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Nymphos of the Caribbean: Part 9

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Nymphos of the Caribbean: Part 9
« on: May 21, 2024, 05:03:07 PM »
The room was filled with tension thick enough to be cut with a knife as Lexi slept like a gigantic, slutty baby and the two redheads were engaged in a fierce staredown. They both crossed their arms underneath their sumptuous E cup breasts as they glared at one another.

“Your move.” Jamie said daringly.

“Oh no, why don’t you get the party started?” Michelle asked in a sarcastically polite tone.

“Oh but I insist.” Jamie said deviously.

“No, I insist.” Michelle shot back.

Neither of them wanted this petty little game to go on forever but neither of them wanted to give the other redheaded nympho the satisfaction of breaking first either. At this point, both of them were fully rested up and recharged from their game with Lexi. Michelle turned her head to look at the sleeping beauty followed by Jamie doing the same.

“She’s adorable, isn’t she?” Michelle asked.

“If you weren’t here right now, I’d probably be taking advantage of her in her sleep right now.” Jamie admitted.

“You’re such an incorrigible slut.” Michelle mocked.

“Oh like you wouldn’t do the same, Little Ms. High and Mighty.” Jamie argued. “Besides, we’re all proud sluts here. That’s the name of the game.”

“I suppose.” Michelle begrudgingly agreed. “And little Lexi is shaping up to be quite the slut herself…She’ll be an excellent cum dumpster.”

“What?” Jamie asked defensively.

“Oh, don’t you act all innocent with me, cheeto pubes.” Michelle said. “I like Lexi. She’s cute but once I’ve had my fill of her, I’ll be onto the next bitch and the next and so on and so forth.”

“Are you serious?” Jamie asked. “You’ll just abandon her after you’ve used her for your fun?”

“I prefer to think of it as being a free bird and not staying in one place for too long.” Michelle said. “She’s still a rookie. She’ll understand. Perhaps if I feel nostalgic enough someday, I’ll track her down and fuck her some more until I get bored again.”

“You bitch!” Jamie cursed. “And no, I’m not acting all “innocent”! I actually respect my opponents! All of them! Even the ones I’m no longer in contact with!”

“Really?” Michelle asked. “And might I ask why you’re not in contact with them?”

“I travel a lot…for my job.” Jamie explained.

“And what job would that be?” Michelle asked.

“None of your goddamn business!” Jamie snapped. She had said too much already.

“You’re so full of it, you smug cxnt.” Michelle said. “I bet you plan on ditching her just like I do. You just don’t want to share.”

“Go to Hell!” Jamie cursed. “And what’s to stop me from telling her your plan?”

“I’ll just deny it and say that’s what you’re trying to do.” Michelle said. “It’s your word against mine, whore and I’ve known her longer. Who do you think she’ll believe?”

Jamie said nothing. Michelle was right. She couldn’t risk driving a wedge between herself and any of her suspects. In the heat of all this debauchery, she had actually briefly forgotten why she was on this cruise in the first place. She was definitely not ruling out Michelle as her woman. She certainly has the character to be a Member of the Bringers of Light but she needed more evidence. Besides, Stacy would never let her hear the end of it if she ended up being wrong.

“Look, it’s not like I just see her as a sex doll or anything.” Michelle explained, ending the awkward silence as she stroked Lexi’s cotton candy colored hair in her sleep. “I just don’t like staying in one place for too long…and apparently, neither do you.”

“Do you think she’ll see it that way?” Jamie asked.

“I could ask you the same question.” Michelle said. “And I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”

“Well, there’s another bridge you need to cross right here and now.” Jamie reminded her redheaded rival.

“I suppose there is.” Michelle said deviously.

