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Old Home Videos

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Offline karl butters

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Old Home Videos
« on: March 31, 2024, 11:23:32 PM »
       A friend requested that I write this story. He was deeply troubled by something that had happened. Something bad had happened, and even though it had upset him, it had also aroused him. This is mostly a true story, though since I was not there, I took a few creative liberties to fill in any missing details.

       I went home from college for the weekend to see my family. Usually, I stay at my mother’s house when I am at home since I still have a room there. Her house is beautiful and has a big pool. Mom was busy with one of her charities, so I stayed at my dad’s house instead. It was a lot smaller, but I rarely spent much time with Dad, so I decided it would be a good chance for us to hang out.
       One of the drawbacks of staying at Dad’s is being around my stepmom. I did not see what he saw in her. While my mom is the epitome of class, Crystal is stereotypical white trash. Mom acts prim and proper and always dresses elegantly; Crystal is raunchy, cusses like a sailor, and often dresses indecently. My mom is also much prettier, with beautiful blonde hair and a great body, especially for a 40-year-old. Mom keeps fit and tanned by spending hours swimming in her pool. Crystal’s face is decent, and she has a thin body, but the only redeeming quality about her is her impressive rack. For someone so skinny, she has a fantastic set of boobs. Whenever she starts getting on my nerves, I tune her out and visualize her topless. It’s an amazing trick that makes her easier to tolerate. Neither woman has a job, but Mom stays busy with her charitable work and is renowned in our community for her philanthropy. Crystal stays busy watching soap operas and frequenting the local bars when Dad is out of town on business.
   No one was home when I arrived at my dad’s house that Friday. Dad was on a business trip and wouldn’t be home until midnight. Crystal was probably out at a bar trying to avoid spending time with me. Bored, I looked in the entertainment center for a movie to watch. I found a bunch of rewritable DVDs dated between June and August 2007. Curious, I put the oldest one in the DVD player. It was a video from when I was a toddler. It was strange seeing my parents, young and in love.
        I was also amazed at how stunning my mom looked. While she is still beautiful, today, she is more of a glamorous and elegant type of beauty, but in her early twenties, she was a smoking hot knockout. In the video, I was also surprised by how she was dressed. Today, she always dresses stylishly and refined, but in the video, her tank top and cutoff shorts were extremely snug and revealing. It was also obvious she was not wearing a bra. I kept having to remind myself that this young hottie was my mother, and I needed to stop drooling over her.
   It was mostly my dad filming, and he alternated between filming me playing in the yard and filming my mom. When the camera was on my mom, Dad would often zoom in on her shapely body. My mom had a tremendous body and could have been a fitness model. Her tush was round and solid, and she had toned, shapely legs. She also had nice, plump breasts, which the video showed in numerous close-ups.
   Everything seemed to be going great. It is just another home movie of a loving family when suddenly everything changes. My dad was zoomed in on my mom’s breasts as she bent over to pick something up when they heard me crying.
   “What is it, baby?” Mom asked.
   “That the mean girl sprayed me with the water hose,” three-year-old me cried as I stood drenched in the doorway.
   “That’s it!” Mom exclaimed, “I have had enough of that brat next door.”
   As Mom stormed out of the house, Dad followed her with the camera.
   “What are you going to do?” Dad asked.
   “I am going to give her a piece of my mind.”
   “But she’s only 18. She just graduated high school. She’s practically still a kid.”
   “She’s old enough to know better, and no one is going to treat my baby like that. I’m tired of her throwing things at him and calling him names. She’s mean, and she’s a bully.”
   As Dad followed behind, he kept the camera focused on Mom’s tush, which wiggled sexily as she walked. As Mom marched into the neighbor’s backyard, I saw my bully wearing a bikini and lying on a blanket. Immediately, my mom tore into the girl, verbally ripping her apart. I was shocked by my mom’s demeanor. Though I had heard rumors of her temper, especially from my grandparents, I had always known her to act sweet and dignified.
