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« on: April 24, 2024, 12:43:22 AM »
This is the first, of a series of stories, involving my wife Cindy and
her best friend Diane.
By Lucky Guy

Part I  Cindy vs. Diane   (Pool Chicken Fight and Arm Wrestling)

Part II Cindy vs. Diane   (Body Building and Weight Lifting)

Part III Cindy vs. Diane   (Diane challenges Cindy to a rematch, Arm
Wrestling, Leg Wrestling, and Wrestling)

Part IV Cindy vs. Diane   (Cindy challenges Diane to a rematch,
wrestling and stomach punching)

Part V Cindy vs. Diane     (Cindy and Diane settle their differences, in
a Boxing ring)

Part VI Cindy vs. Diane    (Diane challenges Cindy to strip to the waist
and fist fight, to see who the better woman is)

Part I

Cindy vs. Diane  (Pool Chicken Fight and Arm Wrestling)

The Tale Of The Tape:

      Cindy                       Diane

Ht.      5'2"                      5'1"
Wt.      143                       116
Age       40                       44
Chest     44 (36D)                 34 (34A)
Waist     29                       22
Hips      38                       38
Biceps    12 1/2                   11 1/2
Thights   21                       21
Calves    13 1/2                   13
Hair      Blonde                   Brown

  It all started, at Diane's house, at a pool party. After an evening of
drinking, we all hit the pool. Cindy was wearing a revealing blue one
piece suit, which bearly contained, her huge breasts, and Diane was
wearing a skimpy black bikini.

  Everyone was fooling around and Diane got up, onto my shoulders and
yelled to Cindy, "Chicken fight time, bitch"(jokingly) Cindy said,
"Alright slut, prepare to get your ass kicked." Cindy got up on to,
Diane's husbands shoulders, and off we went.

Cindy flexed her solid biceps, at Diane and said, "Look what your in
for." Diane just laughted and flexed her smaller, but still solid biceps
back at Cindy.

  Both women clasped their hands, in a test of strength, and began to
struggle, trying to knock one of them over and become the pool champ.
About a minute, into the bout, I saw my sexy wife, go tumbling, into the
water, and Diane flexed her biceps, and said, "Who's ass got kicked,
bitch!" Cindy was pissed and said "Let's go again, you got lucky ,that

Cindy climbed up on Diane husbands shoulder, again. Diane told her she
was going to whip her ass again! Cindy snarled, "Fuck you, bitch, let's
get it on!" So we began, round 2, for the pool chicken fight
championship. This time, the battle went on much longer, with both women
trying to muscle the other woman down. After about 2 minutes, Diane let
out a loud grunt and finally muscled Cindy, in to the water! Diane was
estatic! I paraded he around the pool, while she flexed her biceps and
decleared herself, the pool champ! Cindy was mad, but congratulated
Diane, on her victory. Diane hugged Cindy and said, that she had never
fought someone so strong before.

We got out of the pool, dried off, and got some drinks. I decided to
stoke the fires, a little, while we were discussing the match, by
saying, "I'll bet Cindy can take you, in a real arm wrestling match,
what do you say Diane?" Diane hesitated, and then said, "If Cindy's
game, then so am I." Cindy eagerly agreed, hoping to get back some of
pride, she lost, by losing to her sexy smaller freind, in the pool.

Diane's husband and I cleared, an area on the deck table, wher they
could arm wrestle. I asked Diane's husband, to get me a measuring tape,
so we could get the tale of the tape, before their next bout. The girls
told me, I could measure their biceps only. Cindy went first,she pumped
up, her right arm, and produced a very solid biceps, that peaked at 12
1/2 inches, her left arm was the same. Now, it was Diane's turn. She
flexed her right arm and produced an impressive 11 1/2 inch bicep, and
her left was the same. Hers were solid, but not quite as hard as my sexy
wife's. Cindy was happy, she won the bicep contest. Diane seemed a bit
nervous, after seeing Cindy's advantage.

