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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 2 of 7: Awakening

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Offline Becky Sunshine

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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 2 of 7: Awakening
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:37:32 PM »
I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 2 of 7: Awakening

It took me 3 long years.

3 years of being with my Sensei every day 7 hours each day. Learning. Practicing. Mastering.

But I had the absolute Queen of Teachers.

Some things she was trying to teach me seemed incredibly hard at first, there were so many things you had to think about all at once, so many things to do at the same time. But she was always patient and proud of me as I mastered each task.

It was literally a labor of love because I was learning the art of love. How to harness it, how to focus it, and how to unleash it at will.

Being only 18 I didn’t know what to do with or how to handle all the attention I was suddenly getting from both women and men until my training began.

But soon I learned.

I became The Queen of Hearts at college.

I became Queen Of The Beach whenever I was at the ocean.

As my body developed even more I felt my power growing. It was almost intoxicating to me. It was always intoxicating to my opponents.

When we hosted events inviting other dojo’s to come and compete… that’s when my hard work and all my lessons paid off..

I could see my progress by comparing myself to other girls my age and my level. Soon to the more advanced levels of the older girls.

Yes I continued 18, 19, 20… soon I was competing with the best amateurs and winning.

I started destroying records. People began to talk about Sensei Toshiba’s prize student. Some of the talk praised me. When some others talked it was with anger at my teacher for revealing so much to someone so young.

Once, when I went to Miss Toshiba with tears in my eyes after overhearing angry words about me she was very tender and comforted me.

“You just practice your lessons little one and let me worry about all the others. If anyone has complaints my door is always open. Let them come to me”

But no one ever did. No one had the nerve to speak ill of me to her face. She was kind of the badass of sexfighting and I was her darling pupil. And we both were very glad of it. A perfect fit. A perfect match.

Finally my much awaited 21st birthday came and I was now allowed to compete professionally.

Fortunes were made and fortunes were lost betting on me or betting against me.

I had found a new thrill. No longer was I playing a game. Now I was fighting for things much more tangible.

Love, Respect, Honor, Money, Women, Now were all  mine for the taking. And I took everything I wanted as if I were already a Queen, not just a Princess.

The fruits or our labor were great, my Sensei and I. Because my pedigree came from her, and her’s from her teacher, and so on, and so on, back 400 years she was now more famous than ever before

Still we trained together.

No one else could handle me.

When I was aroused I was a sensual being. A mighty Angel of Light with a flaming tongue for a sword.

Our sessions lasted for hours on end. Always, she would finally finish me off, no matter all my skill and experience.

But it was also always very close. Soon the victories became narrower and narrower.

She had taught me all her skills and all the secrets of our Geisha House.

I still loved and admired her more than anyone on earth. I always would.

But one day it came. The inevitable conclusion to the dance we started together when I was only 18.

A new day was dawning.

I thought it was just a fluke. She just must not be feeling well today.

But as we repeated our dance it now ended a different way each time. Now I was always the victor.

My beauty and my power had grown so in my womanly form that she could no longer resist me. My breasts were swollen with chi, the very life force of every living being, which I took from my vanquished foes. My large ovaries were now making hormones only a queen has in her body.

Now, I had reached my full 36DD-24-36 potential.

I knew now I was more than a match in both physical and sensual might not only to win the throne but to utterly shame and destroy that evil thing that had sat upon it for far too long.

And that was now my sole purpose in life.

That was my sense of purpose and meaning.


was why the goddesses had created me, and shaped me into one of themselves.

I was an unstoppable powerhouse of womanhood and sensuality. My royal blood and royal sexfight pedigree had me now planted firmly in The High Queens way. She knew I would be coming for her next, as I had vanquished all the other contenders to The Throne Of Lesbia.

With every form we did, all the classical entanglements, engagements and finishers Sensei Toshiba had taught me, now I won each time.

It was hard to accept. But it was right. It could not be denied. It was true.

Our last night together was a particularly long grueing sexfight that required complete concentration and was a femme vs femme test of stamina.

We fought each other so hard, all through the night, I knew she was preparing me for what was ahead. She was making sure I was ready to face The High Queen of Lesbia. Queen Magdalene The Great. Queen Magdalene The Evil…

I fought her hard, I had to or I would have lost myself in her and felt ashamed.

Then as dawn finally arose, 

I arose too.

I rose above my teacher and I became something new.

I flipped her on her back and we began the dance of 69, my favorite. Our tongues were little fires of torment to each other’s pussies but we both fought valiantly as if this were a death match.

Then finally she broke. Unable to lick and compete with me any longer she laid her cheek on my soft strong young thigh and grasped it tightly.

I continued to torture her with my long queen’s tongue as I had been taught, never showing any mercy.

I lashed her helpless vagina open parting her full engorged lips.

