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Rose Chronicles XI - Chocolate duel

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Offline Susanoom

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Rose Chronicles XI - Chocolate duel
« on: July 11, 2024, 11:27:43 PM »
I thought I posted this story at least four months ago. Great to know that I think about doing things I've never done. Ah, old age plays tricks on me!


Once released to cinemas, Wonka made its way into the public's hearts. We must forget Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp because the new Wonka is so distant from the original character that it almost seems like watching a film disconnected from the idea of the previous films.
The young Wonka played by Timothée Chalamet is, indeed, young, still far from developing the levels of cynicism and hints of poorly concealed, delicious sadism that his predecessors demonstrated in previous films.
In Wonka, upon closer inspection, there is also a portrait of how we adults often feel: a group of people who have forgotten their dreams, trapped by jobs from which it is impossible to escape, by logics of exploitation that make evasion a luxury, bowed by resignation rather than injustice.
So in need of sweetness, which they consider a luxury for a few, who sometimes have never tasted it. The film lends us a hand, teaching us to dream again. There are no terrible parents in this Wonka, who is not looking for an heir, on the contrary: he is taking the first steps to build his empire.
The new flame of cinema has also opened up ideas in other sectors, modeling immediately captured the public's interest in this new chocolate on screen, so much so that they wanted to carry out a shooting to advertise the same film.
Rose entered her man's office early in the morning, she had received a hasty call requesting her presence in his office.
“Lingerie or topless, sexy. Coat"
The few instructions were clear if confusing, Rose smiled thinking it was in for a steamy day with her man. She chose the best lingerie she had, black with pink bows on the sides, wearing the long beige coat she had received as a Christmas gift.
When the British model entered her office, however, she realized that the loving and fiery castle he had built for himself was smoke for her eyes. Sitting at her desk was her boyfriend, his eyes lit up as soon as he saw her, getting up and approaching her.
“Love, thanks for coming” he smiled, putting his hand around her and accompanying her towards the desk.
Rose's eyes immediately noticed the middle-aged gentleman on one of the two chairs in front of the black mahogany table, but above all, they noticed the blonde with her back turned in a black coat. The British girl could smell vanilla coming from her woman as she passed her.
Once seated next to her man, Rose could finally see the woman's face. Two blue eyes stared into the hazel ones of the British model, immediately feeling the arrogance and confidence coming from the woman dressed similarly to her.
“This must be Rose, the best model of this agency” exclaimed the gentleman “You have really good taste, brother”
“Thank you, Mr. Corn. But if we're talking about taste, she also brought a model worthy of the name."
“Oh, Charlotte is one of our best models. You very much agreed to come here for this discussion”
Rose and Charlotte continued to stare at each other in silence as the two men exchanged pleasantries and joked about manly things. The brunette and blonde seemed to dig deep as they looked at each other, no weakness in either look, just the feeling of jealousy they had started to feel for each other.
“I think Charlotte will be able to work best in this shooting” smiled the middle-aged man “Charlotte, could you show our temporary colleagues what they will be working with?”
Charlotte smiled, slowly rising from her chair. Her slender fingers busied themselves with undoing the belt of her coat before revealing her statuesque physique. A massive, dense 32F was supported by creamy white lingerie, the mesh covering the midsection of her flat stomach as the model turned to show off her statuesque physique.
Rose looked at the blonde's body with wide eyes, finding her dangerously sexy and very well-endowed. The model was a woman who in different environments would surely face just to find out who between the two of them was the better woman.
A small bow and the blonde sat back in the chair, her breasts pointing out of her as her eyes returned to the brunette's. Rose looked back at her, trying to appear less surprised.
“Truly an incredible sight, Charlotte,” said her fiancé “But Rose has nothing to hide”
Without waiting for further instructions, the British model slowly stood up, opening her coat and revealing her body. Her 32F looked out from the balcony of her black lingerie, the fabric slipped gracefully over her flat stomach and closed with an iron hook just above the sacrum. Turning around, she gave those present a chance to see her sexy and fit body, before sitting down and staring at the blonde.
"Very good! The two of them together will do an amazing job!" Mr. Corn shouted, grabbing Rose's boyfriend's hand and shaking it happily. “I can't wait for this afternoon!”
Rose turned to her man, meeting his gaze and searching for answers. She had arrived in that office without knowing anything, and she didn't like that. Her boyfriend smiled at her, stroking her leg.
“We are involved in a shooting that will advertise the new film released, Wonka” he began to explain “Since only us and the Corn agency accepted the assignment, it was decided to… play together”
“And by playing we mean a challenge!” chuckled Mr. Corn. “Your fiancé and I share many things, including our models' adventures. I immediately thought of Charlotte when she told me about the best model in her agency! ”
Charlotte smiled cockily, pushing her chest out of her as she leaned back casually. Rose pushed her breast out in response but she waited for more information.
“The idea is particular. A duel in chocolate. This sort of arena will be set up where it will be filled with chocolate. You two will be inside and will have to fight while the crew services you.”