   Surprisingly, the teen did not back down and began throwing verbal jabs at my mom. I knew instantly that the teen's whiny voice sounded familiar, but I could not get a look at her since Dad had the camera focused on Mom’s lovely body. The girl began cussing my mom out like a machine gun spewing out obscenities.
Finally, Dad zoomed out, and I received the shock of my life. The foul-mouthed teen was none other than my future stepmom. Though the girl was flat-chested with brown hair, and my stepmom now had red hair and enormous knockers, there was no mistaking the cocky smirk and shrill voice.
   Though I faintly remembered a mean woman living next door to us, I did not realize it had been Crystal. I was beginning to understand why there was so much animosity between her and my mom.
   Crystal began to overpower my mom verbally and began jabbing her in the tit with a finger to emphasize her point. My mom looked befuddled as the altercation was not going as she had intended.
   “Don’t touch me,” Mom hissed. Crystal responded by jabbing her again, this time dead center on one of Mom’s nipples, which had become erect in the excitement.
“Oooh!” Mom exclaimed. “You, bitch!” I had never heard Mom cuss before.
   Crystal tried to jab her again, but this time, Mom grabbed her wrist. Though she was more toned than muscular, her biceps bulged out as she held Crystal’s wrist tightly. Now that Mom had demonstrated her physical superiority, I expected Crystal to back down. After all, the teenage Crystal was even skinnier than the 35-year-old version. Mom outweighed her by 20 lbs. and was an inch or two taller. Far from backing down, Crystal reached out with her free hand and grabbed Mom’s right breast.
   “Hey! Stop that!” Mom squealed as Crystal squeezed her plump melon. Mom looked exasperated. She had marched over to give Crystal a piece of her mind, not have her magnificent breasts fondled. Mom grabbed Crystal’s other wrist.
   “Let me loose!” Crystal demanded.
My future stepmom lunged forward and knocked Mom off balance. Suddenly, a full-on catfight broke out. The two began rolling around on the ground, pulling hair and slapping at each other. My dad, instead of breaking it up, encouraged Mom to “hit her” and “rip her top off.” He sounded like a middle schooler watching a girl fight on the playground.
        As if it were happening right in front of me, I found myself loudly cheering for Mom. Crystal was not dressed for fighting, and her bikini became twisted, revealing everything—not that she had much to reveal. Even though she was technically an adult, she had the physique of a 12-year-old.
   Neither woman was a skilled fighter, though Mom was bigger and stronger and soon took control of the fight. Mom mounted Crystal and pinned her wrists to the ground.
   “Get off me!” Crystal screamed. She kicked and twisted her body but could not buck Mom off.
   “Not until you learn to behave.”
   “Get off me, or I am going to kick your ass!”
   Mom just chuckled at the seemingly hollow threat. I thought Mom looked beautiful, sitting on Crystal’s waist. She looked powerful, like a superhero.
Mom noticed her tank top had been pulled down in the fight, revealing one of her nipples. Releasing Crystal’s wrists, she sat back and straightened up her top. When she finished, she placed her hands on her hips and looked down at Crystal.
   “It’s your choice. Start behaving, or I will sit here for a long time.”
   “Hmmpf!” Crystal grunted as she lay on the ground fuming. In a fit of rage, she began kicking her legs and slapping at Mom. The teen grabbed Mom’s top and yanked it downward, ripping it in half. Unlike the bare-chested teen, Mom had a lot to reveal. As Mom struggled to restrain Crystal, Dad zoomed on her jiggling boobies.
   Mom realized she had made a mistake when she released Crystal’s wrists. Before Mom could stop her, Crystal reached up and grabbed two handfuls of Mom’s exposed breasts. With the video zoomed in, I could see the teen had dug her nails into the beautifully formed mounds. Mom squealed pitifully as she tried to pry her boobs from Crystal’s clutches. As Crystal’s hands were forcibly removed, her nails drug along the honey-soft flesh, leaving red streaks.
   Mom covered her injured breasts with her hands as she fell off Crystal. The teen jumped on top of Mom and began punching her in the face. I winced in pain as Crystal landed several hard punches on my mom’s beautiful face.