It lay bare now unprotected beneath me. I felt powerful, the greatest, most beautiful, and strongest female was at my mercy…

I dissected her fine exquisite Japanese cxnt with my long pink serpentine  queens tongue

Flick flick flick flick… the tapered tip of it, coming to a sharp point lapped her clit up and down.

I used my love weapon to peel back her hood and arouse her fully. Her womanhood showed proudly now against her will and vulnerable only to one such as I. And no never before was it like this.

Waves of pleasure washed over her again and again.

Still I would not relent.

She began to pant heavily, I felt her hot breath on my thigh and that aroused me even more,

Intellectually I  knew what I must do.

But It wasn’t a conscious thought that drove me now,  it was raw emotion. The lust, hatred, and struggle for dominance and power only two women in battle can have between them. To be the top femme domme of the other. Each must win at any cost to rule over the other or be ruled by her. For femmes such as we that thought is unacceptable.

I must go for the kill now and ultimately finish her once and for all time!!!!

I felt her claws sink deep into the thigh she was worshiping and I felt her tears run down my soft white inner thigh.





PLEASE STOP!!!” she screamed as she repeatedly tap tap tapped on the bed signaling her submission

I released her, yet she continued to spasm.

The waves of orgasmic energy I had fought to plant deep in her womb were now ripening. My own secret art which I had been developing was now revealed.

Still she continued, wave after wave of multiple orgasms washed over her, her breathing became labored, I started to worry I had pushed her too far….

I sat up and laid her head in my naked lap and began to stroke her long shiny black hair.

“Shhhh… shhhh…. It’s ok…. You are safe…” I cooed

“It’s Becky.. I am here for you just as you were always with me when I was afraid…”

She seemed to take comfort in those words and her body finally quieted. I felt her soft cheek on my thigh again. Her tears made my leg sting where she had unintentionally clawed it open, but I didn’t mind the pain.They were happy tears now.

I took my finger and captured one of her tears as she lay there looking up to me. I kissed it and put it on her nose… We both laughed. She was going to be fine.

“What…. What did you do to me?....” She said softly


It was supposed to be a surprise but our battle was so intense,

I have never felt you or anyone else so strong and powerful,

Our life force was flowing into and out of each other unmeasurably. It was like a flood that threatened to wash us both away into the sea of insanity.

That’s when I planted my seeds of lust deep inside you without your knowledge.

You had become so powerful that I felt I had to use my secret art or lose, and you would not want me to lose.” I said softly, smiling down into those magical dark asian eyes.

“No I never wanted you to lose…” she sniffled

Then she said “Do you know what this means?”

And I shook my head and confessed that I did not.

Now it was she who gave me a happy smile through tearing eyes…

“Oh little one… You have made me so proud, yet you don’t even know what you have done. Now you are truly worthy to be Queen.” she said

Slowly she got to her feet.

“Help me…” she said

She was struggling so I steadied her with my hand.

I got off the bed and put her arm around my shoulders supporting her.

“There..” she pointed to what looked to be a small ancient chest

After some struggling she got to her own feet and slowly made her way to the small chest alone. When she got to it she took the small chain with the talisman she always wore from around her neck and stuck the talisman into the keyhole of the chest and turned it.

“How often I had seen it around her neck, never knowing it was a key.” I thought

Now I was directly behind her since she had recovered her strength. Even from behind I was overwhelmed by her beautiful perfection of form. When she turned to face me it seemed she had revealed her aura to me for the first time. She was all aglow. She looked like a goddess,

Slowly with eyes down she approached me.

Then when she was directly in front of me she dropped to her knees and bowed her head to the floor. She stayed this way worshiping me, her life's work, her greatest creation for what seemed like an eternity.

I felt a warmth wash over me. I was bathed in it. It was the power of love. From this moment forward she worshiped me and it made me even more powerful. It gave me great strength to be worshiped. Strength I had never known before.

She looked up and smiled and held something out to me. She was offering me our precious secret scroll and the talisman which went with it. On that scroll was recorded the names of every champion Mistress of our dojo for the last 400 years. It would be my job now to write her name there also.

“Take it, it is now your responsibility My Mistress..”... she said in a clear voice and bowed low again offering the ancient scroll and talisman to me…

I gently took them from her hands and it seemed for a moment I too was looking out from inside a golden aura.

And when I looked down again at my teacher, her aura was gone.

Before me, kneeled just a beautiful woman. A woman who now offered herself as my servant and my first and most favored worshiper.

End Part 2
Please be aware I'm definitely a Queen, not a Princess...


Offline YuriLesboLover

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 2 of 7: Awakening
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2024, 03:16:20 PM »
Very intense. I can’t wait to see where this goes.


Offline StefanieKTX

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 2 of 7: Awakening
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2024, 03:45:23 PM »
I love the first two parts but I swear I'm having deja vu! Have you posted this before? The good thing is I don't remember the later parts, but what you've written feels really familiar. Wonderful work... I can't wait to see what happens from here.