"Exactly!" interrupted Mr. Corn again. “You just have to decide how you want to do it. We also needed to talk to the other protagonist before..."
Rose quickly turned to the blonde, meeting her gaze again. Arrogance, hatred, jealousy, determination. The blonde's words had engraved those sensations in the British model's body. She and the model would have engaged in a duel between their proud breasts, and the result would probably have been published. Rose narrowed her eyes.
“Titfight” replied the British model, accepting the challenge.
“Titfight!” shouted Mr. Corn, happily.
“Titfight” followed closely behind Rose's boyfriend.
Charlotte and Rose looked at each other again, feeling a tingle inside them. Only one couple would prevail, the best couple. And each one was sure it was their own.


The arena had been prepared on the lower floors so that no one could access it without prior authorization. Rose looked around, recognizing the faces of some photographers she had worked with. They were all women, paying respect to what was to come.
The only male spectators were her boyfriend and Mr. Corn, each sitting on opposite sides of the small arena, an underground tub where melted chocolate was already starting to pour, closed by glass walls so as not to dirty the rest of the crew with any sketches.
“I don't know what that woman can do…” the boyfriend whispered while Rose looked at her rival “… but I know that no one can beat your tits”
The British model smiled, kissing her boyfriend before turning completely towards her model rival. Sensually, the brunette removed the lingerie top, her dense breasts bouncing slightly before settling high into her chest, her pink nipples pointing at the blonde.
Charlotte looked carefully at the opposing couple, already enjoying the moment in which her breasts would prevail. Looking up at her Rose, the blonde undid her lingerie top and gave an inviting jiggle to the dense flesh of her breasts. Her tan nipples were already hard with excitement.
Both models descended into the arena, stepping into the still-warm chocolate that covered their bodies just below the knees. Charlotte approached the center, followed by Rose. A few steps away, the brunette model stopped but the blonde didn't seem to agree, thrusting her tits forward.
Rose moaned when she felt the tan tips enter her flesh, hissing before twisting her chest so that her pink nipples cut into the blonde's flesh. The British model pushed forward but the blonde stabbed again with her tips, striking the model's areolas.
"You'll be just a taste of my breasts, slut," smiled the blonde, pushing hard.
Rose grunted, reaching out and grabbing rival shoulders and pushing her nipples forward, meeting the blonde's tips. The British model scraped the rival areolas with her tips, and then the two models embraced.
"I'll flatten you, Barbie," hissed Rose, "I'll crush your pathetic bags with my girls."
The British model's grip tightened, and the blonde sighed in discomfort. However, every movement of the brunette was matched by the blonde, who slammed her breasts forward hard. When Charlotte tightened her arms, the blonde's tongue escaped her lips and caught a drop of chocolate.
A light shower of hot chocolate had been falling for a few seconds, sliding over their skin. Once the blonde's red tongue re-entered her mouth, Rose grunted in discomfort as Charlotte slammed hard again, her flesh swelling at the sides.
Pushing back, the blonde felt her flesh leaking outward as the center was pressed by the British model's firm torque, her grip loosened after another thrust and Rose threw her tits into those rivals, destroying their perfect shape on impact.
"Gawd!" moaned the American model.
"Do you feel how hard they're being crushed, bitch? You've already reached the end."
Charlotte growled angrily, thrusting forward after regaining her grip on her rival body. Their flesh spilled to the sides as their tits pressed together, their nipples pressed together amidst their pressed flesh as each forced her firmness against the other.
The two models pushed forward again and again, their bodies traveled across the chocolate-filled arena, their legs filled with the sweet liquid as the two girls stumbled together.
"My breast are harder and sexier!" cried the blonde.
Rose threw her breasts into those of the American model in response, causing her to grunt as the slap filled the arena, feeling their mutual hatred increase again. Charlotte slapped back, forcing her rival to groan as a new slap filled the arena, followed by Mr. Corn's cheering.
Neither model expected such resistance from her rival, both were sure that in no time they would take control of the fight but neither gave the other room to maneuver.
Their breasts uniformly resisted the rival pair, eliciting frustration and nervousness as they continued to slap each other. Sometimes, Rose moaned more, feeling her flesh tremble from the blows, other times the American model had to bite her lip as she felt the pain growing in her chest.
Suddenly, Charlotte crashed her pair more forcefully into the British tits, eliciting a gasp from the model who stumbled back. The blonde smiled, still throwing her tits into the rival pair. Rose's lips parted to let out a moan of pain as her legs trembled as she stumbled through the liquid.
The British model pushed back but the blonde used her whole body to increase the pressure in her blows, thrusting her tits into the rival breasts hard, savoring the British model's moans of pain.
With a blow from below, Rose rose on her toes and stumbled back, her eyes widening as she thought she would fall after losing her balance but her body landed with a thud against the arena glass. Looking bewildered to the sides, the model had not realized she had been pushed so far back by her rival.
Charlotte smiled smugly, thrusting her boobs forward and smashing them into the rival pair, the brunette responded to the blows with her boobs and the two pairs collided again and again, the firm flesh continuing to fight to maintain shape as the two models leaned against each other. Rose tried to push harder, but the American model managed to keep her against the wall as she pushed with her tits.