The girls got to the table and we set them up.  I put their hands
together and told them to start. Both of them pushed, as hard as they
could, they both were looking, to quickley outmuscle the other. First
Cindy had the advantage, then Diane. I caught both women, at one time or
another, checking out their own and their opponents solid bulging
biceps. Diane began to tire first, and Cindy put the big push on, and
that extra inch of muscle, help slam Diane's arm painfully, to the
table! "I won!" screamed Cindy excitedly! Diane rubbed her sore arm and
said, "I can't belive your that strong!" Cindy said, "You're no pussy,
in the muscle department either, my arm is really sore!" I gave her wife
a passionate kiss and had both of these sexy women stand up, and I
announced, "The winner in 2 minutes and 30 seconds and the pool arm
wrestling champion, my beautiful wife ....  Cindy!!!"

Cindy and Diane embraced and kissed each other on the cheek, and Diane
said, "You're the better women tonight, but I'll get you next time."
Cindy smiled and said, "Anytime you want a rematch, just asked, it was
tough, but fun."

We went home, shortly after and we had some of the wildest sex, of our
lives. Cindy mounted my stiff cock and said, "How does it feel to be
fucked, by the champ!" While she rode my cock, she was flexing and
admiring her rock solid biceps and said, "If she wants somemore of me,
I'll kick her flat chested ass again!"

Over at Diane's house, Diane's husband her fallen asleep, after their
sexual encounter. Diane went to the gameroom, and looked at her self, in
the mirror, and flexed her solid biceps and bare chest and noticed the
old weight set, that sat in the corner and started thinking, "Hmmm... if
Cindy  lifts weights maybe I should start."

Cindy vs. Diane  Part II (Body Building and Weight Lifting)

As we left, Part I, Diane was deciding, to build up her body, some, so
she could challege Cindy and win, this time.

Unfortunatly, that was the last pool party, of the season. Cindy had
wanted to lose, some weight, so she stepped up her excersise and weight
lifting routines. I took pictures of Cindy, in just black panties,
flexing, and recording her vital statistics. We would do this every 2
weeks, until next Memorial Day, so she could see her progress.

One night, when Cindy was working late, Diane stopped over at our house.
Her husband was out of town, on busines, for several months, so came
over to ask me a favor.

Diane said, "I know that Cindy's working out, to get ino bikini shape,
for next summer, I was wondering, if you could help me, as well?" I said
that I guess I could and asked her why the sudden interset in working
out? Diane smiled and said,"I saw you stiff cock, while Cindy and I were
arm wrestling, and I know how much it turns you on, by helping me muscle
up some, I plan to challenge Cindy to arm wrestle again,  andI want to
fight her, on the wrestling mats, to show her whose legs are stronger."
"If you want to see us wrestle all out, in bikinis, or maybe topless,
you'll help me", she purred. I almost blew a load, in my pants, but
Diane unzipped my pants and finished the job herself, taking in all 8
inches and swallowing all of my cum! Cindy is an expert cock sucker, but
Diane was a deep throat women! When she was done, she wiped the cum off,
on my shirt, and said "When I beat her, you can return the favor!" I
quickly agreed to help Diane build up her muscles!

The next day, I went over to Diane's house and photographed her flexing
topless, in black panties, just like Cindy. I took her vital statisics
and she lifted some weights and excercised, while I watched. When she
was done, she gave me a deep kiss, rubbed my swollen crotch, and told me
to come back, in 2 weeks.

That weekend was Cindy's photo weekend, and we saw some improvement, and
Cindy declared, "I'm can't wait til Diane sees me, in my new bikini,
this summer." "She'll look like a little girl next to my big chest!,
Cindy laughed! I loved these sessions, because the sex was fantastic, as
she would retell her victory over Diane.

So this continued, all winter long. Both Cindy and Diane were building,
their bodies up, but due to the winter weather, neither one could tell,
how the muscle building process was going, and to be fair to Cindy, I
didn't show Diane any of her photos.

Memorial Day weekend was finally here. Cindy stripped down, to her new
electric blue bikini bottoms, and we started the last tale of the tape
photos, later, in the day, Diane did the same, but in a black bikini

Memorial Day Tale Of The Tape
                Cindy                     Diane

Ht.             5'2"                       5'1"
Wt.             133                        127
Chest           42 (34D)                   35 (34B)
Waist           27                         22
Hips            36                         37
Biceps          13 1/2                     13 3/4
Thighs          22                         22 1/2
Calves          14                         14

This time any fight, is going to be very even!