The two redheads got off the bed, not wanting to disturb Lexi’s little catnap. They would have to do this on the cabin floor. Not that either of them had any problem with that. They had both in fact had very stimulating sexfights in much less orthodox places anyway. They slowly but intently marched towards one another until their hardened, pink milk buds were mere inches away from glorious contact. Michelle made something of a first move by caressing Jamie’s flaming orange hair and then her arm, running her hand down her soft, smooth skin. Jamie responded by running her own fingers through Michelle’s blood red locks and then gripping tightly and pulling, forcing Michelle’s face upwards, aimed at the ceiling of Lexi’s cabin.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since before you even opened your mouth, cxnt.” Jamie cursed. “I’m gonna enjoy every second of crushing your inferior pussy. I only wish Lexi was awake to see it.”

“You smug skank.” Michelle shot back. “I love fucking bitches like you the most. You’re so certain of victory while we’ve barely even started. I can’t wait to see your attitude take a complete 180 when this is over.”

Michelle reciprocated the hair pull and forced Jamie’s head upwards in return.

“Are we gonna talk or are we gonna fuck?” Jamie asked mockingly.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Michelle said deviously.

They moved forward as much as either of them could in their current positions until their nipples and even their chins came together at long last. They were starting to get headaches from what they were doing to each other, so they decided to release their opponent’s hair both at the exact same time and their heads came back down, nose to nose. They blasted hot, nympho breath into each other’s mouths as they stared deeply and powerfully into one another’s eyes. Michelle made the next move by quickly slashing her tongue directly across Jamie’s lips. Jamie immediately reciprocated. They lashed tongues at each other repeatedly. This went on for about two entire minutes until the two bitter rivals finally joined their lips together and engaged in a heated, passionate and lustful make out session. Their knees began to weaken from the intensity of the pleasure and it soon got to be too much for either of them to stand and they got down on their knees, still mouth to mouth and nipple to nipple.

“Is that the best you can do?” Michelle asked mockingly as she broke the kiss, leaving a line of spit between their lips. “I’ve kissed men who are better than this!”

“Is that why you pulled away to get some air and use shit talking as a cover for it?” Jamie asked accusingly.

Michelle then growled angrily and slammed Jamie’s mouth back onto her own, resuming their tongue war. Michelle wanted to show her dominance, so reached behind Jamie and grabbed a very tight handful of the ginger’s thick, powerful ass cheek. She squeezed as hard as she could. If Jamie’s glute muscles weren’t so strong, it would probably have hurt. Jamie retaliated immediately by not only returning the tight, hard squeeze of Michelle’s rear end but also burying her hand in the other redhead’s thick, crimson tresses. Michelle returned the hair pull in response as they continued kissing furiously. They made no attempt whatsoever to control their saliva, allowing it to run down their jawlines and eventually pool into their joined cleavage. They would go back and forth sucking each other’s tongues repeatedly until Michelle decided to take this to the next level. Once again, she broke the kiss in a loud pop and spray of saliva before she pushed Jamie down onto her back and pried her legs open.

“You talk a big game about my style being too slow and weak while yours is fast and powerful but I bet that you’re really just a glass cannon that can dish it but not take it.” Michelle said.

“Why don’t you bring that pathetic little pussy of yours over here and find out?” Jamie dared.

Michelle’s expression changed into a serious death stare as she proceeded to do exactly. Jamie spread her legs open as far as possible. More or less daring Michelle to come and grind with her. The other redhead was more than happy to oblige. She enclosed her legs over the ginger, effectively scissoring their two flawless bodies together. They wasted no time getting started and began pumping into one another with everything they had.

“Ugh! Two faced bitch!” Jamie cursed.

“Agh! Self righteous whore!” Michelle shot back.

They were pumping so intensely that their E cup breasts began to bounce around in response to the constant friction. Loud grunts of effort and labor mixed with furious, competitive growls filled the room. Luckily, Lexi was so passed out that it didn’t wake her up. She snored quietly as she hugged her pillow in her sleep.

“Oh!” Michelle yelped. “You know what? Maybe I will keep Lexi around just so you can’t have her!”

“What is this, Kindergarten?” Jamie asked as she continued fucking Michelle in a perfect rhythm. “We’re not siblings arguing over a toy!”

“So, you won’t mind if I keep her then.” Michelle said confidently.

“I never said that!” Jamie protested.