"Your pathetic tits will be destroyed by mine completely," hissed the blonde, increasing the pressure.
The blonde's pair seemed to begin engulfing the rival pair, bending them inward. Rose lowered her gaze fearfully, feeling her flesh begin to give way as the blonde continued to grind.
Charlotte stepped back and slammed her breasts hard into Rose's, making her moan loudly before grinding hard again. The British model responded to the best of her ability, feeling how slow and how incredible pressure the blonde's breasts exerted on hers.
She had to push her rival away, but each time she tried to push, the American model pushed harder, crushing her more and more. She did not know how long she could last in that position; the blonde was slowly consuming her.
Watching a drop of chocolate descend from the blonde's cheek, sliding down to her lips, Rose forced herself to find the only solution that seemed optimal at the moment.
The British model pushed her lips onto Charlotte's, who immediately found herself surprised. When Rose tried to push again, the blonde recoiled and pushed back, responding to the kiss. The British model's clear intention to break the blonde's concentration seemed to waver, but the models engaged in a new duel.
It was intense, the two models sucking each other's lips and tongues, gently licking and nibbling each other's lips as they continued to press their breasts together. If the scene were taken out of context, the two models might have looked like two fiery lovers instead of two rivals in a shoot.
The kiss lasted several minutes, growing slower and more weary as the two girls' mouths began to go numb from the continued effort. Sealing their lips together, they pushed their tongues together, each exploring the other's mouth, breathing heavily through their noses.
After an interminable exchange, Rose's tongue began to bend and thrust Charlotte's, breathless feeling her tongue lose kissfight as the British model felt a new wave of willpower. A defeated groan came muffled out of Charlotte's mouth, drawing her face away from her rival's.
Rose managed to get out of the danger zone by exploiting the blonde's defeat in their kissfight, ramming the rival tips and areolas with her nipples.
"It's comeback time!" growled the British model.
The blonde moaned when she felt the rival breasts press into hers, their flushed flesh crushed before resuming its shape.
"Bitch! You are finished!
Charlotte pushed back and the two models continued to try to force flat the rival pair, the blonde's breasts continued to hold their shape though more slowly.
"My tits are winning!" hissed the brunette.
"Never," replied the blonde.
The American model stood up on tiptoe, dropping her pair on the rival tits. The British model yelped, but pushing back the rival breasts, she struck back in turn.
The two models pushed frontally, putting as much force into each other as they could, opening their mouths to scream as their breasts pressed incredibly together. Both felt their nipples meet head to head, launching an electric pain down their bodies.
Slipping, their tips pierced each other's tender flesh, Rose's tips also hit Charlotte's areolas, which moaned loudly.
Creating some space, the blonde pushed her rival away, swinging her from the side and ending the movement with a resounding meaty slap against the enemy pair.
"Noooooo!" moaned Rose, her breasts pushed around.
Quickly, the blonde pulled back and slammed her breasts into the side of the brunette's tits, melted chocolate on their skin mixed with sweat gushed from the blow.
"Aaaaargh!" cried the British model, charging her rival amid a new swing.
The blonde groaned loudly, staggering backward but quickly let go against her rival. Rose met the American model, crashing together with a resounding slap.
Continuously, the two models smashed their aching breasts together, before grabbing each other again and cruelly grinding their breasts together.
With labored breaths, each model distinctly felt the rival flesh pressing and grinding against her own in equal measure.
The two models squeezed tighter, their flesh swelling again, panting as they tried to grind the other model flat.
Charlotte pushed forward, and Rose returned the thrust, moaning as the blonde responded and she continued to thrust. Their duel had become static, challenging each other with only the last drop of firmness left.
After a few minutes, Charlotte's arms fell along her sides, her head thrown back as the British model pushed again.
"My tits destroyed yours, bitch," Rose hissed.
Charlotte moaned in response, feeling the rival model push again, visibly crushing the blonde's pair against her.
Rose forced the blonde back with each thrust, finally bringing her against the glass wall.
Mr. Corn could see Charlotte's ass pressed against the wall as Rose pushed her tits again into the blonde's increasingly weakened pair.
"Say goodbye to your droopy purses, bitch," growled Rose.
One last thrust and the brunette's 32F completely eclipsed the blonde's, leaving her gaping as she felt her breasts fail.
As a further humiliation, Rose locked her lips on Charlotte's, sending her tongue searching for the blonde's.
The two wet tongues danced a one-sided dance, where the British model's tongue still bullied the American model's tongue.
After a few seconds, Rose broke the kiss and dropped the blonde, who sagged against the glass. Rose planted an arrogant glance at Mr. Corn.
The middle-aged man was speechless, watching Rose's firm ass pull away as she reached her boyfriend, ready to congratulate him on his victory.
The shoot was going to be an incredible success, but all Mr. Corn had on his mind was that magnetic gaze screaming at him.
"Any model you have, you don't stand a chance against me."
« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 11:29:15 PM by Susanoom »
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