As Diane flexed her rock hard solid biceps, for me, she invited Cindy
and I over for a pool party, the next day and for me to bring my camera.

When I told Cindy, about the invite, she flexed her rock hard solid
biceps, kissed me, and said bring a camera, you never know, what might
happen? Then, she stripped out of her bikini and she fucked me right
there, on the kitchen floor.

I can't wait for the party tonight!

Cindy vs. Diane Part III (Diane challenges Cindy to Arm Wrestle & Leg

We arrived at Diane's house, about 6 PM, and Diane greeted us, at the
door, with a long robe on. Cindy and I both embace Diane and kissed her.
Cindy was also wearing a long baggy robe, to hide her muscles, just as
Diane was doing. Diane took me aside, and said, "She looks like she
still has her flabby gut, I'm gonna kick this cow's ass!"  I told her
looks can be decieving, but she just laughed. Cindy remarked, when Diane
left the room, "She still the same skinny flat chested bitch, wait til
she sees my huge boobs popping ,out of this bikini top, and I'm packing
more muscle, than last year!" I felt her flexed arm, under her robe, and

Diane walked back, in the room, with our drinks, and told us her husband
was not going to make it home, for the holiday. After tossing a few
strong drinks down, Diane stood up, and stripped of her robe, and flexed
her muscles, to a stunned Cindy. "Are you ready for a rematch bitch!"
Diane hissed  while admirering her own muscle show. Although, taken
back, Cindy, jumped up, and took her robe off, and flexed her hard
biceps, at Diane. Diane was startled, not expecting, Cindy stomach, to
be almost, as flat as her's. "Not bad for a fat old cow, spat Diane.
Cindy darted back, "I think chicken chest, got some boobs, with her

Cindy told me, to get the measuring tape and camera, out of her purse.
Cindy told Diane, "Put up or shut up, bitch!" Although, Cindy had a 5
pound weight and 1 inch height advantage, Diane was the better woman, in
the muscle department.  Diane had her 13 3/4 inches to 13 1/2 inches, on
the biceps, 22 1/2 inches to 22 inches, on the thighs, and both sexy
women measured 14 inches around the calves. Cindy boasted a 42 inch
chest to Diane's small busted, but musclar 35 inch chest, but Diane
said "You don't fight with your chest."

We went to same deck table, that Cindy defeated Diane at last summer, to
begin, the rematch. They clasped hands, postioned them selves, and Diane
wrapped her leg around Cindy's leg-thigh to thigh- "My fucking thighs
are gonna crush yours." Cindy said, "Try your worst scarecrow!" I
started the match. Both of these sexy solidly muscled women gave it
their all. Sweat was pouring, from both women profusely, as first Diane,
then Cindy, took the advantage. The sweat made there swollen biceps
glimmer, and Diane began to try to psyche Cindy out, by talking, to her.

"You're gonna lose bitch, just look at my biceps, their bigger and
harder,than yours, and your husband's just lovin' it", Diane growled.
Cindy grunted, but said nothing, trying to concentrate on pinning, her
beautiful foe's arm down. After 3 minutes, I saw Cindy begin, to weaken,
and Diane grunted and began muscleling my sexy wife arm, down to the
table. As Cindy's arm slammed, on to the table, Diane said, " I whipped
your flabby ass, Cindy.... now who's stronger and who's the better
women, bitch?" , as she still had Cindy, in her crushing grip. Cindy
yelped, "You are, You are." Diane yelled, "I am what, bitch... say it?"
"You're stronger and you're the better woman", Cindy gasped.

We all needed a drink, to cool down with. The girls were less hostile
now, I think the heat of the battle got to them! After awhile Diane
asked me how I liked her legs. I said they're great. She sid who's got
the best legs, Cindy or I. Cindy got up and both of them model their
shapely legs, for me. I called it a tie, Cindy, looking for something to
salvage her ego, said she'd leg wrestles Diane, to see who was the
shapliest and strongest legs. Diane agreed.