   “Dan! Dan! Get her off me!” Mom pleaded with Dad.
   “You can take her,” Dad responded, “Push her off.”
   After several more hard punches landed, it was apparent Mom could not ‘take her.’ Dad reluctantly pulled Crystal off my mom.
   “Let me go!” Crystal shrieked, “I’m not finished!”
   “Neither is Megan,” Dad replied, “This is just the end of round one.”
   “I am finished,” Mom whimpered, “I don’t want to fight anymore.”
   “You’re embarrassing yourself,” Dad said harshly, “Now get ready for round two.”
   Dad gave Mom a nudge, and she had no choice but to square off with the teen again. Crystal looked confident, encouraged by her success, while Mom looked meek as a lamb.
   Crystal belted my mom with several hard punches to her face. Then, the brunette landed an uppercut to the tummy that caused my mom to fold in half. Crystal followed it up with a knee strike that slammed against Mom’s nose. Mom fell backward, her hands over her face. Crystal began kicking Mom repeatedly. As Mom lay helplessly on the ground, taking a pounding from Crystal’s bare feet, I heard my mom start to cry. At first, I thought I was mistaken, but soon, her crying turned into loud sobs. I had never heard my mom cry before. Far from being sympathetic, Dad implored her to get up and fight.
   Crystal unfastened Mom’s shorts and began pulling them down her legs.
   “Yes,” Dad murmured in a barely audible voice. I couldn’t believe he was eager to see my mom humiliated even further.
   The teen removed Mom’s shorts, leaving her completely nude. Finally, Crystal relented and began to walk away. I was hopeful that Crystal would be satisfied after stripping her naked and that my mom’s abuse was ending. Dad reached down to help Mom up, but Crystal stopped him.
   “I’m not finished yet,” the teen stated. Dad shrugged his shoulder and backed away, leaving Mom still on the ground writhing in pain.
   Crystal picked up the garden hose still lying in the yard from when she sprayed me and dragged it over to Mom. She pointed it at Mom’s breasts and pressed the trigger. The nozzle was set on jet, and a concentrated, powerful blast of water pelted Mom’s soft flesh. As Dad zoomed in, I could see the stream of water bore into her plump mounds. When Mom covered up her tits, Crystal pointed the hose at Mom’s tummy. My mom had a solid six-pack then, but it was no match for the stinging spray, and she began squirming uncomfortably.
   “Please stop!” Mom pleaded. With her hands now covering her boobies, I could see blood coming from her nose and mouth. I expected Dad to step in, but he kept filming, occasionally urging Mom to fight back.
   With a cruel gleam in her eyes, Crystal lowered her aim and pointed the hose between Mom’s legs. I had noticed Mom, while kicking and stomping her feet, had her thighs spread open, but had tried to look away, not wanting to see my mom’s vagina. Crystal had also noticed, and she directed the water at her most sensitive area. Mom squealed as the jet stream penetrated the heart of her femininity, soaking the inner walls of her womanhood.
   Crystal laughed sadistically as Mom clamped her thighs together. The teen continued to blast every soft, vulnerable spot on Mom’s body, including her face. Mom flipped over onto her back, and Crystal blasted her ass, mainly her tight, little anus.
        Mom desperately got on her knees and began crawling toward our house. Crystal followed behind, blasting Mom’s ass as she crawled. I felt crushed watching my beloved mom retreat in shame after being so utterly humiliated. When she entered our yard, Crystal could barely reach her with the water. Mom stood up and ran frantically for our house. The video ended as my drenched mom went hobbling in the back door.
   I sat back on the couch, stunned by what I had just witnessed. My stomach felt queasy, and my face was flushed. I was even more disturbed when I realized I had a hard-on.
   After sitting and contemplating what I had seen for several minutes, my eyes gazed toward the entertainment center and the other DVDs. I knew I needed to see what was on the other videos.
