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Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)

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Offline howardcosell

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Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« on: December 17, 2010, 12:45:18 AM »
Match #4 Glory vs. Madame Sin, OPW Moment Of Truth, Wembley Stadium, London, England

Christmas is a time of giving and sharing, so if someone has a request and I can make that happen, despite all the work I lost on a computer crash, I'll post it if I can find it. I lost the Glory vs Madame Sin match in it's own file, but luckily, I have the file where Glory gives her top five favorite matches and this match was in there. Madame Sin was created by Mike-y and back when we were all working together and getting along, we made this match between his biggest baddest heel and my biggest baddest face a reality. Mike-y loved the Glory character and I have a love for Madame Sin and Red Dragon, so it was easy to collaborate. It's always nice when you work with people in mutual respect. Here it is, Glory vs Madame Sin. Happy Holidays!!

“Strange Kind Of Woman” by Deep Purple plays and out come Madame Sin, Miss Melons, and Penny Chambers. Madame Sin is 5’10” tall and weighs right around 140 lbs. She has black hair and blue eyes and is dressed in a tight black leather swimsuit, black knee high boots, wrist bands, and her traditional black mask and is carrying her six foot whip. The 5’4” 116 lb Haitian sensation known as Miss Melons had to abandon her conversation with fellow Haitian, Karma, and don her tied white bikini, white thong, white leather boots, and of course, the collar. Penny Chambers walks nervously with the two women and watches as Sin storms up the stairs and enters the ring. People have said that Madame Sin isn’t that great of a fighter, that she relies on her reputation and her cruel past actions, but Madame Sin has built a pretty good resume of experience touring the US and she’s rumored to have defeated a male opponent in a cage match. People can say what they want, she wouldn’t have the reputation if some of it wasn’t true. She’s dangerous and deadly. Madame Sin tests the ropes and gets comfortable as the referee tries to take the whip, but Sin yanks it free and places it in the corner.

“Search And Destroy” by Metallica hits, and here comes Glory. The 6’2” 170 lb Glory is dressed in a gold one piece variation of her usual silver outfit, she has on black and gold thigh high boots, and black gloves, she’s wearing her usual blood red lipstick, and her hair is up in its traditional Mohawk. The English fans chant “GLORY GLORY GLORY!!!!” as she slowly walks down to the ring, staring at Madame Sin and licking her lips. Glory enters the ring and immediately gets in Sin’s face as the referee takes a step back.

Glory- So, you’re the woman who’s gonna make me beg, huh? I can’t wait to beg, ha ha ha ha ha!!

Glory looks down at Sin, and as usual, Glory gives Sin her sinister grin, or as Marie would say, her “I’ve got you” smile. Sin responds by punching Glory hard in the jaw and driving her knee into the black girl’s crotch. Glory doubles over and it looks like she’s breathing heavily, but as she stands herself up, it’s clear that she’s laughing.

Glory- You didn’t do your research! You’re gonna bleed. Let’s do this.

The two women circle each other and then they lock up. Glory easily shoves Sin across the ring and to the mat, then as Sin gets to her knees and looks up at Glory, the tall black girl flexes her muscles and blows a kiss at her opponent. Sin stands up and the two women lock up again, this time Glory whips Sin to the ropes, Sin bounces off as Glory bounces off the opposing ropes, Sin ducks a clothesline and as Glory comes off again, Sin catches her with a knee to the stomach. The force is enough to somersault Glory over. Sin immediately begins to stomp on Glory and she pauses to raise her arms to the crowd, who boo her. Despite Sin being an EBL wrestler, she is still a heel, whether she’s in London or Los Angeles. Sin pulls Glory to a seated position, places her knee against the back of Glory’s neck and pulls up and back on her chin.

Glory- She’s not so fuckin tough now, is she? She’s not so fuckin bad now, is she?

Sin maintains the chinlock with one hand and drives heavy and hard smashes down on Glory’s chest and stomach, forcing groans from the mocha-skinned marauder.

Sin- Come on, bitch! Beg me, bitch!! Who’s your mistress?

Keeping her knee pressed against the back of Glory’s neck and keeping her grip around Glory’s neck, Sin does a short flip over Glory’s body. The result is that Glory’s neck and head and bent down at an extreme angle, the weight of Sin’s body is briefly on Glory’s neck, and when Sin lets go, Glory’s body shoots back and the back of her head hit’s the mat! Sin stands over Glory, pulls her legs apart and does a leg drop on Glory’s stomach and crotch! Glory holds her aching belly, but Sin pulls her hands apart and drives two hard soccer style kicks right in the pit of Glory’s stomach. Glory grabs Sin’s ankle and yanks her down, then quickly mounts the German and begins to hammer away at her with punches. Sin is groaning and a particular shot to the nose draws blood. Glory pulls Sin up by her mask and lifts her above her head. Then Glory drives Sin face first into her knee… there’s the sound of a crunch as Sin drops to the mat on her stomach. Glory wraps Sin’s legs around her waist and grabs her chin, pulling the German off the mat. Glory pulls Sin’s chin up, flipping her legs forward and then slams the back of Sin’s head to the mat!!