The ginger reached over with one hand and balanced herself on the other. She gave Michelle’s jiggling jubblies a nice grope and a little titty twister for good measure.

“Fuck!” Michelle cursed. “Alright, slut! Two can play at the purple nurple game!”

The redhead gave Jamie a nice, hard pinch in revenge.

“Agh!” Jamie groaned. “You fucking cxnt!”

“As I thought. You can dish it but can’t take it!” Michelle bragged.

“Oh, yeah?” Jamie asked rhetorically. “Let me show you just how well I can dish it!”

Jamie concentrated all of her power into her pelvis and slammed herself forward into Michelle, plowing her cxnt straight up into her enemy’s.

“Ahhhh!!” Michelle groaned. “Goddamn you!”

This fight had taken a very vicious turn. Jamie and Michelle had been at each other’s throats almost immediately after meeting each other and had been waiting for this chance to throttle their rival sexually for what felt like an eternity. Now all of their animosity that they had built up inside was being released and it was beyond cathartic. They felt their lower lips seal together as tightly and as closely as possible. It was as if they had been destined from birth to fight one another in such a way. They continued occupying their hands with each other. They pulled hair, twisted and pinched nipples, grabbed breasts and asses and sometimes would even slip a finger or two in between their warring cxnts to strike at their opponent. Jamie felt so much power within her. Michelle made her competitive blood boil in a way that no other opponent she had faced but Hitomi had managed to draw out of her. Michelle herself had never met an opponent that defied her to such an extent. She was used to utterly dominating other nymphos and then using their bodies for her pleasure. The redhead was honestly conflicted. Half of her was annoyed by Jamie’s stubbornness but the other half relished it as it would make her inevitable defeat all the more fulfilling for Michelle. Both of those feelings served as excellent motivation for Michelle to fuck Jamir within an inch of her life. They continued to talk trash.

“Fake redhead!” Michelle mocked.

“You’re the last person who should be calling anyone fake with how you treat Lexi!” Jamie shot back. “Once I tame your worthless twat, I’ll share you with her as a sex slave!”

“Not if I rape you first!” Michelle argued.

“I’d like to see you try!” Jamie dared.

Their clits had come out to play and quickly became the epicenter of their pussy fight. Every little movement the two redheads made contributed to the clit fight in some way or another. Their bodies were shining and their hair was matted to their flawless skin with their sweat. Their perspiration soon got to the point where their bodies and fiery hair were so lubricated that it was hard for them to keep a grip on each other.

“Ugggghhhhh!!!” Jamie shrieked as she suddenly climaxed.

“Aggggghhhhh!!!” Michelle screeched at the exact same time as she too orgasmed.

Their juices coalesced together in their joined cxnts and then blasted all over and inside of their opponent, leaving them both huffing and puffing. They looked over to Lexi to see that she still hadn’t woken up even with all the noise they were making. She was well and truly passed out. They both then turned their attention back to their hated enemy.

“You came first, you worthless slut!” Michelle declared.

“You’re dreaming, you pathetic, soon to be cum dumpster!” Jamie argued. “Besides, that doesn’t even matter. It’s not about who cums first. It’s about who cums last!”

“Then try and make me cum last if you think you can!” Michelle dared.

Jamie didn’t need any more convincing. The two continued their tribbing as they felt their inner thighs get stuck together from their dried fluids. Peeling away from each other would not be pleasant but it would be a small price to pay to put the other bitch in her place. They wanted to get more up close and personal. Leave absolutely zero room for doubt about who would win and who the superior woman was. They inched up nice and close until they were once again face to face, nose to nose, lip to lip, tit to tit, nipple to nipple in addition to already having been pussy to pussy and clit to clit.

“Kiss me, bitch.” Jamie demanded.

“You kiss me, cxnt.” Michelle shot back.

They once again began a little tongue war outside of their mouths, slashing and poking at each other. At one point, they managed to corkscrew their tongues together. It was beyond erotic and delicious. They then wrapped their arms around the other redhead and initiated a tight, intimate bearhug, which also functioned as a means to close their mouths together and make their kissfight official. Their tongues explored one another’s mouths as deeply and as thoroughly as they could reach.