   I put one in that was dated a week later. It was in a bedroom with a woman lying on the bed. It was Crystal. Dad walked into the picture, and the two began making love. I quickly turned it off, not wanting to see my dad and future stepmom have sex. To my disgust, I discovered all the other videos were of them having sex.
   I noticed my mouth was bone dry, so I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I thought about the videos, I realized I needed something more substantial than water, so I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator.
   Thinking about the videos, the circumstances of my parent’s divorce began to make sense. Besides the obvious reason they divorced, I realized why my mom received such a generous divorce settlement. Mom was awarded 50% of Dad’s earnings for the rest of her life. In addition, he had to pay her 10% of his earnings for child support as long as I was in school (including college). That meant Mom was getting over half of Dad’s income. When they divorced, Dad had just graduated from law school. Now, he was a highly successful civil defense lawyer and probably earned half a million or more most years.
   I skimmed through the transcripts of the divorce proceedings once. They made several references to a video collection. I assumed they were just regular movies and did not understand why Dad was so intent on getting them back. Now I understand. Mom had found them and had used them as blackmail to get what she wanted. Besides the generous alimony, Mom received the house, car, most of their banking account, and full custody of me.
   I chuckled. Mom may have got her ass kicked, but she got the last laugh.
   I turned on the TV and tried to watch a baseball game, but my mind kept drifting back to the fight video. Several times, I stood up to put the video back in but sat right back down.
   ‘I shouldn’t want to see my mom get beat up.’ I thought. Then, I started thinking about the divorce settlement. ‘She may have lost the battle but won the war.’ I convinced myself that the video was actually a good thing and finally put it back in.
   At first, I watched the part where Mom was winning several times, and I would rewind it when Crystal reached for her top. I would pause it when she was perched on top of Crystal so I could enjoy the moment when she was in complete control.
   Eventually, I quit rewinding it when Crystal took over. When the brunette attacked my mom’s lush breasts, I found my erection growing. I felt guilty enjoying Mom’s breasts being mauled, the same breasts I had fed on as a baby.
   I watched and rewatched the fight for hours and lost track of time. While watching in slow motion the part where my mom crawled away, the front door opened. I was so immersed in the video that I did not notice my stepmom walking into the room. She wore a tight leather mini-skirt, a white tank top, and black high-heeled boots.
   “Where did you find that video?” Crystal asked coldly.
   “I…I don’t know.” I stammered, “It was in the cabinet.” My stepmom made me nervous, and after watching her beat my mom up, I felt even less comfortable around her.
    “Why are you going through our stuff?”
   “I was bored. I was just looking for something to watch.”
   She looked down and noticed I had an erection. It had become erect while watching the video, but surprisingly, it had remained erect while being interrogated by my stepmom. Crystal gave me a strange look, and then her demeanor softened.
   “I haven’t watched this video in years,” she said, “Let’s watch it together.” She sat beside me, took the remote from me, and rewound it to where Mom was walking toward the yard. “Megan sure had a nice ass back then. I can’t tell you how much fun it was kicking it, either,” she laughed wickedly.
   It was surreal watching the fight with Crystal. When she joked about kicking Mom’s ass, part of me felt that I should defend Mom’s honor. But it was a true statement. Besides, part of me found the comment sexy.
       As we watched the video, Crystal slid her hands along my thigh until she reached my crotch. I jumped a little as she began to caress my swollen member. She seemed to really enjoy the video, while I was both nervous and turned on.
   Crystal picked up her cell phone and called someone. I looked at the screen and saw she was calling Mom.
   “What are you doing?” I asked frantically. She held her finger up, signaling that I should be silent. I paused, totally intimidated by her. “Yes…yes, ma’am.
   “Guess who I’m with? Your son. We’re just watching a movie. An old home movie.” Whatever mom said made Crystal laugh, “I just thought you’d want to know. Bye, bitch.” Then she turned to me and laughed again, “I just love taunting that cxnt you call mom, especially since she’s taking most of your dad's hard-earned money.”
   As we watched more of the video, Crystal gave me a follow-up on the fight.