Both girls laid face down and wrapped their thighs and calves around
each others legs, sort of like a leg lift machine. I set them and said
go. Cindy was in trouble, from the start as Diane's musclar thighs
started to bring her sexy legs down, in a few seconds, Diane slammed
Cindy's thighs down hard. Cindy was furious! Diane suggested, they try
their left legs, and the same thing happened, although Cindy lasted a
little longer, this time. Diane said, "Who's got the strongest and
shapliest legs, now bitch?" Cindy grimmaced and said, Diane has the
strongest and shapliest legs."

Both Cindy and Diane were tired. They grudgingly shook hands and hugged
each other. Cindy told her she wanted to wrestle Diane, in 2 weeks, and
Diane agreed. Just before we left, Diane grabbed Cindy's arm and twisted
it just hard enough, and said, "Who's the better woman, sweetie?" Cindy
grunted, "You are tonight, but will settle on the mat the next time,

Cindy apoligized, for losing, and I told her not to worry, becaus I
love, no matter what, and I got an awesome blow job, on the drive home.

The next morning I awoke, to see me sexy muscluar wife, doing biceps
curls, on our bed, in the nude, and telling me how she was going to beat
her flat chested rival's shapley ass. I love mornings!

Cindy vs. Diane Part IV (Stomach Punching and Wrestling)

2 weeks had come and gone, and today was fight day. This time Diane
came, to our house to fight, my sexy busty wife.

Diane arrived, I answer the door, and recieved a long French kiss, from
my wife's beautiful friend. She had on black mini, about to mid thigh,
and was checking her great legs out, when my wife came in wearing red
short shorts and a tank top, without a bra. They both looked great.
Cindy said, "Lets get down to business, Diane, the mat's in the
gameroom." We all went to the gameroom to get ready, for their wrestling

Cindy set up the rules, 2 out of 3 falls or submissions, no time limit,
and the fight would be bare chested. Diane seemed taken back, by the 3rd
condition and began to protest... but Cindy said "My house, my rules,
flat chest." Diane shot back, "OK topless it is you fat bellied cow!"
With that remark, Cindy stripped her top off, to reveal 2 huge firm 44
inch breasts and a much flatter, hard stomach, than 2 weeks ago. Cindy
toped the scales at 136 ponds and her biceps measured 14 eye popping
inches. Her thighs were now at, 22 1/2 inches and calves at 14 inches.
Diane slipped, out of the mini, and only had on a pair skimpy black
panties. Cindy took of her shorts to reveal the same type of panties
Diane had on, but purple, in color. Diane weighted in at, 127 pounds and
her chest measured 35 1/2 inches. Her biceps were also a rock solid 14
inches and her thighs at 22 3/4 inches and calves at 14 1/4 inches.

Cindy remarked to Diane that her stomach, was as hard as rock. Diane
said her's was flatter and harded, so she challeged Cindy to a stomch
punching contest. Cindy agreed, having done 1,000's of stomach crunches,
to get to this point.  Diane flexed her big biceps and taut stomach
muscles and told Cindy to give it her best shot. Cindy flexed her solid
biceps and then unleashed a thundering upppercut, into Diane's flat
stomach. Diane winched, but hardly moved back and straigtened right up.
Diane said gasping, "Not bad, but I gonna knock you down and out." Cindy
was worried, she had punched her stomach, as hard as she could and
barely moved her. Cindy flexed her biceps and her stomach muscles, and
told Diane to give it all she's got. Diane flexed her sexy biceps and
deliverd a crushing uppercut, to Cindy's unprotected gut. Cindy gasped
and shuddered and dropped to one knee and then fell on the ground
,gasping for breath. Diane flexed her biceps and said"Count the bitch
out!" While Cindy lay on the ground, in pain, I began the count, "1...
2... 3... 4... 5.... 6...7 ....8 ...9....10 and your out. I grabbed
Diane's arm, as she flexed her other arm, and said, "The winner of the
flattest stomach contest... by a 10 count knockout  Dynamite Diane!"

Cindy regained her bearings, and told me to get the wrestling match
started. I told her I was worried about her, and wante to cancel the
bout. She was angry and said, "I'm going to beat the panties off of that
flat chested bitch!" I kissed my sexy wife and was so proud of her.

