to welcome the orgasm, right up till Rita refuses to stop pumping her hips and allow her pussy to attack Bonnies gushing one. Demanding another orgasm from Bonnie as she grunts “yess yesss cum again your there whore just let it go”.

Bonnie sinks to her left elbow as her right hand both pushes at Rita and grabs hold of her ripe breast again. Rita hot and wet grows angry at the assault, she struggles to get her rivals hand off her breast and nipple as it has the desired effect of arousal Bonnie is looking to pull from holding on.

Their hands struggle, backs arch and hips slither, when suddenly Bonnie is forced into a second frenzy and yells through it. “Uuhhh uhh yess yesss you fucking bitch i ..I..i.cummmming”!.

Rita smirks feeling the fight is hers as she has Bonnie releasing her orgasms at her pussies power. Rita wanting a third from Bonnie pushes both hands down onto Bonnies shoulder and neck. There is a brief struggle but slowly Rita forces Bonnie prone on her back, and slides her top knee onto Bonnies torso, pinning her there under herself where Rita can now control the fight.

But as Rita feels secure on Bonnie, Bonnies orgasm rage , has her grabbing Ritas ass cheeks, and pulling her down and slowing her undulating motion. Rita squirms as she glares down, her hips start their pumping to suck a third orgasm from Bonnie.

But this time Bonnie bridges her hips up, as her legs press up into Rita. Rita despite top position is now fighting her body weight as it and gravity force her to be a slave to Bonnies position.

Bonnie runs a finger to Ritas anus as she is undulating her hips, her clit is both flicking and sawing Ritas as it seems Rita has no movement. Her breasts sway and swell between her arms as she holds Bonnie by the neck , her free hand mauling the large breasts lopping on Bonnies chest in her sexual rhythm .

Suddenly as fast as Rita was about to dictate this duel, her grunts of victory are now yelps of sexual Preakness being forced to reach. Rita goes from shaking her head no hanging low, to throwing her head back as her glassy eyes roll back as she  explodes her juices and her orgasm is pulled from her.

Rita gasps in shock, “you bitch oh my god i am cumming whore”. Bonnie a smirk of relief bridges more and never stops her rhythm . She pants hotly , “thats it slut cmon cum again, you can’t deny my pussy and queen clit, cum again do it Slut”.

Rita slowly looks as if she will get her knees firmly back on the rug and retake control as she feels Bonnie going for yet another attempt. But as Rita struggles to avoid it, she never realizes the attempt to refuse it drives her closer to yet a second one.

With a total almost lift of her hips and pussies locked together , Bonnie uses her engorged clit to stab into Ritas pussy , warm , wet, and primed. Rita unaware how easily and close her body could betray her , releases Boni and sits up fully arching her back.  Her breasts jolt outward and jostle freely. She caresses and squeezes her own breasts before her hands grip her own hair as she is forced into another orgasm.

Her eyes close, her lips parted she welcomes the orgasm out of the expert style her rival uses to make her reach it against her will. Rita bucking as if placed on an adul toy lets her hips ride till she feels the satisfied release.

Bonnie feeling it now grabs Ritas body , presses to it tightly and rolls Rita to the floor on her side, then as both women struggle together , thighs still scissored. Bonnie wrestles her way o top, she expresses her positional victory as she spits down at Rita, “now your going to cum till i say enough Slut”.

Rita shaking her head no, can’t deny the sudden thrust of Bonnies clit and pubic bone into her own. It forces a loud moan and before Rita is able to gather herself for more of the duel, Bonnie has cupped her thigh and lifted it up till Ritas calf is on her shoulder.

With the force of a tornado, Bonnie is squirming, undulating, grinding away at Rita as she glares down  at her , Bonnie demands yet another orgasm, “thats it feel my clit slut, your pussy can’t please him like mine, i am gonna prove it today slut, uhnmmm uhnmm yesss thats it feel it burning bitch?,your gonna cum again “.

Rita looking up both in fear and desire, tries to bridge. To fight back, but with her thigh held hostage, she is pinned to the rug and her rival has indeed taken control. Bonnie starts to hump her pussy onto Ritas, Rita can only look up as the sound of wet squishing from combined juices is forced from between their hot pussies.

Rita pushes her hands up and secures a grip on both breasts of Bonnie, who hooks one arm on the trapped leg,as her free hand gropes Ritas right lopping breast as the two cats fuck fight for it all.

With Bonnie at two and Rita now facing her third orgasm. Rita starts to grow desperate, she can feel another being pulled from her body. As her hands massage the round breasts jostling over her,Bonnie is trying to hide her next orgasm from her rival, in hopes her rival will give up internally.

The two women curse, yelp, and taunt as they stay locked pussy to pussy, and clits wrestling for them. Bucking now like wild rabbits, the once musty room is alive with the scent of sex, as more juices soak both women.

As they rock and smear folds , strings of juices cling and sway between them as if the wet chain link keeping them locked. Bonnie takes control still holding her rivals leg, Rita is worried at what she feels is about to happen the 5th time. She kicks her leg towards Bonnie as she does Rita sits up partially, grabs Bonnies hair and as she falls back manages to roll both of them to the left.

With both women on their sides they reach and slap for the others hand, till finally fingers lock and both women spreads her thighs and jams her sopping wet pussy to her rivals.

As they pull each other in, their pussies again seal together as clits start to wrestle in the warm wet ring. Each women has a knee bent and raised as the other leg is acting as an anchor on the dampened rug.

Like two wet oiled cams they again start to fuck fight on their sides, pumping together and looking for that rhythm to set her rivals orgasm into a force . Pumping steadily, Bonnie and Rita almost plea for the other to cum again, as neither will ease up. Each of them needs to show the other woman her womanhood is his desire over the others, cause of her control and expert ability to out fuck any other woman for his pleasure.

