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Danay Garcia vs Elyse Levesque

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Danay Garcia vs Elyse Levesque
« on: May 12, 2024, 12:19:40 AM »

Story took place when Blindspot was still on air in 2018

Jaimie Alexander and Beau Garrett couldn’t figure out a winner and wanted to do it one more time but for Jaimie this would be extra special. Jaimie heard Elyse Levesque was challenged so she invited that challenge to be filled here in the same place.  She was going to send a clear-cut message ‘you got lucky’.  She’ d also watch Elyse fight someone and since Elyse was a bluff, she was going to watch Elyse lose

Jaimie left a dressing room then looked over and Beau was leaving another.  Jaimie and Beau stopped had a stare down then the voice of Alexanders nightmares filled the room “Look it’s the woman I broke.  You finally get to see me again bitch.  Are you happy?”

“Elyse…”  Jaimie stopped looking at Beau as the woman she despised more than any other was in the ring.  “Already here Elyse?  If I didn’t have to beat this bitch down first, I’d be in there kicking your ass!  I guess watching Danay Garcia do it will have to do.”

“I’m in the ring and so is Danay, do you know Danay.  Look at her I mean I really got my work cut out for me to beat her.  She’s like the opposite of you in that regard.”

Jaimie and Beau took a look at Danay Garcia and all four women in the room were built equally Jaimie could feel dislike and a little jealousy of Beau but the hatred she felt for Elyse who was the first woman to truly beat her up.  It was astounding and just to look over at her knowing that the world thought Elyse was tougher.

“Fuck this.”  Elyse heard Jaimie say and looked over after walking to the middle of the ring, she also had a hate on for Jaimie Alexander and her refusal to admit defeat.  Alexander coming after her now when that wasn’t what was agreed upon just magnified that

She ran at the ropes and Alexander was on the ring apron and they were trading punches.  “NO” Both Beau and Danay said.

Beau pulled Jaimie down and Danay grabbed Elyse from behind and hit a German Suplex.

“They fight then we fight.”

Beau was holding Jaimie “I’ll get at you some point you fucking bitch.”

“You can fight her another day.  After they’re done fighting you get your ass kicked by me” Beau said

Danay looked down “I want to fight her, and you need to make sure she does nothing… No excuses for Elyse for her upcoming loss.”

Jaimie put her hands up and looked at Beaus hands they had gone up to her tits “That how our fight will go in a few seconds.”

“Whatever I need to do I’ll do it to you when I want how I want.”  Beau got up and helped Jaimie up

Jaimie then backed up “I don’t know who I dislike more.”  There was a loud thud and they both looked in the ring Elyse answered the German suplex with her own. 

Elyse waited in the corner, she was hurt from that one move “Can’t blame you I was distracted but then you got it so let’s get up and start again… I want a guarantee that jealous bitch won’t interfere!”

Danay was in the opposite corner and looked over at Jaimie “If she interferes with my beating you or you interfere with her fight the fight immediately becomes three on one.”

Jaimie was frightened and looked at all three and Elyse had a sly smile like she wanted the interference now.  “I won’t interfere.”

Elyse smiled but was then avalanched in the corner.  That was all Danay needed to hear to start the fight.  Danay after slamming her body into Elyse stepped back and picked Elyse up on t her shoulders.  Elyse fought out went for a choke but Danay dropped and sent Elyse face first to the second turnbuckle.

Luckily for Elyse her hands got to the ropes before her face hit the buckle.

Danay assumed she hurt Elyse more than she did and was up grabbing Elyse by the back of the pants and lifting her up.  Elyse allowed it and when she was back to her feet, she jerked her back straight and threw a elbow getting Danay in the ear.  “CHEAP BITCH” Jaimie Alexander screamed from the outside.

Elyse faced Danay grabbed her by the hair and looked at her “Your body is so much firmer than that bitches.”  Then threw Danay into the corner went to the middle and ran at Danay for her own avalanches but was cut off with a clothesline.

Danay stretched her back.  This was such a different world, and no one could truly prepare for it.  Elyse was starting to get up Danay waited and went for another clothesline it was ducked.  Elyse got a waist lock to go for a German suplex, but Danay reached and grabbed the ropes

Danay was going to act on instincts and Elyse tried to pull her off the ropes two more times then let go and hit a forearm to the back of the neck.  Elyse went for the German again, but Danay held on.  Elyse let go went for another forearm, but Danay dropped to her knees and Elyse went face first to the top turnbuckle and then was pulled away by the ankles flat down to the mat

Danay criss crossed the ankles and sat on the shins.  Elyse grabbed the ropes and pulled herself out of the ring.  Elyse turned around and Danay was having both hands on the bottom rope chin on the turnbuckle smiling.  She then popped her hips trying for a double kick to Elyse’s head.  Elyse saw the shoulders push back and had a bad feeling.