“Mmmmmmmm…” They moaned passionately into the brutal make out session.

Their massive E cup mammaries mushroomed into each other as their nippled slid all over their rival’s like two opposite end magnets before finally managing to penetrate into the opposing areola. It was simply not physically possible for two women to get any closer or more intimate and this is exactly what they both wanted. Nothing would make either of them happier than to feel the other redhead’s body completely give into their own on every front. They wanted to feel it on their skin. All over. To bask in their victory to the maximum capacity. In many ways, they both felt grateful to have encountered a rival that could arouse such spirit in them. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for most nymphos. Their excitement would show its physical signs as well. Their faces were blushing as red as tomatoes, their makeup began to run and their bodies continued to shine with the same sweat that matted their hair to said skin. The sweet yet tangy flavor of the other redheaded nympho’s saliva was as addictive as it was intoxicating. Suddenly, Jamie broke their vicious kiss with an audible pop of their lips and allowed their saliva to spray out of their slutty mouths. She then pushed Michelle down onto her back just as the other redhead had done to her earlier in the fight and spread her legs nice and wide.

“Now let’s see how you take it, bitch.” Jamie declared.

“I can take it all week, cheeto pubes.” Michelle mocked.

Jamie was more than happy to put such claims to the test. She brought her cxnt directly into Michelle’s and began humping away at her hated enemy in this L shaped position. Remarkably, neither one of them had shown much fatigue yet and fucked each other relentlessly. Jamie showed no mercy in her tribbing and went at Michelle so hard and so fast that her fiery orange hair and succulent E cups flowed all around her in response to such rapid and powerful movements. Michelle had no such plans to just lie down and take it without a fight, so she did her damndest to trib back from her laying down position. Jamie closed one eye shut tightly in response to Michelle humping back upwards into her. Jamie would retaliate by reaching down and squeezing her fingers very tightly into Michelle’s E cups. As tightly as she could possibly manage. Her fingers visibly sank into Michelle’s tits as if she were squeezing a jello mold.

“Agh!” Michelle groaned. “What are you trying to do, bitch?! Rip them off?!”

“What do you think?” Jamie asked mockingly.

Michelle glared angrily at her and reached up to do the same to Jamie. She squeezed the ginger’s jubblies as hard and tight as she could.

“Fuck!” Jamie cursed through grit teeth.

The two redheaded hellcats continued fucking and manhandling each other as hard as possible. They did everything. Pulled hair, pinched and twisted nipples, squeezed breasts, spanked asses until they glowed a bright red. This had become something of a sexfight-catfight hybrid. Their barely contained hatred for one another fueled them to keep going no matter what. It’s a good thing that this was in a private cabin and the only other person here was out cold. Trying to interrupt them right now could very well be the last mistake that any poor, ignorant soul could make.

“Period blood haired cxnt!” Jamie cursed.

“Meddling, sanctimonious skank!” Michelle shot back.

They both bit down on their bottom lips in response to the overwhelming pleasure and pressure they were dishing out on one another. They were both on autopilot at this point. Machines built for one purpose only. Michelle soon decided that she needed to be closer to her enemy, so she lowered herself down on top of Jamie while still tribbing her furiously. She brushed her milk buds into the other redhead’s and engaged in another fierce tongue war with the ginger, who fought back tooth and nail to the best of her ability.

“Mmmmmfffff!!!” They both groaned intensely into one another’s battling mouths.