   “Your mom spent the next few days in the hospital. Apparently, I broke her nose and a few of her ribs. She should thank me for her pretty nose. It looked better after she had it fixed than before I broke it. A few days after she got home, my mom confronted her. Mom was furious that Megan had assaulted her baby. My mom put your mom back in the hospital,” Crystal said with a laugh, “When my mom finished with her, she had a broken jaw, broken arm, and a helluva concussion. My mom was a badass.”
   She saw that I did not think what her mom had done to mine was funny, so she decided to tease me a little.
   “Guess who your babysitter was while your mom was in the hospital.” I looked at her with a stunned expression, “That’s right. I was.”
   Realizing she was killing the mood by the way my erection was waning, Crystal changed the subject.
   “You like watching women fight, don’t you?”
   “I’ve never thought about it before. I guess.”
   “I’ve been in a bunch of fights. Your mom was the first, but I loved it so much. I’ve been in at least a dozen since..”
   “Who else have you fought?” I asked curiously.
   “Mostly women in bars.”
   “Did you win them all?”
   “Hell, no,” she laughed, “Not even close. I lost a shit load before I won my first fight. My problem is that I never back down. A few girls beat me my ass really badly. Your dad has had to spend a fortune on my dental bills. I still lose occasionally, but I’ve gotten a helluva lot better.”
   We watched some more of the video, and she would rewind and rewatch the parts where she assaulted Mom in especially brutal and humiliating ways. She particularly enjoyed watching herself attack Mom’s breasts.
   “Your mom had such fat tits; they made such easy targets.”
   While I enjoyed watching the video with Crystal, I found her remarks about Mom annoying and worked up the courage to mock her a little. “It wasn’t fair. Your tits were so small; Mom probably didn’t attack them because she didn’t see them.”
   Far from getting mad, Crystal shot me an amused grin. Then she leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Pull your pants down.”
   “Wh…what did you say?”
   “You heard me.”
   “I don’t think I should.”
   “That wasn’t a request.”
   “Yes, ma’am.”
   She stood up as I slid my jeans and boxers down to mid-thigh.
   “How would you like to see my tits now?”
   “I…uhh…I don’t…uhh…know.” I was shocked by the question. It seemed like all the blood was flowing to my head, and I was about to pass out.
   “I know you want to. You’ve been undressing me with your eyes.”
   “What? No…I have…well…”
   “Don’t deny it. It’s obvious by the way you stare at my tits all the time. So? Do you want to see them?”
   “I…I guess so.”
   “You guess?”
   “No…I mean…yes…I want to.”
   “Then ask nicely. I want to hear you say please.”
   “Please, let me see your tits.”
   “That’s better. Your mother never taught you to have manners, but I bet I can.”
   As promised, she pulled her top off. Not surprisingly, she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were immaculate.
   “Even though that whore Megan is taking most of his money, your dd still has enough to buy me nice things.”
   “I agree,” I said unconsciously. Her breasts may have been fake, but they were well done. They must have cost a fortune.
   She didn’t stop at removing her top. Crystal also removed her boots and slid her skirt and panties off. As she stood completely naked, she confidently smiled down at me without an ounce of inhibition.
   “How do I compare with the me in the video?”
   “Well…your hair is now red.”
   She laughed and said, “I don’t mean my hair, dumb ass. What about my body?” I knew what she had meant but was so befuddled that finding the right response was difficult.
   “Your breasts…they are awesome.”
   “How about the rest of me?”
   I took in her whole body with my eyes. She was still thin but not as thin as she was at 18. My stepmom’s body had thickened in all the right places. Her hips were fuller, and her ass and legs were shapelier. Her belly was still flat and smooth, which was impressive for someone in their mid-thirties.
   “I like it,” I finally said, “You are beautiful.”
   She smiled and sat back down beside me, satisfied with the answer. As a reward, she grabbed my cock and began to stroke it as we continued the film. She took my hand and placed it on a boob, encouraging me to play with it. For the next few minutes, we watched the film while she jacked me off, and I fondled her boobs.