This wrestling match is to settle once and for all who is the better
woman. In this corner, wearing purple panties, standing 5'2", weighing
136 pounds of solid muscle, and measuring 44-27-36, Silver Dollar
Nipples Cindy and her opponent, wearing black panties, standing in a t
5'1", weighing 127 pounds of solid muscle, and measuring 35 1/2-22 1/2 -
37, the current arm wrestling, leg wrestling, and stomach punching
champion, Dynamite Diane.

The 2 bare chested beauties squared off, at the center of the mat, and
grabbed each others hands, over their heads, in a test of strength.
Cindy's extra bicep curls began to show, as she slowly muscled Diane's
arms down to her sides. Cindy said, "Who got the muscles, now bitch!"
Cindy got Diane, in a bear hug, and began squeezing her sexy foe. Diane
was frantically tring to get out of this hold, when Cindy slammed her,
to the mat. This stunnned Diane, and Cindy pinned her for a 3 count,
before she could recover. Cindy stood over Diane and flexed her huge
chest and big solid biceps at me. I was proud of her.

The second fall began, with Diane tackling Cindy to the ground. Diane
manuvered her way behind her and caught her in a leg scissor. Cindy
broke this hold several times, but Diane was to quick and athletic to
let her get away. A few minutes late Diane wrapped her sexy leg around
Cindy's waist and began to squeeze, even harded. Diane's thigh muscles
bulged and flexed. Cindy couldn't get loose and had to submit. The seond
fall went to Diane.

The 2 wrestlers took a break and the next fall would be the deciding
one. Diane told Cindy the winner of the next fall would get my big cock,
for the night. Cindy told Diane," If you're woman enough to whip me you
can have it." I didn't know who to root for at this time!

The 3rd fall began with Cindy and Diane exchanging a few punches to the
gut and boobs. I broke it up and told them to wrestle, they can box over
me another time. They rolled and tumbled with both women getting on top,
at various times, for a 2 count, but not enough for a pin. They were
getting tired and I knew the first one to mae a mistake would win this
bout. Their sweaty bodies glistened, showing off their solid sexy
muscles and my wife's big chest. My wife made the first error, and let
Diane get her from under her thigh and Diane gave it all she had and
lifted Cindy onto hers strong shoulders. Diane began putting presure on
Cindy's sexy arms and legs, while holding her airborne. I couldn't
belive she was this strong! Cindy had no choice, but to submit, to the
better woman! After Cindy submitted, Diane put her on the groud, and
pinned her and had me count my beautiful wife out. 1...2...3... you're

I took Diane arm, while she flexed the other one, and announced "The
winner in 2 falls to 1, the new wrestling champion and the undisputed
better woman..... Dynamite Diane!!!"

I checked on Cindy, kissed her, told her how proud I was of her, and
then Diane came over, shook her hand and hugged her. Even after all they
went through, the both said it was mainly to clear the air between them.
Diane reminded Cindy of their bet and Cindy told me to go with her and
we would plan a rematch the next day.

Diane and fucked and sucked all night, and she proved once again, that
she was the cock sucking champion, as well. Before I left, Diane, in a
skimpy black bikini, flexed her biceps and gave me good bye blow job.
She asked me who the better woman was and I said, "Why of coursr you
are, you've proven that you're stronger, tougher, a better fighter, and
a better cock sucker, than Cindy... but" Diane said ruefully, "I know
.... but you love her." "Yes," I said.

When I got home, my beautiful wife greeted me, at the door, in a hot
pink bikiini, that huge chest exploded from, and sucked my sore cock,
for about 10 minutes. After some great sex, she took me into the
gameroom, and had watch her put on her new boxing gloves and strip
topless and work out on our new heavy bag. She just smilied at me and
said, "I hope Diane is taking boxing lessons!" as she rocked the bag
nearly of the hook.

