When California Wildcats stopped producing the very BEST fantasy catfights and started focusing on more Trib and female on female sex video scenarios, it was the beginning of the end. I never understood why they left the catfight scenarios in favor of the Trib videos as in later years Fighting Dolls and their sister site Trb Dolls have proven that there is plenty of room and interest for both. I'm pretty sure I own all of the California Wildcats actual catfight videos. With the storylines and build up , they are still some of my very favorite videos to this day. The Violent Grudge series was my absolute favorite. For me, once I got Violent Grudge 3, and especially Violent Grudge 4, I realized that Marty and Tiffany and I were on the same page for what I was looking for in fantasy catfights. I have written and rewritten that scenario over and over in my head and it never ever gets old. I too can not believe that some producer has not tried their hand at filling that void, ( A HUGE VOID ). With todays technology and creative minds , I am always hoping that someone will step in and make great CW style fantasy catfights a reality again. WBI (We Bring It) was making some strides in that direction towards the end , but again , another producer no longer making new material.
I miss the good ole' California Wildcats days. A plea to all producers out there, maybe with some type of sponsorship deal or pre ordering funds. take a shot at reliving these great catfight scenarios in HD.