Elyse was able to block but it still sent her rolling back.  Now Danay was on the floor “You sit back down.”  She saw Jaimie getting up to go after Elyse “I challenged her not you.  You want her again you challenge her again.”

Elyse rushed Danay when Danay took a step back turned her attention to her actual opponent.  Danay’s back went into the ring apron.  Elyse bent her legs lifted Danay ass onto the apron then tried to get Danay onto her shoulder.

Danay grabbed the ropes made it harder for Elyse to pull her away then hand over hand on the ropes she got herself in a different position.  Legs got around the head of Elyse Levesque and Danay pushed away and hit a head scissor takedown on the floor.

Elyse rolled around that hurt her back; Danay was up nodding.  She was enjoying how this fight went so far.  Being a part of the walking dead not many of them got involved in this life and being part of a challenge she was ready.  Of the four women here, she felt she was strongest and most athletic.

Danay grabbed Elyse arm and lifted her up, but Elyse quickly dropped down and threw a side kick from her knee.  It hit hard to the stomach and that made Danay back up gasping for air.  Elyse got up and fought the urge to look at Jaimie.  She knew that was impressive and showing skills and moves was what she was about.

She held the arm.  Elyse put a foot on Danay’s face and began to push the face and pull the arm. Danay wanted to quit this was a first a submission.  Fighting was hard and she had to stick into it she wanted this and not to be a footnote for Jaimie and Elyse she was here to win. 

Danay pushed at the leg and was sliding her face and when she was getting free.  Elyse switched her  hips “Oh the Canadian thinks she is a black belt now going for a gogo.”

Danay didn’t need the advice when she felt herself getting pushed down, she knew what was coming.  She began to move toward Elyse and eventually was able to pull away.  Danay then walked away and knew what was going to happen next.

Elyse got up looked for Jaimie “You want to fight me then you come and fight me, but you butt the fuck out of this as shes…”

“Who you should pay attention to.”  Danay knew Elyse was to interested in Jaimie and would get distracted again.  Take advantage so she hit her forearm at the neck and back of Elyse Levesque dropping her to a knee.  “I’m no pushover, I’m a better body than all of you.”

Danay held Elyse by the top of the hair and hit three right clubbing blows with her bicep to side of Elyse’s head.  “Whatever fantasy you two have can wait, I got an ass to kick.”

“Oh is that a fact”  Beau said then looked at Jaimie.

Danay didn’t pay attention and hit downward elbows over her head down on the middle of Elyse face “I am here for you not them.”

Danay went for a second, but Elyse got both hands up and blocked it with a Criss crossed arms “Got fight left.”  Danay hit a knee to the back lifted Elyse up and rolled her in the ring.  “Good.  I beat you then watch Jaimie vs Beau in peace.”

Danay poked her head into the ring began to slide in and Elyse dropped two elbows on the back of Danay’s neck.  Then transitioned to her side and hit two knee strikes to the side of the head.  Elyse felt her blood she may have been out matched here but this woman lacked experience and killer instinct.

“Your legs aren’t…”  Elyse realized where Danay was exactly and how she got to Danay.

Jumping across the shoulders of Danay Garcia, Elyse Levesque locked in a bulldog choke.  She leaned back getting extra pressure.  Without being able to use her legs Danay was done.  The fight was over, and Danay Garcia still tried to fight but it just made it worst.  Elyse changed her grip, so it was stronger and tightened her arms.  Danay felt her neck bones and that was it she couldn’t get any power or technique, so she tapped out and Elyse got up and let her go.

Choice.  Shake hand or call out Alexander.  Elyse turned waited and offered help for Danay to get up.  “You made one mistake and I got lucky.  Youre damn tough”  the two hugged it out.

(Upcoming:  Beau garrett vs Jaimie alexander; Kelly Monaco vs Sara Jean Underwood; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus; British Fight Pit; Erin Richards vs Lindy Booth)


Offline Slowakei222

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Re: Danay Garcia vs Elyse Levesque
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2024, 11:41:24 AM »
Height Weight ?


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Re: Danay Garcia vs Elyse Levesque
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2024, 11:30:53 PM »
Height Weight ?

Danay Garcia
121 lbs

Elyse Levesque
5'9  1/2
119 lbs