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Question for Titfighters - Defeat & Recovery

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Offline ETC (etcaaf)

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Question for Titfighters - Defeat & Recovery
« on: May 05, 2024, 03:06:04 PM »
As a longtime fan of catfighting in general, I have recently been reading some titfight stories.  I have read many descriptions of “pancaked tits”.  This leads me to my question.
   What is the recovery time like?   I would imagine there is a physical as well as a mental aspect to it.   I would like to hear fro the beautiful combatants themselves. 

Please don’t be shy as I am genuinely interested in hearing about it.

Thanks in advance

ETC = Enjoying Those Catfights!
(New Profile because old one crashed)


Offline DottiD

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Re: Question for Titfighters - Defeat & Recovery
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2024, 05:31:03 PM »
Not sure I ever heard the term “ pancake tits” lol but as for recovery time, it depends on how long the match went on for, as well as how heavy or form one’s opponent was in the breasts. The “injury” from such a match is a deep ache annoying as well as the soreness in the tendons , ligaments and muscle. What a lot of people forget is no matter how busty a woman is, the tendons, ligaments and muscle in the upper chest that help support the breasts are what really take the brunt of pain. I can only compare it to doing leg lifts and the next day your lower back feels like you tore the muscle. Yes we do feel it in the actual breasts as well. As for healing time everyone’s different, some feel less or react differently to pain then others. Where one might feel better in a few days might take another a week or two. If the match was strictly grind, smear , drag , slow “ erotic” style the feeling is more like one’s lover over handling or squeezing , where as swinging the breasts and having heavy colliding or “ bashing” takes a much heavier toll. And obviously hands on is going to make recovery even longer. There are methods that help speed it up, ice and heat , careful stretching and longer resting, and deep topical soothing creams . I have a personal mix I use consist of aloe, vitamin E, and muscle cream. But as for myself I work my chest, shoulders , back to keep the girls high and round and firm.


Offline marlu Queen

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Re: Question for Titfighters - Defeat & Recovery
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2024, 12:03:02 AM »
Not sure I ever heard the term “ pancake tits” lol but as for recovery time, it depends on how long the match went on for, as well as how heavy or form one’s opponent was in the breasts. The “injury” from such a match is a deep ache annoying as well as the soreness in the tendons , ligaments and muscle. What a lot of people forget is no matter how busty a woman is, the tendons, ligaments and muscle in the upper chest that help support the breasts are what really take the brunt of pain. I can only compare it to doing leg lifts and the next day your lower back feels like you tore the muscle. Yes we do feel it in the actual breasts as well. As for healing time everyone’s different, some feel less or react differently to pain then others. Where one might feel better in a few days might take another a week or two. If the match was strictly grind, smear , drag , slow “ erotic” style the feeling is more like one’s lover over handling or squeezing , where as swinging the breasts and having heavy colliding or “ bashing” takes a much heavier toll. And obviously hands on is going to make recovery even longer. There are methods that help speed it up, ice and heat , careful stretching and longer resting, and deep topical soothing creams . I have a personal mix I use consist of aloe, vitamin E, and muscle cream. But as for myself I work my chest, shoulders , back to keep the girls high and round and firm.
completely agree
Proud to be a member of Vicious Fighters - VF Rules !!!


Offline Kiva

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Re: Question for Titfighters - Defeat & Recovery
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2024, 04:10:29 AM »
From a medical standpoint, if a woman shows up in our clinic or Emergency Department with swollen bruised breasts due to blunt trauma, the most important intervention (after ruling out bleeding) is ice packs for 15 minutes, every few hours for the first 2 days. There would be a high likelihood of fat necrosis, which is literally cell death and can have short and long term consequences.

Breasts tissue is unlike any other part of the body, being composed of fat and mammary ducts and tissue. The blood supply comes mainly from small branches of the internal mammary artery, ending up as tiny blood vessels and capillaries superficially near the skin.

Swelling from trauma and proteins released from inflammation occlude and constrict the blood vessels, depriving fat tissue from blood, resulting in tissue death (necrosis). We see this often in women in motor vehicle accidents with breast injuries from seatbelt straps. But this can happen with minor trauma, including simple surgery. Any injury with swelling and bruising likely has some degree of fat necrosis. Women with large or firm breasts have a higher risk, since there is a higher amount of tension already present.

What happens with fat necrosis? Most of the time, not much. There might be pain and swelling for a few weeks. There might be lumps or dimples which could take months to go away. Over time, the necrosis is replaced by scar tissue, which may not be noticeable. Occasionally, there is permanent deformity. Any woman who has repeated breast trauma has a recurrent cycle of swelling, inflammation, necrosis and fibrosis (scar tissue) is very likely to develop some degree of deformity. Also, fat necrosis cannot be distinguished from cancer on a mammogram or ultrasound, requiring a biopsy to settle it, causing stress and anxiety to the patient.

So, ice ASAP is the best way to try to reduce swelling and risk of fat necrosis. I prefer ibuprofen over Tylenol due to the anti-inflammatory effect of the latter, but either are fine. You can stop the ice and apply heat on the third day.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.