   I was just about to cum when the front door flew open. Mom stepped in with a furious look on her face. She had come straight from a charity fundraiser and was dressed to impress.
        Mom wore a dress jacket, skirt, white silk top, and high heels. The jacket and skirt were navy blue in color, intended to exhibit power since she was in charge of the fundraiser, while the skirt was short and the top was low-cut to appeal to male donors. Crystal was sexy, but Mom made her look plain.
   “Evan, I want you to go home right now!” Mom ordered me.
   “No,” Crystal responded for me as she stood up. “He’s fine staying here.”
   Crystal walked over and stood face-to-face with my mom. In her high heels, Mom was a good six inches taller than the redhead.
   “Evan, I said now!”
   I was about to stand when Crystal froze me with her following comment.
   “It’s been a long time since I kicked your ass. I was just teaching your son manners. Maybe I need to teach you some. Maybe your son would like to see me kick your ass in person.”
   “What…you…you…bitch!” I had never seen Mom look so furious. Suddenly, she lashed out with a hard slap to Crystal’s face. The redhead staggered back before a look of rage crossed her face. She lunged at my mom, and the two began fighting.
   I knew I should have intervened, but the emotions I felt from seeing my mom and stepmom fighting over me had me paralyzed. Unfortunately, the fight was pretty much what you'd expect when a seasoned barroom fighter goes up against a fancy socialite. Mom’s shoes went flying as Crystal slung her around by the hair. Then, with one hand holding a handful of blonde hair, Crystal used the other hand to throw uppercuts. She landed her punches at will and devastated Mom with several hard shots.
       My stepmom could have knocked her out any time, but she wanted to make the fight last longer. She was having too much fun. Crystal quit punching her and began removing Mom’s clothes. The redhead was not gentle either, delighting in ripping the expensive materials. Within the first two minutes of the fight, my mom was stripped down to her lacy powder blue bra and panties and staggering like she was drunk. Her left eye was swollen, her cheeks were puffy, and she had blood trickling from her nose.
   “These are nice,” Crystal said, eyeing Mom’s underwear, “They look expensive too. I think I’ll keep these for myself. Who knows, in a few years, I may let myself go and get fat like you, and they’ll fit me.”
        If Mom had been aware of what was happening, she would have been offended by the fat comment. She wasn’t fat at all. Compared to Crystal, she had a fuller, thicker body, but she was in great shape. Unfortunately, by the dazed look in her eye, I don’t think Mom could process the insult.
   Crystal carefully removed the bra and panties and tossed them to the side. Then she picked up a piece of Mom’s shredded top and tied her hands behind her back. Mom had already been rendered helpless by the beatdown she had received, so the restraints were unnecessary. I think Crystal just wanted to demean her even more.
   My stepmom forced my mom to her knees in front of me and then sat down beside me. She grabbed my cock and resumed jacking me off. As she did, she pulled my head to her breasts and said, “Enjoy.”
   I was embarrassed by my lack of compassion for my mom. Still, as she knelt in a daze before me, I took pleasure in the breasts of the woman who had beaten and humiliated her. Crystal couldn’t help but taunt Mom even more.
   “See Megan, even your son loves my breasts. He knows beautiful ones when he sees them, not like your old, worn-out tits.” Truth be told, I thought Mom’s tits were superior. Although they were all-natural, unlike Crystal’s fake boobs, they were perfectly formed and had amazingly little sag in them for a woman of 40. I didn’t think expressing my opinion at that moment would be a good idea. If anything, it might antagonize Crystal to beat on Mom some more. I also didn’t feel comfortable discussing my mom’s tits in front of her. Besides, I had a mouthful of one of Crystal’s sexy, though sweaty, boobs and was content with what I was doing.
   It didn’t take long before the inevitable happened. My cocked stiffened, and then I shot my load at my mom. Cum splattered all over her face and began dripping onto her boobs. Mom still looked dazed, and I hoped she did not realize what had happened.