Michelle continued pounding and rubbing her cxnt into Jamie’s while on top of her. Jamie felt her clit bending to her bitter rival’s as she did everything she could to fuck back. Her current position gave her flashbacks of her first fight with Hitomi back in Taipei and how similar it was to the circumstances of her current fight. Her rivalry with Hitomi originated due to their shared lack of confidence in one another as a partner and of course because both wanted Stacy all for herself. While Jamie grew to respect Hitomi and admire her greatly, it would be a cold day in Hell when she would gain even the tiniest amount of respect for Michelle. While the two were fighting over Lexi, Michelle was fighting for her ego and her own pleasure. Jamie was fighting to protect an innocent soul like Lexi, or at least as innocent a soul as a nymphomaniac can get from being used and manipulated by a self-centered bitch like Michelle. She would not give up. Not now. Not ever. As their tongues continued fighting viciously inside of their sealed mouths, Jamie wrapped her arms around Michelle’s body and squeezed her tight. A display of prominent defiance in the face of being bottomed by the other redhead. Michelle could see where this was going and attempted to keep herself and her opponent still but Jamie had caught her off guard and the two began rolling around Lexi’s cabin in a catball, still not breaking their kissfight.

They often bumped into things as they rolled. The legs of the bed that Lexi was sleeping on, which still did not wake her up, the TV stand, the table, the door to the cabin and then the door to the bathroom. Michelle had eventually managed to pin Jamie down as she finally regained her top position and kept her there. She broke their passionate, lustful makeout session with an audible pop of their lips and a noticeably visible spray of saliva. They both panted for a bit as they stared daggers at each other.

“I’m gonna fuck you into a coma!” Michelle declared as she suddenly launched a ruthless clitoral assault on Jamie.

“Aghhhh!!” Jamie groaned. “Do your worst, you miserable cxnt!”

Michelle fucked Jamie with the ginger’s head up against the cabin wall as humped back and forth into her rival. Her hair and breasts flowed all around from her quick and rapid movements. She was truly in the zone. Jamie’s tight position made it all but impossible for her to grind back. If she tried, it would just be a senseless waste of precious energy. All she could do now was endure to the best of her ability. Michelle manhandled her E cup tits as she continued her relentlessly tribbing spree.

“I said I would rape you and I will!” Michelle promised. “Now I’ll make you scream until your lungs collapse!”

Jamie felt her clit being dominated by the other redhead’s and her pussy being swallowed whole by its counterpart. She bit down on her bottom lip and blushed a bright red as her hot blood flowed up into her face. She began gasping and moaning rapidly as she was dominated. Eventually, she could not stand it anymore and unleashed the beast building up within her.

“Ohhhhhh!!!!” Jamie shrieked as she came.

She blew her load like a volcano up inside of Michelle’s womanly cavern.

“Ahhhhhh, that’s it.” Michelle moaned with pleasure and fulfillment as she felt the hot liquids fill up her insides.

As Jamie stopped cumming, she was left huffing and puffing as Michelle roughly yanked her lower lips off of her enemy’s in a sudden rip.

“Agh!” Jamie yelped at the pain of the tearing.

Michelle was not done humiliating her. Not by a longshot. She sat up against the wall to Jamie’s right, grabbed her and lowered her over her lap with her ass in the air as she was still breathing heavily. She then grabbed Jamie by her long, sweat soaked, flaming orange hair and yanked on it hard until Jamie was forced to bring her head back up.

“Ughhhh!!” Jamie groaned.

Michelle then smiled evilly as she began using her other hand to spank Jamie nice and hard.

“Fuck!” Jamie cursed.

The smacking not only made a loud, audible noise but also made Jamie’s thick cheeks jiggle around upon impact. Jamie was frustrated beyond what the English language could accurately describe. She had not been so humiliated nor had she felt so utterly powerless since she and Hitomi were made to be Stacy’s sex slaves for months on end. This was arguably worse as while she intensely disliked Stacy and wanted revenge on the honey blonde, she absolutely despised Michelle with a passion. She would rather any other woman in the world be doing this to her right now instead. Even a total rookie like Lexi. Michelle was quite the sadist in her own right and clearly enjoyed treating Jamie like a piece of meat. She had no doubt done this to many other women in the past. By the time she had her fill, poor Jamie’s ass was now glowing hot pink. She released Jamie’s hair and callously threw her to the side. The first thing the ginger did was give her tender ass a nice, loving rub to ease the pain.