Cindy vs. Diane Part V (Boxing)

Cindy and Diane got together, several days after, their wrestling match,
to set up their rematch. Cindy challenged Diane to a boxing match. Diane
repliped, "It's your funeral, I hope your insurance, is paid up!" Cindy
said, "Well I've been taking boxing lesson and plan to give you the
beating of your life!" Diane replied, "What are the rules?" Cindy told
her that would be fighting bare chested, like their wrestling match,
that I would be the referee, 8 oz. gloves, no headgear, 2 minute rounds,
1 minute rest between rounds, and win by a knock out only. Diane agreed
and added this, "This going to be a prize fight, if I win you pay, for a
hotel, for me and your husband, for the weekend, and in the unlikely
event, of you winning, I'll pay, for you and your husband's weekend, at
a hotel." Cindy grudgingly agreed, to those terms, just to get Diane in
the ring.

Neither Cindy or Diane had ever boxed, so I suggested a warm up bout for
each of the girls. Cindy challenged, a neighbor Joyce, to a sparring
match, which quickly developed, into a knock down drag out boxing match.
Joyce is 39 and 5'7" and weights in at 140 pounds. She is pretty, has
brown hair and measures  37 (34C)-28-38 (with huge nipples). He biceps
are an impressive 13 inches, thighs 22 inches, and calves 14 inches. She
wasn't quite, as solid as Cindy, but she had a weight and reach
advantage, to make it even. They squared of topless, in our gameroom.

Even Cindy was impressed by Joyce's big nipples, but the tape measure
gave the nipple battle to my sexy big busted wife. The fight lasted 6
rounds, with Cindy leaving Joyce knocked out cold, with 2 black eyes!
The sight of Cindy flexing with solid biceps and big chest, over her
unconsious foe, led right, to the mat, to celebrate her victory.

Diane boxed her daughter in law, Janice. They didn't get along, to start
with, so it was a natural match up. Janice is 22 and stands 5'0" and
weighs in at 118 pounds. Her measurments are 40(34D)-23-36, with eye
popping nipples! Her biceps 11 1/2 inches, thighs 19 inches, and calves
12 inches. She's a black haired knock out! They also fought, bare
chested. Janice was shocked, by Diane's solid muscles. Diane taunted her
and beat her to a pulp, in only 3 rounds, knocking her out cold and
giving her busty daugther in law 2 shiners! Now, Cindy and Diane were
ready to rumble!

In this corner, wearing shear purple panties, standing 5'2", weighing in
at 136 of sexy rock solid muscle, measuring 44-27-36, Silver Dollar
Nipples Cindy! In this corner, wearing shear black panties, standing
5'1", weighing in at 128 pounds of power punching muscle, measuring 35
1/2-22 1/2-37, and the current wrestling, arm wrestling, chicken
fighting, leg wrestling, stomach punching, and cock sucking champion,
Dynamite Diane!

I took them to the center of the ring, gave them their instructions, and
both girls kissed me as I wished them luck. Diane, being the more
athletic and agile, of the 2, domiated the first several rounds. She
knocked Cindy, on her ass twice, and delivered quite a beating to my
wife gut and ample breasts! I asked Cindy, if she wanted to quit, after
the 3rd round. She angrily replied "No, I can beat this flat chested
bitch, she's been leaving her guard down and punching her self tired, I
can take her!" Diane seemed to be losing some steam, at the beginning,
of the 4th round, but she came out swinging and taunting, "Come on and
fight, you chicken shit cow, I'm giving the beating, of your sorry life
and you know it!" "Fuck you, cxnt", was Cindy's replied, which she
followed up, with a powerhouse right, to the head, that knocked her sexy
foe, to the canvas, for an 8 count. While Diane, was down, I could see
the confidence back, in her eyes. She flexed her biceps and chest at
Diane and told her to" Get up, so she could give her some more of the
same." Diane got and Cindy pounded her around the ring, until the bell
rung. The next 2 rounds went about the same, with my wife, generally
giving Diane flat chest and jaw a pounding. Diane now had a split lip
and a black eye. The fight was just about even, at this point.