Glory- Where’s the bad ass? Where’s Madame Sin? Right now, you’re fighting more like Madame Butterfly. I’m not even breathing hard.

Glory goes outside of the ring and gets a steel chair, then reenters. This is a no disqualification match, so it’s all fair game. Glory pulls Sin up after setting up the chair in the middle of the ring. Glory attempts to drive Sin’s head into the chair, but Sin elbows the black girl in the stomach and buckles her legs, then Sin faces Glory and suplexes the taller girl over the chair. Glory lets out a cry of “AHHHH!!” as the back of her neck hit’s the top of the chair and she tumbles over, resting on the bottom rope. Sin could’ve broken Glory’s neck with that move, and the crowd is hushed as Glory is down holding her neck. Sin stands and pulls the hurting Glory to her feet and whips her off the ropes, then gives her a drop toehold!! Glory’s face smashes into the steel chair and Sin turns her over on her back and places on foot on her, 1,2, Glory kicks out! Sin picks up the steel chair and drives it down on Glory’s stomach, forcing a loud “OOF!!” from the black girl. Sin likes the sound so much that she does it five more times, each time pausing and smiling at the sound and glancing at Penny and Janet. Then Sin drives the chair down on Glory’s throat, and the black girl starts spitting up blood! Sin pulls Glory to her feet and whips her off the ropes, Glory comes back and Sin ducks under the clothesline attempt, Glory bends and picks up the chair as she’s running, but then, as Glory comes off the ropes again, Sin nails her with a flying dropkick, driving the chair into Glory’s face!! Glory rests on the ropes and Sin gets in her face.

Sin- So… sounds like you’re breathing pretty hard now, bitch.

Sin twists the top and middle ropes to where they trap Glory’s arms and then she gets the chair. Sin approaches, but Glory nails her with a kick to the stomach, forcing an unpleasant “OOF!” from Sin as she staggers back. The angry woman in black charges Glory with the chair and Glory ducks low, then manages to back body drop Sin over the top rope and to the concrete floor!! Glory got great positioning for this move, despite her arms being locked up, and Sin was sent pretty high in the air as she flipped and landed on her back and the chair she was holding crashed into her face. Janet looks at Penny and Penny shrugs her shoulders as Glory frees herself and exit’s the ring. Glory kicks the chair away, then pulls Sin up into suplex position, but Glory drives Sin’s crotch into the steel ringpost, wish boning her legs, and then modifies the move and DDT’s Sin’s head on the chair!! Sin is bleeding badly from underneath her mask, and Glory pulls her up and rams her head first into the steel barricade! Glory checks her forehead and realizes that she’s bleeding also, and it seems to really make her angry. Usually, blood is something that doesn’t bother Glory, but knowing that she has another match for the world title to be in, provided she wins this one, Glory is a bit pissed off now.

Glory charges and aims a kick right at Sin’s head, but Sin throws herself out of the way, and Glory’s foot gets caught between the bars of the barricade, and the knob of her ankle takes the impact as she lets out a startled scream. Glory starts to reach down and free her foot, but Sin grabs her around the waist from behind and locks in a two handed stomach claw, one of her favorite moves. Sin’s fingers dig into Glory’s tender flesh around her navel and squeeze, forcing a hissing sound from the black girl as she doubles forward, giving Sin more freedom to really work her fingers in there.

Sin- C’mon, beg me to let you go. I’ve got a collar just for you, Glory. I read about you; you were raised by prostitutes, eh? So, I guess you know all about being controlled.


Glory violently throws her head back and Sin gets a mouthful of Mohawk and the impact of Glory’s skull slamming into her already bleeding nose! Sin staggers back and Glory pulls her foot free and turns around, but Sin slams a knee into the black girl’s stomach, doubling her over. Then Sin slips behind Glory and after locking the stomach claw back in, Sin gives Glory a German suplex into the barricade!! The back of Glory’s neck once again takes the impact as Sin rolls herself and Glory away from the barricade and maintains her deathlock on Glory’s stomach. Sin can feel Glory’s stomach softening and beginning to feel like a pillow, and this only makes her squeeze more. Sin taunts Glory by nibbling on the black girl’s ear and whispering all sorts of sexual deeds that she intends to do to Glory after she beats her. Glory reaches back and holds Sin’s head down on her shoulder, then Glory rolls herself back, pinning Sin’s body underneath her. Glory kicks herself up with Sin on her back and lands in a seated position. Sin cries out as her throat slams into Glory’s shoulder and she is shot off of the mocha-skinned marauder and to the floor!! Glory stands and notices that Sin ripped her outfit and now she has a hole exposing her sexy brown stomach and cat’s eye shaped navel. She hisses in pain as she sees the bruise Allison Payne left around her navel many months ago and now the small bloody imprints of Madame Sin’s ten fingernails as they outlined the bruise. Glory shakes her head in disgust as she looks at both Penny and Janet.