   Now that I was satisfied, Crystal pushed me away and grabbed the top of Mom’s hair. The redhead was also aroused and needed relief. She crammed Mom’s face between her legs and waited expectantly.
   “You know what to do, slut,” Crystal said. Still nothing from Mom. Crystal pulled Mom’s head back, and Mom stared blankly back at her. The redhead had to slap her around a few times to get her to focus. “Now do it,” she said as she forced Mom’s face back into her crotch.
   I began to hear faint sounds of kissing and then slurping. At first, I doubted what I was hearing until Crystal leaned back with an aroused smirk on her face. I never would have believed in a million years that my mom would have eaten my stepmom’s cxnt. Apparently, Mom was good at it also because it only took a few minutes before Crystal’s body was spasming in an orgasm. Crystal laid back for a moment and closed her eyes. The redhead had an uncharacteristically pleasant expression on her face—an expression of sweet contentment.
   “I’m going to take a shower,” Crystal said as she stood up abruptly, leaving Mom and me alone.
   I looked down at Mom and felt pity for her. She was a wreck. I untied her wrists and helped her up. She was in no condition to drive, and the way she looked, I didn’t want to drive her home. If we were pulled over for some reason, it would be hard to explain why she was nude and covered in bruises, blood, and semen. Her clothes were in pieces, so she couldn’t put those on. I decided to clean her up first and then worry about finding something for her to wear.
   We went to the guest bathroom, and I found a washcloth. I wiped the cum off her first before she noticed it. Then, I began wiping the blood off her face. I tried to be gentle, but she still whimpered when I wiped the blood off her swollen, tender lips.
   I had just finished when I heard Dad walk in.
   “Why is the front door open?” He asked.
   “Because we have a visitor,” Crystal answered. Suddenly, the redhead stepped into the bathroom and grabbed Mom by the hand. She dragged Mom down the hall and presented her to Dad.
   “What the…” Dad was understandably confused as his wife and ex-wife stood before him nude. Crystal had her arms around Mom’s waist and held her so close their breasts were touching. Even though Mom was a couple of inches taller, the redhead’s breasts sat high on her chest, and their nipples were almost even with each other.
   “It’s okay. Megan and I have come to an understanding. She is going to be much more respectful from now on. Aren’t you, sweetheart?”
   Mom nodded her head submissively. The only sounds she made were soft whimpers when Crystal pressed her tits against hers. My stepmom’s boobs jutted straight out from her chest like missiles and smashed my mom’s boobs flat. It was obvious Crystal was doing it on purpose, just to hear Mom cry.
   “Things are going to be different between the three of us. I think we need to move to the bedroom and discuss things further.” Crystal took Mom and Dad by the hand and led them down the hall.
   It was hard to sleep that night, as they had left their bedroom door open. For hours, I could hear them having loud sex. Mom was the loudest. At times, she sounded like she was in pain, and at other times, she would scream out in pure ecstasy.
   The following day, I slept in late. When I awoke, I smelled breakfast cooking. Walking into the kitchen, I received a surprise. Mom was waiting on my dad and stepmom. It’s not just her servitude that surprised me but the way she appeared. My mom usually is very meticulous about her appearance. Even in the morning, she always leaves her bedroom in stylish pajamas, her hair tied up neatly in a ponytail. This morning, however, her hair was a matted mess. She still wore remnants of her makeup from the previous day, and her mascara was streaked down her cheeks. The only thing she was wearing was one of Dad’s t-shirts. Dad is not a big guy, and the t-shirt barely covered her vagina.
        Mom had a few fresh bruises on her face, and she walked funny like she had injured her groin. When she heard me walk in she gave me a quick, humiliated glance and then looked down in shame.
   Crystal and Dad told me good morning as if nothing unusual was going on. Then they finished their meals and stood up.
   “Breakfast was delicious,” Crystal said as she walked over to Mom and pulled her toward her. You did great, and I don’t just mean breakfast.” Then, she kissed Mom on the lips. Mom did not resist; she just stood there and took it, even when Crystal rammed her tongue into her mouth.