The strain of this struggle is taking a toll on each. Both are sweating, red faced and want the power to make her rival surrender to her womanhood. As they again lock eyes and buck, Rita feels an orgasm coming on fast. She panics and thinks a break from her rivals touch , even if for a few seconds might make her building orgasm subside.

She suddenly using her heels in the rug kicks back away from Bonnie, and starts to roll to push up on her knees. Bonnie pants at the break in contact and rolls up on her knees, both are on all fours , asses facing each other.

Rita swallows and widens her thighs as desire drives her back into the Frey. She looks back at her rivals swollen womanhood, dripping and growls back at her, “nmmmm uww cmon you whore lock up with my pussy again bitch, i am gonna make you cum like a faucet”.

Bonnie locks her heels with Ritas, they spread thighs wider, then rear their haunches back. Their ass cheeks slap as they jam their pussies tight together. Both of them gasp out a breath, Bonnie looks back, “cmon you slut lets fuck it out”.

Like perfect machines with the on bottom pressed, the two cougars start to smear then grind then add pumping . Both as if the break never was, are right back at teetering on the verge.

Bonnie grows quiet, her head drooping down, Rita shaking her head like a wild mare with each push. Both think they are hiding what nature allows. Suddenly as Rita is about to lose control, Bonnie yells out, “uuhnnn uuhhh uhh you slut , fuck i am cumming bitch”.

Rita hearing she made Bonnie release her fourth, starts to now pump faster and faster. She looks back with a forced smile, “keep going whore, my pussies ready to fuck”. Bonnies head throws about like being electrocuted another orgasm not far behind, but Ritas is there as well.

The wet humping is louder and faster as are their moans and cries. Both manage to drive another orgasm from each other. But this time as they buck ass to ass Ritas elbows can’t hold her anymore. They buckle and her breasts slap on the rug as her head is barely held up.

Bonnie looks back and sees Ritas ass and pussy exposed for the taking. Bonnie turns on her knees and behind Rita grabs her by the hips. Rita huffs “no don’t whore”. Bonnie presses her pussy to Ritas and with an exhausted smile starts to fuck her rival.

With her pussy yet again sealed to Ritas, Bonnie starts to pump to Rita. Her engorged clit now pumping in and out and spreading Rita open more. Rita gasping , “ohh ohhh NOO please uughhughhh yess fuck oh god my pussy stop”. As Rita rears her upper body up, Bonnie latches on to her hair and as if riding Rita like a horse, pulls the head of Rita back.

Ritas eyes and mouth drop wide open,the wet sucking sounds now louder then the taunts and hot breathing. Suddenly Rita screams , “YESSS YESSS OH YOU WHORE I..I..I UUHHHHH CUMMMING “. Bonnie never slows down and as Rita cums , Bonnie forces a seventh then eighth .

Each making Rita screech louder and cum faster, finally on Ritas ninety forced orgasm, she collapses to the wet rug. Gasping like a pure bread ridden to exhaustion, Rita lay waving off a sign for no more. Bonnie grabs her rivals thighs spreads them and eases her. Pussy on Ritas again, “your mine slut” she hisses.

Rita in tears is forced into another orgasm, she can barely form a sentence when she screams out , “I GIVE I GIVE , PLEASE STOP’’.  Bonnie demanding the correct surrender, “say it cxnt , say it loud”. Rita nods holding her own hair, OK OK YOUR PUSSIES BETTER NOW PLEASE STOP I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE”.

Bonnie suddenly pounces on Ritas torso, scoots higher. Bonnie takes Ritas arms and pins them under her legs then grabs a fistful of Ritas bangs and yanks up. Ritas face squishes into Bonnies soaked pussy, Bonnie with a rough tug looking down, “eat the better pussy bitch”.

Rita extends her tongue and starts to lick, kisses and suck at Bonnies clit and pussy. Bonnie with eyes shut arches upright, cups her own breasts and undulates on her rivals face till she shivers and cums on Ritas face.

Content and weak, Bonnie pushes up and gets to the bed and sits, she takes one of the torn dresses and wipes her face to her soaked pussy. Rita lays on the rug a bit longer, but takes the other dress and wipes herself down best she can.

Both slowly catch their breath, as Bonnie says “you want more or you ready to admit i am the better woman”. Rita pauses then gets to the bed as well, she looks to Bonnie, “all you proved thus far bitch, is you out fucked my pussy, but better woman? Far from it, i want to finish what we agreed on when we spoke woman to woman like cougars”.

Bonnie shakes her hair out, “well catch your breath bitch, you wanna fight me for him, then a fight you’ll get”.
Rita sucks in a deep breath, she knows what she is about to get into will be a very painful conflict, but between having what she wants and her self pride,Rita will be as vicious as her rival today.both women in just heels and thigh highs now, stand up slowly.


Offline DavidG

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 2
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 10:35:33 PM »
That was an incredibly hot and sexy chapter and has set it up for the next part perfectly


Offline Kathykelsey78

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 2
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 05:44:56 PM »
Another great chapter, that was incredibly hot


Offline YH5050

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 2
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2024, 11:10:50 PM »
Not sure how many times to how many stories that I have used the words incredible, amazing, awesome (the list goes on and on); but damn girl!  You need to write a lot more of these sexfight stories!
The few that you have done have all been somewhere North of Epic!


Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2024, 08:50:22 AM »
awesome story thank you for sharing
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline Frank

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Re: To What Extreme chapter 2
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2024, 11:51:55 PM »
Simply, your better story until now ! One of the hotter stories posted here !
II rate it as "A".  For my taste, if it had more trash talking THE SAME TIME they make it out, it would be an "A++"
Of course my taste speaks.
I am glad I have noticed your progression, story by story... Now you are one of the better writers here !!