Glory- I hope you took out life insurance on this bitch. (Turning and facing Melons) And YOU! You ought to be ashamed of yourself! What do you think you’re doing with this walking abortion of a ‘mistress?’ It’s 2007, Melons, not 1807, wake up and get with the program!

Glory approaches Sin, but Sin springs to her feet and doubles Glory over with a hard kick to the stomach, then manages to give the larger woman a fireman’s slam on the concrete floor! Glory rolls onto her stomach and gets to her hands and knees, but Sin stands over her and drops her butt down on Glory’s kidneys, forcing an “AUGH!!” from the black girl as Sin locks in a Boston Crab. Sin is shocked as Glory easily throws her six feet and powers out of the submission hold. Glory is noted as the only person to have ever broken the Rachel Apache sharpshooter, and she may have just become the first person to ever break the Madame Sin Boston Crab.

Glory- How do you get a Boston Crab out of a German Cow?

Glory stands up and she and Sin simultaneously reenter the ring. Glory is hurting and bleeding, but Glory can see Sin’s bloody face and tired expression from underneath her mask and she gives the Madame her sinister smile once again.

Glory- I’m still here. Are you ready to start the match yet? Are the warm-ups over?

Sin- Bitch, I’m gonna fuck you up. You’re overrated, Glory. I’m not impressed at all. They made so much hype about you, and you can’t hang with me.

Glory- Are you done catching your breath? Next time you want a break, just say so.

Sin- You fucking bitch!

Sin charges Glory with reckless abandon and extends her arms, looking for her doubled handed stranglehold, but Glory extends one arm and catches Sin by the throat. Glory squeezes Sin’s throat and brings her face close and smiles.

Glory- I like to look my opponents in their eyes right before a do the choke slam. I want to see the fear and the worry and the hurt; I want to feel them beg Glory for her mercy. See, Glory is a good woman, but that’s my problem. I love to dance with the devil. So, Sin, tell me… have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Why, I ask that of all my prey. It’s just a little saying… you remember that from Batman? That’s what the Joker would always say… kinda ironic isn’t it? Because right now, I’m not fuckin’ joking.

Glory comes around and notices that Sin is passing out from Glory’s tight grip around her throat.


Miss Melons gets on the ring apron and distracts the referee. Glory releases Sin and approaches Melons, who quickly drops back down to the floor. Glory then feels Sin’s whip wrapping itself around her neck and tightening. Glory’s eyes widen and she tries to breath, but she can’t as Sin drives both knees into her back and brings her down on her stomach. Glory is grasping at the whip as Sin sits on her back and pulls upward on it in a modified camel clutch! Glory’s strength is waning as Sin is pulling back hard and the look in Sin’s bloody and swelling eyes is that of a woman gone mad.

Sin- I’m going to end your career!! No!! I’m going to take your heart!! You will surrender to me, Glory!! You will be my pet!! But you must be broken first… say my name, Glory!! Call me Mistress!! What’s that? You’re trying to say it, but you can’t? Well, you better fucking figure out a way to do it, whip or no whip, or else I will never let go!! You’re mine now!!

Glory is looking helpless as Sin turns her body, placing one knee between Glory’s shoulders at the base of her neck and the other on the small of her back, all the while pulling up on the whip. Glory gets her fingers locked around the whip and screams.


Sin- Say my name Glory!!

Glory pulls on the whip with all her might… and she manages to snap the whip in two major pieces, with only a few strands of leather connecting it!! Sin is propelled off of Glory and lands on her butt as Glory stands up and she takes the whip off of her neck and throws it at Sin.

Sin- No one’s ever done that before… no one… you’re a freak… that’s it… you’re a fucking freak bitch!! You’re on some fucking drugs or something!! No one can fucking do that!!


Sin gets to her feet and lashes Glory across the shoulder.

Glory- AHH!! Is that all you got? IS IT!! GIVE ME MORE, BITCH!! MAKE ME BEG!!

Sin lashes Glory hard across the chest, the bigger girl is staggered back with an “UNNNNHHHHH!!!!”


Sin- Fuck you, you fucking freak!!

Sin reaches back to lash Glory again, but Glory wraps her hand around Sin’s hand and then twists her wrist hard enough to tear the skin around it, and perhaps to damage the muscle tissue. Sin releases her whip and grabs her wrists as Glory crushes her hand and forces the German woman to her knees. Glory uses her other hand to pry the whip free of Sin and leans over Sin, smiling with terrifying glee. Glory squeezes Sin’s hand and Sin screams.