   After Crystal finished, Dad said, “Yeah, the food was great, Megan.” As he walked by, he patted Mom on her tush.
   Nothing has been the same since that weekend last summer. I did not go home again until the Christmas break. My dad and stepmom were at my mom’s house. I’m unsure if they live there now, but they certainly seemed at home.


Offline fight fan steve

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Re: Old Home Videos
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2024, 03:52:17 AM »
That. Was. Fabulous.

Loved it!


Offline catftluver

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Re: Old Home Videos
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2024, 03:11:33 PM »
Great story!! Hope they fight again..


Offline DavisJones

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Re: Old Home Videos
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 03:42:12 PM »
Very nice, thanks. If you have the inclination to do it, it would be great to read about when Crystal's mom putting a beating on Megan also.


Offline karl butters

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Re: Old Home Videos
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2024, 05:24:03 AM »
Very nice, thanks. If you have the inclination to do it, it would be great to read about when Crystal's mom putting a beating on Megan also.

       I was also curious about those fights and asked Evan about them. As it turned out, he had already asked Crystal about his mom’s fight with his future stepmom, but Crystal did not see the fight and did not know more than she had already told him. Evan asked his mom, but she was not keen to talk about it. Crystal, however, is keen to talk about her fights and tells them to Evan as sexy bedtime stories.
   When Crystal found out about the bedtime stories and the bond it has created between Evan and his stepmom, Megan became jealous and agreed to tell the story.

   “I was still sore and badly bruised from the altercation with Crystal. To be honest, though, my ego was bruised as much as my body. I had underestimated the girl, assuming that I was stronger than the skinny witch. I heard the sound of a car door slamming and saw a woman. It was Mona, your grammy, and she didn't look like she had come for a friendly chat.
       ‘You think you're hot shit, don't you?’ Mona said. ‘Coming at my daughter like that. What's wrong with you?’
I was so furious. The nerve of this woman, after what Crystal had done to me. ‘Your daughter started it.’
       ‘And you think you can just beat her up and get away with it?" she growled. "You think you're some kind of badass?’
       ‘Me? A badass? Hardly. But I know I could take an old woman like you.’
       Then I threw a punch. Unfortunately, I missed. Then Mona threw a punch. Mona's fist hit me before I had a chance to react. The world spun, and I felt my body hit the ground. The taste of blood filled my mouth, and I knew I had made a mistake. I learned how vicious and nasty Mona could be.
      Mona was on me in an instant, her hands wrapped around my throat. I clawed at her arms, but she was stronger than she looked. I began choking, and panic set in.
      Desperate, I managed to push Mona off, rolling away and gasping for air. I stood up, but my head was swimming. She backed me against the side of her house.
        She began to taunt me. ‘You should have learned your lesson with Crystal. ‘But I'll make sure you don't forget this one.’
        Mona lunged again, and this time I was ready. I threw a punch that connected with her jaw, but it barely seemed to phase her. Then she hit me with a flurry of blows that sent me staggering. I hit the wall, and the world went dark around the edges.
        I don’t remember much about the next few moments, but I know I threw a lot of punches that were more hopeful than anything. I was just trying to keep Mona away until I could see and think clearly. But the woman was relentless. She threw me on the ground and then jumped on top. Mona had me pinned to the ground, and I saw her fist coming at me, and that’s the last thing I can remember until the hospital.
         I woke up to a blur of white lights and strange faces. A doctor was talking, and I heard him say, "broken jaw,’ ‘broken arm,’ and ‘concussion.’
   “Now, do you understand why I did not want to tell you about the fight,” Mom said.
        “I know it was tough, but thanks for telling me,” Evan said before adding, “I can’t believe that sweet Grammy was so tough back then,” Grammy (Mona) had always been so nice to him and gave him the best birthday gifts. He was her only grandchild, even though he was technically a step-grandchild, and she spoiled him.
   “Your Grammy,” Megan said with loathing in her voice, “Is a mean, awful person.”