“Do you have any idea what I’m going to do to you after I win?” Jamie asked threateningly.

“If this is what you call winning, I’d hate to see what you think losing is.” Michelle mocked.

In spite of her trash talking, Michelle was finding herself to be pretty winded in her own right. She wasn’t so sure of how much longer she could go on but she looked at Jamie and knew that she wasn’t doing much better. It was still anyone’s fight. The two ravenous redheads rested their sweat drenched backs against the wall of the cabin as they took slow, deep breaths and just waited while staring at each other intensely. They looked over at Lexi who was still quietly snoring.

“That girl could sleep through anything.” Michelle commented. “I guess with all tha5 energy she had, she just crashes.”

“I bet this ship could hit an iceberg and it still wouldn’t wake her up.” Jamie added.

“There aren’t any icebergs in the Caribbean, bimbo.” Michelle teased.

“You know what I meant, smartass.” Jamie shot back.

They sat for a little while longer until they finally felt their breathing return to normal. Jamie then gained a serious expression and shot it straight at Michelle.

“It’s clear as day that neither of us can keep this up much longer.” Jamie stated. “But there’s also one thing that we haven’t tried yet, at least not with just the two of us.”

Michelle grinned deviously as she could immediately read Jamie’s mind.

“Yes, that sounds good.” Michelle agreed. “We both got to taste Lexi and she got to taste us…but we haven’t gotten to taste each other yet, now have we?”

“No, we certainly haven’t.” Jamie said. “Tribbing to the finish may be traditional but it’s nice to switch things up a little sometimes. Don’t you think?”

“Very much so.” Michelle agreed.

“Not top and bottom this time.” Jamie proposed. “We do this horizontally. We’re on a perfectly even playing field that way.”

“Whatever you say.” Michelle said.

And with that, the two of them knew what they and their opponent both wanted. Truth be told, whether or not a nympho has an advantage on top, bottom, neither or both in a 69 duel is entirely subjective. Doing it sideways would be best to be even. They stopped wasting time and got themselves into position. Michelle’s back and plump ass faced the direction of Lexi’s bed while Jamie had her back turned to the wall and the TV stand. They hunched closer to one another until both were able to wrap their legs around the other nympho’s head and felt her sweat soaked hair brush along the equally sweat soaked skin of their legs. They were both now face to cxnt with each other.

“Whenever you’re ready, bitch.” Jamie said.

“I’m always ready, cxnt.” Michelle shot back.

And then, at the exact same millisecond as if their minds were linked, they drove as much of their faces, mouths, tongues and even teeth into their rival’s sweet, juicy muff as they possibly could. It was finally on. The cabin filled and echoed with the sounds of loud slurping, sexual moaning and grunts of effort. They both used their legs to squeeze the other woman’s head deeper into their pussy in a show of defiance. Labias were licked, caverns were penetrated with tongues, ass cheeks were gripped tightly and clits were subject to relentless oral onslaughts. Their helpless, pulsating, pink pleasure buds were assaulted without even the smallest amount of quarter. They were kissed, licked, bobbed on like apples, spat all over and teethed on. The overwhelming, tangy and all too intoxicating taste of their hated enemy’s feminine fluids filled their mouths and crashed into their taste buds like tidal waves of flavor.

“Mmmmmmmmfffffffff…” They both groaned into one another’s lower lips.

They were far too occupied with each other to even begin to notice but Lexi was finally beginning to stir after being in a long sex coma. She groaned lightly and opened her eyes before rubbing them. She suddenly took notice of the arousing noises and stretched a bit before looking down and seeing her two friends devouring each other with pure mindless abandon. Lexi smiled.

‘Now that’s a sight to wake up to.’ The cotton candy haired cutie thought to herself.