Cindy told me, before the start of the 7th round, "The bitch is going
down, this round, feel these,(flexing her biceps)." I said, "Their as
big and hard, as they've ever been." Before going back to the match, she
said "Keep your big cock ready, for me!" I rang the bell, for the 7th
round and both of these sexy warriors charged, at each other. They got
up close and began punching, whoever backed down now, was gonna get
their ass whipped. Diane rocked Cindy with an uppercut, to the gut, but
those extra stomach crunches paid off, as Cindy grunted, took the shot,
and landed a left to sexy Diane's jaw. Diane hit the canvas an bounced
up! I started the count, 1... 2...3...4...5(Diane began to try to stir,
and Cindy yelled to her "Stay the fuck down, bitch, or I'll really fuck
you up!")...6....7...8(Diane slumped back on the canvas spread eagle,
and out cold!) 9...10... I grabbed my beautiful wife's arm, while she
put her foot on Diane's chest and flexed her other bicep, and announced
"The winner and new champion in 1:50 in the 7th round, by a knock
out...... Silver Dollar Nipples Cindy!

Cindy and I had sex, right there on the canvas and she deep throated me
and swallowed every drop of cum! She said, "Didn't you see how many
bananas we've been going through, practice makes perfect!"

After we finished, Diane started to stir and Cindy mounted her, and
shoved her soaking wet cum filled pussy, in her face, and told her to
eat it! Diane eat her for about, 10 minutes, until Cindy exploded, in an
orgasm! "Who's the better woman, bitch?" Diane said weakly "Cindy is the
better woman." Cindy got off her, got her purse, and took $1,000 out, fo
our weekend. She told Diane," If you want a rematch, you know where to
find me."

As we were leaving, Cindy told me that Diane and I may have to meet, in
the boxing ring?I said , "What?" "Well, she's now the pussy eating
champion!" We both had a laugh, but we knew this wasn't the end yet.

Cindy vs. Diane Part 6 (Fist Fighting)

It had  been 6 weeks, after Cindy's boxing victory over her sexy rival
Diane. We had spent a great weekend, at a luxurious hotel, on Diane's
money. Cindy's been working out hard and her topless workout sessions,
never fail to get me hard! She was more of a tigress, in bed, than even
before, recounting her knock out beating, of Diane, as she stradled my
cock! She wanted to fight her again, but it was Diane's call this time.

I went over to see Diane, on a day off, and she looked great. I told her
Cindy was itching to box her again. Diane flexed her sexy solid biceps
and said,"Feel these babies, I've been lifting weights and boxing, for
the last couple of weeks!" "Wow, you're rock hard", I said, she French
kissed me and I thought I lose my mind! "Who have you boxed?", I asked.
Diane said, "I've had 2 bouts, last week, one against Joyce, and one
against my daughter Karla. I beat Joyce, in 5 rounds, she's a big tough
bitch, but I gave her one too many shots to her flabby belly and took
her out. Karla was a different story (I always descibe Karla, as a young
Diane, with boobs) we fought 10 rounds to a draw." Karla is 5'1" 125
pounds 36(34C)-24-36, 12 inch rock hard biceps, 22 inch thighs, and 13
inch calves, with long brown hair, she has her mother's great ass and
legs! "Tell Cindy were gonna rumble in 2 weeks, we'll go to our camp,
where it's nice and private", Diane growled. She grabbed my swollen cock
and said "You'll be jamming that big tool, up my ass, after I whip your

I went home, to inform Cindy of Diane's challenge. Cindy said,"I'll kick
her scrawny flat chested ass again, and have you ass fuck me, right on
top of her beaten body!" Cindy and I, then went to the gameroom, to
spar. I'm not close to her league, even with my 10 inch height and 50
pound weight advantage. Cindy's muscles are a bit larger, than mine, and
much more solid. After knocking me down, for the 4th time, in 2 rounds,
I told her, "We've got to get you a competitve match, before you box
Diane again." She agreed.

She persuaded a friend, from work, to get in the ring, with her. Ann is
a great looking 33 year old blonde. She's 5'4" and 144 pounds, and has
been working out and lifting weights, to try to lose some weight. Ann's
measurements are 37(36B)-29-38, her biceps are 13 1/2 inches, thighs 23
inches and calves 14 1/2 inches. She's alot softer, than Cindy, in the
muscle department, but she's working, on it. They square off, in our
gameroom, topless, and fought 5 hard fought rounds, with Cindy knocking
her down 4 times, giving her a black eye, and finally knocking he out
After the bout, Ann said there WOULD be a rematch and left!