Glory yanks Sin off the mat and gives her The Rock Bottom!! But Glory stands and pulls Sin back to her feet.

Glory- That’s not good enough.

Glory pulls the battered, bloodied and beaten Madame Sin and carries her to the corner. Glory loops the whip around Sin’s neck several times then exit’s the ring with Sin. Glory hooks the rope around over the turnbuckle bar connecting the turnbuckle to the ringpost and pulls up, the result is that Sin’s body is being lynched just above the floor as it drapes a few inches from the ring apron. Sin is gone… she’s passed out from the choking and Glory notices.

Glory- That’s not good enough.

Glory shows her superior strength by cracking the whip and sending Sin over the ringpost, over Glory’s head and through the French announce table!! Dueling chants of “HOLY SHIT” and “GLORY GLORY GLORY” can be heard throughout the stadium as Glory pulls the broken Madame Sin from the debris and choke slams her across the steel barricade!! Sin’s back could’ve been broken if Glory really wanted it to be, since the small of Sin’s back hits the top of the barricade and she is bent like a bow!!

Sin is completely unconscious and a bloody mess as Glory places her in the ring, pulls her up, and gives her another Rock Bottom!! Glory places her foot on Sin’s neck, 1,2,3!!! Glory looks down at Madame Sin, then looks at Penny and Janet, and then at Melons. Glory climbs the top turnbuckle and raises her fist to the crowd as they chant her name. Samantha runs to the ring with a can of spraypaint and enters. She spraypaints “BITCH, cxnt, COWARD” on her stomach in pink paint. Then Samantha takes out a collar and places it on Sin’s neck; the collar has the words “Property of Queen Samantha Angelica Pritchard” then she finally takes off after yelling, “I’m the queen, bitch!!” Glory can only laugh, and as Sin shows signs of consciousness, Glory picks her up and gives her another Rock Bottom before dropping the whip across Sin‘s body. Glory finally exits the ring and heads to the back.
Glory- Yup, that match was a favorite of mine. It’s funny; I got a call from Mikey Roberts that night congratulating me on my victory. It would seem that he and Madame Sin go back a ways, but if you know Mikey, he has always been involved with some ‘interesting’ women. After that match, Janet K. Brown threw a fit, Miss Melons broke off from Sin, and everything seemed right with the world. EBL star wrestler Red Dragon would beat Vixxxen later on that night, and of course Glory would win the six-way fight and win the OPW World Title for the fourth time. Red Dragon is awesome and despite some of the shots the IQ’s have taken at her, we here in OPW all admire her work. She puts her all into her matches and they are very pleasing to the eye. So, I was a four time OPW World Champion
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Mike-y

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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 01:43:26 AM »
Wow! I forgot how good this one was. The match is exceptionally well written…

Although she had lost occasionally in the EBL, Madame Sin usually won her matches, though more often than not with some breaking of the rules, and interference from her lover Miss Melons who would distract the ref and/or pass Sin her whip in order to take down her opponent.

In short, no one ever took the fight to Sin and took her down in such a brutal battle as Glory… my favourite OPW fighter of the time. In her time with the EBL, Sin was never on the receiving end so much and never knocked out cold.

This match came from the OPW vs EBL event in London…. Unfortunately, I cannot date it any better than Howard has done, as my PC crashed some time ago and I lost the Kick Ass Angels stories that I used work on here with my then collaborator Janet.

So many thanks for reposting… I hope the regulars here enjoy reading it, if it’s the first time they have seen it, or even if they read on the original posting.


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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 02:04:22 AM »
That's Glory at her best.....taking down the arrogant Madame Sin.

Those bloody Brits!  (hint hint, Gems)



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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 02:25:05 PM »
LOVED IT!!!! as you know I'm still trying to catch up on all the old OPW characters and matches but this goes a great way to showing me more of Glory and her style :) Thanks for the re-post!

And this Brit will leave YOU bloody Mawee Bee ;) (I'm ready for that arse kicking you prommised now! I always wanted to see how far I could bend a gymnast... :D )

x G x
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 12:06:23 AM by Gemma Rox »
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2010, 11:59:27 PM »
thanks for the kind words, guys! The match wrote itself because Mikey provided a lot of info on Madame Sin and Glory is pretty easy to write a match for. I really had fun doing it.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2010, 11:42:09 PM »
Madame Sin aka the EBL's top heel was a hundred per cent in character all the way. Howard did a very professional job with her and I'm pleased that there is a new audiance for this.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Glory vs Madame Sin (Summer 2007... I think)
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2010, 12:05:40 AM »
Thanks for the compliment, Mikey. You gave me a few of her stories and I remember we had a few talks in the chatroom about her. I always want to show someone else's character as she is depicted by her creator and plus, I always liked your work, so the reading and researching was fun.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."