She knew that the two redheads despised each other and that if they noticed that she was awake, they might stop and demand that she choose the winner of their little contest this instant. That was the last thing she wanted. So she stayed as quiet as could be and just lied back to enjoy the show. And what a show it was proving to be. Lexi looked closer without risking being seen or her presence being felt and saw that Jamie had begun fisting Michelle as well as tonguing her. She then looked at the opposite side to see that Michelle was doing the same thing. Honestly, these two had a lot more in common than either of them would ever admit in a million years and Lexi hoped they would see that one day. The two ruthless redheads would cum inside of each other’s mouths and all over one another’s faces and into their opponent’s hair more times than either of them or even Lexi could keep track of.

‘Damn, these two have a lot in the tank.’ Lexi thought to herself.

On and on this went. It seemed nothing would stop them. However, as time went on and about a full hour had passed since Lexi woke up, she began to notice that they were starting to tire and slow down at long last. Their ravenous, slimy sex noises had quieted down and their breathing became heavier and heavier. They still licked each other with everything they had but both felt one more orgasm coming on and knew it would be their last. Still, they pushed on regardless. After some mutual clit sucking, they both finally came one last time all over each other.

“Mmmmmmffffffff!!!!!!!” They screamed into the other redhead’s muff.

After one final blast of cum from both of them to both of them, they finally passed out with their heads still in between one another’s legs. Lexi decided to let them rest for a while. They certainly earned it.

Sometime later, no one knew exactly how long, the two ravenous, redheaded rivals finally began to wake up. The first immediate sight they were greeted with was their opponent’s pussy directly in front of their face. They finally separated, groaning and stretching.

“Ah, the sleeping beauties are finally awake.” Lexi said.

The two looked up on the bed to see Lexi adorbly supporting her head on her hands and shoulders while her legs waved back and forth behind her.

“You two were really going at it hard. A shame I was blacked out for most of it.” Lexi added.

“What a day.” Jamie said.

“No kidding.” Michelle said. “Wait, who won?”

“You two tied.” Lexi answered. “You both passed out at the same time. I saw it.”

Neither Jamie nor Michelle were happy about this. In some ways, a tie is worse than losing as it leaves no true resolution.

“Well, that’s not all.” Jamie pointed out. “Remember why we came here to begin with. Who do you want to be your sexual mentor?”

“Yes. It’s time to make a choice.” Michelle added.

Lexi sat deep in thought for quite some time. About 30 seconds of awkward silence had passed when the teenage nymph was interrupted.

“You can’t decide, can you?” Michelle asked in an annoyed tone.

“No. Not really.” Lexi answered sweetly.

The two redheads both groaned.

“Hey, it’s not my fault you’re both masters of pleasuring women.” Lexi argued. “Besides, how about I just let both of you be my guide? Everybody wins that way.”

“Everybody winning is basically the same as everybody losing.” Jamie argued. “But I know better now than to try and change your mind.”

“Alright.” Michelle relented. “Besides, she and I can always have a rematch later.”

“Honestly, Lex, I think you’d understand where we were coming from if you found a true rival of your own.” Jamie added. “A girl that makes your blood and pussy boil with rage and desire. Someone that you wanna fuck into the ground just by thinking about her.”

“I’ll find her someday.” Lexi said cheerfully. “In the meantime, how about a threeway?”

“Nah. I’m beat.” Michelle said. “I need to get back to my cabin and shower.”

“Same here.” Jamie said. “Besides, it’s getting late.”

Lexi pouted in disappointment but relented and allowed the two of them to leave. The two redheads picked up their bikinis and put them back on before walking through the door together. Michelle immediately turned her attention towards Jamie after closing it.

“This isn’t over, whore.” Michelle reminded her enemy. “Not even close.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Jamie said. “Don’t worry, cxnt. You’ll get another chance to get pussy fucked by me.”

And with that, they were off. They left in the same direction but then took off in opposite hallways towards their own cabins. Little did they know what was down the opposite way of Lexi’s hallway. Kelly had seen the two exit Lexi’s cabin, whisper to each other and then leave while she was on her way to her own cabin after a long night of partying.

‘I must’ve drank too much.’ Kelly thought to herself. ‘I could’ve sworn that I just saw two sexy redheads leave my niece’s cabin…Maybe I should cut back a little bit…’