We got to Diane's camp about 12 noon, on a Saturday. She had gotten
their, the night before. Cindy and Diane embraced and kissed each other
softly, they respected each other, and both told me,that they just have
to clear the air between them, once and for all. The girls were wearing
bikini tops and jeans. Diane told us to follow her. We walked, in the
woods, a good while, until we came into a clearing, sort of a hollow,
that looked like a small stadium! Diane took her bikini top off, and
flexed her biceps and told Cindy,"No rounds,  no tops, no gloves, bare
fist fight to the finish, and your man's cock, up the winners ass!"
Cindy was a bit taken back,"What about the boxing gloves?" Diane spat
back, "I want to fell my fist sink into to your flabby stomach, cow!"
Cindy said,"I'm gonna enjoy pound those fried egg tits, of your with my
bare knuckles!"

For  the undisputed bare fist fighting/boxing championship, in this
corner, wearing black jeans, standing in at 5'1" and weighing in at very
solid 128 pounds of pure muscle, measuring 35 1/2-22-37, the undisputed
wrestling, arm wrestling, leg wrestling, stomach punching,and chicken
fighting champion....Dynamite Diane! And in this corner, wearing blue
jeans, standing 5'2" and weighing 136 pounds of sexy solid muscle,
measuring 44-27-36, the undisputed boxing champion....Silver Dollar
Nipples Cindy!

Both women flexed their biceps, at each other, then put their dukes up,
and I yelled "Fight!" Diane went right, after Cindy's belly and pounded
her with 3 or4 good hard shots, that back her up, took her down to one
knee. Diane flexed her biceps and growled, "Get up cxnt, I'm not even
punchin' hard yet!" Cindy got up and Diane charged her again, this time
Cindy got off a hard right, to Diane's flat chest, the sent her reeling,
to the ground. Cindy said,"I'm gonna pound those fried eggs, back to a
training bra,
bitch!" Diane got up slowly, and Cindy charged her, Diane stood her
ground, and they traded solid body blows, for seemed to be an
eternity,until Cindy crumbled over, after a left hook, from Diane
smashed into her jaw. Cindy was hurt, I told her to quit, she told me to
back off and slowly got back up, and told Diane,"Why don't you put some
muscle behind it next time, Olive Oyl!" Diane came at her, fists up, and
Cindy met her with  a shot to Diane flat hard stomach, but that didn't
slow her down enough, and Diane hit Cindy with 2 jabs, to her huge D cup
chest, that stood Cindy staigt up, and Diane finished her off, by
sinking 2 uppercuts into Cindy's fleshy belly. Cindy fell like a cut
redwood, and hit the dirt, with a thud. Diane flexed her hard biceps and
said,"Count her out". 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and you're out. Diane had
rolled Cindy, on to her back, and made sure she was alright, and then
placed her foot and my wife big chest and flexed her sexy biceps. The
winner after 8 minutes and 10 seconds by a knock out, the new undisputed
boxing/bare fist fighting champion, and the better woman,
today.....Dynamite Diane!

Diane stripped her jeans and Cindy's jeans off, and sat on Cindy's face.
While Diane flexed her biceps, and sucked my cock, Cindy ate her sweaty
pussy. Diane move up and asked her, who the better woman was, and who
had the hairest and juiciest pussy, Cindy weakly said, "Diane is the
better woman, and Diane has the hairest and juiciest pussy." Diane then
told me to fuck her up the ass, while she stradled my helpless wife.
Cindy went back home, and stayed, as Diane prize until Sunday night.

When I got home, Cindy and I kissed . I told her, even though she lost,
how proud I was of her. We went to bed and screwed al night long.

2 weeks later, I came home from work, to find Cindy and Ann, in bikinis,
comparing their biceps...... but that's another series of stories.

If you want my sexy busty wife to fight her beautiful leggy freind
again, post your comments on Diana The Valkries boxing message board.



Offline Dan Zone43

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2024, 11:29:46 AM »
Great stories.   Loved the fist fight the most.


Offline 3wings

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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2024, 01:08:47 PM »

great story,
Thank you for archiving this story and featuring it here. 
this story reminds me of neighbors chapter 1 

Neighbors chapter 1
« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 02:05:14 PM by 3wings »
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